BLACKFEET - ENGLISH VOCABULARY A A yes, ah, ahal (sometimes slightly nasalized) naahsa = my g. etc. AAHSA :::: grandfather, grandmother, mother- or father-in-law, uncle; the Queen, King (naahsa & naahsi voc.); maahsa :::: someone's g. etc. Naahsinana & Kaahsanun :::: the Government, President; Itaahsopi Washington, D.C. AApANI (-APAN-) in. = blood; -APANASI- = to turn into blood. AAZISTAwa :::: rabbit; nitaazistam = my rabbit; Rabbit Dance. 6mahkaazistawa = jackrabbit, Aazistaipaskani = the AHK- = home, to home, at home; nitaiAHKAII (aiAHKAIIw) = to go home; nitAHKAPIAw nitAHKAPOHTOhp = to take home; nitAHKIAUPI (AHKIAUPlw) to stay home AHKI- to sail, paddle, navigate, go boating: nitaiAHKlohsi (refl.), , nitaiAHKihp; ahki6hsazis in. = boat, canoe; iszi-ahki6hsazis = steamer; 6mahk-ahkiohsazis :::: ship; ihtaiahkiohsope in. = oar, paddle; Aiahkiohsi = Fort Peck AHKIZIMII: aiAHKIZIMIIw' = it's blowing a blizzard. AHKUINlMA- = pipe (for smoking); ohkuinimani in. = pipe; nitahkuinimani = my pipe AHPIZI ::: to be sad, lonesome, melancholy: nitaw AHPIZI; =good; nitAHSI (AHSSIw' an., AHSlw' in.) = to be good, well, healthy; ahssix an. pl., ahsisz in pl., nitaiAHSI (aiAHSIw') to like; nitaiAHSITAKI, nitaiAHSIMMAw, ahsiawacol.; ozizkahsi = better; nitaiAHSIZIhp = to like, esteem, think good (of), be glad, be pleased (with); nitsauAHSITAKI etc. to be sorry, displeased etc.; numohtahsitaki = thank you, you're welcome, I'm pleased about it; Sahsi = Sarsi (Athabascan allies); AHSAP- = kind-hearted, charitable, compassionate; nitAHSAPSI (AHSApSIw), nitAHSAPSATAw, __________________ ahsapsini = charity, kindness; nitAHSAPISTOTOAw etc. = to take good care of. AHS- AHSA =what? AHWApAlA nitaw AHPIZIMMAw = I make himlher sad. :=; what for? why? (especially with -MOHT-); ahsaz = what is it?; ahsahta =why? handsome; nitAHWAPSI (AHWApSlw' an., AHW APlw' in.):::: to be handsome al as ! AIAwa = someone, a certain one, so-and-so; aiahk an., aiihk in. who, which AIAKI = to hit, strike, smash: nitawAIAKI, nilliwAIAIAw, nitawAIAKIhp Page 137 ~b~__- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " " " · " " ¢ AIAZTA (-AIZTA) AIIK = to herd, shepherd: , nitawAIAZTAw, = striped, spotted, dappled awaiazta-wa imahkihkina = a shepherd Aiik-ski (as with shade), shady; Cypress Hills (striped earth), in Sask. & Alberta Shady Face p.m.; Aiixkimiko = AIKISTAN = rodeo, horse-breaking AIMIszis = grease -AIPISZI = always, frequently (a frequentative suffix attached to roots like ASAINI, , INI, IZKA, KAM, PUYI, SAIZYI, SIMI, NINIHKI, KAHT) = to approach: AISTO nit(awAISTO; aist6hzi near, nearby AISXINO- = to remember, learn v. SXINO-, NANO-. AISXINEMAZ- = to teach: nitAISXINEMAzTAKI, nitAISXINEMAZAw, itaisxinemaztakiopi & itaisxinemaz6zpi = school aisxinemaztaki-wa = teacher aisxinemaza-wa = student (passive) aisxinemazixin =lesson SAWAZXINO- =to forget; ,nitaiSAWAZXINOAw, nitaiSAWAZXINIhp. AIXINI-wa = pig; v. XINI; aixiny6saki aixistomatomahka-wa AKA bacon = automobile; v. XIST-, OMATO, OMAHKA. to rope, snare, lasso: nitOK', nitOKATAw, Napiw' okazis a rainbow; akat imp. ; akazis in. = a rope, snare, lasso; nitokazis akaitapi :::; crowd; akaitapisko =town; AKAI-, AKAW- (AK-) = many, much; akaiimi an., akoi in.; :::; Bloods; Akainakoan =a Blood man (but v. KAI.) AKAI- old, already, past v. Lesson VII. AKAIIKOMAHSUm an. AKANA- = to hurt, harm injure: AKAP- often AKA WZAP- = rich, wealthy: = my r. etc .. Akaina = is growing old. ,nitAKANAw, nitAKANlhp. nitAKA WZApSI (AKAWZAPSlw') = to be rich; akawzapsiwa a rich person. AKIwa = woman, lady; 6taxesina col.; nitakim my sister, 6takfm = his sister; 6mahkaki & kipitaki old woman (kipitaki also = moon); nitauaki-wa rooster, hen ("lonely lady"); aipikaki = virgin; auxpiaki = bat ("sticky lady") Natoaki-nietahtai or -omahxikimi:::; St. Mary River or Lake akikoan = girl AKIMA- = to chase, hunt: AKOKAMAP- nitawAKIMA, nitawAKIMATAw, =important, difficult akoxkfna, akoxkaina:::; chief AKOMI- (AKOMMI-) = to love, be in love: nitAKOMfTAKl, nitAKOMIMMAw, nitAKOMIZlhp; SAKAKlMA (SAKAKIMMA-) :::; to love, esteem v. SAKAKIMA. Page 138 AKOXKINA v. AKOKAMAPAKUZIAMA- to boil, fizz, effervesce: awKUZlw'; aisakuzi :::: beer, pop, coca cola v. SAKUZI to smell; nitawAMI, nitawAMATAw, nitawAMATOhp; -IMI an., IMI in. = to stink, give off an odor; pahximow = it smells bad; ikaxim6w = it smells good, sipazim6i in. = sweetgrass (for incense); nitoaimow it smells the same; ikfzfim6w == it smells very sweet; izim6mahkihkinaw = goat; kakizimo = peppermint (a preservative and preventive of insect bites), -ZEMI == to perfume: , nitaZEMIAw,: nitaiZEMlohsi refl.; ihtaizimi6hsopi in. = a perfume; AMATOSIMA = to make incense; anatosimani in. incense AMAP- = always AMAUPI to be quiet or silent, behave (well), leave alone: nitawMAUPI, nitawMAUPATAw, AMI = to be the one: nitAMI & nitAM'; (ni) matamihpa = not I!; matamiwa (z) that's not the reason why. AMI- (NAMI-) = up, upstream amihkoi = a hill, uphill -AMIAUPI = to mount: nitAMIAUPI (notas) v. UPI. -AMIAWANI:::: to fly up v. AWA. amipuk = air; (n) amipokaw (-kai) in., pI. -kaisz:::: clear sky AMISKAPI south v. -KAPI: nitAMISKApo = I go south; amiskap6hzi :::: the south; awTAMISKAPlw = he rises (of the sun); Amiskapiapikoan American (a Canadian term) AMISO to go up, climb: nitawAMISO (awAMISOw); itawamisawopi in. = stair(way) (AMISO is used for "cross over" a pass, with OZIT- .... v. IT-) amftohzi up the river, west, up, upstream; AMITO to go upstream Amizokimi Pacific Ocean; Amimikapi Pikani = South Piegans; awamiskapata = zipper. -AMISZI- == to float away: aiAMISZIw = it floats away. AMO = this (here); amoi 4 p. an.; amoxi pI. an.; amoiszi pI. in.; amauk v., amoyauk V., amoye v. AMONI- = a breath or puff of wind; amonisi = otter; amoiauk = here it is (in handing something); ikliminihp & amonima in. cigarette AMOZA :::: to win, conquer, defeat; nitawMOZAKI, nitawMOZAw, . ANA = that (right there); anixi an. pl., aniszi in. pI.; 'na? =where?; 'na (4 p. 'ni =he, she, that one; ani, eni kyene = that's it, the end v. KI. anahk an., anixisk pI. :::: who rei.; anihk in., aniszisk in. pI. verbalized forms: anahkaye, anixiskaye, anihkaye, anisziskaye. ANA- as, like; which reI. clear: ANAm an., aiANAZIw in. = is clear; anakimazis in. lamp, candle ikANA- to shine, be bright; MIstakisz Ikanaziaw :::: the Shining Mountains aipANIw = it clears up (of the weather). ANA.T-, ANA.TAP- = pretty: ANAZINAm an., ANAzINAzIw in. is pretty. ANA.T-, ANAZ- =little (in amount), few; anatohzi = a little (bit); ANATOHZIMI-w an., ANATOHZlw in. a little bit, are few; itanazi less, subtract. ANAUK- = half, fraction; ANAUKlw is half. Page anaukitapi (koan) = half-blood, metis v. = is MATAPI 139 .t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - - - - - -. . .. . . - anaukotakohsin in. = half hour v. OTAK.; ANAUKATUm = it's half past the hour. nitanauxi an. = a penny v. NI-; nisitanauxi = a nickel, five cents v. NISO; kfpanauxi = a dime, ten cents v. KIPO, anauxi & omahkanauxi an. = a half-dollar, fifty cents; fnakanauxi an. = quarter of a dollar. -AN (i) =robe; fhkan (i) =a buffalo hide or robe; nizfhkan =my r., ozfhkan =his r. Pikani =Piegan; Apikani =Spotted Robe (apik- = small pox and its marks or a hide taken off season in the spring so "spotted"). ANI- = to say, tell, mind, obey: nit(aw)ANI, nit(aw)ANISTAw, nit(aw)ANISTOhp (irregular: uses intransitive stem for passive & centripetal forms) ANI, also means "to mind, obey." za kitaniko = what's your anistap-anisin =it means ...(cf. name?; anisin =word, speech, anistap- =how about (it)? v. MANIST-; Ojb. ina: a reversal?) -ANIK- = wing, feather (an element in bird terms; isisanikim = an eagle; a reversal?) = to do, make, obey, mind: = amen . ANISZI- -awanoki =feathers cf. Obj. kenu: nitawANISZI, nitawANISTOTOAw, nitawANISTOhp ani-ahkaniszis & (i)kam-anistiopi . ANITAKI ANO nizANITAKI & niziNITAKI = this (right here); anoxi an. pI., aniszi in.pI.; -anohk (a) = now; an om (a) = here =berry soup; mfniauhsini in. =berry soup AOHSIN AP- = to hurry, hasten: = around, about; v. APO; APAIZITA v. MIZIHTA; APASTAZKASI v. -STAZ-, (one of the most common affixes, frequently found in verbs of motion) APAK- = wide, broad; APAKSIw an., APAKIw in. = to be wide, broad, flat v. SIXI. APAM- = across; apamohzi (APAMOw) APANI = across, on the other side; APAMO = to go across, to cross; nitawpAMO = butterfly, moth APAPUm (aiPAPUm) APAsTO = it is lightning. = to beckon, signal, talk signs: v. NAPI nitApASTO & nitAP'STO, nitApASTAw & nitAP'STAw APAT- = behind, back, backwards, last, ago, north; APATO = to go last, be behind: nitApATO (AP ATOw); ·aQatohzi = behind omfk ap:itohsik = Once upon a time... apatohsohzi & apatohsi = north, Canada, Canadian; Apatohsitapi = Canadian; Apatohsapikoan = Canadian (white); Apatohsitapi aip:itskaiaw (aipaskaw) = there are Northern Lights, the Aurora Borealis ("the Canadian people are dancing; v. pASKA"); Apatohsi-Kakatosi = the North Star, Polaris; Apatohsi-Kaina = the North Bloods; APATOHSO = to go backwards, go back, to north: nitawAPATOHSO & nitAPATOHSO (awAPATOHSOw & ApATOHSOw). Apazi-Pikani = North apazfpistani = a braid v. Pieg,ans col.; Apatohsi Pikani = North Piegans; MAIIPI.; Apatamiszinimakoan = Chinese v. NAMIAPAzIMA- = to care for: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,nitAPAZIMMAw, _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Page 140 = flint; otoan apauki APAuKI = white; v. NAPI-. APIAPI his flint knife v. ISTOAN. nit(ai)API; -apini =eye(s); anaukapiniw is one-eyed; v. NAPI-. NApISZI = to be blind: NApISZAKI = to close the eyes: nizAPISZAKI (NApISZIw). nitAPISZI (APISZIw & NApISZIw) (Note APINI below.) = to see: APIHTA- = to sell, give away: nitAPIHTAKI, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , nitAPIHTOhp; v. -HTA =scabby, spotted; APIXI =to have small pox: APIKAPINI- = eye(s); v. API, NAPI-. nitAPIXI: also refers to measles. ozkapini = blue eyes, eye glasses. (Note API above.) APINAKO = morning, it is morning (APINAKOw); v. NAPI-. apimikosi in the morning, tomorrow matapinakoi == the next morning; apinakoi-siszi-w =junco, subj.; ahs-apinako =good morning! snowbird APIS = rope; nftopim (i) = my rope. APISIw = coyote, wolf APISTO = to make, create, fix, arrange; v. -TOT-: nitAPISTOTOKI, nitAPISTOTOAw, nitAPISTOZIhp Apistot6ki-w = God, the Creator -APISTOTOMOAw = to make for him/her APISiYSKIZI-w in. flower; v. KIZI; kfnyapisziskizi-w =rose; Apisziski-akai-tapi-sko = California APIXI- = to throw, push: nit(aw)APIXfSTAKI, nit (aw)APIXISTAw, nit (aw)APIXIhp. This verb forms many compounds: e.g. ANITAPIXI- = to scatter; AWAPIXI- = to swing; AKITAPIXI- = to divide; INAPIXI to drop; INIPIXI- = to throw down; KAW AIPIXI- == to open; KIAPIXI- = to gallop; MISTAPIXI- to throwaway; NANIXKAPIXI- =to twist; OMoAIPIXI- =to gather up; OTAKAPIXI- =to turn; PAHPAPIXIto shake; SAI(YE)ZIKAPIXI- == to ring (as a bell); SAPAPIXI- =to throw into; SUYAPIXI- = to throw into the water; etc. itaisapapixistakiopi = a basket; sapapixistaxin = basketball (the game); apixkfninaw =typewriter. APO (AP-) = to come, go: nitAPO (APOw) (often with IT: nizitAPO, etc.) APOHSI =to be fat, stout: nitaw ApOHSI APOHSZIw == to be upside-down; APOKIOTO =to turn inside out: nitAPOKIOZlhp apokap- reversed; APOKAPSIw an., APOKAPIw in. to be reversed; apokapitapi-w a reversed person, a contrary. APOTAKI (APAUTAKI) APOZI- =to work: nitApOTAKI narrow, tight; APOZIw :::: it is narrow, tight; apozzinaw an. =biceps APUYINAm an., APUYINAZIw in. :::: to APUYI- brown, blond, bay; apuyfhkini =brown- or blond-haired be blond or brown-haired apuyinazi (sixikimi) = chocolate (to drink) Page 141 f 1 AS- = young, small; asetahtai creek, Browning; v. NIETAHTA asitapi-w = young person ASAINI = to weep, cry, wail, mourn, lament: nitawASAINI (awASAINIw) asainiillpizi & asaiaipoka-w = cry-baby ASAINISKOHTOMOAw = to weep for: nitawASAINISKOHTOMOAw ASKA- =to try (in compounds); AISAK-; Sahsi-sokitaki = Stonies (Sarsi trying to cut) -ASI = to become (in compounds); to cost, e.g. nisoyanasi-w = it costs 4 robes. ASH =to sneeze: nitawASII ASINAwa =Assiniboine(s), Sioux, Cree(s), Stonies «Cree assin or Obj. ossin meaning "stone, rock" in reference to the Rockies or perhaps "Stone Boilers") ASK- = too, too much, always (+ AI or AW e.g. ASKSAI- always) refuse: nitASKAKANI, nitASKAKANISTAw, v. ANI ASKAKANI = to consent, accept; neg. ASO- (SO-) = a cover, covering; asoaisz egg-shells; asotoan = knife scabbard soxisziko' in. = cloud; soapitan in. = fringes; asokaiis = trunk (a)sokasimi in., pI. -asisz = coat, dress, shirt; nisokasim = my c. etc. xfstokfsokasim = shirt; mfkskim (a) sokasim armor, coat of mail naipiszisokasim = robe (textile) v. PISZI; sikaipiszisokasim = Catholic priest, Jesuit; Mahxisokasim (i) = British (soldier or other person); Royal Canadian Mounted Police ASTA = to put (there) (usually with -IT-): nizitASTAKI, nizitASTAw, nizitASTOhp ASUYINA pour v. SUYI ASZINA (ISZINA) fszinan in. = rations, pI. -nanisz = to draw rations: nitASZIN' (ASZINAw); v. TAZIK ASZINAKI = to issue rations: nitASZINAKI ASZINA Itaihtazikaszinaupi =Wednesday Itaszinaupi = Saturday; -ATUYI (-TUYI) = tail; awatuyi-w whitetail deer; aisikotuyi-w mule deer, black-tail v. SIKO: otatuyi = red fox v. OTAHKUI-; v. AWA; awatuyistamika = buck, awatuyiskini-wa = doe AUKI = to move camp or home, change residence: nitAUKI AUKlw = all, everyone, entirely AUZI AWA- (AWAWA-) == to wag, rock, sway, move to and fro AWAHKA = to walk about; nitawAWAHKA APAWAWAHKA to travel, wander about awahsini == country; awawahsin = food v. UYI awakasi-w deer, antelope; awatuyi-w = deer v. ATUYI; awawatuyix = movies. AWAUPI = to swing, rock; awaupi = rocking chair AWANI = to fly; nitawAWANI; AMIAWANI = fly up; PIAWANI to fly far AWAPISTO- = to hand; - - - -.. . _ _ _ , nitAWAPISTAw, nitAWAPISTOhp; awapistan = cradle AWAPIXI = to wag, swing: nitawAWAPIXI v. APIXI; awAWATUYAPIXI = to wag the tail asastam an. flag; awamatzis = toy; awana an. = rattle awatohpiw xahkum = there's an earthquake. Page 142 I AWHKA ;::: to play, have fun: nitawAWHK'; Awhkas-xahkoi (at) (as a dog): nitAWHKI, nitAWHKATAw, AXI- to bend: nitawAXI-KAKI fun land; Glacier Park AWHKI I bend a leg; nitawAXI-KINISZ-AKI;::: I bend an arm axisit to bark dodge it! AXISAWO- ;::: to visit: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , nitawAXISAWATAw, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , awaxisawo;::: a visitor, guest . AYAW = whoops! AYIKlNA ;::: to speak, inspire (of a spirit speaking) my guardian spirit speaks to me. AZ- = (AUZ-) ayikfnan ;::: spirit, radio, phonograph nitayikinaw to swim, bathe: nitAUZ (AUZIm) AZA ;::: to lose: nitAZAw, nitAZTOhp; AZI to be drunk: nitawAZI AZI~ when, until. AZIMholy, sacred AZIMA;::: to invite: nitawAZIM' AZIMOIHKA- ;::: to pray, worship: nitawAZIMOIHK', nitawAZIMOIHKATAw, nitawAZIMOIHKAHTOMOAw;::: I pray for him! her; awazimoihkan (i) ;::: prayer, religion AZISTO- ;::: to persuade: , nitaw AZISTOTAw, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; v. AZISTOTO-;:::: to cheat: nitAZISTOTOKI, nitAZISTOTOAw, -TOT AzizI an., pI. azizix;::: mitten, glove, owl (which ends its call with this word) nozfzix = my mittens, my gloves AZOASKO in., pI. azoaskoisz ;::: forest AZU- =instead of, change v. APIXI AZIPUYI;::: to interpret, translate v. PUYI AzuAIZIHTA- to change the mind v. MIZIHTA Page 143 AzuAIPIXI-;::: to change, replace . .____________________________. . . . . . ...-III ~s $ H Initial H has the soft aspiration of English H but the common sound in the middle of words is guttural. HA = hal HA.IYU -HTA- O! hail! (used especially in prayers) . to cost: -HZAw an., -HTOhp in. ANAZZAw an., ANAzTOhp in. = it costs little, is cheap v. ANATAKAIHZAw an., AKAIHTOhp in. it costs a lot, is dear v. AKik-omahk-oHZAwan., ikomahkoHTOhp in. =it costs too much v. IK-, OMAHKnitsop6xfHZAw an., nitsopox iHTOhp in. = it costs one dollar v. SOPOKza-anizfHZAw an., za-aniz6HTOhp in. = what does it cost? v. ZA, APIHTA: nitAPIHTAKI, ,nitAPIHTOhp MANISTAPIHTA- = to sell, give away v. APO, -KUMATAHTA- = to borrow, (passive) to lend: nitohKUMATAHTAw an., nitohKUMATAHTOhp in., nit6hKUMATAHko-aw = I lend to himlher (passive) Page 144 I I IHZI- = to lie, recline, put, be (in a place): nitaiIHZ', nizftaiIHZAw KAIIHZIw == there is room, space. NAMAIHZIw there is room, space MAHKIZI (MAHK'ZI) to go to bed KITAIHZI =to lie on v. IKIT-; itohKITAIHZlw helshelit lies on (top of) ISTOHKIZI = to lie, lie down, recline, put: nizISTOHKIZI, nizISTOHKIZAw, nizISTOhp SPIHZI = to be on high v. SPI- SAIHZI to be outside v. SAW- aiPIIHZI to be far away v. PI IK- = very v. MIK IKAK- = low: IKAKSlw v. an., IKAKIw v. in. Ikakapikoan == Filipino, Japanese IKAKYANI advise v. ANI = to speak low, IKAM- = fast, quick, perhaps, if (eventually), oh, would that... (cf. Spanish-Arabic ojala): IKAMSIw v. an., IKAMOw v. in. ikamipuyi == to talk fast ikami-awakimiska = Swiftcurrent p.n. IKAN- (KANI-) = exactly, on the dot KANIOTO (KA.:NOTO) == to catch (with the hand), to take .exactly: nitaiKANIOTAKI, nitaiKANIOTOAw, nitaiKANIOZIhp v. MATO IKI == to whistle, blow (on a wind instrument): nitaiIKI (aiKAZIMAw) ikiazis in. == whistle, flute, wind instrument; ikaziman = whistle IKI (KAII-) to be the matter (with), want, do, care: nizIKI (KAIlw) (ni)mazIKIhp = I don't want anything, etc. kaifwa (a) = what's the matter (with himlher)? =Ahsa kaiiwa? (This expression may also imply "I don't care!", as in an old Napi story.) IKIAKI =to trap: IKIHKIHT .1 nitaiIKIAKI (incorporates objects; see L.) ikiiliazis an. = a trap =at random, randomly. IKIKA = to camp, make camp: nizIKlKA ak::fkani = a camp IKIN- (KIN-) = slow, soft, gentle, easy: IKINISIw = is slow, soft, gentle etc. ikinap- = gentle etc.: nizIKlNAPS (i) (IKINAPSIw an., IKINAPlw in.) ikinapitapi == helshe is a gentle person. IKIP- = funny, joking, falsely, quickly IKIPANI == to joke: nizIKIPANI & nitaiKIPANI, nitaiKIPANISTAw, _ _~~_ _ , v. ANI kipaniszi in a hurry: nitaiKIPANISZI (aiKIPANISZlw) = to be in a hurry ik'sap- =funny, comical: IK'SAPSlw v. an., IK'SAPIw v. in. IKIT- =grey, gray: IKIZINAm an., IKIZINAZIw in. =to be gray IKITOZKUINAm an., IKITOZKUINAZIw in. = to be blue-gray IKIT- (KIT- & ohKIT-) straddle v. UPI on top of, on, over, across, on high kit6hzi on top of OHKITUPI = to ride(on), IKIZT- = to devote, dedicate, sacrifice: _ _ _ _ _ _ ,nitaiKIZZIaw, nizfKIZTOhp ikiztaxin in. = a sacrifice; pI. -xisz Page ~e~ 145 ____________________________. ." " ' - ' - ' • \ I IKOANI ::: to play (with): nitaiIKOANI, nitaiIKOANIMMAw, _ _ _ _ _ _ , nitailKOANISTOTOAw ::: I tickle hirnlher v. TOT IKUM- ::: round, circular IM- = right, true, certain IMANI::: to be or speak right(ly), true(ly): niziMAN', nizlMANI & nitawMANI, nitawMANISTAw,: aiMANlw ::: it is true v. ANI AMANI ::: to be right, speak the truth awmanisini in. ::: truth IMA ::: to ask to marry: _ _ _ _ _ _ , nitaiMAw, _ _ _ _ __ IMAI- (IM-, OM-) ::: still, yet orphan (even dead; v. INI) mat-omai, mat-om- ::: not yet imak- even, even if; imaximi-w IMAT- = almost, nearly, about to, going to cf. OMATO Imazitomita p.m. v. IMITA IMATA ::: to imitate: _ _ _ _ _ _ , nitaiIMATAw, _ _ _ _ __ nitaiYIMI imaipizi-w & aiimaipizi-w = a laugher, monkey; aimapizi-w ::: monkey nitaiYIMSKOTOAw = I laugh at him/her (incorporating -SKOTO- for Kataiimix = Never Laughers (a band) AMSKIAKI hostility) AHSIMI == to have a good laugh = to mock (with teeth and voice): nitaiAMSKIAKI v. -SKI IMI (YIMI) IMI- = to laugh (at), smile (at), mock: = deep, steep; IMfw & IMMlw v. an., IMfIm v. in. imik6 there is deep snow v. KON IMITAw = dog, beast (-OMITA if there is a prefix) nit6mitam ::: my dog; ot6niitam = hislher dog imitaiawa & ot6mitasina col. imitaikoan = puppy, Little Dog p.n. Kanaizomita = All Crazy Dogs (a branch of the All Comrades Society) v. KAn, MAZAP- (the root IMITA is an apparent reversal of Cree atim or older root.) IMOI- hairy; IMOIYINAm looks hairy an.; ANi; imoioyiw = he has a mustache v. UYI IM- hair, fur imoian (i) = a buffalo robe v. imoi6kinyomita = a lion (African) v. IMITA, -KINI IN- = down; inis6hzi ::: down; ini6hkui = down, downhill INISO to go down, descend: nitaiINISO aiIMI to die, v. INI INAPIXI to drop, throw down: nizINAPIXISTAKI, nizINAPIXISTAw, niziNAPIXIhp INISI = to fall: niziNISI INAP- = down (stream) v. PINAP INA to seize, take, hold, arrest: niziNAKI, niziNAw, nizINIhp & nitailNIhp ainaki & fnakikoan soldier, policeman suyiinakikoan sailor, Navy man v. SUYI Ilnakix pI. = police (of the All fnakiapioyis fort v. NAPI, MOYIS INIMA::: to catch Comrades) napiinaki-w =white soldier XIPUYINA == to squeeze aiinima-w = hawk; stuyfnima-w = winter hawk INAK- = little, small (in names: KINAK-) INAXZlm v. an. (persons), INAKIMI-w v. an. (animals), INAKOHZI-w v. in., INAKIXI-w v. in. (trees), INAXIXIm v. an. (trees) inakimi (papus (i) = baby inakohzi = some, a little bit inaxix pI. ::: Small Robes (a branch of the Piegans); Inaxikoan & Inaxaki (members of the Small Robes) Kinaksisahtai = Milk River v. NIETAHTAI. ainak- = little by little INAKASI = to roll, turn over and over: nizINAKASI & nitaiINAKASI, nizINAKATAw, nizlNAKATOhp aiinakasi-w an. = wheel, wagon; isziaiinakasi-w train, locomotive v. Page 146 ISZI; UPI; INAKI = to be thirsty: INAN (in.) INANi apikaiinakasi-w = automobile v. KAII; ihtainakasix an. pI. =buggy v. MOHT ihitupi-aiinakasi-w = bicycle v. IKIT-, niziNAK' & nitaiINAKI (often with IK-: nizix-INAK') = thing, possession; pI. -isz; v. MINANATA = leg bone, femur, rainbow leg-bones shin, marrow; pI. inaisz napinan = banana (loan word); Napiw ozinan (i) = mohkinan = leg calf; nohkinan my calf fnikfnani in. = grease of bones, soup of INAS- (+ reciprocal sign -ZI-) = peace, to make peace (with): nizINASZ', nizINASZIMMAw, imlszin = peace, INAsz'-w = there is peace (mutual). niziNASZlhpinan we make peace together (excl.). INI =to die: nitaiINI v. INakaiINlw = he/she is (already) dead. axfniw xiszikumatosi (kokumikisum) = there will be an eclipse of the sun (moon). infstum in. = dead body, corpse; inita-wa = victim INITA to kill: nizINIKI, nizINITAw & nitaiINITAw, infki-w = a killer; imaxini-wa =orphan (almost dead) Itaiiniki6pi =Friday; Itaihtazikyeniki6pi =Tuesday v. TAZIK inik- = angry v. MINIXI SAIfNlKI = to kill an outsider OYINIKI = to murder INOTA = to butcher, flay akfniman in. =grave, tomb; pI. -manisz INIwa (EINIwa) = buffalo sing. & col.; iniskim =buffalo stone, fossil, ammonite calf; ini6tokis = buffalo hide v. POK, OTOKI infpoka-w = buffalo INIPIZI = to be or feel cold, freeze: nizINfPIZI INO- = long: INOSIm v. an., INOfw v. in.; ino- = forever, finally, (not) anymore inohxfsi = elephant v. XISI; inapino (wa) = candy v. MINI, NAPI in6hsuyi an. = spoon v. ATUYI; inaxfnohsuyi in6istoan = sword, U.S. American v. ISTOAN Omahxistoaapikoan = teaspoon, lynx v. INAK American (white) INSIMA to plant: nizINSfM(a) insiman (i) in. = a plant, seed insfmapikoan = farmer (white) napayeninsiman in. = wheat; poksfnimo = wild rhubarb; matuyfnsimani = oat ihtaiinsimahpi = a farm, garden IPI = to enter: nit:iiIPI (aiIPlm) ipi- (ipist-, ip'st-, sips-, itsips- in. into (i)pist6hzi = in, inside (adv., preposition & postposition) v. ISTIP'STOXKASI = to run into v. KASI IPISZKAPA = to pull into v. IXKAPA IPISZIPI = to bring into v. IPI below. IP'STAIHZI = to lie or be inside v. IHZI IP'STAPIXI =to throw into v. APIXI IP'STAWANI =to fly into v.AWA IsiptOmahxikimi Waterton Lakes -IPI- = to bring (often in combination, especially with APO and OTO; forms causative-derivatives): _ _ _ _ _ _ , nit:iwzIPIAw, nitawzIPOHTOhp AMfpI =to bring up v. AMI APAMIPI =to bring across v. APAMAPIPI = to bring or take (a person or thing, escort (incorporates -IT-): _ _ _ _ __ , nizitAPIPIAw, nizitAPIPOTOHP INIPI = to bring down v. INIPISZIPI = to bring into v. IPI above MISTAPI to take away v. MISTPUHSAPIPI to bring here: nit:iiPUHSAPIPIAw & niziPUHSAPIPIAw, nit:iiPUHSAPIPOTOhp v. POHSPage 147 s IPISOAHS v. NIPUYI IS- = ahead, in front ISA =to rub, wipe, erase: =ahead, in front (of), in future ISAPIXI to throw ahead v. APIXI nitaiISAKI, nitaiISAw, nitaiISlhp (the ai sounds like a.) IS INA =to erase, rub out, wipe away, wash, pardon, forgive: nitaiISINAKI, nitaiISINOMOAw, nitaiISINlhp ISAZINYA (ISAZINA) = to rub, scrape: nitaiISAZINYAKI etc. asazfnya (asazffia) = violin (with a sign of fiddling) ISISZ- to wash: nitaiISIZTAKI, nitaiISISZIMMAw, nitaiISISZTOhp aiISISKI6hsi = to wash the face (refl) v. -SKI aisfskiohsazis =soap; ihtaisiskiohsopi in. =towel ISAlKAWAZI =to wash the feet v. KA ISZIMI =to wash hands v. MI - ISIHKINI =to wash hair v. KINI ISAZA = to plane, to do carpentry: nitaiISAZAKI, nitaiISAZAw, nitaiISAZlhp aisazaki-w = a carpenter;ihtaisazaki6pi an. =a plane (tool). ISAPOwa lSI fsohzi Isap6aikoan = a Crow man ISINAZlw v. =there is frost. Crow Indian(s); = frost; isfmoku frost; ISINI = to break: nitaiISINI, nitaiISINAw, nitaiISINlhp Crowfoot isfnihp = it's broken (passive). kettle, bucket: nohk = my k., ohk = hislher k. ISKa an. ISKANAPI ISO Isap6-0mahxika p.n. := to be risky. = to feed, give to eat: nitaiISAKI, nitaiISOAw & niziSOAw,_ _ _ _ __ something to eat! v. KIP kfpis6kit = give me ISOK- (SOK-) = loud, heavy: ISOKOw v. in.; ISOXIm an. (persons); ISOKIMlw v. an. (animals) SOKINAKI = to doctor: nitaiSOKINAKI, nitaiSOKINAw, v. NINIHKI aisokinaki-w = a itaisokinaki6pi = hospital (i)sokamisakazis in. := ladder, steps, doctor; aisokinakiaki = nurse SOKANI = to say out loud v. ANI SOKAHKIAKI = to stairs sohxfsimistaw = meadowlark weigh: nitaiSOKAHKIAKI, nitaiSOKAHKIAw, nitaiSOKAHKIhp ihtaisokahkiakiopi an. = scales IST- (ISZI-) = in. into (the forest etc.), forest v. SZISO ISTAHKAPI =to crawl in, into, set (of sun) v. KAPI ISTAMA :::: to show (to): _ _ _ _ _ _ , nitaiISTAMAZAw, _ _ _ _ __ ISTAWASI to grow (of plants, animals, persons): nitaiISTAWASI ISTAWATOMO =to rear, raise ifstoi- = whiskers, mustache; Ifstoifkoan =Omaha Indian POHKISTOI =to shave mfstoan in. =beard; pI. -6aisz; nizistoan my b. fstahziman an. & in. = antler ISTOAN an. (loses IS-); pI. istoaix ISTOHK- =thin: =knife; notoan = my k., otoan :; ;:; hislher k. v. INO ISTOHKSIw v. an., ISTOHKlw v. in.; istohkaipiszi :::: piece of cloth v. PISZI ISTOKAO'SI = to be in a quandry. ISXI- = to urinate Page 148 ISXISI =to stick, pierce, vaccinate, inoculate: nizISXISI, nizIXSAw, awl ixisiki = beargrass xisfis an. = thorn, pI. xisfix; Iszi fire, coals, comet, meteor, aiISZlw = it hurts; ISZIw it hurts, burns, aches iszfpoko-w it's bitter; iszixfpoko-w = salt v. POKO iszfmazis = a match isziainakasi = train v. INAKASI Omahxiszf-kakat6si = Mars iszfxfpoko-ohkf = ocean, sea ISZISTUMI == to be in ISZITAKI = to be angry: nizISZITAKI; aiISZIMIMMA = to hate: pain: nizISZISTUMI v. STO _ _ _ _ _ _ . nitaiISZIMIMMAw, ; (I) SZIPISA = to whip: ISZINITA = to cut nizISZfNITAKI, nitaiSZIPISAw, iszipisimazis in. =a whip; mahkiszi-wa & makskizi(?) in. = ashes; pI. makskizisz v. MAHKnizISZfNITAw, nizISZfNlhp v. INl; Iszi moxfs an. = awl, pI. moxfx; noxfs = my xisfsko thornbush v. -SKO to listen: niuiiISZI Iszikuyetahtai iszfkihkini = bald, a bald person; fast, swift, slick: ISZIKIw v. in.; SASKATCHEWAN River v.; NIETAHTA Iszixfka = Swift Foot Society v. KA; iszikfzikin shoe v. MAZI; spiszikfzikin = boot v. SPI-; ISZIKKUNISZI = to sled, a sled: niziISZIKUNISZI; ISKAZI = to run a race: nizIKAIISKAZI ISZIKIKAKI = to slip: nizISZIKIKAKI v. KA; ISZIK- = shoulder: ISZIKA iszimani in. mozikfs = (someone's) shoulder; nozikfs = my shoulder = parfleche ISZIPOHTO = to commit ....~ •• ISZUMOKI H'-'LJ • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ =to put on or wear a hat ,nizISZIPOHTOAw, __.. . . _ _ __ nitaiISZUMOKI & nizfSZUMOKI iszumokan = hat, cap; nizumokan my hat, cap IT- (IST- in subj. & imp.) = there, here, then, where; (clause); anawozit-... -hpi = when (clause); itap- = toward; ozit- = where; ozit... -opi where ozat- = near, close by; ozatohzi = near, close by ITA- == to cut (often incorporated into verbs referring to a cutting process) v. INI, NAMI etc. ITAM- (ITAMI-) = happy, glad: niziTAMITAKI I am happy. itamap- = happy, funny; itamixisziko = fine weather IUMOKIXIN = crooked: =to touch: iXISAKO in. ouzel; IUMOXIw v.; IUMOXIXIm v. (of wooden things) v. SIXI nitaiIXINohsi refl. I touch myself, skin myself, make the sign of the cross cf. XISKAKI = meat; pI. fxisakoisz; nitoxisakom & nizixisakom = my meat; apozkinawxisak6 beef; aixiny6saki = bacon v. aiXINI ixisakum meat, water MISTAPIXKAPA = to pull off, MOKAMOZKAPA = to straighten out v. MOKAM-; SAIPSKAPA = to , nitaiSAIPSKAPATAw, nitaiSAIPSKAPATOhp IXKAPA = to pull: nitliiIXKAP', nitaiIXKAPATAw, nitaiIXKAPATOhp; away v. MIST-, APIXI; stretch: paxikuyi = grizzly bear v. UYI; = syrup, molasses v. NAPI, MINI IXPIKA = sticky: IXPlKAw v. awxpi-aki = bat v. AKI; axpiapinyan .6____________________________............-11 Page 149 -IXT- in a row v. OXTA IXT- = slender, skinny, thin: Ixzfw v. ;ixuip=string; pI. ixtapokuisz IZI =to be well, healthy, ripe: IZINAKI her. = to sew: slender: IXTApIw = he/she is a slender person.; nizfZI (fZIw); IZIw =it is ripe. v. MAZI nit:iiIZINAKI,_ _ _ _ _ _ ,nitaiIZINIhp; IZINI- (IZIN-) = all, entirely, among; IZINIKA akaiIZfNIHKAw = it is all gone. ixtapoko in. nitaiIZINOMOAw = I sew it for him! = to use up, to end, to be used up, gone (also IZINIHKA); = to narrate, report, tell a story, count coup, tell news (to): nitaiIZINIKI, nitaiIZINIKOAw, . (Cf. Obj. izinika-.); nitaiIZINIKohsi refl = to read (with an object such as spixinaxin); izinikisinaxin = newspaper; nizinikisinaxin my n. v. SINA; azinfksini & iziniksini azinikisinaxi (n) =a story book, (izfnixini) in. story, news, telling a story or news; pI. fksisz (-ixisz); novel; ihtaiiziniki6pi in. =telegram, telegraph IZINIKI IZITA = to overtake, catch up with: _ _ _ _ __ iziwan ,_ _ _ _ _ _ cf. IZK- below. a gambling wheel; niziwan = my g. w.; oziwan = his/her g.w.; izfwansin an. = a wheel IzixISTAP- = slow: IzfxISTAPSIw v. an., IzfxISTAPIw v. in. IZIXisZlw it is wet, it drizzles.; rain v.OMATO IZITAw = it drizzles, rains a little; omatapIZITAw = it's starting to IZK- = past, beyond v. IT-, SKO & cf. IZITA above.; IZKA to fight: nitailZK', nitaiIZKAM(M)Aw, ______________ ; aizkani & fzkani in. = a fight; ailZKAPIZIw he/she is always fighting, is an habitual scrapper v. -AIPIZI; Nitaizkaix = Lone Fighters (a band of Piegans and Bloods); APSKA == to bet (with) nitAPSKA (APSKAw), nitAPSKATOAw, v. APO; apskani in. = a bet IZKO = to overtake, pass (by): nizfZKO (izIZKOw), ozizk- = past, beyond: ozizk-ahsi == better v. nitOZfZKATAw & nizIZKATAw, AHS; OZIZKATOw & awZISKATOw = it is (half) past the hour v. OTO; (ozizk-, izizk-, awzizk- = more; used to form the comparative of adjectives); isk6ht = last, behind; e.g. amo' isk6t nat6si = this last month IZZ- == rough: IszzfzIw v.; IZZIw Izz6yix Rough Mouths (a branch of the Bloods) v. UYI =there is, there are, to be, exist, belong (alternate forms Iszfw & aiSZIw); mazIZZlhp (a) there is none, nothing, zero v. MAT-; IST6zIw =it belongs.; IT6ZZI =together with, side by side; lZ1st = side, on each side; IT6ZZIwa = it fits, matches; 6mahkOZZIwa = it is too big. v. OMAHK; inakOZZIwa it is too small. v. INAK- Page 150 I K -KA (-KAZI) =foot, feet; mohkcizis in. =(someone's) foot, leg; pI. -z; nohkazis =my foot, leg; ohkazis hislher foot, leg; SIKA to kick: nitaiSIKAKI; maxikazi = duck v. MAHK-; Sfxika, Sfxikaw, Sfxikai Omahxika Russian v. OMAHK; mohkami Blackfoot col. v. SIK- Sixikaikoan a Blackfoot man; = great blue heron; sfkami-w crane, scout ("long legs"); -okazi = fOQt (as a measure); -S'XKA to measure v. SIK-; ESZIKA (aiSZIKA) to be lame: nitESZIKA v. ISZI; IMOKIKA to zikazf = grasshopper skate; ISKAZI to race v. ISZIK-; -KA (particle for verbs meaning "to make" etc.) -KAHP- =to swell; kahpskfniaw =hislher head is swollen.; nizfKAHPEKAHK = I have a swollen foot. KAHT- = to play (games), gamble: nitaiKAHZI; kahzazis in. = a playing card; aikahzi-wa = gambler, p.m.; kahzaipizi-w = gambler v. -AIlZI; aipixikahziaw = they are playing the stick-game v. PIXI; kihkiht- (-ihkiht-) = sporadically, now and then, here and there KAHTOMI =to go to war; llikahtomi-wa =a warrior; kahtomfna-w col. = enemy; kaht6misini in. == war -KAI hard (not soft): IKAlw war-chief v. NINA; kahtom6' an. is hard. KAI = dried blood; kaiis (kaiyis) in. dried meat, p.m. of a person and of a Piegan "clan"; Kaiyis-isahta Musselshell River; Kaina col. =Blood Indians; Apatohsi-Kaina =North Bloods -KAII in. = back (of the body), quill; pI. kaifsz; KAII & KAIYI =gull (2 separate roots?); kaiiskahp = porcupine; apikaiinakasi = automobile v. INAKASI; Kaiispa col. = Sioux, Grass ' apikaii = skunk v. NAPI; Dancers; pI. Klliispaix; suyikaii = mink; isikaukaiyi = lark; ikaiisi-w tree squirrel; fmahkaii = swan; xik6mahkaii =white swan Cf. Virgo kaiaku =gull & Obj. kaikaik == hawk; misziazikaii & ikasi = chipmunk; imahkaii = swan v. KAK- == just, only; kakat6si-wa an. = star ("just a sun, just a holy one") KAKI- == to chop (as wood), to bat, hit (as in baseball): nitaiKAKIAKI, nitaiKAKIAw, nitaiKAKlhp (also kaxakin an. =ax; pI. kaxakix; nitohkaxilinim = nizfKAKIAKI etc.); kakahsin =larb kinnikinnik; my ax; inakohkaxakin = hatchet; iht::iikakiakiopi ax; KAHXISTS'STA = to saw: nitaiKAHXISZTAKI, nitaiKAHXISZIMMAw, nitaiKAHKXISZTOhp ihtaikahxisztakiopi = a saw v. STA, SIXTA KA.KIMA to persevere, try hard, take courage: nitaiKAKIM' (The root may be IKAKIMA.); on!; mokakit ki aikakimat! (proverb; see MOKAKD kak6' = go KAKIZIMA (KAKIHZIMA) = to decide, command, judge: nitawKAKIZIM', nitawKAKIZIMATAw, awkakizinaki-w = a judge; awkakizimani law, command, commandment KAKOwa = dove, pigeon; pI. kakuix.; Kakufx (a society of the All Comrades that includes war veterans); saukyekako mourning dove, pigeon Page " b 151 • £ KAM-, KAMAN I = to beg (from): nitawKAMANI, nitawKAMANISTAw, nitawKAMANISTOhp v. ANI; nitawKAMANISTOMOAw = I beg for himlher. KAMO to rob, steal (from): , nitaiKAMOAw, _ _ _ _ _ _ ; KAMOSI: to steal: nWiiKAMOSI, nitaiKAMOSATAw, nitaiKAMOSATOhp; kamosi-wa thief, robber; bandit, raccoon; kamosiepizi-wa: habitual thief v. -AIPIZI KAMOTA to save: , nitaiKAMOZAw, _ _ _ _ _ ; nitaiKAMOT(a) :::: to be safe; kamotani :::: safety, salvation; KAMOZIPI = to save, rescue: nizfKAMOzfpIAw,_ _ _ _ _~ (aiKAMOTAw) KAN- (KANAI-, KANAW-) = all, every; kanaitapi-w = everybody v. MATAPI; KANO = to assemble, gather, convene: nitohKANOhpinan (ihKANOiaw); Ikanuhkahzi = the All Comrades Society; Kanazomita the All Crazy Dogs (a branch of the All Comrades); ihkamiiihtaihziw = is KANAWMOAWKO to hold a rodeo, round-up: _ _ _ _ __ omnipresent, is everywhere. v. IHZI; ,nitohKANAWMOAWKOAw, _ _ _ __ KANISPAI :::: Kalispell (the city; a loan word from the name of the tribe) KAP- bad(ly); kokap-, makap-, pakap- = bad(ly) v. PAHK KAPI to crawl; AISKAPI = to crawl: nitawAISKApI; ISTAHKAPI to crawl in(to), set (of the sun): nitaiISTAHKApI; NITOHXKAPI = to shine; OTAMISKAPI = to dawn; SAISKAPI = to crawl out, rise (of the sun): nitaiSAISKAPI v. SAW-; AMISKAPI = to crawl up v. AMI; amiskapohzi = south; awZISTAPSKAPIw natosi = it is afternoon.; SISAPOXISTAHKAPI = to crawl through v. SISAPOK kapimani in. cradle INIKlHKASI to be belligerent: nizINIKlHKAS v. INI; STAZKASI -KASI :::: to be proud (of), act as:; = to show off: nit<iiSTAZKASI; APASTAZKASI = to flirt: nitAPASTAZKASI v. APO; ZIIHKASI to be proud (of) -KASI = to run v. -KA; OXKASI (awXKASI) = to run; otoxkasoaisz = their runs (in baseball); MISTAPOXKASI to run away v. MIST-, APO; SKOXKASI to run back v. SKO; AWAKASI = to trot: nitAWAKASI v. AWA; awakasi-w = deer, antelope; soki-awakasi-w xiw-awakasi-w =spider; xiw-awakasiw opis = web v. XIKAI, APIS; INAKASI w. v. antelope v. SOKl; KAT- = no, never KATOTO =to heal, cure: _ _ _ _ _ , nitohKATOTOAw, nitohKATAIZIhp; katotaxini = healing, cure KATOYISa = blood-clot, a perfume, sweetgrass, p.m. of a hero who slays monsters KAW-, KA.WAIHZlw = is open v. IHZI; KAWAIPIXI = to open: nWiiKAWAIPIXI (STAKI), nitaiKAWAIPIXISTAw, nitaiKAWAIPIXIhp v. APIXI; kaiexi gap, pass, canyon KAWA: ihkawa-wan. = tribe, band, clan: nizfhkawa-w = my t. etc. ozfhkawai = hislher t. etc. Page 152 I KAWAHKO in. KAXIMI in. = sage, sagebrush (chewed for heartburn, and its tops were used to make a tea to treat colds etc.); KI- (KIT-) KI =coulee, ravine, ridge v. XAHKUM Kaximfzitapi-w Osage (Indian) sing., col. you: kist6wa = you; pI. xist6wa; xistunan = we (inclusive) v. STO and, but (often as a prefix ki, ky-); kenye (keiie), kyene = that's all, the end (of a story or speech) v. ANI KIAWKPIXA =tocheer: _ _ _ _ _ _ ,niziKIAWPIXATAw, _ _ _ __ KIHKINITA = to feel lonesome: nitaiKIHKINITAKI KIHZIPIMIw v. an. (animals), a pinto pony; Kihzfpimi-tapi s. & col. = Cheyenne Indians; Kihzipimitapikoan a Cheyenne Pita-kihzfpi (mi) p.m. v. PITA; Kihzipohkyaiyo p.n. v. KYAIYO:; Kihzfponista p.n. v. UNIKIS; 6mahxikihzipikokaup in. big striped lodge KIHZIPI =spotted, painted, dappled; KIKA = wait! hold on! pardon me (Cf. Cree kekats & Obj. gega.) KIMA = to pity: , nitaiKIMAw, kimapfsini = pity, mercy; kimatap- = poor, pitiful: KIMATApSIw v. an., KIMATApIw v. in.; KIMATOHKOI = to suffer: niziKlMATOHKOI (aiKIMATOHKOlm); KIMAZISTO to do wrong, sin, trespass, persecute, make poor: niziKIMAZISTOTAw, _ _ _ _ __ ; ihkfmi-w =a married man; aiakohkimi-w = bridegroom; kataw(h)kimf-w = bachelor; nitohkiman my wife; otohkiman = his wife nitokawhkfman =my first wife; okawhkfman =his first wife; nitomatohkfman =my second wife; omatohkiman = his second wife v. MAT-; isohkfman = second or youngest wife; nit6tohkiman my daughter-in-law, sister-in-law; ot6tohkfman = his daughter-or sister-in-law; imaikimok = adulterer; pI. -mokrux; Ak6hkfrni = Morrnon(s), Cardston (Alberta) v. AK; nfpohkfmi = widower (nip- may be archaic for "dead".); nizit-ATOAPOHKlMATAw = then I marry her sacramentally. v. NATO-, -IT KiMI = to marry or have a wife: nitohKlMI (ihKlMIw), nitohKIMATAw, KIMI- =earth: ihkfrniko = earth, dirt, ground; xikihkfrniko = white earth v. XIK-; otahkfrni gold, brass v. OTAHKUI; Aiixkfmiko in. = Cypress Hills; askiman an. =steel; pI. askimanix; ihtaskimaupi an. steel; PAHKIMINA to plough v. PAHK-; SKIM = rock; mikskim = metal, iron v. MIK-; mfkskirniohk6s an. =metal cup etc.; iniskim =a buffalo-stone (a fossil); mahxikskim = copper v. MAHK-; sikskim an. =black rock v. SIK-; mikskimohk an. kettle v. ISK; nuKskirniohsiszini an. horseshoe v. SISZIN; nuKskimiazepiskan in. = wire fence v. IZZ-, PISKA; rnikskfmonokarnita = locomotive v. PONOKA, IMITA; mfkskim-as6kasim armor, coat of mail v. ASO; rniksirniohtrusinakiopi = a pen v. SINA; mistakskim an. = a piece of cut rock v. MISTAKI ihTOKIMIw = it is full (of streams). cf. OHKl; xistok6rni = warm water v. XISTO; st6kimi in. = cold water v. STUYI; inaxkirni in. = a small quantity of water v. INAK; omahxikimi lake, inakomahxikimi = pond; pI. -kimisz; omahkawmahxikimi = big aisixikirni =coffee v. SIK-; apuyinazi-sixikimi chocolate, cocoa lake; sipoazikimi =clear water; v. APUYI; itaisixikimsimawpi in. = coffee pot; nitaiSIXIKIMSIMA = I make coffee.; aisui6poxikimi in. = tea v. SUIOPOK; nitaiKIMSIMA = I make tea.; SAIKIMISKA = to leak v. SAW- -KIMI (-KOMI) in. water, liquid, fluid; Page t 153 a -KIN- ohkini in. = bone, necklace; pI. ohkiisz; nohkfn = my b.; ohkin = hislher b.; mawkaiis (-awkai) in. = breast; nomawkaiis =my breast -kinaki =leg; -kinisz (i) =arm, hand; okfnisz, mohkfniszis in. =elbow, mohkfnisaikina = (someone's) hip; 6hkokin = Bow River, Calgary; apszizikini = bare-footed; back v. OKAK-; mohkokfni (-okini) in. =neck; pI. -kokfsz; nohkokfni = my neck; Sahk6kinix =Short mohkinan an. calf of the leg v. INAN; mohkfkin (-okini) in. = Necks (a Piegan band) v. SAHK-; breast, chest; nokfkin = my b.; manawkin & man6kin = a young wolf (new breast; v. MANI), nitawMOKINISzAKI = I close my p.m.; nitaiSAWSIKINISzAKI = I stretch my arm. v. SAI-; hand. v.OMO; nitaiZIKINISZlohsi refl = I clap my hands.; samikin = collar bone; -kinist = harness v. -KINIST KINAK- = little, small v. INAK KIN! an. = rose, roseberry, tomato; pI. kinfsz; kinyapisziskizi = rose v. APISZISKIZI -KINI (ihkini) an. = head, hair, hom, top; nizkfnaw = my h.; ozkfnaw = hislher h.; mozkfnaw =someone's head, horn; apozkfna-w = cow (domestic), bull v. NAPI; nitapozkinam = my cow, bull; apozkina-sahkumapi-w = cowboy v. SAHK-; apozkinawhpomis in. = butter v. POMIS; otapozkinaiisina an. col. = cattle; Ikoz6zkina = Red Horn p.m. v. MAHK-; imahkihkfna-w = sheep, goat, bighorn v. OMAHK-; mistaxomahkihkfna-w = bighorn v. MISTAKI; ap6mahkihkfni = mountain goat, "ibex"; imahkihkfnaw apikoan & imahkihkfnaw awaiztaw = shepherd v. AIAZTA; omaifkini-w = lion; natoapihkin =a religious medal; xixihkini (pitaw) = bald eagle v. XIK-; aiZIMIHKINIKIAw = hislher hair is mussed up; -ohkinai = top-knot: MAKIHKINI = to comb: nitohkinai = my t-k., otohkinai = his/her t-k. -kimar i = top-knot; MAKOHKINI to steer nitaiAKIHKINI; makihkiniohsazis refl. in. = a comb; (K)AKOHKINIST = to put on a harness; -KINIST = harness; kinistazis in. = harness; nitai(K)AKOHKINIST; SAKOHKINA = to take off the harness: nitaiSAKOHKINA & nitaiSAKOHKlM (aiSAKOHKIMAw) -KIP- = quickly, soon, fast, accidentally; KIPANISTO ANI; kipanfszi to be in a hurry: nitaiKIPANISZI v. = in a hurry; ikip- v. IKIP KIPO (KIPPO) ten; kipi an., kipoi in.; kfpipo (kipippo) cents V. ANAUK-; kipoikfpipo = one thousand; one hundred; kfpanauxi an. Kfpa = Kipp p.m. dime, ten KISTAP(to be) ready, finished: nitaiKISTAPS & nikaiKISTAPS (the latter form is in the past tense.); kfstapsi = a ghost; KIST- (XIST-) (a past "tense") sign); XISZI = to be ready, completed finished: nitaiXISZI, , nitaiXISZISTOZIhp V. TOT ::0 KISUM = moon, sun ("sun" is an old meaning, now largely replaced by the use of natosi); moon v. KOKO kokumikisum = KITA = to bake, cook: nitaihKIT', . , nitaihKITATOhp; nitaihKITOAw = I cook for aimisziskitan (i) = fried bread ("grease himlher; kftani in. loaf of bread, cooking; pl. -anisz; bread"); pisazkftan(i) cake V. PIsAT-; sit6zkftan(i) = pie v. SfTOK-; istohkihkitan(i) itaihkftawpi in. = bread pan, oven; ihkunamaihkftan(i) = Bannock bread pancake v. ISTOHK-; Page 154 KITOKI = prairie chicken ("tough skin" v. OTOKI); 6mahxikftoki-w = turkey v. OMAHK =dry: ihK'SUYUw v. an., ihKIZlw v. in.; KIZI- dry from staring); -KIZI- akitkazapinsuyi tourist (winks as if eyes were Amlwozftawapipizkohpi in. = October (when leaves dry up) finger, toe, claw: moklzis an. (someone's) finger; pI. mokizix; thumb; inakokizis = little finger kizistamiko-kaza omahkokfzis = =raccoon. -KIZIKA = seven: ihKIZIKAM(i) an., ihKIZIKAII in. (Inanimate also means "7 times".); fhkizfka seven (for counting numerals); Ihkizfkamix the Big Dipper, Ursa Major = Ihkizfkum; ihkizfkfk6puto seventeen; ihkizfkipo =seventy; ihkizfkfkfpipo =seven hundred; mitokyohkizikai = twice seven v. NATOK-; ni6xkawhkizikai thrice seven v. NIUOXKA KIZIMA = to encouragc, persuade: , nitaiKIZIMAw, INAKIZIMA KIZIMI- -KO- =to blizzard; aiawhKIZIMIw = there's a blizzard blowing. =in. door, gate, tipi flap; KIZIMI preserve mokizim gate; =step relation: nit6hkotunna my step-daughter; nit6hkohkoa =my step-son; nit6hkoxista step-mother; nit6hkun'na = my step-father; = to use, profit by: nitohKOAIMI, nftohKOAIMAw, nftohKOAIZIhp; KOAI- koapi in. -KOAN my KoAp- = useful; a useful thing =person, man individual (a particularizing suffix); KOANI = to play (with): nitaiKOANI, nitaiKOANIMAw, _ _ _ _ __ nitaiKOANISTOTOAw = I tickle him/her v. TOT; KOIHZIMA KOKI in. = to praise: _ _ _ _ __ , nit6hKOIHZIMAw, _ _ _ _ __ =comer; kxixiw in. =comer; pI. k6xixisz; kokskf' = antelope v. -SKI; niu6xkaikokiw = it is three-cornered. v. NIUOXKA KOKO = cocoa, chocolate (loan word: < Engl. <Spanish cacao <Nahuatl cacauatl <Maya) aiKOKOw = it is night; kokusi =at night subj.; kokuyi == last night; mazfkokoi the next night v. MAT-; kokumikfsum an. = moon; kokoistatosi-w = moon v. NATO; axikoko-wa & akozikoko-wa & axfniw kokoistatosi-wa there will be an eclipse. (The first two expressions do not specify moon or sun, but the last one specifies the moon.); 6mahkaiikokuyi = all night; Page 155 KOKOwa in. t =night; pI. kokofsz; _ I KOKUTOw & aiKOKUTOw ::: it freezes; kakuit6; Sak6kutuyistaki-awahsini kokt6' (kokut6i) ::: ice; glacier = =the Land of Shining Mountains v. AWA, MISTAKI; KOMAp- ::: dreadful; komapi ::: a dreadful thing; komapsix an. pI.; komapisz in pl. KOMI- ::: to sound, yell, bellow: nitawhKOMI; 6hkomi ::: a domestic hen, chicken; aisaiyawhkomi =a domestic bull v. SAIYI; ikaiisawhkomiw::: Squirrel Yells p.n. -KOMI =fish KOMOZI- cf. -KIMI; sasakomi-w = trout; xixki6mi-w = whitefish v. XIK-; honest, sincere; komzitapi =an honest man v. MATAPI KONi an. = snow; k6nsko & kony6sko (kon6sko)::: snowdrift, snow on the ground v. -SKO (cf. Cree kona & Obj. kon.); iixmiko & imik6aie::: the snow is very deep. KONI =to put on (as on the ground): nitohKONI, _ _~_, nitohKONIhp KONITA ::: to be sorry, contrite, to repent, regret, grieve, mourn: nit6hKONfTAKI; KONO ::: to find, discover: nitohK6NIMA, nitohK6NOAw, nftohKONlhp; find for himlher nitohK6NOMOAw ::: I KOPU ::: to fear, be afraid: nitaiKOP' (aiKOPUm); KOPUINA::: to be jealous (of) (as between man and wife): nitohKOPlJINAI, (KOPUINAIw), nitohKOPUINAWATAw, -KOPUTO ::: (a suffix to indicate teens and numerals in higher decades); k6puzi an., k6putoi in. nizik6puto::: 11; nizik6puzi an., nizik6putoi (-k6putoyi); kopuzxisi (little nose) ::: kinglet etc.; in.; 6mohzizikoputohpi::: 11 th; nazikoputo = 12; nazik6puzi an., nazik6putoi in.; 6mohziszikoputohpi::: 12th; nik6puto::: 13; nik6puzi an., nik6putoi in.; 6mohzikoputohpi = 13th; nisikoputo::: 14; nisikopuzi an., nisikoputoi in.; 6mohzisikoputohpi ::: 14th.; nisizikoputo =15; nisizk6puzi an., nisizikoputoi in.; 6mohzisizikoputohpi::: 15th; naikoputo::: 16; naikopuzi an., ihkizfkikoputo::: 17; ihkizfkikopuzi an., ihkizfkikoputoi naikoputoi in.; 6mohtaikoputohpi ::: 16th; in.; 6mohtawkizikfkoputohpi::: 17th; nanisikoputo::: 18; nanisikopuzi an., ll<inisikoputoi in.; 6mohtawanisikoputohpe::: 18th; pihxikoputo::: 19; pihxikopuzi an., pihxikoputoi in.; 6mohzipihxikoputohpi ::: 19th KOSa & KOSi ::: wooden cup, tin plate an.; earthen dish, pottery in.; ::: frying pan v. SIK-; ixip6hkos an. ::: a can; awhkos(i) ::: dish; sikohk6s an. KOTA ::: to give: nftohK6TAKI, nftohKOTAw, nftohKOZIhp; ihk6tapi in. ::: gift; pI. ihk6zpisz; ::: give me!; MATSKOHKOTA::: to give back v. MAT-, SKO; kiputa-kokit::: give me something to drink! -KOTOK- ::: flat?: K6tokspi::: Flathead Indian(s) v. SPI; Page 156 kokit -KOYI = calf, colt, pup cf. MAHKUYI; saiaiKOYlw = she has (had) pups. KuAp- = smart, active: KuApSlw v. an. KUINIMA- =a pipe (for smoking): ohkuinimani in. = a pipe; miszi-ahkuiinimani in. = pipe stem; nitahkuiinimani = my pipe; nitlihkuiinimaniai nftohTOIETOhp I fill(ed) my pipe. KUKI = to be angry (with), sad, sorry: niziKUKITAKI, niziKUKIMMAw, ~. _ _ _ _ _ _ ; (also nitaiKUKITAKI. etc.), aixkaiKUKSlw =is very sorry. KUMA = to drive: nitohKUMATAKI, nftohKUMATAw, nitohKUMATOhp KUMA = to shoot (at): nftahKUMI, nitahKUMATAw, nitahKUMATOhp -KUMAT- = to forbid; -KUMATAHT- = to borrow; (passive) to lend: _ _ _ _ __ nitohKUMATAHTAw, nitohKUMATAHTOhp; -ohKUMATAHko (passive) = to lend; nitahKUMATAHkoaw = I lend to himlher v. IHTA; KUMONUI- =blue, dark blue, green: KUMONUINAm v. an.; KUMONUINAZIw v. in.; Kumonuitapi =Nez Perces; Kumonuitapfkoan =a Nez Perce (man); nitahKUMONUITAPAIPUYI =I speak Nez Perce. v. PUYI; KUPI soup, coffee (a loan word in the latter meaning Engl. Arabic); ak6pis in. make soup: nitawKOPSK' v. KA; KUTENAI col. =Kootenai(s); Kutemii-omahxikimi = Waterton Lakes; soup; KOPSKA= to nitahKUTENAIAIPUYI = I speak Kootenai. v. PUYI; KUZKI- =bright: KUZKIANISTO =to brighten: _ _ _ _ __ nitaiKUZKIANISTOZlhp v. ANI; KyAIYOwa (-KYAI-) =a bear; kyaiyo & kyaiyoh6! interjection (reversing taboo?); kyaiyosko col.; ozimiohkyaiyo-wa =brown bear; ap6hkyruyo & sfkohkyaiyo-wa = black bear; nitapohkyaiyo-wa = grizzly bear; kyaiyopoka-w = bear cub; papawhkyaiyo-wa = bear in a dream; Kyaiyesisahtai =Marias River; maniskohkyaiyo-wa = a young nltohKYAIYAIKIAKI = I trap bear(s). v.IKIA; bear; (ih)kyaiyekokaup =bear painted lodge; KYI = (common exclamation) Page 157 ~t____________- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " " · " " M MAHK- (MIK-, MEK-, MAHX-) =red; (m)ikakpip- =reddish cf. Cree mik-; Mikuzf- & Ikuzi = red (often used in personal names): e.g. Mikuzipitan, Ikuzipita, Mahxipita = Red Eagle p.m. v. PITA; Ikuzikakatosi = Red Star, Mars?; amahk- red; amahkisani =red mikotaikim(i) an. = gold v. KIMI; mikyoyokan = paint; mahxikskim =copper; western tanager; mahxikimi =blood v. -KIMI; mikanikisuyi = a MAHXINAto be red, to woodpecker; Mahkaisto = Red Crow p.m. v. MAISTO; look red: MAHXINAm an., MAHXINAZIw in.; mahkimi = red beast (e.g. cow, Mikozietahtai = Red River v. pig); ma(h)kaiipi = the "medicine hat" blizzard; NIETAHTA; MAHKIZI (MAHK'ZI) = to go to bed: nitaiAHKIZI (MAHKIZIw); MAHKUYlwa =wolf v. -KUYI-; Mahkuyi-ohsoko' in. =Milky Way, galaxy v. OHSOKO; Mahkuyi-aipuwahsin = Rising Wolf p.m. v. NIPUYI; otokuyisina a pack of wolves (Though popular etymology translates MAHKUYI as "red mouth" etc., cf. Cree mahikan and tribal name Mohigan.); MAIIPI (-IPI-) = to bind, tie: nitawAIIPI, , nihiwAIIPIhp; ipsazis in. = belt, sash; Aiihkinipsi = Arab (binds his hair; v. KINI); Napiw ixzipimai = rain Napiw ixzipfman =rainbow; -KIPISTA- = to hitch, hook up (as a (Napi ties it); ; itohkipistahpix = team of horses): nitohKIPISTA, team (of horses); -ISXIPISTA- = to tie: nitaiISXIPISTAKI, nitaiISXIPISTAw, nitaiISXIPIhp MAISTOwa crow, raven; Mekiaisto = Red Crow p.m. v. MAHK-; Crows nest Mountain v. MISTAKI; Maistowfs-istaki MAlTA to believe: nitawMAITAKI, nitawMAITOAw, nitawMAIZIhp; belief, faith; awmaitakisini in. = MAKA =dwarf MAKAp- (MAK-) bad, badly, dirty, filthy, scarce; nitOKAps (MAKApSIw an., MAKApIw in.) = to be bad; makski = ugly v. -SKI; MAKSKIw = is ugly; makaipfi MAXINA (MOXINA) == to be mean, bad, angry, ugly: nitAXINA (MOXINAm & awXINAw) v. MOXINA, INI, MINIXI; MAKIHZA = to bury, dispose of the dead: _ _ _ _ _ _ , nitaiAKIHZAw, _ . _ _ _ __ MAKITA = to pack, load, saddle: nitAKITAKI, (MAKITAKIw), nitAKIZAw (MAKIZIw), Page 158 I nitAKITOhp (MAKITOm); saddle; fitan in. = saddle; nizfitan =my saddle; kikokiitan =old style MAMIwa =fish; nitomfm =my fish; xikskiomiw =whitefish; kingfisher; mamiazikimi-wa magpie v. KIMI; MAMIN an. mamiefnima = = wing, feather; pI. mamfnix; omfn =his w., f.; xikomfn =white feather; manikapi = young man (not yet MANI- = new, recent, young: MANISIw v. an., MANlw v. in.; married) v. NAPI; manitapi = young people or person v. MATAPI; mamiwkin := young wolf, New Breast p.m. v. -KIN-; Manyan New Robe p.m. v. -ANI; MANOTO = to come recently v. OTO: nitANOTO (MANOT6w); MANISK- (-ANISK-) = young; MANAKAI = to grow up; manakaitapi = young adult(s); MANAKAISTOASI = to grow up v. ISTAW, ASI; MANIST- (ANIST-) =how, every, according to; manistap- = such, like, what? of what kind? (MANIST- functions as a specifier).; ANISTAPto be like, turn into: ANISTApSIw an., ANISTApIw in.; za-anistapi what is it? what do you want?; za-kanistapaupihpa = how are you? v. UPI, ZA; . MANISTO = has gone for good, gone west: nitaiSTANIS6 & nizISTANIS6; MANISZI in. = travois: nuniszf =my travois; imitai-uniszf lodge-pole: nimanistami & nomanistami = my I. p.; ISTANI- dog travois v. IMITA; = out of sight manistami an. = MAOKI = monkey (loan word). MASI & MASI = pomme blanche, root, turnip; MAT- Natoas = holy turnip (used in the Sun Dance); =no, not; matAMihpa = not I! (ni- omitted) v. AMI; mazitapfsko' =no body (home); matok6hzi =never; matakaiim =not enough v. AK-; matatno more, not again v. MAT- below; mazino- = never, not for a long time v. INO; MAT- (MAZI-) = again, also, another, next; mat6hkizi =differently v. NOHKIZI; mat6hzi = afterwards; taka mazzik' = who's next?; nimazzik =I'm next; kimazzika =are you next?; matapinakoi = next morning; mazk6koi = next night; mazixfszikoi next day; matuni =yesterday; mazfnaw =another man; matszika, matsziki =some, other, also v. SZIKI; mazipuawhsini in. = Resurrection v. NIPUYI; mat6xkam an., mat6xkaw in. = other one; MATAPIw (-ITAPI) x. & col. =person, people; 6tapfsina col. = people; mazitapisko = no body, there is no one (present, at home) v. MAT-, SKO; niNIZITApi (NIZITApIw) to be alone v. NI; nizitapi-w a lone person; nizitapimix = my kin, my family; Mokitapi =Hopi Indians «Hopi moki); sikaitapi = a black bear v. SIK-; itapfsko = there are persons around (present, at home); mozitapisini = someone's life(time); nizitapfsini my life(time); itapiwahsini in. = manners, behavior, life-style; mazitapiwasiw helshe revived, Page 159 I • returned to life, was resurrected; -PAITAPINisoiuipi = Priest Butte, Choteau; alive: nitohPAITAPI & nitAITApI; nfmohzistapitapiihpinanix = our ancestors v. MOHT; akaitapisko city, town; to live, be = to take, get: nitOTAKI & nitawTAKI (MATAKIw), nitOTOAw (MATOlw), MATO mazit and rna' = take it! here!; mat6s nitOZlhp; nitOTOMOAw (MATMOlw) = to take from; = take him! get him!; matzf! = go get it!; miszi-otokit = go get me some wood! v. MISZIS; IKOTO = to choose: , ni(toh)zIKOTOAw, nfzIKOZlhp; -KANYOTO (KANOTO) = to catch (with the hand): _ _ _ _ __ nitaiKANYOTOAw, nitaiKANYOZIhp; -PANYOTO- (PANOTO-) = to tear; MATOM- (ITOM-) = first, before, in front; MATOMO = to go first, lead: niziTOMO (iTOMOw & MATOMOw) cf. Obj. nitam; itomo-wa = leader; mat6mipoka-w = first-born child; mat6mohzi first; MATUIMA == to blame, accuse: nitAWTUIMAKI, nitAWTUIMOAw & nitA WTUIMAw), _ _ _ _ __ MATUYIS in. == grass (cut), hay; Matuyisaiyf-wa Chippewa; matuihko = grass (growing) MAUK why?; mauk aniw? why did he say.... ?; =Chippewa(s), Ojibwa(s); Matuyfsaiyaikoan =a nimauksawanisz? = why didn't I do it so?; MAUPI == see AMAUPI. MAXISKUM = spring (of water); nitoxfskum = my spring; MAXKIZlwa ashes; MAzAP- (AZAP-, MAZ-, AZ-) = crazy: nitawAZAPSi (awAZAPSlw & MAZAPSlw) = to be awAZAPSKi\SI & MAZAPSKASI = to act crazy; awAZAPSISTOTOhsi & crazy; MAzAPSISTOTOhsi reft. to make a fool of one's self v. TOT; awANAUKAZAPSI = to be half crazy v. ANAUK-; mazaki & mazapaki == prostitute v. AKI; MAZI == to be brave: nitAZI (MAZlw); mazi-w a brave; Mazix (branch of the All Comrades); maziski == wild, reckless v. SKI (may derive from MAZAP above); MAZI (IZI-), handsome, fine, beautiful; maziwap- & mazowaphandsome, beautiful, fine: MAZOWAPSlw v. an., MAZOWAPlw; maziugood-looking, good to look at; MAZlfNAm v. an., MAZlfNAZlw v. in.; maz6anikapi = fine young man v. MANI; mazifsaipi =loon (fine charger); kaizfu- =excellent; kaizfuaki == an excellent woman; -mazOllpi in. finery; Mazefs (a) =Baptiste «French, but reinterpreted as "finel leggings"); mazifki-w == meadow lark v. IKI; MAZI- (IZI-) sweet; = sweet (to taste) v.IZI; mazip6ko-w == it's sweet; ikfzip6k6-w = it's very mazufsim'sin sweet drink ikfziimo-w = it smells very sweet v. IK, AMA; Page 160 v. SIMI; mazufxkapayeni = cookie t., uzini = his t.; v. MIK, NAPAYENI; mazinf in. = tongue: nazinf my MAZi an.; pI. mazix = leggings, trousers: nazix = my 1., t.; mazikfn & mozikin in. = (someone's) moccasin; pI. -kisz; nazikin my m. Cf. Obj. Cree maskisin.; nizizikin = moccasin v. NI- real, Indian; spikizikin =bootes) v. SPIK-; apszizikini =barefooted; ISZfSTAKAKI to put on moccasins; iszikfzikin = shoe v. ISZIK-; spiszikfzikin boot v. SPI; MAZIsi (IZISI-) = to suppurate, have or emit pus; MAzIKAIAI an. =a scraper; nimazikaiai = my s.; omazikaiai =hislher s.; MI- (-MI) MIHKA hand; = to fish: IszfMI = to wash the hands nitawMIHK' amihkazis an. mazisw in. = matter, pus; v. ISA: nizISZfMI & nitiiISZIMI; fishhook, fishpole, tackle: nitomihkazis = my fishhook etc. MIK- (MI-) = hard, strong: MIOKASlw v. an., MlIw v. in.; ik- very; (M)fYIKOw = it is hard, difficult, strong, necessary; miskapstrong; miikitapi a brave v. MATAPI (may be used as noun or adj.); mifkSOPU it's blowing hard. v. SOPU; mfkskim an. = metal, iron v. -KIMI; mfkskim-asokasim = armor (coat of) v. ASO-; mfkskimonokawmita = locomotive v. PONOKA; mfkskimiohtaisinakiopi = pen v. SINA; mi-omahka-w = hard runner (of a horse) v. OMAHKA; miomita-w strong horse; mG = strong, hard, tough, fast; misini in. = strength; MINIPIZI = to be able to endure much cold v. INIPIZI; MIINA = to hold fast v. INA; miopis = rawhide, lariat; MIKSK- = stiff, hard: nizIKSKISI (MfKSKISIw) v.; MISAIAlwa =Michel, Michael «French, reinterpreted as "Hard Goose"; v. SAIYA); Maiki = Micky; miap ; miapaki = careful woman; miziw is tight MINANATA = to have, own: nizINAN (i) & nitaiINAN (i), nizINANATAw & nitaiINANATAw (MINANAZIw), nizINANATOhp (MINANATOm); mini- = rich; minfpoka-w = child of plenty v. POK-; imln in. = thing, possession; pI. nizinan = my t., ozimln = hislher t., nizinannan = our tho etc.; minok- = happy; see below MINAZIw == it is clear (of the air) MINiwa = island, continent, (North) America (Cf. Cree ministik); MiNIw (MI+NI) in. berry, fruit; pI. mfnisz (Cf. Obj. min. VA min. Del. min & c.); omaxllli prune, raisin OMAHK-; sikomahxfni =prune; inaxfni == raisin; miniauhsini in. berry soup V. AOHSIN; miniohki = wine V. OHKI; miniokilin = berry pemmican V. MOKAKIN; napfnyuan (napffiuan) in. = sugar (v. NAPI; inapinyan = candy V. INO-); axpiapinyuan = syrup, molasses; sikiminfyuan = king bird v. SIK- (stingy with his berries); minapi = berries MINIXI = to be angry, mean,jealous (of): nitiiiINIXI (MINIXIw & aiINiXIw) nitmINIXKOTOAw, _ _- - nittiiINIXISTOTAw = I punish himlher. MINOK- (-INOK-) = happy: MINOKApSIw V. an., MINOKAPIw v. in. (The inanimate can mean "it's a happy time, there is plenty".); INOKIMI = to be happy Page 161 .±~------------------------------.......-.III • MINSTAnZlw ;:: it is smooth, tidy; minstawap- = tidy MISAM - == ancient; Misam-ohkosko MISIN- striped; misinski Logan Pass badger v. -SKI MISK- == instead, however, in spite of MIST- (MISTAP-, -IST-) == away, apart: nitaiISTAPO (aiISTAPOw & MISTAPOw) == to go == take it away! away; MISTAPUT- == to take away v. APO, IPI; mfstaputot! mistapohzi == farther away, beyond; MISTAPIXKAPA imp.; MISTAPOMAHKA == to run away; == to pull away, pull off IXKAPA; MIST(AP)APIXI == to throwaway v. APIXI; MISTAPOXKASI ;:: to run away v. KASI; MISTAPWANI == to flyaway v. AWA; MISTAPIPOTA == to flyaway v. PUTA MISTAKI in. == mountain, range; spisuiki ;:: peak, high mountain v. SPI-; mistak ;:: it is a mountain.; Mistakisz-Xahkoi == Montana v. XAHKUM; mistakapikoan == ranger (white); mistaxopos ;:: mountain lion v. mistakomahkihkina ;:: mountain sheep v. OMAHK-, KINI; PUSi; mistakskim ;:: a cut piece of rock v. -SKIM; AKl an. == a pile of rocks MISZIS (MISZISUM, -ISZI-) == an. tree, log; in stick; pI. in. firewood (cf. Cree mistik) pI. an. miszix, pI. in. miszisz; niziszim;:: my wood or stick; miszisko (-koi) in. == timber, forest, woods v. -SKO; im6iiszis sixi- == tree v. an. ;:: fir; misa- ;:: wood: nomfsaw;:: my wood, omfsaii == his/her wood; SIXI; miszis6hkotok == petrified wood; misziasekawa == mountain squirrel; misziazibiii ::: chipmunk; misz6yis in. ::: log cabin; misz6hkos an. ::: wooden cup MIZIHTA ::: to think, endure: nitaiIZIHT (A) (aiIZIHTAw & MIZIHTAw); AzuAIZIHTA;:: to change the SINATAPIZIHTA == to be troubled v. SINATAP-; azmtani in. == though, mind, will; mind v. AZU-; pI. -anisz: mozizfhtani == someone's will, nizizihtani my thought, ozizmtani ;:: his/her thought, will; AKOMIZIHTA ;:: to influence MOA ;:: to wound (by a shot), shoot: _ _ _ _ _ , nitOAw (MOIw), _ _ _ __ MOHSOKO (MOHSOKOI) in. == road, trail, track: nohsok6i == my road etc.; nitOHSOKOI == I make tracks.; Apatohs-Ohsokoi == the Old North Trail; Pitawmahkan Ohsokoi == Marias Pass.; Spohz-ohsokoi & Mahkuyi-ohsokoi ::: Milky Way, galaxy MOHT- (-OHT-, -IHT-) == by, from, for, with, along, on account of; equal(s) (in arithmetic equations), why? (withAHSA); itumohzi::: together (with), etc.; MOHTO == to go with, come from etc.: nfMOHTO & nftOHTO (MORrOw, IRTOw & awRTOw); iht6tow == he/she comes from v. OTO; ihzap6w == he/ moht-...-pi == with what etc.; iht-.... -pi (instrumental affixes) she walks along v. APO; MOKAKI == to be wise, wise: nitOKAKI (MOKAKIw); mokakiapi == a wise man v. NAPI; mokakiap OKAKI- (awKAKI-)::: to be shy. (makakiap-): MOKAKIAPSIw v. an.; MOKAKIANI warn v. ANI; MOKAKIN in. = pemmican; mini6kakin::: berry pemmican MOKAM- == straight, true; mokamot- == straight; Page 162 mokamipohzi = perpendicularly, vertically; MOKAMOTO = to go straight; niziKAMOTO (MOKAMOTOw) v. OTO; MOKAMOTANI = to speak the truth v. ANI; MOKAMOZKAPA = to straighten, pull straight: nitawKAMOZKAP', nitawKAMOZKAPATAw, nitawKAMOZKAPATOhp v. IXKAPA; MOKAMOZZIw = it is straight v. IHZI; MOKAMOTSAPI = to see straight v. SAPI; ihtokamotsapiopi == telescope; mokamotaptrue: MOKAMOTApSIw v. an., MOKAMOTApIw v. in. MOKO in. =autumn, fall; awKOw =it is autumn; mokusi & awkusi subj. == in the autumn MOSKIZIPAHPI in. heart v. PAHPI; noskizipahpi my h., oskizipahpi = hisfher h.; =Heart Butte v. MISTAKI; nftakoskizipahpi stubborn v. NI Moskizipahpi-istaki motaiohki ocean, MOT- (-OT-, MOTO-, MOYUI-, -OTUI-) = all, all over, everywhere, in all respects; imotapaiisi = zigzag, go every way v. sea = motomahxikimi v. OMAHK-, -KIMI, OHKI; APO; Motuinaw = Chief All Over, p.m. v. NINA MOTO in. = spring (the season); awTO = it is spring.; motusi & awtusi subj. =in the spring; junco v. SISZI MOXINA (MAXINA) = to be mean, angry: motof-siszi-w = nitOXINA v. MINIXI, INI spHipioyis = MOYIS in. = lodge, house; pI. moyisz; napioyis == house; akapioyis = town; Omahkoyis natoapoyis church v. NATO; nitoyis =tipi v. NI-; tower; rrllszoyis = log cabin; moyis-pistohzi == East Glacier, Edmonton; namoyis == beehive v. NAMO; pfstokoyis =wall v. IPI, in the house MOZI-, AHSIMOZI == to like; (I)SZIMIMOZI == to dislike -M'S- = daughter-in-law, second cousin: nim'sa (nimpsa) == my d-i-l., om'si (ompsi) Page 163 his d-i-l. • N NA+A :::: mamma, grandma voc. (also said to be the call of the cat bird; an alternate child's name for "mother" is mamayi voc.) NAI, NAW :::: six; miii an., miwi in.; naiipo:::: sixty v. KIPO naik6puto :::: sixteen v. KOPUTO; NAIPISZI an. :::: blanket, rag; in. wool v. PISZI; naipiszi-6pis = cord; Mahkaipiszi = Red Blanket, p.n.; awaipiszirniska-w :::: blanket-maker (a term used for Navajos, Pueblos and Southwestern tribes generally) v. KA; Awaipiszirniska-Xahko + Arizona & New Mexico NAM- :::: pure, clear; amfpuk:::: air; (n) amipokaw (-kai) in. :::: clear sky; pi. -kaisz NAM (NAM-) :::: only, just, merely; name:::: just, only; nampsi naked; XISZIKO; namaki = a single, unmarried woman v. AKI; namaki-okos NAM- (NAMISZ) :::: east, eastward, yonder v. NI-, NAZ-, NIM-; hand; axisaw6hzi:::: (on) the left v. NAWOHZI namaixisziko =a bastard naw6hzi = the = Thursday v. left, on the left nimimskan :::: medicine NAM- (NAMI-) twisted; mimski, naimskf, namiskf lizard, homed toad v. -SKI; man; NAMINITA :::: to shear: nitaiAMINITAKI, nitaiAMIHKINITAw, _ _~_ _ to cut hair; NAMIHZINA:::: to braid: nitaiAMIHZINAKI, _ _ _ __ nitAMfHKINIhs (i) retl I get a haircut; nitaiAMIHZINIhp; nitaiAMIHZINIm (aiAMIHZINIMaw) :::: to braid one's own hair; Apatarnihzinimakoan:::: a Chinese v. APAT-, KOAN; NAMIXKAPIXI:::: to twist v. APIXI, IXKAPA namaii in. :::: bow: ninamaii = NAMA (retains initial N-) :::: weapon; nama-wan. :::: gun: nimamaw:::: my gun; my bow; NAMAHKA = to take weapons or booty, count coup: nitaiNAMAHK', niziNAMAHKATAw, ____________ , namahka-w :::: one who takes a weapon; namahkani in. :::: a coup; pI. -nisz; NAMAHKI :::: to sweep; namahkiazis = a broom namahkimazis; nizamahkimazis =my broom NAMOwa :::: bee, wasp (Cf. Cree & Obj. amo); namOYlS beehive v. MOYIS; nam6ahsisz v. UYI; namofsiszi =humming bird v. SISZI NANAI- (NANAW-) :::: final, finally; nanaikoan an. = ghost; NINA; nanawtokani:::: skull (of the dead) v. OTOKAN nanana NANISIeight; nanis.o = eight (in counting); minisufmi an., minisui in.; KOPUTO; nanisipo = eighty v. KIPO nam6ahsin in. :::: honey; pI. = terrible-looking nanisik6puto man v. = eighteen v. NANO- (NINO-) = to see: , nitaiINOAw & nizfNOAw (aiINOfw' & NANOfw'), nitaiINlhp & nizINlhp; INAKO (aiINAKO) = to be visible, nits = see him! imp.; nin6kit:::: see me! imp.; appear; sawailNAKO = to be invisible v. SAW-; awkaisawaiINAKOyfm = he/she vanished; kitmtomazino good-bye; I'll see you again. v. Mat-; -SXINO- = to know, learn See SXINO.; -ONO- =to recognize See ONO Page 164 NAPAYENI in. :::;: bread, flour «French la farine, influenced perhaps by NAPI); 6kapayeni = flour v. OK- "raw"; nitapayeni = my bread; mixkapayeni =biscuit, cracker v. MIK-; maziixkapayeni & mazuix kapayeni = cookie(s) s. & pI. v. MAZI; napayeninsiman in. wheat, potatoes v. INSIMA NAPI white, off-white, dawn-colored, old (may drop N-); Napi = Old Man; apa-w = winter weasel, ermine; apawapspi, apa-oapspi = huckleberry, blueberry s. & pI. "weasel eyes" v. UPSPI; slxmam-apa-wa black weasel v. SIK-; napi- = white man adj., English; napikoan a white man; napiaki a white lady; nizAPIKOAN (NAPIKOAN) = to be a white man; nitlliAPIPUYI mlpiapfsz in. pI. = "civilization" and its effects; apapum & aiPAPUm I speak English v. PUYI; (there's) lightning; 'papusi subj. :::;: lightning, electricity; napfnyuan (napffiuan) = sugar v. MINI; -apini = eye(s) (related to SAPI, UPSPI?): nitaiAPI & nitAPI = I inapfnyuan = candy v. INO; APINAKO = morning; APINAKOw = it is morning v. see; napf = friend, partner voc.; APINAKO; (There appear to be two roots NAPI, which have become somewhat confused over the centuries. The one just given derives from the common Algonquian root for "white": ap-, wap-, Cree wapi etc., with the initial N- perhaps borrowed from NINA or the NAPI given below. This borrowing may account for the instability of this initial N-.) NAplw = man, male (often retains N-; see NAPI above.); napi-w = an old man, old animal, Old Man p.m.; ninapim = myoId man, unapim = hislher old man; napf = friend, partner voc.; nizAPI (NAplw) to be an old man; -api = person v. MATAPI; napfm = male animal; pI. napfmix v. IMI; nitapim = my mipix =old folks, old beast; Kutomipi OldKutenai p.n.; kipiapi-wa =crocus, Pasque flower; man and wife; mokakiapi = wise man v. MOKAKI (This root NAPI probably derives from the Proto-Algonquian napawa, napewa, -apew, meaning "man, male", and so is related to the tribal name Leni-Lenape or Renape.) NAT AIYOwa wild cat, bob cat; omahkataiyo mountain lion, puma, cougar, tiger NATO- (NATOI-) = holy, sacred, manitou; nitATOSI (NATOSlw an., NATOYlw in.) = to be holy; nat6si-wa = the sun, holy one; kakat6si-w = star v. KAK-; aikat6si = supernatural power, God, spirit; natosini = "medicine", holy power nitatosini = my "medicine"; Omahkat6si = the Great nitaiTOIHKAsI Spirit; nitATOIINAI (NATOIfNAIw) :::;: sing holy song(s) v. NINIHKI; (NATOIHKASIw) = to act as a medicine man v. KASI; nat06hzi :::;: in a holy place; nat6ixisziko nitoxkatatoixisziko week v. NI-; sikatoixisziko = Monday (-koi) = Sunday, week v. XISZIKO; (Sunday's over; v. SIKO); natoap- = holy: NATOApSIw v. an., NATOApIw v. in.; natoapina = medicine man v. NINA; omahkuisz natoapisz = sacraments, etc.; natoapsinaxin :::;: Bible, prayer natoapoyis church, mission v. MOYIS; Natoapaki Omahxikimi :::;: St. Mary book v. SINA; Lake(s); (NATO & ONISTA may be cognate and derivative of the Alg. root manito. Cf. Cree manitu, Obj. nanand-: to doctor, Proto-Alg. -anet, E. Alg. -and, Virginian manitho Maximilian transcribed natosi as nanthos. See also IJAL July, 1975.) NATOK- (NAT-) = two; mitoka = two (counting), mitokami an., natokai in.; nat6hzi manner; nazik6puto :::;: twelve v. KOPUTO; nazipo & nizpo = twenty v. KIPO; -ist-):::;: two, both; nizimi =twin n. & adj.; naximiokasi-w she has twins v. OKOS. :::;: Two Medicine p.n. so, thus, in like nistok- (nist-, Natoki-6kas (i) NAW-, NAI- v. NAI-, NAW-. NAWOHZI on the left (hand) (sometimes with a sign indicating the east)v. NAM, NAZ, NIPage 165 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _····· ___ $ 1IIIIIlI • NAZ == east Cf. NAM-, NAWOHZI. NAZI (NAZI) plover, killdeer nist6wa I, me; nist6i obv. v. STO-; nistlinan (a) == we, us NI- (N-, NIT-) == 1, me, one, real, Indian, lone; (exclusive); nistanani obv.; nit6hzi == on the right (hand) (sometimes with a sign indicating the west) Cf.; NAWOHZI, NAZ-, NAM-; nitliihk == in the same direction; nit6wa an., nitlii & nitliyi in. the same (in. also means "once, one time"); nita- (niz-, nitai-) == alone; Nizfna == Lone Man p.m.; Nitaki == Lone Woman; Nitohkliyi == Lone Wolf; Nit- ohkyaiyo Lone Bear; Nit-awapo = Lone Walker; Nitai-istaki == Lone Mountain; Nitai-spiistaki (old name for Going to the Sun Mountain?)- all p.n.; nitap- real, only, lone, alone, same (nistap- in imp. & subj.); NITUMAZINAm an., NITUMAZINAZlw in. = matches, goes well with.; nizapikoan Frenchman; nizapiaki == French woman nitaiIZAPIKOA.IPUYI == I speak French v. PUYI; nizitapi-w == Indian; nizltapikoan == Indian man; nizitapiaki Indian woman; niillilZfPUYI (aiIZIPUYlw & NIZIPUYlw) nizISfTAPI (NISfTAPlw) =to be an Indian v. MATAPI; speak Indian v. PUYI; nizitapi-puahsin == the Indian language; nisia = one (old form, still used); nit6xka ('tlixka) == one: nit6xkam(a) an., nit6xkai in. v. IXT, OXTAKI; nizik6puto == eleven v. KOPUTO; NIZINA = to resemble, look like, look alike: NIZINA.miaw n. pl., NIZINAZlaw in. pI. (used with ENUANI); nizitapi-w =lone or lonely person: niNfZITAPI (NIZITA.PIw) to be alone, be a lonely person; niNIzITAPAUPI = I live alone, v. UPI.; nist- (form of nit- used in imp. and nlZlsan sacred red paint (from subj.); nit6kan = sacred helper (as in the vision-quest) v. OKA; badlands); nitliianistapsiaw = they are the same an. v. MANISTAP-; nitliianistapiw in. S.; nit6awk & nitliyawk he is the same; niziw (a) it is the same, is real, true; niz6w = it is all; nitak = independent, autonomous. NIETAHTAw (NIETAHTAi, -ITAHTAI, -SISAHTAI) in. = river, stream, creek, roar; Nietahtaitapi-w col. Pend d'Oreille(s), Kalisel(s) v. MATAPI; Nietahtaitapikoan = a Kalispell man; nitaiTAHTAITAPA.IPUYI asetahtai in. creek, Browning v. AS-; (The root NIETAHTA is I speak Kalispel (Salish) v. PUYI; said to mean "roaring water", perhaps doubtful. Cf. OHTAKO, SUYI) NIHTA to boil: nitaiNIHT', _________ ,nitaiNIHTATOhp; nitaiNOHTOAw her.; itainihtawpi in. == pot NIM- (NIMISZ) = west, westward; Nimizitaupi-w = I boil for him! =the sun v. UPI, cf. NAM NIMIAP-, nimiapi = trash, dirt, rubbish NINAwa (NINAW-, -INA-) = man, chief, lord, boss; nizinaim = my chief, ozinaim = his!her chief; linasina omahkaiinaw == giant; sawkina-w =married man; asahkina-w == young col. == men, all the men; married man v. AS-; Nfnaistaki & Nfnaistako = Chief Mountain & Mountain Chief; Nitaina == Lone Chief; kat-aina = No Chief; Moliinaw = Chief All Over p.n.; Kaina, Akaina == Bloods or Many Chiefs; nina-aki = queen, chief woman; ninaipoka-w =child of a chief; ak6kskaina-w =chief (archaic; said to mean "top-limb-man"); kahtomina-w = war chief v. KAHTOMI; nizINAI (NINAw) = to be chief; ninalsllli chiefdom; nizfN AWASI (NINAWA.SIw) == to become chief; nizlNAIHKASI (NfNAIHKASIw) =to act as chief; nitafNAIAZAw (NINA.IAZIUaie) = to make chief; oyina == male relation (spoken by a female): noyfnaw = my m.r.; oyinai == her m.r. (Cf. Cree iyini-w "human being" as distinguished from napew "male"; also Cree irin & Obj. inin & Illinois ilini. Note the shifts among N, Rand L. Note also the combination of both roots for "man" in tribal names Leni-Lenape & Renape. & Alg. erenapew pL) Page 166 NINIHKI (-INAI-, INAKI-) = to sing: nizINIHKI (NINIHKlw) & nitaiINIHKI (aiINIHKIw), nitaiINIHKATAw, nitaiINIHKATOhp Cf. IZINIKI.; sokfnaki-w :=; doctor, medicine man v. ISOK; ninihkiazis in. = violin, fiddle, musical instrument, music box, phonograph; pI. -azisz, ihtainihkiopi = fiddle, violin; -nfnihkisini & nfnihk'sini in. = song, music; pI. nfnihkisisz; NINIHKATA to call by name, appeal to, name: nitailNIHKATAw; ozinihkasimiw :=; he has a name.; -nfnihkasim in a name: nizinihkasim = my name; ozfnihkasim = hislher name NINIHKIOHKI & INAKIOHKI NIPO =singing water. summer; aiPUw & aiPOw = it is summer.; nipusi & aipusi subj. in the summer; nfpumaki :=; chickadee, tomtit v. AKI; nipuma-w widow, chickadee (but maybe the root is Alg. nipa: sleep, not NIPO) v. OMI; Nfpomahkatoixiszikatosi an. = July; NIPUMI to pass the summer: niziPUMI & nitaiIPUMI NIPUYI = to stand, get up, rise, stop: nizIPUYI (NIPUYIw & aiIPUYIw) & nitaiIPUWA (aiIPUWAw) (the latter forms appear to be more common now among the southern Piegans. Y <>W); mazipuwauhsini in. resurrection v. MAT-; Mahkuyi-aipuwahsin (i) Rising Wolf p.n.; NIPUYIPUYI = to stand up, get up. rise: nitaiPUYIPUYI; NIPUYINA to raise, lift up: _________ . nizIPUYINAw, nizIPUYINlhp v. INA; nip-, -nip-, nipu (i)-, nap-, -ipuyi- etc. standing, rising, stopping, upright; nipuitapfsini in. my life-time v. MATAPI; nipuipaitapisini = life; niziPAIPUYI = I stand up.; nipuawex = early riser, domestic rooster; Ipizfwahs, Jpis6wahs & Apisowahs Venus, the Morning Star, "Early Riser" p.n.; Pahzipisowahs Jupiter, morning or evening star, Mercury (a sign for attack), Scarface; -PUAW = to rise, get up: nitaiPUAW & niziPUA.W (aiPUA.W); nipuawt imp. get up! NISO (NIS-, NISI-) = four; nis6' four (counting); nisufmi an., nisui in.; nisik6puto = fourteen v. KOPUTO; NISJZI- = five: nisit6 (counting), nisizi an., ni8it6i in.; nisizfkoputo nisipo = forty v. KIPO; nisizipo:=; fifty; NA.NISO eight v. NANISO fifteen; Nisit6-wa = Isidore, Isidoro; NIST- = elder sister, cousin etc. (usually of a man): nin'sta = my elder sister, pI. nin'szix; uniszi =: his elder sister NITOHXKAPI to shine, be out (of the sun) v. KAPI NITUMO (NITUMMO) NIUAAKI & NOWAAKI NIUOX- (NI-) KOPUTO; =butte, high hill; omahkaitumo = a big hill; Nitum-ispizi = Tall Man, p.n. v. SPI look out! be careful! three; niu6ka three (counting): niu6xkam an., niu6xkai in.; niyfpo = thirty v. KIPO nik6puto = thirteen v. -N'N- = father; nfn'na = my f., un'ni hislher f., nin'mi vOC.; nfn'mina & kfn'nuna our f., our agent; Kfn'nun & Un'nimaw God; nizftun'nihpinan our agency; iWn'niopi = agency, Browning; Akaitun'niopi in. Old Agency; nitUN'NIMAw (awN'NIMlw) to have as a father; nitUN'NI ClJN'Nlw) = to have a (Cf. Obj. nose, Virginian nows, father; nitatoapun'n' = my godfather, my foster father v. NATO Cree notawe: my father.) NOHK- (-OHK-) =: please! (to soften commands), however, though, at least, to be sure Page 167 ____________________________" " " " " - ~t • NOHKIZI- = different, other, another, foreign (may drop N-); NOHKIZlw is different; aiAKIZliaw = they are mat6hkizi (m) = different; nohkfzitapi col. foreigners; nohkizitapikoan = a foreigner v. MATAPI; differently NOKOPINONOSIPIAZ pI. to doctor, apply medicines: nitOPINOMOAw =sun-dogs; -nosipista (nat6si) =there are sun-dogs; IKSKfw (nat6si) =there are sun-dogs, v. SKI. Page 168 I o OHK- (-IHK-) :::;; on, on top of, ended, over; ITOHK- on, on top of; IHZI, POTO; it6hkizapiohkoyop :::;; elephant; -OHKITUPI nitOHKIT(JPI, nit6hKITUPATAw, nitOHKITUPATOhp OHKI in. water; pI. ohkisz; cf. -KIMI: NAPI; mfniohki = wine v. MINI ITOHKIZIPOTO:::;; to put on top v. to ride (horseback etc.), to be on top: inokyimazis ohkf = oil, petroleum v. INO; napi6hki = whiskey v. OHKIMA = to wait: nitaiOHKIMA, nitaiOHKOAw, nitaiOHKIhp OHKOTOKI (-KOTOK) rock, stone; an. large rock; in. small rock; pI. ohkotokisz = stones, Lethbridge; ohkotokwazis xahkum:::;; cactus ground, Helena; sikohkotoki ohkotoksko ;;;;: a rocky place v. -SKO; = coal v. SIK-; ohkotoksinaxin blackboard v. SINA; ok6taxin 0) = beadwork; ohkotoksoka = mortar, stone bowl, dish; ohkotozifhpotan stone fireplace OHS- = back, backwards, behind, out of sight; ohs6hzi behind; APATOHSO :::;; to go back(wards): nitawAPATOHSO v. APAT; mohsoyfs (ohsoi-) in. = tail; ISOyfw has a tail; Isui tail; pI. fsoyix -OHTO:::;; to hear, understand; neg. not to hear, be deaf: nitaiOHZIMI, nitaiOHTOAw, nitaiOHZlhp; iht6zimiopi & ihtaipiozimiopi = radio v. PI; moht6kis ear; noht6kis my ear; -stoki ear (combining form); 6mahkstoki = mule; OHTUm & fHTAm = it or he/she sounds, 6htak6' (ahtak6) in. = roar, sound, noise, cascade, waterfall, makes a noise; akOHTAm = will sound; Great Falls; Omahtkataw = Missouri River OHTOHKO- = to be sick: nitaiOHTOHKOhsi (OHTOHKOhsiw) refl.; patient aiohtohkohsi-w == a sick person, OK- (AUK-) :::;; raw; entrails; 6kapayeni :::;; flour OKA :::;; to be shy: nitawKAKI OKA to sleep, dream: nitaiOK(a) (aiOKAw); nitaiPAPAUK' UiiPAPAUKAw) to dream v. PAP-; nipapaukan(i) :::;; my vision; nizokan(i) my dream; okan(i) hislher dream, a medicine lodge; Natoki6kasi Two Medicine pI. okanisz; awKAw = holds a Sun Dance, medicine lodge; p.n.; nit6kan & nit6kaw sacred helper or guardian (of the vision-quest); okaki :::;; spirit; itaiyokopi :::;; hotel; itawkawpi in. == bedroom OKAK- = back (ofthe body); the Rocky Mountains mokakini in. OKI = hello!, come on!, come in! OK; -OKO- back (of the body); ok! & 'ki mokakikin & mokakfnsi in. backbone, let's go! lodge, home, tipi: nok6wa = my I., ok6ai == hislher I.; OKOYI = to have a home: nitawKOYI (awKOYIw); zima kizftokoyihpa == where do you live? OKOYISKA = to build a house v. KA; kokaupi in. home, lodge, tipi v. UPI; e.g. sixfnikokaupi black buffalo lodge Page 169 f OKOAN in. = belly, stomach: nokoan = my s., 6koan == hislher s., m6koan = someone's S.; mokoanisz pI. someone's manifold (digestive stomach of ruminants), Belly River p.n.; okoais & osaki = back-fat; (aiISZISOKOAN!w) =to have a stomach ache; OKONOKI in. nizISZISOKOAN(i) okOliisaw in. = belly fat =service berry; pI. 6kon6kisz -OKOS == child, son: nokos = my c., ok6s =hislher c.; -kos == c. (Cf. Cree nikosis =my son.) v. -KOYI; iKOSIw, awKlSIw & akOKOSIw = she is pregnant.; nitohKOYI (ohKOYIw) have a son.; nohk6wa = my son, ohk6i == hislher son, nohkoif voc.; Ohkoimaw =God the Son; k6kona =little girl; pI. k6koax, 6kosfpoka-w == colt, k6koa voc.; nitok6skun = my adopted child, my god-child, my foster-child; manistokos == Kaina head chief pony; namaki-okos == a bastard; OKUYI in. == a hair (single), fur, feather; pI. -yisz; mokUyis in. someone's fur; sik6kuyihkini-w == helshe has black hair OMA =that; pI. omixi an., omiszi in., omi obv. an. & in.; omi, 'mi =there, over there; 'rna =here omahk -omisk & omihk in. == which, that; pI. omiszisk; 6maiyauk = & omihk an. = who, that; pI. omixisk; there helshe comes; 6makauk = here helshe comes. OMAHK- (IMAHK-, OMAHXI-) == big, large great; 6mahxim (persons), 6mahkimiw (animals), 6mahxixim (an. trees), 6mahxixiw (in. trees), 6mahko in. (all these are verbal fonns.); Big Sky v. SPI-; Omahxistawaxahko == U.S.A., v. ISTOAN, XAHKUM; v. NATO; -omahkaiinaw == a giant v. NINA; kak- = great, big, large; holes in ears) v. STOKI Omahk-Spum =Montana, Omahkat6si = Great Spirit kakanotst6ki == owl (big OMAHKA == to run: nitOMAHKA; v. APO; AMIOMAHKA to run up v. AMI; APOMAHKA == to run about MISTAPOMAHKA == to run away v. MIST-; aixistomatomahkan automobile v. OMATO = to begin: nitOMATO (aiMATOw); omatap- & awmatap- begin(ning), start(ing) (to); OMATAPO = to go, to begin, start, travel: nitawMATAPO v. APO; 'mat- = go! (with imperatives for "go and ..."); IMAT- (IMAZ-) = almost, nearly, beginning; IMATA to imitate: nitaiIMATAw OMATO OMI = to marry or have a husband: nltOMI, nitOMATAw, _ _ _ _ _ husband; aiakomi-w = bride; nip6mi-w == widow OMINI n6ma = my husband; omi = her (v. Cree nipi: die & nipa: sleep) == to break (off or into pieces), shatter, tear, divide; -omini6sihp math); awminiohtosi = first day of the last quarter (when the moon tears itself) = divided by (in -OMO- == to gather, assemble; ITOMUO = to come together (then or there); om6xin a gathering (sometimes used for a rodeo or "omoksee"); OMOAIPIXI == to gather up: nftOMOAIPIXISTAKI, nftOMOAIPIXISTAw, nftOMOAIPIXIhp v. APIXI; OMOAWK- to gather up, round up, hold a rodeo (often with KAN-, q.v.): ,nitohKANAWMOAWKOAw, _ _ _ __ -ONI (-UNI) =day (of 24 hours): -ONIw == it's a day; before yesterday v. MIST, APO; numerical series counting days.) -ONtSI in. = forehead, brow; matlini = yesterday v. MAT-; mistapotuni == the day kiskany6toni (kiskafi6toni) == morning v. XISKAN; (-ONI is used in a monisi = someone's forehead Page 170 ONISTA = wonderful, holy, supernatural v. NATO; ONISTAw = is holy; onistan a spirit ONO = to recognize: _ _ _ _ _ , nitONOAw, nitONIhp -OPI (-AWPI) = brains, head: nopi == my brains; opi == hislher brains upsi in. = arrow: nohpsi == my a., ohpsi = hislher a.; mPlw =he/she has -OPI = arrow; v. to have arrow(s): arrow(s); matOPIw = he/she also has arrow(s) v. MAT; imahkOPIw he h~s a big arrow. otahkuinazi-w =an orange, OTAHKUI- (OTA-) yellow; OTAHKUINAm v. an., OTAHKUINAZIw v. in.; egg yolk; ota-w == summer weasel; otatuyi :;::: red fox; sikotauyi black fox; otahkim otahkuispi-w =he/she has yellow hair. v. SPI-; otahktiisiszi gold, brass; mikotahkim =copper; = canary, goldfinch; otahkapi-wa =palomino; otahktiiimi-wa == is yellow (of animals v. IMI, e.g. "buckskin horse" specifically); otahkawkaii-wa = robin, meadow lark; Otahkui-sitakisz Judith Mountains OTAK- = round, circular, in a circle; OTAKSIw v. an., OTAKlw v. in. is round etc.; otaki (motaki) in. otaki = hislher soul, shadow, spirit, soul, friend, partner: nitakaw & notakaw my soul, friend etc.; otaki-wa in. = a circle, zero, it's friend etc.; suiotakska = killdeer (water shadow, v. SUYI); round; otakohzi =around; OTAKAHKI-: nitawTAKAHKIAKI, nitawTAKAHKAw, _ _~_ _ =to screw; ihtawtakahkiakiopi n. an.; OTAKAPIXI =to turn around v. APIXI; OTAKAUPI =to sit around v. UPI; OTAKO = to turn around, go around: nitawTAKO (OTAKOw & awTAKOw) awtakusi subj. in the afternoon; otakohsina (O<>AW); awtakow :;::: it's afternoon, evening; in. == hour; anawkotakohsin (a) =half hour v. ANAWK; awtakow it's afternoon, evening; awtakusi subj. = in the afternoon; otakohsina in. = hour; anawkotakohsin (a) = half hour v. ANAWK; inakanawkotakohsin (a) quarter hour v. INAK-; isxinmtakisin (a) = a minute; itakaw = makes a circle.; awatakoyi-w in. = whirlpool (Cf. Cree azak: spirit, azakos or atakus = star. Is Blackfeet kakatosi related to this by metathesis? Cf. p.n. for "bay": Connecticut, Nantucket, Pawntucket.) OTAKOA = to give a drink to; kipotakokit = give me something to drink! v. KIP OTAS == hislher horse or beast, pI. otasix (refers to animals more or less tamed.); otas == my male horse v. NAPI; nitOTASI == I have a horse. notas == my horse; nitapim OTO = to come, go, arrive (often with IT-): nizitOTO & nitmtOTO -(itOTOw, awTOw, ITOw); za-itoto (wazix) = what time it is?; Natokai-itotow = it's two o'clock.; MANOTO == to come recently, to have just arrived v. MANI; MOKAMOTO = to go straight v. MOKAM-; -OPIZKOTO = to be right back, return soon v. PIZOHK; Zka ihtoaz = which way did he go?; otoazis = a cane OTOKANi (MOTOKAN) = head, hair, scalp; notokan 0) = my head etc. otokan (i) = his/hel h.; nitotokanim = my scalp (one taken by me); nanautokani & motokep in. == skull v. NANA-; otokan nitozihp I scalp(ed) him v. MATO; otokan-aipaska == scalp dance v. PASKA cf. OTOKI -OTOKI- (MOTOKiS) =skin, hide, an. generally but in. after a certain stage of curing.( cf. OTOKANi); notokis == my skin; okotokis an. == rawhide v. OK-; otokis in. == egg-shell: otoki in. = kidney; autoxinazi == bean; otohtoxin in. raspberry; kotokyanoko (-kui) in. = parfleche; ini-otokis == buffalo hide v. INI; kitoki = prairie chicken (tough head?); pfkoki = vulture v. APIKPage 171 __s______________________________. . . . . . . ~ a OTOKIMA (ITOKIM~) = to fill;, nftOTOKIMAw (lTOKIMlw), nitOTOKIMSTOhp v. KIMI ihTOKIMIw = is full (of streams). ow Aw in. :::: egg; pI. owaisz; MoAw = it is an egg (cf. Cree wawa); XISZIKO; awami in. = snowshoe; AWAIIw she lays an oyisz (W<> Y); uwisKAw she builds a nest v. KA. Owa'~xisziko'= Easter v. uwis & oyfs in. = nest; pI. OXTA == to count: nitOXTAKI, nitOXAw, nitOXTOhp; NI~; niuoxka = three v. NIUOX-; a row v. IXT OZIMI- = brown; sorrel horse; OZIMISTATA OZIPIS in. awxtaxin = numbers, counting; -SIXKA- (-S'XKA-) v. SIXKA, IXT, SIKO; ozimmoko (-kui) in. = meadow, green grass; ozimiohkyaiyo = brown bear; ozisapinyuan nitoxka one v. IXT- row, in ozfmi = sorrel horse; sikozimi = dark chocolate, brown sugar v. NAPI, MINI == to starve: _ _ _ _ _ _ , nitaiOZIMISTATAw, = willow; ozipfsko willow grove v. -SKO OZISA- otahkozisa = pickle, cactus v. OTAHKUI-; Akaiotahkozisa = Helena (Many Cacti; v. AK OTAHKUI); oziszfni in. strawberry; Anawoziszinisz-ozitaiizpi in. = June v. IZI OZISI = to smoke (as a pipe): nitOZISI (awZISIw), _ _ _ _ _ , nitOZISATOhp; ihtozisop = (sacred) pIpe OZIZK- (IZIZK-, IZK-) = past, beyond, more v. IZK-; ozizkahsi = better v. AHS OZKUI- :::: blue, green: OZKUINAm v. an., OZKUINAZlw v. in. (Cf. Obj. ozhah, -wushk.); ozkuisiszf-wa = bluebird v. SISZI (also said to mean "blue jay".); SIKOZKUINAm an., SIKOZKUINAZlw in. = to ozkapini = blue eyes, eye glasses; -ozkuifmi-wa = "blue" horse v. IMI be dark blue v. SIK-; Page 172 I p = bad v. MAKAP; PAKAp- bad, lazy; pakapsix pl. an.; pakapisz pl. in.; pakapsiuwa col.; pahxim6-w it smells bad v.AMA; pahkun (i) = what's the matter? nitawPAHKIMINAKI = I plough, cultivate v. KIMI; (ih)PAHKUYIZlw it blazes, flames, is hell PAHK- PAHP- = to beat, hit, throb: nitaiPAHPUAw = I strike, beat him/her.; nitaiPAHPUYII = I quake, tremble shake (myself); PAHPAKI to brush; PAHPApIXI = to shake: nitaiPAHPAPIXISTAKI etc. v. APIXI; PAHPAPINIAPIXI = to twinkle the eyes v. APINI; pahpaxxisi-wa woodpecker v. XIS I Moskizipahpistaki = Heart cf. Obj. pahpahsa.; m6skizipahpi in. heart: n6skizipahpi = my h.; nftakoskozipahpi = stubborn, obstinate Butte; itepeziwa n6skizipahpi =my heart is towards them.; v. NI = PAHS- (PAX-) naked, bare: nitaiPAHSAITAPI (PAHSAITAPlw) = to be naked v. PAXISTOTOhsi to undress oneself refl. v. TOT MATAPI; =false, wrong: PAHT- PAHZfw =: it is wrong in.; pahzap- = false, mistaken, bad, wrong; pahzapiw PAHZANI = to err (in speaking) v. ANI; PAHZANISTO = to err (in pahzapsinani an. = a sin, a bad thing to do =it's a mistake, pardon me.; doing) v. TOT; PAHT- inside, within; Pahtomahxikimi PAHTOKI an. pine tree v. OTOKAN; S1. Mary Lake(s) v. KIMI pahtokui = pine timber; paht6ksko =pine grove, pine needles -SKO PAlwa (PAlye) ridge, ridge-scar, Scarface (POIA); ihpawakski-w = he has a face scar v. -SKI; pawahko suyopawahko = a ford, Bow River Crossing; Nizi-Pawahkui =: in. = mountain ridge, ridge-scar; Hudson's Bay Divide v. NI-; piuahko = bad lands PAKAppAp- = bad, lazy v. PAHK =dream, in a dream; e.g. papawhkyaiyo =bear in a dream v. KYAIYO; PAPOKA = to dream (about): ,v. OKA; papawkani in. =a dream, nitaiPAPOK' & nitaiPAPAWK; nitaiPAPOKATAw, (Cf. English powwow vision; nizipapokan (i) & nfpapawkan (i) = my d.; opapokan (i) = his/her d.; <Alg.) inakimi papus (i) =papoose, suckling babe; numoh'papfup = my sibling v. MOHT (referring to brother or sister); (Note Engl. 2 papoose < Narragansett) PAPI = to suckle(?); PAPISA =to yell, shout: PASKA (PESKA) nitaiPAPIS' (aiPAPISAm) = to dance: nitaiPASK'; PASTA = to bridge, build a bridge: nitaiPAST'; PATA Kitakstaipaska' (a)pastan (i) = a bridge, Cut Bank (town) to carry, bring: nitohPATAKI, nitohpATAw, nitohPATOhp; Maist6-Patakix = Raven Cal1'iers (a branch of the All Comrades); Pataki Carrier Woman, p.n. Cf. PATAK! below.; (This root occurs in the name Potomac < Virginian pataw: to carry, bring, in reference to traders of long ago.) Page $ =Would you like to dance? 173 ¥ PATAKI in. == potato «Engl. <Spanish <Haitian) sometimes confused with PATAKI above; pI. patakisz. PI- far: aiPIUOw =he/shelit is far away. (Cf. Cree pitsaw, Obj. pitsa.); Pikani =Piegan(s), Peigan(s) (though here the pi- may be a short form of APIK- + ANI:robe(s). cf. Piyani == Far Robe (a Man's name).; pi06hzi = far away za-aniszipiuow & za-aniszipihziwazix == how far is (it)? v. 1HZ!, ZA, piitapi-wa MANIST-; Pinukwiim, Piimikoyim Seen (From) Afar, Far Off in Sight), p.n. v. NANO; stranger v. MATAPI; PIIHZI = to be far away, lie far away: nitaiPIIHZI (aiPIIHZIw, PIIHZIw); PIAWANI == to fly far away v. AWA = -PI == to throb: awhPlw = it throbs. = PI- = to fall, rush through the air: nit6hPI (6hPIw & awhPIw) v. SPOHPI; 6hp'skonakaxi waterfall, Many Glacier; -HPIIto dance (with): nitaiHPII, nftohPOKIHPUMAw, ____________ . v. POK; OTAKIHPII = to dance in a circle, do a round dance v. OTAK PIAAPI (PIApI) in. = thing . PIHXO (PIHXI-) == nine: pihxi an., pihxui in.; pihxik6puto KIPO = nineteen v. KOPUTO; pihxfpo = twenty v. = PIK- = to shoot (of "ghost-shots" delivered by malicious ghosts to cause disease); pikaxisz in. pI. ghost-shots; istahpfkix = haunting ghosts PIKI = to grind, mash: nitaiPIKIAKI, , nitciiPIKIhp Cf. PIKIN; pikfmazis == a stone pikiaxin in. = porridge; SUISZIPIKI to ax; paxcizis an. stone maul: nipaxazis = my maul; thresh -PIKIN (-IKIN) == tooth, teeth; mohpfkini = someone's tooth Cf. PIKI; PIXI- == to chew: _ _ _ __ nitaiPIXIPAw, nitaiPIXZIhp; PIXI- to hammer, hit, strike (as in baseball): niziPIX' & nitaiPIXI (aiPIXlw); aipixi-w == a striker (in baseball); ihtaipixopi = a hammer; PIXINI == to snap; POX (APOX) = to crack, crush (as with the teeth); apoxzihp = nut (what we crush with our teeth) PIKIS in. == rib; Pitawpikfs Eagle Ribs p.n. PIN- (negative imperative particle); also MIN-; minos6phs = it must not be windy; not hail!; pinipfnozit == don't tear it up! v. PINA PINA minsakohs = it must to tear up, break up, shred, mince, clip: nitaiPINAKI, _ _ _ _ _ _ , nitaiPINIhp; fisher v. ATUYI; pfnihkai in. = a piece; pI. -kaisz pinotuyi == a PINAP- = downstream, eastward, east; nizINApo (PINAPOw) = to go east downstream v. APO; Pinapisina-w Pinapisinaikoan == a Sioux man; nitPINAPISINAIPUYI = I col. Sioux, Dakota(s) v. AS INA; Pinapso-kimi == Atlantic Ocean. speak Sioux.; pinapohzi == down the river, downstream PISAT- == wonderful, funny: pisatap- == wonderful; nitaiPISAZITAKI, nitaiPISAZIMMAw, _ _ _ _ __ == I am surprised, wonder (at); nitaiPISAZKASI = I conjure, make "medicine" v. KASI; pisazkasin = a show, theater, circus; pisazkftan = a cake v. KITA; pisazinikimi = wild onion Page 174 I PISKA to empound, corral, fence in, surround: nitaiPISKI; piskan(i) in. :::: a corral, buffalo pound, buffalo niszipiskan(i) in. a corral, fence jump; nipiskani my c.; PISTAHKAN in. tobacco; aipistahkaipoko (-ui) in. pepper v. -POKO (often cut to ap'stakapokui) maisto-w :::: crow; sfpisto-w PISTOw nighthawk; Spaiyisipistoipaskan(i) Spanish Owl Dance v. PASKA owl; Sipistoipaskan(i) :::: Owl Dance; PISZI :::: to weave, bend, suspect: nitaiPISZITAKI, nitaiPISZIMOAw, nitaiPISZIZIhp; piszkiata in. :::: bend of a flyer; naipiszi an. blanket, rag; in. wool; awaipiszimiska-w :::: blanket-maker, Indian of Awaipiszirniska-Xahko :::: Arizona & New Mexico Sikaipiszisokasim Southwestern tribes v. KA; an. Black Robe, priest, Jesuit v. SIK, ASO; OXIPISZI & awIPISZI == to suspect: nitawXIPISZIMOAw, _____________ .; piszikokan :::: unborn buffalo calf or calves v. OKOA; piszizako in. :::: foam; PISZIZAKUYIw :::: it foams.; saipiszimazis an. sawawhpfszap- :::: meddlesome; SAWAWHPISZAPSIw screw; Mahkaipiszi :::: Red Blanket p.n.; :::: he/she is meddlesome.; PISZIXISTO == to deceive: , niziPISZIXISTOTOAw, _ _ _ _ _ _ v. TOT; naipiszi-opis == cord v. APIS; PITA :::: to mow: nitaiPITAKI kipitaki-w old woman, moon (loses K-) v. KIP-: nipitam:::: my o. W.; opitam:::: hislher PITA- :::: old woman; o. W.; Kipitaisuyekaxin == Old Woman Stretching Her Legs (a man's name) v. KA PITA-wa == eagle; pL pitaix; coL pitai-awa Cf. Virginian apatanew: white taiL; niPITAI:::: I am an eagle (in an pitaipokaw :::: old song).; Pita:::: Peter; xiszikumi-pitaw thunderbird v. XISZIKO; eaglet; pitawanoki in. eagle arrow, tail feathers v. ANIK-; maziipftaw :::: a bat v. MAZI; omahxapftaw condor v. OMAHK; Apinakuipitaw :::: Morning Eagle p.n. v. APINAKO; Mikuzf-Pita (n), Ikuzf-Pita (n) & Mahxi-Pita Red Eagle p.n.; xixihkini pitawa :::: bald eagle v. KIN I PIXI (PIK-) == wonderful, awesome; pixixina (pizixina) :::: snake (X<>Z; <ISZINA: bug, worm; cf. Ozitaiapisziihpixfxinaix in. August (when snakes go blind; SKINA); omahxixixina == rattlesnake; v. NAPI; Pixixinaitapi-wa coL:::: Shoshonis) v. MATAPI; nitaiXIXINAITAPAIPUYI I talk pikap-:::: wonderful: pikapsiw Shoshoni.; aiPIXIKAHZiaw:::: they are playing stick-game v. KAHT.; an., pikapiw in. PIXIw :::: (large) bird, chicken; opixisina col. == fowl, birds, beasts, animals; omahxipixiw :::: turkey v. OMAHK; pixauanokisz :::: bird's feathers v. AUANOKI; Pixiawana:::: Bird Rattle(r) p.n. PIXINI- == to be lean, skinny: nitaiPIXINI v. POHKIA :::: to mow, reap, hay: nitaiPOHKIAKI; nitaiPOHKISTOlohsi ref!. :::: I shave (myself); Anawitaipohkiakiopi August, September apohkipi in. field nitaiPOHISTOIAw :::: I shave another.; (what we cut); pohkistoiazis an. :::: a razor POHS- :::: here, to here: niziPOHSAPO (POHSAPOw) :::: to come here v. APO; POHSAPIPI to bring here Page 175 $ pohsapohzi == here, hither; • POK- small: POKIMlw v. an. (animals), POKISlw v. in.; pokaw == child; opokasina coL == children; inaxfpokaw & pokaup == baby (pokaup also means "cat bird".); POKAII == to be born: Myohpok6iix = the Pleiades (Bunched niniiPOKAII (aiPOKAIIw); minfpokaw = a rich child; 6kosfpokaw = a colt; pusepokaw Boys); Akaipokax = Many Children (a Blood band or clan); = kitten; kyaiyopokaw =a bear cub; xinaiipokaw =a bastard Onistaipoka Wonderful Child mat6mipokaw = first-born child; p6ksiszi =vireo, or Calf Child, p.n. as:iinaipoka-w = cry-baby; warbler, song sparrow (generally for small birds); nitATOAWPOKOS = I have him as a god-child or adopted child.; pokfnsimo == wild rhubarb v. INSIMA POK- == accompanying, with; POKIUO == to accompany, go with: nftohPOKIUO (ihPOKIUOw), nitohpok6maw == my companion; otohpok6mi his/her nitohPOKOMAw, __________; companion; nitaiPOKAUPIMMAw == I live with ... v. UPI POKAIIMA =to fan: nit:iiPOKAIIM' (aiPOKAIIMAw), nit:iiPOKAIIMOAw, _ _ _ __ = a fan POKO =to taste (like), having a certain taste; iszipoko sweet; bitter; iszixipoko salt; :iipistahkaipoko in. = pepper POKUNa an. = ball; pI. pokuyix; ball and the game) v. MIKPOMISa in. = fat, grease, oil; PONI n6hpokun ik:ixipokow =it tastes very good.; iszixipoko-ohkf = ocean, sea; pokaiim:izis aposipoko =alum root; mazipokow = it tastes = my ball; ohpokuni =his/her ball; mi6hpokun =baseball (the poyii & puyfi = oil (Cf. Obj. pemi, Cree pimi etc.); pomfs-siszf' =goldfinch == (-IPON-) to break (as a dish etc., by dropping or throwing down), crush, mash: nitohPONI, _ _ _ _ _ _ , nitohPONIhp & nitaiPONISTOhp & nitliwPONISTOhp.; ip6nikaw an. =it is broken. PONOKAwa (-INOK-, -NOK-) =elk, red deer, wapiti sing. & col.; also coL 6nokasina an.; ponok:iistamik(a) = bull elk, buck; ponokaiskfm & ponokaiskfni-wa cow elk; Ponokaisisahtai =Yellowstone River, = he yells like an elk v. KOML; ponokaipokaup = Bow River, Red Deer River; itanokawhKUMIw elk-lodge v. OKO; ponokainihxini in. = elk song v. NINIHKI; niziNOKAKIAKI I trap ponokainazi-w = paper (looks elk; niziNOKAWAKIMAW = I chase elk v, AKIAKI, AKIMA.; like elk hide); also panukainazi.; ponokawmita-w horse v. IMITA; 6nokamitasina col.; suyinokawmita (a mythological or prehistoric mammal; the mammoth?) v. SUYI; ponokawmitawyis in. barn, stable v. MOYIS; mixkfmonokawmita locomotive v. MIK; spaiyenokawmita = a Spanish horse v. SPAIYL PONopANI =quiver (with arrows in it); nfnopanisz my q.; unopanisz =his/herq.; inopazis == a quiver; =arrow. pana POSTUMI == rotten wood; aipostuminazi = apple; pI. -sz (refers to dried fruit sold by early traders); Akoiaipostuminazi = Minneapolis (Many Apples) v. AK POTA POTA = to make a fire: nitaiPOT(a); -isz; potazis = stove; pI. -azix potamskan in. = a fireplace, hearth; to snow: awhPOTAw & aiohPOTAw', mistakisz ihpotai' Page 176 potani = camp-fire; = the mountains are snow-covered. pI. = to put, loos/e, pardon, lay down, let go, set free: , nitohPOTOAw (PAIOTOufaye), nitSAPOTOhp = I put it into .... v. SAP-; pot6kit = let niziPOZIhp (POZImaye & PAIOZImaye); me go!; nitiiPOTOMOAw = I loose for him. POTO -PSKINAw (mohpskinaw) -PUI = to paint; = jaw; pI. chin nitohPUISKI = I paint my face v. SKI; PUINA = to suffer: nitiiPUIN(A) (aiPUINAm); = to wake up: PUKA PUMA PUN an. PUTA = there are sun-dogs. aiIXIPUINAmiaw = they suffer much v. IK nitaiPUKAKI & niziPUKAKI; pukfhp = cherry, chokecherry = to buy: nit6hPUM(A), nit6hPUMATAw, nit6hPUMATOhp; nit6hPUMMOAw = I buy from him! her.; itahpumawpi in. = store, trading post; ihtahpumawpi an. =money.; awhpuma-w = a trader; pI. -moaix PUMAP (PUM-) PUSa awhpuiski-w nat6si = good: PUMAPSIw v. an., PUMAPIw v. in.; = bracelet; pI. punix; nitohPUNI (ihPUNIw) Istapumaozini = Holy Communion = to have or wear a bracelet. = cat, fiddle, violin, cat tractor; pI. pusaix «EngI.<Dravidian or Egyptian?); POK = to fly, soar: nitaiPUTA (aiPUTAw); aiputa-w = airplane flies; may be used as a woman's name and also to mean "bird".) posaipoka-w = kitten v. (alternate form: PAIOTAw = he/she -PUYI (-IPUYI-, -AIPUYI) = to speak, talk: nitaiPUYI; ihtaipuyop(i) = telephone; (ai)puwatsin in. = word, language; pI. aipuwahsisz (Y <>W); nizitapfpuwahsin & nizfpuwahsin = the Indian language v. NI-, MATAPI; nitailZITAPIPUYI & nitailZIPUYI (aiIZIPUYlw & NIZIPUYlw) = to speak Indian; aipuyaipizi = chatterbox v. AIPIZI; kataiaipuyi-w = mute; nitaiSAIY AIPUYI = I am nitaiPIKANIAIPUYI = I speak silent.; nitawKApAIPUYI = I curse, speak evil v. KAP-.; nitaiSINAIPUYI = I speak Piegan.; nitaiSIXIKAIAIPUYI = I speak Blackfoot v. SIK, KA, *; nitaiAZIPUYI = I interpret, translate v. AZUv. also SPAIYI, NI-, Sioux or Cree v. ASINA.; KUTENAI KUMONUI, SAIYI, NAPI * AlAI here rhymes with English "my-ye-". "sigh-ye-". Page + 177 • s -S- hislher b. & c.; nisa voc; nisix =my brothers & c. (Sometimes this word is pronounced with a glottal stop in front of the S: -+S-.) =elder brother, cousin, uncle, son-in-law; nlsa =my b. & c.; usi sA. = no, not, welL.; SAI-, SAW- = not; SAWAT- = no more; Sa-ahsi-wa = Sarcee(s); Saahsikoan = Sarcee man; Sa-ahsi-'sakitaki coL = Stonies v. ASAK, AHS, INI SAAMi in. "medicine", drug, war bonnet, medicine hat, magic, medicine for curing; nisaami = my war bonnet &c.; azkimiisaami horn war bonnet; okamipuyisaami = war bonnet with a tail v. NIPUYI; nitaiSAAMI (aiSAAMIw) = to wear a war bonnet SAHK- = short: SAHKSIw an., SAHKIw in. = to be short; sahkumapi-w = boy; osahkumapisini col., apozkfna-sahkumapi = cowboy; sahkfna-w = a married man; asahkfna-w = a young married man; sahkot6ahsim an. pI. -mix = sock (ATOAHSIM = stocking); nitsahxikinaki =I have short legs; nitsahxikinisz I have short arms. SAHP- = weak (in health etc.); SAHPSlw an., SAHPIw in. = is weak SAHXZ- = light (not heavy): SAHXZlm an., SAHXZlw in. = to be light = out, out on the prairie, out in the field (in baseball) v. SAW SAI-, SAW- etc. SAITAMI- =to breathe: nit(ai)SAITAM(i); ihtaisaitami6pi =lung SAIYA, SAIyA.Iwa = goose; osaiaisina col.; Saiyaix ozitautohpi = March SAIYI- (SAI-) = wild, savage, rabid, mad; Saiyi-w = a Cree; Saiyikoan = a Cree man; Saiyapikoan = a Cree metis; aiSAIY AIPUYI = to speak Cree; Saiyapakaitapisko = Babb; aisaiyahkomi = domestic bull v. KOMI; SAIY AIPIZI- = to tell lies: nitSAIYAIPUZI, nitSAIYAIPIZKOHTOAw, ; SAIYAIZIKO = to rattle: nitaiSAIZIKO, (ai)SAIZIKOw); saiyaizfxixi ::.:: oak tree; SAIYAIZlKAPIXI = to rattle, ring: nitaiSAI(YAI)ZIKAPIXISTAKI, nitaiSAIZIKAPIXISTAw, nitaiSAIZIKAPIXlhp v. APIXI; sai(yai)zikihtan(i) & saizikihtan(i) an. = a bell SAKAKIMMA sak- ) =to love, esteem: _ _ _ _ _ _ , nitaiSAKAKIMMAw, _ _ _ _ _ _ . (cf. Cree & Obj. SAKI- = yet, still; Sakyawzisi = Still Smoking, p.n. SAKO = to hail (weather): aiSAKOw = it's hailing. SAKO-, SAKOI- last; Sak6ikakat6si Last Star p.n.; sak60hzi last, later on, afterwards SAKUZI v. AKUZI SAM- =a long time; aiSAMOw = it's a long time; aisamoi =long ago; SAMISI (aiSAMISIw) Page 178 to take a long time: nitaiSAMIS' SAMI to hunt: nitSAM' & nitaiSAM', nitaiSAMATAw, sami-w == a hunter; == to seek, look for: , nitAPAISAMAw, nitAPAISAZIhp APAISAM SAP ::: complete(ly): SA.PANISZIm an., SA.PANISZAw in. to be complete v. ANISZI.; SAPISTO == to satisfy, complete: nitaiSAPANISZI, nitaiSAPANISTOTOAw, SAPAZISTO == to prepare: _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ , nitSAPA.ZISTOZlhp. SAP- =in, into; mazitsapizipaz it is empty; there's nothing in it.; isap6zis? == stuffed entrails, "Crow guts" (after a popular but improbable etymology from ISAPO + UZI.); SAPIHTA ::: to put in: nitaiSAPIHTAKI, nitaiSAPIHZAw, nitaiSAPOHTOhp.; SAPOTO to put in: _ _ _ _ _ _ , nitSAPOTOHP; SAPO == to follow (in the tracks of): nitSAPO, nitSAPATAw, .; SAPAPIXI == to throw into, to play basketball (often adding pokun): nitSAPAPIXISTAKI; sapapixistaxin (pokun) == basketball; SAPIXIKAI == to follow, step in the tracks of; v. XIKAI.; SAPASUYINA = to pour into; v. SUYI. SAPAKOT- = folded; sapakot-sinaxin = book.; sapakohtohp multiplied by SAPI == to look at, look for, read: nitSAP' & nitaiSAP', nitaiSAMAw, nitaiSAZlhp; (v. SAMI); sapit, sazit, sa+ (imperative forms: look!); nits a' = I see (slang). (It may be that this verb blends two roots: SAMI and NAPI, q.v.); isapiazis & 'sapiazis in. == mirror, looking-glass, telescope, field glasses pI. -azisz.; ihtaisapiop X-ray; nftSAMOko == I am iht6kam6tsapi6pi == telescope (v. MOHT- & MOKAM-).; nosazix == my glasses X-rayed.; ihtaisapiskiohs6pi = washbasin (refL an.; v. MOHT-, SKI).; NApISZI- blind (to be): nizAPISZI (NApISZIw (spectacles, eye-glasses); sapsini == eye-sight; & APISZIw); APSAPI == to look about, seek; NA.PISZAKI == to close the eyes: nizAPISZA.KI; APSAZI to look for, seek: nitAPSAZI, nitAPSAMAw, nitAPSAZIhp. SAPIKI- (cf. SAP-) sapfkiohsazis = finger-ring (reft. an.); sapikakiazis in. =stirrup; SAPIKINA == to button: niUiiSAPIKINAMA, ,nilliiSAPIKINIhp.; sapfkinamazis in. = a button, stick sapfmman in. ::: hood; pI. -nisz. for joining tipi front; pI. -mazisz.; SAPOP in. = plume; sapapistazis an. spear. SASKINA ::: to cough: nitaiSASKIN(A), _ _ _ __ cold. SAT- == beyond, west, beyond the Divide; sat6hzi beyond; saskfnani in. = cough, bad Sata p.n.; Sataki p.n. SAISKAPI = to crawl out; v. KAPI.; SAIZI = to spread SAW- (SAI-) = out; saw6hzi::: outside v. SAI-; , nitSAWTOAw, nftSAWZlhp (& out: nitaiSAIZIZAw.; SAWTO = to take off or out: SAWOTO: nitSAWOTOAw, nitSAWOZIhp); nitSAWOTOMOAw = I scalp him (may add otokani). SAWUMIZI == evil, treacherous; Sawumizi-kfsum February; also means "unreliable". SAXI == to go out, leave, depart: nftSAX'. SIK- (SIXI-) == black; SIXINA to be black: nitSIXINA (SfXINAm3 p. an., SIxINAZlw 3 p. in.); Sixikai, Sixikaw == Blackfoot col. v. KA; Sixikaikoan = a Blackfoot man; Sixikaizitapi == Blackfeet lndian(s); sikai == buzzard, vulture, cigar; sixinik6k cedar; sixinokuyi in. Page 179 • juniper.; aisixikimi == coffee v. KIMI.; sikap- =gray v. NAPI: SIKApSIw an., aiSIKAPIw in. =to be gray.; Sikapikoan African-American; sikimf black horse or other animal; sikim- =stingy, selfish; SIKIMI = to be stingy (with or to): nitSIKIMITAKI,nitSIKIMIMMAw, nitSIKIMIZIhp; sikiminfyani =kingbird v. MINI.; sik6hkot6ki =coal v. OHKOTOK.; slkskim = black rock v. KIM!.; msikli in. == charcoal, black paint; sfkohkos an. == frying pan v. KOS.; sik6mahxini in. = prune v. OMAHK-, MINI.; sfkihzis6(wa) moose (black going in; v. SZISO); pl. -soix.; sikihzis6istamik = bull moose v. STAMIK.; isik6tokani =junco v. OTOKAN. SIKANI in. bed, quilt, blanket; pI. sikanisz == beds, bedding.; nitaiSIKIAKI, nitaiSIKIAw, nitaiSIKlhp. sikanihkoi = cotton; SIKI to cover: sikaipit =stop! imp.; SIKUPI SIKO =to stop, break (off): nftSIK' (aiSIKOwa), nitaiSIKAw, nitaiSIKIhp.; =to rest (v. UPI): nftSIKUPI.; Sikatoixiszik6' + Monday (Sunday's over.); aisikotuyi-w = mule deer, blacktail deer v. -ATUYI (breaks its tail) IKOKINI in. = birch; pl. -fnisz. SIKOSI = to melt: nitaiSIKOSI, _ _ _ _ _ , nftSIKOZIhp. SIMI- SIMIAP- = secretive: nitaiSIMIAPSi v. an.; SIMISI- == to be sly: = secretly; ___________ , nitaiSIMIMMAw, SIMIMMA = to backbite, gossip, slander: nftSIMISI. ; _ _ _ _ _ ., SIMA=toforbid: ,nitaiSIMAw. ., SIMOZI to warn each other recip. ihtaisimiopi SIMI = to drink: nitaiSIM', nitaiSIMATAw, nitaiSIMATOhp; drink, pop; v. IKIN-; simaipizi-w = drunkard, alcoholic. SINA = cup.; ikinaisim'sin soft = to write, draw, take photos; refl. to sign one's name, to vote: nitaiSINAKI, nitaiSINAw, nitaiSINAlhp.; nitaiSINAmoaw = I write to him/her.; ihtaisinakiopi in. = pencil, camera; aikamistapohtum sinaxizi = computer; nitohtaisinakiopi = my pencil, camera; mixkimiohtaisinakiopi = pen v. MIK-, SKIM.; ihtaixistliisinaiopi = camera v. XIST.; sinaxin = writing picture, mail, document; sinaxisz pI.; spfksinaxin in. = book; v. SPIK-; sapakot-sinaxin = book v. SAP-.; simixin-itotaki6pi = post office v. MATO.; aisinakiohpi = television; ohkotok-sinaxin & itaisiksinakiopi = blackboard v. SIK- & OHKOTOK; nisit6i-sina == five dollars; kipoi-sin = ten dollars; nazipoi-sina = twenty dollars; itaisinakiopi = desk SINATAP- = (to be) in trouble: nitaiSINATAPS(i).; nitaiSINATAPIZIHT'; v. MIZIHTA. SINATAPIZIHTA = to be troubled in mind, distressed: SlNOPA-w = (kit) fix SIP- = water (cf. sipi in Obj., Virginian etc. e.g. Mississippi); -sipowazi = clear, transparent; sipow::lzikimi in. = clear waterlliquid; sipowaistoko =clear night; IPSI- =to wet dampen, moisten (metathesis?): nitaiIPS' & niziPS'. SIPI- =at night (cf. Obj. tipik, Cree tipisk).; nitaiSIPIAPO.; sfpisto-w == SIPIAPO = to go about at night: owl v. PISTO. SIPIA in. Seville (Flats) «Engl.<Spanish). Page 180 -SISa ::::: younger brother, sister, cousin, nephew, niece (of a female); pI. -sisix; ohsisi ::::: her b. etc.; pI. ohsisix SISAKspotted, dappled: SISAXINAm v. an.; face; sasakomi::::: trout v. -KOMI sasa- = speckled, nisfsa ::::: my b. etc.; pI. nisfsix; freckled: sasaski = freckled SISAPOK- ::::: through; sisap6xinako' = is transparent v. NANO SISOYAZI ::::: scissors «Engl. <Latin) = (to be) tired: SISZI- siszik-::::: tired (of) nftSISZIko & nitaiSISZIko pass.; SISZIw =(small) bird; pI. siszix; p6ksiszi-w::::: sparrow or general term for small birds; otahkuisiszi =canary, goldfinch; ozkuisiszf bluebird; apinakoisiszf = junco, snowbird v. POK-, OTAHKUI-, OZKUI-, APINAKO. -SISZIN- =hoof, toe; omahksiszin::::: caribou, reindeer v. OMAHK-. SITOK- ::::: between, through, in the middle (of); sit6kohzi KITA; kaiexi-sitoko = through a gap or canyon = between, in the middle; sitokftan ::::: pie v. -SIXI (-XI-) ::::: tree, stick: -sixim an., -sixiw in.; 6mahksixim = log; apaxixtohksiw an.; apaxixtohkiw in. = flat (in. ::::: lumber, board); asfzixim an. aspen, cottonwood v. AS-; asizixsko in. ::::: aspen! cottonwood grove; saiyaizixixi::::: oak tree; xis'xtaki::::: beaver (wood-biter) v. SIXTA; xis'xtaki-oyis in. ::::: beaver-lodge; xis'xtaki-6kiaxin = beaver dam; pI. -sisz; siksixi in. =willow v. SIK; siksakapansi ::::: swallow; pahpaks'xisi(w) woodpecker v. PAHP -SIXKA (-S'XKA) ::::: number, order (in a row), grade (as in school) v. IXT-, OXTAKI; nitoxka-sixka number one v. NI-; aiitawaniw nisit6i-sixka =he!she is in the fifth grade; v. ANI, NISO. SIXTA ::::: to bite: nitaiSIXTAKI, nitaiSIXIPAw, nitaiSIXZIhp SIZII in. = smoke, fog: aiSIZIw =it is smoky, emits smoke; SIZINAZlw::::: it is foggy. SIZIPSA =to speak, talk to: nitaiSIZIPS(i) & nitaiSIZIPSAKI, nitaiSIZIPSATAw, nitaiSIZIPSATOhp (intransitive also means "to read"). SKI = to leave (behind): nitSKI, nitSKITAw, nitSKIhp -SKI = face namski (miimski) = lizard, homed toad (twisted face); ninamskan = shaman; misinski = badger (striped face); irnitaiski = dog-face (term of insult); makski ::::: ugly (face); kokski ::::: antelope (corner face); SAPSKI = to slap; SINAWISKI = to Sinawiskitaki(omahk)at6ixiszikoiat6si ::::: kiss; Sinawfskitaki(omahk)at6ixiszik6 ::::: New Year; January SKIM (SKINIw) ::::: cow, mare, girl (often used as a feminine suffix)e.g.; -SKIM =rock, stone cf. -KIMI Page b 181 ponokai-skim = cow elk ---------------------------------------SKINA = dark: aiSKINAZIw = it is dark.; kainaiskina-w mouse; 6mahxikainaiskina-w rat; isxina-w = bug, insect, worm (also iszina-w); pixixina-w = snake v. PIXI SKIZA =to scare, frighten: _ _ _ _ _ _ , nitaiSKIZAw, SKIZIMMA =to win, defeat, surpass, excel, transcend: ,nitSKIZiMMAw (SKIZIMMlw), nitSKIZTOhp (SKIZTOm) SKO =to go back, return: nltSKO & nitaiSKO; nitaiSKATAw =I return for; (i)sk6hzi =back, behind, last; aiskatopi = corn, maize (we went back for it).; SKOMAHKA = to run back v. OMAHKA; SKOTO = to take back v. MATO; SKOTAHKAII = to go back homey. AHKAII; skotahkyapomahka-w = he runs back home, makes a home-run (as in baseball); NAMIKSKAPIXI = to twist v. NAMI, APIXI; SKOXKASI = to run backv. KASI; SK'SAPI =to look back v. SAPI; skini- = the back (of the body) SKONATAP- (iSKONATAP-) SKONATAPlw v. in.) = strong, hard-working, useful: nitS KONATAPS , v. (SKONATAPSIw v. an., -SKUN- (-SKAN-) =younger brother, sister, cousin, nephew niece (of a male); pI. -skaix; niskana =my b. etc.; uskani = his b. etc.; uskawai = their b. etc.; niskani voc.; niskunix (Napi's name for all the animals); nitskunitamix = my pets. SKUNAKA = to shoot: nftSKUNAKI, nitSKUNAKATAw, nitSKUNAKAZlhp SOAPITAN in. = fringe(s) SOAZIS tail feathers (especially of the eagle) SOKAP- = good, well, fine, OK: nitSOKAPS' v. (SOKA.PSlw v. an., SOKA.Plw v. in.); sokapi = good! m<itsokapi no good; sakakap- = excellent;' SAKAKAKIMMA thanks!, OK (reply: iksokapL); = love v. SAKAKAKIMA, SAKAKIMMA, AKOMI; SOKAPISTO = to arrange or prepare well v. TOT; SOKAPSXINO = to know well v. NANO SOKAT SOKI- = again and again, repeatedly =prairie, out on the prairie, in the country; KASI; Sokitapi nitSAKAPO v. APO SOMI = to strip, undress: saukyi in. =prairie; soki-awakasi =antelope v. AWA, the Blackfeet (of all tribes)v. MATAPI; SAKAPO = to go out on the prairie: nitaiSOMINI, nitaiSOMIZIAw, _ _ _ _ _ _ ; nitaiSOMIZlohsi refl. SOD an. =war-party; pI. sooiix =warriors; PASKA SOPOAHZIS nftSOO = I go to war, or on a raid.; soo-paska = war dance v. to ask, inquire (after): nitSOPOAHZISI, nitaiSOPOAHZISATAw, _ _ _ __ SOPOK- = whole: SOPOKSlw v. an., SOOKlw v. in.; SOpOXl an. a dollar: nitsop6xi = one dollar; nitsopoxIHZAw an. = costs one dollar; nitsopoxIHTOhp in. costs one dollar v. -HTA SOPU = to blow, be windy: aiSOPU-w = it's windy; Page 182 aisikSOPU-w = it's blowing a chinook v. SIK-; NANO; minSOPUhs ::: it must sawumai-SOPUiinakus subj. not blow!; before it dawns. SOTA ::: to rain: aiSOTA-w::: it's raining; sotaii in. rain; SOTAMI ::: to stay out in the rain aiSOPUfinako(w)::: rain, a shower; it dawns v. omatapsota-w ::: it's starting to SOTAM- (-S'TAM-) ::: just, now, immediately, then. soon, later on, have to, must (emphatic particle). SOXI- ::: beautiful, handsome; Ill.; SOXINA to beautify, to be beautiful, handsome: SOXINAm an., SOXINAZIw SOXXINA::: to paint the face: nitaiSOXXI (my own face), nitaiSOXXINAw (his/her face), SPA.IYE- (SPA.IYI-) ::: Spanish, Mexican, Hispanic «Spanish); Spaiyekoan & Spaiyikoan ::: Spaniard, Mexican, Hispanic; SpAIYAIPUYI ::: to speak Spanish: nitruSpAIY AIPUYI; Spaiyawahsina ::: Spain, Mexico, Spanish land v. AWA; Spaiyistpistoipaskan(i) ::: Spanish Owl Dance v. PASKA, PISTO, SIPI; spaiyainokawrnita-w ::: a Spanish horse v. PONOKA SPAZIK6' in. ::: sand, sandy area, sand dunes or hills v. SKO; Saskatchewan, adobe of the dead); spaziko' itapo (kimitaps) Omahkspaziko'::: the Sand Hills (in western he/she is dead (poor thing!) (euphemism) SPI- ::: head, hair, top, shoulder Kaiispa col. ::: Sioux (roaches?) v. KAII; Kotokspi(tapi) col. ::: Flatheads, Salish people; Kotokspitapikoan ::: a Flathead SPI- high, tall; spfw v. an. & in.; Spfim v. in.; SPITAw v. an. (persons); SPIMlw v. an. (animals); SPIXfm v. an. (trees); SPlxfw v. in. (trees); spohzi ::: above, on high, in the sky (also spohzim); spistuki ::: high mountain, peak v. MISTAKI; spurn, spumohzi ::: sky, in the sky Omahk-spum ::: Montana; Spurnitapi::: God::: Natoyitapi-spumapi; spiapioyis::: tower v. MOYIS, NAPI; Spizii =Highwood, Bitterroot country; SPIHZI =to rise, soar, be on high v. IHZI; SPINA =to lift v. INA SPIK- ::: thick, dense: SpfXlw v. an., SPIKlw v. in.; in. ::: book v. SINA; -SPINI = jaw, cheek spiksko::: timber, Little Badger v. SKO; spikapoxiniman in. ::: roof apspini ::: goose v. NAPI; spiksinaxin mozzipina::: jaw, cheek (someone's); nozzfpina::: my jaw, cheek SPISTOKIN ::: to blaze; aiSPISTOKINIZlw::: it blazes up. SPOHPI ::: to bounce: nitSPOHPI v. PI, SPI SPOPU ::: turtle SPUMO .= to help: nitaiSPUMAKI, nitaiSPUMOAw, _ _ _ __ STA ::: to think, wish, hope? like: nitruST', nitliiSTATAw, nitaiSTATOhp (ai often blurred to sound like U in English "but" Cf., STA below.); nizfkST', nitaiohST', nitaiximST', nixfST' (common ways to say "I think, wish" incorporating IK, NOHK, XIM, q.v.); XIMISTA to think (of): nitaiXIM'ST' & nitaiXIMIST(a), NOHKSTA::: to wish nitruXIMISTATAw, nitaiXIMISTATOhp; ximistani in. ::: a thought; wish; etc.:nitruOHST(a) (3rd p. NOHKSTA.w) Page 183 STA = suck: nitaiST', nitaiSTATAw, nitaiSTATOhp (ai often sounds like U in English "but". This makes it hard to distinguish the two roots STA.); SINISTA = to lick, kiss v. SINI; SIXTA = to bite v. SIXTA; ISTAHK = to suckle, nurse cf. -XIST- (mother); KAHXIS'XTA (X Z?) saw: nitaiKAHXISZTAKI, nitaiKAHXISZIMMAw, nitaiKAHXISZTOhp; ihtaikahxisztakiopi = a saw v. MOHT STA+Aw (STAAw) == ghost, will-o' -the-wisp (usually implies a malevolent ghost) col.; sawumizista'+aw evil spirit STAAP- =lazy: ozistawosina nitST AAPS(i) v. STAHT - (iSTAHT-) = under, underneath! under the water; in. == underwear, undershirt, underskirt istahzi = under(neath); stahtopai pisokasimi STAMIK(a) = bull, buck, steer, ram; pI. stamix & stamikix (Cf. Obj. atik) v. SUYI-; stamixikoan == buffalo stahzistamik == mammoth?, mastodon?, p.n. Under Bull v. bull calf; awatuyistamika = stag, buck; STAHT STATAXI =to cleave, rend, split: STAUT (STAWT) nitaiSTATOxAKI, _ _ _ _ _ _ , nitaiSTATAxIhp = to insert, stick into, inject: _ _ _ _ _ _ , nitaiSTAUTOAw, nitaiSTAUZlhp STAWAp- == lucky; nitSTAWAps' v. STAZ- == to stink, smell bad: ik-STAZ-imo'-w it stinks (a lot) v. IK, AMA; nitaiSTAZKASI v. KASI; APASTAZKASI == to flirt v. APO -STO- == body, person; mostum(i) == somebody's body; her/it;. kaxistumiw == is naked (just a body). nist6wa STAZKASI == to show off: I, me; kist6wa = you; ust6i == he/shelhiml -STOKI == ear STOKI = to knock, beat: nitaiSTOKIAKI, nitaiSTOKIAw, nitaiSTOKIhp; awrustaxin an. == crucifix; pI. -xix; STOKIMA == to drum: nitaiSTOKIM'; ist6kimazis in. drum, tom-tom -STOXI- face: mostoxis in. == face (someone's); Matapi-ostoxis-istaki Going to the Sun Mountain (i)STUYIw =it's cold (of weather).; aistuyiw =ice cream; (i)stuim(i), stuwimi STU- (STUYI-) =cold; (i)stuyis(i) in the winter subj.; 6mahkaistuyf == all and stuyimi an. =winter (stuim- an., stuyi- in.); winter long; Statosi:-w an. == November; srusopu-w a cold wind (blows) v. SOPU; stusi =the common cold; za aniszistufmiw = how old is he/she? za kitaniszi-stuimihpa = how old are you?; STUYIMI = to pass the winter: nftSTUYIMI; Stomahkat6ixisziko == Christman; Stomahkat6ixiszikat6si =December; AhsiStomahkat6ixiszik6' == Merry Christmas. v. OMAHK, NATO, XISZIKO; STOSIM & STOSlw = is cold an.; STUYIw in. (of weather, places, things), STOKIMIwin. (of liquids) v. -KIMI; ihtaistuyimiopi an. thennometer; (i)stuyisiszi-w = snow bunting, Alaska longspur v. SISZI; Katayaistuyiwa California v. KAT-; STUNO == t<; fear, dread: , nitSTUNOAw, nitSTUNlhp; -srunatap- dreadful, awesome: nitSTUNATAPS' v. (ST1.JNATAPSlw an., STUNATAPIw in.); stunatapi == a danger, wonder Page 184 STUYISI = to be ashamed: nitaiSTUYISI SUIOPOK in. = leaf; pI. -kisz; -KIMI; Anawozftaisaisui6poxkohpi in. sui6poksko = May SUMOSI = to go for water, get water, dip water: nitaiSUMOS'; col.; aisui6poxikimi ihtaisumosopi an. tn. = tea v. bucket v. MOHT SUYI- (SUI-, SUWI-) water v. SIP-; is06hzi = on the shore, near the fire or water; (SAP)ASUYINA SOD = to go into the to pour into: , nitaiSAPASUYINlhp v. SAP-; water: nitaiSOO; Suia Wades-in-the-Water p.n.; Suyapikoan = Englishman v. NAPI, KOAN; SUIAIHZI = to float: SUIAIHZIw = it flats v. IHZI; SUIAPIXI = to throw into the water v. APIXI; suyai-stamik water bull (ammoth or mastodon? cf. STAHT-, STAMIK); suiahkyaiyo(a) = water-bear (other fabulous monsters); suyfnokamita-w = water-horsy (other fabulous monsters); suyfnfman in. = fringe; SUYIISTAII = to dive into the water: nitSUYIISTAII; AKOHSUYI = to boil: awAKOHSUYlw = it is boiling SXINO = to know (a compound ofNANO, q.v.); _ _ _ _ _ _ , nitSXINOAw, nitSXINlhp; AISXINO = to remember, learn; AISXINAIMAZ to teach: nitAISXINAIMAzTAKI, nitAISXINAIMAZAw, itaisxinaimaztakiopi & itaisxinaimaz6zpi school; aisxinaimatztakiw aisxinaimazaw = pupil, student (passive teacher; Kakatosi-itaisxinaimaztakiopi = Starr School; form); aisxinaimazixin = lesson; SAWAZXINO (SAWATSXINO) to forget: nitaiSAWATSXINOAw, nitaiSAWATSXINlhp SZIKI = other, another, next: matszfki & matszfka =other; = some ... others; szfki = give me some more! SZISO to go to town, go in (into the woods); moose v. SIK- szfkisz sometimes; szfkix ... szfkix (or anfx) (i)szis6hzi =in town or in the woods v. IST-; Page 185 sfkihzis6-w • T TAHSINI = Kinnikinnik; TAKA. kakahsin =Indian tobacco, kinnikinnik, larb, bear berry = who? whom? (occasionally a relative but mostly an interrogative); because; taka' ohk6i 6tasaiye = whose son's horse is it? v. KOS, OTAS TAP-, TAPOHZI -TUN- twa = = over on the other side TAZIK- = center, middle, in the middle; tazikahzi = in the middle; noon. v. XISZIKO; tazikxistokoi = midnight v. KOKO; INI; Itffihtazikaszimiwpi =Wednesday v. ASZINA -TOT- takaz =who is?; (ai)tazikaixisziko-w (-koi) = it is Itaihtazikyfnikiopi = Tuesday v. = to make, create, do, make, obey, mind: nitawANISZI, nita.wANISTOTOAw, nita.wANISTOhp; APISTOTAKI = to create, arrange, fix (cf. Cree totam: does.) =daughter: nituna = my d.; oruni = his d.; nhuni'voc. Page 186 u UKI = to close, shut: nitaiUKIAKI, nitUKIAw, nitUKIhp; 6kimazis & ukimazis == a lock UNIKI == milk; nuniki = my m. (a female speaking); niruniki = my m. (as in a glass, cup); unikis, uniki breast; Uhikisz (Teton, a butte near Choteau, Grand Tetons); (i)stuniki = milk shake v. STUYI; unikiawhpomi in. cheese v. POMIS; UNIKI-sisahtai == Milk River v. NIETAHTA; unistahs, unista calf (confused sometimes with ONISTA) UNOZI == to be hungry (for): nitUNOZ', nitaUNOZ' & niziNOZ' (often with IK-: nizikUNOZ') (sometimes used with sexual implications) UPI =to sit: nitUPI Cf. Fox upi. (often withAW & IT: nitaUPI, nizitaUPI); (a)s6pazis == chair: msopazis nmaI-SOpaZIS rocking chair v. NINA; AMIAUPI (notas) == to mount (my horse) v. AMI; ITAUPI ::: to live, dwell (there) v. IT-; OHKITUPI = to ride, sit on top of, perch, alight: nitOHKITUPI v. IKIT; SIKUPI to rest v. SIKO == my c.; UPSPI (APSPI) =eye: moupspi an. = eye; noupspa = my eye; oupspi =glasses, spectacles v. SAPI; apa-oupspi =huckleberry his/her eye v. NAPI; oupspinazis an. UXIN = bed (standing); pI. uxisz; nit6xin = my bed UYI (UI-, 01-) = to eat: nitUYI (nitUI, nitOI), nitawATAw, nitawATOhp; awawahsin in. = food; nitapawahsin = meat, Indian food v. NI-; xistapawahsin = grain foods, vegetables v. XIST; ihtazikiawahsin = dinner, noon meal v. TAZIK-; xiskayawahsin = breakfast; nlziXKANYOYI = I have breakfast.; itaisoyopi & it6hkizoyopi = table v. IKIT; itawyopi in. = restaurant, dining-room; ihtawyopi an. == fork; it6hkanoyopi = hotel v. KAN, OKA; nitawkoyi & nikawkui = I've eaten my fill.; mawyi = mouth; nawyi == my mouth; awazis = chewing gum UZI in. intestines, guts, entrails; UZINA (AZINA) = to be fat, stout, paunchy: nitaUZIN' (aUZINAw); Uzina-w & Azina-w sing. & col. = Gros Ventre(s); Azinaisiszf = bobolink (says "Azina"; or perhaps confused with ASINA, q.v.); (i)sapouzi stuffed entrails (popularly called "Crow guts", a kind of sausage) d Page 187 __ x XAHKUMa (KRAHKUM) an. = earth, world, land; XAHKO, -oi (KRAHKO-. -oi) in. = land (an amount awatohpi-w xahkum of); awahsini =country, land v. AWA; also: awahko; nitawahsini =my country.; = there's an earthquake.; xfstapixahkum = a desert v. XIST; Sixikai-xahko' = the Blackfeet Reservation v. SIK, KA; okoes-xahko =reservation, communal land v. OKO; xahkumi-izfo =in the ground; kawahko in. =coulee; aki-xahko (-oi) =bluff, cutbank; XASXIMOKgrass; XIK- green (bright green): XASXIMOKAm v. an., XASXIMOK(OIN)AZIw v. in.; Aniozitaixasxfmokohpi in. April xasximoko = white: XIXINAm v. an., XIXINAZIw v. in.; xikihkfni & xixihkini (pftaw) bald eagle, thunderbird v. KINI, PITA; xikumahkaii = white swan v. KAII; xikap- = clean, white: KIKApSlw v. an., XIXISTOTO to clean: ,nitaiXIXISTOTOAw, nitaiXIXISTOZlhp XIKAplw v. in.; v; TOT-; xixisokasim(i) =Anglican (White Robe). XIKAI = to walk: nitaiXlKAI & nitaiXIKOI; APIXIKAI = to take a walk v. APO XIMAT- = happy: nitaiXIMAZITAKI, nitaiXIMAZIMAw, nitaiXIMAZIZIhp = to be glad, rejoice, greet, thank (for), be pleased (with). shake hands (with); kizfXIMAZIMo CkizfXIMAZIMMo) I thank you, nitaiXIMAZINOAw = greet you, shake hands with you.; nizfXIMAZIZlhp = I thank (you) for it.; I'm glad to see him/her. v. NANO XIMISTA (XIM'STA) nitaiXIM'STATOhp; XINAw (XINAAw) XINI to grunt: to think v. STA: niUiiXIM'ST' & niXIM'STCA), (The original form may be XIMIHTA.) = coyote, bastard aixini-w pig, hog; XIPUYINA = to squeeze (v. INA): (aiXIPUYINlm); aixipuyinihpi in. XISAP- = down the river; aixinioxisako & axinyosaki = bacon v. IXISAKO ~. .___.. _ __ , nitaiXIPUYINlhp = sponge; pI. -pisz XISAPO = to go down the riverv. APO XISATA = to hide: nitaiXASI (XASIw), niUiiXISATAw, nitaiXISATOhp XISAZIWA = to be jealous (of): nitaiXISAZIWA & nizXISAzIWA, nitaiXISAZIWATAw, _ _ _ __ XISI- (KRISI-) = nose: mohxisis = nose, beak (someone's); nohxisis =: my nose; ohxisfs = his/her nose; inohxisi-w = elephant v. INO; ik-sahk-xisi-w = he/she is short-tempered (has a very short nose; v. IK-, SAHK-). XISI = sharp; to sharpen: ____~_____ ,___________ ,nitaiXISXlhp; xisfis = thorn; pI. XISllX; xisfsko = thorn-bush; suisxisi = mosquito, fly; ixisiki =beargrass; IXA,IXSA =to stick, pierce, innoculate, vaccinate: , nizlXSAw, SXISI = to stick, adhere: nixISXIXI; moxis = awl; pI. moxix; noxfs my awl. Page 188 XISKAKI to touch: _ _ _ _ _ , nitaiXISKOAw, nWiiXISKAKIhp; aixiskak6wa == piano XISKAN- == morning, early v. XIK-, XISZIKO; xiskany6toni (xiskafi6toni) in. = morning v. ONI; xiskany6tonisi subj. in the m.; xiskanyawahsin in. breakfast v. UYI; nfzIXKANYOI (IXKANYOIw) = to eat breakfast -XIST- (-KRIST-) = mother, aunt; nixfsta mother; nizfxisf == I have a mother. my m.; uxfszi = his/her m.; nitoxiszi (ixfszi-w) = to have a XIST- (KRIST-) xistapi = are random; xistap- random, useless, false, unreal, not genuine; something; xfstapi & xist6hzi = at random, for nothing, in vain; xistaw6hzi == opposite; xistapiapikoan == German, Dutchman; aiXISTAPIAPIAIPUYI == to speak German, Dutch; XISTAPO = to wander v. APO; XISTOHKOTA = to give gratis, for free v. KOTA; XISTAPANI = to tell falsely v. ANI; XISTU- (XISTUI-) = image (on film, T.V. etc.); aisaixist6(iaw) =theater, show, movies, television v. SINA XISTAK- = across, over; XISTO = to promise: XISTAKAPIXI = to throw across v. APIXI nitaiXISTOI, niziXfSTOWATAw, _ _ _ _ __ XISTO- (KRISTO-) = hot: XISTUYIx an. pl., XISTUXIsz in. pI.; XISTUSI == to feel hot (of persons); ixiXISTUYIw in. = it is very hot v. IK-; nitaiXISTOhsi refI. = I warm myself, have a fever.; XISTOSIm & XISTOSIw an., XISTUYlw in. (of weather, places things); XISTOZISlw in. (of weather); XISTOKOMIw in. (of liquids) = is hot warm.; xfstokfsokasim =:: shirt v. ASO; itaixistohsoy6pi = heating stone; xisto-maxiskum = hot spring -XISTUN- throat, windpipe; mohxistuna someone' s throat XISZI- (ISXISZI-) nitaiISXISZAKI =:: I do beadwork; -manisz; natoapixisziman = a rosary v. NATO isxfszaksin = beadwork xisziman in. = a bead; pI. XISZPAP- = easy: XIszpApSIw v. an., XIszpApIw v. in. XISZIKO (KRISZIKO) (-KOI) in. == light, day, weather; pI. -koisz; xiszik6i by day; mazixiszik6i = next day v. MAT-; an6hk(a) xiszikoi == today v. ANO; xiszik6si subj. = during the day; 6mahkaixiszik6i == all day long v. OMAHK-; -aiXISZIKO-w = it is day (time).; Xiszikoi-kakat6si Venus (the planet) v. NATO; zaniziwa xiszik6 = How's the weather?; Makapi-xiszik6' (It's) bad weather.; ltami-xiszik6 = (It's) good weather. v. ZA, MAKAP, XISZIKUMa (KRSZIKUMa) =:: thunder, n. & v.; 6hkomiw xiszikum (ipitaw) = it is ITAM; thundering (Thunderbird is singing) v. KOMI, PITA; ihtaixiszikumiopi = clock, watch; xiszikumstazis & xiszikumistan(i) = window -XOKO =friend, relative, kinsman; pI. nixok6wax; nfxok6wa =my f., nixok6ai & nixok6wa voc; oxokaoi = his/ her f. -XUO (XUWO) = to walk: nitaiXUO (aiXUOw & aiXIUOw); -XUAPO = to walk about v. APO; =:: foot; xiitapi-w == pedestrian v. M.A.TAPI; xuiohzfm = beneath Page 189 -XI ....~ It. ~-------------------------- -- f ! y YESI = to mourn, wail (for): YISI = to pick berries: YOKI- (iYOKI-) curly; YOSI = to cook: nitawYESI, nitawYIMMAw, _ _ _ _ __ nitawYISI Y6kihkyaiyo = Curly Bear p.n. v. KYAIYO nitawYOSI, nitawYOSATAw, nitawYOSATOhp; awyosi-w = a cook; itawyosopi = kitchen Page 190 I z ZA (TA) = what, which, why, how?; ZAiye v. ::;: what is ...? how is.... ? etc.; zahtaw ::;: perhaps, what, which, I wonder (how); ZANlSZINAm am., ZANISZINAZIw in. ::;: what color is it? v. MANIST-; zaniszi ::;: when? (past); zaniszis ::;: when? (future); zaniszim(i) ::;: how much?; zaniszima an., zaniszowa (-ui) in. ::;: how many?; zanistapi (tantstapi) = what do you want? how about it? what...?; zanisziPIUOw ::;: how far is it? v. PI-; zanistap-anisin ::;: what does (it) mean? v. ANI; zanistapsi-wa ::;: what is he/she like? of what sort is he/she? v. MANIST; zaa za kitaiAHSIMMAwa::;: which an. do you like?; za (alternate for ZA, often used to express disbelief); kiUiiAHSIZIhpa which in. do you like?; zaniszistuyimiw how old is he/ she?; za-kitaniszistuyimihpa::;: how old are you?; zixia' ::;: which ones?; zixia' kotasix which horses (are yours)? v. OTAS; zanizuyi kokuyi::;: how many nights? v. KOKO; zaniziHZAwaz an., zanizOHTOhpaz in. ::;: what does (it) cost? v. HTA ZAPANIKOAN ::;: a Japanese, a Chinese (load word <Japanese <Chinese + -KOAN) ZIIHKASI ::;: to be proud (of): nitaiZIIHKASI, niZIIHKASATAw, _ _ _ _ _ . v. KASI ZIKI ::;: little boy! sonny! voc. (has no plural). ZIKAZI ZIMA. grasshopper = where? which? -ZIMINAN = arm; ZIMOTA to escape, flee, run away (from): nitawZIMOT', nitawZIMOTATAw, nitawZIMOTATOhp mohziminan in. = (someonc's) arm; pI. -sz v. INAN, ZIS ZIS- (ZI-) =to take a sweat bath: nitaihZI (aihZIw); ZISKA to make a sweat-lodge: nitohZISK' (ihZISKAw) v. KA; (ih)ziskani::;: a sweat-lodge; pI. -kanisz -ZIS- ::;: -hand, arm; nozis ::;: my hand; ozis means "paw" and "fist". ZKA in. ::;: which, which way, where?; did he/she go? v. OT hislher hand; moszfs someone's hand; pI. mozisz; nahzkaaiye::;: which, which way? v.; -ZIS also zka-iht6waz = which way tLATHEAD COUNTY LIBRARY KALISPELL, MONTANA Page 191 I
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