SAMOA’S NEW AND IMPROVED SEISMIC MONITORING Presented at the Samoa Conference III: Opportunities and challenges for a sustainable cultural and natural environment 25-29 August 2014 National University of Samoa, Apia, Samoa By Tessa Tafua and Siosinamele Lui Introduction ‘The trembling rock brings knowledge from afar: - read the signs!’ Emil Wiechert’s (a professor of Geophysics in Göttingen) words are engraved on a plaque in Gottingen Germany above the entrance of a Seismograph vault that was installed in 1902, the same year the Apia Observatory was established. These instruments have aided the great minds before us in the field of geophysics with knowledge about the structure and physical properties of the deeper earth’s interior. This phrase basically tells us that the movement of tectonic plates is our best means of understanding the behaviour of the earth’s interior. It is therefore the aim of scientists to create instruments that can listen to these tremors, analyse and decipher what it means. Samoa, like most Pacific Island Countries is exposed to a number of natural and technological hazards, ‘some of these hazards are seasonal, such as tropical cyclones, floods and droughts. Others are an ever present threat, such as earthquakes, volcanic eruption, tsunamis, epidemics, industrial hazards, and exotic plant or animal diseases (NDMO Plan, 2005, 2011). While Samoa’s location places it far away from the Pacific Ring of Fire, this does not make it any less vulnerable to seismic activities, Samoa is located approximately less than 200km from the Northern-Tear fault of the Tongan-Kermadec Subduction zone and an active underwater volcano to the east of the island chain near American Samoa. This proximity to a seismically active region increases Samoa’s vulnerability to both earthquakes and tsunamigenic events. A tsunami generated in this region can have a travel time of less than 10 minutes before impacting the Samoa islands. Historically, not much is known beyond the 1700’s about tsunamis affecting the Samoan I slands although records show that the islands were affected by approximately three tsunamis associated with an earthquake and volcanic eruptions in the late Nineteenth to early Twentieth Century (NOAA, 2014) Figure 1: The diagram is a model of tsunami travel times (Source: Tide tool Software) Since the establishment of the Samoa Observatory in 1902, Samoa has relied solely on external sources such as Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) in Ewa Beach, Hawaii and the United States Geological Survey (USGS) for the monitoring and issuance of warnings for earthquakes and tsunamis. The intention of this paper is to focus on the monitoring of earthquakes and tsunamis for the Samoa Region, highlighting the new and improved seismic monitoring and warning system installed, its components, methods to test the components and health of the system by merging earthquakes catalogues developed by international institutions and lastly shed some light on issues that could affect the long term sustainability of the monitoring system. Earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes are comprised of Samoa’s top five priority natural hazards in the ‘National Disaster Management Plan (NDMP) 2008 – 2011, 2011-2014. ’The NDMP clearly identified this risk and this necessitated the need to develop Samoa’s own earthquake monitoring network and tsunami warning system. Benefits of Seismic networks Seismic monitoring aides in the long-term mitigation of seismic risk in a region or country as well as resolving the seismotectonics. Seismic hazards maps of the region can be created from analysis of the data which would enable the development and implementation of proper building codes. In the long term, building codes are very effective in mitigating seismic risk. Monitoring of seismicity in a volcanic region is also dedicated to volcanic risk mitigation through the prediction of eruptions. Another important function of seismic networks is for explosion monitoring, particularly underground nuclear explosions (ed. Bormann 2002). The goal of a seismic network is the determination of accurate earthquake location and for that purpose we generally need at least three stations (ed. Bormann 2002). Drivers for installation While there were projects that existed prior to 2009 which implemented activities to address the capacity building aspects associated with these hazards (such as public education and awareness programmes, and institutional strengthening through the development and incorporation of hazard agency response plans), modest attention has been given to the scientific monitoring aspects of these hazards. Samoa did not have the capability to monitor local geophysical events based on the absence of a national seismic (earthquake) observation network. Such a network will enable the enhancement of knowledge and understanding of local earthquake events, their nature, and their likely impacts. Most importantly, it will serve to increase resilience at all levels to these hazards through the incorporation of obtained information into national and sectoral development plans. The respective Hazard Response Plans for tsunamis, earthquakes, and volcanoes highlight the need for developing and strengthening local capability to monitor the respective events using scientific techniques. The preferred activity which would complement such objectives is the establishment of a local real-time seismic monitoring network comprised of earthquake monitoring stations deployed at selected sites on both Upolu and Savaii. This would enable the ability to monitor the events in a multi-geophysical hazards context; as volcanic activity can be monitored using seismic data, and the issuance of local tsunami early warnings are based primarily on earthquake data. In analogy, the system can be viewed as a one-stop-shop for geophysical hazards monitoring, and would serve as the foundation for strengthening the system with associated and newer technology in the medium to long term. EARTHQUAKE AND TSUNAMI MONITORING SYSTEM Prior to 2009, Samoa co-hosted one auxiliary seismic station with USGS located at Afiamalu. The Afiamalu seismic station (AS095) was installed and certified as an international station in 1960 with affiliation to the parent USGS network but only became part of the Global Seismographic Network (GSN) in 1993 and was a certified station in 2004 to be part of the International Monitoring Station (IMS) Network which uses data from seismic stations to monitor the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBTO). Data from Afiamalu is transmitted via VSAT to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Ewa Beach Hawaii near real time and to the International Data Center (IDC) of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty Organisation (CTBTO), and the Albuquerque Seismological Laboratory (ASL) every half hour From there, the data gets sent to relevant stakeholders such as the National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC) in Boulder, Colorado, PTWC, and the Incorporated Research Institutes in Seismology (IRIS) Data Management Center (DMC) in Seattle, Washington. Figure 2: The red circle on Upolu Island indicates the AFI IMS/GSN real-time auxiliary seismic station location. AFI AS095 Auxiliary Seismic Station Instrumentation: Global Seismic Network (GSN) System: The GSN is a cooperative partnership between IRIS and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), coordinated with the international community, to install and operate a global, multi-use scientific facility as a societal resource for Earth observations, monitoring, research, and education. GSN instrumentation is capable of measuring and recording with high fidelity all seismic vibrations from high-frequency, strong ground motions near an earthquake to the slowest global Earth oscillations excited by great earthquakes. (IRIS, 2014). The GSN system has been operational since August 1993. The instrumentation used includes the long period Streckeisen STS-1 Very Broad Band 3 component; 1 vertical and 2 horizontals, and the short period seismometer is Streckeisen STS-2, which is also a broad band seismometer. The low gain seismometer is a Kinemetrics FBA-23 Accelerometer. Quanterra Q680 data acquisition system (which has 12-channels), is used to digitize, process, and record the seismic data. The digitizer sample rate for the STS-1’s is 20 samples per second (SPS). The long period (1 SPS), very long period (0.1 SPS), and the ultra long-period (0.01 SPS) channels are derived from the broad band channels. The STS-2 channels are recorded continuously at 40 SPS, and events only at 80 SPS. The FBA-23 channels are recorded continuously at 1 SPS and events at 80 SPS. The instruments are robust but needs maintenance and repairs after every five years. International Monitoring System (IMS): The IMS interface was deployed in September 2004, and has been operational since then. Data transmission to Vienna is via a GCI (Global Communications Infrastructure) remote installation VSAT. IMS/GSN Data Analyses: Local seismic analysis and monitoring was very limited,, it was heavily dependent on assistance and information provided by international Seismic Data Centers. Seismic data used to be monitored via the Live Internet Seismic Server (LISS). Once an event has been identified, the data is accessed and downloaded via a dial-up telephone modem. The software used to analyze the data is called the DIMAS Seismic Analysis software (DSAS); a single station analytical software capable of producing relatively accurate results of magnitude, p-wave and s - wave arrival times and phases, although the software is not very efficient in determining location and depth parameters. This meant that warnings were delayed and access to the right and timely information was problematic. Figure 3: Afiamalu Station Live Heliplot Source: ( Limitations of the single station monitoring system Operating a seismic station and having access to the data did not mean much in terms of monitoring and analysis. Apart from data access and analytical issues, the Pacific is sparsely populated with seismic stations, good and accurate analysis is dependent on seismic data from many stations, the closer the event to a densely populated (seismic stations) region, and the more accurate and faster analysis can be. When a seismic event occurs, the energy from it travels around the globe, and it takes time for the seismic waves to reach a seismic station before data is recorded and transmitted globally. The closest international seismic station to Samoa is in the Cook Islands, New Zealand, Australia, South Korea and some stations in South America. Early Warning System The Samoa Meteorology Division (SMD) of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE) is responsible for monitoring geohazards such as earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and the like. It is the Geosciences Section of SMD that issues national warnings against these hazards based on the analysis and data collected. This information is then disseminated out to the public ublic through media outlets and relevant stakeholders for the activation of their response plans already in place. Figure 4: Flow Chart for Tsunami Warning prior to the new system The warning system or alert system is made up of the detection and monitoring monitoring equipment and is disseminated nationally over the radio, national television, sirens, telephones, cellular, text messages, the use of traditional modes of communications, church and school bells. New and Improved Monitoring System In 2009 before the earthquake and tsunami that devastated the Samoan Islands, an agreement was signed between the government of Samoa and the government of the People’s Republic of China to establish Samoa’s first seismic network to monitor earthquakes, in increase our resilience to earthquakes and tsunamis, as well as to improve our early warning system already in place. This project was scheduled to start in late 2009 but was later altered to mid 2010 due to the effects of the tsunami. The Samoa China Digital Seismic Network (SCDSN) completed its final installations in June 2012. The SCDSN consists of 3 broadband seismic stations, 4 portable short period seismic stations, one Data center and related data transmission equipments. This will significantly enhance local monitoring capability for local earthquakes above magnitude 4 on the Richter scale, located on Upolu and Savaii, and within a 200 km offshore radius of the islands. It was the aim of the project that the deployment and utilisation of the seismic network to observe and research local earthquake events associated with land-movements along major fault lines and volcanism on both islands, as well as the potential for tsunami generation will enable strategic adaptation and disaster planning associated with these hazards. Fostering regional seismic monitoring collaborations with neighbouring South Pacific countries so as to improve the efficiency of monitoring regional earthquake and tsunami events locally was also considered when setting up the network. Seismic Station Components Each Seismic station includes the following equipments; Table 1: Equipment for permanent broadband stations No Item 1 Sensor Seismometer 2 3 4 5 Accelerometer Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Server Data Communication Radio Link Power Supply Solar UPS Unit Site Assembly S pecification Broadband 120sec ~40Hz, 3 component, selfnoise less than NLNM 3-component, ± 2g, DC-80Hz 3 channel, / 24bit AD/GPS/ 1,50,1 00,200sps/IP, RS232 console, embed Linux AC + Solar input, DC 12V, 48V output/150W, 12V*400Ah backup battery Rack/Wire/Connector Table 2: Equipments for short period stations No Item 1 2 Specification Sensor: Seismometer SP 2 sec ~ 40Hz, 3-component Digitizer: Data acquisition 3-channel,/24bit AD/GPS/IP, RS232 server console/embed Linux/2G flash memory 3 Data processor: Laptop PC 4 Power Supply: Solar UPS Solar DC 12V, 50W, 12V*60Ah backup battery U nit 5 Site Assembly Field instrument case/ wire/ connector/ tools Figure 5: Installation layout of a BB stations.i.e. Afulilo station Figure 6: Installation layout of a short period station. i.e. Togitogiga station Figure 7: Installation layout of a Relay station. i.e. Mt.Fiamoe Figure 8: Seismic Network distribution over Samoa (Source: Google Map, 2012) Figure 9: Figure A: Togitogiga short period station Figure B & C: Broadband stations at Vaiaata and Afulilo, Figure D: Relay station at Mt.Fiamoe. Table 3: Seismic Station locations and types of seismometers Coordinate Seq. Station Type Ins tallation date 13.82S National Data Center 201 1-10 171.56 W 13.97 S VBB+SM seismograph station 201 1-10 Togitogiga 171.72 W 14.02 S Short Period station 201 1-11 4 Asau 172.65 W 13.52 S VBB+SM seismograph station 2012-07 5 Vaiaata 172.24W 13.66 S VBB+SM seismograph station 201 1-12 6 Lepiu 172.39 W 13.46 S longitude latitude Apia 171.78W 2 Afulilo 3 1 Short Period station 2012-07 +Relay Station 7 MT- Fiamoe 171.80W 13.92S Relay Station 201 1-10 8 Lufi-lufi 171.60W 13.88S Relay Station 2012-06 The seismic data these stations record is transmitted to the National Data Center (NDC) through a radiolink in real time. Radio links are often used for data transmission in a seismic network. They offer seismic data transmission in real time, are continuous, independent, and often robust to damaging earthquakes (ed. Bormann 2002). The NDC is located at the Apia Observatory at the Mulinuu Peninsula. This center includes a data collection system, data processing system, data storage management system, operations and maintenance system and data sharing services system. Figure 10: This shows the layout of the NDC where data analysis is conducted. Figure 11: Network topology map of the NDC Improved Detection Capabilities The software used for the analysis of the seismic data is called JOPENS. Local staff of geophysics have been undergoing continuous on the job analytical training by Chinese experts on the use of this software as well as attending short term international intensive training. With seismic monitoring, accurate and timely data depends on the density of the network, the higher the number of stations in the network, the more accurate your data is. The system is able to pick up and record seismic activities within the Tonga-Samoa region that is not recorded by USGS/PTWC as well as active fault lines. We have been able to analyse earthquakes with magnitudes less than 2.0 on the richter scale recorded by the local stations within 5 minutes, a huge improvement from the 15 minutes that used to be the time it took to get information from PTWC about an earthquake. The system is able to detect and record seismic data seconds after the event, specifically local events within the Tonga-Samoa region and this capability is crucial to Samoa’s early warning system, because every second counts. Monitoring and detection of events have vastly improved with the systems ability to extract data from other international stations or networks operated by countries such as Cook Islands, Fiji, Vanuatu, Australia and many more whose station data are open to the seismic community to use. This is heavily reliant on the internet and collaboration between the Pacific Island countries is underway to look at the best communication options for sharing seismic data amongst the Pacific Island countries. As a result of the network, Samoa now operates a 24 hour earthquake monitoring operation, a great improvement from 2009. Figure 12: The waveform analysis on JOPENS for local and distant earthquake. Figure 12: The waveform analysis on JOPENS for local and distant earthquake. Figure 13: The earthquake epicenter and its parameters on JOPENS Robust system SCDSN in its formulation and design phase was setup to endure the envrironmental conditions and hazards found in Samoa, with this in mind, the stations were set up to operate independently from the power grid and runs on solar power but uses the power grid as the backup. Similarly, the radio link has been setup so that there are multiple point to point communication with multiple towers from a single station, however, an alternative mode of data trasnmission from the stations to the NDC has yet to be finalised. System Checks : Earthquake Catalogs Since the establishment of our network, data has accumulated and we are slowly using the data based on the capacity we adopt from trainings we attend in our daily work and for research purposes. We have used the data to create a earthquake catalog for Samoa. An earthquake catalog is constructed by merging catalogs developed by difference instituions and running a completeness check to see if the data is healthy or not and this has never been done before for Samoa. The catalogs used belonged to USGS, GEM, ISC and SCDSN. These catalogs showed the same trend that in the earlier years the cluster of earthquakes is not very distinct compared to recent years and this makes sence because the technology has improved and able to detect tremors from the deeper parts of the interior of the earth. This information is key in developing hazard resilience communities especially to earthquake and tsunamis. We noted from comparison that the data our network recorded also shows some significant events such as cyclone Evan because there was a gap in the data set right about the same time as the cyclone. After merging the catalogs I was able to identify in the data that no explosions was recorded within our region as depicted in the graph below. Figure 14: This graph shows the data recorded by SCDSN with a wide distribution of hypocenters. (Source:Seisan Software) Figure 15: This graph shows the completeness check of data and no explosions recorded. (Source: Seisan software) This takes to show that data is very important as well as understanding it and having the capability to interpret and read seismic data. Hence why our network is not just about analysis but using and interpreting what the movement and tremors indicate. Challenges to the New System While the new system is considered relatively new and young, there are numerous challenges that are cumbersome to the long term sustainability of the system. Despite it being a robust system, there is no communication backup for the radio link that is used to transmit data. Cyclone Evan in 2012 proved that the communications system can withstand cyclones but given the test of time it might fail. The radio link is the backbone of the seismic system, alternative options that are economically viable is crucial to its longevity and this is one area that needs to be addressed immediately. The software (JOPENS) used for analysis while it does the job also has its limitations, discrepancies in analysed data has been detected and there is a need to compare the performance of the software against other seismic analytical software’s. Conclusion The establishment of the new monitoring network has increased seismic analytical and monitoring capacity for Samoa tremendously. From hosting a single auxillary station to operating six stations, monitoring capability has boosted Samoa’s resilience to geohazards as well as improved its Tsunami Early Warning System. Confidence in the system is growing over the years as well as the analytical skills of the staff operating the system, the SCDSN system has been tested many times with continuous simulations as well as real events and the system has performed well but there is still room for improvement. It is evident that our geological and meteorological observation and monitoring systems have improved tremendously over the years. These systems could be integrated into a system to form a multi-hazard monitoring system and enable impact forecasting for such hazards. This improvement goes in line with theme of this conference and the vision and mission of MNRE in utilizing principals of best practice and ensuring a sustainable development and management of our natural resources and environment. While it is good to have a system in place, it is equally important to look at moving forward, asking the question of where to from here? ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This paper is the outcome of our experiences working at the Geosciences Section of the Samoa Meteorological Services. We acknowledge the support and the hard work by every individual and Organisations involved in establishing this network, we acknowledge the support from the Chinese Earthquake Network Center, Professor Li Dahui, Dr Yang Cea and team, the Ministry of Natural Resources Division, the late Taulealeausumai Laavasa Malua, Mulipola Ausetalia Titimaea, Lameko Talia, Aliimalemanu Malaefatu Leavasa, Johnny Ah Kau, Faigame Sale, Paseko Apisaloma, Jerryafa Akeripa, Katie Pogi, staff and management of the Meteorology Division, Filomena Nelson (DMO), our families, friends and the numerous individuals who contributed to the establishment of this network as well as editing this paper. References Bormann, P (ed) 2002, New manual of seismological observatory practice (NMSOP), GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam (GFZ), Germany. 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