Principal`s Report Uniform Shop

2 Issue 6 – 29TH April 2015
Dates to Remember
 29/04 - Snr Parade – 2.30pm
 29/04 - E Newsletter 6
 1/05 - Free Dress Day for Multifest
Raffle- Gold coin donation
 4/05 - Jnr Parade – 2.30pm
 5/05 - Principal’s Afternoon Tea
 5/05 - Toohey Forest Payment closes
 6/05 - Snr Parade – 2.30pm
 7/05 - SET – Mothers Day Stall
 7/05 - Music Parents support Group
Meeting (MAPS) 3.15pm Staff
 7/05 - 1P & 1CW Toohey Forest
 11/05 - Jnr Parade 2.30pm
 12/05 - NAPLAN – Yr 3 & 5 Test
 13/05 - NAPALN – Yr 3 & 5 Test
 13/05 - E- Newsletter 7
 13/05 - Small Events Team Mtg – 9am
 14/05 - NAPLAN – Yr 3 & 5 Test
 15/05 - NAPLAN – Catchups
 16/05 - Blue Light Disco
Please note closing date for all payments
** No late payments will be accepted**
Uniform Shop
Principal’s Report
Easter Hat Parade Success:
school hosted an Easter Hat Parade
for Prep - Yr 2 students on the last
day of Term 1 and it was a delightful
occasion with the students adorning
a variety of home made and school
made hats.
They also sang some lovely Easter songs and even took part in
some dances. Many thanks to the parents who came along for
the event. I know your children very much appreciated it.
Year 6 Camp Success: Our Year 6
students attended a four day
excursion to Camp Tallebudgerra in
the last week of Term 1. From all
accounts they had a wonderful time
and were given numerous
opportunities to experience water,
beach and team building activities.
Many thanks to the parents for
permitting their children to attend.
The children will cherish such
experiences for many years to come.
ANZAC Commemorative Assembly Success:
8am – 9.30am
Jodi - 0433 157 702
The school hosted a very significant and solemn ANZAC Day
ceremony last Wednesday at the whole school afternoon
We had special guests from the Sunnybank RSL to talk to us about ANZAC Spirit and undertake the
Passing the Spirit Ceremony. Our choir performed beautiful songs about the day and our band played
the Australian National Anthem. Mrs Roseneder arranged for the Senior Students to run the ceremony
and they did a splendid job. They read various poems about remembering the events of the First
World War and beyond. There were posters reminding the children of the different wars Australians
have participated in since Gallipoli and many of the students prepared special displays that were set
up around the hall to help us commemorate the day.
The students also prepared wreaths which were placed in the school’s Remembrance Garden by class
representatives and guarded in a most dignified manner by some volunteer scouts. It was just a most
moving assembly and I would like to thank the many parents who came along. I was very proud of
Algester Primary School in the way they recognised this important community event.
ANZAC Day Parade: Many of our school leaders also represented the school at the Sunnybank ANZAC
Day March on Saturday morning. They were also afforded an opportunity to lay a wreath after the
ceremony. Many thanks to the parents who permitted their children to attend and went to the trouble
of navigating around the blocked streets to pick them up afterwards. Well done Algester students!
Music Performance Shirts: Our Instrumental Music students have received
their new performance uniform. They look very distinguished in their new
shirts and will represent the school exceptionally well!
Prep Enrolments for 2016: We have opened our Prep enrolments for 2016
and the process has been published online and in the previous school
newsletter. The interviews will take place in early Term 3. Please encourage
eligible folk to make enquiries soon so we have an idea of the level of
NAPLAN testing time again: Our students in Years 3 & 5 will soon participate
in the annual National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy
(NAPLAN) to assess their skills and understanding in the areas of reading, writing, language conventions
(spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. The tests will be conducted in all state and nonstate schools across the country from 12–14 May. An individual NAPLAN report for each child will be
sent home later this year. Results provide additional feedback for parents, carers and teachers on how
students are progressing in key curriculum areas. Please contact the school if you have any questions
about your child participating in NAPLAN testing. Further information is available on the ACARA
website. (
ANZAC Commemorative Pennies: Our school also recently handed out a
special gift to every student to mark the 100th Anniversary of the
commemoration of ANZAC Day. The pennies recognise the event and we do
hope your children keep them as both a special reminder of the day and of
their time at Algester Primary School.
Colin Torr
Congratulations to the following students who received their Special Student Award at Junior Parade on
Monday 27th April:
PREP: Cooper B, Alison R, Lucy, Pavlen, Lachlan M, Ranel F, Priyanka V, Alex N, Lachlan W, Hadiqa A,
Liyana K, Bastin H, Lachlan J & Summer R
YEAR 1: Rome L, Mikayla S, Sasha T, Talan V, Hayley F, Toliman SH, Gurkiran K, Lachlan FE, Sarah, Blayk,
Mia & Mitchell H
YEAR 2:Savya M, Rourke P, Jason K, Cooper T, Charlotte E, Ava G, Frankie Jay C, Kacey P, Rusty H, Kayla F,
Dillan J & Chelsea S
Congratulations to the Year 6 students who have successfully completed the first phase of the Student
Leadership Program. These students were presented with their badges at Senior Assembly on Wednesday 29th
Georgia D; Rhiannon D; Blake Olivia D; Shanteal H; Jared S; Millie H; Erica V; Iliana D; Joshua C &
Lachlan C.
Congratulations to the following students who also successfully completed the first phase of the Student
Leadership Program. They will be presented with their badges at Senior Assembly on Wednesday 6th May:
Caitlin M; Charlize I; Rosana D & Jessica S
Helping students get ready for the NAPLAN tests
The most resilient children and young people are those who rise to meet rather
than retreat from the challenges presented to them. Perhaps it’s best to view the
NAPLAN tests as good learning experiences rather than dreaded pressure tests.
During the second week of May Australian children in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 will take part in the National
Assessment program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN). The stated purpose of this testing program is to
gain an overall picture of educational attainment levels to assist education policy and decision-making. The
program first implemented in 2008 has drawn some criticism from a number of different quarters, particularly
in regard to the use of the information gained through the NAPLAN tests. You’ve probably heard a number
of different viewpoints expressed in the media over the last few weeks. One view commonly put forward is
that the NAPLAN tests put undue pressure on children to perform in test situations. If so, then perhaps the
best approach for parents and teachers is to help them handle the pressure rather than avoid it. The most
resilient children and young people are those who rise to meet rather than retreat from the challenges
presented to them. Perhaps it’s best to view the NAPLAN tests as good learning experiences rather than
dreaded pressure tests. Children and young people take their cues from their parents about how to handle
many situations.
American psychologist Martin Seligman discovered more than a decade ago, through his research into
children’s thinking styles, how closely a child’s explanatory style mimics that of the parent they spend most
time around. Optimistic parents beget optimistic kids, just as anxious parents can beget anxious kids. The
impact of a parent’s explanatory style seems to be magnified somehow in small families where there are
fewer voices to be heard.
As a parent it helps your child, if you take a positive view of the NAPLAN tests. It’s better to see them as
learning opportunities for kids as well as opportunities to overcome any anxieties or nerves that these tests
may bring on. It’s also worth remembering that many children don’t stress over these tests. The vast majority
take them in their stride, wondering what all the fuss is about.
Whether your child stresses or takes them in his stride here are some tips to help prepare for the NAPLAN
1 Take your cues from your child: If your child doesn’t worry about them then neither should you. Be careful
not to create a problem that doesn’t exist by incessantly talking about, or worse, worrying about the test.
2 Focus on doing their best and trying hard: Choose your words carefully when you speak with your kids. As
with all their learning activities place your focus squarely on effort rather than results. The only pressure on
kids should be to try hard rather than to do well.
3 Listen to any concerns they have: If your child confesses to some nerves then validate their feelings, rather
than shut them down with a ‘get over it’ response. “Yes, sometimes tests can be a little scary, but they get
easier every time you take them.” Use this as an opportunity to develop some emotional smarts, which starts
with recognising how kids feel.
4 Give them some relaxation ideas: Anxious or nervous kids will benefit from some simple relaxation
strategies. Taking some deep breaths, changing their thinking and exercising the morning of the test are
some simple ways to help kids get some feeling of control.
5 Help them retain their perspective: One way to help children who become excessively anxious about an
event is to ask what’s the worst thing that could happen? Okay, they may not do as well as they would like
but the sun will still rise tomorrow, regardless of how well they do. Keeping perspective is a life skill that we all
need to practise.
A positive, caring parent attitude is one of the best gifts you can give a child when they are apprehensive
or nervous about approaching any different situation whether it’s going on school camp, joining a new club
or sitting a NAPLAN test.
Was your child born between 01/07/2010 - 30/06/2011?
Registrations are now open to enrol in Prep for 2016
Telephone 3712 5111
Step 1 - Register for Prep 2016
Step 2 - Collect Enrolment forms
Step 3 - Return enrolment forms / proof of address / birth
certificate / passport to the office
Step 4 - Book into an enrolment session after Steps 1 to 3
Step 5 - Enrolment interviews + Prep information session:
Tuesday 28/07 or Thursday 30/07 or Tuesday 04/08 or Thursday 06/08
Booking essential once all documents received at school Office
This term we are continuing our Active School Travel Program. As you are aware the program seeks to achieve
a shift in travel behaviour towards active modes of transport and reduce the congestion of traffic around our
school. We encourage our students to walk, ride, scooter or carpool. Students will have their passports
stamped by teachers, and there are significant incentives for the number of times they are actively travelling to
Please assist us by supporting our Active School Travel Program.
Helping Bilingual Students to learn English Language: Tips for Parents
Bilingual Students are children who can speak two languages with some degree of proficiency. In Algester SS we
have about 150- 200 students who learnt to speak a language other than English at home (their first language) and
are learning to communicate in English at school (their second language). It is natural for children to grow up speaking
more than one language as it is for them to grow up speaking one. The parents of bilingual students face a dilemma
when their child starts school in Australia:
 When they speak to their child- should they speak in their Home Language which comes naturally and fluently
to them or should they switch to English Language so their child becomes proficient in English?
While families can practise English Language with each other, it is extremely important that the child also uses his
First Language. The student needs to use his First or Home Language for:
Academic Achievement: Studies suggest that if children build a strong foundation in their home language,
they will learn to speak, read and write English even better and can further extend their cognitive development
while learning to speak a second language.
Emotional expression: An individual’s First Language resides deep within him/her. It is a fountain of personal
experiences. To connect with children parents should use words which have depth of meaning for them.
Connections: When parents speak to their child in their Native Language they are simultaneously conveying
to him/her that they value and are proud of their culture, history and family which will give the child an
increased sense of self-worth and belonging.
Opportunities: Being bilingual opens more doors to diverse career opportunities later in life.
To ensure that the child is repeatedly and consistently exposed to his First and Second Language one of these
options can be chosen:
 One Parent- One Language: One parent speaks one language while the other speaks the other language to
the child.
 One Place-One Language: One language is spoken at home while the other is spoken at school.
Just a friendly message from your school Chaplain Rebecca. This term is filled with some great things that will be
Currently a ‘Season For Growth’ Program is being run after school for FREE to help students learn strategies to deal
with changes in their life such as parent separation/divorce, death in the family, parents battling illnesses and the list
goes on.
For the month of May here are some things that are happening and you are most welcome to attend:
Breakfast Club is on Monday and Wednesday mornings offering FREE breakfast to students.
17th to 24th May is ‘Chappy Week’ a week of raising support, funds and awareness for Chaplaincy in schools.
Tuesday 19th May is Pancake - $1 for 2 pancakes.
Wednesday 20 May is a FREE Chappy afternoon tea for parents/caregivers to come meet the School
Chaplain and find out about Chaplaincy in Schools.
If you ever have any questions please email me at
Rebecca Boshammer
Welcome back to term 2 of noteworthy music education! Just a few reminders:
1. MAPS MEETING: There will be a meeting of parents who have students in the choral and instrumental
music program on 7th May at 3.15pm in the staff room. We would appreciate if as many of you could
attend as possible. This is in view of our annual Music Showcase coming up on 29 July. We would also
love to hear your thoughts and suggestions about how the music program is running thus far.
2. SINGFEST 2015: The date for our participation in SINGFEST has been decided. It will be on Tuesday
18 August 2015 at The Old Museum. Students in the senior choir have received a note in term 1. If you
have not returned your expression of interest, please do so before the end of week 2. Please note that
some parents have kindly offered to assist in car-pooling. Please e-mail me on if you
are happy for your child to attend using the car-pooling system. I cannot guarantee this but will try to
make some arrangements with other parents who are transporting their child to and from the venue.
Please be advised that a second note will be issued soon with details about the $10 payment.
3. WELL DONE SENIOR CHOIR: Congratulations to our senior choir on a wonderful performance at the
Anzac Parade. Well done!
Book Club Issue 3 has been given out to students. The due date for orders to be
returned to school is Friday 1st May.
It is easy to order. Just look over the flyer with your child, select the books you want,
mark them on the order form on the back of the flyer.
Preferred method of payment - Credit card payments and orders can be made
online, or on the iPhone App. These order forms do not need to be returned to
Or, if paying by credit card on the phone number, cash or cheque made to Scholastic
Australia, return the order form to the school library by Friday 20th February. The
books will arrive around two weeks after the orders are sent to Scholastic.
The following notes have already been sent home: 2015 Resource Scheme Letter
 Year 1 Excursion Toohey Forest “Bunyips in the Bush”
 Year 6 Science Incursion
 Year 6 Year Book
 Puberty & Adolescent Permission Form and Timetable
 Choir Enrolment, Levy, Shirt and Loan Agreement Forms
 Seasons for Growth Program
If you have not received these please check with your child or our school website
under Parent Info.
Please note the following payment closing dates: Student Resource Scheme
 Yr 1 “Bunyips in the Bush” – Tuesday 5th May
 Yr 6 Science Incursion – Friday 22nd May
 Yr 6 Year Book – Wednesday 16th September
Please ensure ALL cash paid to the school office is placed in a sealed envelope / bag with your child’s name
and class clearly marked with payment details.
EFTPOS is available every day [min $10].
Please ensure that the correct amount is provided as no cash
is held on the premises.
ALL payments for excursions, camps, arts councils etc have a
closing date for payment to be received. Please note the
closing date as under NO circumstances will a late
payment be accepted. Students are given reminders prior to
the closing date. If your child has forgotten to bring home their
permission note, they can be downloaded from this newsletter
or our website
Receipts will be sent via your child’s classroom. Cash
payments are required to be in a sealed envelope or bag with
your child’s name, class, excursion name and amount clearly
written on the front [please ensure correct amount is enclosed].
For security reasons NO CHANGE is held in the Office.
Commonwealth Bank School Banking
Are you ready to start saving again and receive some great rewards? This year, the new Outer Space rewards
theme will take students on a mission to Planet Savings, with eight new rewards to choose from. So bring your
banking book and money and start saving!I
If you would like to open up a Dollarmites account, go to your local Commonwealth Bank branch or apply on-line
if you are an existing CBA customer.
Every day, thousands of Australian children suffer the effects of type 1 diabetes and families struggle with illness
management and children’s behavioural and emotional adjustment.
Positive Parenting for Healthy Living is an adaptation of the successful Triple P- Positive Parenting Program offering
practical ideas and support for parents of children with type 1 diabetes. This innovative group program is designed to
help parents manage their child’s illness, assist children in coping with their illness and emotions, and prevent and
manage difficult child behaviour.
Over the next few months and for a limited time only, parents of 2-10 year old children with type 1 diabetes are able
to access Positive Parenting for Healthy Living Triple P as part of a University of Queensland research project.
Parents will be able to attend the program free of charge, and will be asked to complete 2 sets of assessment
measures (questionnaire and family observation) over a 6 month period, as part of the study. Contact Amy Mitchell on
(07) 3346 1202 or email, or visit for more
Good dental health begins at home. That’s why we’re making changes to our school dental program to give all
parents the opportunity to be involved in their children’s dental care.
What’s changing?
We now ask that a parent or legal guardian attends every dental appointment with their child. To suit in with busy
families, we’re offering free treatment at any of Metro South Health’s public clinics across the region.
That means you will now need to book an appointment for you and your child; we will no longer arrange
appointments through your child’s school.
When you attend the appointment, you will have the opportunity to discuss any concerns and receive expert
advice from our oral health professionals about your child’s dental care. Research shows that children have
better long-term dental health if their parents understand their unique dental needs.
How can I make an appointment?
Simply call our new telephone line 1300 300 850 to arrange an appointment at a time and location convenient
for you.
Who is eligible?
All children 4 years old through to year 10 students
0-3 year olds whose parents have a current Centrelink Card, Healthcare Card or Pension Card
Students in years 11 and 12 who have a current Centrelink Card, Healthcare Card or Pension Card
2-17 year olds who are eligible for the Child Dental Benefits Schedule
For more information, visit
Each year the school asks parents to contribute to the payment for classroom consumables and other resource
items as deemed necessary by the teacher and school.
The scheme is voluntary, however, please be aware that books, materials and consumables required under this
scheme are NOT funded by school grants. Therefore if you do not wish to join the scheme you are responsible
for providing your child with the items that would otherwise have been provided by the scheme to enable your
child to engage fully with the curriculum.
The cost of the scheme is $90 per student in Years 1-6 and $150 for Prep. The amount includes a small $20
voluntary contribution to help / maintain air conditioning in our classrooms.
Parents MUST complete and return the Participation Agreement Form with the correct money in a sealed
envelope to the office or you can pay by eftpos / credit card.
All student absences can be phoned through to our absentee line on 3712 5111 - press ‘1’ and leave your child’s
name, class and reason for absence. All absences are collected from the absentee line by 9:00 am each day.
Parents are reminded to see Administration Staff in the office when collecting their child/ren before 3:00p.m.
This is for your child’s safety. Parents are asked to contact the office where you will be asked to sign the
children out and be presented with early departure slips which you will then take to your child’s classroom and
presented to the teacher prior to taking your child/ren home. The teachers cannot release a student without the
sign out slip. Where possible please make your appointments outside school hours.
Parents be aware that teachers do not supervise students before or after school. No students should be at
school prior to 8.00am unless they have sports training or Instrumental Music rehearsal. Some students have
been arriving as early as 7.15am and staying after school as late as 4pm without supervision which is a serious
safety concern.
School starts at 8.50am and finishes at 3pm. The Outside School Hours Care Facility located on the school
grounds is open each morning from 7am to 8.30am and 3pm to 6pm to supervise students. For further
information please contact the OSHC on 3273 4002.
Communication between the school and every family is vitally important and we endeavour to provide this using
various means. It is therefore important that your child brings home all notes to you. Please ensure your
child is passing this information onto you.
The school newsletter will be issued via electronic email every fortnight on a Wednesday. To sign up for our
eNewsletter please visit our website Under the Newsletter Heading click subscribe
and view. On the front page of the newsletter you will see the coming events for the next fortnight. The next
newsletter will be distributed on Wednesday 4th March.
It is very important that the students are engaged in their learning in the classroom. It is because of this that we
ask that parents in years 1 – 6 do not wait or linger outside classrooms from 9 – 3pm. Students are easily
distracted when they see their parents waiting outside the classroom or hear parents engaged in conversations
outside the door. We do have a parent waiting area on either side of the tuckshop and we ask parents to wait
here until 3pm to collect their children.
Students who bring mobile phones / ipods are to bring them to the office in the morning before school start. As in
the past they have been stolen or lost. They are then collected at 3.00pm by the students.
Water is an essential component if we want our brain to function efficiently and effectively. It is absolutely
necessary for all our students to have a water bottle to bring into the classroom on a daily basis.
Our next P&C Meeting is Tuesday 19th May from 7-9pm in the Staffroom.
Tea / coffee & biscuits provided. All welcome.
Hello, my name is Jonathan Ellis and I am Algester’s State Schools newly elected P & C Association President.
I would like to acknowledge the great contribution my predecessor Michaela Gough has done for the school as P
& C President over the last 3 years and has left me with a great team to work with.
My family and I have lived in the Algester area for many years and my daughter Natasha is in grade 2 with my
son Luke enrolling in prep next year. This means I am looking forward to many years association with the
In addition to being P & C President, I am a Sales Executive for a Telecommunications Company, I am studying
Business, I coach my sons Soccer team, love playing Golf, and watching the sport at Suncorp…plus I am Dad
and husband.
The reason I mention this is that I realise we all have busy lives these days and finding time for extra activities is
really challenging. What I would like all parents to think about is that we in the P & C aren’t always looking for a
long term commitment of time from you (although that would be great!!) but a helping hand now and again
around your schedule.
So I am putting a call out to all parents to look at their available time and ask that you try and find some time to
help us at the P & C make Algester State School even better. If you would like to contribute contact me on
I look forward to hearing from you and feel free to attend the next P & C meeting on the 19th of May at 7pm in the
Staff Room.
Best Regards,
Jonathan Ellis
Our biggest fundraising event for the year is our Multifest. This year our Multifest will be held on Friday 30th
October from 3pm-8.30pm. Our first big task for the Multifest is gathering stall sponsors & donations for our
Mega Raffle. If you, your family or friends are willing to sponsor a stall or donate items / vouchers for our Mega
raffle please contact Jodi McLean our Liaison Officer on 0433 157 702 or via email:
We will have sponsorship letters that we can give you to give to anyone who may be
interested in sponsoring or donating shortly. The letter lists the benefits afforded to
our sponsors such as business names in our newsletter, on our sponsor board, on
stalls, displaying of your banner & distribution of your flyer to all our school families.
We are always very appreciative of the support from our parent body as well as our
local community. Our aim is to generate funds to improve our school facilities &
resources as well as to generate an awareness of, & patronage for, businesses in
our school family & local area. We would welcome vouchers from businesses that
provide services such as hairdressing, cake making, personal training, massage
therapy, photography etc as well as donations of items. Similarly, do you know
anyone in the sporting, racing, music, film / television industry that is willing to
donate signed merchandise? Together we can make this a Giant Mega Raffle.
If you have suggestions on what you would like to see at Multifest, food ideas, donations or
sponsorship, please contact our Multifest Chairperson Kristi Godden or Jodi McLean via email:
As the weather gets colder, thoughts turn to HOT CHOCOLATE. Available
from 8am every morning, and still only $2 per cup.
You can also order a hot chocolate for first or second break, and students can
collect it from the tuckshop.
Be on the look out for our new range of drinks – carbonated fruit juice and
iced teas. Both only $2.20, and with LESS sugar than regular fruit juice.
Time to Celebrate? The Tuckshop can help!
Option 1: Class Ice blocks
We have ice blocks from 40 cents each through to $2, and you can arrange for them to be ready at second
Option 2: Cupcakes
You can now order delicious vanilla cupcakes direct from the Tuckshop. Ready for delivery at second break,
without the headache of melting icing and cupcake carriers.
Price is $2 per cupcake, and they come decorated with vanilla icing and coloured sugar [Red, yellow, pink, blue,
green and purple available].
Please see the Tuckshop 1 week ahead to place your order.
If you have some spare time after drop-off, why not help out in the Tuckshop! It is a great chance to meet other
parents and grandparents, and no experience is necessary.
The Library bags HAVE ARRIVED!!!
Good news! The 55cm School Hats are back in stock! They are available for purchase at the School Office during
school hours and Uniform shop Monday afternoons and Wednesday mornings.
Banksia (Orange) Sporting House Polo Shirts (Seconds – they have a slight discolouration across the chest) Limited
Sizes available: NOW $10 EACH (seconds only)
Sizes: 10 = 11
12 = 13
14 = 10
16 = 10
Cassia (Yellow) Sporting House Polo Shirt (Seconds – as above) Limited sizes available: $10 EACH (seconds only)
Sizes: 4 = 1
10 = 3
Microfibre/Taslon Long Pants (Sizes 10 and 14 only) NOW $24 each.
Sizes: 10 = 1
14 = 5
Sizes Small (approx. size 16 -18) and Size Med (approx. size 18 – 20) NOW $25 each.
Sml = 6
Med = 3
Fleece Tracksuit Pants (sizes 4 – 14 NOW $15 each)
Sizes: 4 = 1
10 = 3
12 = 9
14 = 4
Sizes 16 – 20 (NOW $18 each)
16 = 5
18 = 6
20 = 9
Long sleeve School Polo (ONLY LARGER SIZES AVAILABLE) NOW $20.
Sizes: 12 = 2
16 = 2
Pullover Bottle Green Jumper (LARGER SIZES ONLY) NOW $20
Sizes: 16 = 2
18 = 8
20 = 9
Come & buy a coffee & support your school. Lattes, Flat Whites, Cappuccinos, Mocha chinos, Short & Long
Blacks & Chai Latte. Small $3.00, Medium $3.50 & Large $4.00. Open every Tues, Wed & Thurs mornings from
8am-9.15am at the tuckshop. See you there!
6.00-7.30pm on Wednesday 24 June 2015
Ever thought about becoming a Foster Carer in your community? As a foster carer you would be required to provide a level of care
consistent with the standards outlined in the Child Protection Act 1999. The session will provide you with further details including:
• How and why children come into foster care
• The role of the foster carer
• Training and assessment steps for becoming a foster carer
• Types of foster care placements
• Support for foster carers
The session will be presented by staff from Kyabra Community Association. It will be an informal presentation and you will have
opportunities to ask questions. As becoming a foster carer is a serious decision that impacts on your own family life, it is
recommended that family members, if applicable, also attend the information session to learn more about fostering. Following this
session if you are then interested in pursuing an application, you are also invited to attend:
Module 1&2: 9.00am-4.30pm on Saturday 18 July 2015
Module 3&4: 9.00am-4.30pm on Saturday 25 July 2015
If you are interested in becoming a Foster Carer, part of the application process requires that applicants must attend and
successfully complete the Quality Care Training modules. You must attend all sessions as a requirement of the training, as well as
successfully complete all required homework and worksheets. Upon satisfactory completion of the requirements, you will be
provided with a certificate stating your completion.
Sessions held at Kyabra Community Association, Kyabra St, Runcorn Please RSVP to Donna on 33739460 or at if you are able to attend either of these events and advise any dietary requirements.
All interested parents and students are invited to attend our Open Day which provides an excellent opportunity to
view classrooms, facilities and be informed about our great school. We are enrolling now for Year 7 in 2016 and
out of catchment enrolments are welcome. No bookings required to attend.
For further information:  3291 5222
All Properties Group
AJ's Sports Centre
Algester Sports
Zaraffas Coffee Club