Term 1 Issue 3 – 4TH March 2015 TYPE HERE Dates to Remember www.algesterss.eq.edu.au 01/04 – Yr 6 Camp 01/04 – Small Events Team Meeting – 9am 01/04 – E Newsletter Issue 5 01/04 – Parent / Teacher Interviews 01/04 – Easter Raffle Drawn @ Assembly 02/04 – Yr 6 Camp 02/04 – Prep – 2 Easter Hat Parade 1.45pm 02/04 – Parent / Teacher Interviews 02/04 – Term 1 Concludes Please note closing date for all payments ** No late payments will be accepted** School resumes on Monday 20th April 2015 -------------------------------------------------------------- Uniform Shop Monday 2pm—3.15pm AND Wednesday 8am – 9.30am Jodi - 0433 157 702 Principal’s Report Successful Cross Country Carnival: The school held a very successful Cross Country Carnival last Tuesday at Col Bennett Park. I was very pleased to view our students displaying much courage, endurance and fine sportsmanship skills throughout the various events. I also noted that participation levels were quite high and the students were well prepared with sunscreen and water prior to their events. I thought the track was most adventurous and of sufficient challenge for this type of event. I would like to thank the many parents who came along for all or part of the day to support their child/ren. It was lovely to have you there. Harmony Day Success: The school recently hosted a special whole of school assembly to celebrate Harmony Day. We were treated to performances of Thai Chi, Highland Dance, Indian Fusion Dances, German Hat Dance, Bollywood Dance, New Zealand Haka, Pandanggo Dance and choral items from our school choir. The theme for the event was ‘Everyone Belongs’ and we certainly highlighted that successfully with the colourful and entertaining array of dances and songs. The students enjoyed the occasion immensely. Our thanks to the students, parents and staff who prepared for this event. Our thanks to the community groups who also supported this event. Thank you to the many parents who also came along to help us celebrate this day. Algester Primary is very proud to demonstrate harmony with its range of cultures and be part of this national celebration to acknowledge the multicultural diversity within our nation. Well done to the Haka boys who both shocked and entertained us all! PRINCIPALS REPORT CONT. Parent Code of Conduct for classroom assistance: We do require parents to sign in when they offer classroom assistance. This is for insurance purposes so that you are covered by the P&C Insurance Policy. There is a classroom book for this. Within the book is a copy of the school’s Parent Volunteers’ Policy. This is to ensure matters of confidentiality and the behaviour of our volunteers can be made very clear. Please make yourself familiar with this document if you volunteer within your child’s classroom. School Disco Success! I was delighted to see so many students and their parents at the first school Disco for the year last Friday night. The children certainly seemed to enjoy themselves, especially when their year level was asked to perform on the stage. With the sausage sizzle, sweet treats and the various flashing glow products the evening was a great success. My thanks to the many parents who came along to join in the fun with their children or ensured that they dropped and picked up their children to ensure safety. My thanks to the many parents and the P&C Association for your help at the sausage sizzle, canteen, door entry, boundary supervision and more. What I noticed was the lovely interactions taking place between parents while their children danced the night away. So the evening was a great way to promote and build the Algester Community. Well done to all! Prep Enrolments for 2016: We have opened our Prep enrolments for 2016 and the process has been published online and in the previous school newsletter. The interviews will take place in early Term 3. Please encourage eligible folk to make enquiries soon so we have an idea of the level of interest. Yours in education Colin Torr Principal SPECIAL STUDENT AWARDS Congratulations to the following students who received their Special Student Award at Junior Parade on Monday 23rd: Prep – Caitlin C, Fiona M, Michael P, Sophie W, Helayna L, Jack P, Sannan S, Hamoira W, Kiera J, Jessica B, Maia K, Jayesh P, Anahera T, Kyle G, Year 1 – Salma A, Anish S, Caitlin J, Azlan C, Isaac B, Sophie B, Chelsea J, Sierra P, Honey T, Jake B, Madison S, Indiana R, Year 2 – Sienna T, Patrisha, C, Holly H, Jason K, Stella C, Reina C, Charlize J, Hannah P, Jed G, Dewey J, Rudra K, Jordan C-R. YEAR 6 LEADERS Congratulations to the Year 6 students who have successfully completed the first phase of the Student Leadership Program. These students were presented with their badges at Senior Assembly on Wednesday 25th March. Paige R, Casey W, Din S, Zoe H, Khoen P, Bryce S-H, Hohepa W, Meadow C, Bailey S, Paige L, Jacalyn C, Jasmine McA, Emily B, Linnea G, Brandon B, Chloe W, Nick C, Grace Y, Kyara J & Emily C 2016 PREP ENROLMENT Was your child born between 01/07/2010 - 30/06/2011? Registrations are now open to enrol in Prep for 2016 Telephone 3712 5111 Step 1 - Register for Prep 2016 Step 2 - Collect Enrolment forms Step 3 - Return enrolment forms / proof of address / birth certificate / passport to the office Step 4 - Book into an enrolment session after Steps 1 to 3 completed Step 5 - Enrolment interviews + Prep information session: Tuesday 28/07 or Thursday 30/07 or Tuesday 04/08 or Thursday 06/08 Booking essential once all documents received at school Office EASTER HAT PARADE The Easter Hat Parade for students in Prep to Year 2 will be held on Thursday 2nd April in the School Hall commencing at 1.45pm. All welcome SPORT NEWS CROSS COUNTRY The Algester State School Cross Country was held on 24th March. Congratulations to our winners and well done to everyone who participated. 12 YEAR OLDS Boys: 1st – Jojo B 2nd – Luka M 3rd – Hohepa W Girls: 1st – Shanteal H 2nd – Rosana D 3rd – Phoebe B 11 YEAR OLDS Boys: 1st – Joshua C 2nd – William L 3rd – Ioannis C Girls: 1st – Turani T 2nd – Zoe W 3rd – Georgia D 10 YEAR OLDS Boys: 1st – Corey N 2nd – Rikki M 3rd – Sebastian C Girls: 1st – Hannah C 2nd – Eva W 3rd – Anna B YEAR 4 Boys: 1st – Dalton H 2nd – Connor R 3rd – Jordan W Girls: 1st – Bella McK 2nd – Summer J 3rd – Alyssa L YEAR 3 Boys: 1st – Levi D 2nd – Jack G 3rd – Harry H Girls: 1st – Michala I 2nd – Alejandra H 3rd – Katelyn S YEAR 2 Boys: 1st – Jeremiah A 2nd – Ken L 3rd – Lincoln H Girls: 1st – Isabella C 2nd – Isabella H 3rd – Nadine B YEAR 1 Boys: 1st – Jacob C 2nd – Lexin H 3rd – Jalen H Girls: 1st – Willow W 2nd – Chloe W 3rd – Zoe P PREP Boys: 1st – Alex N 2nd – Daniel A 3rd – Coen Harvey Girls: 1st – Sophie K 2nd – Nessa B 3rd – Zoe C FUTSAL STATE FINALS Congratulations to the U11 Boys and U12 Girls who competed at the Futsal State Titles last week. Our U11 Boys made it out of their group and qualified for the finals day (Top 6 Schools Only). Sadly they went down to Kimberley Park S.S. 3-0 in the quarter final play off and were knocked out of the competition. Our girls finished third in their group and were unlucky to just miss out on qualifying for the finals. Both teams played with tremendous spirit and continued to establish Algester as a growing Futsal power. Thank you to all the parents who were able to transport players and watch our games. U 11 Boys: Jackson B, Ashton B (GK), Dante B, Dane C, Yannis C, Thomas K (C), Noah T, Albert X. U12 Girls: Hannah C, Emily C, Tahlia C, Rosana D, Breahna K, Kiarra McK, Isabella P (GK), Brianna W, Erica V. LIONS AFL CUP The Algester Boys AFL Team played in the Lions Cup on the 19th March in blistering heat. For the second year in a row, they were undefeated after six games which resulted in them winning the South-West division of the Lions Cup. Every player contributed to each game and made coach Mr Burgess very happy. They should all be very proud of themselves. They now move onto the second round of the competition in early Term 2. Congratulations to Zac M, Liam W, Regan S, Harry R, Nick C, Kurt D, Hohepa W, Jackson D, Christopher J, Lachlan B, Ben A, Lachlan H, Jojo B, Khoen P, Lleyton S & Bailey S who were the winners for the second year running. Well done to our girls Isabella P, Ilaina D, Erica V, Jessica S, Shanteal H, Ella B, Turani T, Claire S, Rosanna D & Izabel G who played extremely hard but just missed out and will not moving onto the second round. NOTES SENT HOME The following notes have already been sent home:• 2015 Resource Scheme Letter • Yr 2 & Yr 3 Arts Council “Street Sense” • Year 5 Camp Permission, Medical and things to Pack • Year 6 Camp • Hearing Screening Program • Puberty & Adolescent Permission Form and Timetable • Choir Enrolment, Levy, Shirt and Loan Agreement Forms • Seasons for Growth Program If you have not received these please check with your child or our school website www.algesterss.eq.edu.au under Parent Info. PAYMENT CLOSING DATES Please note the following payment closing dates:Student Resource Scheme Yr 2 & Yr 3 Arts Council “Street Sense” – Wednesday 1st April Instrument Music – Thursday 2nd April Choral Program Levy – Thursday 2nd April Hearing Screening Program – Thursday 2nd April Year 5 Camp – Wednesday 22nd April Please ensure ALL cash paid to the school office is placed in a sealed envelope / bag with your child’s name and class clearly marked with payment details. EFTPOS is available every day [min $10]. Please ensure that the correct amount is provided as no cash is held on the premises. NO LATE PAYMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED ALL payments for excursions, camps, arts councils etc have a closing date for payment to be received. Please note the closing date as under NO circumstances will a late payment be accepted. Students are given reminders prior to the closing date. If your child has forgotten to bring home their permission note, they can be downloaded from this newsletter or our website www.algesterss.eq.edu.au Receipts will be sent via your child’s classroom. Cash payments are required to be in a sealed envelope or bag with your child’s name, class, excursion name and amount clearly written on the front [please ensure correct amount is enclosed]. For security reasons NO CHANGE is held in the Office. SCHOOL BANKING Commonwealth Bank School Banking Are you ready to start saving again and receive some great rewards? This year, the new Outer Space rewards theme will take students on a mission to Planet Savings, with eight new rewards to choose from. So bring your banking book and money and start saving!I If you would like to open up a Dollarmites account, go to your local Commonwealth Bank branch or apply on-line if you are an existing CBA customer. IMPORTANT PARENT INFORMATION CHANGES TO THE SCHOOL DENTAL PROGRAM - METRO SOUTH ORAL HEALTH SERVICES Good dental health begins at home. That’s why we’re making changes to our school dental program to give all parents the opportunity to be involved in their children’s dental care. What’s changing? We now ask that a parent or legal guardian attends every dental appointment with their child. To suit in with busy families, we’re offering free treatment at any of Metro South Health’s public clinics across the region. That means you will now need to book an appointment for you and your child; we will no longer arrange appointments through your child’s school. When you attend the appointment, you will have the opportunity to discuss any concerns and receive expert advice from our oral health professionals about your child’s dental care. Research shows that children have better long-term dental health if their parents understand their unique dental needs. How can I make an appointment? Simply call our new telephone line 1300 300 850 to arrange an appointment at a time and location convenient for you. Who is eligible? All children 4 years old through to year 10 students 0-3 year olds whose parents have a current Centrelink Card, Healthcare Card or Pension Card Students in years 11 and 12 who have a current Centrelink Card, Healthcare Card or Pension Card 2-17 year olds who are eligible for the Child Dental Benefits Schedule For more information, visit health.qld.gov.au/metrosouth/oralhealth STUDENT RESOURCE SCHEME Each year the school asks parents to contribute to the payment for classroom consumables and other resource items as deemed necessary by the teacher and school. The scheme is voluntary, however, please be aware that books, materials and consumables required under this scheme are NOT funded by school grants. Therefore if you do not wish to join the scheme you are responsible for providing your child with the items that would otherwise have been provided by the scheme to enable your child to engage fully with the curriculum. The cost of the scheme is $90 per student in Years 1-6 and $150 for Prep. The amount includes a small $20 voluntary contribution to help / maintain air conditioning in our classrooms. Parents MUST complete and return the Participation Agreement Form with the correct money in a sealed envelope to the office or you can pay by eftpos / credit card. INSECT REPELLENT Due to the recent rains and high tides mosquitoes are out and about in force. Before your child leaves for school it would be great for them to put on insect repellent as this will make students more comfortable without having to constantly scratch and itch in class or the playground. At the school we do not supply personal insect repellent so if you would like your child to be reapplied with repellent you can provide them with a roll on only. STUDENT ABSENCES All student absences can be phoned through to our absentee line on 3712 5111 - press ‘1’ and leave your child’s name, class and reason for absence. All absences are collected from the absentee line by 9:00 am each day. STUDENT SIGN OUT Parents are reminded to see Administration Staff in the office when collecting their child/ren before 3:00p.m. This is for your child’s safety. Parents are asked to contact the office where you will be asked to sign the children out and be presented with early departure slips which you will then take to your child’s classroom and presented to the teacher prior to taking your child/ren home. The teachers cannot release a student without the sign out slip. Where possible please make your appointments outside school hours. SCHOOL HOURS AND STUDENT SUPERVISION Parents be aware that teachers do not supervise students before or after school. No students should be at school prior to 8.00am unless they have sports training or Instrumental Music rehearsal. Some students have been arriving as early as 7.15am and staying after school as late as 4pm without supervision which is a serious safety concern. School starts at 8.50am and finishes at 3pm. The Outside School Hours Care Facility located on the school grounds is open each morning from 7am to 8.30am and 3pm to 6pm to supervise students. For further information please contact the OSHC on 3273 4002. SCHOOL NEWSLETTER Communication between the school and every family is vitally important and we endeavour to provide this using various means. It is therefore important that your child brings home all notes to you. Please ensure your child is passing this information onto you. The school newsletter will be issued via electronic email every fortnight on a Wednesday. To sign up for our eNewsletter please visit our website www.algesterss.eq.edu.au. Under the Newsletter Heading click subscribe and view. On the front page of the newsletter you will see the coming events for the next fortnight. The next newsletter will be distributed on Wednesday 4th March. ASTHMA AT ALGESTER The beginning of a new school year is the busiest time of year for schools due to the new arrival of students and staff. With 1 in 10 children living with asthma, Asthma Foundation Queensland is encouraging schools to ensure they are prepared for their students’ asthma this school year. How Can My School Be Prepared? • Provide parents with medical and medication authorisation forms for completion. • Request an up-to-date Asthma Plan written and signed by the student’s doctor. • Notify parents if their child required blue/grey reliever medication during school hours. • Ensure majority of staff are trained in the National Asthma First Aid Procedure • Maintain easy and quick access to blue/grey reliever medication and spacers at all times (including school excursions and camps). How Can Parents Be Prepared? • Provide a blue/grey reliever medication (e.g. Ventolin), with the original pharmacy label, and spacer to the school for their child. • Supply an up-to-date Asthma Plan written and signed by their child’s doctor. • Complete and return appropriate medical and medication authorisation forms (if required). • Maintain regular communication with school staff, and notify school staff if there is a change in their child’s asthma management. Poorly controlled asthma, or an asthma flare-up, can have a significant impact on a child’s ability to learn, participate and concentrate at school. In fact, asthma is a leading cause of absenteeism in school students. When asthma is poorly controlled, students are more likely to be easily fatigued and lack concentration. This may cause them to fall behind in school work, and limit their participation in school sport and other curricular activities. ANAPHYLAXIS AT ALGESTER We have a number of students in our school who have a severe allergy and require the use of an EPIPEN to manage their allergic reaction. These students have allergies to nuts including peanuts; milk, egg, fish, shellfish, sesame, insects, corn and apple. While we can’t guarantee that the students will not encounter these items at school we do try to minimise their contact with the allergen. We therefore ask parents to be mindful to minimise the number of nut, fish and shellfish products that are brought to school and ask their children to wash their hands after consuming any of these products. Anaphylaxis management plans are placed in the classrooms of anaphylactic students to assist teachers, parents and students to become aware of the needs of their fellow student. A letter has been sent home outlining the particular products of concern for their class or year level. PARENTS WAITING OUTSIDE CLASSROOMS It is very important that the students are engaged in their learning in the classroom. It is because of this that we ask that parents in years 1 – 6 do not wait or linger outside classrooms from 9 – 3pm. Students are easily distracted when they see their parents waiting outside the classroom or hear parents engaged in conversations outside the door. We do have a parent waiting area on either side of the tuckshop and we ask parents to wait here until 3pm to collect their children. MOBILE PHONES Students who bring mobile phones / ipods are to bring them to the office in the morning before school start. As in the past they have been stolen or lost. They are then collected at 3.00pm by the students. WATER! WATER! WATER! Water is an essential component if we want our brain to function efficiently and effectively. In this hot weather it is absolutely necessary for all our students to have a water bottle to bring into the classroom on a daily basis. P AND C Our next P&C Meeting is Tuesday 21st April from 7-9pm in the Staffroom. Tea / coffee & biscuits provided. All welcome. DISCO Thank you to all the students & parents who attended the Disco last Friday night. It was a great success. Final figures are still being sorted. Thank you to the wonderful volunteers who organised & ran the event…none of this would have been possible without the help of our dedicated volunteers MULTIFEST Our biggest fundraising event for the year is our Multifest. This year our Multifest will be held on Friday 30th October from 3pm-8.30pm. Our first big task for the Multifest is gathering stall sponsors & donations for our Mega Raffle. If you, your family or friends are willing to sponsor a stall or donate items / vouchers for our Mega raffle please contact Jodi McLean our Liaison Officer on 0433 157 702 or via email: PandCLiaison@algesterss.eq.edu.au We will have sponsorship letters that we can give you to give to anyone who may be interested in sponsoring or donating shortly. The letter lists the benefits afforded to our sponsors such as business names in our newsletter, on our sponsor board, on stalls, displaying of your banner & distribution of your flyer to all our school families. We are always very appreciative of the support from our parent body as well as our local community. Our aim is to generate funds to improve our school facilities & resources as well as to generate an awareness of, & patronage for, businesses in our school family & local area. We would welcome vouchers from businesses that provide services such as hairdressing, cake making, personal training, massage therapy, photography etc as well as donations of items. Similarly, do you know anyone in the sporting, racing, music, film / television industry that is willing to donate signed merchandise? Together we can make this a Giant Mega Raffle. Our next planning meeting is being held Monday 27th April from 3:30pm in the staff room. The scale of this event means we need lots of volunteers. The more we have, the less everyone needs to do. Please come along and help make our Multifest the best yet. Children are welcome. If you are unable to make the meeting but have suggestions on what you would like to see at Multifest, food ideas, donations or sponsorship, please contact our Multifest Chairperson Kristi Godden or Jodi McLean via email: pandc@algesterss.eq.edu.au Tuckshop Remember – all lunch orders are to be placed online through the Munch Monitor only. Paper bag orders are no longer accepted. Cash can still be used at the breaks to buy snacks, etc. Uniforms can also be purchased using Munch Monitor. Prep children will be able to order from the Tuckshop in Term 2. UNIFORM SHOP The Library bags HAVE ARRIVED!!! Good news! The 55cm School Hats are back in stock! They are available for purchase at the School Office during school hours and Uniform shop Monday afternoons and Wednesday mornings. CLEAR OUT Banksia (Orange) Sporting House Polo Shirts (Seconds – they have a slight discolouration across the chest) Limited Sizes available: NOW $10 EACH (seconds only) Sizes: 10 = 11 12 = 13 14 = 10 16 = 10 Cassia (Yellow) Sporting House Polo Shirt (Seconds – as above) Limited sizes available: $10 EACH (seconds only) Sizes: 4 = 1 10 = 3 Microfibre/Taslon Long Pants (Sizes 10 and 14 only) NOW $24 each. Sizes: 10 = 1 14 = 5 Sizes Small (approx. size 16 -18) and Size Med (approx. size 18 – 20) NOW $25 each. Sml = 6 Med = 3 Fleece Tracksuit Pants (sizes 4 – 14 NOW $15 each) Sizes: 4 = 1 8=4 10 = 3 12 = 9 14 = 4 Sizes 16 – 20 (NOW $18 each) 16 = 5 18 = 6 20 = 9 Long sleeve School Polo (ONLY LARGER SIZES AVAILABLE) NOW $20. Sizes: 12 = 2 16 = 2 Pullover Bottle Green Jumper (LARGER SIZES ONLY) NOW $20 Sizes: 16 = 2 18 = 8 20 = 9 COFFEE CART Come & buy a coffee & support your school. Lattes, Flat Whites, Cappuccinos, Mocha chinos, Short & Long Blacks & Chai Latte. Small $3.00, Medium $3.50 & Large $4.00. Open every Tues, Wed & Thurs mornings from 8am-9.15am at the tuckshop. See you there! COMMUNITY NEWS TUTORING At Gratia Tutoring and Piano Academy, we offer tutoring services for English, Mathematics and Music. Our quality tuition is tailored to each student’s individual needs and is delivered by qualified professionals. For further information call: Anne Karunarathne - 0432041724 Daniella Trifa - 0435882074 or visit: www.gratiatutoring.com.au LOGAN LIBRARY COMMUNITY BENEFIT BOOK SALE Logan West Library – downstairs 69 Grand Plaza Drive, Browns Plains. Saturday 11th April 2015 from 9am – 2pm. Nothing priced over $1, and all children’s books are 50c each. This is a great time to grab a bargain and get some great books to read. Bring along a bag for your book purchases. The proceeds from this Book Sale are going to the Australian Breastfeeding Association. We hope to see you there! SPONSORS All Properties Group AJ's Sports Centre Algester Sports Zaraffas Coffee Club
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