Marketing Bulletin

Marketing Bulletin
Schlage L-Series Mortise Lock
11 May 2015
180 Indicators for Schlage L Mortise – expanded options
Kenny Abell (Kenny.Abell@Allegion.Com)
Schlage is pleased to announce expanded options for the 180 visibility indicator for the L series mortise lock.
Previously the new indicator was available for cylinder trim, thumbturn trim, coin turn trim, and privacy trim for N
escutcheons but only for sectional cylinder trim. The offering has been expanded to include thumbturn, coin turn and
privacy versions for sectional trim.
Cylinder Indicator
Thumbturn Indicator
Cointurn Indicator
Privacy Indicator
N Escutcheon Trim
Sectional Trim
The 180 visibility indicator for the Schlage L series mortise lock offers a number of unique advantages:
2” x ½” message window
180 visibility
Messaging window above the cylinder for visibility during emergency lockdown
High-contrast red/white and white/black messaging for improved visibility by the color-vision impaired
How to Order with a new lock – simply specify the option number listed below that corresponds to the desired
message and desired placement on the door (inside or outside).
Inside Indicator
Outside Indicator
Example1: L9044 06A 626 L283-722 adds sectional OCCUPIED/VACANT indicator to outside of privacy function
Example2: L9071P 03N 626 L283-711 adds LOCKED/UNLOCKED indicator to inside N escutcheon of classroom
security function
Marketing Bulletin
List price. The indicator is a $90 adder to the list price of the lock (same for escutcheon or sectional trim)
Retrofit Kits. Retrofit kits for pre-installed Schlage L series mortise locks are also available. Please reference the
Schlage pricebook or contact customer service for more details.
Availability. The new sectional thumbturn, cointurn, and privacy indicators will be available to order starting May 18,
2015. All other indicators are currently available.
For more information. Product datasheet is available at (all products->mechanical locks>Schlage L mortise) or by clicking <here>.