Communities for Children Committee Logan Expressions of Interest Community Information Sessions When: Venue: Wednesday 25 and Monday 30 March, 2015 The Salvation Army Life Community Centre 123 Paradise Road, Slacks Creek Facilitated by: The Salvation Army, CfC FP 2/04/2015 Communities for Children Committee Logan Strategic Planning Workshops 1 Overview Welcome and Introduction Setting the Scene The Role of the Facilitating Partner – The Salvation Army (TSA) 4 The Role of the CfC Committee 5 Department of Social Services (DSS) Requirements 6 Logan Together 7 CfC Requirements 8 CREATE Video Presentation – Discussion groups 9 Logan Charter 11 Expression of Interest Application Explained 13 What’s Ahead 14 2/04/2015 3 Communities for Children Committee Logan Strategic Planning Workshops 2 Welcome and Introduction What can you expect to get from today’s session? • How we fit in with Logan Together and Logan: City of Choice initiatives • Information about the Department of Social Services requirements • Understanding of Communities for Children Facilitating Partner (CfC FP) and the Communities for Children Committee • Understanding CfC Expression of Interest (EOI) Application for Subcontracted Activities • Explanation of the EOI process Welcome 2/04/2015 Communities for Children FP Logan EOI Information Sessions 3 Setting the Scene There are two well-supported and complementary explanations for why birds fly in the V formation. Firstly, to conserve energy by taking advantage of the upwards vortex fields created by the wings of the birds in front. Secondly, to facilitate orientation and communication among the birds. The V shape specifically allows the birds to see each other better and keep the flock together and safe. 2/04/2015 Communities for Children FP Logan EOI Information Sessions 4 CfC Community Strategic Plan 2/04/2015 Communities for Children FP Logan EOI Information Sessions 5 2/04/2015 Communities for Children FP Logan EOI Information Sessions 6 The Role of the Facilitating Partner (TSA) Priority areas: •Logan Charter – Community Collaboration and Resilience •Education and School (Learning for All) •Strengthening Family Relationships •Collaborative Family Centred Practice 2/04/2015 Overarching Principles: •Early intervention and prevention •Evidence-based practice •Inclusive holistic service system •Culturally appropriate and sensitive •Child centred and family focused •Mentoring and modelling •Leadership and innovation Communities for Children FP Logan EOI Information Sessions 7 The Role of the CfC Committee The Communities for Children Committees are established in each site and chaired by the CfC FP. Committee membership includes a range of community representatives, including clients, parents and caregivers, local businesses and service providers. The Communities for Children Committee drives the direction of the CfC FP initiative in the site and is the key decision-making mechanism for the site. The Committee will assist the CfC FP to: Plan, guide and support the initiative Make decisions about the disbursement of funds Consult with the wider community on community strengths, issues and needs Analyse and assess information from consultations and a range of other data sources to identify areas of need Determine evidence-based solutions to priority needs Develop linkages within the local service system Review and evaluate progress and performance Develop the Community Strategic Plan and the Activity Work Plans Develop processes to regularly review the continued relevance and effectiveness of the services they are funding 2/04/2015 Communities for Children FP Logan EOI Information Sessions 8 DSS Requirements CfC Objectives: To improve the health and well-being of families and the development of young children, from before birth through to age 12 years, paying special attention to: Healthy young families; Supporting families and parents; Early learning; School transition and engagement To create strong child-friendly communities that understand the importance of children and apply this capacity to maximise the health, well-being and early development of young children at the local level Local Level Management – Invites communities to input into the development of approaches that best reflect their circumstances which occurs within a strong evidence-based framework, including a focus on capacity building for the local community to understand which approaches have been proven to be effective in supporting children and families wellbeing. Network and Collaboration - build strong links; link services; build collaborative relationships complementing existing collaboration mechanisms in the local community. Client Eligibility - Flexible, culturally sensitive and accessible services that must provide services equally, without bias or prejudgement about clients. Services must be accessible to all target groups, including Indigenous people and culturally and linguistically diverse communities. Service Delivery Activities CfC FPs subcontract all service delivery activities to local service providers Service delivery activities should not duplicate services The service delivery activities funded in the Service area should be clearly aligned with the priorities identified in the Community Strategic Plan. 2/04/2015 Communities for Children FP Logan EOI Information Sessions 9 Logan Together The Logan Together Initiative aims to improve the health and wellbeing of the children of Logan so that by the age of 8, children of Logan are reaching agreed health, education and social milestones with the same success as children across the rest of Australia. Who is involved? Common Agenda / Shared Measurement / Mutually Reinforcing Activities / Continuous Communication / Backbone Support 2/04/2015 Communities for Children FP Logan EOI Information Sessions 10 CfC Requirements - CREATE Collaboration Building, managing, reviewing and sustaining Partnerships for better outcomes; Continuum of Collaboration; Breaking down Silos Relationships Driven Effective service delivery - Building of trust with organisations; Building of relationships of trust with people Early in the pathway Commitment to getting in early before problems emerge or become entrenched. Targeted programs embedded in a universal framework Accountability Measureable outcomes and clear goals Three questions – are we achieving what we expected? How well is it being done? How much is being done? Data Collection - Data Exchange System (DEX) Training Continuous skills development of both staff and parents Evidence Based Programmes and services clear evidence of effectiveness 30% requirement 2/04/2015 Communities for Children FP Logan EOI Information Sessions 11 Levels of Collaboration Collaboration Continuum Coexistence – two or more organisations addressing the same target population or problem or issue without being aware of each other. In other words they are working in a vacuum Communication – two or more organisations being aware of each other’s existence and sharing information Cooperation – is defined as two or more organisations working together on projects that exist separately in each organisation. Eg client referral Coordination – two or more organisations jointly planning and implementing programs or activities Eg. Services that compliment Collaboration – two or more organisations creating, developing and implementing all or most functional areas of a program in a single effort. Each organisation retains its identity and have some distinct roles but the collaboration program has an identity of its own. CREATE Presentation Video 2/04/2015 Communities for Children FP Logan EOI Information Sessions 13 CREATE Presentation: Discussion Groups Reflecting on the presentation think about these questions….. 1. What does each of the elements of CREATE mean to you and your organisation? 2. How do you see each element of CREATE interacts with the others? 3. What barriers can you identify internally and externally to your organisation for the CREATE model to work? 2/04/2015 Communities for Children FP Logan EOI Information Sessions 14 Logan Charter The commitment from our Community Partners to the Logan Charter translates to an agreement to build and mobilise their own individual and collective capacity and capability to: • Adopt practice that will bring people together to actively participate in community activities • Address shared issues and concerns • Commit to delivering high quality services for families and children that are characterised by evidence based practice, • Focus on prevention and early intervention, • To be excellent in everything they do. Community Partner organisations will be encouraged to respond to this vision and join together to build a vibrant participative community. 2/04/2015 Communities for Children FP Logan EOI Information Sessions 15 Expression of Interest Explained 2/04/2015 Communities for Children FP Logan EOI Information Sessions 16 What’s ahead? • Support from Committee/Facilitating Partner • Deadline 5pm 17/4 • Selection Process and decision • Individual Presentations for short listed applicants • Facilitated Co-Creation/Co-Delivery workshops to support contract process “To go fast, go alone; to go far, go together” African Poverb 2/04/2015 Communities for Children FP Logan EOI Information Sessions 17 What’s ahead? Family Place Information Session Thursday April 9 1pm - 3pm 35A North Rd, Woodridge (next to Albert Park) Organisations who are interested in learning more about the Communities for Children Logan Family Place Program are invited to attend this information session Presentation will include • Site tour and overview of activities • Collaborative partnerships/Integrated service delivery through soft entry programs • Critical success factors 2/04/2015 Communities for Children FP Logan EOI Information Sessions 18 Questions Any Questions? 2/04/2015 Communities for Children FP Logan EOI Information Sessions 19
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