March 30 – April 5, 2015 Pre-Kindergarten Half Day at San Felipe School San Felipe de Neri Catholic school is offering a half-day Pre-Kindergarten class in the Fall of 2015. Our Pre-K program provides a safe, warm, and caring Catholic environment where children can learn and explore their creativity through age-appropriate individual and group activities. Classes are 3 hours a day, 5 days a week following the APS schedule. Parents may choose between the 8:00-11:00 am or 12:00-3:00 pm sessions. Please call the School Office at 242-2411 for our part time tuition costs and more information. Rehearsal Schedule for Triduum All persons participating in the liturgies of the Triduum are asked to attend the following rehearsals: Holy Thursday / Mass of the Lord’s Supper, Monday, March 30 6:30pm: Altar servers, ushers, persons presenting the oils, catechists having their feet washed, choir leader, deacons. Good Friday Liturgy, Monday March 30, 7:30pm: Altar servers, ushers, lectors, choir leader, deacons Easter Vigil, Saturday, April 4, 10:00am: Altar servers, lectors, ushers, choir leaderdeacons and all persons receiving sacraments and their sponsors. Tuesday Evening Adoration The Blessed Sacrament will not be exposed on Tuesday of Holy Week. Tenebrae will take place at 7:00pm Fiesta Royal Court Applications for the 2015-2016 Royal Court are available at the Parish Office. Students interested in running for the Royal Court may pick-up an application and information. Theology of the Body Study Group The study group will resume April 14 Holy Week, Triduum, and Easter Schedule 2015 Tuesday of Holy Week March 31 Tenebrae 7:00pm Holy Week and Triduum Fast and Abstinence on Good Friday Good Friday is a day of fast and abstinence. Catholics who have completed their 14th year of age are obligated to fast by eating only one simple meal and to abstain from eating meat. A Holy Week devotion of readings from Scripture while candles are extinguished in preparation for the Passion of Christ. Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7:00pm In the Mass of the Lord’s Supper we remember the Institution of the Eucharist and the Lord’s call to service. At the conclusion, the Blessed Sacrament is taken out in procession ending in Gasparri Chapel to an altar of repose. You are invited to visit with the Blessed Sacrament in the chapel until Midnight. “Will you not watch one hour with me?” MASS INTENTIONS Monday, March 30 7:00am Tuesday, March 31 7:00am 8:45am School Mass 7:00pm Tenebrae Wednesday, April 1 7:00am +Franklin Sr. and +Ella Burke by the family 6:00pm +Adelaide de Montlaur by Joanne Tonelson Thursday, April 2, Holy Thursday 7:00pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper April 3, Good Friday 3:00pm Good Friday Liturgy 7:00pm Stations of the Cross and Descendimiento Holy Saturday, April 4 8:00pm Easter Vigil In thanksgiving to St. Anthony by Theresa Chavez Easter Sunday, April 5 7:00am +Jerry Padilla by Margaret Padilla +Becky Staszewski by the family +Claude and +Jim Atencio by the family 8:30am +Richard and +Flossie Cordova, +Brian and +Victor Campbell by Bernadette and Noel Nevarez +Ambrosio and +Epifania Saiz by the family 10:15am +Deceased members of the Lopez Family +Theodore Lujan by the family +Felix and +Mary Perez by the family 12:00pm +Sheila Salazar by Cathy Maestas +Rose Rita Wara by Terrie Flores +John and +Braulia Contreras by Dominic, John Jr. and the family Holy Land Collection On Good Friday our Parish will take up the annual collection for the Holy Land. Your contribution will help the struggling Christian community in the Holy Land and help to protect Christianity’s holiest places. Sr. Blandina Segale, SC Servant of God, Pray for us Offering Report: March 21 & 22, 2015 Sunday Envelopes $ 5,535.00 Sunday Loose $ 1,180.02 $ 6,715.02 Envelopes used 329 Building Fund $ 795.50 Catholic Relief $ 254.00 St. Vincent de Paul $ 170.00 Other $ 117.00 April 2 Good Friday Good Friday Pilgrimage 7:30am Liturgy of the Passion April 3 3:00pm The Church’s commemoration of the Passion. The liturgy includes readings of the Passion, Veneration of the Cross, and Holy Communion. Mass is not celebrated today. Stations of the Cross and “Descendimiento” 7:00pm Stations of the Cross, solemn taking of Jesus from the Cross, candlelight procession and veneration of the corpse of Jesus. A unique devotion to our parish. Holy Saturday Easter Vigil 8:00pm Plan to watch: AD: The Bible Continues a 12-week series on the Early Church beginning April 5 at 8:00pm on CBS. The series will tell the account of the Acts of Apostles and the Early Church after the Resurrection. This is a great way to continue to grow in the Season of Easter. April 4 Blessing of the Easter Fire, Readings of Salvation History, Blessing of the Easter Water, Celebration of the Sacraments. Easter Sunday April 5 Regular Mass Schedule Divine Mercy Sunday April 12 Holy Hour and Chaplet of Divine Mercy 2:30pm The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed at 2:30pm and the Divine Mercy Chaplet will be prayed at 3:00pm, the hour of mercy, concluding with Benediction at 3:30pm Good Friday Pilgrimage Religious Education March 30-April 1 Spring Break (according to APS schedule) April 6-8 Easter Break The Youth Groups will join in the pilgrimage to Tome Hill on Good Friday (April 3). Meet in the church at 7:30am. Call or e-mail Melany Gallegos for more information (243-4628, Our Parish Pilgrimage to Tome Hill on Good Friday, April 3 will begin at 7:30am with Morning Prayer at San Felipe Church. Meet at the church to carpool and to caravan to Tome Hill. The estimated time of return from Tome Hill is 12:30pm with plenty of time to get ready for the 3:00pm Good Friday Liturgy. Tips for the pilgrimage: Carpool, Dress in layers for the weather Wear comfortable shoes that are sturdy enough for walking on rocks Pack: Rosary, Stations of the Cross booklet, water, and a light snack.
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