1 PSAT Scholars Program 2015 Presented by Cal-SOAP and University of San Diego SAT Preparation Courses PROGRAM IS FREE TO QUALIFIED STUDENTS For students in the Class of 2017 (sophomores/10th graders) Sessions are on Saturdays (mandatory attendance required on all six Saturdays) Students will learn about the new PSAT/SAT that they will be required to take their junior year During previous programs, students improved their SAT scores by an average of over 150 points Students will receive free test preparation materials and instruction; this course normally costs $695 Mandatory Attendance Required for All 6 Dates Date Saturday, July 11 Saturday, July 18 Saturday, July 25 Saturday, Aug. 1 Saturday, Aug. 8 Saturday, Aug. 15 Time 8:00am-1:00pm 8:30am-12:30pm 8:30am-12:30pm 8:30am-12:30pm 8:30am-12:30pm 8:30am-1:00pm Location University of San Diego University of San Diego University of San Diego University of San Diego University of San Diego University of San Diego Rm TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Applications at www.sandiegocalsoap.com. Due 4/24. For more information, contact Karla Whitaker at (858) 569-1866 ext. 216 or kkwhitaker@ucsd.edu Comments from past PSAT Scholars “The instructors explain each problem thoroughly and are both patient and helpful.” “This class has helped me improve my test scores by showing me logical ways of thinking in a limited amount of time.” “My scores have tremendously improved and many tips were given that I can use on actual tests.” “I know people who don’t know what the SATs are about and are scared. This will help them conquer that fear and do better on the test.” “The instructors’ patience and their ability to explain were most helpful. Thank you!” “I was inspired and encouraged by the positive attitudes and motivation given by the instructors.” “This class made me think that everything is possible with hope and hard work.” 2 Dear Class of 2017 Student and Parent(s)/Guardian(s), If college is in your future, then so are college admissions tests like the SAT and/or ACT. One of the best ways to prepare for the SAT is by taking the PSAT/NMSQT (Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test.) The score you receive on the SAT or ACT often has a significant impact on determining if you will be admitted to the four-year college/university of your choice. Also, high scores on the PSAT (taken in October of the 11th grade year) can qualify a student for National Merit Scholarships, National Achievement Scholarships, and special scholarships sponsored by private corporations and donors. The PSAT and SAT are being redesigned by the College Board. Students will take the new PSAT in October 2015 and the new SAT in spring 2016. The California Student Opportunity and Access Program (Cal-SOAP) is offering eligible students in the San Diego area the opportunity to participate in a FREE 6-session PSAT/SAT Preparation course. Students accepted to the PSAT Scholars Program will receive intensive test preparation and FREE PSAT/SAT study materials. This course will show students what they can expect on the new tests and how to earn the best score possible. Dates: Summer 2015 Saturday, July 11 Saturday, July 18 Saturday, July 25 Saturday, August 1 Saturday, August 8 Saturday, August 15 Session Time 8:00am-1:00pm 8:30am-12:30pm 8:30am-12:30pm 8:30am-12:30pm 8:30am-12:30pm 8:30am-1:00pm If you are accepted, attendance is mandatory at all six sessions! If you are accepted, parents must attend Orientation on the evening of Wednesday, July 8, 2015 The application materials, which include an application form, an essay, and a teacher recommendation form, are included. Please contact us to verify that we received all parts of your application. Mail Email Fax Submit via any one of the following: Cal-SOAP Attn: Karla Whitaker Deadline if mailing: 6735 Gifford Way, Room 14 Must be postmarked by San Diego, CA 92111 April 24, 2015 Scan/email: kkwhitaker@ucsd.edu 858-569-1136, Attn: Karla Whitaker (After faxing, call 858-569-1866 to confirm) Emailed on/by April 24, 2015 Deadline if faxing: Must be faxed on/by April 24, 2015 Immediately after the deadline, we will review all applications and will inform you via mail whether or not you are accepted to the program. If we receive more applications than we can accommodate, we will decide based on the student profile, essay and recommendation. Admission to this program is competitive and applicants are NOT guaranteed a spot. To be considered, students must have an excellent teacher recommendation, a thoughtful and wellwritten essay, and be absolutely committed to attending all 6 sessions. Attendance is of utmost importance! If accepted, parents must also attend a mandatory orientation on the evening of Wednesday, July 8. If you have questions, feel free to contact me at (858) 569-1866 ext. 216, or kkwhitaker@ucsd.edu. Karla Whitaker, Cal-SOAP Academic Coordinator; KEEP THIS PAGE FOR REFERENCE Cal-SOAP: www.sandiegocalsoap.com 3 2015 PSAT SCHOLARS APPLICATION Please write NEATLY and LEGIBLY in BLUE or BLACK INK Student Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Last First Nickname (optional) Name of parent(s)_________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: _________________________________________________________________________________ Address Street Unit/Apt (if applicable) City State Zip Phone #: ( )________________________Birth Date: _______/_______/______Male: ______Female______ Alternate Phone #: ( ) __________________ Student ID Number _________________________________ College-weighted GPA (most recent): ___________ Expected Date of Graduation: June 20________ (ex: June 2017) Name of school you attend in 2014-2015:_______________________________ Grade Level in 2014-2015: _______ Student Email Address: type or write clearly____________________________________________________________ Parent Email Address: type or write clearly_____________________________________________________________ Do you qualify for free and/or reduced lunch at school? YES ___________ NO __________________ Number of people in household:_____________ Annual Family Income______________________________________ Are you a first generation college-bound student? Meaning, your parents and older generations didn’t complete a college degree and you/your generation would be the first to earn a college degree? YES______ NO _______ Please check the race/ethnicity with which you most closely identify: Filipino/a; Latino/Hispanic; African American; Native American/Alaskan Native; Are you a current participant in any of the following outreach programs: Search; Upward Bound; Other ___________________ Asian/Pacific Islander; White/Caucasian; UC EAOP; Other Educational Talent Only committed students will be admitted to the Cal-SOAP PSAT Scholars Program. If accepted, my parent(s) and I understand the following: Attendance is mandatory for the entire 6-session program. I will need my own transportation to and from the site (USD in Linda Vista.) I will sign a waiver granting Cal-SOAP access to my future PSAT and SAT scores. I also commit to take the PSAT and SAT and submit those scores to Cal-SOAP. I agree that the PSAT Scholars Program has the right to publish photographs of Scholars for publicity purposes. Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature: _______________________________________________Date: _________ Student’s Signature: __________________________________________________ Date: ______________ Cal-SOAP: www.sandiegocalsoap.com 4 Student Short Response (Essay) 2015 PSAT SCHOLARS We will evaluate responses based on content, thoughtfulness, sincerity, effort and grammar/English. Type or write in blue/black ink on separate paper. Include your full name on each page. Write one paragraph per prompt, minimum. 1. We are seeking students who are absolutely committed to attending all six sessions of the PSAT Scholars Program, who will participate in class, and who will give their utmost effort to the work assigned. Explain why you would be a good candidate for the program and why you have a strong desire to attend. 2. Tell us what you might study in college and why earning a college degree is important to you. 3. What are you most proud of? What are you passionate about? 4. Describe any challenges you have overcome and how you overcame them. What future challenges do you anticipate and how will you overcome those? Cal-SOAP: www.sandiegocalsoap.com 5 2015 PSAT SCHOLARS TEACHER/COUNSELOR RECOMMENDATION FORM, Due April 24. 2015 Student Instructions: Give this form to a teacher, counselor or unbiased adult, such as a coach or minister. Once it is completed be sure to get it from the recommender and include it with your application packet. Applicant’s Name__________________________________________________________________________ Last Name First Name Nickname (Optional) Dear Teacher, Counselor, or Program Coordinator: The above student is applying for admission to the Cal-SOAP PSAT Scholars Program. If selected, the student will attend an intensive 6session PSAT preparation workshop held this July and August. After you complete the recommendation, return it to the student. If you’d like it to remain confidential, you can give it to the student in a sealed envelope with your signature over the seal. Please rate the student in the following categories: Academic/Intellectual Ability Exceptional Good Above Average Average Below Average Writing/Speaking Ability Willingness to Learn Behavior in class, sports, etc. Maturity Responsibility Write any additional comments below or attach a separate sheet. Recommender’s Name: ___________________________________________________________ Phone Number and/or Email Address ________________________________________________ Position or Title: ________________________________________________________________ School or Organization:___________________________________________________________ Signature: ____________________________________________________ Date: ____________ Cal-SOAP: www.sandiegocalsoap.com 6 Back-side of Teacher/Counselor Recommendation Application Checklist Include your…. Application page, signed by both student and parent. Short Responses, including your name on every page. Recommendation Form. Submit via any one of the following methods: Mail E-mail Fax Cal-SOAP Attn: Karla Whitaker 6735 Gifford Way, Room 14 San Diego, CA 92111 Deadline if mailing: Must be postmarked by April 24, 2015 Scan/email: kkwhitaker@ucsd.edu Emailed on/by April 24, 2015 858-569-1136, Attn: Karla Whitaker (After faxing, call 858-569-1866 to confirm receipt of fax) Deadline if faxing: Must be faxed on/by April 24, 2015 Cal-SOAP: www.sandiegocalsoap.com
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