Chili Sponsor F - Santa Rosa Kids House

Chili Cook-Off
March 28, 2015
Noon start, Tasting at 3
Sponsorships Available:
$500 Signature Sponsor
 Logo on all materials after
date of commitment
Team Entry
Recognition in PSAs
proceeding and following
the event
Recognition at event
Placement of Banner behind
awards presentation
platform (banner to be
provided by sponsor)
Listed at sponsor level in
SRKH annual report
$250 Gold Sponsor
 Team Entry
 Banner (provided by
Mail payment to:
Pay on our website through
Santa Rosa Kids’ House
OR PayPal at:
5643 Stewart Street
Child Abuse Prevention
Sponsor hung at event)
 Recognition at event
 Listed at sponsor level in
SRKH annual report
$150 Silver
 Team Entry
 Recognition at event
 Listed at sponsor level in
SRKH annual report
$100 Bronze
 Team Entry
 Recognition at event
$50 Team Entry- 3 Member Team
All donations appreciated
For more information call
Ed Carson at 850-393-1394