Pastor’s Message The Marks and Attributes of the Church Part ONE Which is the one true Church established by Christ? It is the Catholic Church. Christ intended that there should be only One true Christian Church, for He always spoke of His Church as one. How do we know that the Catholic Church is the true One established by Christ? Because Jesus willed that the true Church should have these four marks: one, holy, catholic or universal, and apostolic. Why is the Catholic Church one? The Catechism notes that the Church is one for three reasons: first, because of its source, which is the Holy Trinity, a perfect unity of three divine persons; second, because of His founder (Jesus Christ); and third, because of its "soul" (the Holy Spirit), who dwells in all the faithful and who unites all of the faithful into one communion of believers, and who guides the Church (#813). The "oneness" of the Church is also visible. As Catholics, we are united in our Creed, the teachings, the celebration of the sacraments, and the hierarchical structure based on the apostolic succession preserved and handed on through the Sacrament of Holy Orders. In our oneness, we do find diversity: The faithful bear witness to many different vocations and many different gifts, but work together to continue the mission of our Lord. The various cultures and traditions enrich our Church in their expressions of one faith. In all, charity must permeate the Church, for it is through charity that the members are bound together and work together in harmonious unity. Las Marcas y Atributos de la Iglesia Parte UNO ¿Cual es la única y verdadera Iglesia fundada por Cristo? Es la Iglesia católica. Cristo manifestó que solamente debe haber una Verdadera Iglesia. El siempre hablaba de su Iglesia como UNA. ¿Cómo sabemos que la Iglesia Católica es la verdadera y Unica establecida por Cristo? Porque la voluntad de Jesús fue que la Iglesia verdadera debía tener estas cuatro marcas: Una, Santa, Católica o Universal y Apostólica. ¿Por qué la Iglesia Católica es Una? El Catecismo señala que la Iglesia es una por tres razones: primero, debido a su origen, que es la Santísima Trinidad, una perfecta unidad de tres personas divinas; segundo, debido a su fundador (Jesucristo); y tercero, debido a su "alma" (El Espíritu Santo), que habita en todos los fieles y que los une a todos en una comunión de creyentes, y guía a la Iglesia (#813). Please Pray for Terry Gonzales, Erminia Navarro, Roxanne Morales, Anastacio Ramirez, Francisco Martinez, Daniel Cisneros Jr., Velma Myers, Danny Trevino, Tim Stanley, Barbara Batey, Joe Cortez, Jackie Galatas, Marcos Barrera, Leticia Sullivant, Virginia Walker, Scott Walton, Fred Curran, Katelyn Curran, Rodolfo Robollar, Horacio Barrientos, Makayla Madison Trevino, Maria de Lourdes Pineda, Joe R. Gonzales, Natalie Zavala, Thomas A Davila, John Jerry Davila Jr., Salina Guerrero, Mike Samaro, Julie Mercado, Jim Aerni, Benjamin Zamora and Frankie Duerte. To add or remove a name to the prayer list or to offer a Mass intention please call the office at 512-268-5311. Para agregar un nombre a la lista de oración o para poner una intención en la Misa por favor llame a la Oficina Vocations Chalice Thank you to Frank Quiroz for praying for vocations on behalf of our parish this week. Next week the Vocations Chalice will be presented to Sylvia Govea at the 10a.m. mass. If you would like to host the Vocations Chalice in your home, please e-mail Mary Barrios at or call at (512) 558-1974 to sign up to pray for vocations from our parish or for additional information about this ministry. Thank you for supporting this ministry. Gracias a Frank Quiroz por orar por las vocaciones esta semana. La próxima semana el Cáliz lo llevara Sylvia Govea en la Misa de 10am. Si desean tener el Cáliz y orar por las Vocaciones o necesita mas información, llame a Mary Barrios (512) 558-1974 - email: Gracias por su apoyo a este ministerio. Crossword I P L C B B A H M La "unidad" de la Iglesia también es visible. Como católicos, estamos Unidos en nuestro credo, las enseñanzas, la celebración de los sacramentos y la estructura jerárquica basada en la sucesión apostólica preservada y transmitida a través del Sacramento del orden. En nuestra unidad, encontramos diversidad: los fieles dan testimonio de diferentes vocaciones y diferentes dones, pero trabajan juntos para continuar la misión de Nuestro Señor. Las diversas culturas y tradiciones enriquecen nuestra Iglesia pero expresan una sola fe. En todo, la caridad debe permear la Iglesia, porque es a través de la caridad que los miembros de la Iglesia están unidos entre sí y trabajan juntos en unidad armoniosa. M E E L T S CLUES: (Refer to today’s readings.) The God of _____, ______ & _______. Led the Israelites. Books of bible in today’s readings. Our Savior. Mass intentions Monday, April 20th 12:15p- Priest Intention Tuesday, April 21st 7:00p- Priest Intention Wednesday, April 22nd 12:15p- Dcn. Aurelio Medina☼ Thursday, April 23rd 12:15p- Bernabe Arreguin† 6:30p- Priest Intention Friday, April 24th 12:15p- Priest Intention Saturday, April 25th 8:00a- Priest Intention 5:00p- David Martinez† Adam S. Rosales Barbara Rosales 7:00p- Arnulfo Nuncio† Pope’s Message “Let us open our eyes and see the misery of the world, the wounds of our brothers and sisters who are denied their dignity, and let us recognize that we are compelled to heed their cry for help!” He also called the faithful to “enter more deeply into the heart of the Gospel where the poor have a special experience of God’s mercy,” and rediscover the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. “We cannot escape the Lord’s words to us, and they will serve as the criteria upon which we will be judged: whether we have fed the hungry and given drink to the thirsty, welcomed the stranger and clothed the naked, or spent time with the sick and those in prison.” Pope Francis also warned that we will be judged on whether “we have helped others to escape the doubt that causes them to fall into despair and which is often a source of loneliness.” Sunday, April 26th 8:00a- Raquel Romero† 10:00a- Lynn Seale† Eulalio “EJ” Deleon† Family of Mary Burleson Rickert 12:00p- Priest Intention † In Memory of ☼ Birthday (S) Spanish/Español The best prayer that Catholics have is the Mass, which is the greatest gift of all. Consider offering a Mass for your special intentions! Call the office for more information. Daily Readings Monday, April 20th Acts 6:8-15 / Jn 6:22-29 Tuesday, April 21st Saint Anselm, Bishop and Doctor of the Church Acts 7:51-8:1a / Jn 6:30-35 Wednesday, April 22nd Acts 8:1b-8 / Jn 6:35-40 Thursday, April 23rd Saint George, Martyr; Saint Adalbert, Bishop and Martyr Acts 8:26-40 / Jn 6:44-51 Friday, April 24th Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen, Priest and Martyr Acts 9:1-20 / Jn 6:52-59 Gospel Meditation Jesus ate fish before the disciples to prove that he had risen not only in spirit but in body. Meals are the perfect time for families to gather for prayer. Pray with your family before and after each meal. Jesús comió pescado frente a los discípulos para probar que había resucitado no sólo en espíritu, sino también en cuerpo. Las comidas son el momento perfecto para que las familias se reúnan a orar. Ore con su familia antes y después de cada una. "Just as in one man there is one soul and one body, yet many members; even so the Catholic Church is one body, having many members. The soul that quickens this body is the Holy Spirit; and therefore in the Creed after confessing our belief in the Holy Spirit, we are bid to believe in the Holy Catholic Church.” -- St. Thomas Aquinas Events Monday, April 20th 10:00a- Homeschoolers, HFH & RM 8 6:30pGuadalupana Rosary, Chapel 7:00pRCIA Class, Hall 7:00pCJM Formation, RM 2,3 7:00pTaller de Oración y Vida, RM 5 Tuesday, April 21st 9:00aHays Caldwell Women’s Mtg, RM 5 11:00a- Hays Food Bank, HFH 5:45pRE Classes, All Classrooms & HFH 6:30pStewardship Mtg, CR 6:30pMarriage Prep, RM 8 7:00pCub Scout Pack 125, RM 2,3,4,5 7:30pCT Fellowship of Catholic Men, Hall 7:30pCome Holy Spirit Praise & Worship, HFH 7:30pCoro Esperanza Practice, Church Wednesday, April 22nd (Adoration Begins) 4:30pRE Classes, All Classrooms & HFH 6:00pYouth Group—Middle School, Hall 6:30pFinance Mtg, CR 7:00pYouth Group—High School, Hall Thursday, April 23rd 12:45p- Golden Oldies Luncheon, Hall 5:30pRE Classes, All Classrooms, HFH,LC Hall 7:00pCJM Childcare, RM 2,3 7:00pCJM Prayer Grp, Hall 7:00pSpiritual/Evangelization Mtg, CR 7:15pTheology 101, HFH Friday, April 24th 8:30aCreighton Follow up, RM 7 4:00pCreighton Follow up, RM 7 6:00pWedding Rehearsal, Church 7:00pCocaine Anonymous (CA), RM 8 7:00pCreighton Follow up, RM 7 10:00p- CJM Intercession Gathering, RM 8 Saturday, April 25th (Adoration Ends) LAS Church Cleaning 8:00a(S) WACTS Team Day Retreat, Hall 8:00aTaller Mtg, RM 5 8:30aBible Study, RM 7,8 10:00a(S) Creighton Model Intro, RM 6 11:00aWedding, Church 12:00pAA Meeting, RM 8 2:00pWedding, Church Sunday, April 26th Doug’s Pancake Breakfast 8:00aSpanish Bible Study, RM 8 8:00aRE Classes, All Classrooms, HFH 10:00a- RE Class, RC Hall 1:30p(S) WACTS Mtg, HFH 1:30pChoir Practices, Church 2:30pTACTS Reunion, Hall 6:30pRE Classes, RM 2,4,5 6:00pNew Parishioner Night, Hall News St. Vincent de Paul Community Impact - The Story St Anthony Marie de Claret - Kyle St. Anthony Marie de Claret - Kyle serves in Hays County, one of the fastest growing counties in the state of Texas. The population growth rate has accelerated faster than the resources available to provide for those in need. Because the Conference has a strong presence in the community of Kyle, it is one of the main organizations to receive referrals for 211 calls along with WIC and Community Action. Conference members point to the strong communication between their pastor, the parish and her many ministries and the Society as one of the main reasons for their ability to serve Kyle well. The parish has an active Facebook page that serves as a great source of communication for the parishioners and organizations. Using the Facebook page, the Conference has the ability to post help requests. The parishioners generously volunteer their skills and time to help the Conference do home repair and other projects. The Conference sees the need to be proactive in following up with those they serve. During the intake and screening process, the conference regularly asks those they serve who have children in the home if it would be okay for the conference to follow up with them over the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. Using this information, bags of food for the preparation of Thanksgiving meals were distributed to 68 families this past year. At Christmas, the conference invites their friends in need to attend a sit down Christmas dinner served in the parish hall. Last year over 300 people enjoyed over 35 doz fresh hot tamales as well as fellowship and music. A special table of honor was set up for seniors who attended. Care is taken at these dinners to make sure that all who attend are treated with respect and families are sent home with additional bags of food and gifts for the children. Other parish organizations partner with the conference to help. The Conference regularly reports how they use the generous donations from the parish including the number of those who were served through monthly bulletin announcements. They also participate in parish Fiesta sponsoring booths and network with the parish ACTS ministry. Cultivating healthy communication, the SSVDP Conference of St Anthony in Kyle, deepens their own spirituality, builds strong relationships with each other and advocates for and with those they serve. ACTS Por favor acompáñenos en el siguiente retiro de ACTS para Mujeres en Español, "Mis ovejas escuchan mi voz y yo las conozco....Juan 10:27-28", el fin de semana del 14 al 17 de Mayo. Regístrese en línea en el sitio web o en la oficina parroquial. Un pequeño pago inicial de $50.00 es necesario con su formulario de inscripción. El costo de la inscripción es de $150.00 para parroquianas y $165.00 para personas fuera de nuestra parroquia. Para cualquier pregunta, por favor llame a Maria Morales al 512 -785-6582, Alma Morales-Pintor al 512-293-2988, o a Florinda Martinez al 512-749-3776. Coro Esperanza El Coro Esperanza necesita guitarristas, si el te a dado este talento por favor úsalo para alabar al señor. Llama a Manuel o Ross Guadarrama a los teléfonos 512-300-8969 o 512-300-8968 gracias Dios los bendiga. Ladies Altar Society Mother’s day cakes The Ladies Altar Society is once again baking our delicious Italian Cream Cakes for Mother’s Day. The Italian Crème Cakes are $25 and all proceeds go to scholarships for the youth of St. Anthony’s. You may go to Blessings, our Religious Articles Store, to place your order for a cake. A limited number of cakes will be made so place your orders now! Cakes will be available for pick-up on Saturday, May 9th from 9am—12pm in classrooms 5 or 6. New parishioner night Sunday, April 26th 6:30pm-8pm For new parishioners who have joined the parish in the last six months, come and get acquainted with St. Anthony Marie de Claret and the various ministries and activities of the parish. Please RSVP to Mark Gibson by April 22nd at (512) 993-8899 | Creighton model “Una sesión de Introducción al modelo Creighton se llevará a cabo el 25 de abril a las 10:00 am en el salón 6 en St. Anthony’s. Venga y aprenda como monitorear su fertilidad de manera natural. Las parejas pueden aprender a utilizar este método para espaciar los hijos, lograr el embarazo, evitar el embarazo, incluso durante la lactancia o después de usar otros métodos. Si usted ha querido saber cómo observar su fertilidad, el centro FertilityCare de Austin los invita a asistir a esta clase para aprender más al respecto. El costo es de $35 por pareja. Llame para registrarse al 512-4742757. Puede dejar un mensaje.” Prayer and Temperament Day of Spirituality Have you ever struggled with your prayer life? Do you ever wonder why some people seem to have it so easy when it comes to prayer? Join us for a presentation on Spirituality & Temperament and discover how your personality can enhance your prayer life. Discussion will include an understanding of the four basic personality types and the varying prayer styles that accompany each one. Presenter: NoIa Flores; MA in Theology with over 20 years of experience in a wide variety of ministries. Gifted presenter at both the parish and Diocese level. Tuesday April 21: 9:30AM – 2:30PM $35 per person; includes morning snacks and lunch. Sacrament information MATRIMONY/MATRIMONIO Contact the office at least nine in advance of wedding for instruction. To reserve the church, one year or more notice is advised. Quienes planean casarse deben llamar a la oficina de la Iglesia por lo menos con 9 meses de anticipación. Y para reservar la iglesia, se aconseja hacerlo con 1 año de anticipación. QUINCEAÑERA Must be attending religious education program and attend the Quinceañera Preparation Class. Call the office six to eight months in advance. Call the office for information. Llama a la oficina para mas información. La Quinceañera debe asistir al programa de catecismo y atender una clase de preparación. Llame a la oficina por lo menos con 6 a 8 meses de anticipación. BAPTISM/BAUTISMO The next baptism class will be on May 12 2015. For registration information please contact Claudia Enriquez in the Church office Tuesday– Friday. La siguiente clase de bautismo será el 12 de Mayo, para mas información llame a Claudia Enríquez en la oficina parroquial de Martes a Viernes. Parish information NEW PARISIONERS Thank you for choosing St. Anthony’s as your spiritual home. St. Anthony’s is a stewardship community and welcomes you to our parish family. PLEASE, let the parish office know of your new address or if you have moved to another parish. Call the office at 512268-5311 with any updates. Gracias por elegir a St. Anthony como su hogar espiritual. St. Anthony es una comunidad de corresponsabilidad y le da la bienvenida a nuestra familia parroquial. Si se ha cambiado de domicilio, POR FAVOR informe a la oficina parroquial al (512)-268-5311, esto nos ayudará a reducir gastos de correo. REGISTRATION Register at:, or pick up a form in the narthex or the church office and PLEASE let your previous parish know that you are leaving. Online giving is also available on our website. Para registrarse visite:, o tome una forma del estante de la entrada de la Iglesia o en la oficina. POR FAVOR, informe a su parroquia previa si se va cambiar. También puede ofrecer su diezmo a través de nuestro sitio de internet. PASTORAL COUNCIL The Pastoral Council is a group of parishioners who serve in a consultative capacity to the pastor on pastoral plans and activities. Its role is to give counsel, to understand, to reflect carefully and prayerfully, and to seek consensus. FINANCE COUNCIL The Parish Finance Council is a group of parishioners who serve in a consultative capacity to the pastor on financial and administrative matters. The Finance Council helps the parish fulfill its mission and programs and maintains the physical buildings, through the prudent use of funds. “BLESSINGS AND MORE” RELIGIOUS ARTICLES & GIFTS Visit us at the parish hall. Store Hours: Open after the 8am mass on Sundays until noon and Wednesday 4-8pm during Religious Education. Closed all holidays. “Bendiciones y más” visítenos en el salón parroquial para adquirir Artículos Religiosos y regalos. Abierto los domingos después de la misa de 8 am hasta el mediodía y los miércoles de 4-8 pm durante las clases de catecismo. Cerrado en días festivos. STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE April 11-12, 2015 Weekend Collection ….. $ 13,575.93 Online Giving ………….. $ 2,379.00 Weekly Goal ………….. $ 19,000.00 Under Goal …………… -$ 2,548.70 The Children Offered….. $ 496.37 Total Collection ………. $16,451.30 Second Collection …….. $ 2,996.64 Seminarians/Priestly Formation Luke 6:38 …give and gifts will be given to you; a good measure, packed together, shaken down, and overflowing, will be poured into your lap. For the measure with which you measure will in return be measured out to you. Acts 20:35 …keep in mind the words of the Lord Jesus who himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive. 1 Peter 4:10 …as each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace. 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 …consider this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each must do as already determined, without sadness or compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. Lily Donations In Memory of: Maria Sifuentes Suarez From: Mr. Tom Alvarez In Memory of: Deacon Peca From: Mr. & Mrs. Edward Gonzales In Memory of: Catherine Mason and Violet Papiorniack From: Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Mason In Memory of: Mr. & Mrs. Jesus Gamez and Mr. & Mrs. Bernardo Rodriguez From: Mr. & Mrs. Ben Rodriguez In Memory of: Silas Mark Andrade From: Ms. Eva Carlin In Memory of: Bernabe Arreguin, Natalia Ruiz and Rosie & Marcos Bazan From: Mrs. Teresa Arreguin In Memory of: Rudy Boeta From: Barbara Boeta In Memory of: Dorotea Zamora, San Juana Grandy, Felicidad Ortiz, Tomas Ortiz and Guadalupe Martines From: Marvin & Paz Weaver In Memory of: Maria Gonsalez From: Mr. Leticia Vasquez In Memory of: Deceased members of the Zavala and Castro Families and Adan Cortez From: Ms. Carmen Zavala In Memory of: Pat & Joe Hasler, Martha & John O’Hagan and Sam Ross From: Mr. & Mrs. Patrick O’Hagan In Memory of: Delia Reyes From: Mr. & Mrs. Edward Rodriguez In Memory of: “My Dad” Benito Vara From: Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Guerra In Memory of: Maria Mendoza From: Mr. & Mrs. Alfonso Mendoza In Memory of: Jesus Gamez, Mauricia Gamez and Joe Garcia From: Mr. & Mrs. Alex Gamez In Memory of: Frances Castilleja From: Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cuellar In Memory of: Julia Garcia From: Ms. Rosa Garcia In Memory of: Rafael Aldape Soto, Rafael Aldape Rodriguez, Rafael Aldape (hijo) and Juan Aldape From: Rito & Maritza Aldape In Memory of: Robert Daniel Herrera, Manuel Gonzales and Carolina Gonzales From: Mr. & Mrs. Alexander VilladaAvellada In Memory of: Michael Anthony Telles Jr., and John Paul Garcia From: Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Garcia In Memory of: Jesus Rodriguez, Jose Chavez, Beatris Mendoza and Manuela Bernal From: Mr. & Mrs. Pablo Rodriguez In Memory of: Florence & Frank Kuester and Trudy & David Pulis From: Mr. & Mrs. Martin Kuester In Memory of: Cirilo Martinez and Zenaida Galvez From: Mr. Antonio Martinez In Memory of: Muriel Leung and Catharine McKinney From: Mr. & Mrs. James McKinney In Memory of: Connie Rivera, Margaret In Memory of: Cynthia Cox, Gene Kojis, Chris Machado, Diana Amaya, Mary Angel Santos Cox, Mike Bouchie, Rita Cox and David Cox and Ray Santos From: Mr. & Mrs. Doug McCormick From: Mr. & Mrs. Joe De La Cruz In Memory of: Jose D. Mejia & Maria D. Mejia In Memory of: Guadalupe Oliva Sr., Juan & From: Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Peche Consuelo Sandoval and Ascension & Dolores Oliva In Memory of: Severiana Castilleja From: Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Oliva From: Mr. & Mrs. Merle Demo In Memory of: Porfirio Fernandez In Memory of: Manuela G. Tenorio From: Mr. & Mrs. Juan Zepeda From: Mr. Gilbert Tenorio In Memory of: Eladio Beltran, Felipa Beltran, In Memory of: Jack Lewright Maximo Castillo, Susana Castillo, Ma From: Ms. Theresa Lewright Candelaria Benavides and Moshen Xavier In Memory of: Raymundo & Theresa Garcia Lugo From: Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Garcia From: Mr. & Mrs. Jesus Castillo In Memory of: Edna Morrison, Edward J. Morrison, Edward I. Morrison, Glen Morrison, Leona Pugh From: Ms. Eileen Morrison In Memory of: Ernest & Sophie Nielsen From: Mr. Kenneth Nielsen In Memory of: Helen Coleman From: Mr. & Mrs. Jay Rentz In Memory of: Tom Cooper and Teresa & Francis Choong From: Dr. & Mrs. Patrick Choong Lily Donations In Memory of: Manuel & Grace Navarrete From: Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Salas In Memory of: Pawel Gala, Gosia Gala and Jerzy Klimek From: Ms. Maria Gala In Memory of: Reymundo Guerra and Antonio Kazen From: Mr. & Mrs. Macario Ovalle In Memory of: Nathan & Meghan Panell and Hild & Nicolas Gonzales From: Mr. & Mrs. Nick Gonzales In Memory of: Victor & Margarita Mercado and Julia Reyes From: Mr. & Mrs. Mike Samaro In Memory of: Horacio Barrientos Sr., Margarita Barrientos, Maria Barrientos and Joan Austin From: Ms. Rosario Barrientos In Memory of: Benito Ramirez, Nestora Reyes, Juan Juarez, Susana Perez and Anastacio Juarez From: Ms. Jovita Ramirez In Memory of: Guadalupe Trevino and Rangel Family From: Mrs. Maria Trevino In Memory of: George Barrios and Julian Barrios From: Ms. Mary Barrios In Memory of: David Rodriguez From: Mrs. Margaret Rodriguez In Memory of: Ricardo Jasso Salomon Sr. From: Ms. Yolanda Salomon In Memory of: George Ancira, Ernestina Narro, Maria Garcia and Simon Cardenas From: Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Martinez In Memory of: Antonia Serrato, Domingo Vaquera, Guadalupe Vaquera, William Thrower and Eleanor Thrower From: Mr. & Mrs. David Thrower In Memory of: Vincent & Teresa Sanchez, William Brazeal and Fernand & Frank Tschoepe From: Mr. & Mrs. Michael Brazeal In Memory of: Jerry E Biscoe II, Merle Biscoe and Larry C Crumpton From: Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Biscoe In Honor of: Rod Cox, Joseph Kojis From: Mr. & Mrs. Doug McCormick In Honor of: Stanislawa Gala and Jose Iniguez From: Ms. Maria Gala In Honor of: Mendoza Grandchildren From: Mr. & Mrs. Ray Mendoza In Honor of: Horacio Barrientos Jr. From: Ms. Rosario Barrientos In Honor of: Carmel Cooper From: Dr. & Mrs. Patrick Choong In Memory of: Williams Family, Woodruff Family, Buedel Family, Nichols Family and Bothe Family From: Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Williams In Honor of: Ben & Esperanza Lugo Fam., Juan and Reyes Villanueva Fam., and Felix and Maria Requejo Lugo Fam. From: Anonymous In Memory of: Elivoria Cavazos, Fernando Cavazos, Felicita Villanueva, Sebastian Benavidez and Felipa Benavidez From: Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Sanchez In Honor of: Tom & Lee Spiller From: Anonymous In Memory of: Francis & Veronica Dauer and Pete & Helen Munsch From: Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Munsch In Memory of: Dolores Reyna From: Luisa G Reyna, Brandy and Justin Morales In Memory of: Petra Ramirez, Arturo O Chacon, Esequiel Santos, Enriqueta Chacon, Raimundo Lopez From: Mrs. Noemi Sandoval In Honor of: Vasquez Family From: Mr. Osmin Vasquez In Honor of: Anastacia Rodriguez Aldape From: Rito & Maritza Aldape In Honor of: Mike Mobley and Jack Mobley From: Mr. & Mrs. Jack Mobley Sponsors: Mr. & Mrs. Dan Martinez, Mr. & Mrs. Myron Pulfrey, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Reyes, Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Mendoza, Mr. & Mrs. Jose Ramirez, Ms. Diane Martinez, Mr. Ramon Rodriguez, Mr. & Mrs. Hugo Velazquez, Mr. & Mrs. Pedro Hernandez, Ms. Alice Ewald, Mr. Ramiro Nieto Torres, Maria Sanchez Jose Flores, Ms. Maria Lopez, Mr. Clyde Lozano, Mr. & Mrs. Ruben Lopez, Mr. & Mrs. Ron Vera, Aracelia Ayala Carlson, Miss Maricela Ruiz, Mrs. & Mrs. Fidel Mendoza
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