Welcome - Sapphire Coast Anglican Parish

ABM Weekly Reflections
The Third Sunday of Easter – Sunday 19 April 2015
Acts 3.12-20; Psalm 4 1 John 2.15-17; 3.1-6; Luke 24.36b-48
It is all about you Jesus, the Hillsong hymn gets it right. Peter sees the flow of history
driving to this point. ‘The God of Abraham … has glorified his servant Jesus.’ It is all about
Jesus, yet there is so much in Jesus; we receive peace, adoption as children, and joy.
Give thanks for the things that bring joy to yourself, and peace to those around you.
Pray for the Anglican Church of Australia, giving thanks for all that is done in the
twenty-three dioceses of our Church to further God’s mission in the world.
The Very Rev. John Roundhill, Dean of Bendigo
© Anglican Board of Mission, 2015
Ven David Ruthven: Phone 6495 3307 email: druthven@me.com
Assistant Priest: Rev Lou Oakes: Ph 6495 7203 email: Lou@get-smart.com.au
Honorary Assistant Priest: Stephen Rigby. Phone 6495 9978
Parish Email: scaparish@bigpond.com
Parish phone: 6495 4353 - Office Hours: Mon, Wed & Thurs 9am -12.00 noon
Address all parish mail to: P.O.Box 282, Merimbula NSW 2548
Parish web Site: www.sapphirecoastanglicanparish.org.au
Parish Office manager: Peter Charlton - Phone: 6495 2661
Parish Council Chairman: Ken Traise - Phone: 6496 2192
Parish Council Secretary: TBA
Parish Treasurer: Gavin Bell. Phone: 0411 564120
Merimbula Contact : Vickie Charlton. Phone: 6495 2661
Pambula Contact : Malcolm Brandon. Phone: 6495 9838
Candelo/Tantawanglo Contact: Hazel Targett. Phone: 0413 623248
Eden/ Wyndham/ Towamba Contact : Ken Traise. Phone: 6496 2192
Wolumla Contact: Raymond Daly. Phone: 6494 9753
Kameruka / Cattle Fund Contact: Sandy Macqueen. Phone: 0408 979759
Young Families Contact: Wayne Woods. Phone: 0498 869240
Mission and Evangelism Contact: Carol Bartlett. Phone: 6495 9456
Anglicare Contact: Flo Young. Phone: 6496 4927
Prayer Chain: Laurel Powell. Phone: 6495 6584
Pastoral Care: Geraldine McCann. Phone: 6495 3540
Cathie Haynes. Phone: 6495 3989
Projects/Buildings/Maintenance: Robert Allen. Phone: 0414 927207
Pew Sheet : Diane McParland Phone: 6495 0125
Email: noeldiane@bigpond.com News for Pew sheet to Diane by noon Wednesday
With Congregations at:
St Clements, Merimbula; Christ Church, Pambula; St Johns, Eden;
St Peters, Candelo; St Johns, Tantawanglo; St Lukes, Wolumla;
Holy Trinity, Wyndham;
Bimbimbie Park, Merimbula; Roy Wootton Gardens, Eden;
Hugh Cunningham Gardens & Sanananda Park, Tura Beach;
3rd Sunday of Easter – 19th April 2015
Sentence: Turn to God so that your sins may be wiped out, so
that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.
Acts 3. 19 - 20;
Prayer of the Day
Lord of Life, by submitting to death, you conquered the grave;
be being lifted upon the cross, you draw all people to you;
by being raised from the dead, you restored to humanity all
that was lost through sin: be with us in in your risen power,
that in word and deed we may proclaim
the marvellous mystery of death and resurrection.
For all praise is yours, now and throughout eternity.
Readings: Acts 3: 12 - 20; Psalm 4. [APBA 225]
1 John 2: 15 - 17; 3.1 - 6; Luke 24: 36b - 48;
THIS WEEK 19/4/15 - 26/4/15
Third Sunday of Easter
8am - HC - Christ Church Pambula - Vestry
9am - HC - St Clement's Merimbula
11am - Family service - St Clements - Merimbula
11am - HC - St John's Eden
11am - HC - St Lukes - Wolumla
Lunch time - Spirit 15 Conference ends
Mon David’s day off
11am - Coffee Corner - The Original Fix coffee shop - Merimbula
2.30pm - HC - Roy Wooton Gardens - Eden
Anselm, abp of Canterbury, teacher [d.1109]
Lou’s day off
2pm - HC - Sanananda Park - Tura Beach
1pm - Afternoon Social group - Parish Centre - St Josephs - Merimbula
6pm - Alpha Course - St Lukes - Wolumla
Thurs George, martyr [d.c.303]
9am - Morning Prayer - St Lukes - Wolumla
12.30pm - H C - St Lukes - Wolumla - followed by shared lunch & Bible Study
2pm - HC - Bimbimbie Park - Merimbula
2.30pm - 4.00pm Knit and Natter drop in sessions - St Lukes - Wolumla
7pm - Parish Council Meeting - Pambula
Mark, evangelist & martyr
Fourth Sunday of Easter - Mission Sunday
8am - HC - Christ Church Pambula
9am - HC - St Clement's Merimbula
11am - Family service - St Clements - Merimbula
Ven David’s Family Time
11am - HC - St John's Eden - Vestry
David will be unavailable from
11.15am - HC - Imlay House - Pambula
5pm - 7.00pm every night.
This being time with family.
Join us for Communion
Christ Church Pambula Roster 26/4/15
Lay Assistants - Carol Newton & Ursula Viebcke
Reader & Welcomer - Alan McCann
Intercessor - Carol Newton
Counters - Marj Roche & Brigitte Kestermann
St Johns Eden Roster 26/4/15
Liturgical Assistant - Ken Clark
Reader - Flo Young
Intercessor - Enid Whiter
Ushers - Dawn & Rob Allen
Readings for 26th April- Easter 4
Acts 4: 5 - 12; Psalm 23. [APBA 225]
1 John 3: 16 - 24; John 10: 11 - 18;
We're here again, Lord
Your family, in fellowship together
Friends, strangers, colleagues, neighbours
Short, tall, rich and poor
An assortment of your people with one purpose and one aim
To learn from you and to worship you
Be with us in our diversity
Join us in unity through your love
That we might leave this place
Knowing that we have met not only with each other
But also with you
Grow in Christ
So many shades of gold
Another miracle we take for granted
Another expression of the artist's vision
The blending of the autumn hues
with the setting sun. Warm Comforting Perfect
Thank you for autumn, Lord
In Our Parish
Pray for: Clergy & Families,
Lay readers, Wardens,
Vestries, our Parish Council,
Parish office staff,
Parishioners on rosters.
If you have concern for any member of this wide spread parish please pass it on through your Pastoral
Care Committee. Maybe a Phone care call, emergency
Casserole, a visit, Prayer Chain support, a Card of congratulations, support or
condolence, is what is called for. Your PCC can arrange an appropriate response on behalf of us all but
only if they know of the need. So please be alert to the needs of your family, friends and neighbours.
Please keep us informed. Ring Cathie Haynes, Marjorie Roche or Geraldine McCann
Phone number in contacts section on page 8
We welcome any visitors to our services today.
Please take Communion, whatever your denomination.
Do stay for a cuppa
after the 8am service at Pambula,
the 9am service at Merimbula
the 11am Family service at Merimbula
the 11am service at Eden
the 2.30pm service at Wyndham 1st Sunday of month
Time for
a cuppa
“Have you considered leaving a lasting legacy to the Parish?”
In the world
Pray for Peace in the middle East
In Australia
Pray for the SES, Police Force, Rural Fire Service, Fire & Rescue,
and Ambulance Service, as they go about their duties.
In the community Meals on Wheels
In the world wide Anglican church
Pray for Nebbi - (Uganda) The Rt Revd Alphonse Watho-kudi
In The Anglican Church of Australia
Pray for Diocese of Perth: Archbishop Roger Herft, Bishops Tom Wilmot, Kay Goldsworthy,
Assistant Bishop-Elect Jeremy James (till 6 Aug 2014), Clergy and People
In our Diocese
Pray for Bishop Stuart & Bishop Trevor
Young District Anglican Ministry: John Thomas (Christine), Barbara Moon
Mothers’ Union: Chaplain TBA
Pray for: Shared ministry with our neighbouring Dioceses particularly Riverina and Bathurst
our Tri-Diocesan partners; development of unity and cooperation in our Province and
National Church.
Mission Work of the Church in Australia and overseas
This week we pray for The Bible Society. Bible Society has a five year history of providing
Bibles to South African prisoners undertaking a Discipleship program. Prison in‐mate Ayoob
Toffie wrote to Bible Society recently sharing, “The reason for my letter is to say thank you
for seeds that you and your team have sown into my life. Whatever you are sowing in the
Kingdom of God might leave your hand but it will never leave your life. The Bibles that you
gave are a tool of firm foundation… producing results that will impact our nation for the
glory of God.”
Those in need
Norma & Keith Harris, Sue Cochrane, Julie Baker, Col & Pauline, Trish, Stacey, Sue & Jason,
Peter & Doris Prince, Selwyn Ramsay, Pat, Joan & Ray Cornish, Danielle, Joyce Slater, Ann,
Ron & Marie, Chris Bugden, Gerard Bacon, Ken Britten.
Praying around the Parish.
This week we pray for the
people of Towamba
Timor-Leste coffee
is on sale; $8.50 for a 250g packet
of beans or ground coffee. $4 from
the sale of each packet is helping
educate children in Timor-Leste.
Prayer Chain
Requests for prayers from the
Prayer Chain should be
directed to Laurel Powell
Contacted on 6495 6584
Election Results from AGM
of Sapphire Coast Anglican Parish 2015
Congregational Meetings Results 2015
St Clements Merimbula
Wardens: Alan Gale, Max Thompson.
Parish Treasurer: Gavin Bell
Rectors Warden: Vickie Charlton
Parish Council Secretary: TBA
Vestry: Vickie Charlton, Peter Charlton, Alan Gale,
Young Families: Wayne Woods
Judy Ridgway, Max Thompson, Marie Carter,
Merimbula Contact: Vickie Charlton
Bill King, Wayne Woods
Pambula Contact: Malcolm Brandon
Christ Church Pambula
Eden/Wyndham/Towamba Contact: Ken Traise Wardens: Laurel Powell, Ursula Viebcke.
Candelo/Tantawanglo Contact: Hazel Targett
Rectors Warden: Malcolm Brandon
Wolumla Contact: Raymond Daly
Vestry: Malcolm Brandon [Chair] Janet Brandon,
Pastoral Care: Geraldine McCann
Laurel Powell, Marjorie Roche, Cathie Haynes,
Kameruka / Cattle Fund: Sandy Macqueen
Brigitte Kestermann Bruce Munchenberg,
Anglicare: Flo Young
Ursula Viebcke, Richard Warby
Missions & Evangelism: Carol Bartlett
St Johns Eden
Aged Care Sanananda Park: Ursula Viebcke
Wardens: Pam Inwood, Robert Allen.
Projects / Buildings / Maintenance: Robert Allen Rector’s Warden: Ken Traise.
Vestry: Pam Inwood [Chair] Robert Allen,
John King
Enid Whiter, John Ironmonger, Peter Rice,
Hazel Targett
Ken Traise,
Malcolm Brandon
St Lukes Wolumla :
Ursula Viebcke - reserve member
Wardens: Carol Newton, Agnes Vening.
Rector's Warden: Raymond Daly
Janet Brandon, Pambula
Vestry: Carol Newton, Agnes Vening, Dave Harvey,
John King, Candelo
Patricia Daly.
Ken Traise, Eden
St Peters Candelo
Vickie Charlton, St Clements
Rectors Warden: Hazel Targett
God knows our situation; He will not judge us
as if we had no difficulties to overcome.
What matters is the sincerity and perseverance
of our will to overcome them."
Written by C.S. Lewis
St Clements Roster Merimbula 26/4/15
Flowers - Wendy Gale
Cleaning - Max Thompson & Jenny Crawford
Ushers - Peter & Vickie Charlton
Liturgy - Max Thompson
Reader - Alan Gale
Intinction Server - Alan Gale
Projector - Bill King
Counters - Alan Gale & Robert Turner
Morning Tea - Lorna Sewell
A Parish Fun Day at Mandeni.
On Saturday 2nd May, 11am - 3pm.
All welcome, BYO lunch and drinks
(you can buy drinks). BBQ available
Families, singles, couples,
All are invited
Please come to meet & chat
with others in our Parish Family.
Contact: Geraldine McCann
or Vickie Charlton
But the freedom that they fought for,
and the country grand they wrought for,
Is their monument to-day and for aye.
Thomas Dunn English
“Have you considered leaving a lasting legacy to the Parish?”
Coming Events
Wed 22 April - 6pm - Alpha Course - St Lukes - Wolumla
Thurs 23 April - 7pm - Parish Council Meeting - Pambula
Sat 2 May - 11am - 3pm - Parish Fun Day - Mandeni
Sat 16 May - SOY AND BEESWAX HANDMADE CANDLES - St Lukes - Wolumla
Fri 15 - Sat 16 May - Bishops Cathedral Convention
Sat 27 June - GROCERY BOXES TO BOOKS - St Lukes - Wolumla
Happy Anniversary
On Wednesday
Bill & Penny King
50 Years of Great Memories
Queen Elizabeth, 89 on Tuesday
Coffee Corner
Fancy a cuppa and a chat?
Looking for some company?
New to the Parish?
Why not come along to The Original Fix coffee
shop in Merimbula and join us for great coffee
and a friendly chat?
We’ll be meeting at 11.00am on Mondays,
Looking forward to seeing you there and
getting to know you, Lou.
The Bible tells us that Jesus Christ came to do three
things. He came to forgive your past, give you a
purpose for living, and a home in heaven.
- Rick Warren
Bishops Cathedral Convention
St Saviours Cathedral Goulburn
Apprenticed for Mission
170 Bourke St Goulburn NSW
Fri May 15, Registration 4 6pm
Sat May 16 Registration 7 - 8.30am
Sessions 9am - 3.15pm.
Phone: 0475796572 or 0425231477
Mail: PO Box 1025, Goulburn, NSW 2580
40 yr old Christian male looking for
food and lodging from late May to
late June. Please contact
Ian on 07 4782 7760
Our shelves are looking a bit depleted
We need staple foods such as Peanut Butter or Vegemite, tea bags, toothpaste tooth
brushes and soap. Tinned meat and veg, soups or chunky soup, large tins of tuna, spaghetti,
tinned fruit, pasta and pasta sauce
There’s a basket for your Donations at St Clement's Merimbula,
Christ Church Pambula, St Johns Eden, St Peters Candelo.
ABM has launched an Emergency Appeal for the people of Vanuatu in the aftermath of Cyclone
Pam that has devastated Vanuatu. Many of the worst affected islands lie in the Anglican heartland of the country. More information is available on our website at http://www.abmission.org/
Urgent appeal for support: Vanuatu - Cyclone Pam Relief
TEAR Australia has launched the Vanuatu Cyclone Appeal to provide support to communities
affected by Cyclone Pam. Funds donated to the Vanuatu Cyclone Appeal will be used by TEAR
Australia, NZ and other partners to: Support the long-term development of communities in
Vanuatu in the aftermath of Cyclone Pam.
Alpha at St Luke’s Wolumla
We’re going to be running an Alpha course at St Luke’s
beginning on Wednesday 22 April. The sessions will begin at 6pm
and include a shared meal, video talk and discussion time.
This is a course for the whole Parish, not just Wolumla, so please come along if you
have questions that you’d like to explore or if you’d like to have a refresh of what
Christianity is all about. We will be advertising and giving out personal invitations
so why not start thinking about who you could invite along?
Chop your own wood,
and it will warm you twice
Nellie Morgan and John Rees were married on
February 2nd in Newtown's Anglican church.
Henry Ford
So ends a friendship that began in their school days.
Visiting Pastor
A pastor went out one Saturday to visit his
church members. At one house, it was obvious
that someone was home, but nobody came to
the door even though the preacher knocked
several times.
Finally, the preacher took out his card, wrote out
"Revelation 3:20" on the back of it, and stuck it in
the door.
‘Behold, I stand at the door and knock.
If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I
will come in to him and dine with him, and he
with me.’ - Revelation 3:20
The next day, the card turned up in the collection
plate. Below the preacher's message was written
the following notation:
‘I heard your voice in the garden, and I was
afraid because I was naked; and I hid myself.’
- Genesis 3:10
“Have you considered leaving a lasting legacy to the Parish?”