operate for success counter intelligence the first 30 days: an action plan for new consultants C O N G R AT U L AT I O N S ON BECOMING A B E A U T Y C O U N T E R C O N S U LTA N T A N D S TA R T I N G Y O U R O W N BEAUTYCOUNTER BUSINESS. We are so excited to have you as part of our team, and we are here to help and support you in any way we can going forward. counter intelligence 1 PROSPECTING 2 SCHEDULING 3 SELLING 4 RECRUITING 2. the first 30 days: an action plan for new consultants counter intelligence T H E F I R S T 3 0 D AY S : W E E K O N E the New Consultant Training Workbook. Please print the New Consultant Training Workbook WRITING YOUR STORY. SET YOUR GOALS. ORGANIZE YOUR CALENDAR. Your Beautycounter “business hours” – 3. the first 30 days: an action plan for new consultants counter intelligence Business-Building Activities – Beautycounter Education – Networking Meetings/Events – GROW YOUR NETWORK. Your New Consultant Training Workbook INFORM YOUR COMMUNITY. ORDER YOUR BEAUTYCOUNTER PRODUCTS 4. the first 30 days: an action plan for new consultants counter intelligence BTC > Order > Start a Personal Order. ORDER YOUR BEAUTYCOUNTER BUSINESS CARDS AND LABELS. LOOK FOR THE BEAUTYCOUNTER CONSULTANT E-NEWSLETTER. LISTEN TO THE WEEKLY ALL-CONSULTANT CALL. Wednesday at 11am PST, BTC > News > Trainings & Webinars. SCHEDULE YOUR LAUNCH SOCIAL. 5. the first 30 days: an action plan for new consultants counter intelligence WEEK ONE RE-CAP MEET WITH YOUR MENTOR TO SET GOALS. PRINT THE NEW CONSULTANT TRAINING WORKBOOK AND COMPLETE EACH EXERCISE INCLUDING: when complete ✔ ORDER YOUR BEAUTYCOUNTER PRODUCTS. ORDER BUSINESS CARDS & LABELS. READ THE BEAUTYCOUNTER CONSULTANT E-NEWSLETTER. LISTEN TO THE ALL-CONSULTANT CALL EVERY WEDNESDAY. SCHEDULE YOUR LAUNCH SOCIAL. 6. the first 30 days: an action plan for new consultants counter intelligence T H E F I R S T 3 0 D AY S : W E E K T W O REVIEW TRAINING MATERIALS. BTC > Tools > Training Guides. READ THE “WEB PORTAL QUICK-TIP GUIDE.” BTC > Tools > Training Guides. WATCH THE VIDEOS, “INTRODUCING BEAUTYCOUNTER” AND “BEAUTYCOUNTER LAUNCH EVENT.” BTC > Tools > Videos. LISTEN TO THE “NEW CONSULTANT ORIENTATION” MESSAGE FROM BEAUTYCOUNTER VP OF SALES, GINA MURPHY. BTC > Tools > Training and Webinars. 7. the first 30 days: an action plan for new consultants counter intelligence READ THE BEAUTYCOUNTER HEALTH AND SAFETY INFORMATION. BTC > Tools > Health and Safety. RECRUIT YOUR FIRST BUSINESS PARTNER. 8. the first 30 days: an action plan for new consultants counter intelligence WEEK TWO RE-CAP REVIEW TRAINING MATERIALS. when complete READ THE WEB PORTAL QUICK TIP GUIDE. ✔ WATCH THE “INTRODUCING BEAUTYCOUNTER” AND “BEAUTYCOUNTER LAUNCH EVENT” VIDEOS. LISTEN TO THE NEW CONSULTANT ORIENTATION. READ THE BEAUTYCOUNTER HEALTH AND SAFETY INFORMATION. RECRUIT YOUR FIRST BUSINESS PARTNER. 9. the first 30 days: an action plan for new consultants counter intelligence T H E F I R S T 3 0 D AY S : W E E K S T H R E E A N D F O U R SCHEDULE AND HOLD SOCIALS. New Consultant Training Guide. HOLD ONE-ON-ONE APPOINTMENTS. READ THE SOCIAL QUICK TIP GUIDE. CONTINUE TO SHARE THE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. 10. the first 30 days: an action plan for new consultants counter intelligence WEEK THREE AND FOUR RE-CAP when complete ✔ BTC > Tools > Training Guides. 11. the first 30 days: an action plan for new consultants
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