San Sebastian Catholic Church May 31, 2015 The Most Holy Trinity Daily Mass: Tuesday - Friday - 8:00am Weekend Mass Schedule: Saturday Vigil Mass 4:00pm Sunday Masses - 8:00am, 10:00am, and 12 noon (español) Confessions Saturdays 3:00pm - 3:30pm or by appointment Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 3:00pm Rev. Fr. John D. Gillespie, Pastor Rev. Fr. Heriberto Vergara, Parochial Vicar Rev. Fr. Thomas P. Walsh, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Deacon James Swanson & Rev. Deacon Earl Kidwell 1112 State Road 16, St. Augustine, FL 32084 Phone - 904-824-6625 Fax– 904-829-0459 Page 2 Most Holy Trinity THE TRINITY IS LOVE Theologians throughout the Christian centuries have spilled much ink (and, on occasion, some blood) in describing and defining the mystery of the Holy Trinity. One of the earliest, most poetic, and beautiful descriptions comes from St. Augustine in De Trinitas, wherein he describes the Trinity as One (the Father) who loves, One (the Son) who is loved, and One (the Spirit) who is love. And these three Ones are also one Three. It might be wisest for us to leave the technical wranglings to the academic theologians, and focus on the fact that the three Persons of the Trinity are indeed persons; they are best known and understood in their love for each other and for us. We are made in the image of those loving persons, and our best relationships are lived out in the context of love. Truly loving relationships are inexhaustible mysteries to be lived in joy. If this is true of our human relationships, how much more so is it true of our relationship with the Trinity. And how much more does it call upon us to be joyful, loving witnesses of the holy mystery of the One in Three. This is the mystery to which we were called when we were chosen to be God’s own, baptized with water in the name of the Holy Trinity. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. May 31, 2015 .. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tb 1:3; 2:1b-8; Ps 112:1b-2, 3b-6; Mk 12:1-12 Tuesday: Tb2:9-14;Ps112:1-2,7-9;Mk12:13-17 Wednesday: Tb 3:1-11a, 16-17a; Ps 25:2-5ab, 6-7bc, 8-9; Mk 12:18-27 Thursday: Tb 6:10-11; 7:1bcde, 9-17; 8:4-9a; Ps 128:1-5; Mk 12:28-34 Friday: Tb 11:5-17; Ps 146:1b-2, 6c-10; Mk 12:35-37 Saturday: Tb 12:1, 5-15, 20; Tb 13:2, 6efgh-8; Mk 12:38-44 Sunday: Ex 24:3-8; Ps 116:12-13, 15-18; Heb 9:11-15; Mk 14:12-16, 22-26 SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: The Most Holy Trinity; Julian Calendar Pentecost Monday: 9th Wk in Ordinary Time; St. Justin Tuesday: Ss. Marcellinus and Peter Wednesday: St. Charles Lwanga & Companions Friday: St. Boniface; First Friday Saturday: St. Norbert; Blessed Virgin Mary; First Saturday 05/30 Sat. 05/31 Sun. 4pm - Jacqueline Anne Boehm + 8am - Our Parishioners 10am - Voca ons for Sisters of St. Joseph, St. Augus ne 12pm - Espíritu Santo—Salud de Angel Belmer Bodón 06/01 Mon. No Mass 06/02 Tue. 8am - George DiDomenico + 06/03 Wed. 8am - Harry Kaliahiwa + 06/04 Thur. 8am - Sabino Cadino + 06/05 Fri. 8am - John Paul Gui errez 06/06 Sat. 4pm - David Masters + 06/07 Sun. 8am - Our Parishioners 10am - Maurice & Theresa Nugent + 12pm - Jose Echeverry + Alfonso Gomez + Sat. 4pm EM: A. McCaffery, M. Needham, E. DiGrigoli, J. Tucker, L. Taylor, D. Caro, C. Rand, D. Shaw Lector: F. Clarke, M. Mickler Server: C., C., & S. Rand Sun. 8am EM: P. Heagy, J. Slight, C. Manucy, B. Freeman, S. Faulkner, M. Tilger Lector: S. Cleveland Server: P. & K. Town Sun. 10am EM: J. Karamon, G. Gilrain, F. & I. Cardona, M. Mesmer, T. Robinson, C. Jones, M. Vaeth, E. Urbina Lector: J. Weiland, J, Massad Server: K. Medina, D. Camacho, C. Benyacko Interpreter: Tara Celebrants for the weekend are: * 4:00pm 8:00am 10:00am 12:00pm - Fr. Thomas P. Walsh, Deacon Jim Fr. Paddy Carroll, Deacon Earl Fr. John D. Gillespie, Deacon Jim Fr. John D. Gillespie, Deacon Jim * Subject to Change To donate Altar flowers in memory of or in honor of a loved one, please contact the church office. Stipend is $50. Página 3 La Santísima Trinidad LA TRINIDAD DE AMOR Una de las más antiguas, más poéticas y más hermosas descripciones de la Santísima Trinidad se halla en le libro De Trinitate, por san Agustín. Allí, el santo describe a la Trinidad como Uno que ama (el Padre), Uno que es amado (el Hijo) y Uno que es el amor (el Espíritu Santo). Y esos tres Unos suman Uno solo. Tal vez lo mejor para nosotros sea dejar las dificultades técnicas de este misterio a los teólogos profesionales, y enfocarnos en el hecho que las tres Personas de la Santísima Trinidad son precisamente personas; se les conoce y se les comprende en su amor mutuo y en su amor hacia nosotros. Hemos sido creados a imagen y semejanza de esas tres Personas amorosas, y nuestras mejores relaciones se viven en el contexto del amor. Las relaciones verdaderamente amorosas son misterios inagotables que se expresan en una profunda felicidad. Y si esto es así en nuestras relaciones humanas, ¡cuánto más lo será en nuestra relación con la Santísima Trinidad! Y, ¡cuánto más somos llamados a dar un testimonio alegre y amoroso de este sagrado misterio de los Tres que son Uno! Este es el misterio que fuimos llamados a vivir cuando fuimos escogidos como hijos de Dios, bautizados en el nombre del Padre, del Hijo, y del Espíritu Santo. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Tob 1:3; 2:1b-8; Sal 112 (111):1b-2, 3b-6; Mc 12:1-12 Martes: Tob 2:9-14; Sal 112 (111):1-2, 7-9; Mc 12:13-17 Miércoles: Tob 3:1-11a, 16-17a; Sal25(24):2-5ab, 6-7bc, 8-9; Mc 12:18-27 Jueves: Tob 6:10-11; 7:1bcde, 9-17; 8:4-9a; Sal 128 (127):1-5; Mc 12:28-34 Viernes: Tob 11:5-17; Sal 146 (145):1b-2, 6c-10; Mc 12:35-37 Sábado: Tob 12:1, 5-15, 20; Tob 13:2, 6efgh-8; Mc 12:38-44 Domingo: Ex 24:3-8; Sal 116 (115):12-13,15-18; Heb 9:11-15; Mc 14:12-16, 22-26 LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: La Santísima Trinidad; Pentecostés en el calendario juliano Lunes: Novena Semana del Tiempo Ordinario; San Justino Martes: San Marcelino y san Pedro Miércoles: San Carlos Luanga y compañeros Viernes: San Bonifacio; Primer viernes Sábado: San Norberto; Santa María Virgen; Primer sábado Ministros: Ministros: Lectores: Lectores: Monaguillos: Monaguillo: Ujieres: Ujieres: 31 de mayo de 2015 R. Olivera, L. Olivera, R. Santiago, G. Marín, S. Cosme, P. Cosme H. Puentes, V. González J. Santiago, A. Chumpitaz P. Duarte, E. Duarte, E. Gallardo, J. Gallardo Preparación para el Bau smo….Los padres y los padrinos deben registrarse para las clases de preparación en la oficina de la Parroquia. Para las clases, favor llamar a la Rectoría para ponerse de acuerdo con la fecha y la hora. Si los padres o padrinos no han asis dos a una clase de preparación anteriormente, estas clases son necesarias para el bau smo. Bau zos en Español ……. Es un requisito para padres y padrinos que no han tomado las clases anteriormente par cipar en ellas. Favor de llamar a la Rectoría. Los bau zos se celebran después de la misa en Español. Bodas…...Favor llamar a la oficina de la Parroquia con 8 meses de antelación Tel: 824-6625 Comunión para los Enfermos …..Las personas que deseen recibir la Comunión en sus casas, favor llamar a la oficina de la Parroquia, o hablar con un ministro eucarís co después de misa. Adoración al San simo …...Adoración al San simo Sacramento todos los viernes de 8:30a.m. a 6:00p.m. El Coro para Adultos en Español ..Se invita a todos los que sienten el deseo de servir al Señor con su voz o con un instrumento musical, favor hablar con María Hernández después de la misa de 12:00p.m. Para Ofrendas Durante las Misa ...Si deseas que se mencione durante la misa el nombre de un familiar o amigo ya fallecido o que esté gravemente enfermo, favor llamar a Clarita Opiela, Tel: 824-6625 clarita@sansebas Diácono Jim visita cada lunes el Flagler Hospital. Si sabes de algún familiar o amigo – miembro de la parroquia que está en el hospital favor llamar al la oficina de la parroquia (904 824-6625) o avísanos antes o después de las misas durante el fin de semana. Page 4 Most Holy Trinity May 31 , 2015 Vacation Bible School “TO THE EDGE” At San Sebastian Church June 8th-12th from 9:00am–12:00pm ♦ ADULT & TEEN VOLUNTEERS NEEDED PLEASE CONTACT Kelly Emilio at 919-630-7964 or email to ♦ REGISTRATION FORMS AVAILABLE in the gathering space Registra on Fee is $5 per child ♦ DONATIONS NEEDED for this week long event please visit the VBS display located in the gathering space NATIVITY YARD DISPLAY Hand-Made by Knights of Columbus Exterior pre-treated wood & painted 54” wide x 54” high The Cost is $50.00, Orders can be Placed with the Knights of Columbus at the next Pancake Breakfast Sunday May 31, 2015 Page 5 Most Holy Trinity May 31, 2015 8 Windows Remaining They are: The Five Days of Creation, The symbols of the evangelists Matthew and the symbols depicting Noah’s Ark & the Burning Bush Sharing the cost with other Families is an option. For Additional information and pricing contact: Wilfredo Cardona at 824-1822 or Allen McCaffery at 377-2446 Cheryl Manucy 824-3403 or Our Roof Repairs are finally happening! Please excuse the dust and noise and the inconvenience of blocked parking spaces. Thank you for your patience. Page 6 Most Holy Trinity May 31, 2015 THE SAN SEBASTIAN ANNUAL 500 CLUB Tickets are one (1) for $20.00 Or Two (2) for $30.00 ** ** offer good only when both tickets are purchased at the same time Drawings are Saturdays after the 4:00pm mass , Tickets available in the Gift Shop A total of -16 weekly cash drawings of $100.00 & a total of - 4 weekly cash drawings of $200.00 April 11, 2015 April 18, 2015 April 25, 2015 $100.00 $100.00 $200.00 - Jo Ann Roy Sandy Nester Nancy Henley May May May May May 02, 2015 09, 2015 16, 2015 23, 2015 30, 2015 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $200.00 - Bob Croteau James Rolick Sally Miller Phil Wirth June 06, 2015 June 13, 2015 $100.00 $100.00 - June 20, 2014 $100.00 June 27, 2014 $100.00 July July July July 04, 2014 11, 2014 18, 2014 25, 2014 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $200.00 - Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. 01, 2014 08, 2014 15, 2014 22, 2014 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $200.00 - Honoring All Fathers J oin us on Satur day, J une 20, at 10am at San Lor enzo Cemeter y, 1635 US 1 South, St. Augustine, for a Prayer Service for All Fathers. This is a very special way to honor fathers both living and dead. For more details call 904-824-6680. May 26th - Ordination Anniversaries Deacon Earl Kidwell June 11th - Fr. Thomas P. Walsh St. Vincent de Paul, St. Augustine is in urgent need of volunteer cashiers at the Thrift Store this summer to replace snowbirds who have headed north. Your gift of even a couple hours a week helps SVDP serve the poor of our community. Call the store (904) 824-3333 and ask for Joe or Barbara. If you'd like to learn more about our work, please visit Campaign Pledge Goal $900,000.00 The Religious Educa on Enrichment Center $900,000 $800,000 $700,000 $600,000 $500,000 Special PLEDGE Envelopes and PLEDGE Cards available at the Capital Campaign display $457,615.53 collected to date $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 Page 7 Most Holy Trinity May 31, 2015 SAN SEBASTIAN YOUTH GROUP Youth Group Meeting this Sunday At 6:00pm in the Parish Hall The Youth group is still collecting underwear & socks for the homeless. Donation bin is in the gathering space. The Youth Group Annual Garage Sale is coming Saturday June 6, 2015 2:00pm - 6:00pm Now accepting Donations, for the Garage Sale. If Possible please drop off during office hours Mon.—Fri. Otherwise you can just Leave donations by the Storage Building located behind the KC Hall For more information or to volunteer Contact Youth Group leader Gail Gilrain, 687-5536 or The Children’s Choir Meets TUESDAYS at 6:00pm For information on the Children’s Choir and the Children’s Home School Choir contact Lynne DuPont at 824-1334 Page 8 Most Holy Trinity San Sebastian Ladies Guild All Ladies of the parish are welcome to attend the monthly Meeting & Socials. The next Meeting is Thurs. JUNE 4th at 6:30pm in the Parish Hall May 31, 2015 San Sebastian Gift Shop Volunteers are needed for the San Sebastian Gift Shop. Please consider volunteering 1 hour a month to help keep the gift shop open after all masses. We are asking anyone 16yrs and older if interested to contact Tyra Rousseau at the church office 824-6625 or email For more Info contact Church Office at 824-6625 Join us for our ever popular Chinese Auction & Raffle MEN’S Prayer Group The second Sat. of the month 9:00am at San Sebastian Knights Hall Contact: Wilfredo Cardona 824-1822 or Deacon Earl Kidwell 819-5451 Power of Prayer Group Intercessory Prayer Group Meets every Thursday after the 8am daily mass In the Library, If you have a prayer request Please contact us or join us . For more information please contact Joann or Lansing Roy at 904-571-0156 or email Meals for Moms Mission Come and enjoy Friendship & Fellowship the first Sunday night of each month at 6:pm in the Parish hall kitchen to make a meal for Moms-to-be at St Gerard Campus. Food dona ons welcome. For more informa on Contact Karen Town at 201-874-3406 or Marian Movement of Priests Prayer Group, 2nd and 4th Sundays For more info. contact Leaugeay McKean at VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR THE ALTAR SOCIETY Every Monday from 8am-9am we meet in the church. We change & clean altar linens, restock votive candles, clean, dust, straighten pews & water flowers. If Interested please Contact Tyra Rousseau at the church office 824-6625 SAN SEBASTIAN LIBRARY located in the Gathering Space: Books, tapes, movies, & music, for young & “old”. Open during church hours. Please return items borrowed within 2 weeks. Contact Susan Donlon at 315-1352 INTERESTED IN BECOMING CATHOLIC??? RCIA has day and evening sessions. Contact Susan Donlon at 824-6625 or 315-1352 or Page 9 Most Holy Trinity Prayer Blanket Ministry Our parishioners generously make and donate hand made blankets for those sick and in need of comfort & compassion. Now available : PRAYER CLOTHS for our Troops to carry with them in their pockets. Prayer cloths are available depicting: Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force or a generic material with the American Flag. Stop by the church office to pick up a prayer blanket or to order a prayer cloth. Contact Leaugeay McKean at the church office or email Bible Study will resume in the Fall NEED Teams to alternate Cooking once a month for FOOD & FUN FRIDAY. If Interested contact Susan Donlon at the Church office 824-6625 or May 31, 2015 Knights of Columbus Council 11046 Knights of Columbus Event Schedule Knights Meeting, 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7pm in the Knights Hall. Monthly Socials, Everyone is invited to the Knights of Columbus Pot Luck Dinner Social the 4th Tuesday of the month, at 6:30pm. Joining The Knights of Columbus. or transferring into our Council contact the Grand Knight ~ Ron Miller at 904-495-5179 Pancake Breakfast, 2nd and 4th Sun. of each month after 8am & 10am masses. Squires, Meeting Sunday June 7th, at 6:00pm. For info call Mike Ryan -797-7418. Ministry of Caring Our Mission is: No member of our Parish Family will grieve alone; We pray, visit the sick & bereaved; assist with funeral plans; & host funeral receptions in the parish hall. If you are interested in joining this ministry or are in need of assistance, USHERS NEEDED ALL MASSES contact Orpha Wiseman at 904-824-5748 Sat. 4pm, Sun. 8am, 10am & 12 pm Contact Bob Webb, 806-6593 MUSIC MINISTRY The next Bi-lingual Healing Mass will be Wednesday June 10, 2015 at 7pm in the church Mass Times Sat. 4pm mass Sun. 8 & 10am mass Sun. Spanish mass Tues. Children’s Choir Rehearsal Times Sat. 3:00pm - Church Tues. 7:00pm - Church Wed. 6:00pm - Church Tues. 6:00pm - Church DIVORCED and SEPARATED SUPPORT MINISTRY Meets Wednesdays at 7:00pm in KC Hall FOOD SHARING Dona ons of Meat always appreciated Team A - Lydia Quiles 687-8169 or email Team B - Cheryl Manucy 824-3403 or email cheryl7567@a .net. Meal prepara on is the 3rd Tuesday, of the month @ 2pm in the parish hall. For more info call Pete Nolan 904-687-8486 Meets every Friday at 2:00pm in the church during Adoration to pray the Rosary. Call Lane @ 823-8887 Page 10 Most Holy Trinity Activities for the Week 05/30 Sat. 3:00-3:30pm Confessions 4:00pm Mass 5:00pm Wine & Cheese 05/31 Sun. 8:00am Mass 9:00am Gift Shop open 9:00am Pancake Breakfast 10:00am Mass 11:00am Gift Shop open 11:00am Pancake Breakfast 12:00pm Spanish Mass 6:00pm NO Youth Group 06/01 Mon. NO MASS 8:00am Altar Society 06/02 Tues. 8:00am 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm Mass Children’s Choir Choir Knights, 1st degree 8:00am 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm Mass Spanish Choir Spanish Cursillo Divorced & Separated Group 06/03 Wed. 06/04 Thurs. Last Day of School 8:00am Mass 8:30am Prayer Group 6:30pm Ladies Guild 06/05 Fri. 8:00am Mass 8:30am-6pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 5:45pm Benediction 06/06 Sat. YOUTH GROUP YARD SALE 3:00-3:30pm Confessions JUBILEE CELEBRATION 4:00pm Mass 5:00pm Gift Shop Open 5:00pm Wine & Cheese 06/07 Sun. YOUTH 8:00am 9:00am 9:00am 10:00am 10:00am 11:00am 11:00am 12:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 06/08 Mon GROUP YARD SALE Mass Coffee & Danish Gift Shop open Mass Liturgy of the Word K-4th Coffee & Danish Gift Shop open Mass Youth Group Squires 9:00am VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL BEGINS May 31, 2015 OFFERTORY GOAL MORTGAGE GOAL $12,400.00 $12,000.00 Collections For the Week of May 23-24 Opera ng Facili es Maintenance Church Mortgage Religious Ed Center Weekly E-Giving 5/17/15 Weekly E-Giving 5/24/15 Liturgical Supplies Outreach for the Poor Parish Insurance Subsidy Support for Rel. Ed $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 8,132.23 175.00 55.00 90.00 756.00 1,187.00 5.00 15.00 1,786.00 5.00 Second Collec ons: May 31, Religious Enrichment Center June7, Mortgage Fund June 14, Religious Educa on June 21, Building Maintenance June 28, Enrichment Center Por on of General Collec on goes to DSA Missions June 28, Peter’s Pence PLEDGE CARDS & EXTRA 10-10-10 CANS AVAILABLE IN THE GATHERING SPACE FOR DONATIONS TO THE RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CENTER. You can place your Filled can or pledge card in the offertory basket. Thank you. Total to Date for the 10-10-10 is $7,728.00 ON-LINE GIVING E-giving is short for Electronic Giving. It is an automatic transfer program that allows you to make contributions without the hassle of writing checks. 1. Go to the church web site 2. Click on E-Giving or (Donate Now) Follow the easy directions to set-up Page 11 Please Pray for the Repose of the Soul of: John Curcio An Most Holy Trinity May 31, 2015 To add a name to the prayer list call church office 824-6625 or email marie a@sansebas LS1 Juan Carlos Bermejo L Cpl Lacey M. Bowman Sgt. Evan Burgess Capt. Michael Burns, USN CPO José Camacho Sgt Dusty Davis 1st Lt Vito John Errico “Tipper” Chris Esdonge, Jr Col. Dave Francis Lcpl Frutos Lt. Betsy Hoyos Sgt Nestor L. Lugo Lt. Col Sean Navin Maj. David Pasquale PFC Justin Peeples EO3 David Polly PFC Robert Young Spec. Jason Polly Marcos Rios Cpl Julia A. Taylor Chief/WO Charlie Sharpe Lt. Mark M. Walstead Sgt Julian R. Taylor PRAYER LIST Week 1 Bill Boehm* Sr. Anne Haarer* Sheila Harris* John Kotlinski* Cecelia Lavinghouse* Larry & Jane Schroeder* Joshua Solana* Diane Reyes Week 2 Violeta & Jorge LeBron* Cibely Motta Valerie Roberts* Stephen Thomas* Antonio Velez* Jean Webb* Week 3 Anita Guevara* Fred Meeks* Patyn Nowak* John Uvegas* Week 4 John & Rose Busketta* Carmen Cotto Catherine Dailey* Donna Ellis Audrey Largent* John & Violeta Michta* Paul Murawski Nancy Smith* James Watcke* Week 5 Tommy Kynard* Marisela Látimer Anne Maetozo* Ada Nackashi* Sage Stinson* Week 6 Katie Burchfield* Dan Burkhardt* Audrey Burnett* Andy Butler* William Calabretta Colleen Caro* Rita Kreuter* Dr. Ashfaq Latif Kudia Madison Masters* Joe Patrick * Maureen Patrick * Belinda C. Rose* Adoration/ Wilfredo Cardona………………..,.824-1822……… Altar Servers/Susan Donlon………………….824-6625……… Altar Society/Church Office…………………..824-*6625……… Baptism Preparation…………………………..824-6625……… Bread Pick Up/Tom Opiela…………………...825-4178………. Bible Study / Mickey Mickler………………….377-4749……… Bulletin Request– Marietta Moser....………...824-6625……… Children’s Choirs-Lynne Dupont……………..824-1334……… Confirmation-Adults or Youth-Susan Donlon.824-6625……… Choir Director - English Judy Bernhard……..540-4605……… Choir Director -(Spanish)/Maria Hernandez...000-0000………. Diaper Drive/Donna McNary………………….806-2844……… Extraordinary Ministers/ Jeanne Karamon…..824-8145………..jenenekaramon@yahoo,com Facilities Manager/Allen McCaffery…………..824-6625……… Food & Fun Friday/ Susan Donlon ……………824-6625……… Food Sharing Team A Lydia Quiles ……….. 687-8169……… Food Sharing Team B Cheryl Manucy……..824-3403……… Gift Shop/Tyra Rousseau………………… ….824-6625……… Finance Council /Doug Conlon…………… …808-0649……… Holy Orders/ Fr. David Ruchinski.……………262-3200………... Homeless Donations/Linda & Bob Curran…..000-0000……… Hospital Ministry/ Deacon James Swanson…824-6625……… Intercessory Prayer Group/ Jo Ann Roy……..571-0156……… Knights of Columbus / Ron Miller…………. ...495-5179……… K of C Squires / Mike Ryan…………………...797-7418……… Ladies Guild/ Virginia Wood..……………… ...315-4741……….Virginia@ Lectors/Susan Donlon……………………….. .824-6625……… Marian Movement of Priest/Leaugeay McKean…824-6625……… Men’s Prayer Breakfast/Deacon Earl Kidwell 819-5451……… Ministry of Caring/ Orpha Wiseman………….824-5748……….. Office Manager (Office) Tyra Rousseau……..824-6625……… Office Espanol Clarita Opiela………………...824-6625……… Church Office (Espanol) Doriana Borerro……824-6625……… Parish Council Chairman/ Frank Sette…….…940-9039……… Prayer Blanket Ministry/Leaugeay McKean…824-6625……… Recycle Program/Tyra Rousseau…………….824-6625……… Religious Education/Susan Donlon…………..824-6625……… Respect Life/Lane Campau…………………...823-8887……… RCIA/Susan Donlon……………………… …...824-6625……… Rosary Makers/Susan Donlon………………...824-6625……… Sacrament of Baptism/ Susan Donlon……….824-6625……… Sacrament of Marriage—church office……….824-6625……… Sunday Communion Service/St. Aug. Rehab..315-2485……… Ushers/Bob Webb………………………………806-6593……… Youth Group (The Warriors)/Gail Gilrain……….687-5536……… Vacation Bible School/ Kelly Emilio……...919-630-7964……… Wine and Cheese/Anne Gagliardi…………….825-0367……… Web Master/ Bill Loughlin……………………...377-7874……… Page 12 Most Holy Trinity May 31, 2015 RECYCLING FUNDRAISING PROGRAM - ALUMINUM CANS (Beer & Soda cans only) behind the Knights Hall. Paper Dumpster available in the front parking lot. No phone books, no plastic bags. Box Tops for Education - Look for the official Box Top for Education on different food products. We also accept coke reward Codes, Sunny D Labels, and Kellogg's Family Reward Codes Donation Box will be located in the gathering space. For more information contact Karen Town 940-6877 Food Drive - Please bring non-perishable food items for needy families in our community every 3rd weekend of the month. Thank you for your continuing generosity. Diaper Drive -Diaper Drive for diapers & wipes to be donated to St. Gerard House. We can only accept donations that are packaged. A basket for your donations is available in the Gathering Space For more info, contact Donna McNary 806-2844 Food & Fun Fridays - 4th Friday of the Month - San Sebastian hosts a meal from 2pm–4pm for the elderly and those on fixed incomes. If you have a neighbor or friend who would benefit from this event, invite them to join us. To Volunteer . please contact Susan Donlon at the church office 824-6625 ext 107. Food Sharing of St. Augustine - An evening meal for the homeless in St. Aug. the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 2pm. To volunteer for this great community outreach contact Lydia Quiles 687-8169 or email or Cheryl Manucy 824-3403 or email Donations needed for the homeless in St. Augustine - needed are small travel sizes: shampoo, soap, deodorant, toothpaste, washcloth, toothbrushes, combs, socks, hand sanitizer, Band-Aids, Neosporin, tweezers, nail clippers, razors, sunscreen, sunglasses, adult sizes . Donation basket located in the gathering space. St. Augustine Health and Rehabilitation Center, Mass - celebrated every 3rd Friday of the month at 10:00am. St. Johns County Pet Adoption & Holding Center - A donation basket is located in the Gathering Space. needs: pet foods, treats, blankets, towels, and toys. The Corporal Works of Mercy - “People who want to do good things for people in need”. The following organizations in St. Johns County need your time & talent: Catholic Charities, Community Hospice, St. Gerard House, St. Francis House, Salvation Army, Council on Aging, St. Vincent De Paul Society, Habitat for Humanity, United Way of St. Johns, Homeless Coalition, Welfare Federation of St. Johns, & many more. Pamphlets with contact info located in gathering space. Prison Ministry - For more information contact Fr. Thomas Walsh at 824-6625 ST. GERARD CAMPUS THRIFT SHOP 1333-3 Old Dixie Hwy. St. Augustine, 904-315-3918 Volunteer Host Families needed for students from Spain, France, Italy and Russia Education First Homestay Program for students 13-18 years old. July 2-29,2015 Host families provide a bed (they can share a room), meals, a ride to and from the EF bus stop Monday thru Friday and the American family experience. Students get dropped off at 7:30 am and are in class until noon and participate in activities and return to bus stop around 5:50pm. Contact Ginger Manning, 904-446-5646 or visit website
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