The only bilingual Chinese-English Newspaper in New England The only bilingual Chinese-English Newspaper in New England The only bilingual Chinese-English Newspaper in New England The only bilingual Chinese-English Newspaper in New England The only bilingual Chinese-English Newspaper in New England The only bilingual Chinese-English Newspaper in New England The only bilingual Chinese-English Newspaper in New England 全紐英倫區唯一的中英雙語雙週報 全紐英倫區唯一的中英雙語雙週報 全紐英倫區唯一的中英雙語雙週報 全紐英倫區唯一的中英雙語雙週報 全紐英倫區唯一的中英雙語雙週報 全紐英倫區唯一的中英雙語雙週報 全紐英倫區唯一的中英雙語雙週報 2013年3月22日 -9月27日 4月4日 2015年4月3日 --4月16日 2012年9月14日 2012年1月6日~ 1月20日 2012年1月6日~ 1月20日 March - -6April 4, 2013 April 322 - 16, 2015 January 25 7,20, 2013 January 6February January 20, 2012 January -- January 2012 Hong Lokleaders House expands todiversity house Community celebrate Chinatown meeting roundup: A Culture of Employee Appreciation A Culture of Employee Appreciation moreLuther Chinese seniors at Martin King luncheon CCBA, CSC, CRA Adcotron EMS, Inc. Inc. Adcotron EMS, BYLING-MEI LING-MEIWONG WONG BY By Ling-Mei Wong Photoby byAgnes AgnesYoung Young––The Theemployees employeesofofAdcotron AdcotronEMS, EMS,Inc. Inc. Photo not difficult difficult to to understand understand the the unmistakable unmistakable –– every every employee employee ItIt isis not cheerful feeling feeling one one gets gets when when enen- turning turningto togreet greether heras asshe shemade madeher her cheerful The Cape Cod African Drum and Dance Group performed at the MLK luncheon on Jan. 11. teringthrough throughthe theglass glassdoors doorsof ofAdAd- way way around around explaining explaining the the intricaintricatering Photo by Ling-Mei Wong. cotronEMS, EMS,Inc. Inc.Not Notonly onlyisisthe theenvienvi- cies ciesof ofeach eachmachine machineand andstation. station. cotron Civil rights leader Martin Luther King Vietnamese and Cambodians, the poverty ronment spotless the pearly white ronment spotless the pearly white Hong Lok residents withCove RuthSafety Moy (second frommeeting right). (Image courtesy Rogerson CommuThe Chinatown/South Committee took place April of 1 at the Doubletree walls visible all around the 35,000 Adcotron, a premier Electronics walls visible all around the 35,000 Adcotron, a premier Electronics was honored with poems, dances and live rate is 30 percent. Issues like these affect nities.) Hotel. A proposed ad space on 72 Kneeland Street facing South Station was discussed. The square foot lot the company occupies Contract Manufacturing service square foot lot the company occupies Contract Manufacturing service Best Buy ad was used as an example. (Image courtesy of Ling-Mei Wong.) music at the 26th memorial luncheon Jan. all of us. We’re all in this fight together.” Hong Lok House may look old on preserved and be replaced by the new inin South Boston’sStatehouse. Marine Industrial Industrial (EMS) (EMS) provider that specializes in Boston’s Marine provider specializes in 11 theSouth Massachusetts Rep. Gloria Fox ofthat the 7th Suffolk disbuilding. theatin outside, but that’s just its Benevofaçade. terior succeed as president the second year, as The Chinese Consolidated Park but in a supremely organized manufacturing low to medium volPark but in a supremely organized manufacturing low to medium volSeveral public officials attended the trict recognized Boston Councilor at-large “What’s important is being able to Past its four different exteriors, aitsnew long as they have attended all six meetlent Association (CCBA) held bimanner, highly-automated equipume complex electronic assemblies manner, highly-automated equipume electronic assemblies luncheon, including black,ceilings, and Arroyo for attending. She also urged live in complex Chinatown where the services steel building with high wood ings understand CCBA operations. monthly meeting onLatino March 31. Felix ment board place components components on boards boards andand systems integration for aa broad broad ment place on and systems integration for are,” to said Anne Morton Smith, vice presfloors and large windows overlooks Es- Wing Asian representatives. join the black and Latino caucus. Thewith Chinatown/South Cove Safety Comwith precision precision and and efficiency. efficiency. HowHow- range range of of industries industries including including medimediident of development and community sex Street. “I love the diversity in this room. I “To Brother Wing, we have three Asian CSC mittee (CSC) and Chinatown Resident ever, neither neither the the sophisticated sophisticated mama- cal, cal, military, military, industrial, industrial, telecommutelecommuever, relations for Rogerson an Located to public The CSC met at theCommunities, DoubleTree HoAssociation (CRA) their monthly think it is sonext reflective of transportation, what products Coretta in the House of energy, Representachinery nor the had complex productsAmericans nication and alternative energy, sits sits chinery nor the complex nication and alternative elder-service nonprofit developer that restaurants and luxury condos, Hong Lok tel and heard a presentation on a promeetings on April 1. Scottare King wanted,” said Leverett Wing, tives, nine ofRedevelopment us are black and AuthorLatino,” are the true reason reason of Adcotron’s Adcotron’s in aand a Boston Boston Redevelopment Authorthe true of in developed the new Hong Lok Houseatand House is exclusively for affordable hous- Fox screen signage location 72 vice chair of the AsianChief “We are a mighty posse.” success, asGovernor’s the company’s company’s Chief ExEx- posed ity-owned building along Boston’s success, as the ity-owned building along Boston’s the building. “The number of ing. A total of 74 units, including studios manages Kneeland Street, an eight-story building CCBA ecutive Officer Officer and President President Agnes beautiful waterfront district and can Commission and and associate director of Fox encouraged attendees to and live ecutive Agnes beautiful waterfront district spoken at Lau Tufts Medical Center and The one-bedroom apartments, will at rent owned by Eddie the Clay CCBA meeting took place its dialects Young would suggest. Patrolling, boasts astory story few,ififhousing any,businesses businesses Young would suggest. Patrolling, boasts a few, any, the Division of Community Services for King’s legacy. the nurses and doctors is significant. for less $500headquarters. a month on President average. by Cafe. Theclaim. silk-screened sign would 90 pushing Tylerthan Street pushing buttons, checking compo- Pot around can claim. buttons, checking compoaround can the Department of Housing and Commu“I’ve been detained,” FoxHong said.facing “It foodfeet andwide transportation Lok Amenities include a senior center open to The be 18.5 and 50 feet tall, Hung Goon reported the CCBA banquet nents, turning dials, peering through nents, turning dials, peering through nity Development. “Whether you are Cauwasn’t jail but I was chained to a bench residents need and are would all right here in this the community, a rooftop garden,on taichi South Station, not run any ads at Empire Garden was a success Feb. microscopes all throughout thepart facil-outside Bornthe outcell. ofthe the closure ofaain previous microscopes all throughout the facilBorn out of closure of previous casian orthe African American, you are I paid mysuch dues the ’60s community.” deck and in-unit emergency callNew buttons. deemed controversial, as tobacco, 20 ity, and Chinatown Chinese Year ity,clad cladin inblue, blue,anti-static anti-staticovercoats overcoats company, company, Adcotron Adcotron got got its its start start in in Redeveloping HongDr. Lok House cost The original Hong Lok House used with ofcelebration the great dream Dr. Martin Luther King a bigor afro to fulfill Martin Luther alcohol suggestive content. The pretooksuccess: place without weather arethe thetrue true success: theemployees. employees. 2005.When When Advanced Electronics, are the 2005. Advanced Electronics, aa nearly $33will million, with the 23 Chinatown/ sources of todisruptions be the Normandy which was King’s had.” vision of peace.” sentation go before on MarchLounge, 1. company that had beenaround aroundsince since company that had been and private funds. The waiting bought by theupdates Greater Chinese South Neighborhood on Proposed toBoston the election byWing isemployees the first Chinese American to public “Our employees are more important 1978Cove decided to close close its itsCouncil doors in in “Our are more important 1978 decided to doors list is seven to eight years long due to Golden Age Center. It opened in 1981 April 21. laws were presented by director Kee S. speak at the luncheon. When he was an inArtistic tributes thananything,” anything,”said saidYoung, Young,who whoherher- October Octoberof of2005, 2005,Young, Young,who wholed ledthe the than according Moy. Community Phase two’s with 28 units of be affordable for Boston Police District A-1 all Capt. Lee, which will onhousing at the next tern at the Statehouse, the only person of demand, Students from thetoBoston self wore blue,voted anti-static overcoat management team inacquiring acquiring all of self wore aablue, anti-static overcoat management team in of list is closed until relatively the end ofquiet 2013.on low-income elders. Suggested changes wait Ken said, “It’s May 26Sen. meeting. during tourOwens. of the the facility. facility. Young’s the Fong assets from Advanced Electroncolor was Bill There were no Leadership Academy sang “Lift Every during aa tour of Young’s the assets from Advanced Electron“Before, it how was the a CCBA’s terrible place,” crime. Transit police allowed homeless would change ex-isisVoice” connection with officials her employees employees ics, Inc., Inc., formed Adcotron EMS, Inc. connection with her ics, formed Adcotron EMS, Inc. elected Asian American andfive Wing and “Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn said Ruth Moy, executive director of individuals to stay in South Station and ecutive positions of president, treasurer, was the only staffer was Asian AmeriAround.” the Greater Bostonwho Chinese Golden Age Me North Station forCONTINUED the winter, ON but now the auditor, English secretary and Chinese ONPAGE PAGE 55 can. The Capethem CodCONTINUED Drum Center. “Building Hong Lok House retoAfrican leave, so we’lland see secretary are elected, with no more than T is asking Wing became an advocate for surname greater Dance Group led the crowd in a A rousing ally brought up the neighborhood.” an influx of homeless at night.” shelter two individuals with the same representation and equal access. “The povdance with live percussion. Poet Teisha The 39 current residents will move to 100 allowed to run for any of the five posi- is closing, so Fong estimated about ations newly section of Hong Lok Brown erty rates for Americans, African readwould a poembeabout King’s example homeless on the streets. forcompleted that Asian election. Another proposal House in aand few weeks, along with four The his rebuilt Hong Americans areterm higher effect on Lok her House life. at Essex Street, is reducing theHispanics president’s to athan year and formerly homeless individuals. The origwhich kept original façades in front a new 5 Continued onofpage from two years. A vice president will the general population,” he said. “For subinal wood building will have its façade steel building. (Image by Ling-Mei Wong.) groups in the Asian community, such as SEE DIVERSITY ON PAGE 3 英文成人基礎教育項目的重要性 華美成人教育項目 Adcotron EMS, Inc Inc Adcotron EMS, 黃秋虹報導 迎來二十週年慶 尊重員工價值 儘管連邦承諾在英文學習以 黃靈美報導 及成人基礎教育上投資贊助,但 是研究顯示很多項目只能為少數 不難理解當一個人進入Adcotron EMS公司玻璃大門時所獲得的 EMS公司玻璃大門時所獲得的 不難理解當一個人進入Adcotron 的移民提供此類服務。 那種振奮之情。不僅環境一塵不染--公司在南波士頓海洋工業園 那種振奮之情。不僅環境一塵不染--公司在南波士頓海洋工業園 麻州州長派屈克在其FY2014 提案中提出向州立公民項目分配 所佔的35,000平方英尺中珍珠白的牆壁到處可見──而且以一個高 所佔的35,000平方英尺中珍珠白的牆壁到處可見──而且以一個高 資助100萬美金, 同比增長321% 度組織的方式呈現,複雜程度不同的芯片製造機與相映的組件與主 度組織的方式呈現,複雜程度不同的芯片製造機與相映的組件與主 。 板合併 。但是據公司的CEO幾主席Agnes Young介紹,Adcotron 板合併 。但是據公司的CEO幾主席Agnes Young介紹,Adcotron 華美福利會『下一步過渡英語培訓項目』師生3月26日在州政府合影。(圖片由 州長 派屈克在近期出席一 高理查攝。) 個媒體討論會中說道:「麻州, 成功的真正秘訣並不在于高技術機械或者生產衍生的綜合產品,而 成功的真正秘訣並不在于高技術機械或者生產衍生的綜合產品,而 就好像美國這個國家一樣,是因 在於穿著藍色防靜電外套的員工們:他們在公司隨處可見,有的負 在於穿著藍色防靜電外套的員工們:他們在公司隨處可見,有的負 為這些來自五湖四海的朋友才變 責控制按鈕,有的負責檢查組件,有的負責轉動錶盤,有的通過顯 責控制按鈕,有的負責檢查組件,有的負責轉動錶盤,有的通過顯 得更加富足美好。這些移民為我 微鏡觀察整套設備。 微鏡觀察整套設備。 華美福利會供稿 們的國家和社會做出了很大的貢 獻。 他們使我們更加富強,壯 “我的員工們比任何事都重要。”Young介紹說。 “我的員工們比任何事都重要。”Young介紹說。 大。因此如何對待這些移民將會 州長派屈克。圖片由州長辦事處提供。 (詳文請見反面中文第一版) (詳文請見反面中文第一版) 決定我們的將來。」 (左到右)何思遠、凌日文、高理查(華美福利會『下一步』教育總監)、 的確, 新移民的未來由他 業,50%的學生直接入學公共大 Suzanne Speciale(麻州初等和中等教育部)和Tam Pham在『下一步 』的二十 們的英文程度決定。根據波士頓 學。但是項目中僅有一小部份的 週年慶。圖片有黃靈美提供。 基 金 會 的 調 查 報 告 顯 示 , 在 麻 學生在成人基礎教育。 華 美 福 利 會 『 下 一 步 過 渡 的老師。(舢舨由華美福利會出 州,一個會說流利英語的移民平 但是人數容量的問題也暫緩 英語培訓項目』在1月17日迎來 均年收入是$38,526 。而一個 版。) 了成人教育計劃的前進。波士頓 二十週年慶。『下一步』項目新 何思遠說:「Richard是我 英 語 不 太 好 的 移 民 年 收 入 僅 是 基金會的調查表明,平均每個計 舊學員聚在一起分享他們在美國 在 美國的第一個老師,他是一 $14,221 。 劃後補名單上有接近10,000人。 的經歷,老師們為他們的成就慶 調 查 還 發 現 大 波 士 頓 地 區 名出色的教育者—耐心、熱情和 有的時候名單上面的人需要等兩 Brookline居民Evgeniia Kagramanova(左)向共和黨州議員Frank Smizik(右)提 賀。 友善…你不僅教我英語語言,並 236,933名英語能力有限的移民 年才能被選上接受教育。還有很 議在麻州預算中增加5百萬美元用於成人基本教育。(圖片由高理查攝。) 『下一步』是第一個為成人 幫我找到自信。回首二十年前, 中,少於5%的人參加政府資助的 多移民不想申請或者根本不知道 Chinese New New Year Year Issue Chinese Issue 英語學者開設的過度英語項目, 我的美國夢是從華美福利會開始 小學,中學教育。 這些資源的存在。 成人教育學生在3月26日成 加了這次活動,另外還有其他機 Coming Out on January 20th, 2012! isis 教 Coming 2012! 以幫助他們進入大學。何思遠是 的。」 小學和中學的 育 系 統Out 會 on 麻州非常需要成人基礎教育 人教育宣傳日來到麻州州政府會 構January 的 學 生 和20th, 倡導者 把州政府的 1993年第一屆學生。 邦克山社區學院和波士頓華 向 成 年 人 提 供 一 些 基 礎 教 育 計 和英文課堂的存在來幫助促進社 見當地議員。這次活動由麻州成 Gardner禮堂坐滿。 春節特刊將與一月二十日出版 春節特刊將與一月二十日出版 她 念 完 『 下 一 步 』 順 利 埠社區中心是最早的合作夥伴。 劃。其中一個計劃是『成人社區 會經濟以及個人事業發展。在華 人教育聯盟和麻州成人教學同盟 成人基本教育麻州基金幫助 組織。 支付類似華美福利會下一步過度 轉到邦克山社區學院(Bunker 學 習 服 務 』 。 這敬請期待! 個 服 務 向 成 人 項目當年由州政府支持了三年。 埠,很多機構比如華美福利會、 敬請期待! 華 美 福 利 會 『 下 一 步 英語培訓的項目。這些項目幫助 Hill Community College)並 高理查說:「在波士頓, 免 費 提 供 各 種 課 程 以 及 教 育 資 華埠社區中心和建橋者等組織向 過 渡 英 語 培 訓 項 目 』 的 學 成人移民為大學、職業教育和更 於 布蘭迪 斯 大 學 ( B r a n d e i s 『下一步』比任何其他項目幫助 源。 另一個計劃是『事業與技 外提供英文教學。但是對於這些 生、Brookline居民Evgeniia Ka好的工作做準備,從而更好地作 University)完成研究生學位。 術教育』。本服務旗下有很多分 了更多人就讀大學。麻省初等和 資源的需求遠遠大於了現有的數 gramanova向共和黨州議員Frank 為職員和賦稅人、父母和社區成 如今,何思遠經營着她創辦的房 支創意計劃,意在向成人提供初 中等教育部根據研究調查發現我 量。而麻州州長派屈克對英文教 Smizik(代表Brookline)提議 員參與到美國社會中。 地產公司。 中以及高中等更高的教育。2010 學的投資則邁向正確的方向。 在麻州預算中增加5百萬美元用 們有330學員先後就讀大學。這 HIGHLIGHTS HIGHLIGHTS 何思遠到如來美國時,華美 不僅是波士頓,更是整個麻省最 年,24.5%『事業與技術教育』 於成人基本教育。Kagramanova 福利會的『下一步』教育總監高 的 畢 業 生 畢 業 後 直 接 決 定 就 多的。」 PAGE33 和其他30名華美福利會的學生參 ─文章由馮喬羽翻譯 PAGE 理查(Richard Goldberg)是她 下續中文第二版 新移民爭取英語教育資金 Happy New Year! 新年快乐! AACA Graduates Graduates Next Next STEP STEP Classes Classes AACA Eye researcher honored at 11th ‘Taste ofof Ginger’ gala Quincy Lunar proposes New Yearhigher celebrates Year the Snake Mass. governor income tax, lower sales tax BY WONG ByLING-MEI Arick Wong BY PHOENIX TSO aboutIslanders, 6,000 positions in state gov-of Mass. will annual undergo“A changes Pacific with 90-95 percent The taxes eleventh Taste ifof Big Dig expenses and maintain existing ting Asians, and to reach out to the commu“It’s very rare that you bring this After month-long delay thanks to infrastructure. For education, Patrick ernment, managing health costs, Gov. Devalatook Patrick’s goes through. diabetic Asians having typecare 2 diabetes, Ginger” placeplan at the Museum of many people together,” Brothers said. nity with partners that provide essential Winter Storm Nemo, the 25th Annual transportation Patrick the year, income according to a 2010 report bureaucracy from the CenFine Arts proposed on Marchraising 23. This the advocated for universal early educa- reforming Chinese Lunar New — services,” JohnK-12 Brothers, executive “It’s especially hard to and reach out Patand tersending for Disease Control Prevention. event raised more thanYear $300,000 toward pension system abuse, tax to 6.25 percent from 5.25festival percent at tion, fully said funded education and and director of QARI. connect with new people in the commuorganized by Quincy Asian Resources is happening even tothough research of new meth- extended school time for high-need rick “This said. These changes were prethe state ofand thedevelopment commonwealth address nity. WeAmericans didn’t wanttend to set goals too Institute and by will 200 volunteers To that end, 100 vendorsthe setgoverup ta- pare Asian to our have a lower ods to16. prevent and tax treat diabetes in all schools. for the future. on Jan. Thestaffed sales be reduced In higher education, bles in the high school gymnasium to high, but we have generally had very — took place March 10 at North Quincy body weight,” said time Dr. George communities. “There is no good to raise King, taxtoAsian 4.5 percent from 6.25 percent, with nor sought to make college more afforddirector of research at the Joslin DiabeThe honoree for this year’s “A Taste positive feedback on our outreach.” offer information on essential services High School. es,” Patrick said. “I know how tough the all proceeds going toward transporta- able and expand community colleges. Photo byKane Kane Carpenter Students froman the AACA’s Next STEPprogram program lineup upfor forphotographs photographsafter afterreceiving receiving their certificates graduation. by Carpenter ––Students from the AACA’s STEP line their certificates tes Center andatatagraduation. professor of medicine of Photo Ginger” was Dr.people Jennifer Sun, inleast 7,000 attended the asNext diverse as real estate, tion,At school construction and public in“Every one of us here public has to health think times have been on the people and famiat Harvard Medical School. “We don’t vestigator inwitnessing the Joslin research division and employment, tailored to celebration, an 23, opening lion On Friday, Friday, December December 23, 2011, 2011, thetwice classes forasking immigrants inwho theQuincy’s Greater lies “Itwas was funcommonwealth. teachingthe the students,” said On the classes for immigrants the Greater “It fun teaching said before peoplein already of the Andthethough frastructure. know why that is, so westudents,” have [Asian and an assistant professor of opthalmoldance and performances on two stages, Chinese andtoVietnamese populations. Asian American Civic Association Association heldfeel Boston area. Alan Philips, Next STEP instructor, who Asian American Civic held Boston area. Alan Philips, Next STEP instructor, who the worst of the recession is over, many, strapped contribute a little more,” The income tax increase comes with ogy at Asian Harvardfood Medical Sun led The outreach portion also included vol- American Diabetes Initiative or AADI] eating fromSchool. several local graduation ceremony forat more thanPatrick also left hisstudents students work ofdecisions advice. graduation ceremony for more than also left his aawork advice. doubled personal exemptions for taxsaid. “But this time, instead of many families still face toughof to increase awareness.” theaaclinical research program Joslin’s Dr. George King attended Taste of Ginger “The students really the appreciated be- “The “The students really appreciated beunteers bearing clipboards of voter regrestaurants, and participating initemized various sinking 70 Next STEP students. “The more they speak English outside 70 Next STEP students. more they speak English outside into the same old slogans, let’s and have deep anxiety about the payers and eliminates some “In our research, we havefuture. shown Beetham Eye Institute, which executes fundraiser on March 23 athard the Museum ing honored honored for their hard work,” said of ing for their work,” said activities, including making a wish on istration forms in Chinese and the South of the classroom, the better they will the classroom, the better they will that food is very important,” King said. I would not ask if I did not believe in deductions. have a serious, fact-based debate. The roughly 25 ongoing clinical research of Fine Arts. (Image courtesy of Jules Ko The Next Next Steps Transitional English Melanie Marcus, Next Step Step & ESOL ESOLfun In- learn The Steps Transitional English Melanie Marcus, Next & InShore YMCA organizing a family aprotocols. Chinese New Year wishing tree, that learn inside the classroom.” inside the classroom.” Photography.) “We have studied traditional Asian food Her team identifies novel bio“With these changes our sales, inpeople we work for want the schools I my heart that investing meaningfully Program (Next STEP) provides freethe ESL area. structor. Program (Next STEP) provides free ESL structor. reflected tradition and spirit State Street Global Outreach sponand have found thatand it’s incredibly helpmarkers to predict disease progression Asian Americans, despite having described; they want the rail and a today in education transportation come and the business taxes will be of com- have Spring Festival. sored a “Green Area” where volunteers ful to lower[ing] body weight and [deand the visual outcomes associated with lower body weight, are twice as likely parable to and competitive with other road services we have laid out; and will significantly improve our economic creasing] the risk of diabetes.” diabetes. The event committee thanked taught children how to make snakes and “The New Year festival has many to develop diabetes compared to Caucastates in the region and beyond with above all they want the opportunity and tomorrows.” ForNew more visit Sun for efforts the in diabetic eyeQuincom- standing sians. Diabetes is the leading cause Chinese goals: Toher celebrate culture of drums out offifth recycled materiYearinformation, wishing tree atplease the Quincy which we compete,” Patrick said. growth these investments will bring.” plications. (Image by Phoenix Tso.) of death among Asian Americans and festival. als. cy’s Asians, to connect Asians and nonMassachusetts needs to pay for the The state saved $11 billion by cut- Sampanpublishes publishesevery everyother otherFriday. Friday. Sampan publishes every other Friday. Sampan Formore morenews, news,please pleasevisit For more news, please visit For Donald Tsang, BAAFF Film FesDonald Film FesTipson onTsang, howto toBAAFF keepyour your 2012 Tips how keep 2012 tival, hinatown’s ewCD Reading eading tival, CChinatown’s NNew RCD Financial Resolutions, Review Financial Resolutions, Review Room andReview Immigr tionTips Tips Room and Immigr aation .. andBook Book Review and HIGHLIGHTS HIGHLIGHTS HIGHLIGHTS Boston PAGE2 4 city councilors file PAGE 42 Chinatown Coalition discusses paid parental leave ordinance INFO INFO Chinatown Neighborhood When a re you considered overWhen a re you considered overChinese American history PAGE Samuel3 Tsoi looks into“Ending “Ending Samuel Tsoi looks into Council talks about restauweight?Learn Learnhow how to toccalculate alculate weight? 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The dinner is free and open to anyone in need or alone for the holiday, including families and senior citizens. For more information, please contact Bread of Life at (781) 397-0404. Free health care service Every Tuesday 6 to 8 p.m. First Church in Malden 184 Pleasant Street Malden, MA 02148 The Sharewood Project offers free, unscheduled health care to the medically underserved populations of the greater Boston area. For more information please call (781) 324-8991 or e-mail sharewood.director@gmail. com. The Chinatown Coalition meeting Thursday, April 9 9:30 a.m. 38 Ash Street Boston, MA 02111 The Chinatown Coalition meeting will take place at the Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center, 4F. The public is welcome to attend. For more information, visit Race to the Finish Line Thursday, April 9 6 p.m. 903 Boylston Street Boston, MA 02115 Race to the Finish Line, a fundraiser for St. Francis House marathon runners, will take place at Lir. Buy tickets for $30 or donate at CRA banquet Friday, April 10 6 p.m. 9 Tyler Street Boston, MA 02111 The Chinatown Resident Association Chinese New Year’s banquet will take place at the China Pearl. For more information, call (617) 851-1701. Introduction to Herbalism workshop Saturday, April 11 10 a.m. to noon 63 Melcher Street Boston, MA 02210 Learn different ways to prepare herbs with Ruby Zheng at 63 Factory. Free for Asian Women for Health members and suggested donation of $10 for nonmembers. RSVP by April 3 to cch@asianw o m e n f o rh e a l t h . org. ATASK benefit correction The Sampan March 20 Event Calendar item “The Chinatown Coalition meeting” was incorrectly listed for April 16, when it should have been for April 9 or the second Thursday of the month. The Sampan sincerely regrets the error. Advertising: Joe Feng performance of ‘Vagina Monologues’ April 11-12 1 p.m. 38 Ash Street Boston, MA 02111 Actors Refuge Repertory Theatre presents “Vagina Monologues 2015 ~ Out of a Cocoon.” All proceeds benefit Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence. Advance tickets are $20 and $25 at the door. Tickets available online at Cove Neighborhood Committee meeting will take place at the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association. The public is welcome to attend. Clean Up Chinatown Committee meeting Tuesday, April 14 10:30 a.m. 87 Tyler Street Boston, MA 02111 The Clean Up Chinatown Committee meeting will take place at the Asian American Civic Association, 5F. The public is welcome to attend. Free legal clinic Monday, April 27 6 to 8 p.m. 1509 Hancock Street, Suite 209 Quincy, MA 02169 Quincy Asian Resources, Inc. will host a free monthly legal clinic. Please contact QARI at (617) 472-2200 or e-mail i n f o @ q u i n c y a s i a n re Wage action rally Thursday, April 14 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Forsyth Park Stand with workers for economic justice and join the fight for $15 an hour in 2015. The rally will stop at Chinatown Gate around 6 p.m. For more information, visit Chinatown/South Cove Neighborhood Committee meeting Monday, April 20 6 p.m. 90 Tyler Street Boston, MA 02111 The Chinatown/South Harvard China Forum April 24-26 Harvard University The Harvard China Forum gathers more than 60 business leaders to address 1,000 students. For more information, please visit www.harvardchina. org. South Cove Manor breakfast seminar Thursday, April 30 9:30 a.m. 324 Tremont Street Boston, MA 02116 All are welcome to attend at Mass Pike Towers Community Room. Food and refreshments provided. For more information, call Terry Yin at (203) 893-7963. AppreciASIANS award ceremony Thursday, April 30 Help Us Learn More About Sleep! If you are: •55-70 years old •Non smoker •Healthy and taking no medication You may be eligible for a 37-day sleep research study at Brigham & Women’s Hospital. There will be a 4-6 week screening period. Must be willing to spend 37 day consecutive days and nights in our facility. Receive up to $7,775 Call 617-525-8719 or email 5:30 p.m. 225 Franklin Street, 33F Boston, MA 02110 The 2015 AppreciASIANS award ceremony for Asian Women for Health will take place at the UMass Club of Boston. Tickets start at $75. For more information, contact Chien-Chi Huang at or call (617) 767-1071. ACDC Heart of the Community Friday, May 1 7:30 a.m. 9 Tyler Street Boston MA 02111 The Asian Community Development Corporation will host its third annual Heart of the Community dim sum breakfast at China Pearl. Buy tickets at Boston Shines Saturday, May 2 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Chinatown Come out to clean up Production: Ling-Mei Wong SAMPAN is New England’s only biweekly bilingual English-Chinese newspaper. It is nonprofit and nonpartisan. Founded in 1972, Sampan is published by the Asian American Civic Association. Sampan is distributed free in Chinatown and the Greater Boston area. All donations to the publication are tax deductible. Subscription: $65/ year (1st class mail); $35/ year (3rd class mail). The reproduction, in whole or in part, of any information contained herein and prior is forbidden without the express written persmission of the publisher. Chinatown and Boston shine. make Village Park Apartments Now accepting applicationsfor our 1, 2, and 3 Bedroom Apartments/Townhomes 2 Bedroom Apartments Now Available for Moderate Income Households (must meet income limits) Section 8 Voucher Holders Welcomed Current Rent at $908 per month Affordable Housing Heat, Hot Water and Cooking Gas Included Laundry on Site Professional On-Site Management Team/24 Hr. Maintenance Close to Center of Amherst, Shopping, & Colleges Near Public Transportation Stop In or Call for Rental Applications at: 201 Village Park Road, Amherst, MA 01002 (413)549-0099 * TTY (800)439-0183 VILLAGE PARK DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF DISABILITY income 3 Sampan NEWS April 3, 2015 540 180 820 460 020 520 Seniors learn health tips at 020 South Cove Manor seminar By South Cove Manor 580 ABCD celebrates Chinese New Year By ABCD Dr. Cheng-Chieh Chuang presented at a South Cove Manor health seminar for elders on March 26 at Mass Pike Towers. (Image courtesy of Terry Yin.) The March South Cove Manor breakfast seminar took place at the Mass Pike Towers community room on at March 26. More than 40 seniors participated in this monthly meeting. The presentation was in Mandarin and Cantonese. Dr. Cheng-Chieh Chuang made a presentation called “Make your life bloom: Easy things that you can do for happiness and health.” He gave each participant a picture of a blooming flower to draw their healthy lifestyle. Each circle represented body (exercise), connection (networking and friends), means (money to keep healthy and buy healthy food), spirits (traditional holidays, beliefs). Many seniors actively engaged with Dr. Chuang and asked questions. Dr. Chuang advised the participants to exercise at least 15 minutes every day 2015 ccessible room ons with four for to maintain their body muscle and joint health. Sunlight can help the body generate vitamin D to maintain the calcium level in their bones. He recommended seniors to go out more often, as the weather is getting warmer. If they did not feel comfortable getting out too often, Dr. Chuang said it would be beneficial for elders to sit at the south-facing side of their homes to absorb extra sunlight. Dr. Chuang is a board-certified family physician at South Cove Manor Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, who studied at the Yale University School of Medicine and Brown Medical School. The breakfast seminar was organized by South Cove Manor and funded by the Asian Health Initiative of Tufts Medical Center. The next seminar will take place April 30 at 9:30 a.m. at Mass Pike Towers. Restoration Housing 747 Huntington Ave units Boston, MA 02115 T: 617-232-5819 F: 617-734-5853 TDD: 1-800-439-2370 Please take notice that the Waiting List for Restoration Housing will be closed as of April 17, 2015 for the one, two, and three bedroom apartments. We are closing the wait lists as the average waiting time for an apartment exceeds more than five years. An advertisement will be placed in the newspaper when the list re-opens. Thank you for your interests in joining our community. ment in, its e reached at Managed by: Wingate Management Company Action for Boston Community Development hosted a Chinese New Year Party celebrating hopes and aspirations for the New Year on March 19 at its headquarters. This year marked the Year of the Goat, viewed as promising and auspicious in Chinese culture. The celebration promoted the theme of a prosperous New Year and included musical numbers, lucky money, tai chi performances, trivia, and more. The ABCD Elder Services programs are dedicated to making sure elders live happy and fulfilled lifestyles. Along with the Chinese New Year celebration ABCD Elder Services also runs the successful Foster Grandparents program that celebrates its 50th year and the Food Dollars program for healthy living. (Image courtesy of Don West for ABCD.) Boston city councilors file paid parental leave ordinance By the Wu Committee Boston City Councilors Michelle Wu (at-large), Tim McCarthy (District 5), and Tito Jackson (District 7) introduced an ordinance relative to paid parental leave at the Boston City Council Meeting on March 25. This ordinance has the full support of Mayor Martin Walsh, who collaborated with the council on this policy. “The actions taken by the City of Boston should reflect the values of our community and our residents,” Wu said. “As a new working mom, I am especially proud to partner with Mayor Walsh and my colleagues to ensure that Boston continues to lead on access to economic opportunity for working families. This ordinance will help alleviate some pressure on working parents who have to make tough choices every day to do the best they can for their families. Access to parental leave will be good for the City, for parents, and most of all, for children.” The ordinance would require Boston to offer six weeks of paid leave for both mothers and fathers, with compensation at 100 percent of salary for the first two S a m p a n . o r g weeks, 75 percent of salary for the next two weeks, and 50 percent of salary for two additional weeks. Unlike the state law, which requires parents working for the same employer to share one leave period, Boston would give parents who are both city employees individual leave periods to take concurrently or in any combination. “When we work together, there aren’t many limitations on what we can do to make improvements in local government,” Walsh said. “It is important for parents to be engaged in a child’s early life.” Approximately 178 countries worldwide offer some form of paid maternity leave, and over 50 offer paid paternity leave. The United States is one of only three countries that lacks a law requiring employers to fund parental pay, with the others being Oman and Papua New Guinea. Wu gave birth to her first child in December. McCarthy is the father of two sons. The Turn at River Bend Housing Lottery Brand New 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Q&A Information Workshop March 25th @ 6pm $1129-$1264 Monthly Rent Lottery Drawing May 13th @ 6pm Both events at W. Bridgewater Town Hall ALL APPLICANTS ARE ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND! Applications available for pick up at W. Bridgewater Town Hall and W. Bridgewater Public Library or online at: Applications must be received by May 4, 2015 Call Delphic Associates for more information at 508-994-4100 4 Sampan NEWS April 3, 2015 Dietitian Ming Cheung to run in eighth Boston Marathon By Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital–Needham and the Sampan editorial team Ming Cheung, a dietician at Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital–Needham, will run in the Boston Marathon on April 20. (Image courtesy of BIDN.) Framingham resident Ming Cheung will run to support Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital–Needham (BIDN) as a member of Team BIDMC in the 119th Boston Marathon on April 20. Cheung, a dietician at BIDN, runs as part of the larger Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center’s marathon team, comprised of 60 runners. The 2015 Boston Marathon will be the eighth marathon Cheung has completed and his fourth Boston Marathon. “Asians are not seen as athletic,” Cheung said. “I want to show people we’re not just good at as table tennis or kung fu, but we’re good at all sports.” Cheung began working at BIDN in October of 2014 after completing his master’s degree in nutrition at Boston University’s Sargent College. The struggle to get fit and lose weight is one Cheung understands — as a senior at Framingham High School and a center on the football team at 5’6”, Cheung stopped weighing himself at 250 pounds. The summer before his freshman year of college, he started running and eating healthier and quickly dropped more than 50 pounds. Now at 29, Ming has been able to maintain his weight under 190 pounds, thanks to his healthy diet and exercise regime. Working at BIDN as an employee of Sodexo, Cheung applied his real-life weight-loss experience and offers his patients a new look at their diet and healthy eating choices without focusing on restrictions. His influence extends to the cuisine at his parent’s restaurant, Uncle Cheung’s in Framingham, where he can still be found waiting tables on the weekends. With a dietician on staff, Uncle Cheung’s offers fresh, made-to-order Chinese food that can be modified according to your dietary lifestyle, such as low-sodium, vegetarian or gluten-free. Cheung loves working at BIDN and said, “Everyone is so nice and supportive of the community, I couldn’t think of a better way to give back than to run to benefit this hospital’s great work.” Continued on page 5 The Chinese Progressive Association had its spring banquet on March 20 at China Pearl. Chinese consulate representative Ruiming Zhong spoke, while CPA president Suzanne Lee translated. (Image courtesy of Ling-Mei Wong.) Chinese Progressive Association celebrates local heroes By Ling-Mei Wong The Chinese Progressive Association (CPA) held its Year of the Sheep New Year Celebration on March 20 at the China Pearl in Chinatown. The Unsung Hero award was presented to De Sheng Liang. Liang is a retired restaurant worker who first came to CPA for help in 2006, when he was fired from his job for no reason. Today he is one of CPA’s most active volunteers, participating in protests, attending community meetings and cooking for events. The Good Neighbor Award was presented to Roche Bros. Supermarket and Whole Foods Market for creating economic opportunities for the community as Chinatown neighbors. Both supermarkets agreed to hire local residents from Chinatown and the South End before public hiring from a coalition of community organizations. Roche Bros. hired 25 applicants ahead of its opening this spring. For Whole Foods, 26 percent of its new hires were Asian American and 19 percent were residents of Chinatown and the South End. The Worker Justice Award was presented to Medical Resources Home Care Workers. The home care workers negotiated with Medical Resources for a pay increase of $9.75 from $9 an hour. The Social Justice Award was presented to former Boston elections commissioner Geraldine Cuddyer for her involvement with bilingual ballots in Chinese and Vietnamese. Cuddyer retired this year. Wah Lum Kung Fu and Tai Chi Academy performed the lion dance and the Cambridge Center for Chinese Culture Drumming Group performed. Representatives from the Chinese consulate and local government also spoke. CPA is a grassroots community organization which works for full equality and empowerment of the Chinese community in the greater Boston area and beyond. MBTA NOTICE TO BIDDERS · Electronic proposals for the following project will be received through the internet using Bid Express until the date and time stated below, and will be posted on forthwith after the bid submission deadline. · No paper copies of bids will be accepted. · Bidders must have a valid digital ID issued by the Authority in order to bid on projects. · Bidders need to apply for a digital ID with Bid Express at least 14 days prior to a scheduled bid opening date. · MBTA Contract No. C72CN03, WORCESTER COMMUTER RAIL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, RAIL REPLACEMENT, FRAMINGHAM TO WORCESTER, MA, (CLASS 1, GENERAL TRANSIT CONSTRUCTION, and CLASS 3, TRACK WORK, PROJECT VALUE - $5,500,000 . · Submitted at until two o’clock (2:00 p.m.) on April 23, 2015. · Immediately thereafter, in a designated room, the Bids will be opened and read publicly. Work along the Worcester Line will consist of rail de-stressing operations at various locations on both Tracks 1 between Boston and Worcester. Work shall be performed during weekdays and weekends and shall be done segmentally within signal block limits as shown on the Contract drawings. Rail de-stressing shall include but not limited to cutting welded rail at selected intervals, removing rail anchors and/or clips, heating rail to desired neutral temperature, providing means for the rail to expand, re-anchoring or clipping the rail at the desired temperature, and re-welding the rail. Additional information and instructions on how to submit a bid are available at April 3, 2015 5 Sampan FEATURES Chinatown crime blotter for March 20 to April 2 By the Boston Police Department All reports are submitted by the Boston Police Department. The time period is from March 20 to April 2for District A-1, which includes Chinatown. To report a crime or suspicious activity, call 911. Interpreters are available for Chinese speakers. Students and Solarize Quincy volunteers answer questions at the Lunar New Year event on March 1 at North Quincy High School. (Image courtesy of Solarize Quincy.) Solar and lunar events kick off Solarize Quincy program By Solarize Quincy “Not only haven’t I paid an electric bill, but I’ve already received $4,000 in payments because I’m generating clean solar electricity,” said Shelly Dein, Quincy’s director of energy and sustainability, at the kickoff event for Solarize Quincy, a program that offers discounted solar panels to local residents and business owners. Dein, who has had panels on the roof of her house for the last three years, added that they will have paid for themselves in about another year, after which she will continue to pocket savings for the 20-year-plus expected life of the panels. The Solar 101 event, held on March 3, attracted a crowd of 50 to Atlantic Middle School to hear Dein, Elizabeth Youngblood of the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center, along with the City and the state Department of Energy Resources, and Dan Barnett, sales manager of SolarFlair, which will design and install the solar arrays for Solarize Quincy customers. The speakers detailed incentives for installing solar through Solarize, including discounted panels, state and federal tax credits, a free supply of clean elec- tricity, and renewable energy certificates that can be sold to electric utilities. A Q&A session at the end of the meeting drew questions on a wide range of issues, including system sizes, how to tell if your house will work for solar, financing options and how long a solar assessment takes. A group of eight Solarize Quincy volunteers, 10 high school students and four SolarFlair representatives met with residents over the course of eight hours at the Quincy Lunar New Year event, distributing more than 100 program brochures on March 1. This event was a great success because of the Chinese brochures and the high school translators who shared about the benefits of solar power for residences and small businesses. On April 7 at 7 p.m., the Solarize Quincy team and Solar Flair will conduct another session for Quincy residents to learn about solar electricity and the Solarize Program at Clifford Marshall Elementary School, 34 Coddington Street, Quincy. For more information or to sign up for a free solar assessment, go to Marathon: Running against stereotypes From page 4 “I really feel like this is my family and I’m inspired every day by the patients. I’m running this marathon for all of them. I want them to know that they can achieve their goals, that long-term weight loss success is possible, and even running a marathon is achievable if you set your mind to it,” Cheung said. “We are excited to have Ming represent the hospital and run with our Boston Marathon team,” said John Fogarty, BIDN president and CEO. “Ming is a valuable member of the BIDN team and a wonderful representation of the entire BIDN community of committed healthcare professionals who make a difference every day.” In the past Cheung has raised more than $12,000 for various marathons, but he estimates that he personally gave $10,000 of his own money, using tips from waiting tables at Uncle Cheung’s. Cheung tells people to focus on balance, rather than instant results. “It’s finding out what you like to eat and adjusting to make it healthy,” Cheung said. He adds more fruits and vegetables to his meals, getting full without too many grains or meat. Cheung eats lighter dinners, such as two plates of salad, and exercises for two to four hours a day. “Nothing is impossible,” Cheung said. “If it’s set in your heart, you’ll get there.” This year, Cheung has set his goal at $7,500 to donate to BIDN. Find out more on his marathon page at www.crowdrise. com/MingCheung. Complete the Sampan Health Survey and you could win a prize! Online february-2015-sampan-health-survey/ Warrant arrest March 22, 3:30 a.m.: The suspect was arrested on Edinboro Street on an outstanding warrant issued out of Quincy District Court. Threats March 22, 3:59 a.m.: The victim, a security guard working on Washington Street, was threatened by a tenant of the building. Investigate person March 23, 7:11 p.m.: The victim reports he was attempting to buy drugs from the suspect on Essex Street. The suspect took the victim’s money and refused to give him the drugs. The officers did not find any drugs on the suspect. They both were given a “field intelligence observation” (FIO’d) or frisked by police officers. The victim’s money was returned to him. Warrant arrest March 24, 3:35 p.m.: The suspect was arrested on Hayward Place on an outstanding warrant issued out of Brockton District Court. Meetings: Community looks at crime From page 1 Fong reported three robberies took place. The first incident took place at 117 Beach Street, when the victim tried to buy drugs and was robbed by three black males. The other two incidents were at banks: Santander Bank at 42 Kneeland Street and Cathay Bank at 621 Washington Street, with police apprehending the suspects in both cases. Three car break-ins occurred. One incident involved school materials being taken from a car. Another car break resulted in a cell phone and computer being taken from a car at the Pilgrim Garage, which does not have surveillance equipment. Finally, at 660 Washington Street, a handbag was grabbed out of car stopped in traffic, Fong said. An attempted burglary took place at 17 Pine Street. Two suspects attempted to gain entry, with the 15-year-old victim holding the door shut, Fong said. CRA The CRA meeting was held at the Josiah Quincy School. Residents were asked to share how they used the Boston Common and Public Garden with Friends of the Public Garden executive director Elizabeth Vizza. The CRA gala will take place April 10 at the China Pearl. Gables University Station Affordable Housing Lottery Westwood, MA Six 1BRs @ $1,251*, Eight 2BRs @ $1,387* No Utilities included except water and sewer Gables University Station is a 130 unit apartment building on 95 University Avenue. 14 of the units will be rented to households with annual incomes not exceeding 80% of AMI adjusted for family size as determined by HUD. Gables University Station shares community amenities with Gables II University Station (such as clubhouse area with a pool, lounge, conference room, and fitness center) however only the affordable units at Gables University Station are available through this lottery. The affordable units at Gables II University Station will be available through a separate and distinct lottery in the near future. Please see the Info Packet for more details. Maximum Household Income Limits are: $48,800 (1 person), $55,800 (2 people), $62,750 (3 people), $69,700 (4 people) A Public Information Session will be held at 6 pm on April 7th, 2015 at the Westwood Public Library Community Room (660 High St). Completed Applications and Required Income Documentation must be delivered, not postmarked, by 2:00 PM on May 12th, 2015. The Lottery will be held on June 2nd at 6 PM in same location as the info session above. For Details on Applications, the Lottery, and the Apartments, or for reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities, call 617.782.6900 (press x1 then x 3) or go to: Applications and Info Packets also available at the Westwood Main Library on 660 High Street (Hours: M-W 10-9, Th 1-9, F 10-6, Sa 10-5, Su 2-5). 6 Sampan HEALTH April 3, 2015 How to make an asthma action plan By Dr. Yue Zhao and Dr. John Leung symptom gets worse; 3. When to seek urgent care or call the ambulance. A peak flow meter. (Image courtesy of Tufts Medical Center.) Asthma is a chronic, remitting and relapsing airway disease commonly affecting both adults and children alike. Airways in asthma patients are very sensitive to environmental irritants, such as tobacco smoke, dust mites, pet dander, and even cold air. When triggered by these unfriendly irritants, the fragile small airways in asthma patients can become inflamed and narrow, which manifest as wheezing, coughing, chest tightness, or as severe as respiratory failure. Currently, there is no cure for asthma. However, the symptoms of asthma may be prevented or managed very effectively if there is a consistent management strategy or “action plan.” This strategy relies heavily on patient’s strict compliance to medication regimen, trigger awareness as well as symptom awareness. What is an asthma action plan? An asthma action plan is a written worksheet that shows you the steps to take at home based on the severity of your asthma symptoms. It tells you the following: 1. What medication to take at home every day; 2. What medication to take if you Simply put, it is an algorithm which tells you step-by-step when and what medications to take based on your symptoms. It is an individualized self-management guide that is written in simple words and easy to use. The action plan describes how to control asthma in the long term and how to handle worsening asthma symptoms, or attacks. Learning to “feel” the early warnings of a pending asthma attack is very important and is not as easy as it seems, especially when anxiety may become a confounding factor. Fortunately, we have a device called “peak flow meter” that enables you to recognize early warning symptoms in a relatively objective manner. Immediate action may be taken based on the severity, such as taking extra doses of quick-acting medications or seeking urgent care, to abort a devastating asthma attack. What is a “peak flow meter” and how do I use it? A peak flow meter for asthma is analogous to a thermometer for fever. By blowing hard into a mouthpiece, you will get a reading on the meter, which measures your ability to exhale air out of your lungs, as known as peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR). In a pending asthma attack or during an attack, this flow rate decreases due to narrowing of the small airways, depending on the severity. Thus, this can be used to measure the severity of your asthma, your response to treatment and to detect an impending Northfield Commons in Andover Affordable Housing Lottery 3BR Duplex Units & 3BR Single-Family Homes for $199,800 asthma attack even before you develop any symptoms. By comparing the numbers with your “personal best” reading in the past two to three weeks, your allergist will know how well your asthma is controlled, and adjust the treatment accordingly. The following traffic light system in Asthma Action Plan serves as an easy guide to interpret the readings. Peak flow meter: A portable device used to measure how fast you can blow air out of the lungs. To get a reading, you simply inhale fully and blow as fast and hard as you can through the mouthpiece. This process should be repeated three times and you best reading should be recorded. You should keep a chart of these readings and bring it to your allergist. How are asthma action plans designed? For convenience, asthma action plans are often broken down into three zones: green, yellow and red. It will give you instruction on how to handle each situation in each zone. For example: 1. Green zone: You are symptom-free. PEFR is 80-100 percent of your personal best. You should continue to take your controller medications. 2. Yellow zone: You are experiencing mild to moderate asthma symptoms. PEFR is 50-80 percent of your personal best. You should follow the steps on the action plan to use quick-relief medications. 3. Red zone: You are experiencing severe asthma symptoms or an asthma flare-up. PEFR is below 50 percent of your personal best. Urgent medical care is needed if your symptoms do not im- prove. Who needs an asthma action plan? There are many causes of anemia but theEvery individual with asthma should have an asthma action plan, especially if asthma symptoms are frequent and severe that require prior ER visits or hospitalizations. Your doctor will discuss with you about the medication regimen, treatment goal, how to use the action plan to reach your goal, and make an individualized plan that works best for you. If your child has asthma that needs closer home monitoring and better symptom control, then the Asthma Action Plan is a must for you to follow. All child caregivers (for example, babysitters, daycare center workers, etc.) should know about every child’s asthma action plan. During follow-up visits, your doctor will go over the action plan with you and may refine the plan if any part of it is confusing or unhelpful. Find a template of an asthma action plan online: resources/lung/asthma-action-plan. About the authors Dr. John Leung is triple-board certified in internal medicine, allergy/immunology and gastroenterology and he is the director of the Food Allergy Center at Tufts Medical Center. He is fluent in both English and Cantonese. Dr. Yue Zhao is an internal medicine resident at Tufts Medical Center. To make an appointment, please call (617) 636-5333. Groton MA AFFORDABLE HOUSING Three, 2 Bedroom Town homes Price $148,950 Your Total Monthly Housing Costs* are only $1,450 (approx.)!!! *Total Monthly Housing Costs are the estimated sum of a your mortgage payment (30 year, fixed rate), your monthly real-estate taxes, and insurance. HOA fees are $90/mo. This is a lottery for the 14 affordable Homes being built at Northfield Commons. These 14 homes will be sold at affordable prices to households with incomes at or below 80% of the area median income. The first affordable homes will be ready in early 2015. All affordable homes are at least 1,900 sqft and have 3 bedrooms, two bathrooms. Homes have 9’ ceilings, and a first floor that features a kitchen with generous cabinet space and a center island with breakfast bar, a formal dining room flows to an expansive living room with large windows & first-floor laundry. The second floor features two bedrooms, a second bathroom, and a spacious loft area. The Maximum Income Limits for Households are as follows: $46,100 (1 person), $52,650 (2 people), $59,250 (3 people), $65,800 (4 people), $71,100 (5 people), $76,350 (6 people) Academy Hill Groton MA Public Information Meeting Town Hall 173 Main St Groton MA Tues, April 14 at 6:30pm Lottery (same location) Tues, May 5 at 6:30pm Application deadline April 28, 2015 MAX INCOME 1—$46,100 2— $52,650 3—$59,250 4—$65,800 Persons per household Assets to $75,000 Homes sold by lottery Households cannot have more than $75,000 in assets. For more information on the Development, the Units or the Lottery and Application Process or for reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities, please visit: or call 617.782.6900. For Info and Application: Applications and Required Income Documentation must be recieved, not postmarked, by 2 pm on May 26th, 2015 Email: Call: Karen Morand @978 235-5595 A Public Info Session will be held on April 22nd, 2015 at 6:00 pm at the Activity Room in Andover’s Memorial Hall Library (2 North Main St). The lottery will be on June 9th at 6 pm the same location. Applications and Information also available at the Memorial Hall Library in Andover on 2 North Main St (M-Th 9-9, Fri-Sat 9-5, Sun 1-5) Application available at Groton Town Hall 7 Sampan HEALTH April 3, 2015 Suffering in silence: Mental health and older Asian American immigrants By Jenny Chen, New America Media In 1976, So Ying Chan and her husband came to the United States to help take care of their grandchildren. Her son, Michael Man, worked as the accounting manager at the National Education Association. Everything was going well. Then, in 1992, Chan’s husband passed away and her own health began deteriorating. When Chan hit 83, she developed Alzheimer’s disease. During the day, when both Man and his wife were at work, Chan would wander onto the streets and get lost. Man would have to call the police to find her and bring her back home. Other days, Chan would be cooking and wander off forgetting that she had left the stove on. Whether developing a brain disease like Alzheimer’s or emotional decline like depression, older Asians in the United States, many who immigrated here later in life, face a range of barriers to getting help. But programs are emerging around the country to address their need for culturally appropriate care. New language, culture isolate Asian elders According to a Washington Post analysis of the 2010 U.S. Census, the Washington, D.C. region’s Asian population rose 60 percent since 2000, making the region a hub for Asians on the East Coast. Unlike West Coast Asians, many in the East are first or second generation immigrants. It has also become customary for many of Asian Americans to bring their parents Asian American seniors are at high risk for emotional health issues, due to language and culture barriers. (Image courtesy of Flickr user Kevin Schoenmakers.) from abroad to take care of their grandchildren. Often these grandparents don’t speak English and don’t easily adapt to a new language and culture. Most can’t drive and become confined to their adult child’s house. According to the State Department, 30,602 immigrants from Asia in 2014 were parent of current Asian American U.S. citizens over the age of 21. Researchers have shown that loneliness and social isolation are key predictors of depression and other mental health issues in elders. Social isolation intensifies for many seniors as they experience more limited mobility and their friends begin to die. “Because of their recent arrival, unfamiliar social environment, poverty, poor health and communication problems, it is difficult for them to participate effectively in the economic, social, politi- cal and cultural life,” said Abul Hossen of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology in Bangladesh. He added, “As a result, they become alienated and isolated from the mainstream society.” A 2011 University of California (UC) study of 20,712 Asian American elders in the Journal of General Internal Medicine found that Filipino, Korean and Vietnamese elders in the U.S. were more likely to report symptoms of mental distress compared to non-Hispanic whites, yet they were less likely to have seen a primary care provider. The UC researchers found that about one in five older Filipinos in this country reported such signs, as well as one in six Koreans and one in seven Vietnamese Americans, compared to the less than one in 10 older non-Hispanic whites. They found that among six Asian subpopulations, older Asians at greater risk for mental distress are also those more likely to have immigrated to the U.S. and have low levels of English-language proficiency. They also interviewed a sample of 647 seniors ages 55-plus in five languages and English. Among them, 90-100 percent in each Asian subgroup were born outside the U.S., except for the Japanese survey participants, two-thirds of whom were U.S. born. Groups with the lowest levels of English proficiency included 84 percent of Vietnamese elders, 70 percent of Koreans, and over half of Chinese seniors. ‘A danger to herself’ Alarmed that his mother “was becoming a danger to herself,” Man later said in an interview, “We couldn’t afford to take any risks.” Eventually, he and his wife decided that his mother would be safer in a nursing home and brought Chan to a facility that was covered under the Medicaid program for those with low-incomes. Man said that Chan was not used to the food and didn’t eat very much. When Susan Wong visited her six months later, Chan had fallen into a deep depression. She kept saying that her son had abandoned her. She had tried to escape the nursing home several times. Wong owns an assisted living home for Chinese elders in Gaithersburg, Md., called Lin’s House, named for her son, who died in childhood. Every day Wong and her staff help bathe, clothe and feed the home’s seven residents, and serve them home-cooked Asian meals. The staff talks to residents in Mandarin or Cantonese. After a couple months at Lin’s House, Chan settled into a comfortable rhythm. She isn’t ecstatic to be in a facility, but she now jokes with the staff and sits down at her meals. And she doesn’t try to run away. This article is adapted from Jenny Chen’s story written partly through a fellowship from New America Media and the Gerontological Society, sponsored by AARP. The original piece for Asian Fortune includes two videos. MBTA NOTICE TO BIDDERS · Electronic proposals for the following project will be received through the internet using Bid Express until the date and time stated below, and will be posted on forthwith after the bid submission deadline. · No paper copies of bids will be accepted. · Bidders must have a valid digital ID issued by the Authority in order to bid on projects. · Bidders need to apply for a digital ID with Bid Express at least 14 days prior to a scheduled bid opening date. · MBTA Contract No. R40CN01, CABOT CARHOUSE – PHASE I IMPROVEMENTS, DORCHESTER, MA, (CLASS 11 – ASBESTOS ABATEMENT, CABOT CARHOUSE – PHASE I IMPROVEMENTS, SOUTH BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS AND PROJECT VALUE – $2,435,000.00) . · Submitted at until two o’clock (2:00 p.m.) on May 5, 2015. · Immediately thereafter, in a designated room, the Bids will be opened and read publicly. Work consists of: Removal and proper disposal of PCB caulking, woodstairs and shelving, pallets and cardboard boxes. Cleanup of dust on surfaces. Provide and install modular offices, metal shelving and stairs and plastic pallets and bins. This Contract is subject to a financial assistance Contract between the MBTA and the Federal Transit Administration of U.S. Department of Transportation. FTA Participation 80 percent. Additional information and instructions on how to submit a bid are available at 8 Sampan FEATURES April 3, 2015 Senior Chinese New Year party Boston spelling bee winners A total of 24 Boston youth competed at the eighth Citywide Spelling Bee at the BCYF Mildred Avenue Community Center on March 21. (Left to right): Chris Byner of BCYF, second place Emily Sun, winner Christy Jestin and third place Isabella Baez-Giangreco. (Image courtesy of the City of Boston.) 70 w o N d! ol %S A Chinese New Year party took place at the Cambridge Senior Center & Council on Aging on March 26. (Image courtesy of Victoria Zhou.) Academic Excellence, Community & Diversity Your New Home in Wellesley A Safe, Sound, Wise Investment The Best Townhome Value in Wellesley - Pricing from $535,000. Our Final Phase is Now Open To see more about Linden Square please visit us at Our gorgeous, private townhome community offers the best of all worlds - the beauty and prestige of Wellesley, our excellent schools, a short walk to shopping and fine restaurants, easy access to Boston and all major routes - and a superb long term investment value. Two bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, your own private courtyard and wonderful living spaces. Whether you’re an empty nester or a “new nester”... this is the perfect home for you ! For a viewing, please call us at 617-957-1516 11 Oak Street Wellesley 90% financing available to qualified buyers 24 Linden Sampan Ad v3 Wise 5 x 7.5 MECH 3.26.indd 1 The Chestnut Hill School Thursday,November April 16 from to 10:30pm am OPEN HOUSE Sunday, 2, 8:30 1:00-3:00 Beginners (Age 3) to Grade 6 Co-Educational Financial Aid Program Exceptional Secondary School Placement Afterschool Extended Day 428 Hammond Street, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467-1229 617-566-4394 fax: 617-738-6602 WWW.TCHS.ORG 3/27/15 10:30 AM
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