SALT LAKE AN OPPORTUNIT Y TO SPONSOR UTAH’S IMPACT ECONOMY IMPACT HUB SALT LAKE H U B S A L T L A K E .COM SPONSORSHIP OP P OR T UNI T Y 1 WHERE PEOPLE TAKE COLL ABORATIVE ACTION FOR A BETTER WORLD Impact Hub HubSalt Salt Lake Lake is about the power power of of Impact peoplewith withideas. ideas.We Weare are creating creating aa unique unique people space at 150 150 South SouthState StateStreet Street in inthe thehistoric historic space Zimm’s building indowntown downtownSalt SaltLake LakeCity City Zimm’s building in where purpose-driven purpose-driven people peopleconnect connectand and where buildsolutions solutionsfor foraabetter betterworld. world. build Impact Hub HubSalt Salt Lake Lake will have over 500 memImpact bers as part a vibrant community with with the members asof part of a vibrant community space andand tools to help SaltSalt Lake work smarter. the space tools to help Lake work MembersMembers are a partare of aa global smarter. part ofnetwork a global spanning overspanning 60 citiesover around the world with network 40 cities around themore than 10,000 members in similar in spaces. world with over 5,000 members similar spaces. Members attend and produce events, run their own bootcamps, access funding and mentors, Members attend and produce events, run their own bootcamps, access funding and HUB LOSHUB IMPACT A NGELE SALTS LAKE T HEHUBL H UAB.COM S A L T L A K E .COM find co-conspirators and partners, mentors, find co-conspirators andparticipate partners, in social networks, buildnetworks, campaigns, prototype participate in social build and test products, and launch companies. This campaigns, prototype and test products, and alllaunch happens within a member driven, hosted companies. This all happens within a environment, dedicated to accelerating member driven, hosted evnironment, possibilities for ato better world. possibilities for a dedicated accelerating better world. Impact Hub Salt Lake is seeking local sponsors and supporters that areisinspired our innovaImpact Hub Salt Lake seekingbylocal tive approach, utilize our offerings for their sponsors andwill supporters that are inspired by employees and customers, access our knowlour innovative approach, will utilize our ege and member supportand innovation and offerings for theirbase, employees customers, entrepreneurship in Utah, be part of a access our knowlege andand member base, dynamic growing local and global network. supportand innovation and entrepreneurship in Utah, and be part of a dynamic and growing local and global network. IN V E S T MEN T OP SPONSORSHIP OP PP OR OR TT UNI UNI T TY Y 2 IM PACT HUB SA LT LA KE WILL SERVE U TAH NS WHO S H A R E T HE COMMON VA LUE OF C R E AT I N G POSIT IV E IMPACT IN TH E WORL D ENTREPRENEUR EXECUTIVE FREELANCER STUDENT INTRAPRENEUR COMMUNITY LEADER COLLABORATOR CAREER SHIFTER INVESTOR IMPACT HUB SALT LAKE H U B S A L T L A K E .COM IMPACT PROFESSIONAL Someone who uses their work in the world to make positive social or environmental change and are looking to make change across sectors and across professions. IDENTIFIED IMPACT HUB CHANGE SECTORS Media/Entertainment Arts/Design Cleantech/Environmental Sustainability Education Urban Planning Civic Engagement SPONSORSHIP OP P OR T UNI T Y 3 AT THE INTERSECTION OF FOUR GROWING MARKETS S ECONOMY CREATIVE ECONOMY IMPACT ECONOMY START UP ECONOMY Start-ups employ about half of the nation’s 144 million private sector workers. They create 60-80 percent of new private sector jobs. They generate more than $6 trillion in annual revenue and create more than half of the country’s non-farm gross domestic product. CO-WORKING The number of co-working spaces worldwide has grown 88% since last year to over 1,320 spaces and the US is home to nearly 540 sites. There is a fundamental shift in workplace culture as people seek a creative and collaborative environment more than four out of five companies from Fortune’s “Best Places to Work” offer some form of alternative workplace program. Utah has no co-working spaces comparable to Impact Hub. IMPACT HUB SALT LAKE H U B S A L T L A K E .COM CREATIVE ECONOMY Across Utah, the Creative Economy employs over 360,000 people, and ranks #1 in “Investor Patents” and “Tech Concentration”. IMPACT ECONOMY Approximate size of Impact Economy includes: Impact investing: $500 billion global market in this decade. Community development: over $26 billion invested in US. Health (insurance, nutrition, wellness): at least $153 billion in US and highest impact sectors are projected to grow 13% annually. Environment (clean tech, green): over $150 billion invested in clean tech in 2007. The clean economy has added more than half a million jobs over the last decade and grown at an annual rate of 3.4%. SPONSORSHIP OP P OR T UNI T Y 4 GLOBAL BRAND VALUE As a sponsor of Impact Hub Salt Lake you are participating in a global brand 60+ open Hubs in major cities throughout six continents 15+ more sites will open in 2015 Open source access to global programming and space Participation in global assets via Impact Hub Association and Impact Hub Company Connection to multiple government agencies, universities, and impact investor networks IMPACT HUB SALT LAKE H U B S A L T L A K E .COM SPONSORSHIP OP P OR T UNI T Y 5 SPACE Impact Hub Salt Lake’s vision is to connect people and ideas. This will be accomplished in a variety of ways, including programming and space planning. Our team has studied other successful Impact Hub models closely to learn ideas that can help us succeed. We have five primary components to our space that will be the foundation to accomplishing our vision. OPEN CO-WORKING SPACE This is the central work space for Impact Hub Salt Lake. The environment will be relaxed, but professional. It will be highly visible when entering the space, and will be divided into public and semi-public areas to accommodate a range of work needs. The space will be furnished with flexible and moveable furniture that can be rearranged for large HUB Salt Lake events. IMPACT HUB SALT LAKE H U B S A L T L A K E .COM PRIVATE WORK SPACE Private work space will include a total of 15 private offices leased individually, and 10 individual phone/conference booths for general member access by reservation. SOCIAL SPACE We have included two lounges and a storefront Impact Hub Café to allow for networking and small group discussion and interaction in a more casual social environment. COLLABORATION Four conference rooms will be located throughout Impact Hub to allow for small and medium sized group collaboration, tele-conferencing, and private functions by reservation. EVENT SPACE A large, dedicated event space will be located on the mezzanine level, which will accommodate 80-100 people, for training, seminars and large group meetings. SPONSORSHIP OP P OR T UNI T Y 6 COMMUNIT Y Impact Hub memberships are time-based and grant access to a collaborative workspace, a variety of member-only services and our growing network of changemakers. Members pay for the time they use the space, ranging from a day per month to an unlimited package with 24/7 keyed access. Featured Members DANIEL BLAKE Daniel Blake, Founder of EcoScraps, built a profitable company taking food waste and converting it to high-quality, environmentally friendly soil conditioner. MARCI MILLIGAN Lotus Community Development (LCD) seeks to engage citizens, locally owned businesses, non-profits and governmental entities in creating innovative, cost effective, and sustainable solutions in access to housing, education and care of the lived environment. DANIEL BARELLO Daniel Barello, Founder of Globism, is working to build the first truly democratized news service. Globism enables users from around the world to share and rate content--transferring control of headlines from large news media organizations to the public. IMPACT HUB SALT LAKE H U B S A L T L A K E .COM SPONSORSHIP OP P OR T UNI T Y 7 COMMUNIT Y SARAH BURROUGHS - FOUNDER, ANNE B DESIGNS winter 2014 issues, working with (owned by Blake Lively), and continually shipping orders around the world. I have also connected with several refugee organizations to identify refugees in Salt Lake City who have sewing experience and are seeking employment. Currently, I am in the process of training 2 refugees, one from Afghanistan and another from Rwanda, and expect to hire them next week. Having my own schedule has allowed me to contribute 5-6 hours/week as a host at Impact Hub and in turn, receive full-membership privilages in the space. During one of my shifts last fall, I brought in some bags that needed to be packaged and ready to send to Preserve. Dustin snapped a picture of me getting the order ready and posted it on the @hubsaltlake Instagram feed. The next day, a reporter from Deseret News emailed me interested in producing a feature story about my business. It aired as the lead-in story during primetime news on a Friday night shortly after. “I've had a side business of making handmade women's bags ever since I was in college. It's called anne b. (Anne is my middle name and b is for my last name.) When Ryan and Dustin rst suggesed I quit my full-time marketing job to take on my small business full-time, I thought they were crazy! There was no way I would let go of that nancial security. It was a scary thought to me. But sure enough, 6 months ago I quit my job and I haven't turned back. The same time that I left the corporate world, I launched a crowd-funding campaign to jump start my business. Dustin directed me to Devin Thorpe who was providing crowd-funding mentoring at Impact Hub. From working with him, I was able to set realistic and attainable goals, plan out my marketing strategy months in advance, manage the campaign with ease, and I went over my funding goal. Now, my small business is certainly a full-time job and I've had to recruit 2 interns to help me get everything done. anne b has been featured on over 50 fashionistas' media channels, made 2 appearances on 2 separate news stations, placed in over 10+ boutiques nationwide, selected as a nalist for the 2014 Martha Stewart American Made Awards, published in Harper's Bazaar "Bazaar Boutiques" section IMPACT HUB SALT LAKE H U B S A L T L A K E .COM Also within the last 6 months, I've developed a series of sewing workshops for all skill levels. I provide the classes in both Utah County and Salt Lake County to make it convenient for those local residents. And for my Salt Lake County classes, I hold them at Impact Hub. It's the perfect size and environment for these workshops, and great way to introduce the mission of Impact Hub. I've had the opportunity to work with another space host, Kyle Muir, in implementing a sales structure for retailers. He has extensive experience with supply chain and sales management with 2 retail merchandise businesses he's started. He's also connected me with a girl who is now my sales rep for all wholesale inquiries. I love that Impact Hub attracts so many innovative and driven individuals. It's freshing being around people who dream big and who don't settle for mediocre products and systems. And everyone at Impact Hub supports each other and gets excited for each others' successes. The founders are great examples of this act as well. I owe many anne b accomplishments to Dustin, Ryan, and Soren for supporting and promoting the mission of my smalll business and believing in me from the start. The start-up community is growing fast in Salt Lake and I love being part of the movement.” SPONSORSHIP OP P OR T UNI T Y 8 COMMUNIT Y KYLE MUIR - FOUNDER SWOOB + HYPERACTIVE CAPITAL “I came to the HUB to get in on a piece of the action within the SLC startup scene. My sportswear company, Swoob, is a small business that doesn't have the need for dedicated o ce space. When I understood the purpose of ImpactHUB, and after meeting the people working out the of the space, it felt like the right place for me. I wanted to get two things out of the HUB, 1) I needed a place to hold meetings with my team and others related to my business, and 2) I wanted to network with companies that might share in synergies. Both my objectives were met, #1 immediately as we held meetings right away. #2 came over time, but has been very bene cial. I have met two app companies out of the HUB that have created marketing platforms for consumer good companies. Both these companies are seeing traction in their space, one in particular is experiencing high user engagement which is great for a business like mine that is constantly seeking grass root ways to validate our strategy and business model. In addition, being an online focused business, I am constantly searching for new innovative ways to engage with potential customers in an online social manner.” IMPACT HUB SALT LAKE H U B S A L T L A K E .COM CASEY ALLRED - FILMMAKER + FOUNDER EFFECT INTERNATIONAL “After graduating from Utah State University in the early days of E ect International, I moved out to the Bay Area to raise funding to build schools in India. While there I was told I needed to run my organization our of Impact Hub. Not being from San Francisco, I was impressed by how quickly I was welcomed into a community of like-minded folks and was able to instantly get the connections I needed to potential donors and investors. I also had a chance to attend SOCAP--the largest impact investing conference globaly which was founded by the folks at Impact Hub. I met with numerous Impact Hub members from around the world and developed relationships that would be extremely helpful later on. This past year I was raising funding for Stolen Innocence--a documentary lm shedding light on child sex slavery in India. I was again pleasantly surprised by the close-knit community at Impact Hub Salt Lake. The rst night I was in town I was invited to a barbeque at Cotopaxi where I met two very signi cant backers of my lm. The Impact Hub team then volunteered to host my launch party onKickstarter at no charge and supported my campaign through their social channels--ultimately helping me surpass my goal of $100k.” SPONSORSHIP OP P OR T UNI T Y 9 PROGRAMMING SOCIAL & CULTURAL Art exhibits Artist in residence Film screenings Impact Hub clubs Hub-to-Hub exchange Impact Hub TV Industry tours Live performace Socials Yoga BUSINESS ACCELERATION Coding school Design incubator Impact Hub investment fund Impact Hub workbench Investor pitch nights Open office hours Peer mentorship Member ideation IMPACT HUB SALT LAKE H U B S A L T L A K E .COM SPONSORSHIP OP P OR T UNI T Y 10 WE ARE THE IMPACT PROFESSIONALS business acceleration internships impact investing space design start-ups program development collaboration social enterprise mentoring community development events facilities management IT / tech exhibits public-private partnerships art installations fundraising / investing FOUNDING TEAM ADVISORS DUSTIN HAGGETT Co-Founder / CEO LEWIS HOWER Impact Investing TERRI HOLLAND Business Strategy SØREN SIMONSEN Co-Founder / President AARON MURDOCK Legal LEW CRAMER Community IMPACT HUB SALT LAKE H U B S A L T L A K E .COM SPONSORSHIP OP P OR T UNI T Y 11 A S A S P O NSOR, YOU H AVE T HE OPP ORTUNITY TO ALI G N YOU R B R A ND, ACTI VELY S U PPORT T H E I MPACT E CONO MY, CONNECT WITH LOCAL A N D G LOB AL IMPACT PROFE SSIONAL S , AND E XPE RI E N CE IMPACT HUB SA LT L AKE’S U N I Q U E S PACE . ALIGN SUPPORT CONNECT EXPERIENCE Align your organiation with a globally recognized brand Opportunity to exponentially increase social impact locally and abroad Engage with over 500 professionals in Salt Lake and 10,000 worldwide Use Impact Hub Salt Lake event space for your large events Systemically support an entire industry devoted to making positive change in the world Participate in events through your Impact Hub Salt Lake sponsorship Visit Impact Hub Salt Lake with free use of all meeting facilities Receive recognition in media and promotional materials IMPACT HUB SALT LAKE H U B S A L T L A K E .COM SPONSORSHIP OP P OR T UNI T Y 12 PROVIDING FINANCIAL AND SOCIAL / ENVIRONMENTAL RETURNS GROW IMPACT ECONOMY SUCCESS OF MEMBERS SUSTAINABLE LIFESTYLE Accelerating the growth of more conscious, collaborative businesses and professionals. Fueling the human development reuired to create a new, inclusive, sustainable economy. Fostering environmentally and socially responsible behaviors among members. COMMUNITY BUILDING MEMBER COLLABORATION HUB SALT LAKE OPERATIONS Developing a cohesive community of diverse individuals who share values about the world they want to create and live in. Facilitating members toward partnering and developing impact projects and ventures together. Leading by example in exemplifying a triple bottom line business. IMPACT HUB SALT ALKE H U B S A L T L A K E .COM SPONSORSHIP OP P OR T UNI T Y 13 SALT LAKE WHERE CHANGE GOES TO WORK Dustin Haggett Co-founder and CEO w: +1 801 837 9289 Søren Simonsen Co-founder and President w: +1 801 706 1055 dustin IMPACT HUB SALT LAKE H U B S A L T L A K E .COM SPONSORSHIP OPP OR T UNI T Y 14
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