2014 Annual Report Samahope is a trusted technology platform that enables direct giving in global health. We enable anyone, anywhere, to invest in doctors and increase their capacity to treat more patients in need. Vision: One Million Patients Treated Impact Model Samahope increases the capacity of local doctors treating the poorest of the poor in three ways: Funding excess capacity to provide more medical treatments to patients in need (maternal and child health focus) Enabling training of local medical talent (skilled birth attendants, nurses, community health workers) Providing key medical infrastructure to support healthcare delivery (ex: patient transportation, equipment, facilities) Our Impact 1280 total women & children treated (1065 in 2014) 10k+ citizen donors & community members 14 doctors in 9 countries (across sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia and South America) 20+ medical partners in pipeline Our Impact Samahope Revenue & Support: 2014 Revenue & Support Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted Total Grants & Contributions $1,000 $370,103 $371,103 Donations $149,394 Net assets released from restrictions $150,386 $149,394 ($257,231) Other Income Total Revenue & Support ($106,845) - $300,780 $112,872 $413,652 Samahope Expenses: 2014 Expenses Unrestricted Program Services $425,053 Temporarily Restricted Total $425,053 Fundraising - Management & Administrative - Total Expenses $425,053 $425,053 Net Assets Change in Net Assets ($124,273) 112,872 ($11,401) Net Assets, Beginning of Year 28,468 - 28,468 Net Assets, End of Year ($95,805) 112,872 17,066 Team Leila Janah Shivani Garg Patel Zac Halbert Nina Pine Trenton DuVal Neal Fennimore Co-Founder Community Manager Co-Founder & Managing Director Community Manager Product Lead Front-end Developer Charlotte Brugman Partnerships Highlights: Seasonal Campaigns Highlights: Building Brand & Thought Leadership Highlights: Experimentation & Iteration Highlights: Launching a US Pilot Highlights: Growing With Partnerships Learning: The Pyramid of Giving Institutions & Corporates Influencers & High net-worth individuals Crowd Donation value ($) Take-aways • Focus on crowd alone limits speed of growth • Portfolio diversity needed to scale efficiently • Approach validated by advisors from Media Media “Donors give the gift of prenatal care to women in developing countries as a tribute to mom.” – The Daily Beast “…excited by the innovative approach that Samahope uses to make a difference in the poorest regions of the world…” –The Cigna Foundation ..#honoryourmom campaign come(s) from Samahope, an organization I'm constantly impressed by that supports doctors in underserved areas in a very transparent way.” –Upworthy Media Media samahope.org facebook.com/samahope.org @samahope
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