TUTOR NEWS - Monday, 20th April 2015 (Week 29) Note: Tutors are requested to ensure that all of our students are present before you read out the Tutor News. Please read the General news to all students and then to specific year group news for individual group. The Tutor News time commences at 10.45 today and finishes at 11.00am, students do require time to transfer from their class to you, please allow time for this to happen. No students are to be left out of class until 11.00am. Please do not allow students to attend class wearing clothes that are not part of the school uniform. GENERAL – Please read out to ALL students Ø Please do not interfere / damage the new toilet roll holders that are located in the boys bathrooms. Ø Any students using the back pitch at lunch time or break time please bring in your rubbish and put it into the bins. Ø EF3/G Bank Giro forms for Leaving & Junior Cert fees have been distributed to each student. These are now overdue please return completed forms the school office immediately. Ø A reminder for parents of incoming 1st Year students September 2015, school contribution is due, to pay for 1st year expenses. Please arrange payment immediately. Ø Healthy Eating Week 2015: The school will be running it's first Healthy Eating Week this week, the 20th to the 24th of April 2015. Each day during the week, a healthy eating guideline will be promoted in the school. Monday: Increase your fruit and vegetables Tuesday: Increase your fibre Wednesday: Reduce your salt intake Thursday: Increase your water Friday: Reduce your sugar intake There will be a variety of different events during the week including a guest speaker and the schools 5km run. There is a poster competition being run so keep an eye out for posters about it. There will be new healthy items added to the tuck shop for the week. Students should make an extra effort to make healthy choices during the week and hopefully continue these after the week. Ø Great news from Green Schools! Well done everyone! We have been awarded the Green Flag for our work on the theme of water which has been going on over the last year and a half. The efforts made by the Green Team did in fact result in a reduction in water use despite an increase in our school population. Well done to them, Ms Downey & Ms Mangan, Fr. Lukasz and especially to Joe and Mike without whom this would not have been possible! While the team did what they could to build awareness, everyone in the school had a role to play in achieving this flag: Staff, pupils and parents. So many thanks to all who got involved and took care about their own water use. Keep it up! Not only will we get the flag for water but a number of the team members will head to Dublin on May 7th as our school has been awarded a prize in this year’s "Irish Water Green-Schools of the Year Award". We are the secondary school winner in the southern region category and, on the day of the awards, are in the running to win the overall secondary school of the year award. So we wish them luck on the day! Thanks again to everyone. Next year we will be taking on the theme of Transport....the challenge continues! Ø Congratulations to Jade Gillane, Emma Kate Quinn, Kerri Guina, Zoe Mangan and the Mungret Girls U14 Gaelic Football team who qualified for the Feile which will take place in South Leinster in June 2015. This is a fantastic achievement best of luck to all. Ø Our next fundraising event is our Annual Golf Classic which takes place in Charleville Golf Club on Friday, 8th May 2015. If you would like to play or sponsor a team or even sponsor a tee please contact the school office on 061-393105. We would be delighted if we had some parent teams. Continued on page 2…. -2GENERAL - continued Ø Best of Luck! Bonne Chance! Suerte! to all our 6th Yr students facing their Oral exams this week. Keep talking!! Ø All students- The Munster track and field event will take place on Tuesday the 5th and Thursday the 7th of May. Anyone interested in participating please meet in the demo room Wednesday, at 1.10 sharp. Ms.McMahon. Ø Examcraft have allowed us free access to their study website www.helpmestudynow.com. Click on Enrol Now, Choose the individual licence, go to checkout, at the checkout use coupon code MOCKS2015. Ø Sunday Reflection - "Understanding the Scriptures" http://www.salesiansireland.ie/sundayreflection/prayer/3rd-sunday-of-easter-19th-april-2015/ Ø Lectio Divina - The Lectio Divina meetinsg held in the Salesian Community during Lent will start again on Thursday April 23 at 7.70. Please see the link; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5W9DEY4_X4 Ø Student council today Monday at 1:30 in the religion room all members to attend please. Ø Any suggestions for the student council are welcomed. You can drop your suggestion into the suggestion box at Karen’s office and it will be brought up at the weekly meetings. 1st Years All students studying Spanish are to come to a meeting today in the Demo Room at 1.40 please 1st Year 5K Run - First year students will leave class at 9.30am and will be ready at the start line for 9.50am. They will be back in class by 11.10am. 2nd Years All students studying Spanish are to come to a meeting today in the Demo Room at 1.40 please 2nd Year 5K Run - Second year students will leave class at 10.30am and will be ready at the start line for 10.50am. They will be back in class by 12.10pm. 3rd Years 5th and 6th Year 5K Run - Fifth and sixth year students will get ready during lunchtime and will line up at the start line for 2.05pm. They will be back in class by 3.20pm. All students commencing Transition Year in September 2015, deposits are now due. payment immediately. Please arrange Junior Cert Music practical 20th April from 9am until 3.20pm. Ms. Ryan The deadline for the MTW projects is this Friday, 24th April at 3.20pm. Don’t be late! Mr. McGreal The final day for Junior Cert Art exam project work is April 28th. This is only a week away so all Art students make sure to be in school this week and next Monday and Tuesday to finish off work. This project is worth 75% of the exam mark. The remaining 25% (drawing exam) is on Friday, 1st May from 9.00 – 1.10 for ‘Green’ class and Wednesday, 6th Mary 9.00 – 1.10 for ‘Orange’ class. Transition Years Wednesday – Show Practice – All TY’s 9.00 – 9.40 in the hall. Boys only 9.40 – 1.00 in the hall and Bosco – 2.00 – 3.00 in the hall. Thursday – TY’s involved in organising 5km run all day. Friday – Savio 9.00 – 11, Magone 11 – 1.00, All TY’s 2.00 – 2.40 Final – Great Limerick Run volunteers training is being held in the Clarion Hotel at 7.00pm on Wednesday, 29th April. Continued on page 3…. -3Transition Years – continued There is no nursing home visit this week. TY & 5th Year students taking part in the French Exchange a meeting will be held for students and parents (at least one parent to attend) on Monday, 27th April at 7.30 in the Demo Room. The School of Mechanical, Electrical and Process Engineering at Cork Institute of Technology is delighted to invite Teachers and Students to the 29th Annual Engineering Exhibition on Thursday April 30th 2015 from 14:00 to 20:30 in the Nexus Hall, Bishopstown Campus. E-mail seanf.oleary@cit.ie for more information. Making it into Medicine' is a course which will be happening at Trinity College Dublin on the 12th of July from 12:00-17.00pm. The course has been designed to encourage students who are contemplating a career in medicine, to provide advice on applications to medical school and will cover a range of useful topics such as personal statements, organising work experience, interviews and CV building. For more details about the course and to book please visit www.medicmentor.org Student registration is £45.00, but for parents and teachers registration is £25. Students will receive a free course workbook, CV pack, attendance certificate and an opportunities to win prizes during the course. The National Parents’ Council post-primary Invites all Parents and Guardians to attend the Annual Spring Education Seminar 10 am - 2pm, Saturday 18th April, 2015 @ The Limerick Strand Hotel Ennis Rd, Limerick City. Agenda: HEAR/DARE applications, Cyberbullying and Internet Safety. It is free but you book a place at npcpp@eircom.net Trinity College Dublin are running summer schools in July. They include: Trinity Science Seekers Club, Riverdance International Summer School, Orchestral Manoeuvres and English as a second language. For more information see www.tcd.ie/study/summer-schools/ or e-mail summer@tcd.ie LIT School of Art and Design are offering summer courses in July, these include: Portfolio Preparation, Animation, Fashion Design and Textiles. For more information speak to Ms. Whelan or e-mail fllimerick@lit.ie or phone 061293802. These are highly recommended for students who are interested in these areas. The Dept of Nursing and Midwifery at UL are inviting applications for their Nursing Summer Camp which will be held the 23rd, 24th and 25th of June. The cost to attend the summer camp is €120. The closing date for application is the 1st of June but early application is advisable as places are likely to fill up quickly. Please e-mail nmsummercamp@ul.ie or go to http://www.ul.ie/nm/summer-camp-2015 for an application form. If you have any interest in Nursing at all it is important to do this course to help you with your career decision making. UCD are holding summer schools in June across all disciplines. This is a great opportunity to gain insight in a particular career or course. See www.ucd.ie/myucd/summerschool The Faculty of Science and Engineering at University of Limerick will hold a ‘Graduate Work Experience’ talk Thursday, the 23rd of April from 7 to 8 pm in the Lonsdale Building at UL. The talk is for secondary school students and their parents. This talk will involve former students from Pharmaceutical and Industrial Chemistry, Industrial Biochemistry, Environmental Science, Food Science and Health, Equine Science, Science Choice and Chemical and Biochemical Engineering. Each graduate will describe what’s involved in the career and opportunities they have experienced to date. There will be an opportunity to speak one-toone with the graduates over refreshments when the talk is over. Admission is free but booking is required. Please e-mail Siobhan.Harris@ul.ie if you wish to attend. NUI Galway are holding an Open Day this Saturday, the 25th of April, from 10am to 3pm. Please see http://www.nuigalway.ie/about-us/open-days/ for more information and to see the schedule of talks and activities. It is highly recommended for students to attend Open Days. 5th Years TY & 5th Year students taking part in the French Exchange a meeting will be held for students and parents (at least one parent to attend) on Monday, 27th April at 7.30 in the Demo Room. 5th and 6th Year 5K Run - Fifth and sixth year students will get ready during lunchtime and will line up at the start line for 2.05pm. They will be back in class by 3.20pm. Continued on page 4…. 5th Years - continued -4- 5th Year Agricultural Science trip will take place tomorrow Tuesday, 21st April. Cost €10 payable to Mr. O’Donovan or Mr. O’Flynn. 5th Year Oral Irish Summer Exam – Oral Irish exam will commence on Tuesday, 28th April and will continue all week. An experienced external examiner will examine students. The cost is €5 per student. This must be paid to the class teacher as soon as possible. Go raibh maith agaibh. The School of Mechanical, Electrical and Process Engineering at Cork Institute of Technology is delighted to invite Teachers and Students to the 29th Annual Engineering Exhibition on Thursday April 30th 2015 from 14:00 to 20:30 in the Nexus Hall, Bishopstown Campus. E-mail seanf.oleary@cit.ie for more information. Making it into Medicine' is a course which will be happening at Trinity College Dublin on the 12th of July from 12:00-17.00pm. The course has been designed to encourage students who are contemplating a career in medicine, to provide advice on applications to medical school and will cover a range of useful topics such as personal statements, organising work experience, interviews and CV building. For more details about the course and to book please visit www.medicmentor.org Student registration is £45.00, but for parents and teachers registration is £25. Students will receive a free course workbook, CV pack, attendance certificate and an opportunities to win prizes during the course. The National Parents’ Council post-primary Invites all Parents and Guardians to attend the Annual Spring Education Seminar 10 am - 2pm, Saturday 18th April, 2015 @ The Limerick Strand Hotel Ennis Rd, Limerick City. Agenda: HEAR/DARE applications, Cyberbullying and Internet Safety. It is free but you book a place at npcpp@eircom.net The Faculty of Science and Engineering at University of Limerick will hold a ‘Graduate Work Experience’ talk Thursday, the 23rd of April from 7 to 8 pm in the Lonsdale Building at UL. The talk is for secondary school students and their parents. This talk will involve former students from Pharmaceutical and Industrial Chemistry, Industrial Biochemistry, Environmental Science, Food Science and Health, Equine Science, Science Choice and Chemical and Biochemical Engineering. Each graduate will describe what’s involved in the career and opportunities they have experienced to date. There will be an opportunity to speak one-toone with the graduates over refreshments when the talk is over. Admission is free but booking is required. Please e-mail Siobhan.Harris@ul.ie if you wish to attend. NUI Galway are holding an Open Day this Saturday, the 25th of April, from 10am to 3pm. Please see http://www.nuigalway.ie/about-us/open-days/ for more information and to see the schedule of talks and activities. It is highly recommended for students to attend Open Days. Trinity College Dublin are running summer schools in July. They include: Trinity Science Seekers Club, Riverdance International Summer School, Orchestral Manoeuvres and English as a second language. For more information see www.tcd.ie/study/summer-schools/ or e-mail summer@tcd.ie LIT School of Art and Design are offering summer courses in July, these include: Portfolio Preparation, Animation, Fashion Design and Textiles. For more information speak to Ms. Whelan or e-mail fllimerick@lit.ie or phone 061293802. These are highly recommended for students who are interested in these areas. The Dept of Nursing and Midwifery at UL are inviting applications for their Nursing Summer Camp which will be held the 23rd, 24th and 25th of June. The cost to attend the summer camp is €120. The closing date for application is the 1st of June but early application is advisable as places are likely to fill up quickly. Please e-mail nmsummercamp@ul.ie or go to http://www.ul.ie/nm/summer-camp-2015 for an application form. If you have any interest in Nursing at all it is important to do this course to help you with your career decision making. UCD are holding summer schools in June across all disciplines. This is a great opportunity to gain insight in a particular career or course. See www.ucd.ie/myucd/summerschool 6th Years 5th and 6th Year 5K Run - Fifth and sixth year students will get ready during lunchtime and will line up at the start line for 2.05pm. They will be back in class by 3.20pm. Continued on page 5…. 6th Years - continued -5- History projects worth 25% are to be completed and signed for by this Friday, 24th April 2015. It is vital that there is full attendance this week. Mr. Windle. The deadline for the Construction Studies projects is this Friday, 24th April at 3.20pm. Don’t be late! Mr. McGreal 6th years: All 6th year LCVP students must attend a case study preparation workshop this Wednesday at 2pm in the study hall. ALL STUDENTS MUST ATTEND. Attendance will be taken for department records. 6th Years will have their Leaving Cert Craft Exam on Tuesday, 5th May. Students are asked to be in school for 93.00am as this is a five hour long exam. Lunch break 12.00 – 1.00pm. Still Life Exam is on Friday, 8th May morning session. Life Drawing Exam on the same day in the afternoon. Lunch break 12.00 – 1.15pm. Leaving Cert Practical Agricultural Science Exams is on Tuesday, 5th May. All leaving cert Ag. Science students must be in school on this day. If students have not already handed up their Ag. Science experiment copies and projects they must do so immediately or else these students will forfeit 25% of their Leaving Cert Ag. Science Exam. Mr. O’Donovan. Gas Networks Ireland has launched an apprenticeship programme in the following areas: Electrical Instrumentation, Pipe Fitting and Mechanical Automation and Maintenance Fitting. See http://www.gasnetworks.ie/en-IE/About-Us/Careers/Gas-Networks-Ireland-Apprenticeship-Programme2015-/ for more information. The SUSI grant system will be open for applications on the 23rd of April. Information on grant eligibility and how to apply is available on the SUSI website www.susi.ie Before making an application students are encouraged to refer to the ‘general criteria’ and ‘ready reckoner’ provided on the SUSI website. If applying for a course through the CAO, you should tick the SUSI option on your CAO form; this will allow CAO to share details of your course directly with SUSI when you accept a CAO place offer. The Defence Forces, Cadet Training, are looking for candidates to fill appointments in the following: Army Line; Army Equitation; Air Corps Pilot; Naval Service Operations and more. Closing date is 1st May 2015 see www.military.ie for more details.
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