Sponsor a Stone A stonemason can carve a stone of your choice as your lasting contribution to the Cathedral. Sponsor a Stone at Salisbury Cathedral Salisbury Cathedral is one of the finest medieval cathedrals in Britain and our skilled stonemasons devote their time to preserving the fabric of the building to ensure future generations can use and enjoy it as fully as its visitors do today. We are able to offer a unique sponsorship opportunity. By sponsoring a stone you will be helping us with the completion of the Major Repair Programme. Your initials will be engraved on a stone and become a permanent part of the uniquely beautiful masterpiece that is Salisbury Cathedral. In return for a sponsorship donation you will receive: • up to four characters engraved into a particular stone chosen from the types listed overleaf • a chance to visit the workshops and see your carving up close • a photograph of the stone showing your carving • the opportunity to join other stone sponsors on the scaffolding for a close up view. Your initials will be cut into the side of the stone and therefore will not be visible once the stone has been fixed. Stones Available Price 1 Finial£5,000 2 Gablet Weathering Apex£1,280 3 Gablet Weathering with Moulding £970 4 Dog’s Tooth String Course£2,950 5 Dog’s Tooth String Course Return £3,250 6 Squinch Buttress Stone£1,950 7 Parapet Voussoir£700 8 Parapet Arched Springer£1,000 9 Parapet Mullion£800 10 Parapet Mullion Stooling£920 11 Arcade Double Springer£1,500 12 Corbel£1,100 13 Hood Mould£500 14 Hood Mould insertions with Spherical Embellishment £1,100 15 Buttress Weathering Double Return £920 16 Buttress Weathering Splayed Return £900 17 Straight Buttress Weathering£820 18 Central Window Mullion£500 For further information or to reserve a stone please contact Sarah Snell on s.snell@salcath.co.uk or 01722 555122. Wyndham House | 65 The Close | Salisbury | SP1 2EN Salisbury Cathedral is an ecclesiastical corporation established for charitable purposes. 1 Finial Price £5,000 The Finial is the final stone, or crowning glory, that sits atop a pinnacle gable or gablet. It is decorated with stiff leaf carving. 2 Gablet Weathering Apex Price £1,280 This is the topmost stone of a gablet, usually returned into the coping stone; the finial (above) sits on top of this. 3 Gablet Weathering with Moulding Price £970 This stone is designed to shed water away from the buttress below. 4 Dog’s Tooth String Course Price £2,950 This stone decorates the arch moulding of the blind arcades just below parapet wall level. The pattern consists of four flower petals forming a square or diamond shape resembling a pointed canine tooth. 5 Dog’s Tooth String Course Return Price £3,250 This corner stone decorates the arch moulding of the blind arcades just below parapet wall level. The pattern consists of four flower petals forming a square or diamond shape resembling a pointed canine tooth. 6 Squinch Buttress Stone Price £1,950 The top stone of an octagonal buttress that terminates into a square to support the gablet above. 7 Parapet Voussoir Price £700 A wedge-shaped stone that is used, with others, to construct an arch or vault. 8 Parapet Arched Springer Price £1,000 The lowermost Voussoir, located where the curve of the arch springs from the vertical support of a wall or pier. 9 Parapet Mullion Price £800 This stone is the vertical element of the parapet wall, its primary purpose is to provide structural support to an arch. 10 Parapet Mullion Stooling Price £920 The very first stone to be fixed as part of a parapet wall, often referred to as a cill. 11 Arcade Double Springer Price £1,500 This symmetrical stone springs from the corbel below to form Gothic arches on either side. 12 Corbel Price £1,100 A corbel is a bracket of stone that steps upwards and outwards from a vertical wall and is intended to support weight. 13 Hood Mould Price £500 Also called a dripstone, or label (from the Latin ‘labia’ for lip) mould. It is an external moulded projection from a wall over an opening to throw off rainwater, thus protecting the glazing below. 14 Hood Mould Intersection with Spherical Embellishment Price £1,100 This moulding is terminated either side of the stained glass by ornamentation called a label stop. 15 Buttress Weathering Double Return Price £920 This stone returns around the buttress and sheds water away from the plain ashlar wall below. 16 Buttress Weathering Splayed Return Price £900 This stone partly returns around the buttress, its function is to shed water from the wall below. 17 Straight Buttress Weathering Price £820 Forming part of the buttress, this stone’s function is to shed water away from the wall below. 18 Central Window Mullion Price £500 The thin division of stone between the lights of windows. For further information or to reserve a stone please contact Sarah Snell on s.snell@salcath.co.uk or 01722 555122. Wyndham House | 65 The Close | Salisbury | SP1 2EN Salisbury Cathedral is an ecclesiastical corporation established for charitable purposes.
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