Established 1959 Queensland Petroleum Exploration Association Incorporated QUPEX Inc. ABN 86 052 382 425 C/- Tim Hands Treasurer 102 Adelaide St, Brisbane, Queensland, 4001 Telephone: 07 3838 3620 24 March 2015 Dear QUPEX Member, Notice of Annual General Meeting The purpose of this letter is to advise members of QUPEX Inc. about the following matters: Interim President and Vice-Present as commenced 1 January 2015; Annual General Meeting of QUPEX Inc.; and Nominations for the QUPEX Inc. Management Committee for 2015. 1 Interim QUPEX Inc. President and Vice-President QUPEX Inc. 2014 I President, Huw Mason, resigned from his position effective as of 31 December 2014. QUPEX Inc. 2014 Vice-President, Glenn Haworth also resigned from his position effective as of 31 December 2014. Pursuant to rule 20.1 of the Rules of Association for QUPEX Inc., the continuing members of the Management Committee appointed Glenn Haworth as the interim 2015 President of QUPEX Inc. who commenced in this role from 1 January 2015. Pursuant to rule 20.1 of the Rules of Association for QUPEX Inc., the continuing members of the committee appointed Warwick Smyth, as the interim Vice-President of QUPEX Inc. who commenced in this role from 1 January 2015. Both Glenn and Warwick will fill these interim vacancies until the QUPEX Inc. Annual General Meeting (AGM) which will be held on Tuesday30 April 2015. At the AGM the members of QUPEX Inc. will have the opportunity to vote for the members of the Management Committee for 2015. 2 Annual General Meeting As noted the 2015 QUPEX Annual General meeting will be held on Tuesday 30 April 2015 at 12:30 pm at the Tattersall’s Club, 215 Queen St, Brisbane, 4000. At the AGM the following business will be conducted in accordance with the Rules of Association for QUPEX Inc.: receive the QUPEX Inc.’s financial statement, and signed statement by Treasurer of QUPEX Inc., Tim Hands, for the last reportable financial year; Secretary: Louise Reed – Treasurer: Tim Hands – presentation of the financial statement and signed statement to the meeting for adoption; election of members of the Management Committee for 2015 (see 3 below regarding ‘nominations’); and appointing an auditor, an accountant or approved person for the present financial year. 3 Nominations for 2015 Management Committee Nominations are now being taken for the 2015 QUPEX Inc. Management Committee. The Management Committee consists of the following positions: President Secretary Vice- President Treasurer Presently the following nominations have been received for the 2015 QUPEX Inc. Management Committee: Candidate (and previous role with QUPEX Inc.) Position Nominated by Glenn Haworth (2014 Vice-President) 2015 QUPEX Inc. President Huw Mason and Tim Hands Warwick Smyth 2015 QUPEX Inc. Vice-President Huw Mason and Tim Hands Louise Reed (current Secretary) 2015 QUPEX Inc. Secretary Huw Mason and Tim Hands Tim Hands (current Treasurer) 2015 QUPEX Inc. Treasurer Glenn Haworth and Huw Mason If you would like to be nominated or nominate another member of QUPEX Inc. for a Management Committee position, the following requirements apply: a member must be nominated by any two other members of QUPEX Inc.; the nomination must be in writing and signed by the candidate and the members who nominated him or her; the nomination must then be given to Louise Reed (current QUPEX Inc. Secretary) by 31 March 2015. Anyone who wishes to nominate for a position should familiarise themselves with the QUPEX Rules of Association and the responsibilities of the Management Committee of an incorporated association (see generally the Associations Incorporation Act 1981 (Qld) and the Office of Fair Trading website). Some of the obligations are set out in the annexure to this letter. A list of the candidates’ names, with the names of the members who nominated each candidate, will be displayed at the April 2015 QUPEX lunch. I look forward to seeing you at our next lunch. Kind regards Louise Reed Secretary, QUPEX Inc. Secretary: Louise Reed – Treasurer: Tim Hands – ANNEXURE Responsibilities of management committee The management committee is responsible for managing the affairs of an incorporated association and has several responsibilities under law. The management committee must, among other things: (a) control the business and operations of the association; (b) ensure the association complies with its rules on calling and holding meetings; (c) ensure minutes of all committee and general meetings are kept; (d) register land or interests in land gained by the association because of its incorporation; (e) ensure the association’s name appears on the common seal; (f) ensure the association’s full name appears on all official documents such as advertising, letters, accounts, publications, cheques and receipts; (g) notify the Office of Fair Trading within one month of changes to the office bearers (president, treasurer or secretary), the association’s postal address or the secretary’s residential address; (h) ensure proper accounting records are kept which correctly record and explain the transactions of the association and its financial position; (i) ensure the financial affairs are audited annually; (j) ensure that an annual general meeting is held each year within six months of the end of the association’s financial year; (k) ensure the audited financial statements of the accounts of the association are submitted to members at the annual general meeting; (l) lodge an annual return; and (m) at least annually, consider whether there is a need for the association to take out public liability insurance. Committee members should: (n) be aware of the duties of the secretary and ensure those duties are properly carried out; (o) use reasonable care and skill in the performance of their duties; (p) act in good faith; and (q) advise the committee of any conflict that may arise between their own interest and the interest of the association. Financial penalties may be imposed on both an incorporated association and its committee members individually, for failing to comply with the obligations under legislation. Secretary: Louise Reed – Treasurer: Tim Hands –
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