April 5, 2015 - Salem United Methodist Church

Salem United
Methodist Church
Ballentine, South Carolina
Established 1873
April 5, 2015
I welcome you this day in the Name of Jesus Christ our Risen
Lord. I pray you are blessed by our Easter Celebration. We
rejoice in the Glory of the Resurrected Lord. God has spoken the
Word of HOPE to a dark world. May the Hope of Christ bring
you New Life and Faith this day. During the singing of the
Processional hymn the altar will be redressed. It was “stripped”
on Thursday as a symbol of desolation and death. We restore it
on Easter Sunday as a symbol of new and eternal life.
Thank you to everyone who has put so much of your time and
self into this Lenten Season. Your commitments have made a
difference for the sake of Christ’s ministry in this community.
He Is Risen,
Christ is Risen!
He is Risen Indeed!!!
Easter Sunday Celebration
April 5, 2015
During the singing of the Processional hymn the altar will be redressed.
It was “stripped” on Thursday as a symbol of desolation and death. We
restore it on Easter Sunday as a symbol of new and eternal life.
Lighting of the Candles
*Call to Worship (Sung in Unison)
Up from the grave he arose, with a mighty triumph o'er his foes; he
arose a victor from the dark domain, and he lives forever, with His
saints to reign. He arose! He arose! Hallelujah! Christ arose!
*Greeting (In Response)
Leader: Hear the Good News. The Lord is Risen.
People: This is the Good News we have heard and receive:
The Lord is Risen indeed.
Glory to our God...Alleluia...Amen.
*Hymn, 302
Christ the Lord is Risen Today
Easter Prayer (In Unison)
God of amazing love and mysterious surprises, today is a day of Easter
victory. This day You have acted. Your hand now pronounces: light
over darkness, good over evil, and life over death. Your Easter victory
is undeserving to a sinful world, but it is today welcomed in our hearts.
Hear the words of thanksgiving and songs of praise we loudly proclaim.
Let all know life surrounded by the love of Your Son, our Risen Lord. In
whose name we pray, our Father who art in heaven. Amen.
Sacrament of Holy Baptism
Concerns of the Church
Prayer of Intercession
A Resurrection Acclamation
*Ritual of Friendship
Children’s Church
We invite children ages 3-7. Children can be picked up after worship service in the
bride’s room located off the Welcome Center.
*Hymn, 261
Lord of the Dance
Prayer for Illumination (In unison)
Lord God on this day of resurrection visit us with your living word. May
your word now be a light for each of us. Help us to serve you that
others might see the glory of the living Christ in all we do. Amen.
*Gospel Lesson
Luke 24:1-12
*Gloria Patria (In Unison)
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost; as it was
in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Mercy Tree
“Do Not Waste Easter”
Affirmation of Faith (In Unison)
This is the Good News which we have heard, upon which we base our
lives, and by which we are set free from the power of death to
experience life: Christ was crucified, according to the Scriptures. But
death could not hold Him. He experienced resurrection by the power of
God. His living presence has been and is experienced by many. We
too, affirm today His presence in us and with us. We believe in God’s
Love, which gives us victory over sin and death, and makes new and
eternal life possible. Amen.
*Hymn, 310
He Lives
*Blessing (In Response)
*Leader: Hear the Good News...the Lord is Risen.
*People: This is the Good News we have heard and received.
Glory to our God, Alleluia. Amen.
*Choral Response (In unison)
Go now in peace, go now in peace. May the love of God surround you
everywhere, everywhere you may go.
*Chiming of the Holy Trinity
(A Time of Greeting and Fellowship)
*Congregation stands. If standing is uncomfortable, please remain seated and
continue with your participation and Bold Titles indicate Congregation Participation.
Welcome Visitors!
We are honored that you are worshiping with us. Please complete the
"red book" registration to record your presence. Also, please introduce
yourself to those around you and visit our Welcome Center. We hope
you will return to join us again in Worship!
Week of March 29 2015
Needed each week to fund unified budget $13,132.79
Unified budget received $6734.00
Needed to meet budget year to date (Incldg. bldg. fund) $170,726.27
Unified budget received year to date (Incldg. bldg. fund) $139,916.15
Worship: 287
Sunday School: 152
144 Envelopes Total to Date $5871
Deep Woods Assisted Living — Thelma Kirchenstiner
Health South — Thomas McAlhany (Gwen Sitsch’s father)
Lexington Extended Care — Mrs. Lorraine White
Lowman Home — Mrs. Billie Brannon, Mrs. Mae Meetze, Judy Wrenn
Still Hopes — Mrs. Martha Chapman
Wildwood Downs — Gene Brantley
At Home — Lib Addy, Debra Ailes, Tommy Allnut,
Judy Landrum, Ross Weed
Ushers (8:30 AM):
Lead – David Thomas, Marilyn Goodwin,
Inez Hyatt, Tom Pope
Acolyte (8:30 AM):
Maggie Brewton, Kendall Smith
Greeters (8:30 AM): Mary George Smith, Martina Thomas
Ushers (10:30AM):
Lead – Ben Rainey
Bob Kuenzli, Bill Sills
Acolyte (10:30AM): Charles Cole, Madison Strait
Greeters (10:30AM): Mary George Smith, Martina Thomas
Patty Bagwell
Congratulations to the proud Parents,
Jon & Kim Jeffcoat
and Grandparents,
Fran & Harriet Dudley and Ted & Jane Jeffcoat
and sister Hailey Monts
on the Baptism of Jon Wiley Jeffcoat.
Memorials Received This Week
Building Fund
In loving memory of Carl Clary by
Martha Chapman
SAVE THE DATES: June 21 - June 25 is VBS and we invite all
children preschool age through rising 5th grade to join us each evening
as we learn about God's Love in Action (G-Force) through music,
science, crafts, snacks and fun with friends!
Adults and Youth: If you are interested in volunteering, please email
Sheri Hood at sherihood@icloud.com or
Amy Carter at mikeandamycarter@gmail.com.
There will be no youth group tonight. We will return next week, April
12th, for the make-up service day.
Church Wide Bowling
Fundraiser Night!!!!
Everyone at Salem UMC is invited to Anchor Lanes on
Sunday, May 3 from 3:30—5:00 for a fun time of bowling. It
is $10 for shoes and 2 games per person. 50% of funds will
go back to the youth for their Mission trip in 2016.
PLEASE contact the church and sign up if you are going so we can call the
Bowling Alley and reserve enough lanes for everyone by no later than Sunday,
April 19.
We hope to see everyone there!!!!!
Easter Lilies 2015
Given in Love and Honor of
Mavis George by Cindy Bollinger
Ross O. Weed by Tina Mitchell Burger
Mrs. Mavis K. George by Nancy Benson Chambers
Shirley Santopadre by Lorri & Dave Evans
Cindy Bollinger by Mavis K. George
Alex & Amanda Corsi by Mavis K. George
Martha Houston by Christopher & Benjamin
Betty Houston by the Houstons
Ruth McConnell by the Houstons
Hailey & Jon Wiley Jeffcoat by Jon & Kim Jeffcoat
Ron & Deborah Joye by Furman & Emily Lovett
Nancy Kyre by Sister & Husband
Our Grandchildren:
Brock, Jacob, Colby, Alise, Conner & Leila
by Ray & Betty Sansbury
John & Lisa Dickerson by Ray & Betty Sansbury
David & Heather Sansbury by Ray & Betty Sansbury
Brian & Shelly Sansbury by Ray & Betty Sansbury
The Berube Family by Bill & Sandra Sills
The Wingard Family by Bill & Sandra Sills
Easter Lilies 2015
In Loving Memory of
Calvin & Carolyn Koon by Cindy Bollinger
Elton “Mac” McWhorter by Cindy Bollinger
John Thomas Walker, III by Will, Heather & Walker Bowers
John Thomas Walker, Jr. by Will, Heather & Walker Bowers
Roland C. Brower, Jr. by Carolyn & Ed Brower
Richard A. Mitchell by Tina Mitchell Burger
Dan Raines by Scott & Susan Butler
Ronnie J. Catoe by Janice Catoe
Mrs. Doris W. Benson by Nancy Benson Chambers
Kristen Drenten by Lorri & Dave Evans
Paul Evans by Lorri & Dave Evans
Fred Santopadre by Lorri & Dave Evans
Mrs. Ernestine Dekle by John & Linda Gibbons
Mrs. Mary B. Gibbons by John & Linda Gibbons
Lester & Bridget Gibson by Leroy & Mary Ann Gibson
Bob & Bettye Lemke by Leroy & Mary Ann Gibson
Donald Houston by the Houstons
Glen McConnell by Ruth McConnell & the Houstons
Carl & Margie Weed by Ron & Deborah Joye
Rev. & Mrs. John Foster by Nancy B. Kyre
Mr. & Mrs. Galen Kyre by Nancy B. Kyre
Dr. Kenneth Kyre by Nancy B. Kyre
Louise O'Sheal Younginer by Don & Miriam Lovett
Luke & Suzi Hammel by Craig & Jeanne Rivers
Charles W. Rivers by Craig & Jeanne Rivers
Ralph & Amy Rustin by Shep & Lynn Rustin
D.C. & Sybil Westbury by Shep & Lynn Rustin
Kenneth Baker, Jr. by Bill & Sandra Sills
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Baker, Sr. by Bill & Sandra Sills
Tim Brady by Bill & Sandra Sills
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Sills by Bill & Sandra Sills
Building Fund
Given in Love and Honor of
Ruth S. Hilliard, Sr. by Randy, Natalie Hilliard & family
Don & Miriam Lovett by Furman & Emily Lovett
Mitch & Martha by Marion & Claudia Smith
In Loving Memory of
J.D. Ashley by Doris Ashley
John C. Hilliard, Sr. by Randy, Natalie Hilliard & family
Kay Jones by Bill & Evelyn Jones
Mr. W. C. Jones, Sr. by Bill & Evelyn Jones
Mrs. W. C. Jones, Sr. by Bill & Evelyn Jones
Dr. George M. Smith by Bill & Evelyn Jones
Mrs. George M. Smith by Bill & Evelyn Jones
Dudley R. Williams by Bill & Evelyn Jones
Brady Weed, Sr. by Ron & Deborah Joye
Tally & Pearl Weed by Ron & Deborah Joye
Will & Nellie Joye by Ron & Deborah Joye
Eula Mathias O’Sheal by Don & Miriam Lovett
Lewis Garlan Addy by Robert & Christine Lowman
John & Myrtle King by Robert & Christine Lowman
Grady Clinton Lowman by Robert & Christine Lowman
Joseph Kevin Lowman by Robert & Christine Lowman
Frank & Mary Wessinger by Robert & Christine Lowman
Mr. & Mrs. B. A. Dutton by Tom & Jeanette Pope
Mr. & Mrs. C. L. Pope by Tom & Jeanette Pope
Rev. Carl Clary by Larry & June Salters
Brady Weed, Sr. by Anita Weed
Dell Weed by Anita Weed
Margie Weed by Anita Weed
Tripp Weed by Anita Weed
Graduation Recognition
The date for Graduate Recognition has been set for
Sunday, May 31st. All names must be submitted to the
church office by Sunday, April 26th. Be sure to mark your calendars
now and join us in celebrating this milestone in the lives of Salem’s
2015 graduating class.
Over 50’s
Our own Jim Underwood, Esquire, will be our guest
speaker at our next event on April 21 at 11:30. Jim
will discuss the issue of freedom of speech as it is
being attacked in our world today and relate it to his
book "Deadly Censorship." His book details events
which occurred in SC in which a brutal murder was
committed to silence an editor of The State newspaper. It is a great read
and available through Amazon.com. We look forward to Jim's insights
and will also enjoy a catered meal from Zoe’s Kitchen. The cost of this
event will be $7. Please RSVP no later than April 16th.
Salkehatchie Registration
Is Now Open
Please go to the Salkehatchie page to register. All
parents of youth should have received instructions on what to do. If you
are going and not a youth or parent of a youth, please contact Jim
Magann at jimmagann@gmail.com or at 781-1626, and he will help you
or set up a time when you may come to the office. He will help you
register there. Once you are accepted to a camp, and pay the $80 fee to
the church or $200 family max, then we will make your payment in full
and you will be in the camp.
Cookout for Kids to Benefit
The Epworth Children’s Home Alumni
Association’s annual “Cookout for Kids”
fundraiser features barbecue fresh off the grill,
homemade baked goods, live music, and
vintage automobiles. The 7th annual event
will be held on Saturday April 11, 2015, on
Epworth’s campus from 11:00 to 4:00.
Chicken and pork plates are $10, kids plates $5, and whole Boston butts
are $30. Orders may be eat-in or take-out. Homemade baked goods
will be available for purchase from the Red Hat Honeys. All purchases
may be made at the event or pre-ordered by emailing
Safe Sanctuary Training
All Salem volunteers, chaperones and teachers working with children
and youth anytime throughout the year are encouraged to attend our
Safe Sanctuary Training held on Sunday, April 19 at 4:00. The training
will be held in the fellowship hall and will last approximately 45
minutes. Please make plans to attend this important session. If you
have questions regarding the training, please see Tina Overton.
The Palmetto Mastersingers
The Palmetto Mastersingers will be presenting a Community Concert at
Salem on April 26, at 7:00PM. Those who want to make a contribution
to help pay their expenses, please make checks payable to Salem UMC
and mark for Mastersingers Concert. Mark your calendars now.
Sharing God's Love
Spring Yard Sale
April 18, 2015
8:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m.
Mark your calendars!
Donations: We are now accepting items to be sold for the benefit of
the ministry. Items may be donated Monday through Friday from 9:00
to 12:00 or Saturday, March 14th, 9 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Furniture
donations will be accepted on Saturday, April 11th from 9:00 to 12:00
and Monday — Friday the week of April 13th. Special arrangements
can be made by contacting Shari Selke at Sharingodslovel@AOL.com
or call 732-3188.
Volunteers are needed for this event.
147 Friarsgate Blvd. Irmo, SC 29063
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son...John 3:16
Sunday, April 5
8:30 A.M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Morning Worship
9:30 A.M. . . . . . . . . . . . Sunday School for all ages, Nursery provided
10:30 A.M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Morning Worship
5:00 P.M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NO Youth
5:00 P.M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .No Girls Bible Study, Resume on April 12th
Monday, April 6
10:00 A.M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Love Circle @ Church
11:30 A.M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cavin Circle @ Church
7:00 P.M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Hope Circle @ Fellowship Hall
Tuesday, April 7
9:00 A.M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Precept Bible Study
11:00 A.M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Martha Circle @ Church
8:00 P.M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Men’s Softball @ IMS
Wednesday, April 8
7:00 P.M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Choir Practice
Thursday, April 9
9:00 A.M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Precept Bible Study
The office will be closed
Monday, April 6th for Easter.
Church Office Hours
Monday through Thursday
8:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon 1:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
P O Box 237, Ballentine, SC 29002
Website: salemumcsc.com
E-mail: smethodist@aol.com
In case of an emergency, call
843-812-3996 or 803-422-9400
Our Ministry Team
Mitch Houston—Lead Pastor
Debra Ailes & Amy Carter—Nursery Supervisors
Dottie Ison—Director of Music
Angie Lain—Business/Finance Manager
Miriam Y. Lovett—Organist
Jim Magann—Youth/Outreach Ministries
Tina Overton—Director of Creative Ministries
Marie Wicker—Administrative Assistant