Android Wear A journey from a handheld application to a wearable device [Part 1] Introduction to Wearables Wearable devices are definitely one of the most exciting and coolest technologies of 2014 along with drones and smart cars. Hardware producers, software companies and even startups are pushing the boundaries beyond what is just being on a handheld device, struggling to open new challenges and attract new customers. Something similar has been already seen when smartphones were just at the beginning of their appearance, but this time the purposes and targets of this technology are a little bit different. It is not just a matter of keeping the user connected with the World outside but it’s more about offering him new services , getting more from/into his life. Sensors can collect data about user activities (heart rate, pedometer, burn calories, sleep hours...) allowing to know more from the user’s context and his behaviors. Embedding them on wearable devices(smartwatches, rings, betls,...) can grant almost a 24 hours coverage, attracting the user to use something that he is already used to wear but with more functionalities and fancier. Android is well known for being portable across the most different types of devices and it can be a good candidate even for wearables. I said " it can be" because, from an user point of view, this is not enough: to get onto wearable devices it has to be simpler , possibly transparent, more concise and it has to target particular user interactions . Having said that, I want to move straight forward to Android Wear and to look at how Google has made and is still making a big effort to achieve these goals. Starting from some UI concepts and considerations, we will move swiftly to the technical side of them, building and enriching an app that can run on handheld devices and smartwatches. I want to precise Smartwatches because at the moment AndroidWear is meant to work only on them. This introductory part is just the first one of 6 tutorials that will let you extend existing Android apps and/or create new ones that will take advantage of Android Wear . 1. Introduction to Wearables 2. Landing on Wearables (debugging, extending notifications) 3. Colonizing Wearables (running apps on an Android Wear ) 4. Pimp my Wear (custom UI’s) 5. Data exchange and Sync 6. Miscellaneous To get a better understanding to how things work, we’ll create a simple app that manages books allowing the interaction with pending orders. All the presented code will be available on GitHub . Getting back to the foundations of a simpler user experience for the user, Android Wear changes, embraces and introduces new concepts in the UI model: ● Context Stream : literally a channel populated by what matters to the user. 2 ○ ○ ○ ○ card suggestions similar to the Google Now ones vertical navigation between multiple types of cards the user can swipe left to right in order to dismiss cards the user can access card related pages and actions ● Cue Card : actions accessible through the user’s interaction. ○ demanded by the user through the “Ok Google” voice action or simply tapping on the homescreen ○ allows to access things not already suggested in the ContextStream ○ swipe vertically through all available operations (apps, settings,...) ● Watch Faces : the user can pick different faces for his watch by a long tap on the home screen. 3 ● Ambient Mode : the device can enter in this mode in order to preserve resources. Being on an even smaller device imposes even more restrictions on what the apps should do in order to maintain the best user experience and his happiness. ● Zero or low interaction : apps and cards displayed on Android Wear don’t have to be a port of apps for handheld devices. A smaller screen should enforce a smarter approach while landing on wearables. People will not use wearables to spend hours like on their phones but to do powerful things with their new companion in just few steps. To conclude and summarize this first introduction, when you design/develop for Android Wear you should take care about simplicity and focus on what really matters to the user. In the next parts we will land on wearables setting up the environment, debugging and enriching the notifications system of a sample app. 4 [Part 2] Landing on Wearables In “Introduction to Wearables” we had a look at some of the concepts those are the foundations of Android Wear . In this part we are going to skip completely any considerations on that and we’ll have a look at how things work underneath. In particular, we’ll have a look at how to extend existing application’s notifications and how to debug on wearables(this second part will be used for the following tutorials). In order to achieve this, we’ll start with a sample application that runs just on a handheld device and we’ll try step by step to extend it, trying to create a beautiful user experience even on a device running Android Wear. All available books Purchased books The Android app that we want to extend and enrich allows users to buy and sell elements from a predefined set of IT books. The user can then navigate between all available items and his own purchased books. 5 Book’s details Startup suggestion Clicking on any list item opens the details screen for the selected book, allowing the user to understand more about his new or next purchase. At every device startup a delayed alarm is scheduled in order to suggest the user a new reading in the form of notification that will appear in the status bar. For debugging purposes, this functionality can be forced to happen through an ad hoc action item provided in the application Actionbar’s menu. The app’s code is completely opensource and can be accessed as a reference on GitHub at . A video demonstration of the handheld app that shows how the screens interacts together is available on YouTube at . Identifying portable features When we want to extend and enrich an existing Android application aiming to supply wearable functionalities, one of the first things that we need to do is understanding what we can and want to expose . Another thing to keep in mind is that we are going to develop features on 6 devices those are limited in term of resources and those are meant to do powerful things with the quickest user interaction. We are not going to create an application that’ll try to replace our handheld one but we are going to expose some of the already available features in the app, trying to simplify the user’s life . Looking at our notification displayed on a wearable device, a book suggestion seems a good candidate to achieve this result. The user might want to do something more with it, possibly with zero or low interaction . Rather than just showing passive content, we are going to supply interactive functionalities through the following elements: ● the book’s description ● the capability of purchasing/selling a book ● optional voice notes In this way, the user will be able to perform powerful actions , having the complete control on what’s going on, even without having to interact with the handheld device . Providing an instant and constant feedback for every user action is going to be one of the key elements to ensure a consistent flow. The component that allows us to add the expected wearable functionalities to the existing notification is a concrete implementation of NotificationCompat.Extender . This interface offers the capability to add custom and adhoc features to a notification. The implementation that suits for wearable notifications is called WearableExtender and it provides support for custom backgrounds, icons, pages, actions, content control and alignments. Through the WearableExteneder, it is then possible to add custom Actions with an associated PendingIntent that will be handled by the handheld device in a background Service1. 1 this has been done for the sake of simplicity, reusability and because we don’t need any UI at all. The service is not tightly coupled with the wearable implementation but it can be used by different callers. 7 Looking at the class: // Notification Builder used to compose the notification(s) NotificationCompat.Builder builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this); … (default notification elements) // Creating the Wearable Extender NotificationCompat.WearableExtender extender = new NotificationCompat.WearableExtender(); // Adding the book description as a new page extender. addPage (new NotificationCompat.Builder(context).setContentTitle(“Description”) .setStyle(new NotificationCompat.BigTextStyle().bigText(book.getDescrition())).build()); // Adding a custom background ( 400x400px non scrollable & 640x400px scrollable content) extender. setBackground (BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.background)); // Action to purchase the book PendingIntent purchase = … ; extender.addAction(new NotificationCompat.Action.Builder (R.drawable.ic_action_buy, “Buy”, purchase).build()); // Action to add notes via voice recognition RemoteInput voice = new RemoteInput.Builder(EXTRA_NOTE).setLabel(“Add a Note”) . setChoices (getResources().getStringArray(options)).build(); PendingIntent notes = … ; extender.addAction(new NotificationCompat.Action.Builder(R.drawable.ic_action_notes, “Notes”, notes) . addRemoteInput(voice) .build()); // Extending the builder’s notification builder. extend (wearableExtender); … (space for other extenders) // Sending the notification ( USE the NotificationManagerCompat from the Support Library) NotificationManagerCompat .from(context).notify(ID_SUGGESTION,; When an action is then selected by the user, the BookActionService receives the incoming Intent and in a worker thread performs: 1. the cancellation2 of the current notification (if from wearable). 2. the execution of the incoming action if valid and associated with a valid book id 3. the creation of a new feedback notification (if required) 2 AndroidWear doesn’t remove by default the current notification for custom actions. 8 Having only extended the default notification through the WearableExtender does not mutate its behaviour on the handheld device. On the other hand, the wearable displays the same content but decorated with the given extensions like in the following screenshots. 1. The wearable book suggestion: 2. ACK when a book is successfully purchased: The video that demonstrates the entire flow is available at . 9 In the case of the Voice note, the content can be retrieved using the supplied extra key using the following util: // Getting the voice input as a CharSequence // N.B.: use this instead of trying to get it from intent.getExtras()3 String input = RemoteInput.getResultsFromIntent(intent).getCharSequence(EXTRA_NOTE); Even if this set of tutorials is not about extending a ContentProvider or any other kind of Android element, following standards and using platform tools definitely help and facilitate the development. If you try to install the app on a device coupled with an Android Wear one, you’ll be able to notice that the content is updated instantly on the handheld’s screen even if the update comes from your watch. This is done for free by the Cursor that the ContentProvider behind has returned when the app queried for the content currently shown. Moreover, this feature does not depend on the caller that asks to modify the data but on the way in which the update is implemented. Because of that this behaviour is consistent even if the update comes from a source different from the smartwatch. Debugging Wearables Even if the wearable device is paired with the handheld one, when it comes to debugging there are few things that we need to do in order to access the device running Android Wear. In fact, presuming that the handheld device has the USB debugging enabled, if we connect it to our machine and run the ADB command to look up the available devices4, it’ll be the only option available. In order to see the wearable device we have to forward the debug output to the handheld device . After having enabled the ADB debugging via Bluetooth on the wearable and in the companion app(settings), we have to route the output in the following way: adb forward tcp: <port> localabstract:adb/hub adb connect localhost: <port> The settings in the companion app will then be updated with both the host and the target labeled as connected . Listing now all the available devices on our development machine will show both the devices and will allow us to execute ADB commands and/or even connect the watch to tools like Android Studio . 3 4 The data is passed as a ClipData not just as a String. adb devices 10 [Part 3] Colonizing Wearables In “Landing on Wearables” we have approached wearables devices extending our existing app’s notifications and explaining briefly how to bind them to our development machine for debugging purposes. Now it is time to study more in deep what we can achieve directly on a device running Android Wear , understanding the constraints and the possibilities that the platform introduces. We will continue to keep as reference the Books application previously developed and we will try to create an Android Wear module . Before going straight to that, there are some considerations those have to be done in order to understand better the platform that we are trying to target. First of all, we have to be sure that the wearable app is really needed . Most of the times, the notification based approach from the handheld device to the Context Stream might be a better solution. Its intrinsic simplicity and its immediacy tend to preserve the scarce wearable resources , allowing to defer all the heavy computations back to the more powerful handheld device . One thing to keep in mind when we want to develop on Android Wear is that we don’t have all the packages available in the Android SDK . Some of them like webkit, appwidget or printing are missing5. If our app is using some special functionalities it would be probably safer to check through the PackageManager if the system has got that particular feature. Furthermore, even if Android Wear allows more or less to use the elements available in the SDK, the user interaction is totally different6 and it’s meant to be as simple and as effective as possible. Just to give a simple and quick demonstration of what we should avoid, here are the screenshots of the Books handheld app installed and running directly on an Android Wear emulator with the round screen. 5 e.g.: when the user doesn’t interact with the screen for a certain amount of time, the device goes in sleep mode and brings the user automatically back to the Context Stream . 6 11 Apart from being unusable, both screens look a lot more complex than what they should be and the content in the second one cannot even scroll. Our target in this and the next tutorial is to create a wearable experience that allows the user to see what matters with the smallest level of complexity possible. Beside that, it is important to keep in mind that any insane choice will be taken just for the sake of learning what is offered by the platform but it should probably be avoided in a real application. Going back to the wearable app that we want to build, we need to take the following steps: 1. create a wearable module in our project 2. write the application (of course!) 3. make it accessible 4. bundle the wearable app inside the handheld one In order to create the wearable module that will contain all the code of our Android Wear app, we need to add a new module to the existing project. Android Studio and Gradle become really handy helping us to set up the folder structure and the related build settings with a simple and intuitive GUI. In fact, if we try to create a new module from a preexisting project, we are prompted with the following screen and we can simply pick the “ Android Wear Module” option. 12 After having gone through the entire flow, the tab “Project” shows now the new module that is referenced even in the project’s settings.gradle. The wearable module contains its own build.gradle and all the folders and files that we should be already used to see in a handheld module created with Android Studio. Now, if we take a look at the build.gradle file, we can find the following dependencies: dependencies { compile(' support:wearable :1.1.0) compile(' playserviceswearable :6.5.87') } The first one includes the Wearable Support Library that contains the set of new wearable elements that will be widely used in the next tutorial. The most important ones are definitely the new adhoc Views that can be used to provide constant feedback to the user and the WatchFaces. If we have a look at the package description for the support library, in particular at the activity subpackage, we can easily find ConfirmationActivity . This activity allows us to provide a consistent feedback across different apps to the user, giving a sense of completion. This can be then invoked starting the activity with an Intent holding the following parameters: ● EXTRA_ANIMATION_TYPE (mandatory) ○ SUCCESS_ANIMATION ○ OPEN_ON_THE_PHONE_ANIMATION ○ FAILURE_ANIMATION ● EXTRA_MESSAGE (optional) The second dependency is the Google Play Services module for wearables and it contains all the elements that will be explained in the fifth tutorial when we will have to deal with the data exchange and synchronization between the two paired devices. Regarding the version 6.5.87 of the Play Services , Google has finally modularized its massive library allowing developers to include only the elements specifically needed by their apps. This option becomes really useful and extremely handy when a compiled application reaches the limit of 655367 methods in the underlying dex file. Moving forward and opening the AndroidManifest.xml , we can find declared the following feature: <usesfeature android:name=" " /> As the name suggests this feature is used to inform that application is built for a device that provides a Watch UI. 7 13 If we ticked “Blank Wear Activity” during the creation of the module, Android Studio has created the related Activity.class and three layouts . Looking at the latter ones, should give us an idea of the way in which we have to handle round and rect screens. We can notice that the main layout has a WatchViewStub that holds respectively one reference to the round layout and another one to the rect one. In addition to that, if we open the generated activity class that inflates the main layout, we can notice that an OnLayoutInflatedListener is registered on the WatchViewStub. Even if this looks a clumsy solution, the framework needs to figure out at runtime if the rect layout has to be used instead of the the round one and viceversa. In our BooksActivity we simply load the number of available books and we use a different layout based on the type of Watch screen. All the code previously written to handle the data persistence and access can be easily recycled and adapted if needed. Round (center alignment) Rect (topleft alignment) In order to take advantage of the previous elements developed for our existing application, a library module called ‘common’ has been created and added to the project. All the utilities, the elements related to the data persistence and the model have been moved in it. To make the names of the modules more exhaustive and in line with the new wearable one, the existing app module has been also renamed in ‘mobile’ . The code that refers to our previous chapters is still available and tagged “v1.1” on GitHub at: Now that we have developed this simple wearable application, we want to make it accessible to our user. In fact, if we just install the app on the wearable device and we try to look for it, there is no easy way to find it. As said earlier, a wearable device doesn’t work like a tablet or a phone! 14 If we play a little bit with an Android Wear device, a user can launch an application in three different ways : ● through a notification shown in the Context Stream ○ the application has to fire a notification on the wearable device that has to hold a PendingIntent pointing to the expected Activity ○ this option should be used when there is content that really matters to the user like an email or an important update ○ it works in the same way as when we extended our handheld application but it can use directly the notification api without the support library ● through the voice recognition system , saying “Ok Google” followed by: ○ a SystemProvided action like “ What’s my heart rate? ” or “ Take a Note ”. The element that declares in the AndroidManifest an IntentFilter with the correct Action and/or Category can then be called by the platform when the user tries to access the particular functionality. Something similar happens when an implicit intent is fired and the operating system needs to figure out what are the apps those can handle it. ○ an AppProvided action like “ Start <label>” Similar to the SystemProvided one but the check is against the label of the Activity that has to be invoked (along with an IntentFilter for the “MAIN” action and the “LAUNCHER” category). ● selecting manually an application in the Cue Card ○ this option is more likely to happen when the user couldn’t be able to find a notification in the Context Stream ○ the Activity that has to be invoked needs to be exposed in order to be shown In the Books app, the user can access the app through the AppProvided voice action “Ok Google… start Books”. He can also achieve the same result by tapping on the launcher element embedded in the Cue Card. The BooksActivity has been exposed in the AndroidManifest.xml in the following way: <activity android:name=".activity.BooksActivity" android:exported="true" android:allowEmbedded="true" android:taskAffinity="" android:label="@string/app_name" > <intentfilter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /> </intentfilter> </activity> 15 After having added the previous highlighted lines, the launcher finally appears in the Cue Card. An important aspect when developing for Android Wear is that the user cannot install an app directly on his wearable device . Instead, he has to download it on his handheld one and then the Android Wear Companion app takes care of deploying it to the the wearable device. To make this succeed, the application must also be signed with a nondebug certificate , otherwise it will be ignored. Even if there are these production constraints, during the development, it is still possible to install an unpacked wearable build using the ADB commands or an IDE like Android Studio. As soon as the wearable device is connected to our local machine, it appears in the devices list as any other device even if it is connected with the bluetooth via the handheld device. Regarding the inclusion of our wearable app into the handheld one, if we are using Android Studio we have to include the following line in our dependencies for the mobile build.gradle : dependencies { … wearApp project(':wearable') } Last but not least, we have to be aware of the fact that any permission in the Wearable AndroidManifest.xml has to be added in the Mobile one if it is not already included. Both modules must also have the same package name and version code . If we have a look at the gradle files, the values those are shared between the modules are declared in the top build.gradle and then used in the module ones. In this way when we increase the version 16 code or change any other element, the update is automatically applied on each module that depends on it. Project build.gradle : ext { compileSdkVersion = 21 buildToolsVersion = '21.1.2' applicationId = 'com.alchemiasoft.android_wear_tutorial' versionCode = 3 versionName = '1.2' } Module build.gradle : android { compileSdkVersion project.compileSdkVersion buildToolsVersion project.buildToolsVersion defaultConfig { applicationId project.applicationId minSdkVersion 9 targetSdkVersion 21 versionCode project.versionCode versionName project.versionName } } 17 [Part 4] Pimp my Wear In “Colonizing Wearables” , after a first attempt of running the existing handheld version of the Books application on a smartwatch, we ended up creating a simple Android Wear module that displays the number of available book entries. This has been done not only to discover more about Android Wear, but because a handheld app should not be just ported to a wearable device. During our journey, we have introduced few of the new UI components offered by the wear support library . Among them, WatchViewStub has allowed us to handle different screen shapes, figuring out at runtime the type of display. We also had a chance to understand the reason why and how the wearable module has to be included into the handheld build. Therefore, the goal of this part is to evolve the previous module into something that can be easily used by user and that tries to follow as much as possible the android wear design patterns . Being on a device with a small touchable area and constrained by limited resources , require us to give particular attention to the features that we want to expose through the wearable app. We definitely do not want to provide all the available functionalities in the handheld app but just the ones those can be important for the user and his context. Our books application offers an important feature that is the book suggestion and we can try to enrich that experience through Android Wear. Just for the sake of this tutorial we are going to choose a solution that is definitely not the optimal one for the end users but the one that can give us, as developers, the opportunity to play with the new Android Wear UI elements and some related concepts. At the end of this chapter there will be some considerations about possible improvements and changes those should be taken into account when developing a real Android Wear app for a smartwatch. Looking at the android wear design patterns, there are multiple ways to display content and allow the user to interact with it. In our case, one option might be just showing the suggested books in a WearableListView as simple entries. This solution is really straightforward to implement having worked before with RecyclerView . At the same time it does not offer any flexibility if we want to start adding actions and enrich each book entry. Instead, we need to provide a different UI that makes easy to add elements to the book entries and at the same time that keeps simple the navigation between different elements. The navigation pattern of the 2D Picker might be what we are looking for. If we follow the guidelines, the user will be then able to swipe vertically between different books suggestions and horizontally between the available actions. The UI ViewGroup that allows us to implement the expected 2D Picker is called GridViewPager and it is able to bind an adapter that can map different columns on different rows like in a matrix. If a user is navigating horizontally and at a certain point he decides to swipe vertically, the next position will be the first column of the next or previous available entry . This can be consider as a kind of shortcut that tries to create always a context for the user. 18 Keeping in mind that we do not want to “invade” the user experience with tons of different elements, the maximum number for the rows should be 5 in order to avoid confusion and the navigation between different entries should be always firstverticalthenhorizontal . Following this pattern and those small rules should grant us a consistent experience and should allow the user to perceive something that he should be already used to know. Hence, in our wearable application we would probably like to display the book suggestions in different rows, allowing the user to swipe right to access more info and actions. ... Looking at the first two screens, we might wonder how to create the card effect that wraps our content. Luckily, the Android Wear Support library offers a CardFragment component that can 19 easily allow us to obtain the expected result. Apart from displaying the content in an expandable card, this element takes care by default of distinguishing between round and rect screens. This feature becomes really handy when we are not sure if the content will fit well in the screen. Another peculiarity of this fragment extension is that it provides two static factory methods those allow us to create, in just one line, simple cards made of a title, a description and eventually an icon. Having the cursor pointing at the current entry, if we have a look at the BooksActivity , our first page can be created through the following lines: final String title = mCursor.getString(mCursor.getColumnIndex(Book.TITLE)); final String author = mCursor.getString(mCursor.getColumnIndex(Book.AUTHOR)); return CardFragment.create (title, author); If we want something just different or more complex, but still providing a card style, we can extend CardFragment and override the onCreateContentView(...) method. Therefore, we can apply our own layout and custom behaviour. public class MyCustomCardFragment extends CardFragment { @Override protected View onCreateContentView (LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle instance) { final View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.my_custom_card, container, false); … return view; } } Moving forward to the two pages(“Add notes” and “Buy book”), we can notice that there is no card based approach. There is what looks like an action button that when clicked performs an operation and possibly gives a feedback to the user. If we have a look at the Android Wear Design patterns again, when we provide an action that can apply important changes, we should expose to the user a way to abort it, delaying its execution . Again, the support library for wearable devices comes in play and helps us offering a new view that is called DelayedConfirmationView . This component, extending CircledImageView , provides us a circular countdown timer that can be listened for changes and allows the user to cancel the action before a custom timeout. Setting a DelayConfirmationListener ensure that we can complete the action without having to ask directly the user to confirm if he is 100% sure of what he is trying to do. At the same time, the application can be notified if the user suddenly changes his mind. 20 Following what we have just discovered, our BuyBookFragment page looks like: public class BuyBookFragment extends Fragment implements DelayedConfirmationListener { private DelayedConfirmationView mConfirmationView ; public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle state) { final View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_buy_book, container, false); mConfirmationView = (DelayedConfirmationView) view.findViewById( ; return view; } public void onViewCreated(View view, Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState); view.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View v) { mConfirmationView.setTotalTimeMs(2000L); mConfirmationView.start(); } }); mConfirmationView.setListener(this) ; } public void onTimerFinished (View view) { // Timer completed => execute purchase } public void onTimerSelected (View view) { // The user has cancelled the action execution, nothing to do } } The AddNoteFragment implements a similar logic for the delayed confirmation. The only difference between the two is related to when the timer has to be started. In the case of adding a note, the user has to pronounce a valid text input to make the timer start, otherwise the current UI will not change. The voice input is obtained from the result of a speech Intent as a list of strings generally sorted in descending order by the confidence in matching what the user has said. Intent i = new Intent( RecognizerIntent.ACTION_RECOGNIZE_SPEECH ); i.putExtra(RecognizerIntent.EXTRA_LANGUAGE_MODEL, LANGUAGE_MODEL_FREE_FORM); i.putExtra(RecognizerIntent.EXTRA_PROMPT, getString(R.string.what_notes)); startActivityForResult(i, REQUEST_NOTES_CODE); public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { final List<String> results = data.getStringArrayListExtra( RecognizerIntent.EXTRA_RESULTS ); } 21 An important aspect that characterizes the wear experience is the constant feedback that has to be presented to the user for every action he performs. We are going to see how an experience can be perceived as truncated when we will try to add some shortcuts without notifying back to the user in our app settings. In the early days of Android a lot of those feedbacks were shown as toasts, alert dialogs or status bar notifications depending on the particular case. Even if Android Wear does an heavy use of notifications, a dialog or a toast are not even part of the current design guidelines. Instead, the wear support library bundles a component that comes with the name of ConfirmationActivity . This activity specialization allows developers to show the result of an action as an animation consistent across different apps. At the time of the writing, there are three different types that can be displayed: ● Success ● Failure ● Open on Phone In order to use the ConfirmationActivity we have to declare it in the AndroidManifest.xml of the wearable module previously created: <activity android:name=" " /> Hence, we can display a confirmation feedback supplying the type of animation that we want to be performed and an optional message: Intent i = new Intent(activity, ConfirmationActivity .class); i.putExtra(ConfirmationActivity. EXTRA_ANIMATION_TYPE , ConfirmationActivity. SUCCESS_ANIMATION ); i.putExtra(ConfirmationActivity. EXTRA_MESSAGE , “Book purchased”); startActivity(intent); activity.finish(); One curious fact about the animation is that for every frame the animation is using drawables with a different bitmap, wasting a lot of physical space. This behaviour might be subject to change in the future, maybe taking advantage of AnimatedVectorDrawable . If the suggestions do not satisfy the user expectations, we can do one step further and provide, as a final resort, also some secondary actions in a settings page. Android Wear does not provide any kind of prebuiltin fragment for that but we can try to build our own with the tools and the knowledge acquired till now. In our case we just want to expose some bulk actions those allow to buy/sell all the elements or restore the default database state. In order to achieve that, we can take advantage of WearableListView displaying the actions as simple list items. Do not be confused by the name of this component because it is a little bit misleading: it refers to ListView while it is effectively based on the more flexible and extensible 22 RecyclerView . This specialization targets in particular wearable devices displaying the content only vertically from top to bottom and snapping to the closest element when the current scroll is almost finished. Another thing that we have to keep in mind is that the screen might have a round or rect shape. In “Colonizing Wearables” we had a look at WatchViewStub and at how we have to supply two different layouts in order to handle different screens. Here, we want to take another approach based on a component called BoxInsetLayout that allows to wrap the children selected edges(left, top, right, bottom or all) into a shapeaware box . This means that all the elements cannot exceed the box constrained by the considered edges and the type of the screen where the app is running. Rect the entire screen is used as a box for views ● no space wasted ● content gracefully truncated if it exceeds Round the box is the square inscribed in the circle ● L = R * sqrt(2) ● space wasted out of the square ● not truncated by the round edges Instead of having one layout for the WatchViewStub and two for the different screen shapes, the fragment_settings.xml layout contains everything we need: < ... tools:deviceIds="wear"> <FrameLayout ... app:layout_box="left|bottom|right" > < ... /> </FrameLayout> </> 23 Hence, the can get the reference to the WearableListView without having to wait in order to let the parent figure out the screen shape like in the case of WatchViewStub. Because our fragment is going to be added to the GridViewPager, we need to ensure that WearableListView is always granted the right of handling the touch events, preventing the pager to steal them. Again, the wearable support library comes to the aid of us directly in the component that we are populating with our entries: mWearableListView. setGreedyTouchMode (true); One hidden feature of WearableListView, that distinguish it from RecyclerView and that allows to make cool UI effects, is the capability of making the items aware of their proximity to the center of their parent. In our case we want to highlight the current selected element applying a different alpha8 level and translating the view on its x axis by a defined distance like in the following screenshot: All we have to do is to make our item views implement the OnCenterProximityListener interface and let the ViewGroup figure out if it has or not to notify the proximity changes. Our WearableListTextView , specialization of TextView, will look like: public class WearableListTextView … implements WearableListView.OnCenterProximityListener { public void onCenterPosition (boolean animate) { … } public void onNonCenterPosition (boolean animate) { … } } 8 Chet Haase could probably kill us for not having used just a gray color to obtain the same effect. 24 A video that shows how the entire app works can be found on YouTube here . It is possible to notice that there is no feedback when the user selects one of the option in the settings page. This seems like truncating the flow and does not give the possibility to understand if the action has completed successfully or not. In a real scenario, it would definitely be a better experience to use the ConfirmationActivity to provide an instant feedback, maybe followed by a notification in the ContextStream that shows if the long running operation successfully completed or not. In this chapter we had a chance to make some experiments with the wearable support library and to understand how many of the concepts used on an handheld device are slightly changing on Android Wear. When we develop for Android Wear we should always consider the wearable device , in our case a smartwatch, as a companion for the user that should try to observe and supply the content that the user needs at one specific time or in one particular situation . Having said that, the wearable app that we have just built is not probably the best option because it requires the user to have an active interaction. In a real scenario, it would be nicer and definitely more engaging having suggestions based on particular user behaviours and bundled with maps indications to the closest/cheapest shop. 25 [Part 5] Data exchange and sync Since the beginning of our journey, we have tried to create a wearable experience starting from our existing handheld app. A first working solution has been achieved just taking advantage of the WearableExtender that has allowed us to easily extend the status bar notifications, providing detailed info and extended functionalities to the wearable device. Even if this approach can work for the majority of the applications and it is really straightforward to achieve, it has some drawbacks in terms of achievable features and availability of content on the smartwatch. In fact, if the smartphone and the wearable device are not coupled, the latter one cannot offer any more access to the previously shown content. Keeping in mind that the wearable device is not a substitute of the handheld one but more like an extension that should try to simplify the user life, we have then exposed a limited number of functionalities into a custom wearable app. In order to achieve this result both applications currently share a common module but are decoupled in terms of single application modules . In this way it is possible to recycle and share code elements like the ContentProvider , the models and common utilities but at the same time keep distinct the different platform based implementations. In ‘Pimp my Wear’ , this solution has led us to a wearable application that can be used by the user even if the two devices are temporarily disconnected but at the same time to a situation where the content gets outsynced . In this chapter we are going to have a look at how the Wearable Api can help us exchanging and syncing data between the two different devices. If we have a look at the wearable application developed in the previous chapter, the operations those led us into an inconsistent state between the two devices are the ones those directly affect the underlying data : ‘Purchase’, ‘Add note’ and the bulk operations in the Settings. On the other hand, the handheld device can also update its local data and currently those updates are not directly reflected by the wearable device. Hence, we do not have a unique source of true for the content state and this makes our synchronization even harder to implement. Assuming that we are not trying to create a system that aims to solve all the possible conflicts in the updates but something that keeps the devices synced, we can choose a sync strategy that keeps the most recent update on a book entry, discarding all the ones between the previous state and the new one . In this way we can focus on how we can perform the communication and on the other problems those can rise when interacting between the handheld device and the wearable one. Another aspect to keep in mind is that both devices are not always connected and because of this we cannot just push any update to the opposite side as soon as it happens. Instead, it has to be possibly persisted and then notified to the other side when a connection is established. We might also want to avoid multiple overlapping updates for the same elements but this can be a further optimization that can save precious resources from being consumed and expensive calls from being performed. Luckily for us, these problems are made easier to approach directly by the Google Play Services . Starting from version 5.0, they provide a way to establish a communication channel 26 between the handheld device and the wearable one, that can be accessed through what it is called Wearable Data Layer API . This API consist on a set of subAPI(s) and elements those can be suitable for different type of scenarios and purposes: ● NodeApi : allows to get informations about the nodes those compose the Android Wear network. Through this API, it is possible to distinguish between the local node(the one that refers to the current device) and the connected nodes to it. ● MessageApi : lightweight API that is meant to be used to send messages with small payloads(not larger than 100kb). The messages can be only shipped to selected nodes those are currently connected and even if they are queued successfully, there is no feedback on receiving by the other node. This can be achieved by the receiver sending back an ACK message to the caller through the same mechanism. The MessageApi is a good candidate for RPC where one device might want to defer heavy computations or commands to another one. ● DataApi : allows to sync data items and assets between all the nodes in the Android Wear network. If the elements cannot be delivered, they are persisted and then synced later as soon as a connection will be eventually established. Each data item is identified by a unique Uri defined by the source node (the host) and a custom path9. If we have got two equal data items those share the same identifier, sending both of them will then result in just one update to all the nodes. This is done to avoid excessive resource consumption and it means that the content of the DataItem needs to change every time if we expect as many updates as many sent items. Looking at the synchronization that we want to achieve, the DataApi seems to be a good candidate. It guarantees that every book operation we perform will be synced with every node in the Wearable network, persisting and delaying the sync if necessary. For this scenario, the MessageApi is not the best option because it is meant to work with small payloads and it does not guarantee the delivery of a message to all the nodes. Later, we might want to take advantage of this option in the case we want to allow the handheld device updating its current screen to reflect what the user is currently doing on his smartwatch. This can be seen as kind of remote control mechanism where the user wants to see something in a different way or just bigger on the other device. In order to get access to the above API(s), the first thing we need to do is including the Wearable API dependency10 into the build.gradle file: compile ' ' 9 wear://<nodeidentifier>/<path> Prior to version 6.5, it has to be included as the entire package of the Google Play Services APIs. 10 27 After having synced the project with the Gradle files, we can then access all the wearable features, keeping in mind that we have to check if the expected version of the Google Play Services is available on the current device11. if ( GooglePlayServicesUtil.isGooglePlayServicesAvailable (this) == ConnectionResult.SUCCESS) { mGoogleApiClient = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(this).addApi( Wearable.API ).build(); } The successful creation of the GoogleApiClient for the WearableAPI is not enough but it requires the client to be connected before starting to send messages and data items through the Android Wear network. In the Books application, every time an update to the underlying data happens, we want to make the Wearable Layer aware of the change. Because of that, the ContentValues are then serialized and sent across with a DataItem. In the Event.DataApi.Builder a PutDataRequest is created: PutDataMapRequest dataMapRequest = PutDataMapRequest.create(mUri.getPath()); DataMap dataMap = dataMapRequest.getDataMap(); … if (mValues.containsKey(BookDB.Book.OWNED)) { dataMap.putInt(BookDB.Book.OWNED, mValues.getAsInteger(BookDB.Book.OWNED)); } … return dataMapRequest. asPutDataRequest() ; The data request can now be sent through the DataApi with an already connected client: Wearable. DataApi.putDataItem (mGoogleApiClient, putDataRequest); As soon as the DataItem is added to the data layer, it is shipped to all the connected nodes but at the same time it gets tracked for the ones those are not. If the sender is listening for wearable updates, it will then receive the update even if it is already aware of the change . This is an aspect that has to be considered and kept in mind in order to avoid unexpected results and redundant updates. Each Wearable API offers different listeners to receive the updates from the wearable network. A subscriber can then register through a valid GoogleApiClient instance the listeners 11 being a plugin that is decoupled from the current OS version installed on the device might end up in a situation where we do not have them installed or at the expected version. 28 for the events that it is interested in and then get updated when a node joins/leaves the network and when a message or a DataItem is sent through. ● DataApi. DataListener ● MessageApi. MessageListener ● NodeApi. NodeListener The wearable package offers also what it is called WearableListenerService , an abstract Service that allows the notifications to get handled in the background without any UI active. Each application can specify at most one single instance of this service and its lifecycle will be handled by Android Wear. In : public class BooksSyncService extends WearableListenerService { public void onDataChanged (DataEventBuffer dataEvents) { List<DataEvent> events = FreezableUtils.freezeIterable(dataEvents) ; // Running through all the events for (DataEvent event : events) { if (event.getType() == DataEvent.TYPE_CHANGED ) { // Checking if it's the same node that has fired the event final String node = event.getDataItem().getUri(). getHost() ; final String localNode = WearableUtil.getLocalNode(this).getId(); if (node.equals(localNode)) { Log.d(TAG_LOG, "Skipping Event because fired from the same receiver."); continue; } … } } } public void onMessageReceived (MessageEvent messageEvent) { … } public void onPeerConnected (Node peer) { … } public void onPeerDisconnected (Node peer) { … } } 29 The just created service reuses and accesses internally the ContentProvider that we previously created and this allows any active Cursor on the data to get notified instantly, without any further notification mechanism. In the mobile and wearable manifests, the WearableListenerService specialization has to be declared in order to allow the binding of the Google Play Services when an update on the Wearable network is available. <service android:name="com.alchemiasoft.common.sync.BooksSyncService"> <intentfilter> <action android:name=" " /> </intentfilter> </service> The last feature that we want to explore of the Wearable API are messages. As we said before, they can be useful in scenarios where one device wants to defer a computation or just execute a command in an environment that has got the necessary capabilities . One example of that might be a music/video player that can be controlled remotely from the wearable device in order to start/stop/play one media file onto the handheld one. In the Books application, every time the first page of the GridViewPager is hit, the wearable device sends a message to the first connected node in the wearable network supplying the book id and action to perform (open book). Wearable. MessageApi.sendMessage (client, targetNode, path, payload).setResultCallback(callback); On the other side, the handheld application is only interested in those updates only if it is in foreground. Because of this, the WearableListenerService does not handle any of those messages. Instead, they are listen and managed by a MessageListener attached directly from the HomeActivity that displays every time the book details in full size: public void onConnected(Bundle connectionHint) { // The Client is connected => we can register for the wearable updates Wearable. MessageApi.addListener (mGoogleApiClient, this); } public void onMessageReceived (MessageEvent messageEvent) { Event.MessageApi.Receiver receiver = Event.MessageApi.Receiver.from(messageEvent); switch (receiver.action()) { case Event.MessageApi.OPEN: attachBookFragment(receiver.bookId()); break; } } 30 A Real World Example: Google Fit If you have ever had a chance to try it out, Google Fit is a concrete example of an application that is syncing data between the two devices. The collected elements are then used to create graphs those summarize the user’s average steps, the activity types and the data that cannot be easily acquired by just the handheld device like the heart rate. For this reason, a wearable device can work not just as an expansion for a smartphone or a tablet, but even as an entry point for new data sources, therefore new opportunities. 31 [Part 6] Miscellaneous Being at the last step of our Android Wear journey suggests us to make some assumptions and considerations on how to take advantage of this new platform in real scenarios. Beside this, we are going to have a brief look at some of the missing elements that we did not touch before, focusing our attention on answering the questions those might have risen in the mind of the readers while going through the entire path. During the development of our Books application, we realised that a wearable device has usually a different number of limitations those can be masked pairing it with a handheld one. If we want for example to provide price suggestions or places indications about a book offer while the user is moving, we have to take into account that the wearable device might not have a GPS module installed on it and it might not be currently connected with the handheld device. Because of this, even if we can take advantage of the Wearable Api to sync and exchange data, some of the functionalities should not be available on the wearable device if they cannot be satisfied or they cannot be gracefully handled : we should try to inform the users that if they want to use a particular feature in the wearable app, both devices must be paired. One real example of this is the case when we want to detect the user location . In order to do this we can take advantage of the GooglePlayServices those offer us a way to abstract the location lookups just using the FusedLocationProviderApi . This option makes the most powerefficient decision using the handheld device as first source for the updates if connected and the wearable device as the last resort if not. In this way, in the best case, the location updates happen transparently to us and the price that the wearable device is paying in terms of battery consumption is the one for the communication between the two nodes. As said before, if the two devices are not connected and the wearable has not installed a GPS module, then we cannot detect the user location and we have to notify the user of the problem if disrupting an ongoing action. Being just a the beginning of the Wearable Era might raise some concerns and doubts about the effectiveness of implementing solutions for Android Wear. If you have followed the entire path of our journey, you should be able to understand that you are not enforced to provide any Android Wear version of your handheld app, especially if there is no reason to do it. On the other side, if you think that your service, taking advantage of the wearable technologies, can offer cool, powerful and useful functionalities to the user, you should start to think about enabling these. At the moment, it is really hard to say if it worths or not to invest days or weeks of development in your company time just to do that. At the same time, being one of the first services landing on wearable devices might give visibility at your app through channels like the GooglePlay (e.g.: GetTaxi, Runkeeper, Endomondo, The Guardian, Duolingo,...), social networks and/or blogs. In order to tackle this problem, we might start to offer at the beginning some adhoc notifications for wearables using the WearableExtender class while trying to grab informations about our users. The latter part can be easily achieved 32 tracking the source of the user interaction and providing maybe a light background WearableListenerService that tracks when peers join and leave the wearable network. Doing so allow us to have a better understanding of the World outside and to detect how many customers could possibly be affected by adding functionalities directly on a wearable device. Even if the numbers might be against a wearable(or whatever platform) integration, we should still think about investing a bit of time to provide a better wearable experience at least in the notifications. Our journey does not take into account Watch Faces but this does not mean that you should not have a look at them. 33 REFERENCES & LINKS [1] Android Wear [2] Android Developers WebSite [3] Simone Casagranda GitHub [4] Video demonstrations YouTube (handheld app) (interactive notifications on Android Wear) (wearable app) [5] Android Developers Blog [6] Android Developer Samples 34
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