S-Risk and EN-forc: Modelling exposure to chemicals in environment and food Humans are exposed to thousands of different chemicals each day. The origin of these chemical substances may be either natural or man-made. Once released into the environment, chemicals can pollute air, water, soil and food. VITO has developed two models for the integrated assessment of fate, exposure and health risks of environmental and food-related chemicals. Workshop S-Risk and EN-forc: Modelling exposure to chemicals in environment and food rd June 23 2015 – Boudewijngebouw Brussels, Belgium PROGRAM 09:30 Registration & coffee 10:00 Introduction Rudi Torfs 10:15 S-Risk: A web-application for human health risk assessment at contaminated sites Christa Cornelis S-Risk is primarily developed for contaminated site risk assessment, and combines fate modelling with multi-pathway exposure and risk assessment. It is the reference model for human risk assessment within the Flemish policy on soil contamination. 11:00 EN-forc: A model for the calculation of dietary exposure to chemicals Tine Fierens EN-forc predicts the occurrence of chemical substances in food products and the resulting dietary exposure in humans. Contamination pathways considered by the EN-forc model are environmental transfer and migration from food contact materials (i.e., packaging). Effects of processing and additional contamination from imported food products can be accounted for. 12:15 Questions & discussion Rudi Torfs Interested to learn more about these models and their applications? The BREM team of VITO welcomes you @ June 23rd 2015 in Brussels! 11:45 Applications of S-Risk & EN-forc Christa Cornelis 12:30 Lunch & demo sessions 13:30 Closure GENERAL INFORMATION CONTACT Date June 23rd 2015 ORGANISING COMMITTEE Venue Boudewijngebouw – Koning Albert II-laan 30 – 1000 BRUSSELS, Belgium Christa Cornelis HOW TO GET THERE? Tine Fierens Arnout Standaert Mirja Van Holderbeke Registration Please register on-line at our website before June 17th 2015: www.vito.be/english/events/. Registration fee 25 EUR (excl. 21 % VAT) per person. This fee includes documentation, lunch and coffee. Payment is due before June 20th 2015, on-line by credit card or by bank transfer to account number 375-1117359-95 ING of VITO NV, BICcode BBRUBEBB and IBAN-code BE76 3751 1173 5995, mentioning “VITO-BREM Workshop June 23 2015”. It is of course possible to be replaced if you are detained. On request, an invoice will be sent if you provide us your VAT number. No confirmations will be sent. Eddy Goelen Jeroen Van Deun SECRETARIAT Els Kenis VITO NV Boeretang 200 – 2400 MOL – Belgium Tel. + 32 14 33 53 88 – Fax + 32 14 58 05 23 els.kenis@vito.be – www.vito.be See also: http://www.mobielvlaanderen.be/bereikbaarhe idsgids/pdf/bestem_bru-no_plans.pdf
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