Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care Anesthesia News 2015 | Vol. 13 Preparing for Ebola Matt Aldrich, MD Also in this issue: ■■ Message from the Interim Chair ■■ Pediatric Cardiac Anesthesia ■■ The Ronald D. Miller Distinguished Professorship of Anesthesia ■■ Resident “Houses” ■■ Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome ■■ The Anesthesia Staff Support Engagement Team ■■ Farewell to Chuck Hajek and Lorenzo Woo ■■ Resident Profiles, New Faculty, Publications, Grants, and more M att Aldrich, MD, interim director of adult critical care medicine at UCSF Medical Center, is part of the core group at UCSF leading preparations for a potential Ebola Virus Disease patient. In December 2014, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services designated UCSF Medical Center as an Ebola treatment center – the only hospital in San Francisco to earn this designation and one of 35 such hospitals nationwide. He understands the event may never occur – to date, there has not been one documented case of Ebola in California – but says, “What’s the alternative to fully preparing? We’re putting processes in place for better emergency response and preparedness; that’s important not just because of Ebola, but because we don’t know what the next infectious disease outbreak will be.” A Long, Thoughtful Process By late August of 2014, epidemiology and infection control groups at UCSF had already developed a web site and put in place guidelines for screening, personal protective equipment (PPE) and patient isolation. At that point, approximately 30 key stakeholders from Infection Control, Nursing, Critical Care Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Lab Medicine, the Safety Office and the Department of Emergency Management met for the first time. continued on next page Anesthesia News is published by the UCSF Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care 521 Parnassus Avenue Room C 450, Box 0648 San Francisco, CA 94143-0648 415/476-2131 “Taking the time to go through this process is valuable. Even if it never involves taking care of an Ebola patient.” — Matt Aldrich, MD Send all inquiries to UCSFAnesthesiaNews DEPARTMENT INTERIM CHAIR AND EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Michael Gropper, MD, PhD EDITOR: Morgen Ahearn DESIGNER: Laura Myers Design PRINCIPAL WRITER: Andrew Schwartz PHOTOGRAPHERS: Noah Berger, Cindy Chew, Adam Jacobson, Christine Jegan, Susan Merrell, Marco Sanchez (UCSF Documents, Media and Mail), Richard Schlobohm ©2015 The Regents of the University of California Preparing for Ebola continued from previous page Their work was quickly colored – the team galvanized – by events at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in September, when a patient arriving from Liberia was initially sent home and ultimately died of the disease, but not before infecting two nurses. The work, however, posed a set of significant challenges. Beyond creation of an isolation unit and training in the use of PPE, they would need to create clear and detailed processes for everything from the use of diagnostic equipment to lab testing, waste disposal and rapid response to an Ebola patient in distress. This multidisciplinary effort has been lead by Adrienne Green, Associate Chief Medical Officer for UCSF Health. Creating the Unit and Processes Drawing on CDC guidelines and best practices from Emory University and Nebraska Medical Center, which had successfully handled Ebola cases, the UCSF team decided to create an isolation unit in an existing intensive care (ICU) unit on its Mount Zion campus. The core clinical teams include nurses, clinical lab scientists, respiratory therapists and faculty physicians from critical care, infectious disease, and hospital medicine who have volunteered to train and provide care for Ebola virus infected patients. The School of Medicine and Medical Center decided that no trainees would be involved in direct care. UCSF Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care | “A guiding principle has been to limit patient contact to a core group of providers and – as we think broadly about what we can accomplish clinically – to also do everything we can to minimize risks to staff,” says Aldrich. Among other things, this has meant developing new workflows to address the risk of procedures – such as continuous renal replacement therapy – that have been effective in treating Ebola patients, but have the potential for significant blood exposure. The group is also planning to make use of telemedicine to limit the number of providers in the room. The Role of Critical Care Aldrich has been unsurprised, though pleased, by the response of critical care staff in both adult and pediatric units. These individuals know that should an Ebola patient arrive, the clinical teams will be isolated and away from their normal lives for at least the entire treatment period. “We have a sizeable group of volunteers from both Anesthesia and Pulmonary Critical Care,” says Aldrich. “We will work together with the volunteers from critical care nursing, as well as Pediatric Critical Care, Infectious Disease, Hospital Medicine, and Obstetrics to provide the best care possible to patients of all ages.” Despite the demands of the preparation effort, Aldrich believes, “Taking the time to go through this process is valuable. Even if it never involves taking care of an Ebola patient, the Medical Center has done the right thing by making it a priority. I’m grateful for the very strong support of both UCSF Health and School of Medicine leadership.” Anesthesia News | 2015 | 2 Message from the Interim Chair Changes in the Healthcare Landscape: Challenges and Opportunities O n Sunday, February 1st, 40 ambulances arrived at Moffitt/ Long Hospital to begin the challenging task of safely transporting 131 patients from the Moffitt/Long and Mount Zion hospitals to the new hospitals at the Mission Bay campus. The patients included newborns, a baby on ECMO, triplets, laboring mothers, and many others. Due to extensive planning, and the hard work of 300 personnel, the process went smoothly. I was particularly proud watching our residents and faculty, who provided critical support at both hospitals during the transition. By early afternoon, all patients were safely admitted to the new hospitals: The UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital San Francisco, UCSF Betty Irene Moore Women’s Hospital, and the UCSF Bakar Cancer Hospital. Combined, these three hospitals add nearly 300 beds and 20 operating rooms to UCSF Health. Starting February 2nd, Mount Zion Hospital became an Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC), with 6 OR’s and various non-OR anesthetizing locations. Staffing 20 new ORs and a 14 bed ICU at Mission Bay, in addition to the ASC at Mount Zion, has created both challenges and opportunities for the Department. Over the last year and into the next, we will have added approximately 14 new faculty members to provide coverage in the new hospitals, in addition to providing for expansion in pain management, critical care, and other areas. Additional faculty are being recruited to San Francisco General Hospital, which will open its new facility, the Priscilla and Mark Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center (please “like” it on Facebook!). Of note, Priscilla Zuckerberg, MD is a UCSF graduate, and recently completed her pediatrics residency at UCSF. This will be a state of the art hospital, with an expansion from 27 to 58 beds in the trauma center, increase in ORs from 10 to 20 (including 8 adult, 8 pediatric and 4 shared adult/pediatric ORs), and doubling of ICU beds (31 single and 13 double intensive care nursery rooms, 14 intensive care unit rooms for adults, 10 pediatric intensive care unit rooms, 12 pediatric cardiac intensive care unit rooms, and 12 transitional pediatric intensive care rooms). James Marks, MD, PhD, Chief of the Anesthesia Service at SFGH and current Chief of Staff, has also been adding faculty in anticipation of having to staff additional ORs and ICU beds. One of the challenges faced by the Department is the spread of faculty and trainees across the city. It is with mixed feelings that we will begin to videoconference our traditional Grand Rounds and QI conferences on Wednesday mornings, as an effort to reduce the stress of having to cross San Francisco in the peak of commute hour to reach SFGH, the VA, Mount Zion, and Mission Bay in order to start OR cases on Wednesday mornings. In order to minimize the impact of this dispersion, we have started the “Houses” concept, described in this newsletter. These groups will bring residents, fellows, and faculty together in a social environment for mentoring, teambuilding, and camaraderie. In spite of these changes, our residency is viewed as the best in the country, at least according to the recently released Doximity and US News & World Report rankings ( While many argue with the methodology, I personally believe it is sound. UCSF Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care | Speaking of rankings, for a number of years, UCSF has been ranked #1 in terms of NIH funding. However, it is increasingly difficult to fund the research that has been an essential part of our success. I am encouraged by the recent success of our faculty in obtaining funding, but increasingly, academic departments need to provide long-term funding in the form of endowed chairs and distinguished professorships. In addition to providing stability, these endowments are a crucial tool for recruiting top talent to UCSF, where the cost of living serves as a major disadvantage. As many of you are aware, we are in the process of fundraising for the Ronald D. Miller Distinguished Professorship. This Professorship will honor Dr. Miller, our 3rd Chair, who led the Department for 26 years. It will support a clinical/translational researcher in the mold of Dr. Miller, whose critical contributions to transfusion medicine and neuromuscular blockade transformed our specialty. While I don’t expect our alumni to be as generous as Priscilla Zuckerberg, I do hope you will contribute to help assure that we remain the #1 department in the world. Michael Gropper, MD, PhD Professor and Interim Chair Anesthesia News | 2015 | 3 Ask the Expert: Scott Schulman, MD, MHS Pediatric Cardiac Anesthesia Now that surgical advances have dramatically improved survival rates for children with congenital heart disease, how can research in pediatric cardiac anesthesia improve the quality of these patients’ lives? W hen I did my cardiac anesthesia rotation, we lost a lot of congenital heart disease patients on the table. Now, thanks to advances in cardiac surgical, anesthetic, perfusion, and critical care techniques – and the strong collaboration between anesthesiology and cardiac surgery – those same patients have a 70-80 percent survival into adulthood. That’s why we’ve been able to shift our focus to the quality of their survival. In pediatric cardiac anesthesia, we’ve long been concerned about the effect on the developing brain of early exposure to potent inhalational or IV anesthetics. In order to examine outcomes, we’ve needed to develop databases and use the tools of evidence-based medicine – especially randomized clinical trials and comparative effectiveness trials – to critically examine what types of clinician behaviors (i.e. surgical, anesthetic, perfusion, and intensive care) positively affect outcome. This has been a big part of my career. And though it took an act of Congress to get people to spend money on pediatric clinical trials, we are making progress, especially with thoughtful, collaborative networks, like the Pediatric Heart Network. Similarly, the Congenital Cardiac Anesthesia Society – in partnership with cardiothoracic surgeons – is developing a database that includes best practices in the operating room for patients with congenital heart disease. At UCSF, we are fostering collaborations among basic scientists and clinical-translational thinkers in pediatric neurology, cardiology, surgery and anesthesia to do programmatic, outcome-based investigations. That work is enhanced by UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital San Francisco moving to Mission Bay, where clinical scientists can work ever more closely with basic scientists. The current thinking is that repeated exposure to anesthesia at key developmental points – as well as to cardiopulmonary bypass – can trigger cellular events that lead to bad neurologic outcomes. But we’re also learning that a lot of babies with congenital heart disease are born with brain abnormalities that, in some cases, predate the exposure to anesthesia or bypass. Unlacing these issues is essential if we’re to minimize the risk and maximize the benefit of new therapies and surgical techniques that can mitigate the harmful effects of anesthesia. At UCSF, we are among those testing the efficacy of an alpha 2 adrenergic agonist – dexmedetomidine – which many academic centers are starting to use before, during and/or after pediatric open-heart surgery. Early studies indicate it can have several salutory effects on the heart and brain, because it stabilizes the heart rhythm against supra ventricular tachycardia and may have neuroprotective effects because of its mechanism of action in the brain. In my clinical experience with dexmedetomidine one can give a fraction of the amount of opiates typically required with other anesthetics. One caution: it can slow heart rate, so it’s important to mitigate that untoward effect with drugs or devices that mitigate the undesired cardiac rhythm consequence. A lot of the seminal work on dexmedetomidine was done by investigators at UCSF, but there are still gaps in our knowledge so our group has been collaborating with the NIH and UCSF Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care | pharmaceutical companies to do the work that will create proper protocols and pediatric labeling for this and other drugs, including those in the pipeline that have a pharmaceutical sponsor. That’s the challenge now: how to properly apply new therapeutics in the clinical setting. We are also looking at new, inhaled agents like xenon, which is another interesting possibility for countering the effects of anesthesia on young children. It was originally used to measure blood flow to the brain, but now we are investigating its potential to protect the developing brain from anesthesia and cardiopulmonary bypass. Finally, as noted above, thanks to these types of advances there are now more adults living with congenital heart disease than children living with the condition. Many of these adults come to the operating room for a variety of non-cardiac surgical procedures, but because of their palliated congenital heart disease, they often require the expertise of pediatric cardiac anesthesiologists to manage their medically complex preoperative issues. This is an essential evolving role for us as pediatric cardiac anesthesiologists: we care for these patients throughout their life, not just for cardiac surgery, but for non-cardiac surgery as well. Anesthesia News | 2015 | 4 In Pursuit of Excellence Creating the Ronald D. Miller Distinguished Professorship of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care F or more than half a century, the UCSF Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care has been making groundbreaking clinical discoveries and training generations of leaders in both academic anesthesia (24 chairpersons to date) and private practice. Much of our department’s success has grown from the vision of our first three chairs: Stuart C. Cullen, William K. Hamilton and Ronald D. Miller. All three believed that anesthesia was in a unique position to conduct important clinical research – and that doing so would draw the best and brightest to our specialty. And they were right. Yet at a time of intense healthcare change and reduced availability of research support, maintaining this tradition and the department’s international leadership requires carving out a position where someone can dedicate themselves fully to these pursuits. Thus we are redoubling our efforts to raise $2,500,000 to establish the Ronald D. Miller Distinguished Professorship of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care. The pursuit of excellence – the title of Dr. Miller’s 2009 Rovenstine Lecture to the ASA – has been the lodestar of Dr. Miller’s career, a highlight of which was his election to the Institute of Medicine at the National Academy of Sciences in 1998. His research contribution began with the historic clinical research he initiated in a combat hospital during the Vietnam Conflict in 1968-69 – work that changed the way hospitals treat coagulopathies associated with massive blood transfusion. It continued with his seminal work on the safe use of neuromuscular blockade, and his serving on several NIH study sections, including being chairperson of the NIH Surgery, Anesthesia, and Trauma Study Section. Dr. Miller’s many contributions to medicine and patient safety honor a history that begins with the research discoveries of John Severinghaus, Ted Eger and Dr. Miller’s classmate, George Gregory. When he assumed department leadership in 1983, Dr. Miller was determined that others have similar opportunities to make their mark and that the department and specialty expand its leadership role in all aspects of perioperative medicine. During his 26 years of leadership, the department created a nationally recognized multidisciplinary outpatient pain clinic and an inpatient pain service, both of which helped establish UCSF as a leader in pain treatment and anesthesia as the go-to specialty for pain. He continued to expand anesthesia’s leadership in intensive care at UCSF – a role pioneered by his two predecessors as chair. Dr. Miller’s authorship of the most widely used textbook for anesthesia in the world (Miller’s Anesthesia) has highlighted UCSF faculty and dramatically enhanced our department’s international reputation. And he established a translational research fellowship while recruiting leading investigators to our faculty to ensure we grew a research portfolio that reached across specialties and around the world. Now the pressures of modern healthcare pose a challenge to the department’s and Dr. Miller’s legacies. But as Dr. Miller said recently, “It’s still of prime importance to think big and dream.” We should honor his service and his vision. The holder of the Ronald D. Miller Distinguished Professor of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care will further Dr. Miller’s deep commitment to clinical research in anesthesia and to excellence in the training and mentoring of young physicians. UCSF Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care | For more information or to make a gift, please contact Tommy Williams at (415) 476-5825 or send an email to Anesthesia News | 2015 | 5 From top: Ronald D. Miller William K. Hamilton and Stuart C. Cullen Education Giving Residents a Place to Call Home D oximity and US News and World Report recently named the residency program at UC San Francisco’s Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care the number one residency in the country for anesthesiology. No surprise there; the program has been a national leader for years. But the department knows it cannot rest on its laurels. At a time when residency programs are judged not just by the rigor of their training but also by the support and life-work balance they offer, maintaining leadership means finding creative ways to help new physicians adapt to the intense demands of residency. This can be tricky in a large department like UCSF’s, with its 90 residents rotating to a new location every two months. The size creates unique learning opportunities, but it can also be confusing for entering residents seeking support and guidance. That’s why the department decided to create virtual “houses” – named for each of the department’s long-serving department chairs: Stuart Cullen, William Hamilton and Ronald Miller – where groups of residents can find the support and guidance they need. Making People Feel At Home in a Large Institution “We wanted to create the type of camaraderie you see in smaller institutions,” says Kristina Sullivan, MD, who directs the anesthesia internship for the department and was recently elected to the UCSF Academy of Medical Educators. “We figured why not have a family to go to, rather than just one faculty advisor?” says Kevin Thornton, MD, who serves as chair of the departmental residency well-being committee and program director for UCSF’s Adult Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology “We figured why not have a family to go to, rather than just one faculty advisor?” — Kevin Thornton, MD Fellowship program. “The houses create a structure for vertical mentoring.” Vertical mentoring – where each resident receives mentoring from peers the next level up – helps avert residents’ sense of being on their own, while clarifying the expectations that go along with being in a top notch residency program. “It offers support for those who may be having a difficult time and, sometimes, it means asking people to dig deeper if they don’t understand what’s expected,” says Chief Resident Wendy Smith. Creating Common Ground At a kickoff event in June 2014, every resident, fellow and faculty member was assigned to a house. Veteran faculty spoke of the values each of the historic chairmen brought to the department and the impact they had on residents’ lives and careers. “A lot of the residents were very moved and talked about how much they liked understanding the history of the department better,” says Smith. Over the summer, the houses began to bond through a series of facultyhosted barbecues and additional meetings, out of which emerged selfgoverning resident leadership councils. The councils, with the help of a faculty mentor, coordinate individual and all-house activities, which include social, career-focused and academic events. As of the writing of this article, those events have included group birthday parties, a panel on fellowship opportunities and an organized discussion about professionalism in medicine. “In residency, you don’t always have a sense of what your peers are doing, so [during the professionalism evening], residents who have recently been in the UCSF Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care | same shoes as new residents made clear our common goals and responsibilities,” says Chief Resident Ashley Quan. “It took away the mystery about what’s expected for everything from asking for days off to not leaving the hospital without seeing if colleagues need breaks,” says Smith. “What made the professionalism event work was that it was led by senior residents, not faculty, and it accelerated what you need to learn to thrive in a large, complex system,” says Thornton. Continually Refining the Effort To help keep residents engaged, the department has created a playful competition among the houses. Each house receives points for attendance at events, presentations, planning and citizenship actions, such as helping a colleague. At the end of the year, the winning house decides on its preferred prize. Meanwhile, the leadership teams are refining what they’re doing. Based on feedback from their houses, the leadership teams are considering a number of future events: ■■ A team-based scavenger hunt through San Francisco ■■ A jeopardy style knowledge bowl to prepare for the in-training exam and catalyze group studying ■■ A faculty-hosted and/or resident-run journal club to encourage peer learning ■■ Events where families and significant others can meet, from a chili cook-off and Panini party to a whiskey tasting. “We try to figure out what worked and hasn’t worked so we can better meet the needs of all the residents,” says Thornton. “I think people looking at the program now are excited by what we’re doing.” Anesthesia News | 2015 | 6 Research Profile Exploring Promising Approaches for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome A cute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a significant public health concern in the US, afflicting about 200,000 people each year, with a mortality rate of as much as 40 percent, depending on the etiology. Nearly all therapy is supportive: low tidal volume ventilation, fluid conservative strategy and prone positioning. UCSF anesthesiologist Jae-Woo Lee, MD, is among those working hard to discover therapies that can actually repair the damaged lungs. Healing with Stem Cells For a number of years, Lee worked with critical care specialist Michael Matthay, MD, in a lab focused on using adult mesenchymal stem cells to normalize alveolar epithelial permeability and fluid transport in damaged lungs. Working with donor human lungs declined for transplantation, the research team injured the lungs in the lab using bacterial pneumonia, and then administered mesenchymal stem cells, which homed in on the inflammatory site and began secreting anti-inflammatory cytokines. “We were able to demonstrate these stem cells have therapeutic effects; At right: Jae-Woo Lee, MD; below: chest X-ray of patient with ARDS they stopped the inflammation and repaired the damage,” says Lee. The group then advanced to a series of pre-clinical studies in collaboration with University of Texas, Galveston and Production Assistance for Cellular Therapies, a NIH-sponsored group that provides clinical grade cells for clinical trials. Using a sheep model of sepsis, the researchers found a very similar therapeutic effect to what they originally found in the human lung and in preclinical small animal models. “Based on these results, Dr. Matthay is now conducting a Phase I and II clinical trial on the therapeutic use of bone marrow-derived human mesenchymal stem cells for ARDS,” says Lee. Moving to Microvesicles To build on that work, Lee’s lab has begun studying whether microvesicles can achieve a similar therapeutic effect to the mesenchymal stem cells. Microvesicles are membrane fragments released from the endosomal compartment of cells as exosomes or shed from surface membranes. The microvesicles retain the phenotype of the cells from which they originate, due to the presence of mRNA, microRNA and proteins such as keratinocyte growth factor, a known epithelial growth factor with therapeutic properties. Microvesicles are of interest to medical researchers because they offer a couple of potential advantages over live stem cells. First, because they are anuclear, they pose minimal risk of spontaneous tumor formation. Second, the microvesicles do not require a bone marrow transplant facility for storage and so may be less expensive and more accessible for use as therapeutic agents. “Our theory is that they will behave as smart drugs,” says Lee. “Get to the target site through surface receptors, stop the inflammation and repair the damage to the lung.” To date, Lee’s group has been able to demonstrate in both bacteria- and endotoxin-induced ARDS that the microvesicles do retain most of the therapeutic properties of the live stem cells. “In pre-clinical models, the effect has been pretty remarkable,” says Lee. In addition, his team has been able to change the phenotype of the microvesicles, depending on how you treat the cells. “If you stress the cells with TLR3 agonists, you can create a more robust anti-microbial phenotype,” says Lee. While Lee’s lab is still engaged in the pre-clinical work, he believes the initial findings make microvesicles very promising for an eventual translational study to treat ARDS. UCSF Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care | Anesthesia News | 2015 | 7 Staff Profile “ Nurturing a Department’s Most Valuable ASSETs W hen a 2014 survey on staff engagement revealed that, at times, being spread across multiple locations can make it difficult for staff members in the UCSF Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care to feel like part of a cohesive team, something clicked for Kien Truong. Truong – billing coordinator for the department’s Mount Zion operation – approached Lorenzo Woo, formerly the department’s assistant director for education and Carroll Schreibman, who at that time was the SFGH Division Manager and who is currently the department’s Associate Chair of Administration and Finance, with an idea. “I thought: ‘Why not plan a series of small functions throughout the year to bring staff together from the different work sites?’” says Truong. Eventually, Truong engaged colleagues from each site to do just that. The Anesthesia Staff Support Engagement Team or ASSET began functioning in the fall of 2014, and its members are enthusiastic that they can enhance the staff’s sense of unity. “Kien’s personality – he had already cultivated relationships with many people – was critical in getting us out of the starting gate,” says Vanessa Cheng, another ASSET member. A Staff-Driven, Staff-Led Effort Most academic departments understand how important it is that non-academic staff members use their professional skills and institutional knowledge to support the department’s mission; the value is evident in a multitude of interactions that occur every day. To galvanize and inspire staff members to continually do their best “Our main mission is to create a more cohesive work environment within the department where people are comfortable approaching each other.” — Kien Truong Left to right: Phillip Evans, Marie Hollero, Vanessa Cheng, Kien Truong work, the ASSET team – Truong, Cheng and Phillip Evans – worked with Martie Santos (a senior human resources analyst) to create a staff mixer where staff members could openly discuss the survey results and offer specific feedback about what activities they would like to see. Marie Hollero joined ASSET in October of 2014 and brings valuable team building skills. “This is very much a staff-driven, staff-led effort; there is no management involved, except for Martie [at first] who was more of an advisor,” says Truong. “Our main mission is to create a more cohesive work environment within the department where people are comfortable approaching each other. We want to create events where people can chat with their co-workers and walk away saying, ‘That was fun.’” The Anesthesia Staff Support Engagement Team (ASSET) Kien Truong has been with the department for seven years and is currently the billing coordinator for the department’s Mount Zion operation. He moved to the US from Vietnam when he was four-years-old and lived in Rochester, New York and Chicago before moving to San Francisco. He graduated in 1993 from the School of the Arts in SF and then attended college for a year, before going into retail management. UCSF Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care | Once an avid figure skater, today he loves to bowl, sings karaoke, and enjoys “vegging out at home with a good movie and awesome snacks.” Vanessa Cheng has been with the department for more than two years; her primary responsibilities are to help on-board and off-board staff and faculty and serve as assistant to the vice-chair of academic affairs. Born in Hong Kong, she and her family moved to the US when she was five. After graduating from Lowell High School and earning her undergraduate degree in international relations from UC Davis, she previously worked at the Asian Week Foundation. In her spare time, she enjoys volunteering in her community and quiet hikes. “The quieter, the better,” she says. Phillip Evans has been with the department for more than five years. His primary responsibilities are managing the extramural funds for the Center for Cerebrovascular Research, as well as its day-today operations. Raised in Oregon, he has been in the Bay Area for more than 25 years. Before joining UCSF, he worked in the hospitality and escrow industries. In his spare time, he enjoys weekend getaways and volunteering for his community to raise much-needed funds for a variety of charities. Anesthesia News | 2015 | 8 Farewell Chuck Hajek and Lorenzo Woo The Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care would like to extend its heartfelt gratitude and a fond farewell to two outstanding administrative leaders. C huck Hajek began his career in the Anesthesia Department in February of 2005, as our Budget and Finance Officer. In this role he managed all department funds, and implemented fiscal policies, reporting systems and controls for all funds under management. Prior to coming to the Department, Chuck spent over ten years in financial management roles in private industry, and credits Marge O’Halloran and Dr. Ronald Miller for taking “a chance on someone with no experience in the financial management of academic medicine.” Marge and Dr. Miller’s “gamble” has certainly paid off. After successfully stewarding the Department through the 2009 – 2010 state furlough, Chuck became the Department’s Associate Chair for Finance in November of 2010. This expanded role included strategic planning and oversight of clinical enterprise and research program operations. Chuck developed and implemented mission based financial statements, which allowed the Chair to make informed decisions regarding resource allocation by Department mission. In addition, he played a significant role in the development and implementation of the Department research bridge funding program, as well as a strategic plan to achieve the Morton Society median compensation for anesthesia faculty. The following year, Chuck became the Department’s Associate Chair for Finance and Administration, taking on oversight responsibility for all Department functional areas. As Associate Chair for Finance and Administration, Chuck continued to make improvements to the Department’s financial and administrative management processes to improve efficiency, customer service, and accountability. In addition, he led the Chuck Hajek Department’s effort to analyze and negotiate the new UCSF Health Funds Flow model. However, Chuck’s biggest challenge in this role was addressing the Department’s recent forecasted financial deficit for FY13-14. In the spring of 2013, Anesthesia was forecasting a significant financial loss for FY12-13 and, given the state of finances at the time, our initial budget for FY13-14 indicated an even deeper loss. While the Department had (and continues to have) appropriate reserve levels, it was clear that our anticipated financial performance path was not sustainable. The drivers for the poor financial performance were twofold; (1) lower than expected clinical revenues due to the implementation of the APeX electronic medical record system and (2) expense growth rate that outpaced Department professional fee growth. In order to address the financial performance issue, Chuck collaborated with the Department’s Finance Committee to develop cost reduction measures with the following goals: 1. Identify areas of cost savings that did not inhibit the ability of the Department to achieve its core mission of improving patient lives through excellence, innovation, and leadership in patient care, scientific discovery, and education. 2. Distribute the burden of cost saving measures across Department missions (clinical, research, education, academic affairs, and central expense). 3. Assess the near term (FY13-14 & FY14-15) impact. UCSF Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care | Lorenzo Woo A thoughtful, clear cost reduction package was developed, presented to and unanimously approved by the Department’s Chair Advisory Group (CAG). A communication approach specifically targeting each impacted employee group was developed. A Department-wide communication followed. While most cost reduction decisions were not popular, the Department at large appreciated the transparency and fairness in the decision making process. As a result of these cost reduction measures and better than expected professional fee revenue, the Department’s financial performance is back on track. While managing these financial and administrative challenges, Chuck has always maintained a focus on staff development, and names participating in the success of those around him as his biggest reward. Chuck’s belief is that our overall contributions are measured by our impact on others around us – and he has certainly lived this out during his time in the Anesthesia Department. We wish him the best of luck in his next endeavors. I n March of 2010, when the Anesthesia Department’s beloved Residency Program Coordinator and den mother, Jeanie Murakawa, passed away after a sudden and unexpected illness, she left a gaping hole in the Department on both a professional and personal level. continued on next page Anesthesia News | 2015 | 9 Farewell continued from previous page While no one could take Jeanie’s place, we were extremely lucky to hire Lorenzo Woo to take on the responsibility of a newly formed and expanded position: Assistant Director for Anesthesia Education. In addition to operational duties, the position was now responsible for strategic planning for the Department’s Education Domain. Lorenzo came to the Department with over 20 years of graduate medical education (GME) experience, previously directing the UCSF Office of GME. This experience allowed Lorenzo to quickly and realistically assess the Anesthesia Education Domain’s established goals, objectives and operations and suggest improvements to streamline the workflow. From the start, Lorenzo embraced a teamwork-based approach, which extended even beyond the Education Domain. In fact, perhaps his most outstanding legacy will be his efforts to engage the entire Anesthesia staff group following less than optimal results on a 2013 UCSF-wide Gallop poll about staff engagement. In April of that year, the Department launched a grass roots campaign with the initial goal of hearing from the staff about how to work collaboratively to create a “great place to work.” This led to Lorenzo (in collaboration with Carroll Schreibman, who at that time was the SFGH Division Manager and who is now the Department’s MSO) hosting small staff working groups to stimulate the engagement discussion and garner feedback and ideas from the staff members themselves. While Lorenzo would say that he was “just a bean counter” during this process, his leadership and positivity created an open atmosphere and a safe environment for staff to voice both their concerns and their suggestions for improvement. This work led to the establishment of quarterly staff meetings, a stronger focus on staff development, and most importantly, the formation of the staff ASSET (Anesthesia Staff Support Engagement Group) group. ASSET now has a funded mandate to engage the staff through a UCSF Chatter group and various staff events. Recently, they conducted a morale poll that showed improvement in staff morale and engagement since the commencement of their efforts. Lorenzo’s leadership was instrumental in making these improvements. Although we will miss Lorenzo greatly, at least we know we can still stop by the Millberry Union Fitness and Recreation Center to participate in his BodyPump class! We wish him all the best as he focuses on his most important role: being a super-dad. New Faculty Career Faculty RESIDENCY Anesthesiology: Stanford FELLOWSHIPS Angela Lipshutz, MD Assistant Professor in Residence Joined Faculty September 2014 ADVANCED DEGREE MPH: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health MEDICAL SCHOOL UCSF INTERNSHIP Internal Medicine: Stanford University School of Medicine Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Biomedical Engineering and Neuroscience: The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Pain Management: UCSF PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT Volunteer Associate Professor, UCSF Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care Private Practice Attending, Pain Clinic of Monterey Bay Visiting Faculty RESIDENCY Erik Litonius, MD, PhD FELLOWSHIP Visiting Assistant Professor Joined Faculty November 2014 Anesthesiology: Massachusetts General Hospital & UCSF Critical Care Medicine: UCSF PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT Per Diem Anesthesiology Faculty: UCSF Erin McKay, MD Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor Joined Faculty July 2014 MEDICAL SCHOOL Boston University School of Medicine INTERNSHIP ADVANCED DEGREE PhD: University of Helsinki, Finland MEDICAL SCHOOL University of Helsinki, Finland RESIDENCY Anesthesiology: Helsinki University Hospital (HUCH) PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT Family Physician: Inga and Sibbo Healthcare Centers, Finland Attending Physician Helsinki University Central Hospital (HUCH) Anesthesiology: UCSF Romain Pirracchio, MD, PhD RESIDENCY Anesthesiology: UCSF Visiting Associate Professor Joined Faculty February 2015 FELLOWSHIP Critical Care Medicine: UCSF Lawrence Poree, MD, PhD, MPH ADVANCED DEGREE Health Sciences Clinical Professor Joined Faculty February 2015 MEDICAL SCHOOL ADVANCED DEGREES MPH, PhD Toxicology and Environmental Health Sciences: UC Berkeley MEDICAL SCHOOL Stanford University School of Medicine INTERNSHIP Transitional: Santa Clara Valley Medical Center UCSF Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care | PhD, Epidemiology and Biostatistics: Paris Diderot University Lariboisiere Medical School, Paris Diderot University FELLOWSHIP Critical Care: Hôpital Lariboisiere PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT Head of the Surgical and Trauma Critical Care Team, Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou, Paris Descartes University Anesthesia News | 2015 | 10 Resident Profiles Gregory Chinn and Marisa Hernandez-Morgan G regory Chinn was born in San Francisco and grew up in Southern California. He completed his undergraduate and MD/PhD degrees at UC Irvine. Greg’s research involved transcription factors and their role on cortical development in mice. Last year, he returned to San Francisco to complete his intern year at UCSF as part of the categorical anesthesia residency. Currently he is in the first year of anesthesia training as a CA-1. Greg reflected on the selection process he went though: “I ranked UCSF at the top of my list after doing an away sub-I in Anesthesia here and seeing firsthand the program’s many strengths. Immediately, I appreciated the diversity of patients and types of cases that the different sites offer, from the veterans at the VA, to the trauma and underserved at SFGH, to the complex ‘zebras’ at Moffitt. Additionally, both the faculty and the residents were phenomenal teachers and I knew I wanted to be at that level one day. I also ranked the research tract highly given my interest in research and desire for a career in academics. UCSF Anesthesia is incredibly generous with support for research interests in any topic, and there are countless opportunities for projects.” When Greg is not at the hospital, he enjoys spending time with his wife and daughter as they take advantage of all the Bay Area has to offer. They love the giraffes at the SF Zoo, the aquarium at the California Academy of Sciences, and the carousel in Golden Gate Park. There are so many outdoor activities to enjoy: hiking in the Marin headlands with breathtaking views of the Golden Gate Bridge and SF, biking through Sausalito, and day trips to Napa. When asked about his current experience, Greg said, “Now that I’m a CA-1 and get to practice anesthesia daily, I couldn’t be happier or feel more fulfilled. I love my co-residents; it feels like we’re family. We all are there to support each other, which makes the steep learning curve bearable. I feel so lucky be at this incredible institution with faculty, mentors, and co-residents that I truly admire and respect.” M arisa Hernandez-Morgan was born and raised in a small town in Southern California, but she later moved to the big city of Los Angeles. She completed undergraduate studies, medical school and a Master’s degree in Public Policy at UCLA. Marisa reflected on the fourth year of medical school: “when it came time to choose a residency program I knew what I was looking for, and I knew I would find it all at UCSF. I wanted a program that would give me the chance to work at several different training sites, one that emphasized compassionate care and provided the opportunity to work with a diverse patient population.” When asked about her current experience as a resident, she replied, “not only has the program provided the vigorous clinical training that I was looking for, but it has also given me the chance to work with leaders in the field who are patient, enthusiastic teachers. Everyday I work with faculty who are dedicated to resident education; it is a real strength of the program.” Marisa enjoys being in one of the most unique cities in the world. In her free time she’s usually out enjoying the San Francisco food scene, hiking or exploring the city via scooter. There are so many street festivals, concerts and outdoor events it is impossible to be bored! UCSF Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care | Anesthesia News | 2015 | 11 Peer Reviewed Publications Abla AA, Rutledge WC, Seymour ZA, Guo D, Kim H, Gupta N, Sneed PK, Barani IJ, Larson D, McDermott MW, Lawton MT. A treatment paradigm for high-grade brain arteriovenous malformations: volume-staged radiosurgical downgrading followed by microsurgical resection. Journal of neurosurgery. 2015;122(2):419-432. Asmussen S, Ito H, Traber DL, Lee JW, Cox RA, Hawkins HK, McAuley DF, McKenna DH, Traber LD, Zhou H, Wilson J, Herndon DN, Prough DS, Liu KD, Matthay MA, Enkhbaatar P. Human mesenchymal stem cells reduce the severity of acute lung injury in a sheep model of bacterial pneumonia. Thorax. 2014 Sep;69(9):819-25. Bendjilali N, Nelson J, Weinsheimer S, Sidney S, Zaroff JG, Hetts SW, Segal M, Pawlikowska L, McCulloch CE, Young WL, Kim H. Common variants on 9p21.3 are associated with brain arteriovenous malformations with accompanying arterial aneurysms. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2014 Apr 28. Bokoch MP, Gelb AW. From the journal archives: cyclopropane: induction and recovery with a bang! Canadian journal of anaesthesia = Journal canadien d’anesthesie. 2014;61(8):763-766. Braun S, Plitzko G, Bicknell L, Van Caster P, Schulz J, Barthuber C, Preckel B, Pannen B, Bauer I. Pretreatment with helium does not attenuate liver injury after warm ischemia reperfusion. Shock. 2014 May;41(5):413-9. Cakmakkaya OS, Kolodzie K, Apfel CC, Pace NL. Anaesthetic techniques for risk of malignant tumour recurrence. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews. 2014;11:Cd008877. Calfee CS, Delucchi K, Parsons PE, Thompson BT, Ware LB, Matthay MA. Subphenotypes in acute respiratory distress syndrome: latent class analysis of data from two randomised controlled trials. The Lancet. Respiratory medicine. 2014;2(8):611-620. Calfee CS, Janz DR, Bernard GR, May AK, Kangelaris KN, Matthay MA, Ware LB; the NIH NHLBI ARDS Network. Distinct Molecular Phenotypes of Direct Versus Indirect ARDS in Single and Multi-Center Studies. Chest. 2014. Chen W, Choi EJ, McDougall CM, Su H. Brain arteriovenous malformation modeling, pathogenesis, and novel therapeutic targets. Transl Stroke Res. 2014 Jun;5(3):316-29. Chen W, Sun Z, Han Z, Jun K, Camus M, Wankhede M, Mao L, Arnold T, Young WL, Su H. De novo cerebrovascular malformation in the adult mouse after endothelial Alk1 deletion and angiogenic stimulation. Stroke. 2014 Mar;45(3):900-2. Choi EJ, Chen W, Jun K, Arthur HM, Young WL, Su H. Novel brain arteriovenous malformation mouse models for type 1 hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia. PLoS One. 2014 Feb 10;9(2):e88511. Choquet H, Nelson J, Pawlikowska L, McCulloch CE, Akers A, Baca B, Khan Y, Hart B, Morrison L, Kim H. Association of cardiovascular risk factors with disease severity in cerebral cavernous malformation type 1 subjects with the common Hispanic mutation. Cerebrovasc Dis. 2014 37(1):57-63. Choquet H, Pawlikowska L, Nelson J, McCulloch CE, Akers A, Baca B, Khan Y, Hart B, Morrison L, Kim H. Polymorphisms in inflammatory and immune response genes associated with cerebral cavernous malformation type 1 severity. Cerebrovascular diseases (Basel, Switzerland). 2014;38(6):433-440. Cohen JM, Kolodzie K, Shah S, Aleshi P. Preoperative Sciatic and Femoral Nerve Blocks for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A Retrospective Analysis. J Anesth Clin Res. 2014(5):452. Cohen NH, Patterson AJ, Coursin DB. Time to break down silos: alternative approaches to staffing ICUs. Crit Care Med 2014 Jul;42(7):e535-6. Culley DJ, Fahy BG, Xie Z, Lekowski R, Buetler S, Liu X, Cohen NH, Crosby G. Academic productivity of directors of ACGME-accredited residency programs in surgery and anesthesiology. Anesth Analg. 2014 Jan;118(1):200-5. Dickerson DM, Naidu RK. Preparing for the physician payment sunshine act. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2014 May-Jun;39(3):185-8. Dong TT, Gelb AW. Perioperative Stroke Remains an Underappreciated Cause of Morbidity and Mortality. J Anesth Perioper Med. 2014;1(1):57-59. Eger EI, 2nd. From the Journal archives: A harbinger of modern anesthesia. Canadian journal of anaesthesia = Journal canadien d’anesthesie. 2014;61(1):76-79. Eger EI, 2nd. Three memorable years. Anesthesia and analgesia. 2014;119(6):1232-1234. Elobu AE, Kintu A, Galukande M, Kaggwa S, Mijjumbi C, Tindimwebwa J, Roche A, Dubowitz G, Ozgediz D, Lipnick M. Evaluating international global health collaborations: perspectives from surgery and anesthesia trainees in Uganda. Surgery. 2014;155(4):585-592. Fidler R, Hirsch J, Stechert M, Johnson M. Three modes of cardiac compressions in a single patient: a comparison of usual manual compressions, automated compressions, and open cardiac massage. Resuscitation. 2014;85(5):e75-76. Flexman AM, Wong H, Riggs KW, Shih T, Garcia PA, Vacas S, Talke PO. Enzyme-inducing Anticonvulsants Increase Plasma Clearance of Dexmedetomidine: A Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Study. Anesthesiology. 2014 May;120(5):1118-25. Gelb AW. Lifelong lessons I learned from my resident research project. Canadian journal of anaesthesia = Journal canadien d’anesthesie. 2014;61(12):1130-1131. Golden MJ, Morrison LA, Kim H, Hart BL. Increased Number of White Matter Lesions in Patients with Familial Cerebral Cavernous Malformations. AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology. 2015. UCSF Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care | Gotts JE, Abbott J, Matthay MA. Influenza causes prolonged disruption of the alveolar-capillary barrier in mice unresponsive to mesenchymal stem cell therapy. American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology. 2014;307(5):L395-406. Guo Y, Tihan T, Kim H, Hess C, Lawton MT, Young WL, Zhao Y, Su H. Distinctive distribution of lymphocytes in unruptured and previously untreated brain arteriovenous malformation. Neuroimmunology and neuroinflammation. 2014;1(3):147-152. Hackett CS, Quigley DA, Wong RA, Chen J, Cheng C, Song YK, Wei JS, Pawlikowska L, Bao Y, Goldenberg DD, Nguyen K, Gustafson WC, Rallapalli SK, Cho YJ, Cook JM, Kozlov S, Mao JH, Van Dyke T, Kwok PY, Khan J, Balmain A, Fan Q, Weiss WA. Expression quantitative trait loci and receptor pharmacology implicate Arg1 and the GABA-A receptor as therapeutic targets in neuroblastoma. Cell reports. 2014;9(3):1034-1046. Han SJ, Englot DJ, Kim H, Lawton MT. Brainstem arteriovenous malformations: anatomical subtypes, assessment of “occlusion in situ” technique, and microsurgical results. Journal of neurosurgery. 2015;122(1):107-117. Han Z, Li L, Wang L, Degos V, Maze M, Su H. Alpha-7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonist treatment reduces neuroinflammation, oxidative stress, and brain injury in mice with ischemic stroke and bone fracture. Journal of neurochemistry. 2014;131(4):498-508. Han Z, Shen F, He Y, Degos V, Camus M, Maze M, Young WL, Su H. Activation of alpha-7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor reduces ischemic stroke injury through reduction of pro-inflammatory macrophages and oxidative stress. PloS one. 2014;9(8):e105711. Hetts SW, Cooke DL, Nelson J, Gupta N, Fullerton H, Amans MR, Narvid JA, Moftakhar P, McSwain H, Dowd CF, Higashida RT, Halbach VV, Lawton MT, Kim H. Influence of Patient Age on Angioarchitecture of Brain Arteriovenous Malformations. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. Jul;35(7):1376-80. Hirsch J. Hemodynamic Control and Delirium. Current Anesthesiology Reports. 2015(January). Hirsch J, Chalkley RJ, Bentley T, Burlingame AL, Frank JA. Double impact of cigarette smoke and mechanical ventilation on the alveolar epithelial type II cell. Critical care (London, England). 2014;18(2):R50. Hirsch J, DePalma G, Tsai TT, Sands LP, Leung JM. Impact of intraoperative hypotension and blood pressure fluctuations on early postoperative delirium after non-cardiac surgerydagger. British journal of anaesthesia. 2015. Jian M, Li X, Wang A, Zhang L, Han R, Gelb AW. Flurbiprofen and hypertension but not hydroxyethyl starch are associated with post-craniotomy intracranial haematoma requiring surgery. British journal of anaesthesia. 2014;113(5):832-839. continued on next page Anesthesia News | 2015 | 12 Peer Reviewed Publications continued from previous page Jones AR, Stutz CC, Zhou Y, Marks JD, Shusta EV. Identifying blood-brain-barrier selective single-chain antibody fragments. Biotechnology journal. 2014;9(5):664-674. Kim H, Abla AA, Nelson J, McCulloch CE, Bervini D, Morgan MK, Stapleton C, Walcott BP, Ogilvy CS, Spetzler RF, Lawton MT. Validation of the supplemented Spetzler-Martin grading system for brain arteriovenous malformations in a multicenter cohort of 1009 surgical patients. Neurosurgery. 2015;76(1):25-31; discussion 31-22; quiz 32-23. Kim H, Al-Shahi Salman R, McCulloch CE, Stapf C, Young WL, for the MARS Coinvestigators. Untreated brain arteriovenous malformation: patient level meta-analysis of hemorrhage predictors. Neurology. 2014 Aug 12;83(7):590-7. Kremer PH, Koeleman BP, Pawlikowska L, Weinsheimer S, Bendjilali N, Sidney S, Zaroff JG, Rinkel GJ, van den Berg LH, Ruigrok YM, de Kort GA, Veldink JH, Kim H, Klijn CJ. Evaluation of genetic risk loci for intracranial aneurysms in sporadic arteriovenous malformations of the brain. Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry. 2014. Kropski JA, Pritchett JM, Zoz DF, Crossno PF, Markin C, Garnett ET, Degryse AL, Mitchell DB, Polosukhin VV, Rickman OB, Choi L, Cheng DS, McConaha ME, Jones BR, Gleaves LA, McMahon FB, Worrell JA, Solus JF, Ware LB, Lee JW, Massion PP, Zaynagetdinov R, White ES, Kurtis JD, Johnson JE, Groshong SD, Lancaster LH, Young LR, Steele MP, Phillips Iii JA, Cogan JD, Loyd JE, Lawson WE, Blackwell TS. Extensive Phenotyping of Individuals At-risk for Familial Interstitial Pneumonia Reveals Clues to the Pathogenesis of Interstitial Lung Disease. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine. 2014. Lee BH, Chan JT, Hazarika O, Vutskits L, Sall JW. Early exposure to volatile anesthetics impairs longterm associative learning and recognition memory. PloS one. 2014;9(8):e105340. Lee BH, Chan JT, Kraeva E, Peterson K, Sall JW. Isoflurane exposure in newborn rats induces long-term cognitive dysfunction in males but not females. Neuropharmacology. 2014;83:9-17. Lee BH, Hazarika OD, Quitoriano GR, Lin N, Leong J, Brosnan H, Chan JT, May LD, Yu D, Alkhamisi A, Stratmann G, Sall JW. Effect of combining anesthetics in neonates on long-term cognitive function. International journal of developmental neuroscience : the official journal of the International Society for Developmental Neuroscience. 2014;37:87-93. Lee CZ, Gelb AW. Anesthesia management for endovascular treatment. Current opinion in anaesthesiology. 2014;27(5):484-488. Lee JW, Rocco PR, Pelosi P. Mesenchymal stem cell therapy for acute respiratory distress syndrome: a light at the end of the tunnel? Anesthesiology. 2015;122(2):238-240. Lewin MR, Bickler P, Heier T, Feiner J, Montauk L, Mensh B. Reversal of experimental paralysis in a human by intranasal neostigmine aerosol suggests a novel approach to the early treatment of neurotoxic envenomation. Clinical case reports. 2013;1(1):7-15. Lewin M, Samuel S, Wexler D, Bickler PE, Mensh B. Early treatment with intranasal neostigmine reduces mortality in a mouse model of Naja naja (Indian cobra) envenomation J. Tropical Medicine. 2014:131835. Li K, Tavare R, Zettlitz KA, Mumenthaler SM, Mallick P, Zhou Y, Marks JD, Wu AM. Anti-MET immunoPET for non-small cell lung cancer using novel fully human antibody fragments. Molecular cancer therapeutics. 2014;13(11):2607-2617. Liu KD, Wilson JG, Zhuo H, Caballero L, McMillan ML, Fang X, Cosgrove K, Calfee CS, Lee JW, Kangelaris KN, Gotts JE, Rogers AJ, Levitt JE, Wiener-Kronish JP, Delucchi KL, Leavitt AD, McKenna DH, Thompson BT, Matthay MA. Design and implementation of the START (STem cells for ARDS Treatment) trial, a phase 1/2 trial of human mesenchymal stem/stromal cells for the treatment of moderate-severe acute respiratory distress syndrome. Annals of intensive care. 2014;4:22. Long LS, Wolpaw JT, Leung JM. Sensitivity and specificity of the animal fluency test for predicting postoperative delirium. Canadian journal of anaesthesia = Journal canadien d’anesthesie. 2014. Mar JS, Nagalingam NA, Song Y, Onizawa M, Lee JW, Lynch SV. Amelioration of DSS-induced murine colitis by VSL#3 supplementation is primarily associated with changes in ileal microbiota composition. Gut microbes. 2014;5(4):494-503. Mashour GA, Moore LE, Lele AV, Robicsek SA, Gelb AW. Perioperative care of patients at high risk for stroke during or after non-cardiac, non-neurologic surgery: consensus statement from the Society for Neuroscience in Anesthesiology and Critical Care*. Journal of neurosurgical anesthesiology. 2014;26(4):273-285. McAuley DF, Curley GF, Hamid UI, Laffey JG, Abbott J, McKenna DH, Fang X, Matthay MA, Lee JW. Clinical grade allogeneic human mesenchymal stem cells restore alveolar fluid clearance in human lungs rejected for transplantation. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2014 May;306(9):L809-15. Mehta NN, Miyasaki SH, Hirsch J, Fidler RL. Easy-to-implement oral cavity modification to expand simulation-based training in airway management. Simulation in healthcare : journal of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare. 2014;9(4):260-263. Meng L, Gelb AW. Regulation of cerebral autoregulation by carbon dioxide. Anesthesiology. 2015;122(1):196-205. Miller RD, Ward TA, McCulloch CE, Cohen NH. A comparison of lidocaine and bupivacaine digital nerve blocks on noninvasive continuous hemoglobin monitoring in a randomized trial in volunteers. Anesth Analg. 2014 Apr;118(4):766-71. UCSF Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care | Mohr JP, Parides MK, Stapf C, Moquete E, Moy CS, Overbey JR, Al-Shahi Salman R, Vicaut E, Young WL, Houdart E, Cordonnier C, Stefani MA, Hartmann A, von Kummer R, Biondi A, Berkefeld J, Klijn CJ, Harkness K, Libman R, Barreau X, Moskowitz AJ; international ARUBA investigators. Medical management with or without interventional therapy for unruptured brain arteriovenous malformations (ARUBA): a multicentre, non-blinded, randomised trial. Lancet. 2014 Feb 15;383(9917):614-21. Monsel A, Zhu YG, Gennai S, Hao Q, Liu J, Lee JW. Cell-based therapy for acute organ injury: preclinical evidence and ongoing clinical trials using mesenchymal stem cells. Anesthesiology. 2014;121(5):1099-1121. Mudumbai SC, Takemoto S, Cason BA, Au S, Upadhyay A, Wallace AW. Thirty-day mortality risk associated with the postoperative nonresumption of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors: a retrospective study of the Veterans Affairs Healthcare System. Journal of hospital medicine : an official publication of the Society of Hospital Medicine. 2014;9(5):289-296. Mudumbai SC, Wagner T, Mahajan S, King R, Heidenreich PA, Hlatky M, Wallace AW, Mariano ER. Effectiveness of preoperative beta-blockade on intraoperative heart rate in vascular surgery cases conducted under regional or local anesthesia. SpringerPlus. 2014;3:227. Potts MB, Jahangiri A, Jen M, Sneed PK, McDermott MW, Gupta N, Hetts SW, Young WL, Lawton MT, UCSF Brain AVM Study Project. Deep Arteriovenous Malformations in the Basal Ganglia, Thalamus, and Insula: Multimodality Management, Patient Selection, and Results. World Neurosurg. 2014 Mar 19. Rollins MD, Feiner JR, Lee JM, Shah S, Larson M. Pupillary Effects of High-dose Opioid Quantified with Infrared Pupillometry. Anesthesiology. 2014. Rutledge WC, Ko NU, Lawton MT, Kim H. Hemorrhage rates and risk factors in the natural history course of brain arteriovenous malformations. Transl Stroke Res. 2014 Oct;5(5):538-42. Schartel SA, Kuhn C, Culley DJ, Wood M, Cohen N. Development of the anesthesiology educational milestones. J Grad Med Educ. 2014 Mar;6 (1 Suppl 1):12-4. Schell-Chaple HM, Puntillo KA, Matthay MA, Liu KD. Body temperature and mortality in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome. American journal of critical care : an official publication, American Association of Critical-Care Nurses. 2015;24(1):15-23. Schumacher M, Pasvankas G. Topical capsaicin formulations in the management of neuropathic pain. Progress in drug research. Fortschritte der Arzneimittelforschung. Progres des recherches pharmaceutiques. 2014;68:105-128. continued on next page Anesthesia News | 2015 | 13 Peer Reviewed Publications continued from previous page Shen F, Degos V, Chu PL, Han Z, Westbroek EM, Choi EJ, Marchuk D, Kim H, Lawton MT, Maze M, Young WL, Su H. Endoglin Deficiency Impairs Stroke Recovery. Stroke. 2014 Jul;45(7):2101-6. Sheth SA, Potts MB, Sneed PK, Young WL, Cooke DL, Gupta N, Hetts SW. Angiographic features help predict outcome after stereotactic radiosurgery for the treatment of pediatric arteriovenous malformations. Childs Nerv Syst. 2014 Feb;30(2):241-7. Sinha AC, Singh PM, Grewal N, Aman M, Dubowitz G. Comparison between continuous non-invasive estimated cardiac output by pulse wave transit time and thermodilution method. Annals of cardiac anaesthesia. 2014;17(4):273-277. Stechert MM, London MJ. Facilitating transesophageal echocardiography probe placement by esophageal bougie in an anesthetized patient. A & A case reports. 2014;3(8):100-103. Steffner KR, McQueen KA, Gelb AW. Patient safety challenges in low-income and middle-income countries. Current opinion in anaesthesiology. 2014;27(6):623-629. Stratmann G, Lee J, Sall JW, Lee BH, Alvi RS, Shih J, Rowe AM, Ramage TM, Chang FL, Alexander TG, Lempert DK, Lin N, Siu KH, Elphick SA, Wong A, Schnair CI, Vu AF, Chan JT, Zai H, Wong MK, Anthony AM, Barbour KC, Ben-Tzur D, Kazarian NE, Lee JY, Shen JR, Liu E, Behniwal GS, Lammers CR, Quinones Z, Aggarwal A, Cedars E, Yonelinas AP, Ghetti S. Effect of general anesthesia in infancy on long-term recognition memory in humans and rats. Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 2014;39(10):2275-2287. Sun Z, Su H, Long B, Sinclair E, Hetts SW, Higashida RT, Dowd CF, Halbach VV, Cooke DL. Endothelial cell high-enrichment from endovascular biopsy sample by laser capture microdissection and fluorescence activated cell sorting. Journal of biotechnology. 2014;192pa:34-39. Tada Y, Makino H, Furukawa H, Shimada K, Wada K, Liang EI, Murakami S, Kudo M, Kung DK, Hasan DM, Kitazato KT, Nagahiro S, Lawton MT, Hashimoto T. Roles of estrogen in the formation of intracranial aneurysms in ovariectomized female mice. Neurosurgery. 2014;75(6):690-695; discussion 695. Tada Y, Wada K, Shimada K, Makino H, Liang EI, Murakami S, Kudo M, Kitazato KT, Nagahiro S, Hashimoto T. Roles of hypertension in the rupture of intracranial aneurysms. Stroke. 2014 Feb;45(2):579-86. Tada Y, Wada K, Shimada K, Makino H, Liang EI, Murakami S, Kudo M, Shikata F, Pena Silva RA, Kitazato KT, Hasan DM, Kanematsu Y, Nagahiro S, Hashimoto T. Estrogen protects against intracranial aneurysm rupture in ovariectomized mice. Hypertension. 2014 Jun;63(6):1339-44. Takayanagi T, Crawford KJ, Kobayashi T, Obama T, Tsuji T, Elliott KJ, Hashimoto T, Rizzo V, Eguchi S. Caveolin 1 is critical for abdominal aortic aneurysm formation induced by angiotensin II and inhibition of lysyl oxidase. Clin Sci (Lond). 2014 Jun;126(11):785-94. Talke PO, Sharma D, Heyer EJ, Bergese SD, Blackham KA, Stevens RD. Society for Neuroscience in Anesthesiology and Critical Care Expert consensus statement: anesthetic management of endovascular treatment for acute ischemic stroke*: endorsed by the Society of NeuroInterventional Surgery and the Neurocritical Care Society. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol. 2014 Apr;26(2):95-108. Talke PO, Sharma D, Heyer EJ, Bergese SD, Blackham KA, Stevens RD. Republished: Society for Neuroscience in Anesthesiology and Critical Care expert consensus statement: Anesthetic management of endovascular treatment for acute ischemic stroke. Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation. 2014;45(8):e138-150. Toy P, Bacchetti P, Grimes B, Gajic O, Murphy EL, Winters JL, Gropper MA, Hubmayr RD, Matthay MA, Wilson G, Koenigsberg M, Lee DC, Hirschler NV, Lowell CA, Schuller RM, Gandhi MJ, Norris PJ, Mair DC, Sanchez Rosen R, Looney MR.. Recipient clinical risk factors predominate in possible transfusionrelated acute lung injury. Transfusion. 2014. Valone F III, Lieberman J, Burch S. Postoperative Blindness Due to Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome Following Spine Surgery. A Case Report and Review of the Literature. JBJS Case Connect. 2014(4:e30.). Valone F 3rd, Lyon R, Lieberman J, Burch S. Efficacy of transcranial motor evoked potentials, mechanically elicited electromyography, and evoked electromyography to assess nerve root function during sustained compression in a porcine model. Spine. 2014;39(17):E989-993. Vaughan AE, Brumwell AN, Xi Y, Gotts JE, Brownfield DG, Treutlein B, Tan K, Tan V, Liu FC, Looney MR, Matthay MA, Rock JR, Chapman HA. Lineagenegative progenitors mobilize to regenerate lung epithelium after major injury. Nature. 2015;517(7536):621-625. Wada K, Makino H, Shimada K, Shikata F, Kuwabara A, Hashimoto T. Translational research using a mouse model of intracranial aneurysm. Transl Stroke Res. 2014 Apr;5(2):248-51. Ware LB, Landeck M, Koyama T, Zhao Z, Singer J, Kern R, Neidlinger N, Nguyen J, Johnson E, Janz DR, Bernard GR, Lee JW, Matthay MA; California Transplant Donor Network. A randomized trial of the effects of nebulized albuterol on pulmonary edema in brain-dead organ donors. Am J Transplant. 2014 Mar;14(3):621-8. Ware LB, Lee JW, Wickersham N, Nguyen J, Matthay MA, Calfee CS. Donor smoking is associated with pulmonary edema, inflammation and epithelial dysfunction in ex vivo human donor lungs. American journal of transplantation : official journal of the American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons. 2014;14(10):2295-2302. Whitlock EL, Torres BA, Lin N, Helsten DL, Nadelson MR, Mashour GA, Avidan MS. Postoperative delirium in a substudy of cardiothoracic surgical patients in the BAG-RECALL clinical trial. Anesth Analg. 2014 Apr;118(4):809-17. Wilhelmsen K, Khakpour S, Tran A, Sheehan K, Schumacher M, Xu F, Hellman J. The Endocannabinoid/Endovanilloid N-Arachidonoyl Dopamine (NADA) and Synthetic Cannabinoid WIN55,212-2 Abate the Inflammatory Activation of Human Endothelial Cells. J Biol Chem. 2014 May 9;289(19):13079-100. 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UCSF Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care | Anesthesia News | 2015 | 14 Active Research Grants Jon Matt Aldrich Philip Bickler Jeffrey Ghassemi Tomoki Hashimoto Principal Investigator Principal Investigator UCOP, Individual Grant, 01/01/2014–12/31/2015 Advanced Resuscitation Training (ART) Principal Investigator Principal Investigator $113,599 Various Industry Sponsors, Clinical Trial, 09/01/1986–12/31/2015 Accuracy of Pulse Oximeters with Profound Hypoxia Anesthesia Department, Individual Grant, 07/01/2014–06/30/2015 Anesthesia Department Seed Support for Clinical Research Pedram Aleshi $19,994 NIH/NINDS, Individual Grant, 03/15/2011–02/29/2016 Intracranial Aneurysm Pathogenesis-Roles of Vascular Remodeling and Inflammation Principal Investigator $1,674,637 $300,000 Michael Gropper Principal Investigator Irfan Kathiriya $731,917 Principal Investigator Anesthesia Department, Individual Grant, 10/01/2014–09/30/2015 Anesthesia Department Seed Support for Clinical Research Coviden, Clinical Trial, 01/21/2014–04/04/2015 Controlled Desaturation for Cerebral Oximetry Principal Investigator Anesthesia Department, Individual Grant, 07/01/2014–06/30/2015 Anesthesia Department Research Award $16,000 Marek Brzezinski Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, Individual Grant, 06/01/2013–03/31/2015 Project EMERGE Planning Grant at UCSF Roland Bainton Principal Investigator $1,397,844 Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation, Individual Grant, 10/01/2011–05/31/2015 Effects of Brain Beta Amyloid on Postoperative Cognition Principal Investigator Principal Investigator NIH/NINDS, Individual Grant, 09/01/2013–05/31/2018 The Role of Mast Cells in the Pathophysiology of Intracranial Aneurysm Principal Investigator Anesthesia Department, Individual Grant, 07/01/2014–06/30/2015 Anesthesia Department Research Award $164,064.02 $300,000 Principal Investigator $70,800 Principal Investigator NIH/NIEHS, Individual Grant, 05/25/2012–04/30/2015 A Platform for Rapid Characterization of Metabolic Disrupters in Whole Animals Anesthesia Department, Individual Grant, 07/01/2014–06/30/2015 Anesthesia Department Research Award $70,800 $420,240 Catherine Chen Principal Investigator Principal Investigator NIH/NINDS, Individual Grant, 02/01/2013–01/31/2016 Discovering Fundamental Metabolic Control Processes of the Blood Brain Barrier Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research, Research Career Award, 07/01/2013–06/30/2015 Unnecessary Preoperative Testing in Medicare Patients Undergoing Cataract Surgery $430,002 Matthias Behrends $75,000 Principal Investigator Lee-lynn Chen Anesthesia Department, Individual Grant, 10/01/2014–9/30/2015 Anesthesia Department Seed Support for Clinical Research $16,000 Principal Investigator Mt. Zion Health Fund, Individual Grant, 04/01/2014–06/30/2015 Implementation Barriers to the Colorectal ERAS Pathways at Mount Zion Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, Individual Grant, 10/01/2014–09/30/2015 Implementation Grant for EMERGE at University of California, San Francisco $100,000 $1,726,306 $4,000,000 Judith Hellman Principal Investigator Principal Investigator Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, Individual Grant, 02/01/2015–06/30/2015 UCSF Taskforce Grant Anesthesia Department, Individual Grant, 07/01/2014–06/30/2015 Anesthesia Department Research Award $37,500 Principal Investigator Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research, Fellowship Grant, 01/01/2015–12/31/2015 2015 Medical Student Anesthesia Research Fellowship Program $6,200 Zhonghui Guan Principal Investigator NIH/NINDS, Research Career Award, 09/30/2012–08/31/2017 Epigenetic Regulation in Neuropathic Pain $947,160 $30,000 Helene Choquet Principal Investigator American Heart Association, Fellowship, 07/01/2014–06/30/2016 Contribution of Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Inflammation to Familial CCM1 Disease Severity $100,000 Program Director NIH/NIGMS, Training Grant, 07/01/2012–06/30/2017 Comprehensive Anesthesia Research Training $1,094,513 Principal Investigator UCSF Research Evaluation and Allocation Committee (REAC), Individual Grant, 07/01/2013–06/30/2015 Cannabinoid Receptor Modulation of the Endothelial Toll-like Receptor-Dependent Inflammatory Response $30,000 Principal Investigator San Francisco Foundation, Individual Gift, 01/01/2015–12/31/2015 Sepsis Research $200,000 Jan Hirsch Richard Fidler Principal Investigator VA Office of Academic Affairs, Fellowship, 07/01/2013–Ongoing VA Advanced Fellowship Program in Simulation Principal Investigator Anesthesia Department, Individual Grant, 07/01/2014–06/30/2015 Anesthesia Department Research Award $70,800 Principal Investigator Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research, Research Career Award, 07/01/2013–06/30/2015 Gene Regulation During Cardiac Differentiation $175,000 Helen Kim Principal Investigator NIH/NINDS, Individual Grant, 07/01/2013–06/30/2018 Predictors of Spontaneous Cerebral AVM Hemorrhage $2,335,649 Project Co-Leader NIH/NINDS, Multicenter Project Grant, 09/30/2014–07/31/2019 Project 1: Modifiers of Disease Severity and Progression in Cerebral Cavernous Malformation $563,366 Sakura Kinjo Principal Investigator Anesthesia Department, Individual Grant, 10/01/2014–09/30/2015 Anesthesia Department Seed Support for Clinical Research $16,000 Kerstin Kolodzie Principal Investigator Anesthesia Department, Individual Grant, 10/01/2014–09/30/2015 Anesthesia Department Seed Support for Clinical Research $6,000 $94,000 continued on next page UCSF Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care | Anesthesia News | 2015 | 15 Active Research Grants continued from previous page Jae-Woo Lee Jacqueline Leung Martin London Principal Investigator Principal Investigator Principal Investigator Jens Krombach NIH/NHLBI, Individual Grant, 05/01/2012–04/30/2017 Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell Microvesicles for the Treatment of Acute Lung Injury NIH/NIA, Individual Grant, 09/15/2009–07/31/2015 Pathophysiology of Postoperative Delirium in Older Patients Anesthesia Department, Individual Grant, 07/01/2014–06/30/2015 Anesthesia Department Research Award $2,067,530 $9,350 Principal Investigator Jennifer Lucero Principal Investigator UCOP Prescription Loss Prevention Program, Individual Grant, 07/01/2013–06/30/2015 Development and Implementation of a Comprehensive Anesthesia Checklist App for Routine and Emergency Procedures $111,401 Principal Investigator Anesthesia Department, Individual Grant, 10/01/2014–09/30/2015 Anesthesia Department Seed Support for Clinical Research $16,000 Philip Kurien Principal Investigator NIH/NINDS, Multicenter Project Grant, 09/30/2014–07/31/2019 Brain Vascular Malformation Consortium: Predictors of Clinical Course $3,300 $167,000 Co-Principal Investigator Principal Investigator $20,520 UCSF Nina Ireland Program for Lung Health, Individual Grant, 01/01/2015–12/31/2016 Integrin Alpha-v Beta-5 Drives Pulmonary Vascular Leak from Ischemia-Reperfusion in Lung Transplantation UCSF School of Medicine, Individual Grant, 08/01/2014–07/31/2015 The Effects of Light vs Deep Anesthesia on Postoperative Cognitive Outcomes James Marks Anesthesia Department, Individual Grant, 07/01/2014–06/30/2015 Anesthesia Department Research Award Program Director Anesthesia Department, Individual Grant, 07/01/2014–06/30/2015 Anesthesia Department Research Award $100,000 Principal Investigator Michael Lawton Principal Investigator Anesthesia Department, Individual Grant, 07/01/2014–06/30/2015 Anesthesia Department Research Award UC Office of the President CHQI/QERM, Individual Grant, 07/01/2013–06/30/2015 Project to Eradicate PostOperative Delirium in HighRisk Patients (PEPOD) Susan M Lee $37,400 Chanhung Lee Principal Investigator $48,166 Anesthesia Department, Individual Grant, 07/01/2014–6/30/2015 Anesthesia Department Research Award $6,179,248 $1,904,985 $18,569 Principal Investigator UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center, Individual Grant, 02/01/2015–01/30/2016 The END Perioperative Smoking Pilot Study: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial – ”Electronic Nicotine Delivery Device (Ecigarette) for Perioperative Smoking Cessation in Veterans” $29,969 $50,000 Bin Liu Principal Investigator NIH/NCI, Individual Grant, 03/01/2010–12/31/2015 Identifying Antigens Bound by Novel scFvs Targeting All Subtypes of Mesothelioma $1,249,880 Principal Investigator NIH/NCI, Individual Grant, 06/08/2011–03/31/2015 Mapping a Clinically Significant Internalizing Tumor Epitope Space $904,004 Principal Investigator NIH/NCI, Individual Grant, 08/06/2012–07/31/2017 Internalizing Human Antibody-Targeted Nanosized siRNA Therapeutics $1,607,090 Principal Investigator UCSF Stephen and Nancy Grand Multiple Myeloma Translational Initiative, Individual Grant, 04/15/2013–04/14/2015 Novel Human Antibody Drug Conjugates Targeting Multiple Myeloma $60,000 Principal Investigator Anesthesia Department, Individual Grant, 07/01/2014–06/30/2015 Anesthesia Department Research Award Principal Investigator UC Irvine, SubcontractResearch, 05/01/2009–04/30/2015 Evolving Diagnostic Antibodies for Botulinum Neurotoxins $1,294,897 Principal Investigator Xoma Corporation, Subcontract-Research, 12/20/2011–07/31/2015 Development of Therapeutics for Biodefense $1,668,357 Principal Investigator NIH/NIAID, Individual Grant, 02/01/2013–01/31/2018 Generation of Therapeutic Antibodies for Serotype F Botulism $5,448,316 Principal Investigator CA Dept of Public Health, UCR (Unfunded Research Collaboration), 10/15/2012–10/14/2016 Identification of Monoclonal Antibody Combinations that Neutralize Variant Botulinum Neurotoxins $0 Principal Investigator NIH/NIAID, Individual Grant, 06/20/2014–05/31/2017 Trispecific Monoclonal Antibody for Botulinum Neurotoxin Intoxication Therapy $1,336,571 Principal Investigator Merrimack Pharmaceuticals, UCR (Unfunded Research Collaboration), 03/10/2010–02/28/2016 Bispecific Antibodies Targeting Basal Breast Cancers $0 Principal Investigator DNA 2.0 Inc, UCR (Unfunded Research Collaboration), 02/05/2013–02/05/2018 Improve the CHO Expression of a scFv Fragment that is Moving Towards the Clinic Optimizing the DNA Sequence of the scFv and/or Leader Sequence $0 Mervyn Maze Principal Investigator Masimo Corporation, Clinical Trial, 06/01/2011–09/30/2015 Providing Good Sleep for ICU Sedation $232,987 Principal Investigator Masimo Corporation, Clinical Trial, 06/01/2011–09/30/2015 Evaluation of Sleep: PSG vs. Sedline $168,500 Principal Investigator NIH/NIGMS, Individual Grant, 09/01/2013–08/31/2017 Inflammation Resolving Mechanism Dysregulation in Postoperative C ognitive Decline $1,212,399 Principal Investigator NIH/NCI, Biomedical Technology Research Center Grant, 09/24/2014–08/31/2019 Antibody Technology Research Center $5,779,613 continued on next page UCSF Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care | Anesthesia News | 2015 | 16 Active Research Grants continued from previous page Jeffrey Sall Hua Su Arthur Wallace Xiaobing Yu Principal Investigator Principal Investigator Principal Investigator Principal Investigator Lingzhong Meng SmartTots, Individual Grant, 08/01/2013–07/31/2015 Recognition Memory Following Early Childhood Anesthesia NIH/NINDS, Individual Grant, 01/01/2014–12/31/2018 Hemodynamics of Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformations Northern California Institute for Research and Education, Individual Grant, 03/1/2012–03/1/2016 Perioperative Outcomes Epidemiologic Consortium Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research, Research Career Award, 07/01/2013–06/30/2015 Treating Neuropathic Pain with Spinal Cord Transplants of Genetically Modified Human Pluripotent Stem Cell–Derived GABAergic Inhibitory Neurons Principal Investigator Anesthesia Department, Individual Grant, 10/01/2014–09/30/2015 Anesthesia Department Seed Support for Clinical Research $16,511 Claus Niemann Principal Investigator HRSA, Individual Grant, 09/01/2011–08/31/2015 The Effect of Therapeutic Hypothermia on Deceased Donor $200,000 Principal Investigator UCSF School of Medicine, Individual Grant, 08/01/2014–07/31/2015 Testosterone’s Role in Sex-Specific Outcomes After Early Anesthesia $97,850 $1,562,940 Principal Investigator NIH/NINDS, Individual Grant, 04/15/2014–03/31/2016 Soluble VEGF Receptor Therapy for Brain Arteriovenous Malformation $790,313 Principal Investigator Jonathan Pan NIH/NIGMS, Individual Grant, 3/1/2015-2/29/2020 Testosterone’s Role in Sex-Specific Outcomes After Early Anesthesia UCSF Research Evaluation and Allocation Committee (REAC), Individual Grant, 01/01/2014–12/31/2015 Mouse AVM Models for Mechanistic Study and Therapeutic Test Principal Investigator $1,524,496 $30,000 Mark Schumacher Principal Investigator Principal Investigator $2,001,108 Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research, Research Career Award, 07/01/2014–06/30/2016 Dexmedetomidine Renders Neuroprotection via Modulation of Systemic and Local Immune Responses Following Rodent Spinal Cord Injury Principal Investigator Anesthesia Department, Individual Grant, 07/01/2014–06/30/2015 Anesthesia Department Research Award NIH/NHLBI, Individual Grant, 01/16/2015–12/31/2018 Cell Type-Specific Influences on HHT Pathogenesis $1,582,037 Principal Investigator Ludmila Pawlikowska David Shimabukuro Michael Gropper The Michael Ryan Zodda Foundation, Individual Gift, 01/01/2013–Ongoing Research on Vascular Malformations of the Brain Core Co-Leader Co-Principal Investigators $20,000 $175,000 NIH/NINDS, Multicenter Project Grant, 09/30/2014–07/31/2019 Genetic and Statistical Analysis Core (GSAC) $130,290 Vanderbilt University, Subcontract-Research, 08/15/2012–06/30/2017 The MENDS II Study $417,458 $200,304 Arun Prakash Budde James Sonner Principal Investigator Principal Investigator Anesthesia Department, Individual Grant, 07/01/2014–06/30/2015 Anesthesia Department Research Award Anesthesia Department, Individual Grant, 07/01/2014–06/30/2015 Anesthesia Department Research Award $63,042 $91,958 Principal Investigator Principal Investigator NIH/NIGMS, Research Career Award, 02/01/2015–01/31/2019 Role of Innate Immune Cells and Pathways in Ventilated Lung Ischemia Reperfusion UCSF Academic Senate, Individual Grant, 02/01/2015–01/31/2016 Novel Anesthetics $150,000 Principal Investigator VA National Anesthesia Office, Individual Grant, 01/02/2014–01/01/2016 VA Anesthesia Quality Improvement Program $100,000 Edward Yap Principal Investigator $175,000 Principal Investigator Anesthesia Department, Individual Grant, 07/01/2014–06/30/2015 Anesthesia Department Research Award $50,000 Anesthesia Department, Individual Grant, 10/01/2014–09/30/2015 Anesthesia Department Seed Support for Clinical Research $16,000 C. Spencer Yost Principal Investigator Mt. Zion Health Fund, Individual Grant, 04/01/2014–06/30/2015 Improved Fluid Management in Abdominal Surgery $23,000 Steven Takemoto Principal Investigator Anesthesia Department, Individual Grant, 07/01/2014–06/30/2015 Anesthesia Department Research Award $70,576 Pekka Talke Principal Investigator Masimo, Contract-Clinical Services, 08/14/2013–12/31/2015 Noninvasive Hemoglobin (SpHb) Measured with Pulse CO-Oximetry Technology $42,266 $30,000 $790,880 UCSF Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care | Anesthesia News | 2015 | 17 Honors & Awards Events Faculty Honors, Awards and Appointments May 2015 Sue Carlisle, MD, PhD CAMPUS AWARD Holly Smith Award for Exceptional Service to the School of Medicine, 2015 Neal Cohen, MD, MPH, MS EXTRAMURAL APPOINTMENTS Chair for the ASA Section on Professional PracticeOverseeing the Following ASA Committees: ■■ Committee on Economics ■■ Committee on Academic Affairs ■■ Committee on Governmental Affairs ■■ Committee on Health Policy Research ■■ Committee on Large Group Practice ■■ Committee on Practice Management ■■ Committee on Rural Access to Anesthesia Member, Practice Expense Subcommittee of the AMA Relative Value Update Committee Co-Chair, ABA Critical Care Examination Committee Gerald Dubowitz, MB ChB EXTRAMURAL AWARD Tomoki Hashimoto, MD CAMPUS APPOINTMENT Professor (joint appointment), UCSF Department of Neurological Surgery Hung Nguyen, MD 5/8/2015 CAMPUS AWARD For more information: Hamilton Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2013 – 2014 James Ramsay, MD EXTRAMURAL AWARD Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists, Distinguished Service Award, 2015 Muhammad Shaikh, MD, PhD EXTRAMURAL APPOINTMENT American Board of Anesthesiology (ABA), Oral Examiner Respiratory Therapy Award Rich Kallet, RT CAMPUS AWARD San Francisco Health Commission Employee Recognition Award Unrestricted Gift Fund of $50,000 from the Mulago Foundation for Global Health Program Support in Uganda Education Program Awards EXTRAMURAL HONOR The UCSF Anesthesiology Residency Program Honorary Lecturer, Department of Anaesthesia, School of Medicine, College of Health Sciences, Makerere University, Uganda Visiting Professor, Stanford University Visiting Professor, Drexel University Michael Gropper, MD, PhD CAMPUS AWARD UCSF 150th Anniversary Alumni Excellence Award (Top 150 Campus Alumni) Pain Summit 2015 RESIDENCY PROGRAM AWARD Top Anesthesiology Program in the United States, U.S. News and World Report and Doximity, 2014 MEDICAL STUDENT PROGRAM AWARD Anesthesia 110 Highest Rated Core Clerkship, 2013-2014 Top Core Clerkship Program at UCSF for 10 of the Last 12 Years EXTRAMURAL APPOINTMENT Anesthesia Residents Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research, Academy of Research Mentors Highest Rated Clinical Teachers for the Last 12 Years Critical Care Medicine 5/8/2015 to 5/9/2015 UCSF Maintenance of Certification in Anesthesia Simulator Course 5/22/2015 to 5/22/2015 September 2015 The Changing Practice of Anesthesia 9/24/2015 to 9/26/2015 UCSF Continuing Medical Education Office Registration registration.aspx Welcome — We are pleased to announce the appointment of Carroll Schreibman as the Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care’s Associate Chair for Finance and Administration. She has served capably in this role in an interim capacity since Chuck Hajek’s departure to the Dean’s Office in August. Carroll has been with the Department since 2002, when she started as an analyst supervisor in the Center for Cerebrovascular Research. In 2006, she became the Director of Administration for the Department’s SFGH Division. Carroll’s strong financial stewardship of pro-fee collections and the SFGH Affiliation Agreement provided the Department as a whole with greater stability, supporting projects that have fostered change management and improvement. Carroll’s collaborative and engaged leadership style is recognized throughout the SFGH and UCSF Communities. She has served in many campus level leadership roles, as a member of the SOM LDP Selection Committee, as a Campus Skelly Officer, Step One Grievance Officer, and finally, as a Gallup Engagement Ambassador. UCSF Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care | Anesthesia News | 2015 | 18
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