Info Packet & Application for Allied Health

0110 S W B ancroft S treet Portland, O R 9 7239 503.552.YOGA (9642)
Yoga Therapy Professional Training For Allied Health Professionals CONTENTS •
with Sarahjoy Marsh Path for Allied Health Professionals Program Schedule Teacher Bios Deadline of Requirements & One-­‐time Extension Attendance Policy CE Credit Information Program Tuition Refund Policy Application PATH FOR ALLIED HEALTH PROFESSIONALS Body-­‐centered allied health professionals apply for Part One Mental health professionals apply for Part Two NoWfy program admin of interest in receiving CE credits Complete either Part One or Part Two of Yoga Therapy Professional Training [For parWcipants of Part Two receiving CE credits] Complete course evaluaWon a\er each training weekend Receive cerWficate of course compleWon Incorporate new tools of yoga therapy into client sessions 1 0110 S W B ancroft S treet Portland, O R 9 7239 503.552.YOGA (9642)
PROGRAM SCHEDULE 2015 – 2016 For Mental Health Professionals (Psychologists, Social Workers, etc.): ⇒ Part Two: Tools for Mental, Psychological, and Spiritual Vitality, Starts June 26th! 142 hours of training • Eight, 14-­‐hour Weekend Modules • One 30-­‐hour Final Immersion June 26 – 28, 2015 July 24 – 26, 2015 September 18 – 20, 2015 October 9 – 11, 2015 October 30 – November 1, 2015 November 20 – 22, 2015 January 8 – 10, 2016 January 29 – 31, 2016 Immersion: Monday – Thursday March 14 – 17, 2016 For Body-­‐Centered Allied Health Professionals (Acupuncturists, Chiropractors, Massage
Therapists, Nurse Practioners, etc.): ⇒ Part One: Tools for Promoting Vibrant Health 160 hours of training • Four 30-­‐hour modules • Two research projects November 2 – 5, 2015: Adaptive Yoga November 30 – December 3, 2015: Yoga and Strength Conditioning January 25 – 28, 2016: Ayurvedic Restorative Yoga March 28 – 31, 2016: Mindfulness-­‐based Yoga 2 0110 S W B ancroft S treet Portland, O R 9 7239 503.552.YOGA (9642)
PROGRAM LEAD TEACHER Sarahjoy Marsh, MA, RYT and program director, in Portland, OR, is dedicated to the heart’s awakening through yoga, meditation, and self-­‐inquiry. Sarahjoy has been practicing yoga since 1989 and teaching since 1992. Her approach is encouraging, collaborative, and compassionate. She draws directly on her own life experiences, which include serious injury from a motor vehicle accident that required a total hip replacement at age 42, years spent living in intentional community at a dedicated retreat center, graduate studies in transpersonal counseling and art therapy, professional background in mental health with emotionally challenged adolescents and adults, early life challenges with disordered eating patterns and body image issues, years of teaching yoga in prisons and rehabilitation centers, years of personal practice with her teachers, and physical therapy mentorship from her colleagues at Therapeutic Associates, Inc. PART TWO CO-­‐FACILITATOR: Jay Gregory, PhD is a clinical psychologist and has been in private practice for over 18 years. He works with anxiety disorders, pain management, and couples therapy. His previous work includes working at the Crisis Triage Center at the Portland Providence Medical Center as well as positions in the community mental health field. He is an avid proponent of the value of integrating the tools of yoga therapy into mental health settings, including private practice. He has co-­‐facilitated the Professional Yoga Therapy Training for Mental Health Providers since 2012, delivers lectures on the intersection of yoga and love, and co-­‐facilitates weekend retreats that explore the dilemmas of the human journey: the biological imperative to survive and the spiritual imperative to thrive; the neurologically wired urge to connect as well as differentiate, and patterned habits of defending that threaten to crowd out our longing to experience undefended love and belonging. 3 0110 S W B ancroft S treet Portland, O R 9 7239 503.552.YOGA (9642)
PART TWO SUPPORTING FACULTY: Lori Allen, PhD is a licensed psychologist and a certified yoga instructor (RYT 200). She has been a therapist at the University of Oregon Counseling Center, and she has a private practice specializing in eating disorders, women's issues, anxiety, depression and trauma. Her yoga practice focuses on taking time each day to center, prioritizing what's important and becoming fully ourselves. Susan Kolb, LPC has been working as a Licensed Professional Counselor for 15 years. She has had a personal interest and practice in yoga for much of her adult life, and she has been professionally trained in yoga therapy since 2008. Additional areas of specialized training and expertise include sensorimotor psychotherapy, EMDR, trauma, interpersonal neurobiology, and attachment – especially as they relate to adult attachment and relationship issues. She is passionate about continuing to explore these interests in the context of yoga therapy that directly addresses the union between the body, mind, heart, and soul. Patti Thompson, CADC has worked for Legacy Medical Group providing social services and addiction support in a primary care setting for six years. As part of the team in a Resident Teaching Clinic, she works with patients who are either uninsured or under-­‐insured and with patients who have multiple psycho-­‐social needs that prevent them from making positive change in their health and well-­‐being. Patti has helped develop a culture of "wellness teaching" rather than "disease management" by networking with community members, including Sarahjoy Marsh. Due to this networking her clinic offers services above and beyond the experience of many of its patients, such as yoga, low-­‐cost healthy cooking classes, and wellness support groups. Patti volunteered with Living Yoga as a teacher in the DePaul Treatment Center for two years and is excited to share the life-­‐changing benefits of yoga with as many people as possible. 4 0110 S W B ancroft S treet Portland, O R 9 7239 503.552.YOGA (9642)
DEADLINE OF REQUIREMENTS Trainees must complete all curriculum requirements within one year of the conclusion of their “training year” to be eligible for teacher certification. As a trainee, we encourage you to complete as many of the curriculum requirements as possible during your training year, while the momentum of your training is carrying you. Past experience has proven that once you complete your training year, completing remaining curriculum requirements becomes increasingly difficult. ONE-­‐TIME EXTENTION As a trainee, you may be granted a one-­‐time extension for the completion of curriculum requirements. You must make a written request clearly stating the reason for the extension and how much additional time will be needed (up to one year). There is a one-­‐time $75 administrative fee for extending the deadline, and you will need to complete any new curriculum requirements that may have been added. ATTENDANCE POLICY Trainees are required to sign in at the start of each training day. Teacher Trainees are also required to notify the Teacher Training Program Administrator of foreseen absences and are responsible to log and makeup any missed training hours. If less than half of one day is missed during a module, you may still complete the training program with your class, provided that you: • Ask for copies of notes that other students took during the time missed. • Write a one-­‐two paragraph summary of the material missed and submit to If a full day is missed during a module, you may still complete the training program with your class, provided that you: • Ask for copies of notes that other students took during the time missed. • Write a one page summary of the material missed and submit to If more than one day is missed during a module, you will not be able to complete the training program with your class and you will need to make up the missed days in a subsequent training. The fee for retaking up to four days in a subsequent training is $75/day. The student many also, but is not required to, ask for copies of notes that other students took during the time missed. If more than four days of the training is missed, you will need to retake the program, at a discounted price, subject to space availability. 5 0110 S W B ancroft S treet Portland, O R 9 7239 503.552.YOGA (9642)
PART ONE CE CREDIT INFORMATION For those needing documentation for continuing education hours required by certifying boards, Yogajoy can provide certificates for the hours completed in Part One. Please email to request a certificate. PART TWO CE CREDIT INFORMATION About the Continuing Education Program at the DAYA Foundation The Continuing Education Program (CE Program) at the DAYA Foundation seeks to develop and strengthen conceptual and applied competencies that are relevant to the practice of psychology. The CE program provides ongoing training for psychologists and other mental health professionals to study asana, pranayama, mindfulness, meditation, and the psychology of yoga to incorporate into their existing professional practices. Courses are based on content that builds upon core areas of psychology and extends current theory, method, and practice. The DAYA Foundation is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. DAYA Foundation maintains responsibility for this program and its content. CE credits may be accepted by many licensing boards for mental health professionals, including social workers, psychologists, addiction counselors, marriage and family therapists, and licensed professional counselors. Please check with your licensing board for any questions regarding the continuing education requirements for your license or certification. CE Credits Part Two of the training (Tools for Mental, Psychological, and Spiritual Vitality) is available for CE credit. One hour of class is eligible for one CE credit. The fee for trainees accepted into the Yoga Therapy Training Program attended is $5 per credit. All proceeds benefit the DAYA Foundation. Attendance The awarding of CE credit is based on attendance. Full attendance is required for participants to receive credit; partial credit for variable attendance is not permitted. The DAYA Foundation will provide a signed documentation of attendance to each participant that includes the name and date of the activity and the number of CE credits earned. Interested in receiving CE credits? If you are interested in receiving CE credits, contact Ashley via email or phone 503-­‐552-­‐YOGA (9642). The deadline for CE credit registration is two weeks prior to the start of training. 6 0110 S W B ancroft S treet Portland, O R 9 7239 503.552.YOGA (9642)
TUITION PART TWO : Tools for Mental, Psychological, and Spiritual Vitality DEPOSIT A non-­‐refundable deposit of $250, included within the full tuition, is due upon registration to indicate your commitment to the entire Part Two program. Your spot in the program will only be held once this amount is paid in full. Please complete deposit payment within two weeks of acceptance notification. FULL PROGRAM TUITION Total Part Two Program Cost: $2130 (includes deposit) with full payment by May 14th. PAYMENT PLANS If choosing to pay in installments, the remaining tuition after deposit ($1880) may be made either in two or three installments. Additional fees apply to payment plans. If paying by installments, choose one of the following payment options to follow until the remaining training tuition is fully paid. Please notify the Teacher Training Coordinator at of your chosen option. Tuition payments plans must be completed as stated below. Overdue payments will be charged a $50/month late fee until tuition has been paid in full. 2 Payments of $965 ($50 additional fee) due: •
June 14th, 2015 •
July 18th, 2015 -­‐or-­‐ 3 Payments of $660 ($100 additional fee) due: • June 14th, 2015 • July 18th, 2015 • August 16th, 2015 Please address checks to YogaLife and mail to: YogaLife Inc attn: Teacher Training Coordinator PO Box 69065 Portland, OR 97239. An additional 3% of the tuition amount will be charged for payments made with credit or debit cards. Scholarships are limited and available on a case-­‐by-­‐case basis. To apply and to be considered before payments are due, please email to request an application by March 3. 7 0110 S W B ancroft S treet Portland, O R 9 7239 503.552.YOGA (9642)
TUITION PART ONE : Tools for Promoting Vibrant Health DEPOSIT A non-­‐refundable deposit of $250, included within the full tuition, is due upon registration to indicate your commitment to the entire Part One program. Your spot in the program will only be held once this amount is paid in full. Please complete deposit payment within two weeks of acceptance notification. PROGRAM TUITION st
Total Part One Program Cost: $2250 (includes deposit) with full payment by September 1 . PAYMENT PLANS If choosing to pay in installments, the remaining tuition after deposit ($2000) may be made either in two or four installments. Additional fees apply to payment plans. Please choose one of the following payment options to follow until the remaining training tuition is fully paid. Please notify the Teacher Training Coordinator at of your chosen option. Tuition payments plans must be completed as stated below. Overdue payments will be charged a $50/month late fee until tuition has been paid in full. 2 Payments of $1025 due ($50 additional fee): •
September 1st, 2015 •
October 1st, 2015 -­‐or-­‐ 4 Payments of $525 due ($100 additional fee): •
September 1st, 2015 •
October 1st, 2015 •
November 1st, 2015 •
December 1st, 2015 Please address checks to YogaLife and mail to: YogaLife Inc attn: Teacher Training Coordinator PO Box 69065 Portland, OR 97239. An additional 3% of the tuition amount will be charged for payments made with credit or debit cards. Scholarships are limited and available on a case-­‐by-­‐case basis. To apply and to be considered before payments are due, please rd
email to request an application and submit by August 3 . 8 0110 S W B ancroft S treet Portland, O R 9 7239 503.552.YOGA (9642)
REFUND POLICY Three-­‐Day Cancellation: An applicant who provides written notice of cancellation within three days (excluding Saturday, Sunday, and federal or state holidays) of paying the initial deposit is entitled to a refund of all monies paid. Administrative Fees: The initial deposit payment is due within two weeks of acceptance into the program. This fee covers the administrative portion of the training and also is required to reserve a spot in the program. Procedure for withdrawal/withdrawal date: A student choosing to withdraw from the program after the commencement of classes is required to provide written notice to the program coordinator. The notice is to indicate the expected last date of attendance and be signed and dated by the student. The receipt of written request to withdraw will be considered the withdrawal date. Payments and refund amounts will be determined as follows: • Before the completion of Module One, 75% refund (less admin fees) will be granted. • Before the completion of Module Two, 50% refund (less admin fees) will be granted. • After the completion of Module Two, no refunds will be granted. 9 0110 S W B ancroft S treet Portland, O R 9 7239 503.552.YOGA (9642)
Yoga Therapy Training Program Application Date: _________________ Which training are you interested in? ☐ Full 300-­‐hr Training (Part One & Two) ☐ Part One ☐ Part Two Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: _______________________ Work: ____________________ Mobile: _____________________ Email: _____________________________________________________________________________________ What is your professional background? ☐ Yoga Teacher. Please specify level of training: ______________________________________________________________________ ☐ Allied Health Professional. Please specify degree and/or license*: ______________________________________________________________________ *Attn: social workers, psychologists, and alcohol & drug counselors: Are you interested in receiving CE credit for eligible training programs? ☐ Yes ☐ No Please indicate your professional affiliation: ☐ American Psychological Association (APA) ☐ National Association of Social Workers (NASW) ☐ Addiction Counselor Certification Board of Oregon (ACCBO) 1. Have you practiced yoga with Sarahjoy? If yes, how long? 10 0110 S W B ancroft S treet Portland, O R 9 7239 503.552.YOGA (9642)
2. Any prior training or relevant training (i.e., Massage school, PT, LAC, ND, Ayurveda)? 3. How many days a week do you have a home practice? What does it consist of (length of time, choice of asana)? 4. Have you taught yoga? For how long? In what capacity? Please list the dates, locations, levels, length of time for the class and the average class size. Include a separate sheet of paper. 11 0110 S W B ancroft S treet Portland, O R 9 7239 503.552.YOGA (9642)
What will be the most challenging and rewarding aspects of yoga therapy for you? What populations of people do you hope to work with? Where and when did you do your 200-­‐hr Yoga Alliance Teacher Training? Did you complete the Yoga Alliance Teacher Training? Are you currently registered with Yoga Alliance? Additional Comments: 12