Insect Relatives, Panarthropoda – Insect Relatives Jon G. Houseman Panarthropopda The Panarthropoda includes today's arthropods and their close relatives the onychophorans and tardigrades. Although they may not look like they are related to each other they share the characteristics of the moulted alpha-chitin cuticle, loss of external cilia, appendages with terminal claws, and the dorsal ostiate heart. Animals in the three phyla are all that remain of the panarthropods that first appeared with the Cambrian explosion; a period when the arthropod body plans was the most diverse. As new fossils from this period, and those like the Burgess Shale fossils are being reexamined, the diversity of types is increasing and transitional forms that link today's Crustacea, Chelicerata, and Atelocerata are being identified proving that the group is monophyletic in its origins. Onycophora Onychophorans are found in Australasia, Southeast Asia, Africa, and Central and South America. Their presence in these widely separated parts of the world is related to the breakup of the ancient supercontinent Gondwana: as the earth’s tectonic plates drifted, so did the onychophorans. Where they live today are the remnants of the ancient continent and provides biological evidence of continental drift. Onychophorans are commonly called velvet worms, because the many little, tubercles, or papillae on the surface of the living animal give it a velvety look and their common name. But this is hard to imagine when you look at a preserved specimen. Onychophorans live in moist soil and leaf litter and are often found hiding in cracks and crevices. Their cuticle contains the alpha-chitin typical of all Ecdysozoa, but it’s thin and is molted in patches. The delicate structure of the cuticle is related to the underlying sheets of circular and longitudinal muscles, and the hemocoel acts as a hydrostatic skeleton for the animal’s wormlike movements. The thin cuticle and a lack of epicuticle waterproofing explains why onychophorans are restricted to moist environments, where they emerge only at night to feed on small insects that they trap with secretions from their slime glands. Onychophorans display unique characteristics that once gave zoologists a reason to place them at a possible taxonomic boundary between annelids and arthropods, particularly when annelids were viewed as the sister group to Arthropoda. Onychophorans have fleshy appendages tipped by a tarsal claw, which may be the forerunner of the uniramous limb. They molt like arthropods, but their cuticle is similar to that of annelids. Their metanephridial system that depends on cilia is an annelid trait, and the absence of cilia in the coxal glands is characteristic of terrestrial arthropods. The branched tracheal system they use for respiration resembles that of Panarthropoda – Insect Relatives© Houseman – page 1 primitive insects. The main body cavity is a hemocoel, and a pericardial cavity surrounds a dorsal ostiate heart. The creation of the taxa Ecdysozoa and Lophotrochozoa separated the Annelida from the Arthropoda. The onychophorans are now considered the segmental ancestor, the precursor, of the arthropods, which is why they are included in the Panarthropoda. External anatomy If your specimen is preserved in liquid, let it dry a bit before beginning your observations. When it dries enough you might be able to feel the velvety texture of the body wall. Alternatively, completely submerge the specimen under water. Whether you use a dry or wet specimen, you need the dissecting microscope for your observations of the external anatomy (Figure 1). Figure 1 External anatomy of Onychophora Head Onychophorans show weak cephalization, and the head’s location is marked by three pairs of appendages: antennae, mandibles, and oral papillae. The most obvious appendages are the paired, annulated, unsegmented antennae. Look on the dorsal surface near the base of the antennae and examine a pair of small eyes and their lenses. On the sides of the head, the slime glands open through oral papillae that fire sticky threads that entangle prey or, in the case of some species, harden to form a permanent trap. The mouth opens on the ventral surface of the head and is surrounded by peribuccal lobes. Look inside and try to locate the head’s second pair of appendages, the chitinous mandibles. When an onychophoran feeds, it pushes its mouth against the meal, and the mandibles tear off pieces of food. The mandibles move from front to back, not against each other like the mandibles of arthropods. The pieces of food become mixed with saliva that liquefies the meal before it is sucked into the digestive tract. The fleshy lobes surrounding the mouth hold tight against the substrate ensuring that nothing leaks out. Panarthropoda – Insect Relatives© Houseman – page 2 Trunk The only visible part of the trunk’s underlying segmental body plan is the fleshy, conical lobopods extending from the sides of the animal. Although the number of legs varies between species, the legs move by an internal hydrostatic skeleton, and the tip of each leg has a pair of chitinous claws similar to those of other panarthropods. At the base of the claws, locate the spiny pads that grip the substrate and the papillae of the crural gland below the spiny pad. Note: Depending on the species available for this lab, the crural gland may not be visible. Look closely under the ventral surface of the legs where they connect with the trunk. On all but the fourth and fifth pairs of legs you can see a groove running from the leg’s junction with the body toward its tip. This segmental groove surrounds the metanephric opening which won’t be visible and neither will be the small spiracle in the grooves of the annulations that encircle the body. Look closely at the body surface and examine the tubercles and the sensory spine that extends from the tip of the tubercle. Do all the tubercles have these spines? At the posterior tip of the animal is the anus. Depending on the species available for this lab, the gonopore may be visible where it opens between the last two pairs of legs. Tardigrada Tardigrades are microscopic in size and only a few get any larger than a millimeter or two in length. When they were first observed crawling up small pieces of vegetation, how they used their four-paired legs to paw the surface was reminiscent of bears pawing at their food. Tardigrades are all aquatic and found in both freshwater and marine environments. The chitinous cuticle covering a tardigrade's body has an outer epicuticle, formed of cross-linked proteins; middle intracuticle containing lipid; and inner procuticle, a mixture of chitin and proteins. The cuticle is not waterproofed. Tardigrades are capable of withstanding adverse conditions by cryptobiosis. The dormant forms, called tuns, drop to only 3 percent water and load up with trehalose and glycerol to protect them from ice crystal formation. The tuns can survive temperatures from -272 degrees C to 151 degrees C, live for over 100 years, and survive radiation levels 1,000 times what humans can handle. If you're using prepared slides be sure to look at a number of different individuals. Some will be squished making it impossible to see any structures, while others may be on their sides, backs or fronts - take advantage of these different orientations in your observations. Head Cephalisation in these animals is weak (Figure 2), and there are no appendages like those found in other panarthropods. They may have been lost as these unique little animals adapted to their miniature world. The mouth is located at the anterior tip of the animals. In prepared slides the stylets of the feeding apparatus should be visible through the transparent cuticle. Tardigrades feed by piercing their food and sucking the fluids out using the muscular pharynx that is also visible. Panarthropoda – Insect Relatives© Houseman – page 3 Figure 2 External anatomy of the dorsal surface of a tardigrade. Trunk The trunk consists of four segments covered with sculpted cuticular plates. Four pairs of fleshy lobe-like legs include three that extend from the sides of the tardigrade and the posterior most pair extending behind. The lobe-like legs are extended by hydrostatic pressure and retracted by bands of muscle that extend to the tip of each leg. The legs terminate in a claw, or in some species an adhesive pad. Horseshoe Crab - Chelicerata The arthropod subphylum Chelicerata includes spiders, scorpions, the ancient horseshoe crabs, and the unusual sea spiders. Almost all chelicerates are predators and some, the ticks and the mites, have become specialists at miniaturization and exploit their predatory existence as ectoparasites. Chelicerates are primarily fluid feeders and either liquefy their prey before ingestion or squeeze the juices from their food using pedipalps and chelicerae, the feeding appendage that gives the subphylum its name. Don’t let the common name of the horseshoe crab fool you; this is a very ancient chelicerate dating back to the Silurian, not a crustacean crab. One species, Limulus polyphemus, comes ashore on the east coast of North America, and three others inhabit Asian oceans. These living fossils are all that remain of this ancient chelicerate lineage. Each spring in North America, when the full moon and new moon create the spring tides, thousands of these ancient animals come ashore to mate. In the past, the adults were harvested and used as fertilizer and animal feed. Today, horseshoe crabs are important in medicine because their blood clots very easily. This property is applied in the medical and pharmaceutical industry to make products that are free of bacterial and endotoxin contaminants. Each female lays up to 20,000 eggs, more than enough to ensure the survival of the species and to fill the appetites of predators that feed on the eggs. Among their predators is the red knot (Calidris canutus), a migrating bird that synchronizes its arrival in spring from the southernmost tip of South America to the horseshoe crab breeding grounds. Feeding on the horseshoe crabs’ proteinaceous eggs helps the red knot produce its own eggs at the end of its migration to the Canadian arctic. Panarthropoda – Insect Relatives© Houseman – page 4 External anatomy The massive, tough exoskeleton of the horseshoe crab is hardened, and its leathery texture is due to large amounts of a sclerotized protein. exoskeleton. The cuticle protects the legs and appendages underneath the body when the horseshoe crab crawls on land to mate or burrows into the soft sand of the ocean bottom. Chelicerates have two tagmata (Figure 3): the anterior prosoma and the posterior opisthosoma that may be further divided into a mesosoma and a terminal metasoma. The horseshoe crab has only a prosoma and an opisthosoma. Figure 3 External anatomy of the dorsal surface of the Horseshoe carb Limulus. Some authors use different names for the tagmata. The prosoma can be referred to as the cephalothorax, and the opisthosoma as the abdomen that may be divided into preand postabdomen. The term cephalothorax is correct from the functional standpoint because the anterior sensory appendages typically found on the head are combined with the walking legs. The use of the term can be confusing particularly in reference to developmental stages: for example, when the cephalothorax results from the fusion of two tagmata; the head and some segments develop from the thoracic tagma. The first tagma in the chelicerates is a single tagma, consisting of six paired appendages (chelicerae, pedipalps, and four pairs of legs), and it is separate from the posterior tagma that, for the most part, has lost its appendages; if still present these appendages have become modified for special functions. The long, spike-like structure at the posterior end of the body is the telson, with the anus at its base. Why does the position of the anal opening identify this as a telson and not a tagma? Panarthropoda – Insect Relatives© Houseman – page 5 Prosoma The most anterior appendages on the first tagma, the prosoma, are feeding appendages, known as pedipalps and chelicerae, and four pairs of uniramous walking legs (Figure 4). Unlike the other arthropod subphyla, chelicerates have no antennae, and this is reflected internally by the absence of the deutocerebrum. In most chelicerates, appendages on the opisthosoma have disappeared or been reduced to structures adapted for gas exchange or spinning silk. Figure 4 External anatomy of the ventral surface of the Horseshoe carb Limulus. The dorsal surface of the prosoma (Figure 3) is an enlarged, horseshoe-shaped carapace that covers the legs underneath and protects the internal organs. The carapace is formed from the fused tergites of each segment, and its shape gives the origins of the common name for Limulus, the carapace looks like a horse's hoof. When a horseshoe crab digs its way into the soft sand, the leading edge of the carapace is pushed into the sediments, like a shovel, by the last pair of walking legs. Examine the surface of the carapace and identify the single medial and paired lateral ridges on its surface. At the anterior tip of the medial ridge, locate the median eyes. These simple eyes may be hard to see if there is debris or organic matter encrusted on the surface of the carapace. At the outer edge of the lateral ridge, there is a pair of compound eyes; their compound eyes may not be homologous to those found in the rest of the Arthropoda, and this raises the question of whether or not the compound eyes of these animals are an ancestral symplesiomorphy that is shared with other arthropods. On the ventral surface of the prosoma (Figure 4), there are six pairs of appendages. How does this arrangement of appendages on the opisthosoma differ from that of most of the other chelicerates? The chelicerae are small, consist of only three joints, and are located in front of the mouth. Behind them are the larger, six-segmented Panarthropoda – Insect Relatives© Houseman – page 6 pedipalps. Starting at the base of the pedipalp, the segments are as follows: coxa, trochanter, femur, patella, tibia, and tarsus, with the tibia and tarsus forming the chelate distal end of the pedipalp. In mature horseshoe crabs, the tip of the male’s pedipalp is modified into a clasper, formed by the segment becoming thicker and hook-like, and used to hold onto the carapace of the female during mating. The base of the pedipalps in both sexes has an inner margin lined with spines, a gnathobase. The chelate tips of the appendage pass food to the gnathobase, which then grinds it up before passing it to the mouth. The chelicerae keep food from escaping from the gnathobases located on other appendages. The segmentation of the first four pairs of walking legs follows the same pattern as seen in the pedipalps. The tibia and tarsus forms the chelate tip of the legs, and at the basal segments of the legs there is a spiny inner surface, the gnathobase. If your specimen isn’t too brittle, try spreading the legs to see the mouth located at the base of the legs. Although the fourth pair of legs has a gnathobase and the same number of segments as the other three pairs, it also has two unique modifications. On the outer surface of the base of the leg, there is a flattened, spatula-like structure used to clean debris from the gill surface. The second modification can be found at the tip of the leg: there are four flattened tarsal plates, the flabella, that help to push the horseshoe crab as it burrows into soft sand. When a horseshoe crab burrows into the sand, the hinge between the two tagmata flexes and the middle of the horseshoe crab rises in the water; only the tip of the telson, the last pair of walking legs, and the front of the carapace remain in contact with the substrate. While the telson anchors the posterior end of the body, the fourth pair of walking legs spreads its flabella and pushes the leading edge of the carapace into the sand. If a horseshoe crab is flipped over, how does it right itself? Opisthosoma The opisthosoma is composed of nine segments. All tergites on the dorsal surface are fused together, and a medial ridge runs along the midline and two lateral ridges, which are aligned with the lateral ridges on the prosoma (Figure 3). Along the lateral ridge, are six pairs of cuticular depressions known as apodemes; here the cuticle folds internally for the attachment of the muscles. What do the muscles attached to these apodemes move? Along the lateral margin of the opisthosoma are six pairs of spines. In combination with the apodemes, these spines identify six of the nine segments of the opisthosoma. On the ventral surface (Figure 4) and at the base of the last pair of legs, there is a moveable cuticular extension called the chilaria, and it's all that remains of the first segment of the opisthosoma. Behind the chilaria, there are six flap-like plates, opercula, which are the modified appendages of the tagma; there are no appendages on the eighth and ninth segments. Lift each operculum and look at what is underneath. Beneath all but the first, you’ll find book gills composed of gill filaments. The flapping motions of the opercula pump water over the respiratory surface, and, when the horseshoe crab is small, the opercular movement helps it swim. The first pair of Panarthropoda – Insect Relatives© Houseman – page 7 plates is the genital opercula; the paired gonopores can be seen underneath the midline, about halfway back from the margin of the plate. The anus is located at the base of the telson. Scorpion - Chelicerata Similar to that of the horseshoe crab, segmentation in the scorpion is still visible, and this feature reveals how long these chelicerates have existed. Scorpions appear in ocean fossils from over 400 million years ago, and they were some of the first animals to invade the terrestrial environment, where they fed on soft-bodied invertebrates living in moist locations. Chronologically, this makes scorpions the first arthropod on land. However, the insects were most successful at exploiting the terrestrial environment and, as they diversified and conquered that environment, they became prey for the scorpions. Figure 5 External anatomy of the dorsal surface of a scorpion. Scorpions feed primarily at night on insects and other arthropods, but some of the larger scorpion species feed on small vertebrates. Their large pincers grasp the prey and, if the prey is small enough, crush it before they consume it. They immobilize larger prey by venom from their sting, and then they crush the prey and tear it apart. Like all chelicerates, scorpions are fluid feeders, and they must liquefy their meal externally before ingestion extracorporeal digestion. Digestive secretions from the alimentary tract are regurgitated onto pieces of shredded food in the preoral cavity, and the base of the mouthparts squeezes the liquefied nutrients from the crushed food. External anatomy Like other chelicerates, a scorpion’s body is divided into two tagmata: an anterior prosoma and a posterior opisthosoma. The opisthosoma is further divided into an anterior, seven-segmented mesosoma and, behind it, a five-segmented metasoma with the sting at its tip (Figure 5). Panarthropoda – Insect Relatives© Houseman – page 8 Some authors use different names for the tagmata. The prosoma can be referred to as the cephalothorax, and the opisthosoma as the abdomen that may be divided into preand postabdomen. The term cephalothorax is correct from the functional standpoint because the anterior sensory appendages typically found on the head are combined with the walking legs. The use of the term can be confusing particularly in reference to developmental stages: for example, when the cephalothorax results from the fusion of two tagmata; the head and some segments from the thoracic tagma. The first tagma in the chelicerates is a single tagma, consisting of six paired appendages (chelicerae, pedipalps, and four pairs of legs), and it is separate from the posterior tagma that, for the most part, has lost its appendages; if still present these appendages have become modified for special functions. Prosoma There is no visible segmentation on the dorsal surface of the scorpion (Figure 5), and a cuticular carapace with four pairs of simple eyes. A pair of medial eyes is located on the dorsal midline and the other three, or sometimes four, paired lateral eyes are located on the anterior and lateral edges of the carapace. Figure 6 External anatomy of the ventral surface of a scorpion. Segmentation is visible on the ventral surface (Figure 6), where six pairs of appendages surround a small sternal plate: the chelicerae, pedipalps, and four pairs of walking legs. The second pair of appendages, the pedipalps, is the largest and has hardened pincers, called chelae, which are used to capture prey. Starting close to the body and moving outward, the segments are coxa, trochanter, femur, patella, tibia, and tarsus. The tibia and tarsus form the chela, and this appendage is described as chelate because of the pincer-like structure. Don’t confuse this chelate condition with the chelicera, the mouthpart that gives the group their name, Chelicerata. The chela consists of an enlarged tibia that forms the manus, which has an immovable fingerlike extension parallel to the moveable finger of the tarsus. Panarthropoda – Insect Relatives© Houseman – page 9 In front of the pedipalps are the chelicerae, which are considerably smaller and three segmented. The distal two segments form the chela that is used to rip and tear the food apart before it is passed into the preoral cavity. The top of the preoral cavity is formed by the base of the chelicera; the sides by the coxa of the pedipalps; and the bottom by the base of the first two pairs of walking legs. The eight-segmented walking legs are attached to the body by the coxa followed by the trochanter, femur, patella, tibia, metatarsus, tarsus (basitarsus), and distal pretarsus (telotarsus) with its claws. Take a close look at the coxa of the first two pair of legs. There is no sternite between them, and the anterior extensions of the coxa form the gnathobase of the bottom of the preoral cavity. As mentioned previously, scorpions are fluid feeders and extracorporeal digestion of food occurs in the preoral cavity, and movements of the gnathobase chew and squeeze the food. Opisthosoma Each segment of the mesosoma consists of a dorsal cuticular plate, the tergite, which is connected by a pleural membrane to the ventral sternite. The most conspicuous structures on the ventral surface are paired pectines on the second segment (Figure 6). The pectines, which resemble a comb, have a series of cuticular teeth that are embedded in a rod attached to the segment. The pectines have a rich nerve supply that extends into each of the teeth, suggesting a sensory role for the structure; although just what it detects is still not clear to zoologists. Anterior to the pectines, and on the first mesosomal segment, are two cuticular plates, the genital opercula (Figure 6), covering the openings to the reproductive system. You can identify the sex of your specimen by the opercula: two separate plates in females and a single, fused operculum in males. The remaining mesosomal segments have no appendages, but the ventral surface of segments three to six have paired spiracules opening to the book lung (Figure 6). Each of the five segments of the metasoma is formed from the fused cuticle of the dorsal tergite and ventral sternite; there is no pleural membrane. The sting, located at the tip of the metasoma, is not a segment; it is the telson because of its position behind the anus (Figure 5). The sting consists of a hollow bulb and barb, and the poison gland located in the bulb releases the toxin through an opening at the tip of the barb. The anus is located in the membranous region between the sting and the last metasomal segment. Tarantula - Chelicerata Although insects dominate the terrestrial environment, their chelicerate cousins were probably the first arthropods to live on land. Scorpion-like chelicerates preyed upon the soft bodies of the first terrestrial animals that survived in damp environments, for example, the early insects and worms. But one group, the insects, would solve the challenges of the terrestrial environment, particularly the problem of water loss, and, in combination with the acquisition of flight, the first explosion of insect diversity occurred. The second explosion of insect diversity resulted from the coevolution of Panarthropoda – Insect Relatives© Houseman – page 10 insects and flowering plants. It should come as no surprise that as the diversity of insects increased, so too did the diversity of their predators, the chelicerates. The earliest spiders used a form of silk to detect prey that bumped into silken trip lines laid on the ground. Once insects took to the air, the spiders suspended their silk in air and trapped flying insects. Primitive spiders, like the tarantula, don’t spin webs for catching prey; they use their silk to line burrows or construct retreats where they wait and pounce on their prey. Unlike other arthropods animals in the subphyla Chelicerata don’t have antennae, and the part of the brain, the deutocerebrum, that normally integrates sensory input from the antennae is missing. With the exception of the primitive horseshoe crabs, most chelicerates are also missing compound eyes. However, this does not mean that they are blind; usually four pairs of simple eyes (ocelli) sense light levels, and in some spiders these eyes are large enough to form images. Instead of vision, spiders use touch and vibration as their primary sense. Special slit sensilla on their legs and sensory setal hairs, trichobothria, detect all forms of vibration – from the footsteps of prey moving across the ground, to air currents created by approaching prey, to sounds, and, of course, to the struggle of prey trapped in their webs. Figure 7 Dorsal view of the external anatomy of a spider. External anatomy The chelicerate body is composed of two tagmata: an anterior prosoma and a posterior opisthosoma (Figure 7). One of the first things you will notice about a tarantula is its hairy covering of chitinous setae. Like the fur of mammals or the feathers of birds, the dense mat of setal hairs creates a dead pocket of air against the body, which acts as an insulating layer and may also be important in preventing water loss across the book lungs, a tarantula’s main respiratory organ. As mentioned earlier, the setal hairs are also sensory and may be important for spiders to escape their predators. A tarantula’s first line of defense is to withdraw into its burrow, but if Panarthropoda – Insect Relatives© Houseman – page 11 captured, the setal hairs easily detach, leaving the predator with a mouthful of hairs rather than a meal. Tarantulas in North and South America take this setal defensive strategy a step further: they have barbed, setal urticating hairs on the abdomen that they fire at their predators. What mammal throws barbed hairs as a defensive strategy against predators? If the urticating hairs come in contact with, and embed in, sensitive membranes of the eyes, nose, or skin, they can cause a reaction: this can be a mild itch or a severe reaction, particularly if the setal hairs enter the eyes or respiratory passages. Once fired, the urticating hairs can only be regenerated at the next molt, and a “bald” tarantula is one that has used this defensive strategy. Tarantulas, like all spiders, have venom; however, the venom doesn’t affect humans other than possibly causing an allergic reaction, and its purpose is to subdue the small insects and vertebrates that spiders feed on. Prosoma There is little or no evidence of the ancestral segmentation on the dorsal surface (Figure 7) of the tarantula, and a dorsal carapace covers the prosoma. Beneath the hairs on the carapace you may see depressions and indentations on the surface; these identify where the underlying musculature of the sucking stomach is located. On the dorsal surface in front of the carapace, locate the four pairs of simple eyes arranged in two rows on the surface of the optical tubercle (Figure 8). Some of the eyes look forward; others look up or to the side. The position and size of the eyes varies in spiders, but there are nearly always eight. Are all eight eyes in the tarantula the same size? Figure 8 Anterior view of the chelicerae and eyes of a spider The prosoma has eight pairs of appendages attached to it: chelicerae, pedipalps, and four pairs of walking legs. The most anterior pair of appendages is the chelicerae, which have two segments each: the fang and the large basal segment that attaches the chelicera to the prosoma (Figure 8). The poison glands, which produce a mixture of digestive enzymes and neurotoxins, are located in the basal segment. A duct carries the venom to an opening at the tip of the fang. As already mentioned, tarantulas are primitive spiders, but another reason for placing them at the base of the evolutionary Panarthropoda – Insect Relatives© Houseman – page 12 tree for spiders is the way the chelicerae articulate with the prosoma. In the advanced species the fangs swing out from the side of the swing back in to meet along the midline of the body. In the tarantula the fangs swing forward, not to the side, and as they come back towards the body they pull in their prey and squeeze it against the prosoma. Behind the chelicerae are the large six-segmented pedipalps. Examine the ventral surface of the pedipalps where they are attached to the body. The large basal segment is the gnathobasic coxa (Figure 9) that covers the mouth and is equipped with sharp edges used to crush and chew the food. Chelicerates are fluid feeders, and, as they chew their food they regurgitate digestive juices onto it. After a period of time the food is squeezed, and the liquid digestive soup in the extract is consumed. The process is repeated until there is nothing left to suck up and the remaining husk of indigestible material is discarded. What is the name given to this type of digestion? Figure 9 Pedipalp of a male spider. The pedipalps are sexually dimorphic in spiders. In females they look like the other legs, except for the missing metatarsal segment. In mature males the terminal end is expanded into a complicated bulblike structure called the cymbium, which consists of two parts: the bulb and the embolus, which function together like an eyedropper (Figure 9 and Figure 10). Mature males spin a small sperm web on which they deposit a drop of sperm from their genital aperture. They then dip the end of the embolus into the drop of sperm and draw it up into the bulb for later use. Spiders mate face to face: the male places the embolus into the female’s genital aperture and releases sperm into the spermatheca (seminal receptacle) inside. Panarthropoda – Insect Relatives© Houseman – page 13 A large sternal plate covers the ventral surface of the prosoma (Figure 11). Around its margins is the pleural membrane that connects the dorsal carapace and ventral sternum. The pleural membrane is hard to see because it surrounds the coxal joints of the four pairs of walking legs. Each of the walking legs has seven segments: the coxa Figure 10 Detail of the pedipalp of a male spider. next to the body, the trochanter, femur, patella, tibia, metatarsus, the tarsus, and tarsal claws at the tip of the leg. Opisthosoma Although the membranous cuticle of a spider hides them, the opisthosoma has twelve segments consisting of dorsal tergites connected by pleural membranes to ventral sternites. The first segment of the opisthosoma is modified into the waistlike pedicel that connects the opisthosoma to the prosoma (Figure 11). Figure 11 Ventral view of the external anatomy of a spider Locate the openings to the two pairs of book lungs on the ventral surface (Figure 11) of the opisthosoma; they appear as slits behind the second sternite. The book lungs are formed from sheets of thin cuticle, lamellae, arranged like the pages of a book, which Panarthropoda – Insect Relatives© Houseman – page 14 gives the origin of the structure’s name. Book lungs are not the most efficient gas exchange surface for a terrestrial animal because the large surface area exposed to air is a potential surface for loss of water. Housing the lungs inside a cavity and underneath a dead layer of air created by the setal hairs helps to minimize water loss. These structural adaptations to prevent water loss are enhanced by the tarantula’s behavioral patterns of nocturnal hunting and daytime resting in a burrow. Most spiders have a single book lung and a tracheal system, and it is assumed that the use of trachea helps to overcome the problem of respiratory water loss. Tarantulas retain the original two pairs of book lungs, and this is another reason they are considered primitive species. The epigastric furrow in the cuticle follows the opening of the first pair of book lungs. A cuticular plate, the epigynum – located between the openings to the lungs and in front of the epigastric furrow – contains the female genital pore. When spiders mate the male inserts the tip of the embolous into the opening and fill the seminal receptacles. At the posterior end of the opisthosoma are the spinnerets and the anal papillae. Unlike most spiders that have a set of six or more spinnerets, tarantulas have between two and four depending on the species. The spinnerets origins are thought to be the appendages that were originally on these segments. Locate the anal slit on the tip of the anal papillae. Crayfish – Crustacea Crustacea are usually marine species. However, around the world crayfish are common in unpolluted swamps, streams, and the edges of lakes. Although they are small, crayfish are some of the biggest crustaceans in freshwater environments, where they hide in crevices between rocks or under debris in the water. In their northern range, they live in water that doesn’t completely freeze during the winter. Their common name can be crayfish, crawfish, crawdad, or mudbug, depending on where they are found around the world, but they have similar morphology and are included in three taxonomic families. The family Cambaridae, which includes the animal you are most likely looking at, is one of more than 300 species in North America. Crayfish are raised as food or bait on farms in the southern United States, and this is the source of your specimens. Crayfish, like their marine cousins the lobsters, are omnivorous scavengers that feed on any form of organic material. This observation guide can be used for the dissection of either a crayfish or lobster. External anatomy The present arrangement of the tagmata in crayfish is different from the ancestral crustacean pattern. The earliest crustacean had a head, with antennae and feeding appendages, and a trunk with legs on each of its segments. Each leg was identical and used for swimming and filtering particulate food from the water; movement of the legs facilitated gas exchange across the surface of the leg. This ancestral pattern changed when the legs became specialized for different functions, and this resulted in modifications to the tagma to which they are attached. One of the early changes was Panarthropoda – Insect Relatives© Houseman – page 15 the division of the trunk into a thorax with legs and an abdomen without. In some crustaceans, the crayfish for example, the anterior walking legs on the thorax combined with the original feeding appendages on the head to assist with feeding. This created a division in the thorax: the part fused with the head became the cephalothoracic tagma, the remainder of the thorax became the pereon, and the legs attached to the pereon became the pereopods. The abdomen is also referred to as the pleon, and the small appendages on it, the pleopods. General anatomy As in all arthropods, the outer covering of the crustacean body is a hard, chitinous cuticle secreted by an underlying epidermis (hypodermis). Identify the two tagmata of the body: the anterior cephalothorax and the abdomen (Figure 12). The cephalothorax is covered by the carapace, a sheet of cuticle that covers the dorsal and lateral sides of the body. A sharp rostrum extends between the eyes, and the cervical groove on the dorsal surface of the carapace marks the division between the head and thorax (pereon). Behind the cervical groove, the carapace extends over the gills to form the branchial chamber. Locate the compound eyes on stalks; the head appendages, including two pairs of antennae and the mouthparts; and five pairs of walking legs (pereopods or thoracopopds)), the first of which is modified into pincer-like chelipeds (Figure 12). You will look at the appendages in more detail in the next part of the lab. Figure 12 External anatomy of the crayfish or lobster The structural organization of the abdomen is simple. Each of the six segments consists of two cuticular plates: the overlapping curved dorsal tergites, and the ventral sternites connected to each other by articulating membranes. Swimmerets (pleopods) are found on the first five abdominal segments, and the first two pairs are dimorphic and modified in the male. Locate the anus in the center of the telson. Panarthropoda – Insect Relatives© Houseman – page 16 Anatomy of the appendages As mentioned earlier, in the ancestral crustacean every segment had an appendage, and all those behind the head looked the same. However, the appearance of the appendages changed when they took on more specialized functions. As a result, the appendages on each segment share a similar embryological origin, but have different functions. This is the definition of homology, and because the homologous appendages are arranged in a linear sequence along the length of the animal, this is referred to as serial homology. Figure 13 Appendages of the head and maxillipeds The appendages are all formed according to a biramous plan, which is an autapomorphy for Crustacea. Each appendage is attached to the body by a basal protopodite and has two branches: the inner endopodite and the outer exopodite. The protopodite may have cuticular extensions on the inner surface, endites, or on the outer surface, exites. Each component of the appendage may have become enlarged, reduced, added to, fused, or even lost as the appendage specialized for the different functions of food gathering, locomotion, or respiration. Each function requires different modifications, and as a result the appendages appear different; however, the serial homology is maintained. In this part of the lab, you will compare the crayfish appendages to the original biramous plan, and keep track of the different modifications. The appendages overlap in certain areas of the body, but you won’t be able to sequentially remove them in order from anterior to posterior. To successfully Panarthropoda – Insect Relatives© Houseman – page 17 remove the appendages, use blunt-ended forceps to firmly grab the base of the appendage, wiggle it, and pull. Don’t use fine-pointed forceps because they will cut through the appendage, and the parts you want to look at will remain attached to the body of the crayfish. Cephalothorax Figure 14 Pereopods and abdominal appendages. The cephalic region of the head has five appendages (Figure 13 and Figure 14), and the most anterior are the antennules (first antennae), followed by the large antennae (second antennae). Behind the mouth are located a single pair of mandibles and two pairs of maxillae. You won’t see the postoral appendages until you remove the maxillipeds later on. Remove the antennules, each consisting of two filaments attached to a threesegmented protopodite. The antennule has a statocyst, which can be seen externally as a small triangular depression on the dorsal surface of the segment. Carefully remove the antennae. The second antenna has a single sensory filament, a modified endopodite, and a flattened plate formed from the exopodite. The opening from the antennal gland is located on the ventral side coxopodite and appears as a small pimple or bump on the surface of the cuticle. Maxillipeds are thoracic legs involved in feeding, and they are stacked on top of the two pairs of maxillae, and all of these cover the mandibles. The maxilliped at the top of the stack is the third maxilliped, and it protects the appendages underneath. Remove the third maxilliped and be sure you get the gill that is attached to its inner Panarthropoda – Insect Relatives© Houseman – page 18 surface. The third maxilliped best demonstrates the structure of the crustacean limb with its obvious exopodites, endopodites, and the epipodite, which is partly modified into a gill. The large chelipeds pass food to the maxillipeds, and the inner endopodite tears food into smaller pieces that are easier to swallow. The next two maxillipeds are the second and first, respectively. The second maxilliped looks like a smaller version of the third and functions in the same way; that is, the movement of exopodites helps water move through the branchial chamber. The first maxilliped is much smaller, with a small endopodite and large endites on the protopodite. First maxilla and second maxilla are original head appendages, and their movement pumps water and the small food particles created by the maxillipeds into the mouth. Only the second maxilla retains a part of the exopodite, and it forms the gill bailer, known as the scaphognathite, that moves water through the branchial chamber. The mandible is hard to pull out; so be sure to get a good grip with your forceps. The mandible consists of a three-segmented palp, the endopodite, which is attached to the toothed, and the grinding base formed from the protopodite. This is referred to as a gnathobasic mandible, an autapomorphy of the Crustacea. There are five pairs of walking legs: the appendages of the posterior five segments of the original thorax. The first three pereopods are all chelate with pincers at the distal end of the appendage; the largest is on the first pair, the cheliped. The chelate appendages are used for feeding and walking. All five walking legs have lost the exopodite and appear uniramous, which is a derived or secondary evolutionary trait. Why aren’t the chelate appendages of the anterior legs considered biramous? Abdomen Behind the walking legs are six pairs of abdominal appendages: five pairs of swimmerets and the last pair of modified appendages, the uropods. In combination with the telson, the uropods form the rudder-like posterior end of the animal. The unpaired telson is not an appendage, but it is the terminal part of the body. The first two swimmerets are sexually dimorphic and are modified as copulatory organs in the male. What is the sex of your specimen? If you have a female, be sure to look at a male specimen to see the difference. How is the abdomen used in locomotion? Centipede – Atelocerata (Chilopoda) Centipedes and millipedes are myriapods, and as their name implies, they have many pairs of legs along the length of the trunk tagma. Centipedes live in moist, terrestrial environments and are predacious, feeding on insects, worms, and small molluscs. They range in size from 10 to 30 centimeters; some are large enough to prey upon bats, birds, and small rodents! Unlike their insect cousins, the cuticle of a centipede lacks waterproofing waxes. The absence of the waxes, combined with a tracheal system with spiracles that can’t close, explains why centipedes are restricted to moist environments. This observation guide is based on specimens of Scolopendra or Lithobius, the species usually available from commercial suppliers. Panarthropoda – Insect Relatives© Houseman – page 19 External anatomy The body of a centipede is divided into two tagmata: the head and trunk. The head, like all animals in the subphylum Atelocerata (Tracheata), is formed from the fusion of six segments and has only one pair of antennae. Each of the dorsoventrally flattened trunk segments is identical, that is, homonomous, and a pair of legs extends from each segment. The number of segments differs between different species and their common name implies that centipedes have a hundred legs; in fact, the number can range from 15 to over 175 pairs. Although the number of legs may vary, there is always an uneven number because the first pair of legs on the trunk has been modified into feeding appendages, poison claws (forcipules). Figure 15 External anatomy of the anterior region of a centipede. Head The head consists of the typical six segments found in all Atelocerata (Figure 15). The appendages include the preoral labrum and antennae, and the postoral mandibles and the first and second pair of maxilla. The antennae, which are the main sensory organ of a centipede, have two parts: the scape that attaches the antenna to the head and the flagellum with its numerous articulations. The typical compound eye of Arthropods has either been replaced with a cluster of simple eyes (ocelli) or disappeared entirely, and the centipede is blind. The reduction and loss of the visual system and the sensory importance of the antennae is no doubt related to a centipede's nocturnal lifestyle. When viewed from the front, a small labrum is located underneath the cuticle of the cephalic shield that forms the head. Use the dissecting microscope to look at the ventral surface of the head (Figure 16), where the most obvious feeding appendages are the poison claws (forcipules). Technically these are maxillipeds, since they are a trunk appendage used for feeding, and in poisonous species the poison claws inject venom from the tip of the claw to subdue prey. In non-poisonous centipedes the poison claws are still effective for capturing a meal. The coxa and the sternite of the poison claw are fused into a coxosternite that covers the remaining mouthparts; the anterior edge of the Panarthropoda – Insect Relatives© Houseman – page 20 coxosternite forms a coxal process with teeth that hold onto the prey before it is ingested. To see the other mouthparts, you will have to pull the poison claw back and out of the way. Figure 16 Ventral view of the centipede head. As in all of the Atelocerata, the postoral segments include a mandible and two pairs of maxillae, each with a jointed outer maxillary palp. Starting from the back and working forward, the second pair of maxillae is fused at its base to form a broad structure similar to the labium in insects; this forms the floor of the buccal cavity, and a three-segmented sensory palp is attached to the fused basal segment. The first maxilla has two lobes. Unlike the small fleshy inner lobe, the outer lobe is a modified three-segmented palp with teeth on the distal segment for manipulating food before passing it to the mandibles. Together, the first maxilla and the mandible form the sides of the buccal cavity; the preoral labrum is the top. The mandible is easy to see with its darkened teeth located where the two appendages meet along the midline. Trunk Each trunk segment is dorsoventrally flattened, and the dorsal tergite is connected to the ventral sternite by a pleural membrane. The organization of the tergites does not reflect the underlying segmentation of the body, and single tergites often cover more than one segment. Only the sternites on the ventral surface reflect the true segmentation of the trunk. Look closely at the pleural membrane and locate the spiracles. In some species, these are located on alternating segments. Seven-segmented legs extend from the pleural membrane, and the parts of the leg include the proximal coxa, trochanter, prefemur, femur, tibia, tarsus with two tarsomeres, and the distal tarsal claws. As mentioned already, the first trunk segment is the maxilliped, consisting of four segments. The legs on the last segments, the anal Panarthropoda – Insect Relatives© Houseman – page 21 legs, are longer than the walking legs and are not involved in locomotion (Figure 17). Depending on the species of centipede, the anal legs may have sensory or defensive functions. Gonopods, often located on the last segment, manipulate the eggs as they are laid; these are present in Lithobius, but absent in Scolopendra. The very tip of the trunk is the telson, which contains the genital pore and anus. Figure 17 Terminal appendages on the trunk of a centipede Millipede – Atelocerata (Diplopoda) Millipedes and centipedes are myriapods, and as their name implies they have many pairs of legs running down the length of the trunk segment. The diplopods are commonly called millipedes, a name derived from what seems to be thousands of legs that really number around 375 pairs. Like centipedes, millipedes are terrestrial and restricted to moist soil, leaf litter, and rotting vegetation; this is because their cuticle lacks waterproofing waxes and the spiracles don’t close. Unlike their centipede cousins, millipedes are not predators; they are herbivores that feed on plants or decomposing plant materials. On the head, the first maxillae form the gnathochilarium and adjacent trunk segments are fused to form units called diplosegments with two pairs of legs. Diplosegments and the gnathochilarium are autapomorphies of the taxon. The first three segments of the trunk have a single pair of legs on each segment. External anatomy The body is hard, cylindrical, and composed of two tagmata, the head and the trunk. Similar to all animals of the subphylum Atelocerata (Tracheata), the head is formed from the fusion of six segments and has only one pair of antennae. While their common name relates to their number of legs, the term Diplopoda refers to what appears to be two legs on each segment of the trunk. Panarthropoda – Insect Relatives© Houseman – page 22 Figure 18 External anatomy of the head region of a millipede Head The head of a millipede is bent forward, and the dorsal cuticle forms the head capsule that is called the epicranium (Figure 18). Ateloceratans have two preoral appendages, and the most anterior edge of the head capsule is fused to the bilobed, toothed labrum that forms the roof of the buccal cavity. The most prominent preoral appendages on the head are a pair of eight-segmented antennae and at the base of each antenna is a cluster of simple eyes, the ocelli. The typical compound eyes of the Arthropoda have been lost in the diplopods, and this is probably related to their nocturnal existence. The postoral sequence of appendages in millipedes differs from that of the chilopods and insects, which is, mandibles and then first and second maxilla. In millipedes, there are two mouthparts only: the mandible and the gnathochilarium that forms the ventral surface of the buccal cavity. There is some disagreement among zoologists concerning the origins of the gnathochilarium. Some believe it is a modification of the first maxilla; others think it is the fusion of the first and second maxillae. Each side of the gnathochilarium has a central lingual plate and an outer stipes with a small palp at its tip. The mandibles, which form the sides of the buccal cavity, are located between the gnathochilarium and the anterior margin of the head capsule. Use a pair of forceps to pull the gnathochilarium back and expose the inner surface of the mandible, which is composed of two segments. A large, immovable basal segment forms the sides of the buccal cavity, and a medial segment with teeth and grinding surfaces chews the food before it is passed into the digestive system. Trunk Take a quick look at a typical trunk segment, a diplosegment, located near the middle of the body. It is almost a perfect, solid circle of cuticle with two pairs of legs under each of the dorsal tergites. This functional unit is referred to as a diplosegment and represents the fusion of two ancestral segments. What other evidence is there that each diplosegment is the fusion of two ancestral segments? The first four segments of the trunk are not diplosegments. The first has no appendages, and the tergite is enlarged to form the wedge-shaped collum that bends Panarthropoda – Insect Relatives© Houseman – page 23 Figure 19 Terminal segements on the trunk of a millipede. the millipede’s head forward. The following three segments each have a single pair of legs, and pleural membranes separate the dorsal tergites from the ventral sternites. Because there are three legs here and two on each of the remaining diplosegments, millipedes always have an odd number of legs. One unique autapomorphy of the millipedes is the repositioned genital opening near the front of the trunk rather than at the posterior end. In the male and female, the genital opening is located on the third segment, called the genital segment, which is the second segment after the collum. The penis is usually retracted, and the medial slit from which it everts is difficult to see. The gonopod, which is the most obvious male feature, consists of the modified legs of the seventh segment, the third diplosegment. The female genital opening, an almond-shaped piece of cuticle, is located in the vulva, which is to the side and front edge of the tergum; but this will be hard to see. Take a close look at a diplosegment near the center of the trunk where each “segment” is almost a perfect circle composed of the tergite, two pleurites, and the sternite; the dorsal tergite forms most of the circle. The four plates are completely fused, and there is no membranous region of cuticle between them. You may have noticed how hard the cuticle of the millipede is, and if you crush a segment it crunches. Unlike other members of the subphylum, the cuticular strength in millipedes comes from a combination of sclerotization and embedded calcium salts. The tergites overlap each other, with the posterior margin overlapping the anterior margin of the one behind it. This overlap is an important part of the millipedes’ defensive reaction. How does the arrangement of the tergites help millipedes defend themselves from attack? The legs are seven-segmented, including a basal coxa, trochanter, prefemur, femur, tibia, tarsus with two segments, and the distal tarsal claw. Look closely at the lateral surface of each tergite and locate the opening to the spiracle. If you have trouble finding these on a diplosegment, you may find them easier to see on the first trunk segments. The posterior end of the millipede consists of two plates, the upper anal valve and lower anal valve, that meet along the midline and form the slit-like anus. This last trunk segment lacks appendages and is the apodous diplosegment (Figure 19). Panarthropoda – Insect Relatives© Houseman – page 24
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