EDITION 05 04 MAY 2015 “Purple - the New Black” TROOP TRAIN TO COOROY Last Friday on April 24, two Aldridge SHS students - Lachlan Brooks and Nanami Kuwazuru were invited to travel on the Troop Train to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the Gallipoli landing. This train started its journey in Winton, Western Queensland and finished its journey in Brisbane. Lachlan and Nanami and about 50 students and teachers from various Maryborough schools travelled from Maryborough to Cooroy. At Cooroy, Lachlan and Nanami laid a wreath to remember the many fallen soldiers. This was a wonderful opportunity for our students to experience this important historical moment in Australian history. ALDRIDGE STATE HIGH SCHOOL Phone: 4120 8444 Fax: 4120 8400 STUDENT ABSENCES: 4120 8460 or 0409 430 637 Email: the.principal@aldridgeshs.eq.edu.au Website: www.aldridgeshs.eq.edu.au OFFICE HOURS: 8.00 am - 3.30 pm Monday to Friday (Closed during school holiday periods) STUDENT SERVICES - IN C3 The Student Services department is housed in C3 (with the green door), where Mrs Kaye HOYES is available to process all of your student’s queries. Students are required to go to C3 for all of their queries/questions and not to the administration office. All students who are late or leaving school early MUST have either a note from their parent/guardian OR have their parent/guardian phone Kaye on 4120 8430 advising her of their student’s lateness or reason for their early departure. Also, students can now get their uniform passes from Student Services, and again, students must have either a note from their parent/guardian or their parent/guardian has phoned Kaye with a reason for not being in the correct school uniform. If a student does not have a note or Kaye has not received a phone call from the student’s parent/guardian, they will be issued with a detention to be completed in a Recess at C4. Also a reminder that ALL parent contact with the school is still required to occur at the Main Office. Parents are not to go to Student Services in C3. The contact number for Kaye in Student Services is: 4120 8430 You can also email Kaye at: khoye4@eq.edu.au KAYE HOYES C3 - STUDENT SERVICES OFFICER FROM THE PRINCIPAL Throughout the year to date our numbers have remained relatively constant. At Day 8 the effective enrolment was 1140. At the end of the first week of Term 2, our effective enrolment was 1145 (see below). CURRENT YEAR LEVEL NUMBERS SPORTS COVERED AREA (TRIPLE S PROJECT) Central Office advised all schools that the results of the 2015 – 2016 Triple S Funding Application process would be known at the end of June. Aldridge has made application to do further work on the covered sports area. Specifically – creating electrical outlets in the facility, covering the floors, installing electric basketball backboard winches, line marking for basketball, volleyball and perhaps badminton, installing post receptacles for volleyball. ADDITIONAL CAR PARKING The school has been working closely with the Fraser Coast Council with a view to decrease traffic density at peak times along Boys Avenue (particularly 2.50 pm – 3.10 pm). With the current group of Year 7 and 8’s being some six to eight months older than previous cohorts (beginning of prep students), this mean that from 2019 all of the Year 12 cohort and a significant number of the Year 11’s will be eligible to drive independently. The potential of this is that most of the available parking along Boys Avenue will be taken just by students, leaving little opportunity for parents to park when waiting to pick students up. Last week Fraser Coast Council provided a concept plan to the school for a car park on Bryant Street across the road from the Bell Hilltop shops. This car park has a 42 car capacity which should be able to cater for all student cars as well as having a drop and go feature. The next phase of this project is for a detailed plan to be drawn based on feedback received around the concept plan. There are still a number of things to work through but if all goes to plan it is hoped that this car park will be completed ready for 2018. SPORTING REPRESENTATIVES A number of students have recently made Wide Bay and State teams. Many of these will be required to travel great distances to play. Support has been given to some of these students to hold school based fundraising activities such as sausage sizzles where the onus is on the student and their support individuals (parents, guardians and friends) to organise and run the sausage sizzle. CROSS COUNTRY School Cross Country was run on Friday 24 April from 1.30 pm – 2.55 pm. Special thanks to Mr Franklin and the PE staff for organisation and to students and staff who participated in the event. STORAGE SHED The storage shed being constructed to archive school records is half completed with the cement slab being poured over the holidays. This shed will be located at the oval end of C block. REPORT CARD DATA Term 1 Reports were handed out on Tuesday 28 April. Overall 49.4% of achievement levels were A’s and B’s with only 13% D’s and E’s. Academically the Year 7’s and 8’s are not as strong as the older years but the behaviour and meritorious certificate feedback says they are on the whole decent, responsible adolescents. Changes were made from the start of the term to Year 7 and 8 literacy groups based on the results of PATR testing. These class groupings have sort to place students identified with similar challenges together in the same groups. To further support these changes a large number of staff were involved in a day long professional development activity on Tuesday 21 April with Dr Carol Christensen that specifically focussed on the teaching and development of reading skills. MERITORIOUS CERTIFICATE CHANGE Meritorious Certificates are a part of the school culture having begun in 1996. The procedure for giving these out will change this year. The number of recognition times will be increased to three (previously we only did them twice per year). Students will be acknowledged on parades in the morning to which parents will be invited. At the first break that day students will be invited to a morning tea. The purpose of the change is to increase the number of opportunities students have to be recognised while having no impact on their learning time. ROSS HIGGINS - Principal SENIOR SCHOOLING REPORT STUDENT FEEDBACK Students have provided great feedback for us on areas that have been concerns for our school. This has included: Suggestions to create senior only toilet facilities resulting in the annexing of the K Block facilities for senior students only. Ongoing advice on a new senior polo Strategies to assist students to engage better with school. STUDENT PATHWAYS Over the past term we have been working on improving the pathways for our senior students. To date this includes: Five students being selected to participate in GenR8. Through this program students complete a Certificate II in logistics. Negotiated Headstart program with University of Sunshine Coast (USC) allowing students to complete a University subject and get early entry to university. Guaranteed Early offer programs allowing students to be offered a place at university without an OP with: a. USC b. USQ and c. UNE 60 Students completing Certificate II qualifications with TAFE. Investigating a range of Certificate III programs for offer in 2016. STUDENT SUPPORT Senior students have had the opportunity to engage with a number of activities to assist them in their transition to life after school. These have included: Change makers at USQ for our Year 11 leaders Health Heroes at USC at Sippy Downs RYDA driver training for Year 11 students University roadshow to allow students to explore university options JACKSON DODD Deputy Principal Hello, from the team at Ian Harvey Dental! We would like to offer our services to help your children keep their teeth and gums healthy. As part of the government’s Child Dental Benefits Scheme, eligible children aged 2-17 years are entitled to $1000 to cover general dental care. This includes examinations, x-rays, fillings and extractions or root therapies – all are bulk-billed. The scheme is income based, and to find out if your family is eligible, you can phone Medicare. Make sure you protect your teeth when playing sport. A custom-fitted mouthguard is made by your dentist using an impression taken of your teeth and a plaster model. Custom fitting allows the dentist to accurately assess your mouth and provide the best fit, size, coverage and thickness in a mouthguard made especially for you. Custom-fitted mouthguards are comfortable, allow you to talk and have maximum resistance against being dislodged. At Ian Harvey Dental the dentists can assess your risk and recommend the appropriate mouthguard for you and your sport. To book your child’s initial examination, please give us a call on (07) 4121 3430. The UQ Rural Clinical School Hervey Bay Presents “Medicine@UQ” This is a perfect opportunity for students and parents to find out about: Pathways into medicine Subject choices for seniors The application process How to boost chances of entry UQ courses that can be completed while still at school Graduate entry into medicine. 6.30 pm Thursday April 30 2015 At Health Sciences Learning and Discovery Centre (Opposite St Stephen’s Private Hospital) 2-4 Medical Place HERVEY BAY Q 4655 WRITE A BOOK IN A DAY Aldridge students have once again responded enthusiastically to the ‘Write a Book in a Day’ challenge. Throughout this term we have 14 teams from both the Junior and Senior school who have signed up. Each team will be given 12 hours to write, illustrate and electronically publish their 4,000 word story to be sent to the Children’s hospital. The challenge begins this Friday with four teams involved. We look forward to reading the results of their creative endeavours. WENDY CHIMES Acting HOD English ROTARY YOUNG DRIVER AWARENESS (RYDA) PROGRAM On Tuesday 28 April, a group of approximately 115 Year 11 students attended the RYDA program that was held at the Maryborough Showgrounds. This program is supported at a community level by Rotary and at a national level by Road Safety Education Limited. The students participated in six interactive sessions that covered a variety of topics aimed at young people starting off their driving careers. These topics ranged from experiencing the view from a prime mover to hearing a crash victims’ experience. Further resources can be accessed at: rse.org.au/ryda. Throughout the day the students showed maturity in their approach and behaviour with the organisers as well as with the attending staff, Miss Reynolds and I. Overall, well done guys! STEPHEN GILLESPIE Year Level Coordinator - Year 11 STUDENT ABSENCE When your student is away from school, don’t forget to let us know. Please text us on 0409 430 637. When texting, please give us your student’s name, their year level, date of absence and the reason for them being away (ie. Sick, Medical Appointment, or other reason). Thank You THE ILLUMINATE PROGRAM The Illuminate program is based on the work of Dr Carol Christensen who was a senior lecturer in the Faculty of Education of The University of Queensland before going full-time in consulting and running professional development programs for secondary, primary and early childhood teachers. She has run and instructed many thousands of teachers across Australia and internationally. Her collaborative project with Education Queensland to develop literacy teaching in secondary schools has shown outstanding results in schools across the state. This program is based on student data (including Primary results, NAPLAN, PAT testing, Phonemic Awareness Testing, English results, attendance and behavioural records) to either identify students with gaps in their literacy knowledge, or build automaticity (making a skill automatic, so that you don’t have to think about it), particularly in the areas of decoding and comprehension. This data has been used to allocate these students to classes where literacy needs identified by the testing can be met. Please note that these class allocations are not set in stone. If the data is inaccurate or incomplete, a small number of students might find themselves in the wrong class. This will soon become apparent and be dealt with on a case by case basis. Please feel free to contact me if you, as a parent, have any concerns. Timing problems around the initiation of this program and its communication with parents is a result of the unexpectedly large number of students who did poorly in their reading comprehension assessments on entry to the school this year. One on one testing to verify results proved time consuming as did the process of finding a suitable program to meet the needs of students and the training of staff to deliver it. Nonetheless, we apologise for the delay and have taken steps to ensure that the necessary data is more consistent and more readily available to our school earlier next year so that literacy issues can be identified and communicated earlier in the term. For the next two to three weeks, the focus will be on organising routines around the Reading Links part of the program. Organisation around this is at the teacher’s discretion, but students who are working on decoding will participate in reading links every lesson. Students who are transitioning from decoding to comprehension will participate in reading links every second lesson, though the teacher may decide to do so every lesson if they think the students will benefit from more time. This will be a gradual process. Other strategies that form part of the program will be phased in one by one to ensure everyone fully understands the routine. For this program to succeed in helping your child do their best in high school, daily attendance at school and 30 minutes of reading per night are essential. Students should be reading for enjoyment, but could we ask that they be given the opportunity to read a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts and that you sign your student’s reading log each night. Thank you for working with us to help your student be better able to experience success and achieve their goals at high school. MRS ALOTA LIMA Master Teacher Aldridge State High School SPORTING NEWS CROSS COUNTRY 2015 Successful Cross Country was held on Friday 24 April. Langlands achieved a narrow victory over Chappell by just four points. Goolagong was just another 20 points behind. Shows how important participation points are. Well done to all who participated. OVERALL POINTS CHAPPELL GOOLAGONG GOULD LANGLANDS 1052 1036 952 1056 AGE CHAMPIONS 12 Years Paige Hatherell Aaron Davis 13 Years Mikayla Jensen Jay Paton 14 Years Anniston Chappell Daniel Craig 15 Years Brianna Sengstock Tarack Chappell 16 Years Amy Watson Mason McKenna Open Larissa Dare-McCombe Carter Chappell Congratulation to the Champion of Champions – Ms Golusin – Who was the first female (and second overall) to finish. Great effort on her part. Students now have the opportunity to compete at the Maryborough District Trials to be held Tuesday 05 May for the chance to compete at the Wide Bay Cross Country Trials. Pictured Right: 2015 Aldridge SHS Cross Country Age Champions Mad rush at the start of the Aldridge High Cross Country WIDE BAY REPRESENTATIVES With the Summer and Winter Trials finalised, Wide Bay Teams are heading off to the various State Titles across Queensland. Congratulations to the following students who have been selected in Wide Bay Teams. SPORT STUDENTS AFL Kiara McConnell and Tom Roberts Basketball Shaniah Elliott, Ricke-Montana Garling, Luke Scriven, Tom Roberts, Braxton Sheppard and Hannah Karrasch Football Lani McKenna and Sam Porter Golf Jordan Hancock, Lachlan Hancock and Emily Burns Hockey Taylah-Lee Bauer, Courtney Black, Carter Chappell, Tarack Chappell and Roy Tucker Rugby League Dylan Fernie, Tom Roberts, Kodi McConnell, Brodie Rogers and Ryan Fernie Softball Lewis Blair, Keysha Baker and Shakeya Baker Squash Maree Woods and Kaleo Hodgkinson Swimming Mikayla Jensen Tennis Leyton Goldsmith Touch Anniston Chappell Triathlon Lucy Watkins and Mason McKenna Volleyball Lachlan Ward, Jesse Klein, Kyal Moore, Josh Barsby, Jack Donaldson, Carter Chappell, Tarack Chappell, Ben Harvey, Dean Cunningham, Luke Calleja, Jun Guilfoyle, Michael Barnett, Lachlan Morris, Nanami Kuwazuru, Lani McKenna, Braxton Sheppard, Hannah Karrasch and Cara Robertson. RUGBY LEAGUE The Aldridge U13 and Open Boys were successful in winning the Fraser District Rugby League competition on Wednesday 15 April. The games had to be postponed from before the Easter break due to poor weather. This gave the Aldridge boys a chance to mend some injuries and put full tams on the field. The team now play the winners of the Gympie V South Burnett game for the right to challenge Bundaberg for the Wide Bay Championship. The date is yet to be confirmed but it is a home game to be held in Maryborough. It would be fantastic to have a large crowd cheering the boys on. 13 Years Boys Rugby League Open Boys Rugby League SCHOOL ATHLETICS The school athletics Carnival will be held on the last day of Term 2 Friday 26 June. Due to the increased number of students and Age Groups (12 years) it will be necessary to change the program from past years. This will include extra events being held before the Carnival Day. More information as the program is finalised. RICHARD FRANKIN Sports Co-ordinator ALDRIDGE VOLLEYBALL NEWS STATE TITLES We wish all our Wide Bay representatives (Open and U15) all the best as they compete in the State titles. Congratulations also to Kyal Moore and Jesse Klein for representing Australia over the Easter holidays. U15 Girls: Cara Robertson, Hannah Karrasch, Lani McKenna, Braxton Sheppard and Nanami Kuwazuru. U15 Boys: Michael Barnett, Tarack Chappell, Lachlan Morris, Dean Cunningham, Jun Guilfoyle, Ben Harvey and Luke Calleja. Open Boys: Jack Donaldson, Joshua Barsby, Carter Chappell, Kyal Moore and Jessie Klein. VOLLEYBALL TRIPS Unfortunately the Gladstone trip was postponed last Term and hopefully will happen week 5 or 6 this Term. Wide Bay Challenge at the end of Term 2 and 3. Senior Schools Cup will be in Week 4 - Term 3 and Junior schools Cup Week 2 - Term 4. SPONSORS We again are looking for sponsors to help raise funds to run the program. So if you know of a business that might be interested in sponsoring or donating an item/s to be raffled please let the school know. We again would like to thank the following groups for their support and encourage the Aldridge State High School community to support these businesses. We are very grateful to the Fraser Coast Volleyball Association, Anne Maddern, the Maryborough RSL the Maryborough Sports Club, Maryborough Sugar Factory, Maryborough Fitness Health & Bodyworks and Warren Truss (Wide Bay Federal Member of Parliament) for their very generous donations. We are pleased to announce a new sponsor this term Handy Home & Auto Care. For any job around the house or if you need auto care, please give them a call. We thank the following businesses for supporting us by taking up our advertising packages: Cassandra Price Real Estate Agent of Choice Buckn-L Productions (Mechanical Bull Hire) Little Miss Fairy Floss Education Rules! Ian Harvey Dental Murray Barnett Plumbing Le Boudoir (Ladies Beauty Parlour) Fraser Coast Fuels Allen Gillespie Electrical Handy Home & Auto Care Michelle’s Cutting Edge (Hair Designer, 208 Walker St) Tinana Fluid Power NOTE: Please see details of each business throughout the newsletter. P&C NEWS CASUAL TUCKSHOP CONVENOR 19hrs p/wk - $23.94 p/hr Monday to Thursday: 7.00 am - 10.00 am Friday: 7.00 am - 2.30 pm Must have or willing to obtain “Food Handling Certificate” Please call Raelene on 0490 497 141 for more information. Resumes to be addressed to: The President, Aldridge SHS P&C Closing Date: C.O.B. Tuesday 22 May 2015 Tuckshop prices will change from Monday 04 may 2015 P&C Meeting - every 2nd Tuesday of the month at 6.30 pm Aldridge SHS Uniforms for sale at Tuckshop Hats $11.00 Polos $27.00 Shorts $25.00 SENIOR UNIFORMS ARE ALSO AVAILABLE FROM THE TUCKSHOP Scientific Calculators $25.00 Please be aware that they need to have the D.A.L. function Winter Pullovers $40.00 Magnetic Fridge Pockets Don’t you wish that you had a simple system to store your school documents and notes? A place that is convenient and inexpensive. Well now you can with our magnetic fridge pockets. Simply file the papers in the plastic pocket and put it on your fridge. You will be able to retrieve all your vital information in an instant. 1 for $7.00 / 2 for $12.00 3 for $17.50 Available at the Office or C3 Aldridge State High School P&C Association has signed onto be part of the Quickbeds Grassroots Fundraising Program. This is a great opportunity for our school to raise funds. IT’S VERY SIMPLE: When you are booking your Easter accommodation or any accommodation, you just click on this link: www.quickbeds.com/?grassrootscode=1316 Find the hotel you want Book it (no booking fees, no credit card fees) That's all - Click on the link now and our P&C code will be stored on your computer. That's $10.00 for bookings up to $349.00. And $25.00 for bookings from $350.00 to $699.00. And $50.00 for bookings of $700.00 or more. CLICK HERE NOW www.quickbeds.com/?grassrootscode=1316 to find the hotel you want and use the Grassroots Code: 1316 and you’ll help raise much needed funds for the school. TUCKSHOP MENU HOT FOODS MAIN MENU PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE FRESH SANDWICHES Egg & Lettuce $3.20 Ham, Cheese & Tomato $3.20 Cornmeat & Salad $3.80 Chicken & Salad $3.80 Ham & Salad $3.80 Chicken, Mayo,Lettuce $3.50 Salad Only $3.20 (Toasted Sandwich - $0.30 extra) TURKISH BREAD Roast Beef & Salad Ham & Salad $4.00 $4.00 Ham & Salad Chicken & Salad Quiche & Salad Egg & Salad $1.00 $2.50 Apple Crumble & Custard Gingerbread Students $2.50 $1.50 $27.00 $25.00 SENIOR: Shirts Shorts Purple Skirts Jumpers Hats (Compulsory) RED ROCK OVEN BAKED CHIPS 28gram Packets Iceblocks Various Yoghurt - Frozen 100g Plastic Spoons & Forks Sauce $2.00 $1.50 $2.50 $1.50 $2.20 $3.50 $2.00 $1.00 $2.00 $0.05 $0.30 PLEASE ORDER BETWEEN 8.00-9.00 AM NEW UNIFORMS Shirts Shorts $3.00 $3.00 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 DRINKS CHIPS Muffins Fruit Salad Container JUNIOR: All Burgers include Salad $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 OTHER ITEMS (Includes a variety of available fruits) MONDAY: made]Spaghetti Bolognaise Fresh ]Fried Rice TUESDAY: Chilli Chicken Burger WEDNESDAY: Chicken & Gravy Roll THURSDAY: Chicken Burger FRIDAY: Hamburger $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 FRESH SALAD BOXES $3.50 $3.00 $2.50 $2.50 HOT FOOD SPECIALS 750ml Water 600ml Water Plain Milk 600ml Quench FLAVOURED MILK 300ml 500ml Juice WRAPS Chicken & Salad Ham & Salad Cornmeat & Salad Reduced Fat Pies Reduced Fat Sausage Rolls Pizza Singles (eg. Ham & Pineapple) Pizza Rounders $27.00 $25.00 $35.00 $40.00 $11.00 Scientific Calculators $25.00 TUCKSHOP IS THE MAIN FUNDRAISER FOR ALDRIDGE STATE HIGH SCHOOL’S PARENTS & CITIZENS ASSOCIATION. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT. ASSESSMENT CALENDARS Assessment calendars for Term 1 for years 7 – 12 are now on the school website: www. aldridgeshs.eq.edu.au. Please print out the relevant year level for your student and highlight their subjects. 1. Hover mouse on “Calendar and News” 2. Click on “Exam Timetables” 3. Click on relevant year level Students to print, highlight, put in a prominent place and refer to HAVE YOUR CONTACT DETAILS CHANGED RECENTLY? Don’t forget to call into the main admin office to collect a Blue Change of Details Advice Form. Completing this form when any of your details change ie. Change of Address, Contact Telephone Numbers, Emergency Contacts or change in family circumstances, enables us here at Aldridge High to be able to contact you in any situation, quickly and accurately. Please note that we require “Proof of Address” when updating your address details (Documents that can be used are a Lease Agreement; Telephone, Electricity or Rates Account). Thank you Purple - The New BLACK! SPECIALS & DEALS Services offered MOWING WEEDING TRIMING RUBISH REMOVAL MULCHING FERTILISING PLANTING GARDEN EDGING PRESSURE CLEANING WHEELIE BIN CLEANING FENCING & GATE REPAIRS HOUSE CLEANING WINDOW CLEANING CAR CLEANING & VACUUMING HAND WAX & POLISH SOME HOUSEHOLD REPAIRS HOLIDAY PET CLEANING $10 pensioner discount $10 health care holder discount 1 wheelie bin clean $25 or 2 $40 Sixth repeat service is free Hand car polish $105 Complete car detail $140 Ave block snip & mow 1 hr $40 Vacant blocks $55 Kinesiology Tape Proud sponsor of Kyal Moore (Qld Volleyball player) Available in 2 sizes 5cm x 5m, 10 cm x 5 m 29 Different colours and patterns RRP $20 for 5 m Quote coupon code “Kyal” when ordering and receive 20% off Key benefits of using Rocktape: 1. Assists to decrease pain 2. Assists to reduce swelling 3. Allows full range of movement 4. Hypoallergenic – no zinc oxide Water resistant - can be worn for up to 5 days For more information or to get your RockTape online W: www.rocktape.com.au E: sales@rocktape.com.au
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