NEWSLETTER APRIL RESEARCH DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT MANUFACTURING SALES & SERVICE CALIBRATION & REPAIR TRAINING & EDUCATION W O R K P L A C E H E A LT H A N D S A F E T Y S O LU T I O N S F E AT U R E D A R T I C L E S E N D TO E N D W O R K P L A C E S A F E T Y S O LU T I O N S Australian enterprises are naturally dependent upon the people who work there, and for those people to perform their daily tasks to the best of their ability; and it is well established that impairment through Alcohol or other Drugs (AOD) can cause reduced employee effectiveness, increase absenteeism and lead to an increase in workplace safety incidents. As a consequence employers across Australia have started to deploy AOD testing programs to act as both a deterrent as well as to catch persistent offenders. Deployment of an effective AOD Program is relatively easy to do however there is always the question of how effective is any program? A Holistic approach considers the “whole organisation” and the entire solution required in minimizing the workplace risk from alcohol and drugs to realise a truly effective AOD testing program. > DOWNLOAD OUR WHITE PAPER TO LEARN MORE A L C O H O L A N D OT H E R D R U G S P O L I C Y: G E T T I N G I T R I G H T Drug and alcohol abuse in the workplace can have very serious implications. With a potential to cause accidents, serious injury and even death, it regularly reduces the productivity of affected employees. As each company is different, they must address the complex question – how to implement an alcohol and other drugs (AOD) policy. There are many things to consider and questions to be addressed. > READ MORE HERE T R A I N I N G A N D E D U C AT I O N – A C R I T I C A L C O M P O N E N T I N A S A F E R W O R K P L A C E Drug Testing Person Testing Testing Equipment Policy Consequence Alcohol Testing Legal Challenge Legal Prosecution Drug and alcohol testing programs are only as good as the people carrying out the tasks. To ensure AOD programs are both effective and non-disruptive to everyday working life, a trained employee is essential. Educating your workforce through training adds real value to your business and enhances the safety of your workplace. > T R A I N I N G A N D E D U C AT I O N P R O G R A M S H E L P B R I N G P EO P L E, P R O C E S S A N D T EC H N O LO GY TO G E T H E R TO H E L P YO U I M P L E M E N T A N E F F EC T I V E A N D C O N S I S T E N T AO D P R O G R A M I N D U S T RY N E W S JUMP IN NUMBER OF TRUCK DRIVERS TESTING POSITIVE FOR ICE CONCERNS POLICE I C E P R O M P T S U N I O N S TO SUPPORT DRUG TESTING The CFMEU and Victorian Labor Government have reversed their opposition to mandatory drug testing on construction sites after growing problems with the drug ice. The CFMEU has announced it supports mandatory drug testing, despite opposing the previous government ’s mandatory testing code just last year. Labor scrapped the code – but has welcomed the agreement between the CFMEU and employers. The CFMEU’s policy supports mandatory saliva testing for drugs for all people on a construction site – including employers, construction workers, crane drivers and tradesmen… > READ MORE More truck drivers are being caught driving under the influence of drugs, including ice, prompting a warning from police that a rogue element is threatening public safety on the state’s roads. Victoria Police caught 156 heavy vehicle drivers operating while on drugs last year, a steep increase on the 2013 figure of 86 drivers detected under the influence. That figure is up again so far this year, by 20 per cent, police say… > READ MORE V I C TO R I A N L I B E R A L S TO C O N S I D E R D R U G T E S T I N G S H E A R E R S AT W O R K Shearers could be drug tested at work if a group of Liberal Party members in western Victoria gets its way. The Liberal Party branch at Balmoral said it was concerned about increased drug use in regional communities and put a motion to the Liberal Party State Council “to proactively support agricultural organisations in implementing a drug testing regime in the shearing industry ”… > READ MORE N O R T H E R N T E R R I TO RY F I S H I N G LO B BY C A L L S F O R B O AT D R I N K-D R I V I N G L AW S, S K I P P E R A L C O H O L B R E AT H T E S T S The Northern Territory fishing lobby has for the first time publicly thrown its support behind boat drink-driving laws, ending a long period of silence on a politically sensitive issue. The NT and Western Australia are the only jurisdictions in Australia that do not allow police to breath test skippers in boats. Libertarian controls around recreational boating have been a totem issue of NT politics, with boaters arguing police may already charge drunken skippers under reckless boating laws… > READ MORE ‘C H A I N O F R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y ’ L EG I S L AT I O N W I L L B E I N T R O D U C E D I N TO WA L AW O N 27 A P R I L 2015 The introduction of ‘Chain of Responsibility ’ provisions into road transport law will be a milestone moment for road safety in Western Australia. Following proclamation of supporting regulations, ‘Chain of Responsibility ’ legislation will be introduced into WA law on 27 April 2015… > READ MORE I N S I D E A L C O L I Z E R – T H E-R I G H T-N OT-TO-O F F E N D D R U G L I Z E R™ - O U R W O R K P L A C E A L C O H O L A N D OT H E R D R U G S T E S T I N G S O LU T I O N S At Alcolizer, we view the use of alcohol and other drugs testing programs by organisations as an essential method in managing operational risk. Whatever drug testing approach an employer decides upon, our Druglizer service can support you with a wide-range of services including Drug Policy Review & Recommendations, tailored education and training programs, Drug & Alcohol test equipment, as well as a the supply of a comprehensive range of drug and alcohol test consumables. Druglizer™ ensures your company is on the right side of the law with AOD Policy implementation and the application of Drug and Alcohol management initiatives for clients. TA L K TO A S A L E S S P EC I A L I S T TO DAY TO F I N D O U T M O R E A B O U T O U R D R U G L I Z E R™ P R O G R A M S. NEW! ALCOLIZER TRAINING AND EDUCATION PROGRAMS NEW NEW ONLINE PRODUCT FAMILIARISATION COURSES CERTIFIED TRAINING COURSES CONTACT US TODAY TO TALK TO OUR TRAINING SPECIALISTS P R O M OT I O N S D R U G L I Z E R 2015 S P EC I A L B U Y A B OX O F 25 SURESTEP DRUG SCREEN CUPS BUY NOW AND RECEIVE 50% OFF! F O R J U S T $225+G S T • H U R RY - O F F E R AVA I L A B L E W H I L E S TO C K S L A S T! C A L L U S O N 1300 789 908 O R C L I C K TO C O N TA C T A S A L E S S P EC I A L I S T View email online | Feedback | Send to a friend This email has been sent to you from Alcolizer Technology.
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