Palm Sunday Behold the King March 29, 2015 SAN JUAN DE LA CRUZ CATHOLIC MISSION 304 PLANT AVE SE | | BRANFORD, FL Welcome Home Rev. Jan Ligeza, Pastor This Church is our heavenly Father’s house, a place of solace and grace, so feel at home here. Enter reverently, pray quietly, sing joyfully, listen attentively, give cheerfully and come back gladly. Remain in the Church after Mass for some personal quiet time with the Lord, or exit quietly to the Parish Hall for fellowship and sharing. Whether you are a registered parishioner, new to our community or a visitor — Welcome to San Juan Mission Mass Times Sunday 9:30 am Daily Masses: Wednesday 6:00 pm & Friday 9:00 am (Except First Friday) Mass in Spanish Saturday 7:30 pm Youth Mass Third Sunday First Friday Divine Mercy Holy Hour Mass 2:00 pm followed by Adoration, Divine Mercy Chaplet & Benediction San Juan First Saturday Mass 9:00 am followed by Rosary Mission Statement (Confessions - 30 minutes before all Masses or by appointment) San Juan de la Cruz Catholic Mission adheres to the laws of Christ and the Roman Catholic Church for faith guidelines to meet all spiritual needs of the parishioners and faith community with evangelization as one of our primary goals. Church Office: 386-935-2632 Office Fax: 386-935-4050 Email: Website: FaceBook: Office Hours Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 9:00 am to Noon Friday A#er Mass Deacon Paul’s Corner Mary Queen of Peace Ladies Guild Next Meeting Friday April 17th After Mass Calendar the date. And, May 15, June 19 Save the Family Night Dates April 15th - Flappers & Rappers May 13th - Country Western June 10th - Hawaiian Luau July 8th - All American (with Homemade Ice Cream!) San Juan de la Cruz Ora Pro Nobis March 22 Notes Amount Offertory The Sanctuary Light for March 996.02 burns in memory of Frank Gain 2nd Collection Other/ Designated Ladies Guild/Explorers Angels/Land/FF 274.00 The Hosts for consecration into the Body of Christ are offered in memory Designated of Jake and Mercedes Pugh. Total Deposit 1270.02 Did you attend the Eucharistic Congress Mass Intentions March 1 March 8 March 15 March 18 March 22 March 29 Maureen Meyers Kenneth King Curtis Hudson Robert Mi$er Jake Pugh Frank Gain RIP RIP RIP RIP RIP RIP In Memory of the deceased members of the Pugh and Samson Families. Please go to this site and fill out the Survey. This will help with next year’s planning. /ECFL15 The Easter Triduum The Rosario Circle presents “The Living Stations of the Cross” Good Friday, April 3rd @ 3:00 PM in the San Juan Field Watch the Passion of Christ come alive through the Living Stations! At each station, our youth will act out the events of Our Lord’s passion. We will enjoy a light meal afterwards. Please bring a meatless dish to share. As this is a solemn fasting day, we ask that you not bring any desserts. Eucharistic Adoration Eucharistic adoration is devout prayer before the Body of Christ in the Eucharist, displayed outside of the context of the Mass. Once a very widespread practice, it became less popular after the Second Vatican Council, which placed a greater emphasis on the active participation of the faithful in the liturgy itself. The origins of eucharistic adoration are not very well-known. One of the first references to reserving the Blessed Sacrament for adoration is in the life of St. Basil the Great in the late fourth century. It is said that St. Basil divided the consecrated eucharistic bread into three parts during the liturgy at his monastery. One part he consumed himself, the second was given to the monks, and the third portion was placed in a golden dove suspended above the altar. It seems likely that this reserved portion was kept for those who were unable to attend the liturgy because of illness or travel, for instance. The practice of eucharistic adoration among laypeople is thought to have begun in Avignon, France, on September 11, 1226. King Louis VIII, having just won a victory over the Albigensians, asked that the Blessed Sacrament be placed on display at the Chapel of the Holy Cross. This exposition was so popular that the local bishop asked to have it continued indefinitely. Pope Honorius III gave his assent, and the practice continued there, nearly uninterrupted, until the French Revolution in 1792. Although some liturgical theologians find eucharistic adoration somewhat at odds with the purpose and practice of the Eucharist at Mass—that is to say, Communion—in recent years eucharistic adoration has become more popular, particularly among younger Catholics. The longest-running eucharistic adoration in the United States is with the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration in La Crosse, Wisconsin, who have been praying nonstop for more than 130 years. — Rev. Larry Rice, CSP (Paulist Fathers) Learn the Faith Live the Faith Share the Faith Suwannee Iron Works and Fencing All Types of Welding and Fabrication Sem Caparelli, Vice President 22618 CR 49 O’Brien, Fl. 32071 Office: (386) 935.3466 Cell: (386) 984-6110 Center for Nutrition Teas, spices, herbs & more (386) 935-6929 SCAFF’S Market Cuzin’s Café 935-0985 804 Suwannee Avenue Branford, Fl. 32008 Branford & Bell Office: 134 SE Colburn Avenue Lake City, Florida 32025 Branford Family Medical Center Bienvenido Samera, M.D.,FAAFP, P.A. Family Practice Smokin’ Oak 935-4227 In Loving Memory of the deceased members of our family. Deacon Paul & Nancy Hwy. 129, 303 Suwannee Ave. (386) 935-1093 P.O. Box 846 After Hrs. (386) 935-1093 Branford, Fl. 32008 Fax (386)-935-3113 All Marines from 1775 to Forever Jack Rossi In Loving Memory of the Miller Children: Bobby, Jean & Rick Joe & Ida Annarumma Lillian Barbera Jeff & Chris Biller Carolyn Blattenberger Frank & Margie Caparelli Bob & Dottie Cassube Richard & Wendy Conover James & Shirley Curtis Kay Gain & Family Maria George & Family Bill & Millie Heithaus George Hertel Colleen’s Sewing & Embroidery (386) 935-4500 In loving memory of the Pugh and Samson Families San Juan Patrons Jim & Sharon Hudson Beryl LaLande Ken & Ann Lemmon Gail March Teri McDowell Bob & Carole McGann Maxine McGrath Ed & Sandy Newman Pierron Family Janet Pugh Jake Pugh, Jr. Don & Anne Rae ATTENTION See bulletin board in restroom hallway for Diocesan Safe Environment/ Sexual Abuse Prevention and Responding Procedures. In loving memory of the Ball & Emig Families Veronica Ritchey Shirley Rogachesky Rosalia Family Chris Samson Janet Samson Jennifer Samson Joshua Samson Rebekah & Mercy Samson Theresa Schumacher Jeff & Terry Smith Roy & Margie Stanfield Frank & Stella Vadakin Wilwol Family April 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Mar 29 Mar 30 Palm Sunday No Explorers Mtng 9:30 Mass Faith Formation 5 Easter-Rejoice ! 6 13 9:30 am-Mass Faith Formation 19 20 9:30 am- Youth Mass Pot luck after Mass Faith Formation 26 9:30 am-Mass Faith Formation 1 11 am-Chrism Mass @ Cathedral No Prayer Shawl Mtng NO MASS AT SAN JUAN No Cards/Games 6:30 am-Sunrise Mass 9:30 am-Mass Social = finger foods Easter Egg Hunt 12 Divine Mercy Mar 31 Wednesday 27 7 8 5 pm-Explorers Mtng 7 pm-Sr. Regina Bible Study Class No Prayer Shawl Mtng No Mass 14 15 5 pm-Explorers Mtng 7 pm-Sr. Regina Bible Study Class 3:30 pm-Prayer Shawl 6 pm-Mass/Family Night Parish dinner followed by Cards/Games 21 22 5 pm-Explorers Mtng 7 pm-Sr. Regina Bible Study Class 3:30 pm-Prayer Shawl 6 pm-Mass Cards/Games 28 29 5 pm-Explorers Mtng 7 pm-Sr. Regina Bible Study Class 3:30 pm-Prayer Shawl 6 pm-Mass Cards/Games Thursday 2 Holy Thursday 6 pm-Washing of the Feet Procession Adoration 8:30 pm-Mass in Spanish 9 Friday 3 Good Friday Saturday 4 3 pm-Outdoor Stations 6 pm-Passion, Communion, Veneration of the Cross 8:30 pm-Good Friday Service in Spanish Holy Saturday 10 No Mass 11 8:30 pm-Vigil Mass 7:30 pm-Mass in Spanish 16 17 9 am-Mass 18 10 am-Ladies Guild mtg/ Baby Shower 7:30 pm-Mass in Spanish 23 24 9 am-Mass 25 7:30 pm-Mass in Spanish 30 May 1 2:00 pm First Friday Mass, Adoration, Chaplet… May 2 9:00 am First Saturday Mass & Rosary; Retreat 1st Communion Five Holy Week Suggestions for Families Palm Sunday marks the beginning of the most solemn week of the Church’s liturgical year. During Holy Week, the Church celebrates the mysteries of salvation accomplished by Christ in the last days of his earthly life, beginning with the triumphal entry into Jerusalem. For nearly 40 days, the Christian faithful have practiced the disciplines of Lent: prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Now the Church invites us to an even deeper spirit of prayer as we follow Christ on his journey to the Cross. Here are five suggestions for families to use this week as an opportunity to grow in holiness as individuals and as a family. 1. What do you do with the palm branches you bring home from Palm Sunday Mass? Consider a simple ceremony to place them in your home. See below for a suggested ritual. 2. During the week, pray the seven Penitential Psalms together (Psalm 6, 32, 38, 51, 102, 130, and 143; These are especially appropriate during Lent. Prayerfully reciting these psalms helps us to recognize our sinfulness, express our sorrow, and ask for God’s forgiveness. 3. Celebrate the Sacrament of Penance if you haven’t already done so during Lent ( Many parishes have extra hours and/or communal penance services during Holy Week. 4. Attend a service together on Holy Thursday and/or Good Friday. On Thursday, the Church recalls the Last Supper and Jesus’ gift of his Body and Blood. On Friday, parishes hold services to celebrate the Passion of the Lord; many have Stations of the Cross as well. 5. On Holy Saturday, pray for those who will be received into the Catholic Church during the Easter Vigil. Pray, too, for a deepening of your own faith and the grace to endure the suffering and celebrate the joys of married life. A Suggested Ritual for Placing Palm Branches in the Home After dinner or at another time on Palm Sunday, the household gathers where the palms have been placed, perhaps near a crucifix or the family Bible. All make the Sign of the Cross. The leader begins: Hosanna in the highest! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. R/. Hosanna in the highest! (continued on next page) The leader may use these or similar words to introduce the prayer: We have come to the last days of Lent. Today we heard the reading of the Passion. That story will remain with us as we leave Lent behind on Holy Thursday and enter into the three days when we celebrate the mystery of Christ’s passing through suffering and death to life at God’s right hand. Listen to the words of the Second Letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians (4:10-11): [We are] always carrying about in the body the dying of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our body. For we who live are constantly being given up to death for the sake of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may be manifested in our mortal flesh. Reader: The Word of the Lord. R/. Thanks be to God. After a time of silence, members of the household join in prayers of intercession. The intercessions are followed by the Lord’s Prayer. The leader continues: Let us pray. Blessed are you, God of Israel, so rich in love and mercy. Let these branches ever remind us of Christ’s triumph. May we who bear them rejoice in his Cross and sing your praise forever and ever. R/. Amen. The leader concludes: Let us bless the Lord. All respond, making the Sign of the Cross: Thanks be to God. _____________________________________________________________ This text was originally published on the For Your Marriage website. Copyright © 2015, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. All rights reserved. The$Easter$Triduum$ ! ! What%is%the%Easter%Triduum?!!The!word!“Triduum”!means!“three! days.”!!The!three!days!are!counted!as!the!Hebrews!count!their!days,! from!dusk!to!dusk.!!Therefore,!the!three!days!are!from!dusk!on!Holy! Thursday!to!dusk!on!Easter!Sunday.!!Each!one!of!these!days!tells!a! different!part!of!the!story!of!Jesus’!saving!action.!!This!“Triduum”!is! actually!a!single!celebration!of!the!Passion,!Death!and!Resurrection!of! Jesus.!!! ! Holy%Thursday:!!The!Easter!Triduum!begins!with!Mass!on!Holy! Thursday!evening.!!The!Scriptures!of!this!Mass!remind!us!of!the!first! Passover!meal!of!the! Israelites!as!they! prepare!for!their! journey!out!of! slavery!in!Egypt.!! Then!we!hear! about!Jesus’!Last! Supper!with!the! Apostles!and!the! institution!of!the! Eucharist!KK!Jesus! anticipated!the!gift! he!would!make!of!himself!on!the!cross!and!the!primary!message!to!“Do! this!in!remembrance!of!me.”!!!At!that!Last!Supper!event!Jesus!washed! the!feet!of!his!apostles!and!gave!us!another!important!message!KK!“I!have! given!you!a!model!to!follow,!so!that!as!I!have!done!for!you,!you!should! also!do.”!! !!! Good%Friday:!!The!Good!Friday!service!centers!on!the!reading!of!the! Passion!of!our!Lord.!!On!this!evening!we!venerate!the!Cross!KK!the! primary!instrument!of!torture!in!Jesus’!time,!he!changed!to!an!image!of! our!Salvation.!!We!receive!the!Eucharist!at!this!service.!!It!is!a!day!of! fasting,!abstinence!and!quiet!mourning.!!!We!mourn!together.! ! The%Easter%Vigil/Easter:!!The!Easter!Vigil/Easter!is!the!high!point!of! the!Triduum!as!we!celebrate!the!Resurrection!of!Jesus.!!We!start!in!the! dark!as!we!anxiously!wait.!The!vigil!opens!with!a!service!of!light!KK!the! Light!that!conquered!the!darkness!and!is!the!Light!of!the!World!!!! Through!the!scripture!readings!we!are!told!of!all!the!wonderful!things! God!has!done!for!us!from!the!time!of!creation.!!Those!who!have!been! preparing!for!baptism!are!baptized;!others!are!received!into!the!Church! and!we!are!all!blessed!with!the!newly!blessed!Holy!Water.!!!On!this! night,!darkness,!a!sign!of!evil!and!death!is!conquered!by!the!“Light!of!the! World.”!!! ! ! We%are%not%commanded%to%attend%the%entire%Triduum% Jesus%invites%us!% %%% Holy%Week%?%Triduum%Services Holy%Thursday April!2!@!6:00!PM!Mass!of!the!Lord’s!Supper! ! (Bring!your!bells!to!be!rung!during!entire!Gloria)! ! ! ! 8:30!Misa!en!Espanol!a!las!8:30!pm! ! Good%Friday April!3! @!3:00!PM!Outdoor!Living!Stations!of!the!Cross! ! ! ! ! ! !by!San!Juan!Youth!Group! 6:00!PM!Celebration!of!the!Lord’s!Passion!! ! ! ! ! ! Veneration!of!the!Cross! ! ! ! 8:30!pm!Servicio!de!la!Plalabra!Y!Eucharistia!! ! ! ! ! ! Y!Adoration!a!la!Santa!! ! Holy%Saturday April!4!@!Noon!KK!Fr.!Jan!will!bless!Bread/food! !!!!!(For!consumption!at!the!first!meal!of!Easter!when!fasting!has!ended)! !!!!!!(Bread,!hardKboiled!eggs,!meat!KK!small!amounts)! ! Holy%Saturday April!4!! 8:30!PM!Easter!Vigil!K!Gather!in!patio! !!!!!(Bring!your!bells!to!be!rung!during!entire!Gloria)! ! Easter%Sunday%%%%%%%April!5! Resurrection!Day! ! ! ! ! ! 6:30!AM!Easter!Sunrise!Mass!K!Marian!Garden! ! ! ! ! ! 9:30!AM!Easter!Day!Mass! “GRAN CELEBRACION de SEMANA SANTA” Misión de San Juan de La Cruz 304 South Plant Street Branford, Fl 32008 SEMANA DE REFLEXION EN LA Pasión, Muerte y Resurrección de Jesús 2015 Domingo de Ramos MISA SABADO -- 28 de Marzo a las 7:30pm Después de MISA VIACRUCIS VIVIENTE Grupo Misionero de Gainesville Jueves Santo ---- Misa a las 8:30pm --- LAVATORIO DE LOS PIES ÚLTIMA CENA Abril, 02 2015 ADORACION A JESUS SACRAMENTADO Acompañándole antes de su muerte.! VIERNES SANTO—Viacruxis Viviente y Servicio Abril, 03 2015 + 7:00 pm VIACRUCIS VIVIENTE (representado por miembros de la comunidad) + 8:30pm SERVICIO de la PALABRA Y EUCARISTIA y la ADORACION a la SANTA Al terminar acompañar con una oración pequeña a María en sus horas de dolor. --Domingo de Pascua--- Abril, 05 2015 ! Celebraremos la resurrección del Señor ! Al terminar tendremos chocolate y pan ! SORPRESAS PARA LOS NINOS NO hay MISA El SABADO en español de 7:30pm SUNRISE MASSMISA de la AURORA 6:30am
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