Spring Concert featuring The Chapel Singers The Salvation Army

Are you new to St.
We are happy to have you
here to worship with us
today! Be sure to introduce
yourself to a member of
our church and they will be
happy to introduce you to
others and make you feel
The food bank is in need of
pasta and soup for this
month. Please help if you
can. Thanks!
Please note: No Bible study, Kid’s
Club or Beginners’ band on
Partners In Mission Goal: $11,500
To date: $4408
Supporting The Salvation Army in
Liberia, Malawi, and Zimbabwe
There will be a special engathering
this morning…please see the ushers
if you would like an envelope
Save the date:
Sunday April 26 at 6PM
Spring Concert featuring
The Chapel Singers
The Salvation Army Band
Here at the Corps
April 24 Meadowlands Corps
“Trauma to Triumph”
Seminars on trauma, abuse and
forgiveness…great speakers!
Please see the bulletin board for
more information. Cost: $50.00
Youth Together 2015
gathering for youth and
young adults ages 13+
May 1-3, 2015@JPC
Registration early bird
price of $125.00 available to
registrants whose forms are
submitted to by April 2.
Interested in volunteering at the
Pan Am games, please see Jan
Ritchie. Also, there is a meeting
Monday, March 30 at Bethany
Church at 7 PM
Easter baskets for sale in
support of YP Ministries.
$10.00 please see Major
Patricia for more information.
April 9th 2015 - 12 noon
Evergreen 50+
Spring & New Life
Guest - Ruth Teakle
Come and bring a friend.
May 23rd, 2015 Doors open at 6:30!
Tickets cost $10 each or buy a table of 8
and reserve your seating. For more
information or to buy tickets, contact
Marlene Daniels at 905-401-6043 or via
this Facebook event.
For the next Seniors’ Dinner ,
we are looking for monetary
help so that we can purchase
the items needed. Please see
Vi Callahan if you can assist in
this. Thanks!
Next Lunch With The Bunch
April 12
PLEASE RSVP before tickets
are sold out!
Congratulations to Dora Dix on
the birth of her grandson,
Zachary Chase Holbrough.
Praise God for His blessings!
Thank you to Jane and Dave
Robbins, Hope Stevens, CMS
Harold Rideout, Beryl Gibbon for
your help at the ‘Celebration of
Life’ service for Bob Leo. Your
support was very much
appreciated. Margaret Leo and
family, Ruth Pretty.
Impact Brass' 31st Anniversary
concert at London Citadel on
April 11 featuring the iGNiTE
Brass, the London Citadel
Timbrels, and soloist
Major Kevin Metcalf.
Weekly Schedule
Monday, Mar 30
10:00 AM Walk Aerobics
12:30-1:15 PM The Holy Week
chapels from THQ will be live
1 PM Women’s Bible Study
(no Women’s Bible study
April 6th)
Tuesday, Mar 31
12:30-1:15 PM The Holy Week
chapel from THQ
7:00 PM Songsters
Wednesday, Apr 1
10:00 AM Walk Aerobics
12:30-1:15 PM The Holy Week
chapel from THQ
Thursday, Apr 2
12:30-1:15 PM The Holy Week
chapel from THQ
6:30 PM “The Last Supper”
8:15 PM Band Practice
Friday, Apr 3
No Walk Aerobics
6:30 PM Good Friday Service
Sunday, April 5
7:30 AM “He Is Risen”
service followed by breakfast
10:30 AM Worship service
Hosanna, hosanna! You are
the God who saves us
Worthy of all our praises!
Hosanna, hosanna! Come
have Your way among us
We welcome You here
Lord Jesus.
My decision today:
 I would like
information on giving
my life to Christ.
 I am committing my
life to Christ for the
first time.
 I am recommitting
my life to Christ.
I am interested in:
 Helping with
 Music
 Ushering
 Greeter
 Bible Study
 Visiting shut ins
 Community &
 Youth Ministry
 Fellowship Groups
 Offering Envelopes
Please pray for:
Note to Corps
 I would like a
call/visit from the
Corps Officers
When appropriate, please take a
moment to complete this portion
of your bulletin (two sides). Tear
it off & place it in the offering
plate or in basket by Corps
Date: ___________________
Address: _________________
Phone: ___________________
Birthdays - Month & Day:
Anniversary: _____________
Please check all that apply:
 1 time visitor
 New attender
 New to area
 Regular attender
 Member
Order of Service
Welcome/Call to Worship: “Hosanna” (Band/P/O)
Psalm 118: 21-24
Song#22/TB#576: “To God Be The Glory” (Band/P/O)
Scripture: John 12: 12-21
Songsters: “Hosanna”
Song#67/TB#357: “The Great Physician” (P/O)
Prayer/The Lord’s Prayer
Announcements/Presentation of Tithes and Offerings
Ministry of the Band:
Song#315/TB#654: “Glory To His Name” (Band/P/O)
Partners In Mission Focus:
Chorus: “We Are Marching In The Light” (P/O)
YP Focus:
Worship Team: “Praise Is Rising”, ‘Jesus What A Beautiful
Message: “Who Came To The Parade?”
Choruses: “He Is My Everything”
“I Love You Lord”, “All Hail King Jesus”, “Majesty”
Song#990: “Victory In Jesus” (Band/P/O)
#952/TB#354: “Give To Jesus Glory” (Band/P/O)
Join us for refreshments following the service!
Corps Officers / Pastors
Majors Tony & Patricia Kennedy
905-935-4804 / 905–935-9838
Quarters: 905-934-5722
Tony’s cell 905-933-1350 Patricia’s cell 905-933-9103
Community & Family Services
Booth Centre
Bev Moore, Director
Majors Wayne & Cavell Loveless
The Salvation Army St. Catharines Corps
March 29th,2015
Welcome to St. Catharines Corps.
We trust you will feel the warmth of
God’s love and the fellowship of
His people.
Monday: Dora Dix
Tuesday: Rob, Annette, Robert Jr. & Breanne Dreyer
Wednesday: Yvonne Felice
Thursday: Iris Feor
Friday: William & Muriel Field
Saturday: Alejandro Florian
Sunday: Bill & Vera French
30 Nancy Wood
1 Jose Medina
Gary Gribble
Sam Khozam
Melody Grace
Walter Mielke
Bev Tough
Mason DosAnjos
Jane Cousins
Alice Jarvis
Chris Collins
2 Jim & Alice Mann
Doug Simms
Patti (Fran Price's daughter)
Mario Montiel Jr.
Shirley Sauvé
General Andre Cox
Lisa Sowery
Gwen Towne
Ted Whitfield
Bruce Morrison
Hope and Neville Stevens
Shirley Sauvé’s sisters: Jan, Mary and Nancy
Major Cavell Loveless
Betty Nichols
Sharon Dewberry
Major Gladys Boone
Marjorie Chaytor
Fran Price
Patricia Lugo-Aguilar (surgery April 15)
Remember to contact & pray for our Shut-ins