SCCC_Apr 2015 Newsletter

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Spring Times
April 2015
Spring Times
Dedicated to providing “concerted plans and amusements for the bicyclist”
Inside this issue:
April Program
Community Affairs
AL Backroad Series
AL Backroad Series, cont.
Beau Bikes Bama
J Kilmer Campout
The Ramble
A big shout out to Anita Tygart for
opening her home for our annual
St. Patrick’s Day party.
While a bit of rain kept some from
riding, we gathered at Anita’s to enjoy Irish Stew, soda bread, fruit,
veggies and a large spread of delectable desserts (including pie for pi day.)
The ride over Cecil Ashburn that day
was challenging due to grit and gravel
covered shoulders. They are now
swept clean.
Recurring Rides
St. Paddy’s Day Party/Ride
St Paddy’s...cont.
Rides Pictures
A Crash Report Part Two
Crash Report….cont.
Now for important business. We need
people to step up to the plate.
March Rides Recap
Treasurer’s Report
Volunteers are needed for a committee to run our 31st All you Can Eat
Board Members
Now that spring has arrived, I hope
you’re enjoying the pleasures of cycling past the greening fields, forests,
and flowers of our beautiful region!
April 2015
Consider one of the following positions:
Century Director
Rest Stop Coordinator
Route Coordinator
Volunteer Coordinator
Food Coordinator
Publicity Coordinator
This is an opportunity take part in
making this club event a big success!
If you can help out in any of these
positions, please contact me or any
other SCCC officer by April 15th.
Ride safe,
Ernie Thomas, President
This committee will work together to
share the work load.
General Meeting: April 13th @ 7 p.m. - Newk’s Express Café, 4295 University Dr , Huntsville AL 35801
Officers Meeting: April 27 - Newk’s - Open to all Members!
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March General Meeting
Monday, April 13
7:00 p.m.
Come at 6:30 if you want to eat!
Location: Newk’s
Program: Cycle North Carolina
This month we will have a special treat, Tim Kall is
going to make a presentation about the Cycle North
Carolina Mountains to Coast Ride. This is a six-day
event each year that covers over 400 miles. Tim has
some aerial drone video that was captured during
last year’s ride that you won’t want to miss. Tim is an
accomplished cyclist, a member of SCCC, and a YMCA
spinning instructor in Madison and Huntsville.
May Newsletter Deadline: April 26
Best Bikes in the World!
Scott, Felt, Electra
Full Service Repair Shop for All Brands
70 Years of Experience
Please send submissions to
Members are requested to submit articles, photos,
and useful links. You may also run free classified ads
in the newsletter. If you have any questions or suggestions you may also call me at 256-895-3005.
Thanks for your assistance!
Also, Fat Rob awaits your cycling or bike maintenance questions. You may email him at
Note – Officers Meeting minutes are available to
all members. If you would like to view a copy
of these please contact Andy Brown
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Community Affairs
Bike Fest and Mayor’s Bike Ride - May 16
On Saturday May 16 the city of Huntsville will be taking another step towards bicycle
awareness. To begin the day the 5th annual Mayor’s ride will start at 10:30 am in the Big
Spring Park and follow its normal closed route. This has always been an event where people of all ages can bike leisurely and safely through the downtown streets. One of the
SCCC’s goals has been to get a good turnout so the city realizes there are many people
who want to have good cycling conditions. As in the past, volunteers will be asked to have
lead-in rides to the start.
After the Mayor’s ride, Downtown Huntsville, Inc (DTI) will be sponsoring a “Bike Fest”
event on Church Street and Big Spring park from about noon - 3pm. About two thirds of
Church street will be closed between Clinton and Williams (in front of the park and the
Art Museum). DTI, which has put on many previous events in the downtown area, will be
the overseer, but the local bicycle organizations will be organizing the events. This will include the bike shops, SCCC, RCCB, Slow Cycle, SORBA, and others. There will be the usual
food trucks and numerous events. Some of the planned events are bike polo (Bicycles
Etc.), drag races (Bicycle Cove), slow race (SCCC), tire changing timing (Blevins), poker run
to 3 caves (which will be open), kids/adult trike obstacle course and other events for children. This is designed to be a fun day for the whole family with various bicycle related
Beside these activities Healthy Huntsville will be having their booths and demonstrations,
so there will be a lot of outdoor related activity in the park. Look for upcoming posters
around town for the Mayor’s Bike Ride and Downtown Huntsville’s Bike Fest.
JaVa! Cyclist approved.
Owned by SCCC members
Jack McReynolds and Valerie Connaughton
Please stop by!
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Spring Times
2015 Alabama Backroads Series
April Century Rides
PEDDLIN' FOR A CURE - April 4th - Monroeville
Peddlin' is organized by Cyclepaths Bike Club of Monroe County to benefit
Camp Smile-a-Mile (a beautiful camp for kids fighting cancer) and the
American Cancer Society. Pedal new backroads through Monroe and Conecuh Counties and take advantage of rest stops every 10-15 miles! Photographers will be on hand at ride start and along the route. T-shirts and goody
bags along with lunch can be claimed after your ride. Visit their website for
new downloadable RidewithGPS maps and registration links. Cyclepath
Club members have dedicated themselves for many years to raising funds
for Camp SAM...please consider an added donation to help in their quest.
11th Annual Old Howard 100 Bike Ride
Saturday, April 18, 2015 - Judson College • 302 Bibb Street Marion, AL 36756
The Old Howard 100 is a ride through three counties in Alabama's Black Belt sponsored by Samford University's Howard College of Arts and Sciences. Route once again includes Selma, Ala., with the final rest
stop located only a few blocks from the historic Edmund Pettus Bridge. Proceeds benefit Sowing Seeds of
Hope, a local partnership that promotes tourism, health care, and economic improvement in Perry
County.Registration begins on site at 8:00 a.m. Century riders start at 8:30 a.m. Mass start for all others
at 9:00 a.m. Five SAG stops at historic sites. Distance options include 100, 75, 45 and 30 miles; fully supported. Mostly flat terrain; great for tandems. Families and friends are invited to shop, dine, sight-see,
and play in Marion, Greensboro, and Selma during the ride. Over 100 historic buildings are located in
Marion and the surrounding area for sight-seeing.
Click Here to Register or visit for details. Jerseys
are also available.
cont. on page 7
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TOUR AUTAUGA - April 11th - Prattville
Our 10th annual Tour Autauga, is new to the Series but not new to organizing a wellsupported ride. Bill and Sharon Duke direct this event to raise funds for cancer research
and survivorship. They promise well-stocked rest stops, bike mechanics, support vehicles,
lunch, and showers. This is your chance to enjoy the beauty of historic Autauga County
from the seat of a bicycle. You can download RidewithGPS maps and cue sheets from
their website. Registration is open now!
TOUR DE BLUE - April 25th - Birmingham (Moody)
Join us for the Tour de Blue at their superb Headquarters, Red Diamond Corporate Campus in Moody just outside of Birmingham. The classy setting includes a striking setup of
matching canopies with scrumptious treats before your ride followed by plenty of cold
drinks and Jim 'n Nick's lunch after. Funds raised from the event support the Urology
Health Foundation's prostate cancer screening and awareness efforts across Alabama. T
-shirts for the first 300 registered and awesome jerseys available too. Check out the TdB
site for registration, ride, and jersey details.
OUR PURPOSE continues to be promoting growth of long-distance cycling across our beautiful Alabama backroads. We believe in recognizing and rewarding individuals for their accomplishments. And,
of course our goal is to raise funds for the benefit of each event's charity and cause. We need you to
help us achieve these goals!
Our challenge to you is to complete from 1 to 13 of our 2015 century routes.
THE REWARDS: Following each ride, you are asked to check in at the Series Awards Table where
you will receive that event's unique and quality Centurion Medal. In the case of a possible shortage of
medals, those who had registered first will receive the medals on hand...not those who are first to return. In this case, additional medals will be ordered and mailed. We will try our best to snag photos of
each of you and, as quickly as possible, post photos and centurion names on When you've pedaled 4 centuries, you'll receive The Patch for your bragging rights...this
year with 13 white dots denoting all ride locations.
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BO BIKES BAMA - 2 May 2015
Thank you to BBB organizers for cross promoting with the Alabama Backroads Century Series!
Two-sport legend Bo Jackson will host his
fourth annual Bo Bikes Bama charity ride
in Auburn, Alabama on Saturday, May 2,
2015. The event will continue to support
communities in need across the state of
Alabama through the Governor's Emergency Relief Fund (GERF). Since the inaugural ride in 2012, Bo Bikes Bama has provided nearly $800,000 to help communities
recover from the April 2011 tornadoes and
prepare for future disasters. Producing
partners of the ride include Nike, Trek Bicycle, Trek Travel, and Big Communications.
Upcoming May Century Rides:
Enterprise, AL
Jacksonville, AL
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Joyce Kilmer Campout 24 –26 April 2015
The western North Carolina Mountains set the stage from April 24-26 for the following SCCC Event: Joyce Kilmer Camping Weekend
Weekend.. Rattler Ford Group
Campground is located in the Nantahala National Forest, not to far from Robbinsville, North Carolina.
Site #4 at the group camp provides picnic tables, multiple places for tents, restrooms with showers, a fire pit, and it is located next to a mountain stream. The location is ¼ mile south from the Joyce Kilmer Memorial Forest which is an old
growth forest named in memory of poet Joyce Kilmer (1886 –1918), best known
for his poem "Trees". The camping location near Lake Santeetlah and the Joyce
Kilmer- Slickrock Wilderness allows for road riding, hiking, fishing, canoeing/
kayaking, or just enjoying the great outdoors.
Rattler Ford is easily accessible via Robbinsville, NC or routing yourself through
Chattanooga, TN. The Cherohala Skyway, a National Scenic Byway connecting
Tellico Plains, Tennessee with Robbinsville, North Carolina, rises to over 5400 feet
above sea level and provides beautiful views of the Cherokee and Nantahala National Forests.
Dust off your camping gear, plan your food for the weekend, and think about the
beverages you like to enjoy as this part of North Carolina is dry. Everyone is welcome and the SCCC would like to see many club members attend as they evaluate future club financial support of this event.
For more information, please contact Gretchen Everts: or
Related Note: The Fall Joyce Kilmer camping weekend is scheduled for Friday
October 23 through Sunday October 25, 2015 so please mark your calendars!
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SCCC Recurring Rides
Headlights and Taillights are recommended for all after-work rides!
POCs for the rides below are responsible for information only and are not necessarily ride leaders.
Sunday Easy Breakfast Ride: 8:00 am - 10 miles to the Sandwich Farm and back. Post breakfast Monte Sano option for 25 miles. Starts at Zoe's
Kitchen parking lot on Whitesburg Drive. Ride Contact: Rob Hammond (Skinny Rob), crazybobs(at), or Anita Tygart at 256-426-3646
for information on this ride.
Monday Jetplex Ride – 5:15 pm, - 18-34 miles, multiple ability and pace groups, Start at 325 Electronics Blvd. Park at North end of Parking lot.
POCs, Julio Driggs,
Monday Aldridge Creek Greenway Ride – 4:00PM from Ken Johnson Park on Mtn. Gap Rd. next to Publix. POC: Rob Hammond, crazybobs(at)
Tuesday SE Huntsville Hills Ride – The ride starts from the Greenway Parking Lot next to Publix on Mountain Gap at 5:30 PM. The proposed route
is ~24 miles. We will ride around 16 MPH on the flats and regroup on hills. Route deviations may be made as deemed necessary and agreed upon
by the group. Ride Contact: Dale Stinson, 4dalestinson(at), 256-361-5398. Here is the planned route:
Tuesday & Thursday Arsenal Rides – Roll-out at 5:30pm, 10-29 miles. Slow to fast groups. Ask about shortcuts at the start. Start at Bldg 5400,
5400 Fowler Rd., south parking lot. Helmet and reflective vest, badge, military ID, CAC, or escort & DL required. I ride a slow pace (13-17 down the
road). There are two faster groups (17-22 and 22-28). Ride Contact: Don Lovelace, day 256-876-8609, donald.e.lovelace4.ctr(at) or
lovelaced(at) If you want to have a mid-day status update on weather & when I plan to ride, please send your daytime email address.
Mid-week Ride East – Ride will be on either Wednesday or Thursday. Routes, starting times and places will change each week. Look for a notice
on the SCCC Yahoo Roadies group, or email Drew Boody, aboody(at)
Thursday Evening Slow Cycle Huntsville – Start time is 6:00pm, usually from the Huntsville Brewery, but sometimes starts from other locations as
announced on the Facebook Group Page. This is a casual, non-sweating, non-exercising social affair on 2 wheels, often including a rest stop at the
Greene Street Market. Riders strongly encouraged to partake in post-ride libations and refueling with fellow riders. POC: Steve Justice - Facebook
group page.
Information about Drew’s Midweek Ride East will be sent via email! Every week a different route! Routes will be similar to the “after work” rides
- only longer, usually 30-50 miles. Conversational pace with a 15-17 mile avg. speed. Starting location will change every week, starting time will
vary. Look for a notice on the SCCC Facebook page. Drew @ or 256-776-2585.
Note: Several other recurring rides are being revised. Please stay tuned for updates.
Check with the ride leader or the SCCC Rides email group for any potential changes due to poor weather, cold weather cancellations, or
starting time changes!
Recurring rides do not have Ride Leaders, only a Point of Contact. Points of Contact do not provide maps, provide mechanical assistance, sweep
the course, and may not necessarily attend the ride. If you are new to a standing ride, please alert others in the group. Be courteous to new riders
who may not know the course, calling turns well in advance or pointing out road hazards. As with any Spring City Cycling Club ride, helmets are
required. If anyone has any question about a recurring ride they may contact the POC, or the Club Rides Captain.
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St. Paddy’s Day Ride and Party
Holly’s Pie Ride T-shirt!
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Paaaaarty continued...
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Spring Times
Miscellaneous Rides Pictures
First JaVa Ride on 3/15
Ride 3/30
Sunday Morning Breakfast Ride
Coldwater Ride 3/22
Fearless Jetplex Midweek Ride
Leader Julio Driggs— King of Selfies
Coldwater Ride 3/21
Twiggy Ride 3/28
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Spring Times
A Pleasant Spring Saturday Ride
(The Story of Greg New’s Crash - Part Two)
Monday morning can’t come soon enough, I email my boss and let him know that I won’t be in today
and wait for a call from the clinic to schedule an appointment to see an orthopedic specialist. They finally
call around 9:00 AM and ask me to come in now!
The Dr. looks at the X-rays that I brought from the emergency clinic. He says this is a common injury and
in my case it is not too bad. The bones are displaced and foreshortened (because the broken ends are
overlapping), but it should heal well on its own and he does not recommend surgery. “Come back in
three weeks so I can see how it’s progressing.”
I ask when can I start running and biking again? He says it will take at least 8 to 12 weeks to heal and
that I should keep my arm in a sling for the first two weeks. After that, I should not need the sling fulltime and it might be okay to get on a stationary bike trainer, but no riding and no running for at least a
month. He warns me about the risk falling and reinjuring my bones. Further, he expresses concern about
the potential effects of impacts from running.
For the next two weeks I wore the sling every day and some nights. Sometimes my arm hurt, but mostly
it did not. I struggled with not being able to do things normally, since I could not put any weight on my
arm, and my range of “pain free” motion was limited.
By the 15th day I had a trainer set up in the garage. The first day that I rode it (Day 15), it was a struggle
and I wondered if I was doing more harm that good. I persisted and rode the trainer 5 days in week
On Friday, (Day 21), I went back to see the Dr., first they made two more X-rays at different angles. Right
away I can see that these X-rays look different that the earlier ones. How much of this difference is accounted for by the camera angle, I can’t say, but that is clearly complicating interpretation of the X-rays.
The Dr. comes in looks at the X-rays and says: “The choice is yours, but in my opinion, I think that you
should have surgery.” He adds: “I am going to be out all of next week so I can’t do the surgery and I don’t
want you to put this off until I return the following week.” He he offers to set me up with another Dr. in
his group who will be in next week and can perform the surgery.
Before doing this he says that he wants measure the bone displacement on the X-ray. He leaves the
room and when he comes back in a few minutes he says he measured the horizontal overlap of the two
bone ends at 2 centimeters (Cm). He shows me this on the monitor in the exam room. He tells me that
“according to literature” a break with over 2 Cm of displacement benefits from surgery as it will heal
faster and surgery will correct the anatomy. A break with less that 2 Cm of displacement does not normally require surgery. Since I am on the bubble, my case is borderline. But he is concerned that I will
have pain and muscle weakness in this shoulder, if I do not do have surgery. We have a rather long discussion, during which I point out to the Dr., that “I’m 58 and my body already has a host of minor other
abnormalities.” He also tells me that I also have arthritis in this shoulder, which may ultimately trump
the other issues. No surprises there. The discussion ends with a decision that I will see another Dr. in his
group early next week, who will provide their own opinion on the surgery. He acknowledges that the second Dr. may not recommend surgery.
Cont. on page 13
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Saturday Spring Ride...Part Two - cont.
When the Dr. leaves the room to set this up, I jump on the computer and conduct my own measurements
using the software right in front of me. I conclude that the horizontal displacement is likely much closer
to 1.5 Cm, and not 2 Cm as the Dr. stated.
Its Friday night and I am in a tizzy, do I follow the Dr.’s recommendations and have the surgery or go
with my gut and forego surgery.
I spent Saturday doing research on various treatment options for a broken collarbone. Wow, I really
screwed up, I should have done this on Day 1. There is a wealth of information available on this subject.
It ranges from complete surgical videos designed as teaching aids for orthopedic surgeons to blogs done
by a random person who probably doesn’t have a clue.
At the end of the weekend I felt confused, with surgery I will have a better end result, but my break is already healing, I don’t want surgery, and it may not be necessary based on the amount displacement of
my collarbone?
On Tuesday before the new Dr. even gets into the exam room, the medical assistant drops a bombshell,
this Dr. is taking off the rest of the week and he won’t be doing any surgery this week either. Why am I
here, I already know how this is gong to come out, I consider walking out right then, but I hold out because I want to hear this Dr.’s opinion on my need for surgery when he looks at the X-rays.
The Dr. comes in looks at the X-rays, asks me how it is going, how much pain do I have, etc. Then we get
down to business, he says my displacement is about 1 Cm, he shows me this on the screen and he holds
his hand out with his fingers separated by about 5/8 of an inch to illustrate and says this is what you
have about 1 Cm of displacement. Then he says that 1 Cm of horizontal displacement is the decision
point for surgery or not. Since I am on the borderline, surgery is optional. I am in a quandary, I can clearly
see that his fingers are more than 1 Cm apart as is the displacement of the bones shown on the monitor.
Is he that clueless, or does he think that I am? I am also certain from my research that the decision point
is more typically 2 Cm. Do I want to point these things out to him, or wait and see where this goes? I decide to feign ignorance and see where the discussion goes.
We have a discussion, for me surgery is optional, he does not believe that it is necessary nor does he specifically recommend it. If I were to choose the surgery it will correct my anatomy, and my shoulder may
be stronger in the long term. On the other hand, I am 58 years young, and probably won’t be embarking
on a new career that involves heavy physical labor for the next 40 years. He acknowledges that I seem to
have significant shoulder joint arthritis as well.
I decide that I am definitely not going to have surgery. I ask the Dr. “When can I start running and biking
again?” He replies that I can do anything that I want starting right now (today), but cautions me don’t do
anything that hurts. “If it hurts don’t do it.” Pretty simple huh.
When I got home I ran 2.5 miles, it was slow but it felt good to be moving again. I only have 11 days to
prepare for a half marathon that I signed up for months ago.
To be continued in the next issue
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Spring Times
March SCCC Rides Recap
A word from Rides Captain Hunter Chockley
March was a very active riding month. SCCC had 18 diversified Individual Rides with multiple Ride
Leaders. The following is a summary of the rides:
Greenbrier Ride-to-Eat 31Mile Ride, easy flat ride- Ride Leader: Geanine Lehmann
Cloud Cove & Meander New Hope Ride, 43 miles - Ride Leader: Charlie Meyers
Creekside Elkmont 45 Mile Ride, Ride Leader: Terri Arranz
Ardmore-Elkmont-Tanner-Mooresville Ride*, 76 miles- Ride Leader: John Ortiz
Ardmore-Elkmont-Athens Ride*, 61 miles- Ride Leader- Dale Stinson
Ultra New Hope Ride 1, 34.5 miles- Ride Leader: Ken Rex
Ultra New Hope Ride 2, 52 miles- Ride Leader: Drew Boody
Three St. Patrick Day Rides as part of the SCCC St Pat Party:
St Pat Pi Ride, 31.4 miles, two major mountain climbs- Ride Leader: Holly Hansen
St Pat 41 Ride, 41 miles, one major mountain climb- Ride Leader: Ernie Thomas
St Pat 28 Ride, 28 miles, flat ride- Ride Leader: Hunter Chockley
Tick Ridge Rambler Ride, 44 miles- Ride Leader: Scott Stevens
Guntersville Dam Ride, 43 miles, Ride Leader: Alan Derrick
Woodville-Grant Mountain Ride, 70 miles, three major mountain climbs, formed 2 groups with 2 Ride
Leaders, John Ortiz and Dale Stinson
Mini Coldwater Ride, Easy Ride, 42 miles, Ride Leader: Geanine Lehmann
Flint River Slow Ride, 31 miles, Ride Leader: Raul Briseño
Upper Hurricane Creek & Sharp Hollow/Cove Ride, 53 miles, Ride Leader: Charles Meyers
Climb Grant Mountain & Descend Babe Wright Ride, 42 miles, one major mountain climb,
Ride Leader: Hunter Chockley
Twiggy Ride, 33 miles, flat and easy, Ride Leader: Ken Rex, assisted by Regi Northover
*These two rides were partially ridden together
The Recurring Ride listing (after work rides and weekly rides) was updated and most rides started after
2015 Daylight Savings Time was implemented.
The Out of Town Ride Listing was updated for 2015.
Hunter Chockley
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Spring Times
Treasurer’s Report
3/1/2015 - 3/31/2015
Beginning Balance
$ 6,233.17
Membership Dues
Total Income
AYCE Centurian Medals
(AL Backroads Series)
St. Patrick’s Day Party
General Meeting (Pizza)
Website & CC Processing Fees $
Total Expenses
Our goal is simple:
Ending Balance
$ 5,792.81
A full annual report for our 2014 fiscal
year (Feb 1 through Jan 31) will be
posted on the website for member
access (must be logged in).
Break down any barriers keeping you from loving cycling!
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 Bikes from industry leaders Trek and Cervelo
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 The area’s biggest selection of the hottest cycling and triathlon
5575 Highway 431 South
Huntsville, AL 35741
256-533-2300 or
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Spring Times
Go online to Renew or Join:
Yearly Dues:
$20.00 - Individual
$25.00 - Family
$30.00 - Race (Individual)
$35.00 - Race (Family)
$100.00 - Bicycle Shop Membership
Membership is now managed using the new
web platform, enabling us to go to a rolling 12
month membership based on date of renewal.
2014 renewals and new memberships prior to
March 10, 2014 at the old rates will expire according to the rules in effect at the time of
registration, which is December 31, 2014.
Want to pay by check? Fill out the registration form
on the last page to pay by check. Then mail the invoice with your check to SCCC, PO Box 2231, Huntsville, AL 35804.
8402 Whitesburg dr. suite f
huntsville, alabama 35802
Specializing In:
Custom Wheel Building *Professional Fitting with a 100% Guarantee
*Suspension Repair *General Repair and Maintenance of all Makes
and Models *All Accessories to Meet your Cycling Needs
We stock bicycles from industry leaders
such as Giant, Niner, and Quintana Roo.
SCCC Officers
Ernie Thomas
Greg New
Secretary/Public Relations
Andy Brown
Laurie Cooklis
Drew Boody
Rides Captain
Hunter Chockley
Community Affairs
Newsletter Editor
Regi Northover
Dean Della Pella
Racing Manager
Morgan Andriulli
Century Director
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SCCC Membership Application: Required data is marked by an asterisk *. Information will be published in a club directory. PLEASE DO NOT provide phone numbers if you do not want them published. You may also opt out of having
your email address published (although we may need you to supply it so we can send you the newsletter).
*NAME ____________________________________________
PHONE (H) ____________________________
*ADDRESS _________________________________________
PHONE (other) ______________________________
*CITY ______________________________
*ZIP ______________
*STATE _____
*E-MAIL __________________________________________
□ Do not publish my email address in the directory.
□ New Member
□ Renewal
□ I agree to receive the newsletter by E-mail only
Yearly Dues:
$20.00 - Individual
$25.00 - Family
$30.00 - Race (Individual)
$35.00 - Race (Family)
Interest Group : Touring, Recreational Riding, Slow Cycling, Mountain Biking, Racing
Check the option you desire. Mail this application with a check / money order made out to:
Spring City Cycling Club / PO Box 2231 / Huntsville, AL 35804
TOTAL (Check Payable to SCCC): ______
Release of Responsibility: The person signing this document certifies that he/she has examined the information on this release form and membership
application and that all information is complete, true, and correct. For the sole consideration of being allowed to participate in Spring City Cycling
Club (SCCC) activities, the undersigned hereby releases and forever discharges SCCC members, agents, officers, volunteers, personal representatives,
their heirs, successors and all other persons, firms, and corporations liable or who might have claimed to be liable (all and each "Released Person")
from any and all claims, demands, damages, actions, causes of action or suits of any kind and nature whatsoever, and particularly on account of all
future injuries both to the person and property which may have resulted, or may in the future, develop from participation in or traveling to and
from SCCC activities or SCCC sponsored events. I fully realize, acknowledge, and assume the risks of the hazardous nature and dangers of participating in any club activities, including by way of example and not limitation, the following: collisions with pedestrians, vehicles, other riders, and
fixed or moving objects; safety hazards, equipment failure, inadequate safety equipment, and weather conditions; and the possibility of serious
physical injury associated with cycling (each and all of which shall be referred to as 'Injury'). This release has been completely read by or to the
undersigned and the terms hereof are fully understood and voluntarily accepted for the purpose of releasing each Released Person from any and all
claims, disputed or otherwise on account of any injury.
Participant's Signature: ______________________________________________ Date:______________
(Signature of Parent or Guardian, if under 19)