Our mission is to provide information and education on the prevention and detection of fraud to all interested parties in accordance with the principles and values of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. Winter, 2015 Edition SPRING’S ALMOST HERE! Cold snaps and chilly rains be gone! Flowers are blooming all around San Diego, Daylight Savings Time has returned and the air is filled with the birdsongs of Spring. That can mean only one thing. It’s time to start planning your trip to the ACFE Annual Conference! This year’s venue is Baltimore, Maryland. The ACFE Headquarters staff promises they’ve lined up a roster of terrific speakers – including our own ACFE‐SD Board Member Chuck Cochran. Group rates are available, but only if you register through your ACFE Chapter. Andy Horita, ACFE‐SD Board Member, has offered to coordinate all group registrations. More details are available on the next page. Time is short, so spring into action and register with Andy now! And make sure to block your calendar now so you can attend the next ACFE‐SD meeting on March 26th! It’s sure to be a great one! 1 26th ACFE Global Fraud Conference Group Registration Information Baltimore, Maryland June 14 – 19, 2015 The Annual ACFE Global Fraud Conference is happening in just a few months – in June! Now is a great time to make your plans to attend this event, which brings together more than 3,000 attendees from over 60 countries to discuss identifying, preventing and detecting fraud and white‐collar crime. As in previous years, ACFE Headquarters is offering substantial discounts for groups of ACFE members and affiliates who register to attend with other members of their local chapters. The deadline to submit the registrations is April 1, 2015. The team registration pricing is as follows: Team Registration – Full Conference ACFE Member Non‐Member 3 or more $1,250 (USD) $1,450 5 or more $1,200 $1,400 10 or more $1,125 $1,325 5 or more $825 $1,025 10 or more $800 $1000 Team Registration – Main Conference ACFE Member Non‐Member 3 or more $850 (USD) $1,050 The San Diego Chapter traditionally has several members at the conference, both as speakers and as attendees. If you’re planning to attend, why not join up with your fellow San Diego Fraud Fighters and save yourselves some money? Note that AFCE requires all members of an attendee group must submit their group and individual forms at one time. No add‐ons are allowed after the initial submission. Attendees can opt to pay individually when they submit their forms to the chapter’s group registration leader OR may opt to be billed by ACFE separately. All attendees wishing to take advantage of the group rates must submit a completed Group Supplemental Form (Group Supplemental Form) to the chapter. To make sure your registration paperwork is included in the San Diego chapter package which must be submitted to ACFE National no later than 1 April, please submit your registration forms to Andy Horita (abhorita@yahoo.com) by March 25th. For more information about the conference, visit the conference web site: 26th Annual ACFE Global Fraud Conference Don’t Miss Out on the Savings! Sign Up NOW! 2 ACFE San Diego Board Chapter Information Chapter Meetings th Dates: 4 Thursday of January, March, May, July, September (Annual Ethics Training: 2 CPEs) and November Time: Registration begins at 10:30 a.m. Program: 11:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. (30 minute lunch break) Place: Sheraton – Four Points 8110 Aero Drive, San Diego, CA 92123 Cost (includes lunch + 2 CPEs): SD Chapter members: $50.00 Non‐members: $75.00 Next regularly scheduled meeting: March 26, 2015 Help Spread the Word About Fraud! Make our San Diego Chapter of ACFE even stronger. If you have suggestions for program topics, contacts for speakers, anti‐fraud tips and experiences you’d like to share with your fellow chapter members, news and tid‐bits for the newsletter, or even a few hours to spare on spreading the word about fraud prevention and detection, we need you! Contact us at http://sandiegoacfe.org/contact‐us/. If submitting an article for the newsletter, please submit it in an editable format (e.g., Word, NOT PDF), using single spacing. Don’t forget to include a title for the article and your name as you would like it to appear in the article’s byline. The editor reserves the right to edit all submissions for space, formatting, grammar and applicability to the general audience of the newsletter. 3 ACFE SD Meeting Updates The San Diego chapter held its annual Holiday Social on December 2nd, and by all accounts, it was both well attended and packed with holiday cheer. The fine staff at Shades Oceanfront Bistro served delicious appetizers and tasty snacks. The ACFE‐SD Board Members took a few minutes to thank the attendees for their support of the chapter, and everyone there agreed it was a great time to meet new friends, renew ties to old acquaintances and to share a few stories (and drinks) with many people of good cheer. If you missed this event in 2014, never fear. It will return again in December 2015. It’s never too early to plan for the holidays! On February 11, ACFE‐SD and the SD chapter of the Institute of Internal Auditors held a joint day‐long seminar with noted fraud expert, John Hall, presenting Fraud Cases and their Impact on Internal Auditors. As always, the day was filled with John’s fascinating stories of fraud in the workplace and practical tips for detecting and investigating malfeasance. John is dynamic and generous with his fraud‐fighting materials, many of which can be found at Johnhallspeaker.com. ACFE – San Diego Chapter Information 2014‐2015 Chapter Board of Directors President: Ian Kelly‐Thomas, CFE Vice President: Melody Platero, CFE Secretary: Andy Horita, CPA, CFE Treasurer: Jere Batten, CPA, CFE Directors: Kevin Boyne, CPA, CFE, BS, MPA Charles (Chuck) Cochrane, CFE W. Noel Haskins‐Hafer, CIA, CFE, CRMA, CISA Chapter Web Site: http://sandiegoacfe.org/ (Includes presentation materials from many recent SD ACFE Chapter meetings) ACFE National Web Site: http://acfe.com/ 4
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