packet PROPERTY MANAGEMENT PLAN Occupancy Monitoring Unit 213-808-8943 213-808-8929 Fax 213-808-8965 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT PLAN PACKET TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTORY SECTION ‘ Letter of Introduction ‘ Overview of Program Reporting Requirements: i Major Projects i HOME Investment Partnerships Program i Earthquake Emergency Loan Program SECTION 1: PROPERTY MANAGEMENT PLAN ‘ Owner Reply Form ‘ Tips for Completing the Property Management Plan (PMP) ‘ Property Management Plan SECTION 2: AFFIRMATIVE MARKETING OUTREACH (Mandatory for Projects with 5 Units or More) ‘ Affirmative Marketing Goals and Procedures ‘ Affirmative Marketing Documentation: i Vacancies Notification Log i Applicant Demographics Log ‘ Listing of Social Service Agencies ‘ Social Service Agencies - Owner’s Contact List ‘ Flyer Tips ‘ Equal Housing Opportunity Logo and Statement PROPERTY MANAGEMENT PLAN PACKET TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 3: LEASE-UP ‘ Procedural Guideline for Tenant Selection ‘ About the Mandatory Addendum to Lease or Rental Agreement ‘ Mandatory Addendum to Lease or Rental Agreement: i Major Projects and HOME Investment Partnerships Program i Earthquake Emergency Loan Program ‘ Lease Waiver SECTION 4: PROJECT AND TENANT CERTIFICATION INFORMATION ‘ Tenant Income and Rent Certification Description ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ SECTION 5: Letter to Residents (English) Letter to Residents (Spanish) Income Inclusions, Exclusions, and Asset Consideration Utilities Chart Tenant Income and Rent Certification Form Instructions (for Owners) Tenant Income and Rent Certification Form (English) Tenant Income and Rent Certification Form (Spanish) Verification of Employment and Earnings Certification of Day Labor Earnings and Employment (English) Certification of Day Labor Earnings and Employment (Spanish) Certificate of Continuing Program Compliance Occupancy Summary CODE ENFORCEMENT ‘ Preparing Residential Property for the Housing Habitability Inspection AN INTRODUCTION TO COMPLIANCE MONITORING Fo r t he M u lt ifa m ily affo rd ab le h o usin g lo an pr og ra m s Administered By The Los Angeles Housing Department (lahd) Thank you for helping to provide safe, decent and affordable housing to the residents of Los Angeles by securing a multi-family housing rehabilitation loan administered by the City of Los Angeles. As a condition of the type of funding you received, you agreed to certain occupancy and rent restrictions, as well as other accompanying affordability and reporting requirements. These requirements are set forth in the Regulatory Agreement (Covenant) attached to your Loan Agreement, which is recorded against the property for the term of the Covenant regardless of the loan term, its repayment, or transference of property ownership. The Occupancy Monitoring Section of the Los Angeles Housing Department (LAHD) monitors all covenants administered by LAHD. We welcome you and look forward to working with you for the duration of your Covenant. Your Covenant requires you to implement a City-approved Property Management Plan describing how you will market and manage your property. The Property Management Plan packet has been provided to guide you in the management of your affordable units. It contains a standardized Property Management Plan form and other forms required for reporting the information requested in the Plan. It also contains compliance certification documentation and reporting forms for the restricted units on your property, to be submitted at initial lease-up, annually, and as requested by LAHD. All properties are required to have a tenant selection plan. In addition, for properties with five or more units, an affirmative marketing outreach plan is also required. It is important that you review your Covenant for specific affordability requirements. A general summary of your program’s affordability and reporting requirements, based on your funding source, as well as an Owner Reply Form have been included in the packet to ensure the accurate completion and submission of all required documents. Please complete the Owner Reply Form and attach all documentation to it. Failure to fully complete the Owner Reply Form and submit all required documentation to LAHD at the address below could delay processing or result in a finding of non-compliance. If you have received, completed and submitted the management plan, it is not necessary to resubmit it. Again, thank you for your participation in providing affordable housing to the residents of Los Angeles. If you have any questions or need assistance in completing the compliance certification process, please contact Occupancy Monitoring at (213) 808-8943 or (213) 808-8929. Los Angeles Housing Department Housing Services 1200 W est 7 th Street, 9 th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90017 Attention: Occupancy Monitoring LOS ANGELES HOUSING DEPARTMENT MAJOR PROJECTS (MIXED-FUNDED) AFFORDABILITY AND ANNUAL COMPLIANCE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS OCCUPANCY• RENT AND INCOME REQUIREMENTS: All assisted units must be occupied or held vacant and available for rental at affordable rates by households whose income does not exceed the HUD determined median income level mandated in the covenant. Please review your A utility allowance, as covenant for your Program's occupancy, rent and income affordability requirements. defined by the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles (HACLA), must be deducted from the rent for tenant-paid utilities to determine the maximum allowable rent (MAR). Contact LAI-ID to determine whether subsidized rent for Section 8 units must be within the Program rent limits. INITIAL INCOME CERTIFICATION AND VERIFICATION: All households upon initially occupying a restricted unit must certify their projected gLQss income by completing a Tenant Income and Rent Certification Form (Tenant Form), which is signed by both owner and the tenant. Owner must also verify the tenants' projected • income reported on the Tenant Form by examining and submitting copies of the tenants' Income Source Documents, such as pay stubs, check stubs from SSI awards, etc. All income certification and verification documents must be current within six months. The Section 8 definition of income must be used to qualify tenants. Tax returns are not acceptable. A copy of the Tenant Form must be (a) given to the tenant, (b) maintained in the owner's files, and (c) submitted to the City. ANNUAL COMPLIANCE REPORTING: Owners must certify the tenants' projected •ross income by submitting a Tenant Income and Rent Certification Form for all households in a restricted unit (a) annually or if applicable to your program guidelines, (b) whenever there is a change in household composition or size, and (c) upon request. Owners must verify the tenants' projected gross income for all households in a restricted unit by examining and gubmitting Income Source Documents (a) annually or if applicable to your program guidelines, (b) whenever there is a change in household composition or size, and (c) upon request. Owners must also verify their continued compliance with the affordability terms of their covenant by completing, signing and submitting a Certificate of Continuing Program Compliance and an Occupancy Summary (a) at lease-ul•, (b) annually, and (c) upon request. TENANT-OWNER AGREEMENT: Owner must complete a Mandatory Addendum to Lease or Rental Agreement, signed by owner and tenant, for every tenant household (a) at lease-up and (b) upon request. The Addendum ensures owner-tenant cooperation with program rules. A copy of the Addendum must be given to the tenant, maintained in the owner's files and a copy submitted to the City. Owner is required to Lease restricted units for not less than one year. If both owner and tenant do not wish an annual lease, then a Lease Waiver must be signed and placed into the tenant's file. INCREASE IN TENANT INCOME: See program guidelines or the Covenant or consult with LAHD. (Note: If the project has HOME funds, see HOME affordability requirements. For a project with both HOME and LIHTC funds, the rents for over-income tenants are not adjusted). (Note: Rent increases are subject to the terms of the lease and local rent stabilization laws). TENANT NOTIFICATION: Owners must notify tenants when the Covenant's LAHD with written evidence of such notice, at a rental; Co) one year prior to the expiration date; and affordabilty period is scheduled to expire, and must provide minimum, on the following three occasions: (a) prior to initial (c) 90 days prior to the expiration date. PROPERTY MAINTENANCE AND FILE MAINTENANCE: All owners must complete a Property Management Plan describing how they will market and manage the property. The City reserves the right to make periodic on-site inspections of all units in the property in order to determine owner compliance with Housing Quality Standards and to verify the tenant information submitted by Compliance documents must be kept current and available for inspection at any time. Owners must keep owners. file copies of all compliance documents, including income source documents, for five years after Covenant expiration. LOS ANGELES HOUSING DEPARTMENT HOME AFFORDABILITY AND ANNUAL COMPLIANCE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS (See HUD Website for Complete Regulations: http•//www.hud.g•v•8•/••c•s/cpd/a••rdab•eh•using/•awsandr•gs/r•gs/h•m•/ind•x.cfm) OCCUPANCY, RENT AND INCOME REQUIREMENTS (24CFR92.252): All HOME-assisted units in projects with four or less units must be occupied or held vacant and available for rental at affordable rates by households whose income does not exceed the following percentages of the HUD determined median income: all restricted units must be rented to households initially at or below the 60% income level, and subsequently at or below the 80% income level, at the high HOME rent level. A utility allowance must be deducted from the HOME rents for tenant-paid utilities to determine the maximum allowable rent. Subsidized rent for Section 8 tenants must be within the HOME program rent limits. All HOME-assisted units in projects with five or more units must be occupied or held vacant and available for rental at affordable rates by households whose income does not exceed the following percentages of the HUD determined median income: (1) 20% of the traits must be rented to tenants at or below the 50% income level at the low HOME rent level; (2) The remainder of the restricted units must be rented to households as indicated in the paragraph above. INCOME CERTIFICATION AND VERIFICATION (24CFR92.203 & CFR92.252): All households occupying a restricted unit must certify their projected gross income by completing a Tenant Income and Rent Certification Form (Tenant Form), which is signed by both owner and the tenant, and submitted by owner at the following times: (a) at lease-u•; (b) •; and (c) upon request. At the time of lease-up of new tenants and every six years for recertifying tenants, owners must also examine and submit current (within 6 months) Income Source Documents, such as pay stub, SSI award statements, etc., which verify the proiected annual income reported on the Tenant Form. The Section 8 definition of income must be used to qualify tenants and to calculate rent adjustments. Tax returns are not acceptable. ANNUAL COMPLIANCE REPORTING (24CFR92.252): On an annual basis, owners must verify their continued compliance with the affordability terms of their covenant by completing, signing and submitting a Certificate of Continuing Program Compliance and an Occupancy Summary. Owners must also annually certify project rents and tenant income eligibility by submitting a Tenant Income and Rent Certification Form for all households in a restricted unit and income verification for new tenants. TENANT-OWNER AGREEMENT (24CFR92.2537: A Mandatory Addendum to Lease or Rental Agreement (Addendum), signed by both owner and tenant, must be completed for every tenant household (a) at lease-up and (b) upon request. The Addendum ensures owner-tenant cooperation with HOME program rules and outlines lease terms prohibited by HUD. A copy of the Addendum must be given to the tenant, maintained in the owner's files and a copy submitted to the City along with the Tenant Form. HUD requires Leases for restricted units to be not less than one year. If both owner and tenant do not wish an annual lease, then a Lease Waiver must be signed and placed into the tenant's file. INCREASE IN TENANT INCOME (24CFR92.252): When a tenant's income, upon reexamination, exceeds the 50% median income limit in a Low HOME Unit, the unit becomes a High HOME Unit, and rent for the unit may be increased to High HOME rent after the owner replaces the income ineligible unit with an existing 50% income eligible unit, or rents the next available comparable vacant "floating" unit or HOME-assisted "fixed" trait to a 50% of median income eligible tenant. When a tenant Household's income, upon reexamination, exceeds the 80% median income limit, the owner must charge the tenant the lessor ofmarket rent or 30% ofthe tenant's monthly adjusted income for rent and utilities. In projects where the units "float," the owner must replace the income ineligible unit with an existing income eligible unit or, rent the next available comparable vacant unit to an income eligible household. Rent increases for "floating" units may not exceed market rates for a comparable, unassisted unit. In projects where the HOME rent and occupancy requirements are "fixed" to specific units throughout the affordability period, there is no rent cap other than what is mandated by local law and the tenant's lease. (Note: The rents remains restricted for over-income tenants in units with both HOME and LIHTC) TENANT NOTIFICATION: Owners must notify tenants when the Covenant's affordabilty period is scheduled to expire, and must provide LAHD with written evidence of such notice, at a minimum, on the following three occasions: (a) prior to initial rental; (b) one year prior to the expiration date; and (c) 90 days prior to the expiration date. The initial Covenant expiration notification is imbedded into the Addendum and must be filled in by the owner. PROPERTY MAINTENANCE (24CFR92.251) AND FILE MAINTENANCE (24CFR92.508(a)(3)): All owners must complete a Property Management Plan describing how they will market and manage the property. The City reserves the right to make periodic on-site inspections of all units in the property in order to determine owner compliance with Housing Quality Standards and to verify the tenant information submitted by owners. Compliance documents must be kept current and available for inspection at any time. Owners must keep file copies of all compliance documents, including income source documents, for five years after Covenant expiration. LOS ANGELES HOUSING DEPARTMENT EARTHQUAKE EMERGENCY LOAN PROGRAM AFFORDABILITY AND COMPLIANCE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS OCCUPANCY, RENT AND INCOME REQUIREMENTS: All assisted units must be occupied or held vacant and available for rental at affordable rates by households whose income does not exceed the HUD determined median income level mandated in the covenant. Please review your A utility allowance, as covenant for your Program's occupancy, rent and income affordability requirements. defined by the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles (HACLA), must be deducted from the rent for tenant-paid utilities to determine the maximum allowable rent (MAR). Contact LAHD to determine whether subsidized rent for Section 8 units must be within the Program rent limits. INCOME CERTIFICATION AND VERIFICATION: Owners must certify the tenants' projected gross income by submitting a Tenant Income and Rent Certification Form (Tenant Form) for all households in a restricted unit (a) at lease-up, (b) whenever there is a change in household composition or size, and (c) upon request. The Tenant Form is signed by both owner and the tenant. Owners must also verify the tenants' projected moss income reported on the Tenant Form by examining and submitting copies of the tenants' Income Source Documents, such as pay stubs, check stubs from SSI awards, etc. All income certification and verification documents must be current within six months. The Section 8 definition of income must be used to qualify tenants. Tax returns are not acceptable. A copy of the Tenant Form must be (a) given to the tenant, (b) maintained in the owner's files, and (c) submitted to the City. Owners must also certify their continued compliance with the affordability terms of their covenant by completing, signing and submitting a Certificate of Continuing Program Compliance and an Occupancy Summary (a) at lease-up, Co) annually, and (c) upon request. TENANT-OWNER AGREEMENT: Owner must complete a Mandatory Addendum to Lease or Rental Agreement, signed by owner and tenant, for every tenant household (a) at lease-up and Co) upon request. The Addendum ensures owner-tenant cooperation with program rules. A copy of the Addendum must be given to the tenant, maintained in the owner's files and a copy submitted to the City. Owner is required to Lease restricted units for not less than one year. If both owner and tenant do not wish an annual lease, then a Lease Waiver must be signed and placed into the tenant's file. TENANT NOTIFICATION: Owners must notify tenants when the Covenant's LAHD with written evidence of such notice, at a rental; Co) one year prior to the expiration date; and affordabilty period is scheduled to expire, and must provide on the following three occasions: (a) prior to initial (c) 90 days prior to the expiration date. minimum, PROPERTY MAINTENANCE AND FILE MAINTENANCE: All owners must complete a Property Management Plan describing how they will market and manage the property. The City reserves the right to make periodic on-site inspections of all units in the property in order to determine owner compliance with Housing Quality Standards and to verify the tenant information submitted by Compliance documents must be kept current and available for inspection at any time. Owners must keep owners. file copies of all compliance documents, including income source documents, for five years after Covenant expiration. SECTION 1 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT PLAN (Checked items are to be submitted to LAHD) Owner Reply Form Tips for Completing Your Property Management Plan (PMP) Property Management Plan LOS ANGELES HOUSING DEPARTMENT Property Management Plan OWNER REPLY FORM (Attach I am submitting the original, signed as the sheet to cover and dated copy of the PMP) Property Management Plan for the City: PROPERTY: Project Completion Est. Date: following Zip: Project Completion Date: I have reviewed the documents and everything is complete. I have enclosed the original, kept copies of all documents, and given tenants copies of their signed documents. Upon the lease-up of affordable units which were vacant at the time of loan execution, I will complete and send income and rent certification and verification documents, and all other required documents to LAHD. (check THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS ARE INCLUDED each item that is included applicable): PROPERTY MANAGEMENT PLAN: Affirmative Marketing Documentation Mandatory for projects with 5 units or __Copy of final draft of proposed project flyer for staff approval __Copy of any proposed media ads __Social Service Agencies Owner's Contact List for flyer distribution (by area) •Vacancies Notification Log or write N/A if not more __Applicant Demographics Log Management Company Information (if applicable): [] [] [] Current number of units managed Years of experience in property management Copy of agent's real estate license [] [] [] of Owner and Management Company Agreement Current number and type oftmits managed in Los Angeles Three examples of properties of comparative size in Los Angeles (property address, name and phone no. of contact) Copy LEASE-UP: Mandatory Addendum to the Lease Agreement or Lease Waiver or Rental Agreement Lease •House Rules for the property (if applicable). Other tenant/landlord if any): agreements/forms used in managing the property of Building (e.g., layout of both restricted and non-restricted units with unit and income restriction levels) Diagram numbers, bedroom PROJECT AND TENANT CERTIFICATION INFORMATION: __Tenant Income and Rent Certification Forms (for all restricted units currently __Income Source Documents (e.g., pay stubs, bank statements, award statements, __Occupancy Summary __.Certificate of Continuing Program Compliance (if project Explanation Print for required items not included Owner/Manager Date (Rev. 9/21/06) Name has been (e.g., a pet agreement, occupied) etc.) completed/leased for a year) (if any): Owner/Manager Signature Owner/Manager Daytime Phone Number count LOS ANGELES HOUSING DEPARTMENT TIPS FOR COMPLETING The Property Management Plan READ through the entire packet before filling (PMP) out the PMP. REFERENCE the Covenant/Regulatory Agreement from your loan document to ascertain some of the information you need to complete your PMP. COMPLETE each item of the PMP in order. The PMP uses a check-off system to make it easy to complete. Mark with an "x" all choices that apply. In responding to the "OTHER" category, attach a separate sheet of paper as needed. Pre-eheeked Items are mandatory_. For projects with four units or less: You may skip projects with five units or more: Complete marketing supplemental documentation. For REFER to the Table of Contents to locate Items 6 through the entire PMP supplemental and 9 in the PMP as well supporting as documents. SUBMIT a draft of the flyer and the newspaper advertisement that you will affordable units to LAHD for approval prior to lease-up. You • also submit completed plan by mail or fax to LAHD for review. ATTACH the Owner Re•l Form as the cover all affirmative to market draft of your use a sheet when you submit your PMP. SUBMIT the original, final, signed and dated copy of the Management Plan to LAHD once all changes are completed and approved along with all supplemental documents required and requested in the PMP and listed on the Owner reply Form. KEEP a file copy of the PMP and all supplemental forms and documents you submit. Unless the Plan is replaced or amended with the City's approval, your Plan will govern the management of the property for the full term of the Covenant/Regulatory Agreement. Keep the PMP and the loan document, including the Covenant/Regulatory Agreement, available for easy reference. PROVIDE both the on-site manager and/or management company, if any, with a copy of the PMP, and make sure they understand how to implement it. Whenever you change management entities, make sure they receive a copy of the PMP. REMEMBER, requirements CALL (213) assistance. (Rev 9/21/06) you, the owner, and regulations. 808-8943 or are (213) ultimately responsible for 808-8929 if you have any compliance questions with all or if we applicable can be of Los ANGELES HOUSING DEPARTMENT PROPERTY MANAGEMENT PLAN Project Project Project Name: Total Number of Units: Address: No. of Restricted Units: Daytime Owner: City: Owner's Address: ( Phone: ) Phone: ( Zip: State: ) City: Address: Complete the Property Management Plan by providing respond with an "X" to all that apply. In responding to that already have an "X" are mandatory. following person(s) is/are responsible Fax: ( ). Zip: State: the information requested. Ifa series of multiple choices are offered, the "OTHER" category, attach a separate paper when needed. Items Management Financial 1. The ) Position/Title: Contact Person: Daytime Mailing ( Phone No: for the project's financial management: (Name, Title/Position) Her/His/Their duties include: Collecting rents and other income. Paying bills and tracking expenses (including taxes). Purchasing equipment or supplies. Preparation of the annual project budget. (income, expenses, capital expenditures, funding of project reserves) Preparation of the annual financial audit. Other provide for financial reporting on your projects: Bookkeeping, accounting and financial reports will be performed by Describe how you will a. b. Financial reports will be year and sent to Note: (Rev. 9/21/06) Each page the Plan's prepared by. of the Management provisions. times at least the Plan must be initialed by Page the Owner 1 of 8 project of the project manager / to indicate owner. knowledge a (Circle one) and acceptance Owner Initials of Tenant 3. The following person is responsible Management for tenant management: (Name, Title/Position) Her/His duties include: Marketing vacant units Tenant selection Resolution of tenant delinquency Notice of rent 5. between owner (ATTACH Owner's lease agreement •¢ City's Mandatory Addendum to Lease Other agreements (•DENT•FY total of in Regulatory stipulated • • or Rental (Rev. 9/21/06) Agreement (provided by HERE AND ATTACH the SAMPLES): units restricted for occupancy by Low Income Households at affordable rent Agreement No.: and signed and dated affirmatively provide housing out this as information and otherwise attract eligible market area to the available housing. section) accomplish the following: Assure all advertising media includes a reference to "Equal Housing Opportunity". Where a significant number of persons in the community have limited fluency in the English language, provide marketing information and leases in the native language(s) of such persons. Promptly notify applicants of their eligibility status and placement on a waiting list. assure all restricted units Other (Attach separate Note.: USED) LAHD) A SAMPLE OF THE AGREEMENT TO BE Affirmative marketing describes the steps to be taken to persons from all racial, ethnic and gender groups in the (Read the Affirmative Marketing Goals and Procedures prior to filling 6. To copy) and tenant will be used: •¢ are a a Other following agreements There problems Enforcement of House Rules (Attach Eviction The screening Tenant Each page the Plan's are paper of the Management provisions. marketed the Owner will if needed) Plan must be initialed by Page the Owner 2 of 8 of the project to indicate knowledge and acceptance Owner Initials of 7. Owner will market available rental units newspaper ._X__ using the following methods: (Pick least at method in addition one to ad) Place ad in neighborhood Place flyer locations: or flyer Place or notice with Identify specific and/or local newspaper. papers: organizations. Identify specific organizations churches, community Identify specific notice with real estate associations. and associations: Other: If no The apply ao planned, give media advertisement is reason: following steps will be taken to inform and solicit for the restricted units without special outreach. applications fi-om persons identified as least likely to Based upon a review of the ethnic and racial distribution of the neighborhood surrounding the available units, the target group(s) least likely to apply without special outreach is (are) (Pick one or more): African American/Black American Indian/Alaskan Native White Cuban Other Hispanic or Latino Native Hawaiian Asian Mexican/Chicano Puerto Rican Non following actions: newspapers(s) of general Hispanic or or other Pacific Islander Latino b. Planned outreach consists of the Placing notice(s) (Examples of Sentinel in newspapers of Korean Daily News, general circulation. circulation include the Los Angeles Times, Opinion, La Nuestro Tiempo, The forms and Times• Wave, Dail• Journal). Identify: Distributing flyers to social service or special (A list of social service/specialpurpose group information to help you complete this item). Attach the list of social service Note: (Rev. 9/21/06) Each page the Plan's of the Management provisions. agencies Plan must be initialed by Page purpose groups. contacts is attached to this document as well as other you will contact to this document. the Owner 3 of 8 of the project to indicate knowledge Owne• and acceptance Initials of Affirmative (Refer to marketing and outreach for Loan Document and Covenant Maintenance of a vacant units will be documented in the file copy of media ads and Maintenance of file notes Making filling for further information who on record manner: flyers. or was contacted or "How did you hear about this vacancy?" a on following keeping requirements) posted. tenant application. where bulletins question were the on Other: following manner: application is received according 1 0. Tenants for the restricted units will be selected in the Maintenance of a list by the date the vacancies in application date order. ._X__ Screening determine _X__ ._X__ ll.i of tenants suitability through the use of credit for occupancy. history, tenant history, Giving consideration to families eligible for public housing. Giving preference to qualified households who have been displaced public projects, when other selection criteria are also met. Other applicant screening procedures: On behalf of the City, Owner will collect and submit to the on all tenants occupying restricted units in the Project: City the to income group, and references, if available, and as a filling result of City of Los following demographic to Angeles information Income Level Gender .__X_ _.X._ ._X_. Ethnicity 12. At initial occupancy, every sixth year, or upon request, income be determined in the following manner: eligibility for each tenant in a restricted unit will appropriate to the loan. (Definition of income is attached) applicant complete, sign and submit a Tenant Income and Rent Certification tenant income by reviewing source documentation (Check applicable): Obtain employment check stubs. Verify SSI pension, AFDC payment, public assistance, and other income. Follow definition of income Have the Calculate Form. as Calculate and include income from assets. Examine applicant income tax return. Verify income with employer. Other: Note: (Rev. 9/21/06) Each page the Plan's of the Management provisions. Plan must be initialed by Page the Owner 4 of 8 of the project to indicate knowledge and acceptance Owner Initials of eligibility in a restricted unit will be determined in the following Follow definition of income appropriate to the loan(Definition of income is attached). Have the applicant complete, sign and submit a Tenant Income and Rent Certification Form. 13. Annual recertification of each tenant's ._X_. .--X-- manner: Other: Accordingly, 14. Maximum allowable rents must be reduced if the tenant pays for utilities. utilities are paid by the tenant? Gas Heating Gas Cooking Gas Water Heating Water which of the following Basic Electricity Electric Cooking Electric Water Heating Electric Heating Air Conditioning Trash/Garbage Other: 15. When there is at least one parking space per unit and/or ample parking available, as required by the zoning regulations for the City of Los Angeles, then parking is considered an entitlement when calculating maximum allowable rent. When there is less than one space per unit, parking can be considered an amenity. However, this amenity must be offered to tenants in restricted units. Accordingly, check one of the following: There is at least one parking space Angeles zoning regulations. There is less than following basis: one parking per unit and/or ample parking space per residential unit. available Parking as required by the City will be offered to tenants of Los on the Seniority Other: 16. To establish initial payment and adjust rental the Owner will take the following action: ._X_ __X_ ._X_ payments by a tenant in an City to provide annual changes in maximum rent Check annually, or as needed, with the City to verify maximum Re-examine monthly utility allowances annually. Rely upon the assisted unit (increases or decreases), levels. rent levels. Other: ._X_ Note: (Rev. 9/21/06) If rents increase 10% Each page the Plan's or of the Management provisions. more, tenants are notified in Plan must be initialed by Page writing the Owner 5 of 8 at least 60 of the project to days prior indicate to the increase. knowledge and acceptance Owner Initials of Program Funds, as stipulated in the Regulatory Agreement, will be charged market rate Units assisted with Program Funds will be charged rent based on the area median income guideline, as rent. stipulated in the Regulatory Agreement. The owner is required to verify the income eligibility of tenants in restricted units according to program guidelines (See Affordability and Compliance Reporting Requirements ). If the tenant(s) fail to submit income information, the Owner will take the following action: 17. A unit not assisted with ._X_ Give notice to tenant(s) of payment increase to the full rental rate of the unit. Other" 18. Security deposit refunds Security deposit, will be handled less repair according to the costs, will be refunded following policy: within__ days of the tenant vacating the unit. Other: 19. Delinquent payment Grace period of rents and eviction for late rents? If rent is not collected within the proceedings will be handled according days? period, the following action(s) to the following procedure: If yes, how many designated grace will be taken: Pay or Quit". satisfied, proceed with the Unlawful Detainer Process. Retain an attorney to handle legal proceedings. Issue If not a "Notice To Other: 20.._X_ Owner shall notify the tenant of the scheduled expiration date of rent restrictions associated with this unit and provide written evidence of such notice to the City. At a minimum, notices shall be given to the tenant at the following three periods: (a) prior to initial rental; (b) one year prior to the Covenant expiration date; and (c) 90 days prior to the Covenant expiration date. 21. If a unit must be vacated as a result of demolition, major rehabilitation, or for other reasons during the construction phase of your loan, payment of relocation fees to the tenant maybe required. The following person will be responsible for giving the tenant the necessary notices and paying the relocation fees: (Name and Title phone number) 22. Should willful destruction and/or other action: (Check at least one): Report Initiate illegal activities occur in your units, the Owner will take the following activity to appropriate authorities. eviction proceedings if appropriate. the Other: Note: (Rev. 9/21/06) Each page the Plan's of the Management provisions. Plan must be initialed by Page the Owner 6 of 8 of the project to indicate knowledge and acceptance Owner Initials of Management repairs in the following Maintenance provide 23. The Owner will for maintenance and All units will be inspected when tenants leave, as well as on list. Repairs will be made as needed as well as prior to inspections and repairs will be maintained. following The persons or responsible manner: an annual renting to basis, using a new the attached review occupant. A record of companies will be maintaining is the person/company responsible for performing routine maintenance the City's Housing Quality Standards (Attached). for the indicated maintenance services (must be completed): and general repairs and for responsible for responding to routine emergencies. is responsible for major repairs of the building and equipment. At least annually the building exterior, common grounds and major systems (including plumbing, electrical, heating, roofing) will be inspected using the attached review list and repairs will be made as needed. A record of inspections and repairs will be retained. Adequate replacement reserves will be properly maintained. is responsible for garbage and trash collection. is Landscaping 24. and Tree and shrub Lawn grounds maintenance will be provided in the following manner: care care sprinklers person/company responsible for landscape maintenance maintenance and grounds keeper provided? Yes Lawn The Is a preventive security that will Fire alarms and extinguishers Exterior lighting 25. Methods of Observation Other: be used at the property: Security permit the City habitability, safety and to enter and health code the deficiencies within thirty (30) correct (Rev. 9/21/06) Each page the Plan 's Doors Electric gates responsible is the person 27.._X__ Owner shall Note: No cameras 26. local is of the Management provisions. for maintaining property inspect the Project regulations. LAHD days. Plan must be initialed by Page the Owner 7 of 8 and liability insurance. and all Project units for compliance with may give written notice to the Owner to of the project to indicate knowledge and acceptance Owner Initials of Management Company Information if owner will manage property and no Management Company will be used. If a Management Company will be used, complete the information below: The following Management Company has been employed to carry out the duties described Company Name: Company Address: Check here Contact Person: Position/Title: Company Company Phone: Manager, Name of On-site Fax Number: following Please attach the information about the Current number of units __X_ Current number and type of units ._X_ Number of years ._X_ Three ._X_ Management Company managed in Los Angeles experience in property management examples of properties of comparative size and Name and address Copy Copy to this form: managed ._X_ ..-X__ Fax: if different: Phone Number: (Give above: of projects and of agent's of Management Agreement name and phone number location in Los Angeles of contact persons) real estate license between Owner and Management Company OWNER'S STATEMENT OF MANAGEMENT PLAN ACCEPTANCE I AGREE that the above-referenced Note: (Rev. 9/21/06) property will be managed in the manner described above. Owner (Signature) Date of Signature Owner (Print Name) Owner (Phone No.) Each page the Plan's of the Management provisions. Plan must be initialed by Page the Owner 8 of 8 of the project to indicate knowledge and acceptance Owner Initials of SECTION 2 (Completion mandatory for projects with 5 units or more) AFFIRMATIVE MARKETING OUTREACH (Checked items are to be submitted to LAHD) Affirmative Marketing Goals and Procedures Affirmative Marketing Documentation Vacancies Notification Log Applicant Demographics Log Listing of Social Service Agencies Social Service Agencies - Owner’s Contact List Flyer Tips Equal Housing Opportunity Logo and Statement Los ANGELES HOUSING DEPARTMENT AFFIRMATIVE MARKETING GOALS AND PROCEDURES Affirmative Marketing Goals: The City of Los Angeles is committed to ensuring decent, affordable housing for its residents. To further this goal, the City, acting through the Los Angeles Housing Department (LAHD), devotes significant resources to building and rehabilitating housing while concentrating on reversing patterns of decline and disinvestment in distressed neighborhoods. As these new or renewed housing resources become available, it is critical that they be made available in a manner which compliments the City's efforts to (1) provide fair access to this scarce resource and to (2) rebuild damaged commtmities by promoting neighborhood renewal and strengthening. The purpose of Affirmative Marketing is to market dwelling units in a manner in which individuals of similar income levels in the same housing market area (defined as the County of Los Angeles) have available to them a like range of choices in housing regardless of the individual's race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, disability, familial status or national origin. participant in the City of Los Angeles Housing Department Loan Program, owners are obligated to Affirmatively Market their restricted units in compliance with, and for the full term of, all Covenants and conditions attached to their loan. (See Regulatory Agreement) As a The Affirmative Marketing strategies, as defined in the Property Management Plan, must be completed before tenants can be selected to occupy restricted units. However, during this marketing outreach period, applications can be accepted and screened in accordance with the designated methods outlined in Item 10, Page 4 of the Management Plan. If there are interested applicants for the restricted unit(s) before the marketing period begins or ends, they may be given an application only after they are apprised of the required Affirmative Marketing process. Regular tenant application forms may be used for tenant screening. Restricted process is unit(s) cannot completed! be promised to any applicant(s) before the Affirmative Marketing Affirmative Marketing requirements are designed to promote outreach in the application process and are not intended to preclude reasonable screening of applicants on the basis of clearly established and legal selection criteria (e.g., credit history and references). following is a procedural guideline for implementing the Affirmative Marketing plan that is designated in your Property Management Plan. (See Property Management Plan; Pages 2-4; Items 6,7,8 &9) The 5+ (Rev. 9/21/06) Page 1 Affirmative Marketing Goals And Procedures Affirmative Marketing Procedures: Restricted units must be marketed as soon as possible after the Affirmative Marketing plan is approved by LAHD, and/or at least 90 calendar days prior to the completion of rehabilitation or construction of the project and whenever an affordable unit becomes vacant. The minimum Affirmative Marketing period of affordable units is seven (7) calendar days. During this period, the following marketing outreach strategies are to be implemented: Special efforts must be made to reach persons in racial/ethnic categories who are "least likely to know" about housing vacancies using one or more of the following racial/ethnic categories: ETHNICITY of Head of Household (Check all that apply) [] [] [] [] RACE of Head of Household (Check one.) [] No, Non Hispanic or Latino [] Yes, Mexican/Chicano [] Yes, Cuban [] Yes, Puerto Rican [] Yes, Other Hispanic or Latino African American/Black American Indian/Alaskan Native Asian Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander [] White 2. Owner or designated authorized agent must notify target groups by advertising with the media in their Property Management Plan. This includes: vacancies of affordable traits in two or more papers with general public circulation and/or with publications of local real estate industry groups. The Lo_._•s Angeles Times, Daily News, and Daily Journal, The Sentinel, Wav•e, La Opinion, Nuestro Tiempo and Korean Times are examples of newspapers that meet this Advertising requirement. Multi-lingual advertising community circulation. religious publications. of affordable unit vacancies in two or more papers with ethnic This can include neighborhood oriented newspapers and 3. Notification of available affordable housing units with one or more public service, or tenant organizations in the housing market area that serve low income persons. • accomplished by distributing flyers, pre-approved by LAHD, to designated community and social services agencies. A list of organizations and instructions for meeting this requirement are attached to this document. This is Equal Housing Opportunity logo and/or housing. A sample of the logo and statement 4. Inclusion of the affordable 5+ (Rev. 9/21/06) religious Page 2 statement in all advertisements of are attached to this document. Affirmative Marketing Goals And Procedures 5. Implementation of all other Affirmative Marketing strategies designated in your Covenant and Property Management Plan. These include, but are not limited to, the following: • • Where appropriate, notice to current tenants the newly rehabilitated building. Advertisement of available affordable units and/or ethnic community audiences. as on to the availability of affordable units in radio stations with either general public 6. Owner must maintain documentation ofhisdaer marketing outreach and recruitment efforts for the duration of the affordability period. Such documentation must include, but is not limited to, the following items: • Copies of all fax transmittal documented. notices, flyers, newspaper and radio notices with dates A listing of the organizations notified of the vacant affordable housing with the contact person and date of contact specified. An example of a Notification Checklist is attached to this document. • An income and ethnic profile of all tenants selected to occupy restricted units. Page 3 Affirmative Marketing Goals And Procedures (Use LOS ANGELES HOUSING DEPARTMENT Affirmative Marketing Documentation this form to document outreach and recruitment efforts) VACANCIES NOTIFICATION LOG For (InserO PR OPER TY ADDRESS NAME AND ADDRESS OF ORGANIZATION NOTIFIED Print Owner/agent Signature (Rev. 5+ 9/21/06) of NAME AND TITLE OF CONTACT PERSON PHONE # Name: Owner/Agent: Date: CONTACT DATE (Use this form to document the results of LOS ANGELES HOUSING DEPARTMENT Affirmative Marketing Documentation outreach and recruitment efforts, through the collection APPLICANT DEMOGRAPHICS LOG For (Insert) PROPERTY ADDRESS Print Owner/Agent Signature Rev. 9/21/06 of Name: Owner/Agent: Date: of applicant demographic information) LOS ANGELES HOUSING DEPARTMENT LISTING OF SOCIAL SERVICE AGENCIES BY SERVICE AREAS following organizations have housing referral networks which include the entire City. Use help satisfy Los Angeles Housing Department (LAHD) affirmative marketing requirements. The to Select a minimum of two (2) agency from each area listed Record your selections If you wish to use more of your own. on agencies from the citywide listing along on the following pages. with a minimum of this list one (1) the form attached and return the form with your Property Management Plan. than will fit on the given form, record your selections on a similar form agencies CITYWIDE CATHOLIC CHARITIES OF LOS ANGELES 1531 JAMES M WOOD BOULEVARD LOS ANGELES, CA 90015 (213) 251-3400 (213) 380-4603 FAX JIM STRATTON, Regional Director JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE CENTER OF L. A. (SENIORS) 8838 WEST PICO BOULEVARD LOS ANGELES, CA 90035 (310) 271-3306 Ext 209 (310) 550-8381 FAX PAULA FERN, Executive Director ALSO SER VICES AREA 3 CHICANA ACTION SERVICE CENTER 315 WEST 9TH STREET LOS ANGELES, CA 90015 (213) 629-5800 (213) 430-0657 FAX SOPHIA ESPARZA, Chief Executive Officer SHELTER PARTNERSHIP 523 WEST 6TH STREET, #616 LOS ANGELES, CA 90014 (213) 688-2188 (213) 689-3188 FAX RUTH SCHWARTZ, Executive Director CITY OF LOS ANGELES DEPARTMENT ON DISABILITY 333 SOUTH SPRING STREET LOS ANGELES, CA 90013 (213) 485-6334 (213) 485-8052 FAX RALK ACUNA/ADRIANA MIRANDA SPECIAL SERVICES FOR GROUPS 605 WEST OLYMPIC BOULEVARD, #600 LOS ANGELES, CA 90015 (213) 553-1800 (213) 553-1822 FAX HERBERT HATANAKA, Executive Director CITY OF LOS ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF AGING 3580 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD, 3RD FLOOR LOS ANGELES, CA 90010 (213) 252-4030 (213) 252-4020 FAX Information and Assistance Hotline For Seniors VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA 3600 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD, #1500 LOS ANGELES, CA 90010 (213) 389-1500 (213) 385-7599 FAX ROBERT PRATT, President INDEPENDENT LIVING CENTER OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 14407 GILMORE STREET #101 VAN NUYS, CA 91401 (818) 785-6934 (818) 785-0330 FAX NORMA JEAN VESCOVO, Executive Director WEINGART-CENTER 566 SOUTH. SAN PEDRO STREET LOS ANGELES, CA 90013 (213) 627-9000 (213) 488-3419 FAX ANGELINA COE Rev. 9/21/06 -1- The each following are agencies that service selected areas of the City. Select at least one agency from area. AREA 1 EAST/NORTHEAST LOS ANGELES ATWATER PARK CENTER 3370 PERLITA AVENUE LOS ANGELES, CA 90039 (323) 666-1377 (323) 666-9186 FAX EDMOND CARLSON, Executive Director ALSO SER VICES AREA 3 LITTLE TOKYO SERVICE CENTER 231 EAST 3RD STREET, SUITE G-106 LOS ANGELES, CA 90013 (213) 473-3030 (213) 687-3031 FAX BILL WATANABE, Executive Director ALSO SERVICES AREA 2 CHINATOWN SERVICE CENTER 767 NORTH HILL STREET, #400 LOS ANGELES, CA 90012 (213) 808-1700 (213) 680-0787 FAX LARRY LUE, Executive Director ALSO SER VICES AREA 3 LOS ANGELES FAMILY HOUSING CORPORATION 207 NORTH BREED STREET LOS ANGELES, CA 90033 (323) 264-1114 (323) 262-3698 FAX CRISTINA FREED ALSO SER VICES AREA 2 AND 4 AREA 2 SOUTH LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA COUNCIL FOR VETERANS 8652 SOUTH VERMONT AVENUE LOS ANGELES, CA 90044 (323) 750-9967 (323) 750-8034 FAX KENNETH BROOKS JEFFREY FOUNDATION 5470 WEST WASHINGTON BOULEVARD LOS ANGELES, CA 90016 (323) 965-7536 (323) 939-2348 FAX ALYCE KELLER WINSTON, Executive Director CASA DE ROSAS SUNSHINE MISSION 2600 SOUTH HOOVER STREET LOS ANGELES, CA 90007 (213) 747-7419 (213) 747-8816 FAX ANN MARIE ERROS, Executive Director LOS ANGELES CONSERVATION CORPORATION P.O. BOX 15868 LOS ANGELES, CA 90015 (213) 362-9000 (213) 662-7958 FAX BRUCE SAITO, Executive Director ALSO SERVICES AREA 3 EL CENTRO SUBSTANCE ABUSE AND TREATMENT CENTER 2130 EAST 1ST STREET, SUITE 350 LOS ANGELES, CA 90033 (323) 265-9228 (323) 265-7166 or 265-0374 FAX RAUL ESTRADA, Executive Director DELTA SIGMA THETA LIFE DEVELOPMENT 2528 WEST BOULEVARD LOS ANGELES, CA 90016 (323) 735-5799 (323) 735-6306 FAX HARRIET EDWARDS, Executive Director ALSO SER VICES AREA 3 SOUTH CENTRAL LOS ANGELES MULTIPURPOSE CENTER 7813 SOUTH CENTRAL AVENUE LOS ANGELES, CA 90001 (323) 277-0440 (323) 277-0442 FAX LILLIAN MOBLEY, Executive Director ESTELLE VAN METER MULTIPURPOSE CENTER 606 EAST 76TH STREET LOS ANGELES, CA 90001 (323) 778-9733 (323) 778-1613 FAX ETHEL GORRELL, Director AREA 2 (continued) FAME HOUSING 2241 SOUTH HOBART BOULEVARD LOS ANGELES, CA 90018 (323) 730-7750 (323) 735-7829 FAX ANTENEH GOSSA, Director SEINAN SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER 3116 JEFFERSON BOULEVARD LOS ANGELES, CA 90018 (323) 734-2175 (323) 734-3004 FAX RALPH TANIOKA WEST ANGELES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 6028 CRENSHAW BOULEVARD LOS ANGELES, CA 90043 (323) 751-3440 (323) 751-7631 FAX DARYL BROWN, Housing Director AREA3 CENTRAL LOSANGELES ALTERNATIVE LIVING FOR THE AGING 937 NORTH FAIRFAX AVENUE WEST HOLLYWOOD, CA 90046 (323) 650-7988 (323) 650-0803 FAX JANET WITKIN, Executive Director BEYOND SHELTER 1200 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD, #600 LOS ANGELES, CA 90017 (213) 252-0772 (213) 480-0846 FAX TANYA TULL, CEO ARMENIAN RELIEF SOCIETY 1203 NORTH VERMONT AVENUE LOS ANGELES, CA 90029 (323) 669-0471 (323) 669-1235 FAX ANI BALIAN, Social Worker SONA ZINZALIAN, Administrator CENTRAL CITY ACTION COMMITTEE 534 EAST EDGEWARE ROAD LOS ANGELES, CA 90026 (213) 241-0908 (213) 241-0932 FAX MARYANNE HAYASHI, Executive Director ASSISTANCE LEAGUE OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA FAMILY SERVICE AGENCY 1370 NORTH ST. ANDREWS PLACE LOS ANGELES, CA 90028 (323) 469-1973 (323) 469- 3533 FAX SANDY DOERSCHLAG, Executive Director ALSO SER VICES AREA 5 CHINESE COMMITTEE ON AGING 600 NORTH BROADWAY, SUITE B LOS ANGELES, CA 90012 (213) 680-9739 (213) 680-0369 FAX GEORGE POON, Director ENKI EAST LA MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES MARY LIND FOUNDATION 2500 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD, #826 LOS ANGELES, CA 90057 (213) 382-4241 (213) 382-0136 FAX ED WOODHULL, Executive Director (Pico-union Area) 2523 WEST 7TH STREET LOS ANGELES, CA 90057 (213) 480-1557 (213) 480-1182 FAX REBECCA MEDINA, Director GRAMERCY PLACE SHELTER 6505 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD, SUITE 500 LOS ANGELES, PACIFIC ASIAN CONSORTIUM IN EMPLOYMENT (PACE) CA 90048 1055 WILSHIRE (213) (213) 387-0171 387-8850 FAX KAREN ROSENTHAL, Director LOS (213) (213) BOULEVARD, #1475 ANGELES, CA 90017 353-3982 353-1227 FAX KERRY DOI, CEO -3- AREA 3 continued) KOREAN HEALTH EDUCATION INFORMATION AND REFERRAL CENTER 545 SOUTH GRAMERCY PLACE LOS ANGELES, CA 90006 (213) 427-4000 (213) 427-4008 FAX EDWARD PARK, CEO SINGLE ROOM OCCUPANCY HOUSING CORPORATION (SRO) 354 SOUTH SPRING STREET, #400 LOS ANGELES, CA 90013 (213) 229-9651 (213) 229-9677 FAX STEVEN VAN ZILE, Director of Housing Management AREA 4 SAN FERNANDO VALLEY HAVEN HILLS (MAILING ADDRESS) P.O. BOX 260 CANOGA PARK, CA 91305 (818) 887-7481 (818) 887-4796 FAX SARA BERDINE, Executive Director LOS ANGELES FAMILY HOUSING CORPORATION 207 NORTH BREED STREET LOS ANGELES, CA 90033 (323) 264-1114 (323) 262-3698 FAX ESTELA ALFEREZ ALSO SERVES AREA 1 LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICES 6425 TYRONE AVENUE VAN NUYS, CA 91401 (818) 901-9480 (818) 90t-9482 FAX LAWRENCE BROUGHAM, Area Director AREA 5 WEST LOS ANGELES SAINT JOSEPH CENTER 204 HAMPTON DRIVE VENICE, CA 90291 (310) 396-6468, ext 304 (310) 392-8402 FAX RHONDA MEISTER, Executive Director AREA 6 HARBOR HARBOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORP. 707 WEST C STREET WILMINGTON, CA 90744 (310) 549-0052 (310) 549-0055 FAX RAMON MADRIGAL, Executive Director RAINBOW SERVICES LTD. SHELTER 453 WEST 7TH STREET SAN PEDRO, CA 90731 (310) 548-5450 Ext 102 (310) 548-0611 FAX BEN SCHIRMER, Executive Director HARBOR INTERFAITH SHELTER 670 WEST 9TH STREET SAN PEDRO, CA 90731 (310) 831-0603 (310) 831-0791 FAX MIKE BEERS, Director -4- LOS ANGELES HOUSING DEPARTMENT SOCIAL SERVICE AGENCIES OWNER'S CONTACT LIST (To To: Angeles Housing Department) be submitted to Los LOS ANGELES HOUSING DEPARTMENT From: Date: (Property Property Owner Name) Address: (City) Listed below are the social service at the above property: (You agencies I have chosen to use for the (Zip) affirmatively CITYWIDE must choose minimum of two a 1. 2. 3. 4. agencies) AREA 1: EAST/NORTHEAST LOS ANGELES (You must choose a minimum of 1. 2. 3. 4. one agency) AREA 2: SOUTH CENTRAL LOS ANGELES (You must choose a minimum of 1. 2. 3. 4. one agency) marketed units AREA 3: CENTRAL LOS ANGELES (You must choose a minimum of one agency) AREA 4: SAN FERNANDO VALLEY (You must choose a minimum of one agency) AREA 5: WEST LOS ANGELES (+5.wpd 4/1/04) (You must choose (You must a minimum of one AREA 6: HARBOR choose a minimum of 2 one agency) agency) Social Services Agencies Owner's Contact List LOS ANGELES HOUSING DEPARTMENT FLYER TIPS ITEMS TO INCLUDE ON YOUR AFFIRMATIVE MARKETING FLYER: project, Name of • Address of Contact if applicable project, including community name and phone of units available zip number Office hours and location/Can available units? Type and prospective ( 1 bedrooms, 2 tenants of Identify monthly and see the bedrooms...) Indication that household income must meet income Range drop by guidelines rental rates for units what utilities tenants will pay Directions, map or nearest cross streets and community of rental property Any • amenities you may want to feature Credit to the City of Los Angeles Housing Department for making the financing of the project possible (This must be included in all advertising for the first year.) Equal Housing Opportunity Logo (two different sizes for reproducing) or Equal Housing Opportunity Statement (both are included in the packeO (+5 Rev. 9/21/06) EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY LOGO EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY STATEMENT "We are pledged to the letter and spirit of U.S. policy for the achievement of equal housing opportunity throughout the Nation. We encourage and support an affirmative advertising and marketing program in which there are no barriers to obtain housing because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin." SECTION 3 LEASE-UP (Please make copies of documents that are checked () below before and after completing and submit to LAHD at the initial lease up of an affordable unit and upon request) Procedural Guideline for Tenant Selection About the Mandatory Addendum to Lease or Rental Agreement Mandatory Addendum to Lease or Rental Agreement (Major Projects and HOME) Mandatory Addendum to Lease or Rental Agreement (Earthquake Emergency Loan Program) Lease Waiver LOS ANGELES HOUSING DEPARTMENT PROCEDURAL GUIDELINE FOR TENANT SELECTION The following is a procedural guideline for implementing the Tenant Selection Plan, which is required for all properties and is designated in your Property Management Plan (page 4). Properties with five or more units must follow the guidelines for affirmative marketing outreach prior to tenant selection. Review the charts below. • Affirmative marketing is • Affirmative marketing required. not Affordable units must be affirmatively marketed for representative seven-day period. The is required. owner's may begin the tenant selection process from the list of qualified a On day eight, the owner or owner's representative may begin the tenant selection process from the list of owner or applicants. qualified applicants. are not enough qualified applicants, the marketing period may be If there extended. A. Take applications from applicants (prospective tenants). B. Consider applicants according to the order of receipt of their applications. C. Review tentative eligibility. D. Screen for other standard criteria such as credit history, tenant history, references, etc. E. Give preference to qualified households who have been displaced as result of the City of Los Angeles public projects. F. Give consideration to families eligible for public housing. G. Certify only qualified applicants. H. Implement all other designated applicant screening procedures listed in your Property Management Plan. Notify eligible tenants in writing. I. J. Promptly provide written notifications to rejected applicants giving reason(s) 9/21/06 for rejection. a LOS ANGELES HOUSING DEPARTMENT ABOUT THE REQUIRED MANDATORY ADDENDUM TO LEASE OR RENTAL AGREEMENT FOR A RESTRICTED UNIT (Addendum) The Mandatory Addendum to Lease or Rental Agreement for a Restricted Unit is a supplemental lease agreement required by the City to supersede and be attached to any lease or rental agreement used by the owner to govem the relationship between the owner and tenant. The Addendum is to be signed and dated by both the owner and tenant, upon inception of tenancy, certifying that they mutually understand and accept the terms mandated in the Addendum. The owner is required to keep a file copy of this Addendum, give a copy to the tenant, and submit a copy to the City. 9121/06 Rental Unit No:, No. of Bedrooms: LOS ANGELES HOUSING DEPARTMENT MANDATORY ADDENDUM TO LEASE OR RENTAL AGREEMENT FOR A MAJOR PROJECTS AND HOME RESTRICTED UNIT PREAMBLE The residential building located at has received financial assistance from the Los Angeles Housing Department not require that a particular form of lease or rental agreement be used by the Instead, LAHD requires this Addendum be attached to any such agreement. (LAHD). owner LAHD does and the tenant. AGREEMENT The "Owner" and the "Tenant" understand and provisions of this Addendum: Signature Owner accept the above and agree Tenant and Date Signature The "Owner" and the "Tenant" will maintain a file copy of this addendum and to the City with the Tenant Information Sheet. to be bound by the and Date a copy will be submitted PROVISIONS 1. Preemption. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the lease or rental agreement between the owner and the tenant (or "owner and tenant" or "lessor and lessee," however they may be described)for the dwelling unit known as unit in the development/apartment/single family residence located at: .(address), the provisions of this Addendum shall govern the relationship between the owner and the tenant wherever applicable. Any matters not covered in this Addendum shall be governed by the terms of the lease or rental agreement between the owner and the tenant or by applicable state or local law. The provisions of this Addendum are a supplement to the lease or rental agreement and, in the event of any conflict, this Addendum will govern. The term of the lease shall be as mutually agreed upon by tenant and owner. LAHD Mandatory Lease Addendum of 5 Rental Amount. a. Amount Paid by Eligible Tenant. The market rental amount allowed for the residential unit listed in Section 1 of the Addendum is $ This unit has received assistance from the Los Angeles Housing Department. Atenant who meets the requirements of the program will •i •: i•i:i•'i including utilities as calculated pay a maximum amount in accordance with schedules and criteria established by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). of•il If tenant pays utilities, a utility allowance is deducted from the maximum allowable rent to determine the maximum rent to be paid by the tenant: Maximum allowable rent minus utility allowance equals maximum rent to be paid by tenant. (A schedule containing maximum allowable rents and utility allowances is provided in the owner's loan document.) Information contained in the table below is used when calculating the tenant's monthly an "X" in the appropriate boxes. List other source of payment, if payment (Mark appropriate): Co:•king • EleCtriC This restriction on maximum rent is subject to the tenant's compliance with the requirement for income certification. In qualifying the tenant as eligible for occupancy in the assisted unit, the owner and LAHD have relied upon statements made by the tenant in the income certification form--the "Tenant Income and Rent Certification Form" (Tenant Form). The City has the right to audit the Owner's tenant information files and require that there be third party verification of income eligibility. The tenant hereby certifies the accuracy of the statements made in the Tenant Form and further agrees that the household income, household composition and other eligibility requirements set forth in it shall be deemed substantial and material obligations of his/her LAHD Mandatory Lease Addendum 2 of 5 tenancy; from the that tenant will comply promptly with all requests for information with owner of the rental unit in which the tenant intends to reside. respect hereto third party verification of income eligibility. Tenant's failure to provide accurate information in the Tenant Form or tenant's refusal to comply with a request for information with respect thereto shall be deemed a default hereunder by tenant, which shall entitle the owner to pursue all rights and remedies set forth herein, or otherwise permitted by law; and that tenant's failure to furnish accurate and current information on the Tenant Information Sheet could subject tenant to civil liability. Owner has the right to require Tenant further agrees that the lease to which this addendum is attached (the "Lease") shall be expressly subordinate to the mortgage and shall become null and void and terminable upon 30 days' notice if it subsequently becomes known to the owner or manager that continuation of Tenant's occupancy will result in a violation of the statute permitting the City's assistance. bo Rent Increases. The owner will re-examine the income of each tenant household in a restricted unit on or before the anniversary date of occupancy. The maximum monthly rent must be recalculated by the owner and may change. Any increase in rent for a restricted unit is subject to the provision of the outstanding leases and the approval of LAHD. In any event, the owner must provide a tenant of a restricted unit not less than 30 days prior, written notice before implementing any increase in rent. If the rent increase is more than 10%, then the tenant must be given a written notice not less than 60 days prior to the rent increase. Unless otherwise waived by the owner and the City, if the tenant is found upon re-examination of income to no longer qualify for the assisted unit he/she must pay the lesser of the amount payable under the City's Rent Stabilization Ordinance or an amount equal to 30 percent of the household adjusted monthly income, as recertified annually. Co Annual Recertification. A tenant in an assisted unit agrees to annually provide documentation of current income to the owner. Failure to provide documentation and failure to cooperate in the recertification process is a violation of the lease. Tenant Notification. Owner shall notify the tenant of the scheduled expiration date of rent restrictions associated with this unit and provide written evidence of such notice to the City. At a minimum, notice shall be given to the tenant on the following three occasions: (a) prior to initial rental; (b) one year prior to the expiration date; and (c) 90 days prior to the expiration date. The scheduled expiration date for the rent restrictions associated with the i-•i-• •!• • •i•- •-•ii•;. financial assistance to this unit is/approximately" City's part of a phase-out transition plan, the owner does not exercise the right to raise rents permitted expiration date, additional notice shall be given both at one year and 90 days prior to the revised expiration date adopted in the transition plan. If, as at the LAHD Mandatory Lease Addendum 3 of 5 4. Subleasing. Resident covenants he/she will not sublease the unit except with written consent of the owner. Resident further covenants he/she will not permit occupancy of the unit by any person who was not disclosed at the time of initial occupancy unless a Tenant Information Sheet is completed and executed by such person and the aggregate income of all occupants of the unit does not exceed the amount then permitted by federal law. Notification of occupancy by infants and young children are excepted unless otherwise specified in the lease. 5. Demographics: On behalf demographic information on 2) gender and 3) ethnicity. 6. Property Up Keep of the City, Owner will collect and submit to the City the following all tenants occupying restricted units in the Project: 1) income level This information will be used for statistical purposes only. Maintenance and Service. The owner shall maintain the dwelling unit, equipment and appliances, and common areas and facilities, to provide decent, safe, and sanitary housing prescribed by State and local law and the requirements of the management plan submitted by the owner to the City. 7. Inspections. The City has the Standards. The right inspect all units in a project to ensure compliance with Housing Quality and/or LAHD shall be free to inspect the premises covered by the lease owner periodically, to ensure that the physical condition thereof continues to meet the standards of Decent, Safe and Sanitary Housing prescribed by State and local law and the requirements of the management plan submitted by the owner to the City and to determine whether the services required to be provided hereunder are being provided to the premises. In the event the owner or LAHD reasonably determines that either (1) the physical condition of the premises does not meet the standards of Decent, Safe and Sanitary Housing, or (2) one or more of the services specified herein are not being provided to the premises, or (3) that the owner is in breach of any of the conditions of this Lease, LAHD may give written notice to the Owner to correct the deficiencies within thirty (30) days. to 8. Nondiscrimination. The owner shall not discriminate in any matter on any sex, handicap, marital status, national color, religion, arbitrary basis including origin or ancestry. the tenant's race, 9. Prohibited Provisions. The following types of provisions shall be prohibited and, to the extent they are included in the lease or rental agreement in any form, shall be void, unenforceable and of no force or effect: LAHD Mandatory Lease Addendum 4 of 5 Agreement a. to be Sued. in favor of the owner in a Agreement by the tenant to be sued, to admit guilt, lawsuit, brought in connection with the lease; or to a judgment Property.. Agreement by the tenant that the owner may take, hold, or sell personal property of household members without notice to the tenant and a court decision on the rights of the parties. This prohibition, however, does not apply to an agreement by the tenant concerning disposition of personal property remaining in the housing unit after the tenant has moved out of the unit. The owner may dispose of this personal property in Treatment of accordance with state law; Excusing Owner from Responsibility. Agreement by the tenant not owner's agents legally responsible for any action or failure to act, negligent; Co d. Waiver of Legal Proceedings. Agreement lawsuit without notice to the tenant; Waiver of Legal Proceedings. or household members without eo f. opportunity to Waiver of Jury present Trial. a by the tenant that the Agreement by the tenant that the instituting a civil court proceeding defense, or Agreement by before a court decision the tenant to waive any on to hold the owner or the whether intentional or owner may institute a may evict the tenant in which the tenant has the the rights of the parties; owner right to a trial by jury; Waiver of Right to Appeal Court Decision. Agreement by the tenant to waive the tenant's right to appeal, or to otherwise challenge in court, a court decision in connection with the lease; ho Tenant Chargeable with Cost of Legal Actions Regardless of Outcome. Agreement by the tenant to pay attorney's fees or other legal costs even if the tenant wins in a court proceeding by the owner against the tenant. The tenant, however, may be obligated to pay costs if the tenant loses. Changes. 10. This Addendum may not be changed under any circumstances without the express prior.written approval of LAHD. (rev. 5122/03) LAHD Mandatory Lease Addendum 5 of 5 Rental Unit #: No. of Bedrooms: LOS ANGELES HOUSING DEPARTMENT MANDATORY ADDENDUM TO LEASE OR RENTAL AGREEMENT FOR AN EARTHQUAKE EMERGENCY LOAN PROGRAM (EELP) RESTRICTED UNIT PREAMBLE The residential building located at has received financial assistance from the Los Angeles Housing Department (LAHD). LAHD does not require that a particular form of lease or rental agreement be used by the owner and the tenant. Instead, LAHD requires this Addendum to be attached to any such agreement. AGREEMENT The "Owner" and the "Tenant" understand and provisions of this Addendum. Owner Signature accept the above and agree and Date The "Owner" and the "Tenant" will maintain to the City upon request. Tenant a Signature file copy of this addendum and to be bound by the and Date a copy will be submitted PROVISIONS 1. Preemption. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the lease or rental agreement between the owner and the tenant (or "owner and tenant" or "lessor and lessee," however they may be described)for the dwelling unit known as unit in the development/apartment/single family residence located at: the provisions of this Addendum shall govern the relationship between the owner and the tenant wherever applicable. Any matters not covered in this addendum shall be governed by the terms of the lease or rental agreement between the owner and the tenant or by applicable state or local law. The provisions of this Addendum are a supplement to the lease or rental agreement and, in the event of any conflict, this Addendum will govern. The term of the lease shall be as mutually agreed upon by tenant and owner. LAHD Mandatory Lease Addendum 1 of 4 2. Rental Amount. a. Amount Paid by Eligible Tenant: The market rental amount allowed for the residential unit listed in Section 1 of the Addendum is $ This unit has received assistance from the Los Angeles who meets the requirements of the program will pay no affordable period. Housing Department. A tenant more than •___ for the current If the tenant pays utilities, a utility allowance, is deducted from determine the maximum rent to be paid by the tenant. *Formula: utility allowance equals maximum rent to be paid by tenant. A allowable rents and utility allowances is provided in the owner's above includes the utility deduction. the maximum allowable rent to maximum allowable rent minus schedule containing maximum loan document. The rent level This affordable rent is subject to the tenant's compliance with the requirement for income certification. In qualifying the tenant as eligible for occupancy in the assisted unit, the owner and LAHD have relied upon income verification documents and statements made by the tenant in the income certification form (The Tenant Income and Rent Certification Form). The City has the right to audit the Owner's tenant information files and require that there be third party verification of income eligibility. The tenant hereby certifies the accuracy of the statements made in the Tenant Income and Certification Form and further agrees that the household income, household composition and other eligibility requirements set forth in it shall be deemed substantial and material obligations of his/her tenancy; that tenant will comply promptly with all requests for information with respect hereto from the owner of the rental unit in which the tenant intends to reside. Tenant has to be income eligible only at the time of initial occupancy or whenever there is a change in family composition or size. Tenant's failure to provide accurate information in the Tenant Income and Rent Certification Form, or tenant's refusal to comply with a request for information with respect thereto shall be deemed a default hereunder by tenant, which shall entitle the owner to pursue all rights and remedies set forth herein, or otherwise permitted by law; and that tenant's failure to furnish accurate and current information on the Tenant Income and Rent Certification Form could subject tenant to civil liability. Tenant further agrees that the lease or rental agreement to which this addendum is attached (the "Lease") shall be expressly subordinate to the mortgage and shall become null andvoid and terminable upon 30 days' notice if it subsequently becomes known to the owner or manager that continuation of Tenant's occupancy will result in a violation of the statute permitting the City's assistance. Rent Increases. The maximum monthly rent is subject to increase in rent for a restricted unit is subject to the provision approval of LAHD. Rent increases cannot be more than what the owner must provide a tenant of a restricted unit not less before implementing any increase in rent. If the rent increase must be given a written notice not less than 60 days prior to LAHD Mandatory Lease Addendum change on an annual basis. Any of the outstanding leases and the the program allows. In any event, than 30 days prior written notice is more than 10%, then the tenant the rent increase. 2 of 4 Tenant Notification. Owner shall notify the tenant of the scheduled expiration date of the rent restrictions associated with this unit and shall provide written evidence of such notice to the City. At a minimum, this notice shall be given on the following three occasions: (a) prior to initial rental; (b) one year prior to the expiration date; and (c) 90 days prior to the expiration date. The scheduled expiration date for the rent restrictions associated with the City's approximately or thereafter, If, as part of a phase-out transition plan, the owner does not exercise the right to the permitted expiration date, additional notice shall be given both at one year and to the revised expiration date adopted in the transition plan, financial assistance to this unit is raise rents at 90 days prior Subleasing. 3. Resident covenants he/she will not sublease the unit except with written consent of the owner. Resident further covenants he/she will not permit occupancy of the unit by any person who was not disclosed at the time of initial occupancy unless a Tenant Income and Rent Certification Form is completed and executed by such person and the aggregate income of all occupants of the unit does not exceed the amount then permitted by law. Notification of occupancy by infants and young children are excepted unless otherwise specified in the lease. Property Up Keep 4. Maintenance and Service. owner shall maintain the dwelling unit, equipment and appliances, and common areas and facilities, to provide decent, safe, and sanitary housing prescribed by State and local law and the requirements of the management plan submitted bythe owner to the City. The Inspections. 5. The City has the right to inspect all units in a project to ensure compliance with Housing Quality Standards. The owner and/or LAHD shall be free to inspect the premises covered by the lease periodically, to ensure that the physical condition thereof continues to meet the standards of Decent, Safe and Sanitary Housing prescribed by State and local law and the requirements of the management plan submitted by the owner to the City and to determine whether the services required to be provided hereunder are being provided to the premises. In the event the owner or LAHD reasonably determines that either (1) the physical condition of the premises does not meet the standards of Decent, Safe and Sanitary Housing, or (2) one or more of the services specified herein are not being provided to the premises, or (3) that the owner is in breach of any of the conditions of this Lease, LAHD may give written notice to the Owner to correct the deficiencies within thirty (30) days. Nondiscrimination. The owner shall not discriminate in any matter on any arbitrary basis including the tenant's race, sex, handicap, marital status, national origin or ancestry. color, religion, LAHD Mandatory Lease Addendum 3 of 4 7. Prohibited Provisions. The following lease or rental a. types of provisions shall be prohibited and, to the extent they are included in the agreement in any form, shall be void, unenforceable and of no force or effect: Agreement Agreement by the tenant to be sued, to admit guilt, lawsuit, brought in connection with the lease; to be Sued. in favor of the owner in a or to a judgment Property. Agreement by the tenant that the owner may take, hold, or sell personal property of household members without notice to the tenant and a court decision on the rights of the parties. This prohibition, however, does not apply to an agreement by the tenant concerning disposition of personal property remaining in the housing unit after the tenant has moved out of the unit. The owner may dispose of this personal property in accordance with state law; b. Treatment of C= Excusing owner's negligent; Owner from Responsibility. Agreement by the tenant not to hold the owner or the agents legally responsible for any action or failure to act, whether intentional or d. Waiver of Legal Proceedings. without notice to the tenant; Waiver of Legal Proceedings. or household members without f. opportunity to Waiver of Jury present Trial. a Agreement by the tenant that the Agreement by the tenant that the instituting a civil court proceeding defense, or Agreement by before a court decision the tenant to waive any on may institute owner a lawsuit may evict the tenant in which the tenant has the the rights of the parties; right owner to a trial by jury; g. Waiver of Right to Appeal Court Decision. Agreement by the tenant to waive the tenant's right to appeal, otto otherwise challenge in court, a court decision in connection with the lease; Tenant tenant by Chargeable with Cost of Legal Actions Regardless of Outcome. Agreement by the to pay attorney's fees or other legal costs even if the tenant wins in a court proceeding owner against the tenant. The tenant, however, may be obligated to pay costs if the the tenant loses. Changes. This Addendum may not be written approval of LAHD, changed under any circumstances without the express prior NppE0030. 2&8.wpd (rev. 8112/99) LAHD Mandatory Lease Addendum 4 of 4 LOS ANGELES HOUSING DEPARTMENT LEASE WAIVER This Lease Waiver is to be signed and dated by both the owner and the tenant for the rental of an affordable residential unit on the property, if both parties mutually agree not to enter into a lease agreement, per HOME Rule §92.253(a). The owner must a) provide a copy to the tenant, b) keep a copy in the owner's tenant file, and c) provide a copy to the Los Angeles Housing Department. Project Address: Unit No. Tenant Name: Specify and/or Move-In Date: explain the agreed upon rental arrangement below (month-to-month, etc.): OWNER/TENANT CERTIFICATION OF THE LEASE WAIVER AGREEMENT: We, the owner and tenant mutually agree and certify by signing and dating this "waiver" that the rental of this affordable residential unit on the property, as identified above, have chosen not to enter into a lease agreement. Tenant Name Tenant (Print) Signature Owner Name Owner Date (__). Telephone (Print) Signature Date (__) No. Telephone No. SECTION 4 PROJECT AND TENANT CERTIFICATION INFORMATION (Please make copies of documents that are checked () below before and after completing and submit to LAHD for initial, annual and subsequent reporting) Tenant Income and Rent Certification Description Letter to Residents (English and Spanish) Income Inclusions, Exclusions, and Asset Consideration Utilities Chart Tenant Income and Rent Certification Form Instructions Tenant Income and Rent Certification Form (English and Spanish) Verification of Employment and Earnings Certification of Day Labor Earnings and Employment (English and Spanish) (To be used only with the consent of LAHD) Certificate of Continuing Program Compliance Occupancy Summary LOS ANGELES HOUSING DEPARTMENT TENANT INCOME AND RENT CERTIFICATION DESCRIPTION Dear Landlord: a condition of the loan you received from the City of Los Angeles, you signed a covenant to make affordable unit(s) available to households whose income does not exceed a certain level of the adjusted median income for the Los Angeles area as established by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). We must be able to verify that your tenants are within the established income level(s) designated in your covenant. The Tenant Income and Rent Certification Form is used to certify tenant income, the rent charged by the owner, as well as other reporting requirements. In addition to the Tenant Income and Rent Certification Form, the supplemental documents listed below comprise the Tenant Income and Rent Certification Packet, and assist either in the income and/or rent certification process. It is important that all the information requested is complete and the forms are signed As and dated. THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE INCLUDED IN THE TENANT INCOME AND RENT CERTIFICATION PACKET: Ao EXPLANATORY LETTER TO RESIDENTS (English and Spanish versions): This letter explains to tenants the need for the requested income information and certifies that the information remains confidential. The letter should be attached to each Tenant Income and Rent Certification Form before it is given to the tenants and/or used when needed to obtain income information from tenants. Bo INCLUSIONS• EXCLUSIONS• AND ASSET CONSIDERATION: This document defines what income and/or assets to "include" and "exclude" when determining the income status of tenants. It is important to be familiar with this income information before certifying tenant income. INCOME Co UTILITIES CI/ART: Utility deductions are specific to each individual unit. It is necessary that the utilities chart is completed and submitted with Tenant Income and Rent Certification Form. If tenant paid utilities are uniform throughout the building, it is necessary to complete only one utilities chart. If tenant paid utilities vary from unit to unit, complete a utilities chart for each unit. The Utilities Chart is to be signed and dated by the Owner. D. TENANT INCOME procedural guideline filling out the form. AND RENT CERTIFICATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR OWNERS: This is a for completing the Tenant Income and Rent Certification Form and should be read before Please follow all instructions. TENANT INCOME AND RENT CERTIFICATION FORM (Tenant Form): Make sufficient copies of the form to be used for present and subsequent annual compliance reporting. Complete a form for each household occupying a restricted unit in accordance with the "Tenant Income and Rent Certification Instructions." The owner is to keep a file copy of the Tenant Form, give a copy to the tenant, and submit a copy to the City. VERIFICATION OF EMPLOYMENT AND EARNINGS: This document is to be used only for income determination during the affordability period. It is not to be used for initial income verification. subsequent eligibility CERTIFICATION OF DAY LABOR EARNINGS AND EMPLOYMENT: ('•rRequires City's approval before use) This form is supplemental to the Tenant Income and Rent Certification Form and is to be completed by day workers only who work sporadically and/or part-time, receive cash income, and cannot produce other forms of income verification from an employer such as a pay stub, etc. It is to be used to self-certify income only with the written permission of the Occupancy Monitoring Section of LAHD. OCCUPANCY MONITORING UNIT Los ment Antonio R. Mercedes Vlllarai•osa, 14•or Marquez, General fl., Los Angeles. CA 90017 fax 213.808.8965 1200 W. 7th Street. gth tel Z13.808.8806 www.lacity.o•/lahd Resident(s): Dear of your apartment has received financial assistance from the City of Los Angeles for the rehabilitation of your building. In return for this to restrict the rent on all or some of the units in the p•)operty and to make all or some of the units available to tenants who are within a certain income bracket. This requirement is one way the City helps to provide and maintain safe, decent and affordable housing for the residents of Los Angeles. The owner Housing Department (LAHD) assistance, the owner is required Because of the income restriction, the owner is required to give the City information about tenant income. It is necessary that you share your income profile by filling out a Tenant Information Sheet accompanied by copies of the source of your income such as pay stubs, award letters for Social Security, etc. The tenant sheet certifies that the owner is not charging more than the allowable restricted rent and that the tenant occupying the unit is within the allowable income bracket. If you income are over bracket, the allowable income, you will not be asked to you may qualify for restricted rent. move. If you are within a certain Whether you qualify or not, please be assured that the income information you provide us will remain confidential within the Los Angeles Housing Department and will not be shared with any other private or government agency. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation. Occupancy Monitoring at (213) 808-8943. MARQUEZ MERCEDES General Manager S£•anager MM:SD:ADM An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer If you have any questions, please contact Manager OCCUPANCY MONITORING UNIT Los ment .&•t•nio I•. Mercedes VIIlarai•sa, May•t Ma[quez, General FI., Los Angeles. CA 90017 tel 213.808.8806 fax 213.808.8965 IZO0 W. 7th Street. 9th wvvw.ladty.on•/lahd Estimado Residente(s): E1 duefio de su apartamento ha recibido asistencia financiera de la Ciudad de Los Angeles de parte del Departamento de Viviendas (LAHD) para la rehabilitaci6n de su edificio. Por 6sta al duefio se le requiere restringir la renta en todas o algunas de las unidades en la y hacer que todas o algunas de las unidades scan disponible a inquilinos quienes est6n dentro un cierto nivel de ingreso. Por medio de este requisito, la Ciudad ayuda a proveer y mantener viviendas seguras, decentes y de alcanse economico para los residentes de Los asistencia, propiedad Angeles. de las restricciones de ingreso, se le exige al duefio dar esta informaci6n a la Ciudad acerca del ingreso del inquilino. Es necesario que usted comparte su informaci6n de ingreso y llene una Hoja de Informaci6n de Inquilino accompafiada de copias de fuentes de ingresos, como talones de cheque, carta de aprobaci6n de el seguro social, etc. Esta Hoja de Inquilinos certifica que el duefio no cobr•i rags que el aceptable restringi6 de renta y que el inquilino que oeupa la unidad ester dentro de el nivel de ingreso aceptable. A causa Si usted estfi sobre el ingreso un cierto nivel de ingreso, de Si califica o aceptable, puede ser que gracias por su ayuda y cooperaci6n. Occupancy Monitoring (213) 808-8943. Muchas •QUEZ MERCEDES Gerente General .•erente SHAHRY DEYH Servicios de Vivien• MM:SD:ADM (Revised 4/1/04) Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employe[ y no Si usted est•i dentro ingreso quedar•i confidencial se compartir• 6sta informaci6n no, confie que la informaci6n sobre el Departamento de Viviendas de Los Angeles otra agencia privada o del gobiemo. An le pidarfi que desaloje el hogar. califique por renta restringida. no se Si usted tiene alguna pregunta, dentro del con ninguna por favor llame a Manager LOS ANGELES HOUSING DEPARTMENT Income Note: Legislative changes Agencies are given Inclusions, Exclusions, and Asset Consideration in the definition of Annual Income are published periodically in the Federal 60 days from the date of publication to implement changes. Annual Income Inclusions (24 CFR Part 5.609 Register. (b)) The full amount of wages and salaries, overtime pay, commissions, fees, tips and bonuses, and other compensation for personal services (before any payroll deductions); Payments in lieu of earnings, such as unemployment and disability compensation, worker's compensation and severance pay (except as provided in paragraph (c) (3) of Income Exclusion); operation of a business or profession. Expenditures for business expansion or amortization of capital indebtedness cannot be used as deductions in determining net income; however, an allowance for depreciation of assets used in a business or profession may be deducted, base on straight line depreciation, as provided in Internal Revenue Service regulations. Any withdrawal of cash or assets from the operation of a business or profession is included Welfare Assistance. If the Welfare Assistance payment includes an amount specifically designated for shelter and utilities that is subject to adjustment by the Welfare Assistance agency in accordance with the actual cost of shelter and utilities, the amount of Welfare Assistance income to be included as income consists of: Net income from the (i) The amount of the allowance or grant exclusive of the amount specifically designated for shelter or utilities; plus (ii) The maximum amount that the Welfare Assistance agency could in fact allow the Family for shelter and utilities. If the Family's Welfare Assistance is ratably reduced from the standard of need by applying a percentage, the amount calculated under this paragraph (b) (6) (ii) shall be the amount resulting from one application of the percentage; in income except to the extent the withdrawal is reimbursement of cash or assets invested in the operation by the Family; Interest, dividends, and other net income of any real or personal property. for amortization of capital indebtedness cannot be uses as a deduction in determining net income. An allowance for depreciation is permitted only as authorized in paragraph (2) of this section. Any withdrawal of cash or assets from an investment will be included in income, except to the extent the withdrawal is reimbursement of cash or assets invested by the Family. Where the Family has Net Family Assets in excess of $5,000, Annual income includes the greater of the actual income derived from all Net Family Assets or a percentage of the value of such Assets based on the current passbook savings rate, as determined by HUD; kind from Expenditures periodic payments received from social security, annuities, insurance policies, retirement funds, pensions, disability or death benefits, and other similar types of periodic receipts, including a lump-sum payment or prospective monthly amounts for the delayed start of a periodic payment (except deferred periodic amounts from supplemental security income and social security benefits that are received in a lump sum amount See Income or in prospective monthly amounts Exclusions (c) (14)); All gross (R.ev. 5/18/04) Periodic and determinable allowances, such as and child support payments, and regular contributions or gifts received from organizations or from persons not residing in the dwelling. Alimony and child support amounts awarded as part of a divorce or separation agreement are included as income unless the applicant (1) certifies that the income is not being provided, and (2) takes all reasonable legal actions to collect amounts due; and alimony All regular pay, special pay, and allowances of a member of the Armed Forces (whether or not living in the dwelling) who is head of the family, spouse, or other person whose dependents are residing in the unit (except as provided in paragraph (c) (7) of Income Exclusion); Page 1 of 4 Income Exclusions Income from employment of children (including foster children) under the age of 18 years; 1. (24 CFR Part 5.609 (iv) Amounts received under a resident service stipend. A resident service stipend is a modest amount (not to exceed $200 per month) received by a resident for performing a service for the PHA or owner, on a part-time basis, that enhances the quality of life in the development. Such services may include, but are not limited to, fire patrol, hall monitoring, maintenance, resident initiatives lawn coordination, and serving as a member of the PHA's governing board. No resident may receive more than one such stipend during the same period of time; (v) Incremental earnings and benefits resulting to any family member from participation in qualifying State or local employment training programs (including training programs not affiliated with a local government) and training of a family member as resident management Payment received for the care of foster children foster adults (usually persons with disabilities, unrelated to the tenant family, who are unable to live alone); or to Family assets, such as inheritances, insurance payments (including payments under health and accident insurance Lump-sum additions compensation), capital gains and personal or property losses (except as provided in paragraph (b) (5) of Income Inclusion); and worker's settlement for received by the Family that are specifically for, or in reimbursement of, the cost of Medical Expenses for any Family member; Amounts Income of 5. a live-in aide as staff. Amounts excluded by this provision must be received under employment training programs with clearly defined goals and objectives, and are excluded only for the period during which the family member participates in the employment training program; defined in Sec. 5.403; The full amount of student financial assistance paid directly to the student or to the educational institution; and amounts paid by the Government to a veteran, for use in meeting the costs of fees, books, equipment, materials, supplies transportation, and miscellaneous personal expenses of the student; tuition, The special pay to a Family member serving in the Armed Forces who is exposed to hostile fire; 7. 8. (i) (ii) Amounts received funded by HUD; under Temporary, nonrecurring, (including gifts); income 11. Earnings in excess of $480 for each full-time student 18 years old or older (excluding the head of household and spouse). To qualify as full-time student, the student must carry a subject load considered full-time by the institution he or she is attending. The institution may be a vocational school offering a diploma or certificate, or any institution offering a high school diploma or college degree [Handbook 4350.3 (par.3-12)]. You also must still give households a $480 dependent allowance for each full-time student age 18 or older who isn't the household head or head's spouse. 12. Adoption assistance payments in excess of $480 per adopted child (Adopted children still qualify for the $480 dependent allowance.); 13. (Reserved) Amounts received by a Disabled person that are disregarded for a limited time for purposes of Supplemental Security Income eligibility and benefits because they are set side for use under a Plan to Attain Self-Sufficiency (PASS); or publicly 5/18/04) sporadic Reparation payments from foreign in connection with the Holocaust; Amounts (R.ev. or 10. training programs received by a participant in other assisted programs that are specifically for, or in reimbursement of, out-of-pocket incurred (special equipment, expenses clothing, transportation, child care, etc.) and that are made solely to allow participation in a specific program; (c)) governments Page 2 of 4 Income Exclusions (continued) 14. periodic amounts from supplemental income and social security benefits that are received in a lump sum amount or in prospective monthly amounts. Deferred security 15. Amounts received by the family in the form of refunds or rebates under State or local law for property taxes paid on the dwelling unit; 16. Amounts paid by a state agency to a family with a member who has a developmental disability and is living at home to offset the cost of services and equipment needed to keep the developmentally disabled family member at home; 17. or Amounts specifically excluded by any other Federal statute from consideration as income for purposes of determining eligibility or benefits under a category of assistance programs that includes assistance under the 1937 Act and any program to which the exclusions set forth in 24 CFR 5.609 (c) apply. Updates will be published in the Federal Register and distributed to PHAs and housing owners identifying the benefits that qualify for this exclusion. The value of the allotment provided to an eligible household made under the Food Stamp Act of 1977; Payments to volunteers under the Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973 (employment through VISTA; Retired Senior Volunteer Program, Foster Grandparents Program, youthful offenders incarceration alternatives, and senior companions); Payments received under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1626(a)); Payments received under the Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act of 1980 (Pub. L. 96-420, 9z Stat. 1785); The first $2,000 of per capita shares received from judgment funds awarded by the Indian Claims Commission, or the Court of Claims (25 U.S.C. 1407-1408), or from. Funds held in trust for an Indian tribe by the Secretary of Interior (25 U.S.C. 117); Amounts of scholarships funded under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, including awards under the Federal work-study program or under the Bureau of Indian Affairs studentassistance programs (20 U.S.C. 1087 uu) or veterans benefits; Payment received from programs funded under Title V of the Older Americans Act of 1965 (Green Thumb, Senior Aides, Older American Community Service Employment Program) (42 U.S.C. 3056(f)); Payments received after January 1, 1989, from the Agent Orange Settlement Fund or any other funds established pursuant to the settlement in the In Re A.qent Oran.qe product liability litigation, MDL No. 381 (E.D.N.Y); Any earned income tax credit; The value of any child care provided or arranged (or any amount received as payment for such care of reimbursement for costs incurred for such care) under the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act of 1990 (42 USC 9858q); and Payments received under programs funded in in part under the Job Training Partnership Act (employment and training programs for native Americans and migrant and seasonal farm workers, Job Corps, veterans employment programs, State job training programs and career intern programs). whole Income derived from the disposition of funds of the Grand River Band of Ottawa Indians; Income derived from certain submarginal land of the United States that is held in trust for certain Indian tribes (25 U.S.C. 259e); or Payments or allowances made under the Department of Health and Human Services' Low Income Home EnergyAssistance Program which includes any winter differentials given to the elderly (42 U.S.C.8624(f); (Rev. 5/18/04) Page 3 of 4 A. Assets that Should Be Considered B. Assets that Should Not Be Considered held in savings account, checking accounts, safe deposit boxes, homes, etc. For savings accounts, use the current balance. For checking accounts, use the average 6-month Necessary personal property except as noted in as clothing, furniture, cars equipped for persons with Cash A8 of Inclusions, such and vehicles specially disabilities. balance. 2. Cash value of revocable trusts that to the household. 2. are Assets not effectively owned by the individual. That is, when assets are held in an individual's name, but the assets and any income they earn accrue to the benefit of someone else who is not a member of the household and that other person is responsible for income taxes incurred on income generated by the asset Equity in real property or other capital investments. Equity is the estimated current market value of the asset less the unpaid balance on all loans secured by the asset and all reasonable costs (e.g., broker fees) that would be incurred in selling the asset. Under HOME, equity in the family's primary residence is not considered in the calculation of assets for owneroccupied rehabilitation projects. 4. IRA, Keogh, and similar retirement savings a penalty. even though withdrawal would result in Contributions to company retirement/pension funds that can be withdrawn without retiring or terminating employment. Cash value of life insurance policies available to the individual before death (e.g., surrender value of a whole life or universal life policy). Equity in cooperatives in which the family lives. Assets not accessible to the individual and that provide no income for the individual. For example, an abused spouse who legally and jointly owns a house but (1) does not live in the house; (2) receives no income from ownership of the house; and (3) has no ability to sell the house Cash value of stocks, bonds, Treasury bills, certificates of deposit, money market accounts, and other investment accounts. accounts, Interest in Indian trust lands. available 6. Term life insurance no cash value). policies (i.e., where there is are a part of an active business or farming operation. (Note: Rental properties are considered personal assets held as an investment 7. Assets that rather than business assets unless real estate is the applicant's main occupation.) 8. Vehicles specially equipped for the handicapped. Personal property held as an investment such as gems, jewelry, coin collections antique cars, etc. 8. Lump-sum or one-time receipt, such as inheritances, capital gains, lottery winnings, insurance settlements, and other amounts not intended as periodic payments. 10. Mortgages 11. Assets during or by deeds of trust held an applicant. disposed of for less than fair market value 2 years preceding certification or recertification. 12. Assets that, although owned person, allow unrestricted applicant. (Rev. 5/18/04) by more access than by one the Page 4 of 4 UTILITIES CHART LOS ANGELES HOUSING DEPARTMENT For Property Address: (City) (Zip) Property Owner: Check one of the boxes below: building paid by [] All the utilities in the [] All units in the [] One/some of the units in the building have different utilities allowances from that indicated above. Please list unit number(s) below and complete a separate utilities chart for those units: building are have the same the Owner. utilities allowance as indicated above. Unit(s): I understand that the utilities allowance affects the rent that I can charge for my affordable units. I certify that I have declared accurate utilities allowances for each and all of the units for the property listed above: Owner/Manager Signature: Date: LOS ANGELES HOUSING DEPARTMENT Tenant Income and Rent Certification Form Instructions This form is to be used for current and subsequent annual income and rent certification reporting. Each tenant household of a restricted unit must initially complete this form at the time of signing the rental agreement. Please make duplicates of the Tenant Income and Rent Certification Form ("Tenant Form") before completing, and submit a Tenant Form for each household occupying a restricted unit. It is important that you furnish us with complete information by filling in all sections on the Tenant Form in accordance with the following instructions. building, Property Name: Name of the apartment Property Address: Street address of the tenant listed if any. on the form. (general partner ifparmership corporation). Owner Name: Name of the property Owner Address: Mailing address of the Owner Phone/Fax: Owner's daytime phone Person Responsible for Reviewing Documentation: The name of the owner, manager or occupancy specialist responsible for reviewing Tenant Income Documentation. Please include daytime phone number and fax. Tenant Move-in Date: The date the tenant household moved into the apartment. Certification Year Ends: The Unit No: The number of the trait the tenant household is Number of Bedrooms: owner or owner. numbers. ending date for this certification. tenant in place, the year ends one year If an initial certification for a new tenant or from the date the initial certification is signed. occupying. The number of bedrooms, if any, in the rental unit. If it is a single room occupancy write "SRO"; for a bachelor, write "bachelor"; and for a single, write "Single" or unit, "Efficiency." through a Section 8 contract or voucher. Indicate the total monthly rent paid for the unit, including any Section 8 payments. Documentation of Ethnicity of the Head of Household is reou•ed, not optional. Write "Yes" if the rent for the unit is assisted See. 8?: Monthly Rent: Ethnicity of Head of Household: Maximum Household Income Level: Maximum Household Income Level is the Maximum Annual Income. a tenant household can earn per family size, and is based upon the adjusted median income level for the Los Angeles area calculated by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (I-IUD). Maximum Household Income Levels are divided into Percentage Categories from low to high, (35% to 120%), and should reflect the income targeting requirements set forth in the project's Regulatory Agreement. (NPP projects normally have tenant households only at the 50%, 60% and 80% levels). To determine the Dollar Amount and Percentage Category for the tenant household listed in Part C, please contact the Housing Services Analyst assigned to your project for the current Income and Rent Restriction charts. Page 1 of 4 List the Last Name of the Head of Household, or the person who signed the rental agreement, on Line 1. List the spouse or co-head, if any, on Line 2. List all other occupants in the Household on the following line. If there are more than six, use an Last Name: attachment. First Name & Middle Initial: First Name and Middle Initial of all those listed above. Relationship The to Head of House: relationship of each occupant listed above to the unit's Head of Household. Sex: Write "F" for Female and "M" for Male Age: Age Occupation: List the New Tenant Please check if this is Reeertification Please check if this is an documented in Part B during appropriate as of all the named occupants in the household. occupation of all the occupants unemployed write "Unemployed". Box Box Box (1) (2) (3-6) a new tenant household in existing If one or more an individual is the Uait documented in Part B. tenant household that has certification occupied the trait periods. To be completed by the Head of Household in Part C, Line 1 above. To be completed by spouse/co-head, or applicant in Part C, Line 2 above. To be filled in jointly by all the occupants of Part C, Lines 3 through 6 above. (If more than six occupants in the household, please complete an attachment). by generates/receives Source of Income: The method (See Income Inclusion, Exclusion, and Asset Consideration handout in Property The Source of Income is divided into five Management Packet) in the household. which a tenant fmancial support. general categories: (a) wages/salaries; (b) self-generating income; (c) gross periodic payments; (d) social and other assistance income; and (e) payments in lieu of earnings. check in the Source of Income box chosen from the categories listed on lines (a) & (e) that documents the tenant's Source of Income. If the tenant has more than one source of income, check more than one Income Source box. Please complete for each tenant occupant in Spaces 1, 2, 3.6 and attachment, if any. Put a (b) (c) (d) Documentation on File: The Documents on File that support/verify the tenant's Source of Income check in the corresponding Income Documentation box chosen from the listed on lines (a), (b), (c), (d), & (e) that support/verify all Sources of Income. Please complete for each tenant occupant in Spaces 1, 2, 3.6 and attachment, if any. Put a categories Requirement: All Income Verification information must be maintained and available for inspection by the Los Angeles Housing Department. Projected Yearly Amount: The total Yearly Amount of money that is anticipated to be received from all sources of income for the next year. Compute by tenant on file occupant the total Projected Yearly Income Amount from each Source of Income c, d & e). If more that one Income Source per category, add the totals together and enter the combined total on the corresponding Yearly Amount line. Please complete for each tenant occupant in Spaces 1, 2, 3.6 an attachment, if any. category (a, b, Page 2 of 4 Total Projected Annual Household Income (except from Assets) The Total Gross Yearly Amount of money that is estimated to be received by the entire tenant Household from all sources of income during the next 12 months. (Does not include Asset Income) Add the Projected Yearly Amount of all household members' income the sum in the box at the bottom of the column (Line/.). Type of Asset: together and write Asset Income is the annual return generated by a cash item or non-cash item that can be converted to cash and must be included in a review of tenant income eligibility. For households with more than $5,000 in total assets, HUD requires that an imputed return be calculated based upon a savings passbook rate and be compared with the actual return generated by the assets. Please combine all assets held by all household members and list them by asset type. See Income Inclusion, Exclusion, and Asset Consideration handout in Property Management Packet for assistance in determining which Assets should be considered. Net Cash Value: All assets have both a Market Value and a Net Cash Value. Market Value of an asset is simply its dollar value on the open market. An asset's Net Cash Value is the Market Value less reasonable expenses required to convert the asset to cash. Enter the subtotal for each type of asset and enter the sum on Line g. Total Net Cash Value. Imputed If the Net Cash Value of the total of all Assets is more than $5,000, multiply the Net Cash Value amount by the HUD passbook rate to fred the Imputed Asset Income. Enter that amount on Line h. Imputed Asset Income. Asset Income: (For the current HUD to your project.) passbook rate, contact your Housing Services Analyst assigned Actual Asset Income: The Actual Income is the actual income generated by the Asset (e.g., interest on a savings or checking account). Enter the subtotal for each type of asset and enter the sum on Line i. Actual Asset Income. Projected Determine which amount is greater, Actual Income or greater amount in Line IL Annual Asset Income in the Annual Asset Income: TOTAL PROJECTED HOUSEHOLD INCOME: Imputed Income. Enter the right hand column. Income (except from assets) and Total/. Total Projected Annual Household II. Annual Asset Income to calculate IlL TOTAL PROJECTED HOUSEHOLD INCOME. Tenant Form is not valid without both tenant and owner signatures. Have head of household and co-head of household read certification pledge, sign and date form. Owner/Manager must read certification pledge, sign and date form. Page 3 of 4 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS 1. If an apartment is vacant, fill in the VACANT across the Tenant Form. specific unit number, number of bedrooms, asking rent, Sign and date it at the bottom. and write While you may give the Introductory letter and a blank Tenant Form to your tenants, it is best to complete the form with the tenant. If necessary, you may fill it out for them with the information they provide for you as long as it is accurate and the tenant head-of-household signs the bottom of the Form. 3. Definition of Income: Annual income is the gross amount of income anticipated to be received by all adults in a family during the 12 months following the effective date of the certification determination. Note: Annual Income is sometimes referred to 4. City needs this information. Please make return the forms as soon as possible. The If you have any further number listed below. questions, contact the as an Gross Income or Annual exhaustive effort to Occupancy Monitoring Page 4 of 4 complete Income. all information and to Section at the address and Angeles Housing Department Housing Services 1200 West 7 th Street, 9 t• Floor Los Angeles, CA 90017 Attention: Occupancy Monitoring Section (213) 808-8943 Los (Gross) phone Los Part Angeles Housing Department •l: Geue•l Pi•opcrtylnformation Tenant Income and Rent Certification Form :i: :i:: Pa•B: Gen•'.•Tbhmii/•O•=•ii•n !• :: := !:-: ::: i' Property Name Tenant Move-in Date Property Address Unit No. Owner Address Person [] American Indian [] Black [] Asian Monthly Total Alaskan Native or [] 35 [] [] / Rent: $ Hispanic [] Other Pacific Islander $ 40% [] 50% [] 120% [] 60% [] 80% Tenant Income Documentation: Phone: Relationship First Name & Middle Last Name Documentation SourceofIncome Feee/Tipe/Bonuses a. [] Wagee/Salades [] Overtime/Commissions b. [] Self-employment [] Property c. [] Social [] Pensions/annuities d. [] SSI/AFDC [] Other welfare e. [] [] Severance pay a. E]Wagee/Salades b. [] c. [] Social d. [] SSI/AFDC o. [] Unemployment [] Severance pay a. [] Wagee/Saladea [] Overtime/Commissions b. [] Self-employment [] Properly Rental [] Royalty c. [] Social [] Pensions/annuities [] Gift/Trust Receipts d. [] SSI/AFDC [] Other welfare [] Alimony/Child e. [] Unemployment [] Severance pay [] Workers' Security Unemployment Self-employment Security Rental [] Property [] Pensions/annuities [] Other welfare Income r• Occupation stubs on [] [] Tax schedules Projected Yearly File Employervefification [] Accountant statement [] [] Other__ $ Check stubs [] Bank statements $ Nimony/Child Support [] Award letter [] Check stubs [] Bank statements $ Comp/SDI [] Award letter [] Check stubs [] OtheE__ $ []OtheE__ $ Workers' Royalty Income [] [] Gift/Trust Receipts Alimony/Child Support ComplSDI Workers' [] Fees/Tips/Bonuses [] Income []Paystubs r•Employervedfication [] Tax schedules [] Accountant statement [] Other__ $ [] Award letter [] Check stubs [] Bank statements $ [] Award letter [] Check stubs [] Bank statements $ [] Award letter [] Check stubs [] Other__ $ Pay stubs C] Employer verification [] Other__ $ [] Accountant statement [] Othez;__ $ [] Bank statements $ Bank statements $ [] [] Tax schedules Income $ Other___ [] Receipts []Fees/Tipe/Bonuses [] Age Sex Award letter [3 Rental Pay to Head of Household [] [] Gift]Trust []OvedJme/Commissions [] Royalty [] [] Fax: of Household Head # or / Fax Responsible for Reviewing # Year End Se• 8? [] White Maximum Household Income Level Owner Phone Certification / of Bedrooms No. Ethnicity of Head of Household: Owner Name / 3 Security Comp/SDI [] [] Award letter [] Check stubs [] [] Award letter [] Check stubs [] Other L Total Type of Asset Net Cash Value Actual Asset Income $ $ $ $ Property $ $ Family Trusts $ $ a. Interest-beadn9 b. Stocks, Bonds, & c. Real & Personal D. Controlled e. Cash on accounts Insurance $ Hand f. Assets disEosed of In last 2 years for less than fair market value g. Total Net Cash Value (NCV) [a-f] $ ho If total NCV >$5,000, multiply bythe HUD passbook rate to find the Imputed Asset Income: Total Actual Asset Income npp0040.v•d (roy. 9t25•01) [] Check stubs Award letter $ Projected Annual Household Income (except from assets) El $ III. TOTAL PROJECTED HOUSEHOLD INCOME $ II. Total Annual Asaet Income cedify that to the best of required to establish my knowledge [greater $ and of h. or •Tom Part belief, have declared the total income fro.m all sou.rces my h.ousehold. I.understan.d.that if furnish fa.lse grossincomplete !nrorm. ation anout my household income, will be in oerault of th.e terms.or my .or•ease ano may oe subject to a rent !ncreas.e or eviction. further agree to provioe any oocument item that is edgibility. Heed of Household Date Spouse Date certify that have verified each source and amount of gross income this tenant household has declared and find the household eligible to occupy a restricted unit. [a-d] Owner Date Departamento Nombre de la Angeles de Viviendas de Los Ingresos Forma de Propiedad la propiedad Fecha de Entrada del Num. de Apartmento Nombre del Due•o Raza del Jefe Domicilio del Due•o de Familia Direcci6n de Telefono del Due•o Persona Responsable de Revisar Documentacion de Apellido # Nivel Maximo de Familiar Inquilinos Inquiiino y Certificacion de Rentas A•o de Num. de Recamaras [] Blanco [] [] Negro [] Certificacion $ [] Seccion 8? 35% 60% ra Jefe $__ 40% [] [] 50% 120% Fax Relacion al Jefe de Familia Primer Nombre y Medio Inicial Renta Mensual [] 80% Telefono Ingresos del Inquilino / Termina Indio Am. o Nafivo de Alaska ra Hispano Asiatico o de las Islas Pacificas[] Otro [] Ingresos Fax de Sex Eda Ocupacion de Familia 6 De Donde Proviene el # d. Commisiones/Horas Extraordinafias [] [] [] Talon del Otto [] Declaraci6n de [] Certificado de Premio [] Empleado Independiente [] [] Seguro [] Pensiones/Anualidades [] SSFAFDC 9..I..%•.•.°..•..•,•..9..•.P.•.i.a..• Social E..O.•.o. Otro Beneficio Gubemamental [] Asistencia de Divoreio/Mantenimiento de Niflos b. d. Desempleo [] Inderrmizaeion por de Empleo Seguro de Compensacio del Trabajador/SDI [] Commisiones•-Ioras Exlraordinarias [] [] Sueldos/Salados [] Emplcado Independienta [] Renta de [] Seguro [] Pensiones/Anualidades t2 SSI/AFDC [] O•'o Benefieio Gubemarnental Pmpriedad • .I..n..g• b. de Seguro del [] Commisioues/Homs Extraordinarias [] Sueldos/Salarios [] Empleado Independiente [] Renta de [] Seguro t3 [] Pensiones/Anualidades Regalo/Ree•os de Fondo [] Otro Beueficio Gubemamental Asistencia de Divorcio/Mantenimiento E.e..•,g..o.•.p. 9. •.• .o•.o. Social [] SSFAFDC [] Pmpriedad Desempleo [] [] Indenmizacion pot Seguro de cese Compensacio b. Capital de de del de Empleo Trabajador/SDI Cuenta de Paga de Reditos Acciones, Bonos Y Bienes y Declaraei6n del Contador [] Talon de Cheque U Talon de Cheque S Talon de Cheque $ $ $ • Cheque [] Verificacion de Empleo S Impuestos [] Declaraci6n del Contador .,E .E..%•.o. :..•..C.•.•.n.• ..•:.p•.•. O Cerfificado de Premio [] Talon de Cheque [] Certifieado de Premio Estado de Cuenta Bancaria [] Talon de Cheque [] [] Certifieado de Premio [] Talon de Cheque [] Otto [] Declaraci6n de [] Declaraci6n del Contador [] Certifieado de Premio [] Talon de Cheque [] Certificado de Premio [] Talon de Cheque • Talon de Cheque Impuestos • [] [] Cerfificado de Premio [] Talon del Olro Cheque [] Verificaeion de Empleo [] Otro Ingreso Total Ingreso de Bienes /. II. Familiar Anual Estimado Anual (escoja "h" o "i" el $ $ III. ESTIMADO TOTAL DE INGRESOS DE seguros Raices, Bienes Personales $ d. Bienes de Fideeomiso Diuem Ingresos Valor [] Ingreso [] Estado de Cuenta Bancaria Pa•eE::•.i•acibn de e•ada•.de•i•n•s:idel i•i¢•iiin• Tipo Talon del Verificacion de [] E .E. s, • .d.o..d, .e. ,C..u..e.n,•..B.a..n.c..a•.a. Nifios Beueficios de [] t2 Empleo [] Otto .,E.9..•. ,o..I..n,• e..s,o, s...d,e...G.a..n.a..n.c.i, a..s 6 d. Indemnizacion por Compensacio de Empleo Trabajador/SDI [] I• de Cerfificado de Premio .•...O..t•.o. .n..• .•.•.a. .o•.@.o..•..• Loy..•.o. Desempleo [] t3 [] Declaraci6n de [] Asisteneia de Divorcio/Mantenimiento Ni•os [] Beneficios de [] Certificado de Premio [] Estado de CuentaBancaria E L•.•..o.•.•.o.p. • .o• .o. Social lmpuestos E E•.•.•. o. :..•..c.•.• .•..•.%•. E•.%•!.o•.•.o..•..• .F..o..%o [] Beneficios de Cheque [] Pagos/Propinas/Bonos Renta de Propriedad [] Estimado Documentaeion Arehivada Sueldos/Salarios [] b. Ingreso $ • $ la Mano • f. Disposicion de Bienes los Ultimos 2 Anos por Menos de Valor $ Yo certifico, segun mi mejor conocimiento y creencia, que he declarado el ingreso bruto total de todos los recursos de mi familia. Yo reconozco que si proveo information falsa o incompleta sobre los ingresos de mi hogar, estare en incumplimiento con los terminos de mi contrato de arrendamiento y quedo expuesto Ademas estoy de acuerdo en a que se me aumente la renta o se me desaloje. proporcionar cualquier articulo de documento que se requlera para establecer mi elegibilidad. Amo(a) de Fecha Casa del Mereado Actual g. E1 Valor • Total En Effectivo Nero (VEN) $ [a-q (VEN) $5,000, multiplique por h. Si el valor total masque X .0__ el redito de libreta de HUD para determinar: Los Ingresos / de Biene Atribuidos: Ingresos (rev. 9125101 • de Bienes Acmales {a-dJ $ Esposo(a)/Cabeza de Familia Fecha Yo certifico que he verificado cada recurso y canfidad de lngresos brutos que ha declarado este inquilino y determino que es elejible para ocupar una unidad restrinjida. Due•oMgente Fecha LOS ANGELES HOUSING DEPARTMENT VERIFICATION OF EMPLOYMENT AND EARNINGS RELEASE: I hereby authorize the release of the following requested Employee: information: Occupation: Date: TO BE COMPLETED BY EMPLOYER A UTHORIZA TION: The City of Los Angeles is dedicated to Equal Housing Opportunity for all of its residents. The above named employee is potentially eligible to take advantage of the affordable housingprogram administered by the Los Angeles Housing Department (LAHD) for the City of Los Angeles and funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). For an individual to be eligible for this program, Federal Regulations require that their employment income be verified. All information provided to LAHD is to determine the eligibility status and level of benefit of the above named employee, and will not be shared with other agencies. On behalf of your employee, please complete the requested information as soon as possible. Your cooperation is appreciated Date first Employed: Expected Employment Type: r•Regular t3Temp Hours Worked Per: Day__ Any other type of compensation Expected End Date (if any)" Length of Employment: Day• Weeks__ Month• r•Part Time r•Seasonal t3Othe• Week• Month____ Othe• not included above Base Wage:S__ Hourly Overtime Per Rate: $-- r•Day Years__ t•Month t3Week t3Othe• Hourly Overtime'.• Estimated Annual (e.g. commissions, bonuses, tips, etc.): Type:. .$__ Annually pay increase date: Annual Total Wage Wages Table for 12 Months Base GROSS Wage Year Wages (Bonuses/Tips) To Date For Current Year $ $ Previous Year $ $ $ $ Next Year's Projected Wage Earning Base OVERTIME From Period To COMMENTS: •eAbo•e Informa•n Comp!eted Byi Signature: Title: Print Name: Date: Phone: ( ).__ COMPANY NAME: COMPANY ADDRESS: (City) (Zip) LOS ANGELES HOUSING DEPARTMENT CERTIFICATION OF DAY LABOR EARNINGS AND EMPLOYMENT (*This form is no•t to be used to certify earnings without the written consent of the Occupancy Monitoring Section of LAHD) Phone: Tenant: (Print) Address: I do not have Unit: regular, part-time, a irregular employer. My employer changes day or to day. Type of Work: To the best of my of: knowledge and determination, I certify that I work Hours Days Weeks I My expected Signature: Day Laborer Day a a as a Week a Month. earn an average of: $• Per Hour $• Per Week $• Per Month Annual Income for the current year is: Date: $ on the average CERTIFICACI(•N DE GANANCIAS DE EMPLEO COMO OBRERO DE (*Esta forma no dcbe. scr utilizada para ccrtificar De Viviendas de La Ciudad de Los Angeles.) sus ganancias sin un Inquilino: consentimicnto cscrito por el del De Molde) Direcci6n: no Tipo tengo del Dcpartamcnto ,T61efono: (Letra Yo DiA Unidad: un empleador regular, a tiempo parcial o irregular. Mi empleador cambia d[a a dia. trabajo: Yo certifico segun mi un promedio de: mejor conocimiento y determinaci6n, que trabajo como Horas al Dia Dias a la Semana Semanas al Mes Yo gano Mi Firma: ingreso anual un promedio anticipado de: $ Por Hora $ Por Semana $ Por Mes por el afio actual Fecha" es de: $ obrero de dia LOS ANGELES HOUSING DEPARTMENT CERTIFICATE OF CONTINUING PROGRAM COMPLIANCE (To Property Property be completed and submitted annually) Address: Phone Owner: City:. Owner's Address: reporting period beginningon undersigned, being the Owner/designated representative For the 12-month Please Check Boxes [] [] [] Zip:. ending on project, hereby certify I, the and of the above the following: Indicating Compliance: kept true and accurate records as required by the Regulatory Agreement or Covenant between the City of Los Angeles and myself during the reporting period and these records are open for inspection. Within the current reporting period, I have inspected the property, and my property is in good repair and is in compliance with standards required by Los Angeles Housing Department in the loan agreement and regulatory agreement/covenant. If units became vacant during the reporting period, I used Affirmative Marketing standards per the regulatory agreement/covenant, to fill the vacant units (if required). At present the property insurance is current, all property taxes hav e been paid and there are no additional encumbrances I have on [] No.:( ). the property. To the best of my knowledge the information contained in this Certificate and all attachments is true and accurate. I have received or have contacted the the current year. Housing Services Unit for the most recent maximum income and rent figures for I HAVE ATTACHED THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS: An Occupancy Summary for the final month of the or Rent Roll (containing requested information) indicating the tenants reporting period. Rent Certification Forms (Tenant Forms) for all restricted households. Tenant Income and of the signed Tenant Form to each individual household. in the restricted units I have given a copy Income Source Documentation for all tenants who are presently occupying the restricted units and who meet the income requirements. Income source documentation is on file for all tenants occupying a restricted unit. [] Mandatory [] Lease [] Utilities Chart [] Other: or Addendum to Lease/Rental Lease Waiver for restricted households. I have (Revised 4/1/04) a copy to the households. (if applicable). changes made to (Describe al•l changes):, PROPERTY MANAGEMENT during the time PRINT Name: Signature: given (if applicable). There have been document. Agreement period covered Date: (Cheek One): Owner Manager by this REPORTINGPERIOD: Covenant No.: DATE RECEIVED BY LAHD: OCCUPANCY SUMMARY CITY OF LOS ANGELES HOUSING DEPARTMENT HOUSING SERVICES PROJECT ADDRESS: CITY: TOTAL NO. OF UNITS: TOTAL NO. OF RESTRICTED UNITS: ZIP CODE: TOTAL NO. OF RESTRICTED UNITS OCCUPIED: NO. OF UNITS RESTRICTED AT LEVEL: 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 60% 80% 120% MKT Other TOTAL NO. OF UNITS OCCUPIED AT: 35% 40% 45% 50% 60% 80% 120% MKT Other HOME PROGRAM ONLY (Identify 30% the number of HOME units, if any): • • = o Unit No. • .•. HEAD-OF-HOUSEHOLD NAME •.°=r • o o • o Prepared By: Date Tenant Moved In (Day, Year, Month) Total HOME Units: Unit Restriction Level (See Above) Only Home Program % Total Low HOME Units: Total High [] LIHTC HOME Units: (For Annual Date of Last Income Projected Certification Gross Income (at (Day, Year, Month) Signature: Owner 0'Rn,IT) Page__of____ Total Tenant Paid Rent Most Recent Total Unit Rent Office Use Only) Compliance Status Income Over Rent Over %/5 %/5 Certification) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Manager___ Date: Phone:( ) SECTION 5 CODE ENFORCEMENT Preparing Residential Property for the Housing Habitability Inspection CITY OF LOS ANGELES HOUSING DEPARTMENT HABITABILITY INSPECTION PROGRAM CODE ENFORCEMENT UNIT 1200 West 7 • Street, 8 t• Floor PREPARING RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY FOR PREPARING RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY FOR THE HOUSING HABITABILITY INSPECTION THE HOU:•ING HABITABILITY IH•PECTIOH PREPARING RESIDENTIAL THE HOUSING PROPERTY FOR HABITABILITY INSPECTION Page HABITABILITY STANDARDS 1 responsibility as a residential rental property owner is to make certain that your tenants have a safe environment in which to live. The various deficiencies listed below are the most frequently found during habitability inspections. Failure to make repairs in these areas can cost an owner much more in time and money than the actual repairs would have cost in the first place. If you are cited and do not make the necessary repairs within the time frame given by the inspecting agency, you risk heavy fines, court appearances, and property assessments, and you will have to make the repairs in the end anyway. Why not do it right the first time? Your Familiarize yourself and your managers with the various code requirements. If repairs are made in a timely fashion much grief and expense will be avoided. The most commonly found deficiencies are covered by the following code sections: L.A.C.C. ( An•leles Los Civil Code) Accumulated Garbage Discharged Sewage Bathrooms in Disrepair Missing Window Screens Damaged Walls, Floors & Ceilings 11.16.020 11.16.050 11.2O. 19Q 11.20.330 11.20.340/11.20.140(b)3 11.30.010 Vermin, rodent, and insect infestation 11.30.050(b) Missing L.A.M.C. 57.10.03 57.90.15(A) 57.20.41 (A-B) 57.33.07(A) 57.33.16 57.112.06(A) 57.119.07(A) 57.1,8.1103) 57.140.07 57.140.16(A) 91.8104.4 91.8104.5 91.8104.6 91.8104.7 91.8104.8 91.8104.11 93.0616 (c) 94.0602.6 U.P.C. 301 801 901 NEC 110-13 300-4 370-15 Vent Screens ( Los Angeles Municipal Code} Blocked Exits Unmaintained Fire Equipment (usually stand pipes & fire doors) Wedged Open or Blocked Fire Doors Locked Exit Doors Unlit Exits or Lack of Exit Lighting Missing Smoke Detectors Broken Smoke Detectors Unmaintained Fire Hose Uncharged, or Fire Extinguishers Requiring Missing Fire Extinguishers Damaged Walls & Ceilings Broken Doors, Windows & Cabinets Damaged Floors Damaged Drainboards & Plumbing Fixtures Damaged Electrical Fixtures Lack of Heat Inadequate Electrical Service ABS (Plastic)Pipe in un-approved locations Defective Drainage Plumbing Plumbing Leaks Fixture Surface Damage (a) Equipment not Securely Exposed Wires Missing Electrical Cover plates Damaged Electrical Fixtures Electrical Mounted Charging Page FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY CODE good REGULATIONS working 1. Maintain all fire doors in 2. Maintain all fire hoses properly racked and in 3. Provide and maintain required fire 4. Maintain all fire 2 order. (L.A.M.C. 57.01.35 good repair. (L.A.M.C. 57.138.11) state of a (d), 57.90.41,91.1005.8.1 ) extinguishers. (L.A.M.C. 57.140.16) extinguishers property serviced. Service all fire extinguishers that have been used, and/or that have not been serviced within the past year. (L.A.M.C. 57.140.07) good working (L.A.M.C. 57.122.09) 5. Maintain all fire alarms in 6. Maintain all fire escapes in 7. Maintain all 8. Maintain all fire 9. Maintain all exits 10. Maintain all exit doors so that they are openable from the inside without the use of a key. tool or any other special know-ledge. (L.A.M.C. 57.03.07) (No Double-key locks on entry doors) 11. Maintain all exits, 12. Maintain all exit routes free from obstructions. 13. Maintain quick release mechanisms on window of all sleeping rooms located good working standpipe systems in sprinkler systems properly hallways, marked. 14. Maintain all routes required (L.A.M.C. 57.33.11) 15. Provide and maintain for Fire required (L.A.M.C. order. good working in order. good working 57.01.35 (d)) (L.A.M.C. 57.01.35(d)) order. (L.A.M.C. 57.01.35 (d)) (L.A.M.C. 57.33.15) corridors and 91.310.4.4) order. stairways Department required lighting. (L.A.M.C. 57.33.16) (L.A.M.C. 57.33.11) security on with the bars installed over at least one openable first, second and third floors. (L.A.M.C. access, smoke detectors. including (L.A.M.C. roofs free from obstructions. 57.112.06 (A)) HOUSING BUILDING Page 3 REGULATIONS HABITABILITY CODE REQUIREMENTS CODE 1. Maintain all walls, floors and ceilings in good repair. (L.A.M.C. 91.8104.4, 91.8104.6 and L.A.C.C. 11.20.340/11.20.140 (b)3). Maintain construction of walls in corridors or hallways with no less than one-hour fire resistive construction. (L.A.M.C. 91.1005.7) 2. Maintain all doors, door frames and cabinet doors in good repair. (L.A.M.C. 91.8104.5) Maintain all doors opening into fire-rated corridors or hallways with approved self-closing and self-latching devices. (L.A.M .C. 91.1005.8.1 ) 3. Maintain all windows and window sashes in window panes. (L.A.M.C. 91.8104.5) 4. Maintain all roofing 5. Maintain all guardrails ELECTRICAL CODE 1. Maintain the in waterproof condition. and handrails in good repair. Replace any broken or missing glass (L.A.M.C. 91.8104.3) good repair. (L.A.M.C. 91.0509.1,91.1712) REQUIREMENTS building free from exposed wiring. (L.A:M.C. 93.032, NEC 300.4,336-10 Maintain or install approved hard-wired Smoke Detectors at the required locations. rooms and those corridors or areas giving access to them) (L.A.M.C. 91.310.9.1.1 Maintain all electrical equipment, including the service switches, outlets, and fixtures in good repair. (L.A.M.C. (b)) (Sleeping ) panel, subpanels, conduits, wiring, 91.8104.8) Maintain electrical panel boards and fuse holders properly fused. (L.A.M.C. 91.8104.8 and NEC 384-16 (a)) Maintain no fused neutral conductors (NEC 230-90) Maintain all electrical (NEC 370-15) switches, receptacles and other outlets with protective plates. Maintain all electrical outlets in bathrooms, and all electrical outlets in kitchens located within 6 feet of sinks, with ground fault interruption protection. (NEC 210-8) Maintain all unused openings in electrical boxes, sealed. (NEC 370-8. 384-18) or other electrical Maintain all electrical equipment, including panels, mounted to the surface upon which it is fixed. (NEC 110-13(a)) wiring or more Maintain the electrical sheathed cable, such 10. panels building with (NEC 336-4) in any as romex. Maintain the building free from cord (L.A.M.C. 91.8104.8 ) wiring boxes, conduits and fixtures securely four used equipment properly as a stories free from nonmetallic substitute for permanent wiring. PLUMBING CODE 1. 2. plumbing 4 plumbing fixtures free from defects. Correct any loose, leaky, clogged or otherwise faulty toilets, faucets, sinks, showers, bathtubs and plumbing lines. (L.A.M.C. 91.8104. 91.8104.9 and U.P.C. 302.8OI, 907) Maintain all lines and Maintain enamel surfaces 91.8104.7) 3. Page REQUIREMENTS Maintain the wall areas (L.A.M.C. 91.8104.7) good repair. (U.P.C. 901, sinks and bathtubs in on adjacent to L.A.M.C. sinks, showers and bathtubs in good repair. waterproof (L.A.M.C. 91.8101.7) 4. Maintain all tub and shower enclosures in 5. Maintain 6. Maintain all plumbing lines free from cross contaminated water can enter the water supply. 7. Maintain all unused 8. Maintain all drainage piping free from galvanized steel fittings. (U.P.C. 401 (b)). Maintain any building with two or more stories free from plastic drainage piping. (L.A.M.C. 94.0602.6) 9. Maintain all gas water heaters with proper vents, vent connectors and vent caps. Maintain the vents and vent connectors properly supported. Maintain all gas water heaters with a sufficient supply of fresh air for combustion and ventilation. (U.P.C. 1312 (a) and L.A.C.C. 11.90.230) 10. Maintain all gas 11. Maintain all unused gas breakers vacuum on openings all toilets into equipped sewer or with flushometer valves. REQUIREMENTS approved comfort heat in all occupied units. openable windows or 2. Maintain all bathrooms with 3. Maintain all fuel 4. Maintain 5. Maintain kitchen ventilation in burning appliances sufficient 1213 piping properly capped. (U.P.C. Maintain supply (h)) and (h)) 1208 (b)) (L.A.M.C. 91.310.11,91.8104.11 ) ventilation fans. (L.A.M.C. 91.1203.3) with proper vents, vent connectors and vent terminations. of fresh air for combustion and ventilation. an 1003 drainage piping properly capped. (U.P.C. 314(c)) piping adequately supported. (U.P.C. 1. (U.P.C. connections whereby non-potable (L.A.C.C. 11.38.030/11.38.380) HEATING and VENTILATION CODE a condition. operating condition. (U.M.C. (L.A.M.C. 91.8104) 805 & 806) Page 5 HEALTH CODE REGULATIONS 1. Maintain the building free from rodent infestation and rodent harborages. Seal all rodent holes. Maintain all interior and exterior doorways in rodent-proof condition by eliminating gaps greater than 1/4 inch. (L.A.C.C. 11.30.010) 2. Maintain the exterior of the building in rodent-proof condition. Maintain all vent openings and other openings in exterior walls covered with corrosion resistant wire mesh (I/4 inch mesh or smaller). (L.A.C.C. 11.30.050(b), L.A.M.C. 91.2317.7) 3. Maintain the building free from any cockroach, flea, mite, bedbug or other vermin infestation. Seal all cracks and crevices to eliminate cockroach and other vermin harborages. (L.A.C.C. 11.30.010) 4. Maintain the building and premises free from accumulations of trash and debris. 1.16.020, L.A.M.C. 91.8104) 5. Maintain 6. garbage in Provide and maintain openable windows, 1.20.330) watertight receptacles with approved screening (16 openings and to all other tight fitting lids. (L.A.C.C. (L.A.C.C. 11.16.030) mesh or smaller) set in tight-fitting frames to all in the exterior walls of buildings. (L.A.C.C. 1 7. Maintain an adequate supply of hot and cold running water under pressure to all kitchens and bathrooms at all times.(Hot water must be 110 degrees F or greater.) (L.A.C.C. 11.20.190, 11.20.260, L.A.M.C. 91.8104.10) 8. Maintain all bathrooms, toilet rooms and their fixtures in (L..A.C.C. 1 1.20.190, L.A.M.C. 91.8104.7) 9. All (1/99) repairs are to be made required by law, licensed plumbing repairs. 1 good repair and free from corrosion. in a workmanlike manner, using only approved materials. Where contractors shall be used to perform work such as electrical and
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