Sanford Unitarian Universalist Church UU NOTES Volume XXXIX March 19, 2015 Issue 17 UUA PRINCIPLES We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote: Sanford UU Church 5 Lebanon Street Sanford, ME 04073 Telephone: 207.324.3191 E-mail: Like us on Facebook Minister: Rev. Sue Gabrielson Religious Education: Mesha/Ryan Quinn Choir Director: Charles Grindle Newsletter Editor: Mona Ouellette Church Historian: Helen Kane Webmaster: Emma Burnett Maintenance: Bill Ouellette The inherent worth and dignity of every person. Justice equity, and compassion in human relations. Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations. A free and responsible search for truth and meaning. The right of conscience and the use of democratic process within our congregations and in society at large. The goal of world community with peace, liberty and justice for all. Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part. (Adopted by the 1984 and 1985 General Assemblies) Worship Service and Church School Every Sunday - 10:30am Child Care is Available - Everyone is welcome! March 22 - The service will be led by SUUC Worship Associate Mesha Quinn. Violet Quinn will provide the special music. March 29 - The service will be led by Saco and Biddeford UU Church Worship Associate, Myra Robinson April 5 - Please note time change for today only - Today we celebrate an Easter service at 8:30am. The sermon will be led by Rev. Sue Gabrielson and the SUUC choir will sing. A breakfast brunch will follow the service, everyone is welcome. April 12 - Legacy - What We Leave Behind - The service will be led by Rev. Sue Gabrielson April 19 - The service will be led by SUUC Worship Associate, Patty Kidder April 26 - Compassionate Consumption - In Honor of Earth Day - The service will be led by Rev. Sue Gabrielson Page 1 “ the change you wish to see in the world.” Gandhi March 19, 2015 Issue #17 Dessert Extravaganza! Benefit for The Corner Cupboard The area's only non-food essential item pantry Saturday – April 11, 2015 from 6:30pm-8:30pm Sanford UU Church 5 Lebanon Street in Sanford $5.00 admission includes a Dessert Buffet with a "Make Your Own Sundae" table Live and Silent Auctions Childcare is available - FMI 324-3191 Page 2 “ the change you wish to see in the world.” Gandhi March 19, 2015 Issue #17 At a temple in Doisaket for the evening service of the celebration on the day of the Buddha's enlightenment. This is a major holiday in Thailand on the day of the first full moon in March. What a privilege to be able to be a part of this wonderful culture. Even the aggressive temple dog fell asleep on the temple floor during the monk's chanting. John Steffens =============================================================== Page 3 “ the change you wish to see in the world.” Gandhi March 19, 2015 Issue #17 Rev. Sue’s Incidental Inspiration Special Easter Service and Brunch Please note, Easter Sunday, April 5th, worship service will be held at 8:30am. Our choir will sing and we will celebrate with a brunch following the service. UUYC Choir GOD POURS LIGHT God pours light into every cup, quenching darkness. The next presentation of the UUYC Choir (UUs of York County) will be held at the Saco & Biddeford UU Church, located at 60 School Street in Saco. The service is held at 10:00am. Everyone is welcome! The proudly pious stuff their cups with parchment and critique the taste of ink while God pours light and the trees lift their limbs without worry of redemption, every blossom a chalice. Hafiz, seduce those withered souls with words that wet their parched lips as light pours like rain into every empty cup set adrift on the Infinite Ocean. ~ Hafiz ~ SUUC Choir It's not too late! If you'd like to be part of the SUUC choir for Easter, come to our next two rehearsals, Mondays at the church at 6:30pm. You don't need to read music, just have a good ear, and be ready for some fun. Hope to see you, Charlie (Interpretive version of Ghazal 11 by Jose Orez) Page 4 “ the change you wish to see in the world.” Gandhi March 19, 2015 Issue #17 UUYC (UUs for York County) Choir at the Sanford UU Church on Sunday, March 15, 2015 - Thank you all for a beautiful and moving performance Page 5 “ the change you wish to see in the world.” Gandhi March 19, 2015 Issue #17 Baseball and Yard Sale Season People are going through their basements and attics to find treasures for the big SUUC Yard Sale in May. One guy found a bunch of old baseball and sports programs, cards, pictures, and magazines. Don’s Card Shop gave us $102 for them, the first income of the 2015 Yard Sale. What sports treasures do you have packed away, hidden or forgotten? Please look and maybe you’ll be surprised. If you need help, we’ll get them sold. You can donate the $ to the Yard Sale proceeds. Contact Mona to get help. 324-3191. Not into baseball? What other small treasures have you found? Crop Walk Sunday, May 3rd, start time will be 1:00 - We have been invited to join together with other Sanford/Springvale area churches for an interfaith social justice project. Proceeds will benefit the York County Shelter Program Food Programs. Crop Walk is an amazing, national initiative to end hunger and the original “walk-a-thon.” We need someone to be the representative of our church to help in the planning of this wonderful, collaborative event. Meet your church neighbors for a great cause….and MAYBE the snow will be melted by then! Please get in touch with Rev. Sue or Mona if you are interested in helping to plan this event, along with a whole team of others from 8 or 10 nearby churches. Dessert Extravaganza and Auctions to Benefit The Corner Cupboard It's that time of the year again, for our annual spring fundraiser. Your calendars are marked for 6:30 on April 11th. It's time to let your friends and family know so they can come along. It's also time to be thinking about donations for the live and silent auctions. Here are some of the hot items of years past: theme baskets - anything from sports, baby items, movie night, to food items. How about baskets with one of these themes: baked beans and cornbread, Maine sampler, breakfast, Stonewall Kitchen, or breads. Homemade pies or other fancy desserts have also been popular. You could prepare a dinner for 2 or 4, at your home or for delivery. Gift cards/certificates are another great offering. Bidders love to get a good deal. Got any antiques hanging around that need a new home? Are there any services you can offer? Gardening, household repair, woodworking, cake baking, sewing, etc. You can email your information to Jo Dill at or fill out an item sheet on the Auction table in the parlor. Saturday, April 11, 6:30-8:30 SIGN UP--------SIGN UP--------SIGN UP Stop by the table in the parlor and sign up to donate auction items, request a donation from a local business, and/or bring desserts for the buffet. Time's a Tickin'- Only three weeks to go!!!!!!!!! Page 6 “ the change you wish to see in the world.” Gandhi March 19, 2015 Issue #17 Easter Flowers Easter Sunday is April 5th this year. If you would like to contribute to the flowers that will be displayed on our altar on that day, please use the form below. Kindly send your donation to the church by March 29th, to 5 Lebanon Street, Sanford, ME 04073, or you may leave your check and donation form in the collection plate or on Mona’s desk. Your name and that of your loved one will be listed in the Order of Service on April 5th. Thank you! Yes, I would like to donate $________ for the purchase of Easter flowers. If you mail your donation, please mark “Easter Flowers” on the outside of the envelope. Name________________________________________ In honor/memory of______________________________ Do you remember… … these young Corner Cupboard supply chain facilitators? Well, they’re still at it even if they’re grown up now. Join the fun. Call Judi at 636-1754 to learn how you can help 200+ families receive essential household supplies every month at SUUC’s Corner Cupboard. Parking for the Church MIDTOWN MALL (one block southeast) has plenty of free parking. If you need to park closer to the church: Lebanon Street: YES - in front of the church and Goodall Hall only. Twombley Road: YES. Sweetser Lot: NO Salvation Army: NO (Their services are held at 10:45am) REV. MAURICE COBB’S CORNER Shelley said, “If winter comes, can spring be far behind?” Well, in Maine, you can’t be sure. Page 7 “ the change you wish to see in the world.” Gandhi March 19, 2015 Issue #17 Board 2014-2015 President: Aileen Fortune Vice President: Diane Whiteside-Peck Clerk: Bruce Harrison Financial Secretary: Janet Wood Treasurer: Deb Folsom Co-DREs: Mesha and Ryan Quinn Music Director: Charles Grindle Liaisons: Stella DiAnn Gary Wood ( June 30, 2015 ( June 30, 2015 ( June 30, 2016 ( June 30, 2016 ( June 30, 2015 ( June 30, 2017 ( June 30, 2016 Church Leadership 2014-2015 Budget and Finance Chair: Building and Grounds Chair: Bob McCormick Caring Circle: Gail Lemley Burnett Choir: Charles Grindle Church Historian: Helen Kane Committee on Ministry: Ryan Quinn, Gail Burnett, Rev. Sue Corner Cupboard Treasurer: Judi Reis Denominational Affairs: Earth Stewards Green Team: Judi Reis Finance Committee: Peg Sawyer, Pat Herrick, Ginny Howe, Deb Folsom, Lisa Huestis Grant Manager: Pat Herrick Homesteaders: Jan Sacco and Melody Wood Investment Management Committee: John Steffens, Peg Sawyer, Art Dumas, Howard Dupee, Pat Herrick, Ginny Howe Members and Friends: Tonia Chase and Julia Payne-Lewis Music Committee: Melody Wood Nominating Committee : Tonia Chase and Deb Walsh Partners For Sacred Places: Lee Burnett Religious Education Committee: Second Century Fund Committee: Lee Burnett Social Action Committee: Stewardship: Diane Whiteside-Peck and Patty Kidder UUSC: Julia Payne-Lewis Webmaster: Emma Burnett Women’s Alliance: Nancy Farnham Worship: Rev. Sue Gabrielson Worship Associates: Bev Brent, Judi Reis, Jan Sacco, Janie Waterhouse, Stella DiAnn, Patty Kidder, Mesha Quinn, Evelyn LaBree, Tom Huber Caring Circle Gail Lemley Burnett is in charge of our Caring Circle for providing help in case of illness, hospitalization, need for a ride to church, doctors’ appointments, etc. Please call Gail at 324-1596 if you need assistance. Minister’s Hours Rev. Sue Gabrielson's office hours will be held on Wednesdays from 9:30-5:00 (sometimes as late as 9:00pm). There will be other days she will be available between 8:30 and 1:30 and also by appointment, please contact the office. Administrative Summer Office Hours Office hours are: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 7:00-12:00 Co-Directors of Religious Education Church and Community Groups AA Meetings: AA meetings are held every Sunday from 5:00pm-6:15pm and Fridays 6:00pm-7:00pm in vestry Board Meeting: The next Board meeting will be held on Sunday, April 12th at 8:15am Book Group: Meeting and potluck supper on Friday, March 27th, 6:00pm at the church Choir: Rehearsal 6:30pm to 8:00pm on March 23, 30, April 20, 27, May 4, June 1, 8 and 15 at the church Church Work Party: This group meets the second Saturday of every month from 8:00 - noon at church Committee on Ministry: TBA Corner Cupboard Meetings: Next date the CC is open is March 21st. Organizational meetings are held as needed Council Meeting: TBA Earth Stewards Green Team: Meets as needed Finance Committee: Meetings are held the Sunday before a Board meeting Homesteader’s Group: Generally meets 6:30pm at the church or a member’s home on the third Thursday of the month Music Lessons: Private lessons are given on Tuesdays in GH from 1:30-5:00 and on Thursdays in GH from 11:00-12:00 Narcotics Anonymous: Meets every Wednesday in the vestry from 7:00pm to 9:30pm Second Century Building Committee: Meets as needed Shared Pulpit: April 2nd at the Kennebunk UU Church from 9:30am to 12:00 noon UUYC (UUs of York County) Meeting: May 9th from 9:00-12:00 at the Sanford UU Church Violence No More: Every Thursday at 5:00pm in the vestry Women’s Alliance: Meets 2nd Wednesday each month at noon Worship Associates: Sunday, April 12th at 830am Mesha and Ryan Quinn - Page 8 “ the change you wish to see in the world.” Gandhi March 19, 2015 Issue #17
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