INFORMATION AND APPLICATIONS Juro Ljubic Tel: 0650/9500215 Email: Info: Arbiter: IA Daniel Lieb ( Id: 1637550 ) Organisation: Sportverein Schwarzach Sektion Schach Patronage of Honours: Andreas Haitzer Dipl. Ing. Gerhard Herndl Dir. Mag. Gerhard Schmidt Ernst Winkler major of Schwarzach president of SLV president of ASKÖ Salzburg chairman of TV St. Veit/Schwarzach Advertisement of the 30. Schwarzacher Open 22. - 29. August 2015 PLAYING CONDITION A- and B-Tournament: Fischertime: 90 minutes for first 40 moves than 30 minutes to finish the game, additional 30 sec. for each move. C-Tournament: For the first 40 moves 2 hours, additional 30 min to finish the game Final ranking criteria: Points, Buchholz Median 1, Buchholz, Sonneborn-Berger,.. Contumanztime: 30 Minutes After first unapologized non-presence the player will be excluded from the tournament. The organizer can reject the application! The mobile phones are allowed in the tournament hall, but they have to be turned off. The application deadline is Sunday, 16th August 2015. In the case of later application ( until one hour before the start of the first round) the player pays additional 15€ on the registration fee. The responsibility for the taxation of the prices is on the prize-winners themself. Tournament Festsaal of the Hotel Post venue: A-5620 Schwarzach im Pongau, Land Salzburg Termin: Saturday, 22.08.2015 to Saturday 29.08.2015 Modus: 9 rounds Swiss system according to FIDE rules. Ratings: Austrian and german national rating. A- and Bturnament additionaly valid for FIDE rating. Maximum 260 participants! Tournaments: Main tournament: open for all. B-Tournament: C-Turnier: open for players under 2100 Elo national or international. open for players under 1700 national rating of an EU - Country MAIN TOURNAMENT PRIZE ( guaranteed ! ) REGISTRATION FEE 65,-- € Ladies, seniors (S60), juniors (U18) 50,-- € Under 2000 Elo 20€ addition to registration fee GM and IM free entry A-Tournament: ( from 2000 Elo) 55,-- € Under 1700 Elo 10€ addition to registration fee Ladies, Senioren (ab S60), Jugendliche (U18) 40,-- € B-Tournament: (1700 to 2099 Elo) C - Turnier: 40,-- € 30,-- € (bis 1699 Elo) Damen, seniors (S60), juniors (U18) Payments on the Konto Nr.: 131326 BLZ 35055. IBAN:AT623505500000131326 BIC:RVSAAT2S055 Presence control: Saturday, 22.08.2015, 17:00h Sat. Sun. Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thr. Fri. Sat. 22.08.2015 23.08.2015 23.08.2015 24.08.2015 25.08.2015 26.08.2015 27.08.2015 28.08.2015 29.08.2015 Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Victory ceremony Sat. 29.08.2015 Blitz tournament Sat. 29.08.2015 18:00h 10:00h 18:00h 18:00h 18:00h 18:00h 18:00h 18:00h 09:30h Start 16:30h Start around 14:30h ROOM RESERVATION Tourismusverband Schwarzach - St. Veit Email: Homepage: 2.000,-- € 1.400,-- € 1.000,-- € 700,-- € 500,-- € 6. prize 7. prize 8. prize 9. prize 10.prize 400,-- € Under 300,-- € 1 prize 200,-- € 2 prize 200,-- € 3 prize 200,-- € 4-5 prize 2350Elo 350,-- € 250,-- € 150,-- € 100,-- € SPECIAL PRIZES Best Lady and best Senior ( S 60 ) je 150,-- € For the best junior player (U18) accommodation with breakfast will be payed for 31. Schwarzacher-Open 2016. B-TOURNAMENT PRIZE ( guaranteed ! ) 1. 2. 3. 4. SCHEDULE 1. Runde, 2. Runde, 3. Runde, 4. Runde, 5. Runde, 6. Runde, 7. Runde, 8. Runde, 9. Runde, 1. prize 2. prize 3. prize 4. prize 5. prize prize 1.000,-- € prize 600,-- € prize 400,-- € prize 250,-- € 5. 6. 7. 8. prize prize prize prize 150,-- € 150,-- € 100,-- € 100,-- € Under 1900 Elo 1. prize 150,-- € 2. prize 100,-- € 3. prize 80,-- € SPECIAL PRIZES Best Lady and best Senior 100,-- € C-TOURNAMENT PRIZE ( guaranteed ! ) 1. prize 400,-- € 2. prize 300,-- € 3. prize 200,-- € 4. prize 100,-- € 5. prize 50,-- € SONDERPREIS Best Lady and best Senior 50,-- € In the case of the same number of points on the first places of the tournament, The prizes will be divided. Other prizes willbe payed accordingto final ranking (special prizes too). The winning of the double prizes (main prize + special prize) Is possible! The player who doesn`t attend the victory ceremony, renounced his prize!
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