PR RESS RELEA R ASE Telefónica a Open Futu ure_ extend ds footprint in Asia with South Ko orea agreem ment TE ELEFÓNICA A OPEN FU UTURE_ FORMS ENTREPREN NEURSHIP A ALLIANCE WITH KOR REA TELECOM AND D SOUTH K KOREAN GOVERNMENT With this alliance e, Open Futu ure_ expandss its internattional innovaation and epreneurship p network too South Kore ea, increasin ng its total reeach to 18 entre countries The agreement a aims a to creatte business developmen nt and investtment oppo ortunities for both operaators and sta artups ggi (South Korea), K Marrch 30th 20 015- Telefón nica Open Fuuture_ has today t Madrrid/Gyeong signeed a partne ership agreement with h Korea Te elecom, a leading teleecommunica ations operaator in South Korea, and a the G-C CEIC, a public body ressponsible foor promoting ICT innovvation in the e country. e urial, investm ment and extternal This partnership, which seess the mutuall sharing of entrepreneu h of a progra am by the South S Koreaan governme ent to innovvation experrtise, followss the launch prom mote innovation across the countrry. Telefónica Open Fu uture_, the open innovvation netw work of Teleffónica, will jo oin forces w ith Korea Te elecom and G-CEIC to booost the pro ogram in th he Gyeonggi province, near the coountry’s capital, Seoul, which is oone of the most developed areas in South Korea when it comes to IC CT. w signed at a a ceremoony led by th he Presidentt of South K Korea, Park GeunG The aagreement was hye; the Preside ent of Korea a Telecom, Chang-Gyu Hwang; the e Governor of the Gye eonggi yung-pil; and d Luis Solan na Madariag ga, Presidentt of Telefóniica Open Future_, province Nam Ky deo confereence. Other participants at the evvent included the who intervened through vid nce, ICT and Future Plan ning; the Miinister of Tra ade, Industryy and Energ gy and Minisster of Scien the Justice Minisster of South h Korea, in aaddition to other o KT exe ecutives andd the Ambasssador pain in South h Korea, Gon nzalo Ortiz D Díez-Tortosa a, and a sele ection of maajor South Korean of Sp private companie es. Telefónica, S.A. Dirección n de Comunicación Corporativa C Ronda de e la Comunicación, s//n 28050 Madrid Tel: +34 + 91 482 38 00 emaiil: prensatelefonica@ http:/// @Telefonica o up ne ew opportun nities for existing Open Future_ andd Korean sta artups The aagreement opens to acccess new markets and enjoy m multiple serrvices such as worksppaces prese ent in estab blished Open n Future_ ce enters and aalso a new innovation center c creatted by the South S Koreaan Governm ment and Ko orea Telecom m. The starrtups selected by this pprogram willl also have access to support from m each of thee partners to t aid with commercial ddevelopmen nt and be able to takke advantag ge of the Teleefónica and South Korean Governm ment’s investtment will b vehiccles. Telefónica Op pen Future_ has establisshed a stron ng link Through this colllaboration agreement T he world’s m most techno ologically advanced counntries. The South S with South Korea - one of th ment recently launched a major ne ew initiative e in partnersship with le eading Koreaan governm Koreaan companiies to accelerate entre preneurship p. This initia ative is prim marily focuse ed on startups that are a making g the mostt of new technologie es and are aiming exxpand T agreement with Koorea Telekom m and Teleffónica Open Future is part of internationally. The this initiative. Telefónica Open O Future__ the signin ng of this ag greement represents ann extension of its For T footp print in Asia where it ha as already foormed an allliance with China Unicoom and Tsin nghua Holdiings. Telefón nica’s open innovation pprogramme currently re eaches 18 coountries and d has, to daate, committted over 310 0 million eurros across 500 5 companies creating more than 5,000 jobs. Teleffónica Open Future_ F Open Future_ Telefónica is a global, open program de esigned to co onnect entreppreneurs, sta artups, e. Its goal is to t guide innovvation towards the investtors and public and private organizatioons worldwide development of viable projectss, using a moodel that givves visibility to t the talentt and connecct with nizations, inve estors and businesses. organ ónica Open Future_ integrrates all open n innovation initiatives, entrepreneurshhip, investment and Telefó transfformation of Telefónica (in nter alia Wayyra, Amerigo, Telefónica Ve entures) and makes availa able to strateegic partners,, to develop with w them speecific support programs entrepreneurshhip. KT KT (K Korea Telecom) is the ma ajor telecom mmunication company in n Korea, whicch has the la argest numb ber of All IP subscribe ers in Koreaa: Mobile, Internet, IP PTV, VOIP. It is leading the devellopment of tthe informattion and com mmunication ns industries of Korea sinnce its found dation in 19881. KT’s business po ortfolio covers a broadd range of services fro om wirelesss communiccation, broad dband IPTV dedicated liines, fixed‐liine commun nication to enterprise e soolutions. It makes m Telefónica, S.A. Dirección n de Comunicación Corporativa C Ronda de e la Comunicación, s//n 28050 Madrid Tel: +34 + 91 482 38 00 emaiil: prensatelefonica@ http:/// @Telefonica signifficant stridess to widely offer converggence service es that comb bine communnication, IT, m media and ccontent. G‐CEIC G‐CEIIC (Gyeonggi‐Creative Ecconomy Innoovation Centter) is an inn novation cennter for starrt‐ups, ventu ures, and SM MEs. The Gye eonggi regio nal governm ment and KT in collaboraation have bu uilt G‐ CEIC with the sup pport from K Korean centrral governme ent in Pan‐gyyo, Gyeongggi Province. G G‐CEIC not o only supportss start‐ups by providing w workspace aand accelerattion program ms, but also a assists ventu ures and SMEs to develop new markeets and busin nesses. G‐CEIIC focuses on o supporting start‐ups iin the industry of game, fintech, IoTT, and 5G. G‐CEIC G provides specialiized test‐bed and profeessional mentoring programs to thhe start‐upss. And ugh a partneership with global g acceleerators such as Telefónicca Open Futture, G‐CEIC helps throu start‐‐ups to ventu ure into international maarkets. Telefónica, S.A. Dirección n de Comunicación Corporativa C Ronda de e la Comunicación, s//n 28050 Madrid Tel: +34 + 91 482 38 00 emaiil: prensatelefonica@ http:/// @Telefonica
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