FIRST QUARTER 2015 W W W. S A N TA R O S AC LU B . C O M LIFESTYLES T H E O F F I C I A L N E W S M A G A Z I N E O F S A N TA R O S A G O L F A N D B E A C H C L U B Inspired You’ll be by Our New Brand Messaging page 19-20 2 FROM THE PRESIDENT 15 FANTASTIC SHOTS 18 BEACH SAFETY New Board of Directors Listing and Letter from President, Mac Clark The members who made this list did something incredible on the course. You can never be reminded too much about beach safety. Review your beach flag colors and meanings. 2 LIFESTYLES YOUR 2015-2016 BOARD OF DIRECTORS MacPresident Clark Lee Dickerson Treasurer David Kettell The board of directors’ key purpose is to ensure the company’s prosperity by collectively directing the company’s affairs, while meeting the appropriate interests of its shareholders and stakeholders. In addition to business and financial issues, boards of directors must deal with challenges and issues relating to corporate governance, corporate social responsibility and corporate ethics. Bob Montgomery Winston Pittman Steve Catalano Vice President Allen Butler Secretary Steve Tabor bill wyrough W E B S I T E U P DAT E S The Digital Membership Directory is Now LIVE. Members now have access to a viewable “tee sheet” through the website. LIFESTYLES STAFF LISTING Matthew Lindley Club Consultant/General Manager Professional Golf Management 850.267.1240 ext. 7 Carter Murchison Director of Golf 850.267.2229 ext. 4 Lisa Wright Controller 850.267.1240 ext. 6 Sarah Brazwell Membership & Marketing Director 850.267.2229 ext. 3 Cherryl Marcey Special Event Manager 850.267.1240 ext. 3 Prophecy Spaid Staff Accountant & Member Billing 850.267.1240 ext. 4 Nickia Padgett Accounting Assistant 850.267.1240 ext. 5 Kelly Barker Golf Course Superintendent 850.267.2229 Frank Sneed PGA Professional 850.267.2229 Shawn Biesel Vue on 30a Food & Beverage Manager 850.267.2305 ext. 4 Chef Giovanni Filipponi Executive Chef 850.267.2305 Carol Clausen Mulligan’s Grille Manager 850.267.1979 3 PRESIDENT’S LETTER The board and I have been entrusted with the responsibility of looking after the operations of our club and ensuring that it is managed to benefit the majority of our members in a way that is financially sound. The board and I cannot do this alone. We have an excellent staff and department heads in place but, the other key ingredient is YOU, the member. As we move forward in this endeavor, we will continue to research best practices for our club in addition to our amenity charges. When presented with these changes, please think about how they benefit the club. This must be the common goal for each one of us. Rest assured the board will not change anything without thoroughly weighing the effect on our members and the club itself. Our actions will always be for the long term financial health of SRGBC. I encourage you to ask us questions and offer suggestions regarding the operations of the club. Please take advantage of the information offered on our website. By doing so, you will have financial data that is up to date and critical in our decision making process. It is imperative that you see and know what the board sees. We have inherited a healthy change in the financial operation of the club. We are dedicated to seeing this positive change continue and become even better. Our members are the foundation of everything we are and can become. Ask someone to come join us and be a part of a great and growing club to use and enjoy. Mac Clark President Santa Rosa Golf & Beach Club 4 LIFESTYLES INSIDE THIS ISSUE 6 Friends Share the Course and Heart with Joel Getman 8 Make More Putts Three Tips from Carter Murchison 2015 BEACH CLUB UPDATE 11 Living “La Cima” Make the Most of Your ClubCorp Benefits 9 12 Meet Roy Messer 13 Tournament Results Find out who came out on top 19 Our Club is Ispirational We think you’ll agree that our new brand messaging is too Tastes of Old & New Try a NEW SUMMER COCKTAIL from Vue on 30a 21 Course Superintendent, Kelly Barker is on the Move 22 Vue on 30a Music Lineup And other upcoming events 16 EQUITY JUNIOR SOCIAL Butch & Sally Webster Bill & Velina Hartmann Justin & Barbie Wiggins Blake & Sarah Svoboda Lee & Kate Owen John & Terri DeLoach Tom & Denise Whiddon Gerry Romanowski Ted Binkoski & Marian Bonsignore John & Tracy Wallace John & Sheila Harlow Guy & Harriet Bradley WELCOME NEW CLUB MEMBERS 5 Event Update Wedding & Social LIFESTYLES W e’re off to a great 2015 with weddings and rehearsal dinners. Our first wedding took place in February. An intimate reception of 16, in the West Wing and a three-course dinner with the beautiful sunset view as a backdrop. Members Rick and Kim Pataky hosted their daughter, Michelle’s wedding in March. Festivities started the night before the wedding with a bonfire on the beach. The children enjoyed s’mores and hotdogs on the fire - what wonderful memories! The day wedding ceremony took place on our private beach. The weather cooperated as it was a beautiful, sunny day! The reception followed on the West Wing, with passed hors d’oeuvres, champagne toasts and a plated lunch. Dancing continued on the West Terrace as the sun started to set over the Gulf. by Cherryl Marcey, Weddings & Special Events Manager January’s Winter Wine Dinner featured flights from Italy paired with Chef Gio’s delicious Italian fare. Thank you to all who joined. Winter Wine Dinner In addition, thanks to member Brant Enos. Trivia Nights have started up once a month. We dusted off the old board games and set up the west wing for members to partake in an old fashioned game night. 6 Equity Member, Joel Getman’s golfing buddies surprised him on the course with these “Getman Strong” teeshirts; in support of his grandson, Sam’s fight with tricuspid artresia. LIFESTYLES Getman Strong Santa Rosa members rallied to show their support for Sam Getman, grandson of equity member, Joel Getman. Sam was born with a serious heart defect known as tricuspid atresia. Our Members Have Heart Sam P. Getman, age 14, passed away at Boston Children’s Hospital on April 2, 2015. Sam has inspired many of us at Santa Rosa with his positive attitude and ability to fight through it all. You will forever hold a piece of our hearts, Sam. Tricuspid atresia is a heart defect present at birth in which one of the valves between two of the heart’s chambers isn’t formed. Instead, there’s solid tissue between the chambers. “My family has benefited from numerous acts of kindness and love during Sam’s hospitalization. One of the more surprising of these acts occurred at the Santa Rosa Golf & Beach Club in Florida, my home course. As I made my way to the practice green, I saw all my golfing mates decked out in their “Getman Strong” tee shirts. One of our regulars, Bob Nichols, had arranged the whole Thank you to so many of the Santa Rosa Golf & Beach Club members who came out to show their support for the Getman family and Sam. “Standing tall for one of our own is an honor as well as a responsibility that goes with membership at Santa Rosa,” said Bob Nichols, Equity member at Santa Rosa who helped organize this event. thing as a wonderful surprise for me. I was overwhelmed. Then after the round, as I distributed the day’s winnings, each of the recipients promptly returned the money to me to be used to help Sam in any way. What a wonderful group of golfers to have ‘adopted’ Sam and his brave battle this way.” - Joel Getman LIFESTYLES 7 From the Lesson Tee by Carter Murchison THREE SET-UP KEYS TO MAKING MORE PUTTS A common problem is to have too much weight on the heels at address. This will cause you to manipulate your putting motion. Set up with your WEIGHT ON THE ARCHES OF YOUR FEET. This will allow your arms to hang from your shoulders which gives you room to swing your arms Learn to putt like a pro. Call the Golf Academy at SRGBC for more information on group and individual lessons with one of our Class A PGA professionals. 1 After you establish proper balance on your feet, which allows your arms to hang under your shoulders, POSITION YOUR HANDS UNDER YOUR SHOULDER SOCKETS. This position gives you the best chance to swing the putter on the proper path. 2 The final set up key is the ALIGNMENT OF THE EYES. Golf is a target game and it is important that the eyes are in alignment with the object and the target to achieve complete accuracy. Your eye alignment will affect how you see the target and therefore your swing direction. Test to see if your eyes are over the ball by taking your address with a ball in your right hand, hold the ball up to your right eye and release it, where it hits the ground is where your eyes are positioned. 3 8 LIFESTYLES 2015 Beach club update NON-FAMILY MEMBER PASSES & FEES Each calendar year, a membership in good standing can sponsor 21 guests/nonfamily members for daily pool access at the prevailing guest fee rate. For example, if a member invites 3 guests for two days, then 6 of the member’s daily access credits are consumed. Guests/ non-family member guests are allowed 4 accesses in a calendar year regardless of whether they are accompanied by the host member. A host member is limited to five (5) non-family member guests total (accompanied or not) on any single day. Sponsorship of daily access to a non-family individual such as a renter is strictly prohibited. IMMEDIATE FAMILY MEMBER PASSES In an effort to ensure that you are able to enjoy the private pool and beach access to the fullest, the Pool Committee through the support of our board of directors has made the following changes to our guest access guidelines. Below are a few important highlights: An immediate family member, which includes parents, grandparents, grandchildren and children over the age of 24 of a member are allowed unlimited access at no charge. Immediate family members must be pre-registered by the host member. NON-FAMILY MEMBER AND IMMEDIATE FAMILY MEMBER CHARGES All food and beverage at the pool and guest fees must be charged to the host member’s account. No cash or credit cards will be accepted. The member will assume liability for all charges made by the registered guest to the member’s account. New Pool Code -1379 Log into the Member portal of the website using your email address and member number to access the COPs and full pool policies. 9 LIFESTYLES LADIES GOLF ASSOCIATION by Jane Rogers, LGA President W e hosted another successful Ladies Invitational in February. Thanks to Linda Oakes and her committee: Mo Burns and Sue Hoogenboom with great assistance provided by Frank Sneed and the golf shop staff, the day was hugely successful. T he Ace of the Year shootout was held on March 4th with a small but enthusiastic group. Mimi Khan won the trophy for 2014. Monthly competitions have started for the participants for the next shootout. Mimi Khan holds her trophy for “Ace of the Year.” M any of our members are preparing for their return to their northern homes. We wish them all a safe trip and look forward to their return in the fall! L adies golf will continue through the summer and the sign-up sheet will be in the golf shop. Boni Rekas, Vice- President will lead the association this spring and summer. Pictured from Left to Right: Linda Oakes, Jane Rogers, Maureen Burns, Sue Hoogenboom The world’s first ever golf tournament for women was held on New Year’s Day in 1811 at Musselburgh, East Lothian, Scotland. LIFESTYLES Steven Tabor, Equity Member and Member of the Board of Directors, on ClubCorp “Claire and I have a home in both Irving, Texas and Santa Rosa Beach, Florida. We are members of both La Cima Club in Irving and Santa Rosa Golf & Beach Club in Santa Rosa Beach. We are very fortunate to be able to enjoy both clubs through our Club Corp membership. Both have excellent facilities, award winning food and very stunning views. The La Cima Club is on the top floor in the center tower of Williams Square so we can enjoy a panoramic view of the DFW area. Since Vue on 30a at Santa Rosa Beach overlooks one of the prettiest beaches in the United States, we can enjoy a magnificent ocean and sunset view. I encourage the members of each club to come and enjoy the other club and you will see what 10 YOUR CLUB MEMBERSHIP Does Not End Here I n addition to all of the benefits that Santa Rosa Golf & Beach Club offers, members also have benefits when traveling. I mean.” Photo Top of Page: Beautiful view of Downtown Dallas fron the Skyline Reception Room at La Cima Club. Photo Right: Twenty-six floors above The Towers at William Square in Las Colinas, La Cima Club offers high-caliber networking in a high-class business and dining environment. ClubCorp Spotlight La Cima Club 5215 North O’Connor Boulevard The Tower at Williams Square, Suite 2600 Irving, TX 75039 972.869.2266 The club pays for each one of its members to have a ClubBenefits Membership with ClubCorp, giving members access to private country clubs, dining clubs, and more. In addition, now through April 15, members have the opportunity to upgrade to Signature Gold (waiving the $5k initiation fee) for only $50 a month. This upgrade not only gives you access to club’s nationwide but also gives you access to free golf, free club rentals and free meals. 11 Roy Messer with his wifer, Billie in Harv, Croatia LIFESTYLES A t first glance, Roy Messer, Equity Member at Santa Rosa Golf & Beach Club has a cheerful and an energetic personality that transfers to everyone he is around. As the word “Inspired” seems to translate to so many areas at Santa Rosa, this word holds true for Messer as well. He is inspired by living a no regrets type of life. Meet Roy Messer M esser was born in Lake City, Florida and attended college in Rome, GA at Berry University before serving in the United States Air Force. After four years in the service, he decided to open his own company as a retailer – specializing in carpet, tile and décor which he would later sell so that he could pursue another entreprenual opportunity in the domain industry. This risk-taking adventure came to be one of the most intuitive ideas that he would pursue. In the late 90s, all domain names (website names) were registered through a company called Network Solutions. Each year, companies who owned rights to websites would have to pay Network Solutions to renew their website. If a person or business dollars. Today, Messer owns about three thousand domain names and has sold close to one hundred. He continues to be on the cutting edge with direct navigation searches on the internet as well, giving customers easy access to topic searches. Exciting business adventures aside, Messer and his wife, Billie have enjoyed some of the best times of their life, splitting time between their home at North Carolina in the mountains and their home at Santa Rosa Beach on the white-sandy beaches. They are avid golfers and cyclists. Messer cycled from LA to Boston in fourty nine days, a feat that less than two hundred people each year are able to accomplish. “This was one of the happiest times of my life,” Roy Messer loves to beach cruise ~ but this Equity Member has cycled in exotic locales like Croatia, New Zealand, and Vietnam. decided not to renew their domain names, the registrar would put them back out on the market for sell to others. Messer and other keen internet businessmen would purchase domains that they could utlize for direct navigation efforts or other uses. “It was like finding a gold doubloon,” explained Messer. After years of research and investments, Messer made national headlines in the domain industry for his sell of to Russian Standard Co. in 2006 for $3 million said Messer. “My life and my mind took a vacation.” Since then, Messer and his wife have been able to cycle the world – from Vietnam, New Zealand, Croatia and more. While exercise, healthy diet choices and a sense of adventure are important, Messer and his wife do not ride bikes, play golf and travel the world to add days to their life, rather they live life to the fullest to add life to their days. LIFESTYLES 12 AND THE WINNERS ARE TOURNAMENT Results Club Championship March 21 Men’s Club Champion Dewayne Youngblood Ladies Club Champion Mimi Khan CanAm Tournament February 27-28 Winners Canadian Team Men’s 9-Hole Shootout January 30 Dave Triick, Tournament Chair Arun Bhalla, Runner-up John Bovis, Winner Sweetheart Championships February 8 Low Gross Winners, Rick & Nan Sroufe Low Net Winners, David & Pat Garner LIFESTYLES 13 AND THE WINNERS ARE TOURNAMENT Results Match Play Champions Maureen Burns and Kent Laflin Winners of the Cross Country Tournament January 31 Richard Fransen, Robert Rice, Zeke BratowskiTournament Chair, John Burberry, Larry Green CanAm Tournament February 27-28 American Team Winners of the Member-Member Championship March 7 - 8 Ladies Low Net Winners - Joan Rice & Renee Priggs Ladies Low Gross Winners - Kathy Apell & Mimi Khan Men’s Low Net Winners - Ray Owings & Al Short Men’s Low Gross Winners - Ryan Phillips & Charley Criswell 14 LIFESTYLES FANTASTIC Shots & Rounds Bob Montgomery Shot a 72 on January 30 better than his age of 73 Foster Sanders Made a Hole In One on January 31 on Hole #16 125,000 Year in which Russian astronaut Mijail Tiurin, according to the Guinness Book of Records, was the first person to drive a golf ball in space. Number of golf balls a year that are hit into the water at the famous 17th hole of the Stadium Course at Sawgrass. Joan Rice Had a Hole In One on February 7 on Hole #2 Robert Rice 79 years old beat his age by 6 shots with a fine 73 on February 17 2006 Lynn Pitchford 87 years old, Shot 80 on March 4 Joe Knight Made a Hole In One on #16 on March 8 during the MemberMember Tournament David Kettell Number of times Henry Vardon won the British Open. Holed out for an Eagle 2 on #7 from 195 yards on March 8 at the Member-Member Tournament Norwin Seidel Recorded a Hole in One on #2 with a 7-wood, his 10th HoleIn-One on March 16 Sam Borden Had a hole-in-one on #8, using a 5 hybrid from 145 yards on March 18 1.62 The maximum in ounces a golf ball should weigh according to the United State Golf Association. 6 LIFESTYLES 15 GOLF COMMITTEE NEWS David Kettell, a member of the Board of Directors, is the new chairman of the Golf Committee. The committee members are: Dewayne Youngblood, Jane Rogers and Joe Knight with Boni Rekas attending the meetings in Jane’s absence. The Committee would like to extend its sincere appreciation to Steve Catalano, last year’s chairman, who will now be the chairman of the Greens Committee and to Charlie DiNofia, who has served on the golf committee for multiple terms. Their dedication, time and efforts are indicative of their desire to make the club a better place for the members and guests. The Golf Committee is committed to building on the traditions of the club and making our club the place to be on the Emerald Coast. VUE ON 30A SUNDAY BRUNCH 10 A.M. – 2 P.M. LUNCH 7 DAYS A WEEK 11 A.M. -2:30 P.M. DINNER 7 DAYS A WEEK 5 P.M.-10 P.M. TWO FOR ONE ENTREE SPECIAL 7 DAYS A WEEK 5 P.M. - 6 P.M. HAPPY HOUR 7 DAYS A WEEK 3 P.M.-6 P.M. GOLF CLUB MONDAY – SUNDAY 7 A.M. – 5:30 P.M. BEACH CLUB MONDAY – SUNDAY 8 A.M. – 8 P.M. HOURS OF OPERATION Primary GOALS of the Golf Committee: 1. To continue to grow the game of golf with the existing membership and attract new members to the club. 2. To increase the participation in all member tournaments by creating a tournament schedule and format that will be of interest to members of all levels of play. 3. To interface with the Greens Committee to find a balance between scheduling tournaments and maintaining proper maintenance on the course. 4. To continue increasing communication to the membership and encourage member input. accounting update M onthly statements are sent to the primary email address on your account by the 3rd business day of each month. Please check your spam folder if you did not see a statement in your inbox, and add accounting@santarosaclub. com to your safe sender list. At any time that you need assistance with your account, do not hesitate to contact the accounting department at or 850-267-1240. 16 LIFESTYLES Vue Summer Cocktails old meets new As a former bartender, I’ve always been interested in cocktail recipes and the plethora of liquors available to concoct them. With this year’s spring/summer drink list, we’ve given a gentlemanly nod to the past, and introduced craft cocktails at Vue on 30a. With these cocktails comes a bit of history, as well as some nostalgia. Some recipes are from prohibition era, while others are new and took some tinkering, some are a combination of the two. Craft cocktails call for some unorthodox techniques, as well as ingredients. It’s not every day you see a bartender use a blow torch to make a drink, or squeeze orange peel oil through DID YOU KNOW? To propagate rosemary by cuttings, cut six inches in May or June and set twothirds of the length in the soil, in a moist and shady location. Move to their final growing location once established. Division of rosemary can be done in spring or autumn. a flame and create a “puff” of fire over a drink (called flaming the peel). These are just some of the techniques used in craft mixology that add complexity and depth to a cocktail’s flavor profile. What surprised me is that these techniques have been around for a while, but have been somewhat pushed aside for easier, quicker recipes. True to the name, craft cocktails are tailored for quality over quantity, as they are meant to be sipped and savored. I would like to introduce one of my favorites this season, the Rosemary Antoinette. This recipe calls for the blow torch, which is used on a fresh sprig of rosemary covered with the glass after its nice and smoking. by Shawn Biesel Manager, Vue on 30a Then premium Hendrick’s gin, house citrus, agave nectar with sliced cucumber and rosemary is shaken and strained into the smoked glass. It is then garnished with a small sprig of rosemary and thinly sliced cucumber. The Rosemary Antoinette will attack your sense of taste and smell, as it balances the sweetness from the agave with the bitter citrus and the fresh rosemary and cucumber, while smelling and tasting a bit of the smoked rosemary from the glass. In addition, the flavors of juniper berries and rose petal from the gin, will gently come through. I have yet to meet anyone who hasn’t thouroughly enjoyed this drink. Give it a shot, you won’t be disappointed. Cheers! NEW MENUS are now available at Vue. Make your reservation today. Visit LIFESTYLES 17 BE S SAFE pring is in full swing at Santa Rosa Golf & Beach Club. Here are some helpful tips to keep you safe while enjoying your club to the fullest this season. ~ Use sunscreen and reapply often. ~ Ensure you and your family understand the “Flag Warning System” to help protect you from dangerous tides, marine pests and more. ~ Stay hydrated when soaking in the rays, especially as the weather warms up. ~ Sea Turtles are native to South Walton. Nesting typically begins in May and hatching continues through October. If we are lucky, we’ll get to see them on our beach this year. Please help us keep their homes safe. BEACH WARNING FLAGS ~ Please remember, there is no glass allowed on the beach or at the pool. High Surf and/or Strong Currents The Florida Beach Flag Warning System (bottom right) is consistent throughout the state. Water Closed to Public No Swimming Allowed High Hazard Medium Hazard Moderate Surf and/or Currents Low Hazard Calm Conditions, Exercise Caution Dangerous Marine Life 18 LIFESTYLES 1 2 Golf Maintenance News by Kelly Barker, Superintendent Spring is definitely in the air and soil temperatures are coming up and grass is greening up. Golf maintenance has been busy prepping green side bunkers on #’s 5, 6, 11, & 12 for the Better Billy Bunkers. The Better Billy Bunker method is a process where we remove the existing liner and sand and put a two inch layer of pea gravel in the bunker. That pea gravel is then sprayed with a polymer adhesive that binds the pea gravel together and then a new layer of sand is installed on the pea gravel layer. Feel free to visit the Better Billy Bunker website at for more information. We also finished our chipco choice and application for the control of mole crickets in addition to our pine straw installation. The resurfacing of the upper fairway on #11 has been completed. The resurfacing became necessary to remove unwanted common Bermuda that is prevalent in that fairway. Trey Woods, our first assistant has recently taken an assistant superintendent position back in his home state of Georgia. Trey has been a great asset to our department and the entire club. We wish Trey and his wife nothing but the best in their future endeavors. 1. Photo Info: #11 Fairway 2. Photo Info: New pine straw installation 3. Photo Info: New Bunker designed with the Billy Bunker system. 3 LIFESTYLES nspires 19 A Club that I One of the primary focuses of membership and marketing is to encourage new members to join the Santa Rosa Golf & Beach Club. Our new brand messaging made its first appearance during this season’s invitation to new members. The Spring Membership Drive offers special incentives to new members, as well as to current members wishing to upgrade to Equity status. FInd out more about the Spring Membership Drive by visiting The word inspire was derived from the Middle English word inspiren between 1300 and 1350. Its roots come from the Latin, inspīrāre, which means “to breathe upon or into.” A favorite mentor of mine once said that to bring a brand to life, it needs to be a living and breathing part of the culture. If a company can accomplish this, then they have a great brand and a fun story to tell. After spending right at a year with Santa Rosa Golf & Beach Club, it has been exciting to see what motivates and excites both the membership and its employees. Even more, how this enthusiasm could be connected to each area of the club that offers a unique experience: Membership, Golf, Dining and Weddings & Events. Through collaboration and feedback, the word “Inspired” has been able to describe so much of what makes Santa Rosa Golf & Beach Club so special. As a kickoff to the first quarter in 2015, we are pleased to share with you a preview of Santa Rosa Golf & Beach Club’s fresh brand messaging that you will begin to see in current and future marketing efforts for the club – consistency while distinguishing between messages. I would love to invite all of you to tell us what it is that inspires you about Santa Rosa Golf & Beach Club – golfing, beach, friends or maybe a great glass of wine? Help us spread the word and tell your story about what a great club, brand and culture Santa Rosa Golf & Beach Club offers. Share with us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram! Sarah Brazwell Membership & Marketing Director Continued on page 20 Continued from page 19 20 LIFESTYLES 1 Inspired Greatness 2. Photo info : “Inspired Love” made its debut in January and February editions of “Tallahassee Magazine,” “Destin Magazine,” and the “Walton Sun.” 3. Photo info : “Inspired Greatness” describes our love for the course and our continued dedication to perfecting our game. 4. Photo info : Tagged with “Inspired Tradition,” the spring membership drvie began in March will an 8”x5” postcard mail campaign. Sent to 1800 residents in Santa Rosa Beach, we focused on new homeowners along 30a. 2 “Laughter, smiles, family, friends, babbling of babies, sunrises, sunsets, and a delicious meal paired with a nice glass of wine – all of these things and more is what inspires me and so many of our brides who fall in love with Vue on 30a.” – Cherryl Marcey, Weddings & Special Event Manager 3 “Sunsets, laughs, loving families and creating dishes that people love these things combined, inspire me to strive for perfection.” – Giovanni Filippone, Executive Chef, Vue on 30a 1. Photo info : The photo featured in this “30A Review” advertisement certainly inspires perfection. “The uniqueness of the golf course…rolling terrain, front nine-the feeling of a seaside/links golf course. The back nine has a parkland feel with the sense of being in nature. You are able to play a course that is not surrounded by homes, buildings or the outside world. The unique challenges of the course will leave a player wanting more and feeling like they can conquer the course – yet knowing they need to improve both their mental and physical game to compete against the course.” – Carter Murchison, Director of Golf “People – members, guests and staff. Seeing people being truly happy. Connecting with old friends, family and loved ones on the course, around the dinner table or on the terrace railing overlooking the gulf with a backdrop of the Florida sky.” – Shawn Biesel, Vue on 30a Restaurant Manager 4 LIFESTYLES 21 KELLY BARKER CHOSEN TO SPEAK AT EDUCATION CONFERENCE AND WORLD’S LARGEST GOLF COURSE MANAGEMENT TRADE SHOW Kelly Barker, Santa Rosa’s golf course superintendent was chosen to speak at the 2015 Golf Industry Show, hosting more than 12,400 attendees on Feb. 21-26, in San Antonio. Kelly represented the Green Start Academy and the Plant Health Academy at this prestigious event. With topics from career development to budgeting to labor management, the Green Start Academy provides knowledge and tips essential to professional growth. Barker is one of 50 assistants who represent our region for the Green Start Academy, a program designed to help assistant superintendents build a strong foundation for their careers, as well as to support the future of golf courses and the entire industry. In addition, Barker is one of 12 superintendents who represent our region for the Plant Health Academy which is designed to provide golf course superintendents with opportunities to learn more about innovative plant health research and practices for the benefit of their facilities, individual careers and the industry. Presented by the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA) and the National Golf Course Owners Association (NGCOA), the Golf Industry Show includes the GCSAA Golf Championships, education conferences and an innovative trade show that features unparalleled networking opportunities and hands-on access to golf course and facility management solutions for professional members of the golf industry. Attendees included golf course superintendents, owners, builders, architects, equipment managers, appraisers, developers, green chairmen, golf professionals and others in the golf course industry. Congratulations to Kelly for being selected to represent Santa Rosa Golf & Beach Club at this industry event. Only twelve superintendents from around the US were selected for the unique opportunity to attend Plant Health Academy where they will collaborate with industry experts and expand their knowledge on key industry plant health issues and trends. 22 LIFESTYLES april APRIL-JUNE MUSIC LINEUP DREW TILLMAN MICHAEL J. THOMAS MAX MCCANN HOPE CASSITY MICHAEL J. THOMAS NIC TURNER DANNICA LOWERY TBA MAX MCCANN TBD REED WADDLE MICHAEL J. THOMAS TBD NIC TURNER TBD JACOB MOHR MICHAEL J. THOMAS june 2 4 9 11 14 16 18 23 25 28 2 5 9 16 19 23 30 may 3 7 10 14 17 21 28 31 MICHAEL J. THOMAS MAX MCCANN MICHAEL J. THOMAS KYLE LAMONICA MICHAEL J. THOMAS HOPE CASSITY DANNICA LOWERY MICHAEL J. THOMAS Michael J. Thomas plays Sunday Brunch at Vue on 30a throughout the spring. upcoming events May 10th Mother’s Day Brunch Menu and details to follow May 13th Wiley Women Cooking Demo with Chef Gio More details to follow June 14th Live Music, Buffet, Bonfire More details to follow Charlie McQuagge Rickey Goodrich Bill Crane Jimmy Clark Lt. Col. Carlton M. Lowery shown in his front yard donating more than 900 golf balls to the South Walton High School Golf Team. Carlton and his wife, Loretta collected the golf balls over a span of nearly 20 years from around his home located just off the 8th green on Santa Rosa’s Golf Course. SOCIAL LIFE Try Out Day for Emerald Coast Middle School Jim & Kathy Shepherd STYLE Claire Ann Burke , aka “The Mermaid” The Golf Club 334 Golf Club Drive Santa Rosa Beach, Florida 32459 850.267.2229 The Beach Club 4801 Highway 30a West Santa Rosa Beach, Florida 32459 850.267.2305 Vue on 30a 4801 Highway 30a West Santa Rosa Beach, Florida 32459 850.267.2305 Copyright © 2015. Santa Rosa Golf & Beach Club. All Rights Reserved.
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