WHAT'S HAPPENING AT SSI UNITED MARCH 22, 2015 What’s happening this week . . . Wed: Choir Practice, 3 pm Thurs: Quilters, 9:30 am, LH Prayer Shawl Group, 2:30 pm, UH Sat: Dan Davies Memorial Service, 2 pm We extend our sympathy to Joanne Chambers and family on the death of her mother, Thelma Carey. A memorial service will take place in May with details to follow in What’s Happening as plans are finalized. ---------------------------------------------------------------We were very saddened to hear of the passing of Dan Davies on the morning of Wednesday, March 18th. Our sympathies go to his nephew, Bob and his family. A memorial service will take place at Salt Spring Island United Church on Saturday, March 28th at 2 pm. ---------------------------------------------------------------During Clark’s absence, Barry and Sharon Cooke are on call for pastoral emergencies until March 25th. ---------------------------------------------------------------Two people are needed to prepare and serve the Coffee & Hot Cross Buns Breakfast following the Early Easter Sunday morning service. Please contact Margaret Allen at 538-0331 if you would like to help out. ---------------------------------------------------------------A five-week study of the book, Oil and Water, begins on Thursday evening, April 9 at 7:00 pm in the Upper Hall. Written by a Muslim friend of the United Church, Amir Hussain, the book explains the origins and development, beliefs and practices of Islam. The discussion times will give us an opportunity to compare Islam and Christianity in these respects. The book is available for $20 from Nancy Powell or the church office. ---------------------------------------------------------------- The next meeting of the Prayer Shawl Group is scheduled for Thursday, March 26th from 2:30 – 4:00 pm in the Upper Hall at Salt Spring Island United Church. New members, drop-ins, and all levels of knitters are absolutely welcome--we’ll even teach you how to knit! We have all the tools to get you started as knitting needles and yarn are supplied. Financial donations are also gratefully accepted or if you have a yarn stash that needs downsizing, please consider this cause and contribute your 100% acrylic yarn (acrylic for easy care!). For more information, please contact Sally Carr at 250-537-1556. ---------------------------------------------------------------It is time to renew your subscription for The Observer. The price is $20 payable by cash or a cheque made out to Salt Spring Island United Church. New subscribers are welcome. Contact Ethel Magnus at 250-537-5708. ---------------------------------------------------------------If you would like to be added to our email list for weekly bulletins and announcements or would like a name tag, please email or call the office. ---------------------------------------------------------------Don’t forget to visit our church’s website! Calendar events including special services, church events, Sunday bulletins and sermons are being added on a weekly basis. Watch it transform at www.saltspring unitedchurch.org. ---------------------------------------------------------------Board Highlights, March 17, 2015 Thank you to Don Cockrill for attending our meeting during Clark's absence. 1. The Spring Newsletter is being prepared by Clark and he asks that articles be submitted by March 31. 2. The Fiddlehead Theatre Group will be renting the Lower Hall from March 23 to 27. 3. B.C. Conference will meet at Whistler from May 28 – 31. We can send a lay delegate – please speak to Sharon if interested. 4. The Trustees administer the Memorial Trust Fund and are seeking ideas for meaningful 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. church improvements for which these funds could be used. Dick Miller is chair of the Trustees. An ad hoc committee consisting of Mary Fraser, Bryan Adderley and Gayle Parkinson will explore the feasibility of purchasing a defibrillator for the church. Property committee is planning a mid-April yard cleanup and hopefully a church interior cleanup. Pastoral Care – there is an occasional need for food donations for congregants experiencing family crises. It was agreed that the best response would be to send out a call for help whenever the need arises. Sally showed some prayer shawls prepared by the knitting group which will provide comfort for anyone in need. Monetary and acrylic yarn donations are welcome. Finance – no surprises, we are proceeding on track. The board agreed to donate $500 to the food bank from residue donations of last year's Christmas Dinner.
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