“We strongly believe when making a recommendation to clients you should be able to model outcomes and compare recommendations to alternative strategies. FP solutions is the most comprehensive financial modelling tool we have experienced and is integral to our reputation and success. Product manager Mike Howe is an important part of our virtual planning team.” Scott Harris and Bob Fleischacker Stonehaven Financial CCH Financial Planning If you provide financial advice or financial planning, the CCH Financial Planning section offers you a variety of tools to help you do your job faster, easier, and better. CCH Financial Planning Financial Planning Software FP Solutions™ – Performance Planning Get the power of FP Solutions working for you. The right financial planning software can change the way you do business and enhance your practice. Clients appreciate it when you add value – and no other software offers more value to your clients then FP Solutions. You will appreciate how quickly and easily this modular software lets you build the right plan for every client – from the simplest retirement model to the most complex financial plan for business owners. You also have the support of our industry-leading training and technical support teams, all part of your subscription and available when you need it. Here are just some of the features available on all levels of FP Solutions that will add value to your practice: Features available on all levels of FP Solutions: • Annual Review Tool – extended fact-finder that lets you compare original plan with current data • Electronic FactFinder – print or e-mail to clients to complete and incorporate directly into plan • T1 tax calculations – built into the program for more accurate results throughout the plan – no guesswork or assumptions • Customize documents and reports – branded for you and personalized for your clients • Fully password protected – PIPEDA compliant, protect both the software and individual client files • Variable risk profiles – set different risk tolerances for different investments • Data Entry and Task Wizards – keeps you and the plan organized and on track • Third-party client data import – including CANTAX, TaxPrep, insurance, and mutual fund historical data • Free training and technical support • FP Focus – powerful Executive Summary See the chart on page 148 for a full listing of the planning modules and features available at each level. “We would highly recommend CCH FP Solutions as a corporate application. Our goal was to find an enterprise-wide financial planning solution to provide a level of consistency and professionalism amongst our sales force. The requirements were that it would integrate well with our Wealth Management platform and meet the needs of a large and diverse user base. We have found CCH FP Solutions to be the most comprehensive package available in Canada, meeting the planning needs of our advisors across the organization. The support and training offered by CCH is excellent” Rhonda MacDonald, Wealth Management Services Wellington West Capital Inc. ISBN: 1-55367-156-2 $300 per year 011E FP Solutions™ Basic It may be called “basic”, but it’s loaded with client-pleasing features. FP Solutions Basic makes it easy for you to give your clients a clear and compelling picture of their financial situation. And it gives you all the information you need to confidently guide them in the right direction. FP Solutions Basic includes these planning modules: • Full investment planning • Full retirement planning • Education savings • Lifestyle needs • Sales concepts Legend 2 Book Loose Leaf • • • • CD Investment deposit/withdrawal solve tools Loan and debt amortization Personal-use real estate and assets Monte Carlo simulations Internet CD and Internet News Tracker $520 per year 012E FP Solutions™ Plus One feature that makes FP Solutions so popular is its modular structure. Each level builds on the previous with more advanced planning modules. FP Solutions™ Plus includes additional modules to give you more in-depth financial planning capability, including sophisticated tax strategies and comprehensive insurance needs analysis. The additional capabilities of FP Solutions Plus include: • Insurance needs • Commercial real estate • Disability capital needs (DI, CI, LTC) • Estate capital needs (tax and liquidity) • Survivor capital needs (life insurance) “…I am a regular caller to tech support for FP Solutions… the overall level of client care is among the best I have seen from a large organization, or any organization for that matter…client care standards are clearly in place and substantially above the competition…THANK YOU…” Financial Planning Software isbn: 1-55367-157-0 Noman Rutherford Wellington West Capital Inc. isbn: 1-55367-158-9 $880 per year 013E FP Solutions™ Advanced With FP Solutions™ Advanced, you’ll be able to analyze your client’s entire financial situation, no matter how complex it may be. It also helps you to prepare plans faster and more easily because it includes powerful administrative tools to guide you through the planning process. Additional planning features of FP Solutions Advanced include: • Detailed income projections • Planning assistant • Advanced net worth and cash flow projections • Common planning strategies • Change in financial position – show the value of your advice “I won’t take a new client without completing a financial plan first. FP Solutions provides clients with an excellent financial picture in an easy to understand format. Using FP Solutions, I have not had to do cold calling as my clients continually refer new clients to me because of the plan.” Ed Rachynski, RFP Dundee Securities isbn: 1-55367-159-7 $1295 per year 014E FP Solutions™ Business FP Solutions™ Business is the most powerful, all-inclusive financial planning software on the Canadian market. Today it gives you the ability to do both personal and full corporate planning – everything you need for your most sophisticated clients. It includes all personal planning modules, plus corporate planning modules such as: • Estate freezes, family trusts • Shareholder loans and share redemption planning • Holding and operating companies • Corporate-owned life insurance • Corporate-owned investment portfolios • And much more and real estate To Order: 416 224 2248 ■ 1 800 268 4522 ■ cservice@cch.ca ■ www.cch.ca 3 CCH Financial Planning Please Quote Promo Code CCH2008 FP Solutions Software Features FP Solutions Basic FP Solutions FP Solutions PlusAdvanced FP Solutions Business Software Features Annual Review Tool yes yes Solve for deposit, withdrawal, and amount yes yes Data entry wizards yes yes Task wizards yes yes Ability to create custom documents/reports yes yes Electronic fact-finder and client snapshot yes yes Planning concepts (Leverage, Estate Protection, etc.) yes yes Monte Carlo Simulations yes yes Spreadsheet view Planning Assistant Common planning strategies yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes FP Focus – Executive Summary yes yes yes Investment Profile, KYC yes yes yes Lifestyle Needs yes yes yes Sources of Income yes yes yes Non-registered Investments yes yes yes Education Savings yes yes yes Trust Investments yes yes yes Registered Investments yes yes yes Defined Contribution Pensions yes yes yes Defined Benefit Pensions yes yes yes Annuities yes yes yes Personal-Use Real Estate, Cottage yes yes yes Other Assets yes yes yes Other Loans yes yes yes Other Debts yes yes yes Life Insurance yes yes yes Retirement Capital Needs (Saving & Investing) yes yes yes Commercial Real Estate yes yes Stock Options yes yes Survivor Capital Needs (Life Insurance) yes yes Estate Capital Needs (Tax and Liquidity) yes yes Disability Capital Needs (DI, CI, LTC) yes yes Advanced Income Projections yes Advanced Cash Flow Projections yes Advanced Net Worth Projections yes Change in Financial Position, Value of Advice yes Corporate Planning: · Estate freezes, family trust · Crystallize capital gains · Share redemption planning · CDA & RDTOH calculations · Holding companies · Operating companies · Corporate-owned life insurance · Corporate-owned investment portfolio · Corporate-owned real estate yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Planning Modules Legend 4 Book Loose Leaf CD Internet CD and Internet yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes News Tracker isbn: 1-55141-288-8 $930 per year E515 $930 per year J515 $1,112 per year K515 oneSource – The Canadian Financial Planning Library oneSource – available in both CD-ROM and Internet format. Get all the financial and estate planning information you need in one comprehensive resource. Keyword searchable and continuously updated, oneSource is like having a personal search engine dedicated to your business. Thousands of hypertext links walk you through commentary, articles, government forms and checklists to ensure your research is thorough and accurate. And with copy, paste and print functions, you can use the information in your own client materials and reports. Put innovative strategies and industry best practices to work for you and your clients with oneSource. Topics include: Features: • Complete retirement and estate planning • Keyword and phrase searches make information retrieval quick and easy • Investment planning and products • Will, trusts, and pension plans • Full tax and taxation issues, including U.S. information • Comprehensive insurance information • CRA, HRDC, and regulators’ checklists and forms • Legal, compliance, and finance matters • Practice management tips and financial template letters • Hypertext links walk you through commentary, and government forms and checklists • Copy, paste, and print functions allow you to use information in your own client materials, newsletters, or Web pages Financial Planning Research Products Financial Planning Research Products • Includes two monthly newsletters: Estate Planning for Financial Advisors and The Financial Planner • The subscription is updated frequently so you stay current and up-to-date on all the topics you need to know. Bonus newsletters! With your subscription to oneSource, you will receive free subscriptions to two monthly electronic newsletters: Estate Planning for Financial Advisors and The Financial Planner (Both valued at $175. See below.) ISSN: 1-480-2546 $175 per year L059 $175 per year L261 You’ll find staying up-to-date easy and convenient with this electronically-delivered monthly newsletter. It will keep you abreast of professional issues and events affecting you and your clients, plus relevant developments from the courts and legislators. In addition, each month, you’ll have feature articles from leading financial practitioners on cutting-edge issues. This newsletter is available in electronic (PDF) format only. Estate Planning for Financial Advisors – Newsletter This electronically-delivered monthly newsletter will keep you up-to-date on legislative and judicial developments that relate to estate planning. It also includes feature articles, significant cases, and summaries of proposed measures that could have an impact on estate planning. This newsletter is available in electronic (PDF) format only. To Order: 416 224 2248 ■ 1 800 268 4522 ■ cservice@cch.ca ■ www.cch.ca 5 CCH Financial Planning Please Quote Promo Code CCH2008 The Financial Planner – Newsletter CCH Financial Planning Financial Planning Books isBn: 9781553678663 To be Published: October 2008 $59.95 890B The Advisor’s Guide to the Aging Client and Long Term Care Issues New 2nd Edition – Available Early 2009 This updated and expanded edition is revised with wider scope and content around LTC insurance and the issues facing aging clients. As the leading edge of the baby boomer generation turns 61 this year, there is growing awareness of the importance of LTC insurance and concerns specific to the aging client. This book will provide the information needed by Advisors looking for guidance in setting the groundwork for financial planning that incorporates long term care for the older client. This new edition will be available in June 2008. isBn: 9781553678670 To be Published: 2009 $59.95 891B The Advisor’s Guide to Disability Insurance and Other Living Benefits New 2nd Edition – Available Early 2009 This updated edition includes new sections on Disability Insurance, as well as Critical Illness and other living benefits. This publication is revised and expanded to better educate the Financial Advisor on Disability and other living benefits in context of the realities faced in today’s challenging work and lifestyle environment. This new content is relevant to the current needs of the financial planning market – understanding these products and where they are needed is critical to successful client assessment and product placement. This new edition will be available in October 2008. isbn: 1-55367-560-6 Published: September 2006 $49.95 464B The Advisor’s Guide to Business Succession Planning, 3rd Edition, 2006 Author: Malcolm T. Scarratt, MA, CFP, CLU, CHFC, TEP A comprehensive guide that helps financial advisors initiate and plan for their clients’ business succession. Legal, tax, insurance, and financial implications are discussed. Practical and analytical, this book focuses on the personal and emotional issues involved, potential obstacles, and solutions. Topics covered: • Getting started • Family-owned businesses • Small business gains exemption • Business valuation • Circumstances of sale, such as retirement, disability, or death Legend 6 Book Loose Leaf CD • Insurance • Succession planning for the advisor • Identification of appropriate buyers • Determination of clients’ key motivators • NEW: The Advisor’s Own Business Succession Planning Internet CD and Internet News Tracker $39.95 445B New Edition coming October 2008 isbn: 9781553677574 Published: December 2007 English Version $12.95 724B Estate Planning with Life Insurance, 3rd Edition Financial Planning Books isbn: 1-55367-535-5 Published: October 2005 Author: Glenn R. Stephens, LLB This book outlines the many roles that life insurance can play for business owners and high net worth individuals. This practical guide is designed to help insurance and financial advisors understand the unique ways life insurance can help their clients meet their financial objectives. Topics covered: • The Role of the Insurance Professional in the Estate Planning Process • Taxation Overview • Life Insurance and the Need for Estate Liquidity • Introduction to Corporate-Owned Life Insurance • Life Insurance and Business Succession • Using Life Insurance for Benefits During Lifetime • Using Legal Documents as Sales Tools • Life Insurance and Trusts • Creditor Protection • Disability Buyouts and Critical Illness Insurance • Family Law Act (Ontario) Financial Advisor’s Pocket Reference, 2007-2008 This handy booklet provides financial advisors with easy access to some of the core financial planning information needed during the course of day-to-day business. It also provides information that helps add value to conversations with clients, as it contains information about the financial components of many life situations, such as a comparison of housing prices for similar detached bungalows across Canada, or what an employee should expect from an employer in terms of acceptable maternity leave or vacation pay. Published annually. The Financial Advisor’s Pocket Reference is available for bulk purchase at excellent discount rates. Contact CCH Customer Service for details. Provides quick reference to: • RRSPs, RRIFs, RESPs • Estate planning • Taxation • Employment and consumer issues • Government websites • Insurance isbn: 9781553677581 Published: December 2007 French Version $12.95 740B To Order: 416 224 2248 ■ 1 800 268 4522 ■ cservice@cch.ca ■ www.cch.ca 7 CCH Financial Planning Please Quote Promo Code CCH2008 CCH Financial Planning CFP® Education Program Courses CCH and Advocis do not award the CFP and Certified Financial Planner designation. The right to use the marks CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER®, and is granted under licence by FPSC to those persons who have met its educational standards, passed the FPSC CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER Examination, satisfied a work experience requirement, and who abide by the FPSC Code of Ethics. CFP® (Certified Financial Planner) Education Program, provided by CCH Canadian Limited and Advocis Are you considering working toward a professional financial planning designation? As the demand for financial planning and advice increases, the value of being a CFP® professional also grows. The mark CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER is held by more than 17,000 people in Canada and nearly 100,000 worldwide. Passing the CFP® Examination administered by Financial Planners Standards Council (FPSC) is a key requirement to obtaining the CFP® designation. FPSC requires that all examination applicants take an accredited qualifying program, unless they meet their pre-qualifying criteria. To enable you to qualify to write the CFP® Examination, CCH Canadian Limited in alliance with Advocis (Financial Advisors Association of Canada) publishes the accredited CFP® Education Program. This current and complete education program contains 19 modules organized into four courses which match the knowledge list requirements of the FPSC Competency Profile and Examination Blueprint. A new Fifth Course has been added to provide case study applications and an examination review and preparation opportunity. The assessment portion of our program reflects the new requirement that test questions are tied to key competencies. For each course there is a test for each module and a course exam. The courses are taken in numerical order as one builds on the other. Once you have successfully completed this program, you will be fully prepared to take the comprehensive CFP® Examination administered by FPSC. You may register in our self-study version of CFP® Education Program and take the courses online through CCH’s learning website Training Sphere. Or you can take in-class instruction through one of our many academic partners; these are Canadian post-secondary institutions that offer our CFP qualifying program as undergraduate, post-graduate, and/or part-time programs. Ontario residents may also choose an instructor-led online option called OntarioLearn, which combines the benefits of experienced instruction with the flexibility of online learning. Whether you choose online or in-class study, you will receive a complete, up-to-date, study text for each course. Unique to our CFP® qualifying program is the bonus offer of free CCH financial planning software used by practitioners; both a comprehensive reference library for further learning and a planning software program are included on CD-ROMs accompanying the texts. The courses of the CCH/Advocis CFP® qualifying program are the foundation courses for the CLU program offered by the CLU Institute at Advocis. Each CFP® course taken successfully counts for 30 CE credits. As a registrant in the CCH and Advocis CFP® Education Program, you have access to the support services of two industry-leading organizations. For more information, see the course descriptions on the following pages and/or visit our respective websites. Contact us at CCH for more information or guidance. Contact Advocis to register in the program. “The CCH/Advocis course is excellent. The material gives you exactly what you need to know without extraneous information, saving a great deal of study time. The material is clear, concise, and easily understood without an instructor. After completing the CFP exams, I continue to use the textbooks as reference material. If you commit the time and energy to learning the content, this course gives you everything you need to be a professional financial planner, and pass the CFP comprehensive exam.” Laura Dear Certified Financial Planner Legend 8 Book Loose Leaf CD Internet CD and Internet News Tracker Published: Summer 2006 $390 540B – Advocis Members ISBN: 1-55367-648-3 $450 541B – Non-Members ISBN: 1-55367-649-I $175 (net price) 542B – Academic Partners ISBN: 1-55367-650-5 $218.75 (list price) 542B – Stand-alone (not CFP registered) ISBN: 1-55367-650-3 New Edition coming Summer 2008 Published: Summer 2007 $390 847B – Advocis Members ISBN: 9781553678106 $450 848B – Non-Members ISBN: 9781553678113 $175 (net price) 849B – Academic Partners ISBN: 9781553678120 $218.75 (list price) 849B – Stand-alone (not CFP registered) ISBN: 9781553678120 Course 1 (231) – Financial Planning Fundamentals: 3rd Edition Author: Jamison Aldcorn The four modules in this course introduce you to the fundamentals important to the discipline of financial planning. You will acquire an understanding of the concepts and applications associated with financial calculations and the analysis of financial statements. You’ll learn the basic concepts of contracting and family law, and will be introduced to an analysis of government sponsored benefit programs. Additional exercises, problems, and cases are added to the modules for self-study and application of concepts learned. M1 Time Value of Money Fundamentals M2 Financial Statements and Analysis M3 Legal Fundamentals and Family Law M4 Government Sponsored Benefit Programs Tools include free student edition software. Sample copies and instructor resource materials are available to academic partners. Course 2 (232) – Contemporary Practices in Financial Planning: 5th Edition Author: Jamison Aldcorn The modules comprising this course introduce you to basic income tax laws and move into a more advanced understanding of how the topics covered relate to areas of financial planning. You will review the professional and ethical responsibilities associated with the role of a financial planner, and gain an understanding of the structures and services within the financial industry. Different forms of business structures are explored in depth, along with an understanding of trusts. Additional exercises, problems, and cases are added to the modules for self-study and application of concepts learned. M5 Taxation I M6 Taxation II M7 Organizational Structures M8 Professional Standards and Financial Industry Tools include free student edition software. Sample copies and instructor resource materials are available to academic partners. To Order: 416 224 2248 ■ 1 800 268 4522 ■ cservice@cch.ca ■ www.cch.ca 9 CCH Financial Planning Please Quote Promo Code CCH2008 Educational Resources CFP® Education Program: Course Descriptions CCH Financial Planning To be Published: Fall 2008 $390 887B – Advocis Members ISBN: 9781553678632 $450 888B – Non-Members ISBN: 9781553678649 $175 (net price) Course 3 (233) – Comprehensive Practices in Risk and Retirement Planning: 4th Edition Author: Jamison Aldcorn This course is designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the principles and applications related to the concepts of managing risk and retirement planning. It covers products, issues, and practices in the area of insurance and retirement. You’ll also gain an understanding of the risk management process along with the retirement planning process, moving through the wealth accumulation phase into retirement. Additional exercises, problems, and cases are added to the modules for self-study and application of concepts learned. 889B – Academic Partners ISBN: 9781553678656 M9 Risk Management – Fundamentals, Health, and Property & Casualty $218.75 M10 Life Insurance and Living Benefits 889B – Stand-alone (not CFP registered) ISBN: 9781553678656 M11 Registered Pension Plans M12 Registered Retirement Savings Plans M13 Retirement Income M14 Retirement Planning Tools include free student edition software. Sample copies and instructor resource materials are available to academic partners. “The textbooks published by CCH have been a great help in my studies and continue to be as I prepare to write the Financial Planning Standard Council’s CFP Exam. I have been impressed by the breadth and depth of the texts, their readability, and the skills of your authors and editors in explaining complex concepts in ways that make them easy to understand and remember.” Steven Bekker, BSc., Student in Sheridan College’s Post-Certificate Financial Planning Program Published: Spring 2007 $390 821B – Advocis Members ISBN: 9781553677697 $450 822B – Non-Members ISBN: 9781553677703 $175 (net price) 823B – Academic Partners ISBN: 9781553677710 $218.75 823B – Stand-alone (not CFP registered) ISBN: 9781553677710 Legend 10 Course 4 (234) – Wealth Management and Estate Planning, 3rd Edition Author: Jamison Aldcorn In this course, you’ll review the basics of economics and investing. You’ll gain an understanding of investment products, investment planning, and key areas of personal financial management. In the final module, you’ll learn about estate planning fundamentals, concepts, and applications. M15 Economic and Investment Fundamentals M16 Investments – Products M17 Investment Planning M18 Financial Management M19 Estate Planning Tools include free student edition software. Sample copies and instructor resource materials are available to academic partners. Book Loose Leaf CD Internet CD and Internet News Tracker $390 Course 5 – Advocis Members 675B ISBN: 9781553677130 $450 Course 5 – Non Members 676B ISBN: 9781553677147 $175 (net price) CFP® Education Program Case Study and Review This new capstone course provides an array of cases studies including single concept cases, comprehensive cases, and integrative cases that correlate to the topics covered in more than one module. Completing these case requirements will enable you to apply the knowledge learned in the previous four courses, while improving understanding and aiding retention. You’ll also gain important practice in reading and understanding cases, which will serve you well during the case portion of FPSC’s CFP® Examination. In addition, this capstone course contains examination review material drawing from topics covered in all 19 modules of the qualifying program, which are covered in the four courses. Test and practice questions are tied to core competencies and match the knowledge list contained in the new Competency Profile and CFP® Examination Blueprint as administered by FPSC. Educational Resources To be Published: Summer 2008 Course 5 – Academic Student 677B ISBN: 9781553677154 $218.75 Course 5 – Standalone 677B ISBN: 9781553677154 Educational Resources Latest Editions Bundled $795 698B ISBN: 1-55367-726-9 For more information or to purchase this custom program, contact your CCH account manager or CCH Customer Service at: 1-800-268-4522 or (416) 224-2248, or e-mail cservice@cch.ca For more detailed information on the CFP® Designation, contact Financial Planners Standards Council (FPSC). Financial Planning Education for Accountants: A Fast Track to the CFP® Examination Why we created Financial Planning Education for Accountants: A Fast Track to the CFP® Examination Your clients require help in managing their personal finances. As their accountant, you’ve earned your clients’ trust and respect. Helping them to manage their retirement and wealth is a natural step forward. By offering complete personal financial services, you’ll serve their needs better, while enhancing your business practice. The modular curriculum of our accredited CFP® Education Program enables you to focus on topics that are least familiar or where you may require an update. This saves you time. Accountants with three years of related industry experience may qualify to challenge FPSC’s CFP® Examination. If so, you can use this educational product to fully prepare to earn your CFP® designation. You can also use it simply to add to and update your financial planning knowledge for everyday use. Content: There are a total of 19 modules provided in the CCH/Advocis CFP® qualifying program. Ten modules are strongly recommended for accountants. They include areas of personal financial services that you may not have studied recently, or at all, or encountered in prior work experience. These topics were selected by accounting experts and survey respondents. They stated that having this knowledge would help them to add significant value for their clients. There are also nine optional modules which present the remaining topics covered in the FPSC CFP® Examination blueprint. Self-study and Online Self-Testing: In addition to receiving four bound volumes of printed educational content, you obtain online access to the testing portion of the qualifying program. With two opportunities to test yourself on each module, you’ll know what to review further and when you are ready to sit for the CFP® Examination. You may access the tests for a period of one year. Significant Savings: You can obtain this learning at half of the price of the full registration fees of the complete qualifying program. Recommended Modules: The following highly recommended modules are included in printed text and online testing: M 3 – Legal Fundamentals and Family Law; M 4 – Government Sponsored Benefit Programs; M 8 – Professional Standards and Financial Industry; M 9 – Risk Management – Fundamentals, Health, and Property & Casualty; M 10 – Risk Management – Life Insurance and Living Benefits; M 11 – Registered Pension Plans; M 14 – Retirement Planning; M 16 – Investments – Products; M 17 – Investment Planning; M 19 – Estate Planning. In-class instruction through Academic Partners may be offered. See Ashton College for examples and contact us for the latest offerings in your region. Please Quote Promo Code CCH2008 To Order: 416 224 2248 ■ 1 800 268 4522 ■ cservice@cch.ca ■ www.cch.ca 11 CCH Financial Planning Optional Modules: Modules that cover topics also included in the CFP® Examination Syllabus: M 1 – Time Value of Money Fundamentals; M 2 – Financial Statement Analysis; M 5 – Taxation 1; M 6 – Taxation 2; M 7 – Organizational Structures; M 12 – Registered Retirement Savings Plans; M 13 – Retirement Income and Other Compensation; M 15 – Economics and Investments Fundamentals; and M 18 – Financial Management. CCH Financial Planning ACADEMIC PARTNERSHIP for the CFP® Education Program License: CCH Canadian, in conjunction with Advocis, sublicenses our accredited CFP® qualifying program to post-secondary institutions which offer financial services programs. An agreement with CCH and Advocis enables such academic programs to utilize the complete five-course CFP® Education Program; this includes access to current and comprehensive study texts and assessment materials. FPSC-accredited institutions that administer independent qualifying programs may also wish to incorporate our customized published course materials into part of their program. Agreement: For schools that decide to use the CFP® Education Program, a formal agreement is arranged which describes in detail the delivery of the qualifying program. A favourable academic discount makes the professional course materials affordable for students. The study texts can be sold directly through the campus bookstore or, if necessary, arranged through the sponsoring department. Test materials, carefully correlated with the study texts, are provided for instructors’ use in administering the course evaluations. Academic partners also have the option of having the course exams prepared on their behalf. We provide detailed presentation slides for each course. Solutions to additional exercises, problems and cases (in the texts) are provided only to institutions for use as practice review, or evaluation. Additional test questions are available for student practice. A certificate of completion is given for students successfully passing the five courses in the program. Educational Software: Unique to the CCH and Advocis qualifying program is the inclusion of CCH’s professional-quality financial planning software, which is provided at no additional cost. Educational versions of FP Solutions™ Advanced and the CCH financial planning libraries (see product descriptions in this catalogue) enable students to learn about the important productivity tools now used by financial planners across Canada. Use of the planning software is not a requirement of this program, but it offers a rare opportunity for students to use the same tools as practitioners, with no additional investment on their part. Furthermore, for institutions that wish to incorporate software training into their curriculum, CCH provides educational versions of both our excellent financial planning and tax software products. A separate Student Guide to FP Solutions is now available for institutions offering a planning software course. The reference library provides additional information on topics covered in the courses. Support Services: CCH and Advocis provide knowledgeable customer support for the CFP® Education Program. In addition, CCH Canadian’s technical support group offers expertise on our electronic products. And co-operative marketing plans exist to support academic partners’ registration campaigns. Equivalencies: Depending on proven prior course status, students who have taken qualifying courses elsewhere may receive equivalency credits. Further information can be obtained from Advocis and CCH. Student Membership: Students who qualify may apply to Advocis to experience the benefits of an Advocis membership at no cost or a special student rate. Continuing Education Credits: Each successfully completed course (60% passing rate) qualifies students for 30 CE credits, which are important to maintaining Advocis membership. Decision Support: If you wish to learn more about arranging an academic partnership for the CFP® Education Program, call or write CCH Canadian and ask for a marketing or account manager. We’ll be pleased to describe the benefits experienced by the several schools using our program across Canada. “The Financial Planning Program at Sheridan implements the accredited CFP® Education Program provided by CCH and Advocis. We appreciate the timely provision of complete and accurate study texts, as well as the testing and presentation content CCH has created for instructors. We value the publisher’s annual updates of their materials. We also offer a unique software applications course, which utilizes CCH’s practitioner planning software. All of these resources enable Sheridan’s experienced faculty to give our students a comprehensive financial planning education. Our association with this program helps us qualify students for greater success on FPSC’s CFP® Examination, and helps our graduates get established in various roles within the industry.” Henry Katz, Program Coordinator, Financial Planning Program, Sheridan Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning Legend 12 Book Loose Leaf CD Internet CD and Internet CCH Canadian Limited 90 Sheppard Avenue East, Suite 300, Toronto, Ontario M2N 6X1 Telephone 416 224 2248 • 1 800 268 4522 • Fax 416 224 2243 • 1 800 461 4131 News Tracker M080-5-08
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