Port Augusta Solar Thermal Generation Feasibility Study Port Augusta 23 April, 2015 Presentation Preview 1. Background and Context 2. Milestone 1 3. Milestone 2 4. Milestone 3 5. Cost estimate assumptions/methodology 6. Preliminary Financial Modelling 7. Next steps – Milestone 4 8. Interim conclusions 6 Overview of Alinta Energy’s Portfolio Port Hedland Station 175 MW gas fired generator 66kV transmission lines Braemar Newman Station 150 MW gas fired generator Roy hill transmission line GGTP Pipeline Northern Territory 502 MW gas fired generator 147km gas pipeline Glenbrook Queensland Western Australia South Australia 12% ownership of pipeline New South Wales 112 MW co-generation plant Victoria Bairnsdale: 94 MW gas fired generator VIC Alinta West Pinjarra: 285 MW gas fired Wagerup: 380 MW dual fuel Retail: 630,000 customers Renewable interests 7 Walkaway windfarm (WA): 89 MW Bald Hills windfarm (VIC): 106 MW Port Augusta Solar thermal (SA); feasibility study Leigh Creek Coal Mine Flinders Coal-fired generators – Northern: 544 MW – Playford: 240 MW East Coast Retail 150,000 retail electricity customers in Vic and SA Background & Context The National Electricity Market Background & Context South Australia’s Energy Market Background & Context Study Timeline Milestone 6 Stage 1 – Pre Feasibility Milestone 5 Milestone 4 Milestone 3 Milestone 2 Milestone 1 Project Definition Report 10 Options Study Siting Study Draft Balance of Study Full Feasibility Study Full Feasibility Study Scope Final Balance of Study Stage 2 – Full Feasibility Background & Context Study Contributions Two year study commencing December 2013 • Pre Feasibility (Stage 1) o +/- 30% cost estimate o End May 2015 • Full Feasibility (Stage 2) o +/- 15% cost estimate o End Jan 2016 • $2.3M project budget o Alinta $1,240,000 o ARENA $1,000,000 o SA Gov’t $135,000 Milestone 1 Project Definition Report Milestone 1 - Project Definition Report • Define project objectives Undertake a feasibility and technological analysis of solar thermal power generation, including hybridised and stand-alone options, over the Port Augusta Power Stations. Improve the coordination and collaboration between governments, fossil fuel based power generators, the solar thermal industry and broader renewable energy industry through data collection, analysis, public engagement and knowledge sharing activities. 13 • Define scope of work to be undertaken during the study • Outline high level assumptions underpinning the study • State summary of intended project outputs Milestone 1 - Study Assumptions Initial Assumptions The location of the Augusta Power Station, and in the vicinity of the facility, is suitable for the siting and development of a solar thermal facility. Alinta Energy understands the current arrangements for land tenure permit the siting and development of a potential solar thermal facility on land within the control of Alinta Energy or adjacent to subject to the Sale / Lease arrangements between Flinders Power Partnership and the Government of South Australia. The life of the Leigh Creek Mine, which supplies coal to the Augusta Power Stations, will be extended through further investment by Alinta Energy. The Augusta Power Stations will remain in operation, in their current form supplied by the Leigh Creek Coal Mine, until at least 2028 to 2032. The useable life of the Augusta Power Stations, including re-use of facility components, extends beyond the current expected life of the Leigh Creek Mine. 14 Milestone 1 - Study Assumptions con’t Initial Assumptions The pre-measure activities and studies relied upon in the development of this study which detail the potential value and strength of the solar resource, the potential for hybrid solutions, and the potential utilisation of components from the Playford B Power Station is the best estimate and advice of the respective experts. The range of project benefits, fuel diversity opportunities for South Australia, dispatchable energy potential, compatibility with South Australian energy system, network connection options, technology costs and acceptable technology types do not materially deviate from those understood at the commencement of this study. Progress beyond the study will depend on a number of factors outside the scope of this piece of work which have not been estimated or modelled at this point in time. 15 Milestone 2 Options Study and Siting Study Options Study Scope • Identify and compare currently available, commercial technologies (parabolic tough, power tower, Fresnel) with a focus on power tower and Linear Fresnel. • Estimate energy production from each option based on currently available solar irradiation (building on the concept study). • Evaluate energy storage options and capacity. • Estimate capital and operating costs of the options. • Calculate Long Run Marginal Cost (LRMC) (or Levelised Cost of Electricity – LCOE). • Identify any non-measurable factors, in addition to costs and generation output, that should be considered in making a decision. • Develop a decision matrix. • Identify a preferred option with respect to the technology to be employed, storage capacity and hybridization. • Refine the preferred option to the degree required for the study. • Update costs and performance of Northern Power Station (NPS) integration option. 17 Parabolic Trough 18 Linear Fresnel 19 Power Tower 20 Study Assumptions Changes to Assumptions Initial Assumption Changes to assumption The useable life of the Augusta Power Stations, including re-use of facility components, extends beyond the current expected life of the Leigh Creek Mine. There are significant technical challenges to running NPS on only solar once the coal resource has been exhausted which would require extensive re-engineering of large parts of the plant. The pre-measure activities and studies relied upon in the development of this study which detail the potential value and strength of the solar resource, the potential for hybrid solutions, and the potential utilisation of components from the Playford B Power Station is the best estimate and advice of the respective experts. Use of components from Playford B was determined to be infeasible. Procurement of spares and replacement parts is extremely difficult. The entire facility would require upgrading in order to support the use of usable components. 21 Estimate of Energy Production Available Datasets Alinta Energy installed a solar data station and weather station at Northern Power Station on 4 June 2014. Until there is a complete 12 month record of ground station data, generation estimates are created using satellite or synthesised data. Parsons Brinkerhoff investigated several options for the most relevant dataset: 22 • Bureau of Meteorology – Adelaide: 1995-1997 & 2003-2012 • Australian Solar Thermal Energy Association – synthesised BOM data • Australian Climatic Data Bank – Woomera: 1967-2004 • SOLEMI – German aerospace research centre: SA not covered • Meteonorm – Adelaide: dataset synthesised from satellite & ground stations • NASA – Port Augusta: 1983-2005, monthly & daily averages • 3Tier – synthesised from satellite data for RenewablesSA 2010 Estimate of Energy Production 3Tier data – Port Augusta 23 Options Study Scope • Identify and compare currently available, commercial technologies (parabolic tough, power tower, Fresnel) with a focus on power tower and Linear Fresnel. • Estimate energy production from each option based on currently available solar irradiation (building on the concept study). • Evaluate energy storage options and capacity. • Estimate capital and operating costs of the options. • Calculate Long Run Marginal Cost (LRMC) (or Levelised Cost of Electricity – LCOE). • Identify any non-measurable factors, in addition to costs and generation output, that should be considered in making a decision. • Develop a decision matrix. • Identify a preferred option with respect to the technology to be employed, storage capacity and hybridization. • Refine the preferred option to the degree required for the study. • Update costs and performance of Northern Power Station (NPS) integration option. 24 Optimised Configurations Solve for minimum LCOE All 6 possible systems were optimised to find the configuration of key parameters which gave the lowest possible LCOE over the lifetime of the plant. Ranking generation sources by this variable is standard practice. and the lowest average cost to generate should create the highest margin when selling electricity at a fixed cost. The LCOE of a plant is determined by the relationship between the three key design parameters: • Capacity of the power block; • Capacity of thermal storage; • Aperture area of the heliostat field. The relationship between the power block and the heliostat field is known as the SOLAR MULTIPLE. 25 Stand Alone Parabolic Trough – LCOE Optimisation Cost Estimate Assumptions Starting point for capital cost estimates is 2013 NREL publication: Molten Salt Power Tower Cost Assumptions for the System Advisor Model; Turchi & Heath This report has $/unit benchmarks for major cost items such as: site improvements, heliostat field, heat transfer system, thermal storage, power block, etc. Factor Value Comments Labour cost multiplier 1.14 Ratio of Australian union labour rates to Californian union labour rated (from Thermoflow PEACE) further localised to Port Augusta Material cost multiplier 1.34 Ratio of Australian to Californian material cost multiplier (from Thermoflow PEACE) further localised to Port Augusta Currency exchange rate 1.1 AUD to USD Optimised Configurations Outputs Stand Alone Plants Hybrid Hybrid Plants Decision Matrix Multi Criteria Analysis (MCA) Multi Criteria Analysis combines a quantitative and qualitative assessment of the critical decision-making factors in a complex selection process. Alinta and PB developed a list of 8 critical factors which have a significant impact on the detailed design and construction of any CSP plant which is carried forward in this study. A weighting was then assigned to each of the 8 factors representing the relative importance that each factor has to influence Alinta’s decision making processes. 29 • Each of the 6 optimised systems was given a score from 1-9 for each of the 8 categories, low scores being best. • Scores were agreed during a joint PB and Alinta workshop • Weightings were then applied to the 8 individual scores and the sum is the overall MCA score with lower scores being better Decision Matrix MCA scores Decision Matrix Non measurable factors Following the completion of the MCA ranking, Alinta undertook to analyse the possible systems in the context of additional, non-measurable factors: • Potential for Commercialisation within Alinta asset fleet • • Potential for Third Party Investment • • 31 $/kWh is paramount in context of PPA, therefore lower LCOE is more important than lower CAPEX – preferences Power Tower Potential Industry Learning • • Limited lifetime for Northern Power Station preferences a stand alone solution Capital Cost vs. LCOE • • Preference for newer technologies, Linear Fresnel and Power Tower, where costs are more likely to drop further faster Newer technologies likely to offer more learnings and potential for economic operation in shorter timeframes Practical Obstacles to Hybridisation • Existing infrastructure and geographic constraints • Lifetime of Northern Power Station • Unknown engineering challenges & risks Final Technology Selection for Study • • • • Molten salt power tower 50 MW power block 15 hours storage 3.5 solar multiple Siting Study Scope Siting Study was undertaken in parallel with Options Study in order to be part of the same Milestone deliverable under the ARENA/Alinta Funding Agreement. Scope of the Siting Study: 33 • The initial survey and site selection based on Geographic Information System (GIS) and satellite data (with appropriate constraints) identifying a short listing of potential sites. • Consideration of environmental, infrastructure, community constraints issues with respect to plant layout and future development approval process will follow. • Analyse site specific conditions including meteorological factors, proximity to local communities and land acquisition costs. • Site topography, geology and geotechnical conditions. • Development of a siting matrix to identify the preferred site. Siting Study Investigation Area 34 Constraints Map 35 Milestone 3 Balance of Study Scope of Milestone 3 The scope of the Milestone 3 or Draft Balance of Study Report was defined to include: 37 • Details of the Plant and its operation • Capital and operations and maintenance cost estimates to +/- 30% • Energy yield and generation profile • Other infrastructure requirements • Identification of potential environmental issues • Requirements for Development Approval • Details on network connection • Preliminary financial evaluation Study Assumptions Changes to Assumptions Milestone 1 Milestone 3 The location of the Augusta Power Station, and in the vicinity of the facility, is suitable for the siting and development of a solar thermal facility. The site identified as optimal in the Siting Study is now known to be the subject of a Development Application by a third party. The proximity of the CSP plant to the Spencer Gulf raises potential corrosion issues due to salt water spray/deposition. The range of project benefits, fuel diversity opportunities for South Australia, dispatchable energy potential, compatibility with South Australian energy system, network connection options, technology costs and acceptable technology types do not materially deviate from those understood at the commencement of this study. Recent analysis by the Australian Energy Market Operator suggests that the grid in South Australia is oversupplied which leads to a disincentive for adding generation capacity of any kind. 38 Details of Plant & Operation 39 CAPEX +/- 30% Major Components Cost Estimates OPEX +/- 30% Potential Environmental Issues Typical Development Issues • • • • • Loss of open space Loss of habitat Habitat fragmentation Change to employment opportunities Increased vehicle movements (primarily during construction) CSP Specific Issues • Fauna Impacts • Avian mortality due to concentrated heat corona near receiver • Proximity to population • Air traffic disruption • Visual impact 42 Preliminary Financial Model Overview of Model Methodology 43 Preliminary Financial Model Summary of Results Metric Value Comments Capital Cost $577 M -- Net Present Value -$297.3M Based on an assumed 12% post tax discount rate. Internal Rate of Return 4% Unlikely to achieve private sector investment return requirements. Levelised Cost of Energy $201/MWh Represents the revenue that would be required per MWh for the project to achieve the required return metrics. Realised revenue $131/MWh Represents the revenue that is forecast to be realised per MWh produced. [1] [2] Levelised Cost of Energy is calculated as [NPV of Capital Costs and Operating Costs] divided by the [NPV of Demand escalated CPI] Realised Revenue is calculated as [NPV of Total Revenue] divided by the [NPV of Demand escalated CPI] Preliminary Financial Model Sensitivity Cases Metric Capital costs CAPEX +30% $403.9 $750.1M -$150.4M -$448.8M 7% 3% Levelised Cost of Energy $149/MWh $253/MWh Realised revenue $131/MWh $131/MWh Net Present Value (@ 12% IRR) Internal Rate of Return 45 CAPEX -30% Next Steps – Milestone 4 Final Balance of Study Milestone 4 Scope 47 • Updated assumptions and cost estimates based on discussions with industry; • Assessment of solar thermal technologies with are not yet commercially available but which may be viable within 3 years; • Analysis on the effect of a range of parameters on the financial viability of a project of this type; • A set of minimum financial benchmarks which would be required for viability of a similar project. Discovery and Conclusions • Recent cost reductions and industry aspirational targets for $/unit rate decreases are encouraging signs for industry development • CSP plants are capable of operating as baseload plants, however this may not be the most economically attractive design. • Dispatch regime and plant design are inherently co-dependent and have a significant impact on both capital cost and average value of electricity sent out. There is currently a significant funding gap (>40%) preventing a baseload Power Tower CSP plant from being an attractive, private sector investment in Port Augusta. Final Balance of Study Report Alinta is seeking specific industry feedback and information which may improve the accuracy and/or currency of the cost estimate assumptions used in the Pre Feasibility stage of this study. The Draft Balance of Study Report can be found on the Alinta Energy website. Additional Technical expertise and review is welcome and will be considered in revisions for the Final Balance of Study Report. Document available at: https://alintaenergy.com.au/about-us/power-generation/port-augusta-solar-thermal THANK YOU
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