Integrated Assessment Modelling for the design and implementation of Air quality plans in EU Regions APPRAISAL project final conference Committee of the Regions, Brussels May 11, 2015 Exceedances of air quality limit values in urban areas in Europe remain widespread, particularly for PM, NOX and O3. This has significant implications on European citizen’s health and well-being. Regional/local authorities in Europe in charge of the preparation of air quality plans and programmes need for methodologies and tools to assess cost and effectiveness of possible emission reduction measures. APPRAISAL FP7 project (that is ending on May 2015) aims at providing a methodological approach to address this concern. This APPRAISAL final conference objective is to provide an overview of the key results of the project, focusing on: »» The description of existing Integrated Assessment methodologies (IAM) at regional and local scales within the EU; »» The proposal of a decision framework for the design of Air Quality plans; »» The showcase of two applications (on Brussels city and on Porto Region) of the decision framework, through advanced Integrated Assessment Modelling tools. In addition to this, the conference will provide the opportunity: »» to discuss how IAM is dealt with at the European scale: NEC directive and regional/local plans »» to focus on tools providing information to the EEA e-reporting methodology, used to deliver the air quality plans contents to the European Commission; »» to deliver key information of the SEFIRA FP7 companion project; »» to focus on best practices adopted in EU regions to improve air quality. The final round table will focus on the tools to define AQ policies required/needed by the directive in review. APPRAISAL project final conference Committee of the Regions, Brussels May 11, 2015 AGENDA 09:50 10:00 10:20 10:40 Opening remarks A. Kentarchos (DG-RTD) The APPRAISAL project M. Volta (UNIBS) Policy issues in EU AQ review: the NEC directive J. Girling, (MEP, Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, European Parliament) Needs for the AQD implementation up to 2020 T. Verheye (DG-ENV) 11:00 Coffee Break 11:20 11:40 12:00 12:20 12:40 Needs in Public Health and Prevention policy L. La Sala (Public Health and Prevention Department, Italian Health Ministry) Research findings in Health Impact Assessment M. Williams (King’s College) IAM at European scale R. Maas (UNECE-TFIAM) APPRAISAL: IAM scheme G. Guariso (POLIMI) Behavioral changes in IAM, SEFIRA project M. Maione (UNIURB) 13:00 Lunch 14:10 14:30 14:50 15:10 15:30 APPRAISAL guidance and applications: Porto and Brussels A. Miranda (UAVR), P. Viaene (VITO) Air quality management in France: nesting national and local scales L. Rouil (INERIS) IAM applications in the frame of the Lombardia region air quality plan G. Lanzani (ARPA-L), G. Gurrieri (Regione Lombardia) Inventory and effectiveness of measures to improve air quality in Germany by implementing air quality plans A. Graff (UBA) Tools for AQD implementation at national and regional scale - Round table A. Kentarchos (DG-RTD), R. Maas (UNECE-TFIAM), E. Vignati (JRC), L. Rouil (EMEP), A. Zuber (DG-ENV) 16:30 End of the conference Location Room JDE 52, Jacques Delors (JDE) building, Committee of the Regions, Rue Belliard / Belliardstraat 99 - 101, Brussels, Belgium Brussels Central Station at 500m from Parc de Bruxelles F A C B E D Hotels close to the Conference A B C D E F Hotel Address Aloft Brussels Schumann Place Jean Rey Hotel Sofitel Brussels Europe Place Jourdan 1 The Holiday Inn Schumann Breydelstraat 20-24 The Radisson Blu EU Hotel Rue d’idalie 35 Stanhope Hotel Rue du commerce 9 The Thon EU Rue de la Loi 75, Brussel Contact Katrien Bultynck VITO 2400 Mol (Belgium) tel.: + 32 14 33 59 96
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