Michigan Wing Search and Rescue Academy 2015 Aircrew Survival Course Registration Packet 10 July – 12 July 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS Letter from the Commandant ..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3 Important Information ………………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………………………………… 4 Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4 MIWG SAR Academy History …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4 Student Requirements and Course of Instruction …..……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5 General Information ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….… 6-7 Check-In and Graduation ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8 Attachment A – Cost and Food Plan ….……………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………9-10 Attachment B – Training Checklist/ Link Page …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….... 11 Attachment C – Student Packing List …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………12-14 Attachment D– Registration checklist …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 15 CAPFs 31, 160 series ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………. N/A Page 2 LETTER FROM THE COMMANDANT To all SAR Academy Students, Thank you for your interest in the 2015 Michigan Wing Search and Rescue Academy. SAR Academy is designed to help meet the emergency services mission of Civil Air Patrol by providing better trained and qualified personnel to support our operational missions. This booklet explains what is expected of you and provides guidelines for your behavior while at the Academy. We have high standards of behavior and participation – we expect you to work hard – and have a good time while doing it! SAR Academy operates in a professional atmosphere while still adhering to military customs. The emphasis is on emergency services skills with the assumption you’re already knowledgeable in your military skills. We will be guests at Camp Grayling and as guests on their facility, the behavior of our students will reflect directly on SAR Academy, Michigan Wing, and Civil Air Patrol. All students are expected to adhere to standards of behavior that will bring credit to our organization. SAR Academy is a demanding activity. As in actual missions, there are challenges to your endurance and mental problem solving. It is our intent to help prepare you academically as well as mentally and physically for the challenges that may await you when you serve others in emergency situations. Please do your part to prepare by drinking more water during the weeks prior to SAR Academy. If you have questions, don’t be afraid to ask. Depending on which course you are participating in, you will have instructors and a Senior Course Commander. They‘re all willing to help you and answer your questions. As the Commandant, I am also available if you have a problem or questions that don’t seem to be receiving an answer. Please remember to start your questions at the lowest level in the chain of command. SAR Academy will give you a great opportunity to advance your emergency services skills, share/gain knowledge of emergency services, make lasting friendships with students and staff from across Michigan Wing, and you will probably have some fun in the process. Congratulations on choosing to be a part of an excellent Academy! I look forward to meeting you. Antonio C. Gutierrez, Major, CAP Commandant 2015 MIWG SAR Academy Page 3 Dates: Location: Mission Base/EOC: Commandant: Questions: Webpage: Facebook page: IMPORTANT INFORMATION 10 July – 18 July 2015 (NOTE: Aircrew Survival is 10-12 July) Camp Grayling, Grayling Township, MI 49739 (Joint Maneuver Training Center) Camp Grayling, Training Area 4/Howes Lake (STA4), and Training Area 19 (STA19) Maj Tony Gutierrez Email to miwgsaracademy@gmail.com. They will be directed to the proper staff member. www.saracademy.net “MIWG SAR Academy” INTRODUCTION Thank you for your interest in the 2015 MIWG SAR Academy. It is one of the most physically demanding, academically stringent, and rewarding activity that Civil Air Patrol has to offer. Whether you are a senior member or cadet, you will be provided with hands-on SAR, field leadership experience, and survival training. This Academy takes place in the wilderness with no modern conveniences available to the students. Conditions are primitive, with no indoor plumbing and no electricity. Bathing will be provided and will be available in a Lake. Sleeping will be only in tents, or constructed shelters regardless of the weather experienced. Weather can be dry or rainy, with temperatures changing from the high 90's to 40 degrees within hours. All cell phones will be collected at sign in, and students may only call home in the event of an emergency. The knowledge that you will gain about yourself, the CAP Emergency Services Program, and search & rescue will remain with you for the rest of your life. The Academy is very demanding, both physically and mentally. The curriculum and standards of the Academy’s training, facilities, and equipment are constantly evaluated for improvements and needed updates as funding allows. The staff are all volunteers and consist of cadets and senior members. They will teach and train you for nine full days. You are expected to do your best for those nine days! HISTORY OF SAR ACADEMY The Michigan Wing Search and Rescue Academy began in 1994 when a small group of members recognized the need for consistent, quality training in the field of Emergency Services. They then designed a comprehensive school that could provide that training within the course of a week. Lead by the efforts of then Captain Sheila Cerny, they chose a location deep in the heart of the Huron National Forest that is unparalleled for teaching woodsmanship, navigation, and practical leadership skills. Long before task training was introduced by National Headquarters, the founders of SAR Academy created their own by deciding what knowledge was necessary for a Ground Team Member and then devising a method of testing that knowledge after it was taught. SAR Academy began with only one course, the Basic Course, which was designed to take members who had no previous ES training and provide them with all classroom and practical training necessary for them to become Ground Team Member Qualified. Over the next few years, SAR Academy continued to grow and expand to meet the increasing needs of its returning student population. By 1997, three new courses had been added: the Advanced Course, which provides more in-depth and thorough Ground Team Member training, the Medic Course, which provides students with wilderness first aid training, and the Ground Team Leader Course. In 2010 a Senior Course was started to train senior members to become ground team member qualified. 2012 marked another new course for SAR Academy. The Aircrew Survival Course was started to train aircrew members in survival and much more. SAR Academy has had more than two hundred fifty graduates since its inception in 1994. Many of those graduates have gone on to successful careers in the military, in aviation, and in the business world. Still others remain within our program, diligently giving back to new students what knowledge they received themselves as students many years ago. As SAR Academy approaches its 21st year of operation, it has evolved into an Academy of utmost quality, having benefitted from the influence of the hundreds of staff members and students who have helped to make it what it is today. Page 4 AIRCREW SURVIVAL COURSE Course Overview This course deals specifically with basic survival training in a summer environment, including a field exercise as well as many practical evolutions. Attention is directed toward building the student’s confidence through realistic demonstrations, simulations, hands-on training sessions, and exposure to equipment found in aviation emergencies. Together the aircrews will explore the essentials for surviving a hard landing, learning how to keep fear in check, and problem solve their way out using what they have available. This fun and educational experience is sure to leave you with a sense of confidence and understanding of survival techniques that may someday save your life. Course Objectives The course’s objective is to prepare students with the mental and physical techniques to enhance their survival in aviation emergencies. Course Requirements SENIORS: Completed Level I and the new Cadet Protection Senior Basic Course CADETS: Must be 18 years of age Current Aircrew Qualifications Current CAP membership Complete the required CAPF 31 (with proper signatures-unit cc and parents) Must be safety compliant All CAP Health forms ( 160,161) You must supply your own meals for the three days of the course as shown in attachment A. You must arrive with all of the equipment listed on the packing list in attachment C. Course Graduation Requirements Attend all three days of the course and successfully accomplish all of the items in the Aircrew Survival Task Guide. Point of Contact Aircrew Survival Course Commander: Capt. Bill Ross, billthedog@aol.com, 269-924-7300 Aircraft Survival Course Deputy Commander: Lt. Col. Jason Sherwood, glrmi119@hotmail.com, 231-638-1561 Page 5 GENERAL INFORMATION TRANSPORTATION Students may drive to the Academy in a privately owned vehicle (POV). Upon arrival at SAR Academy, the vehicle will be parked in a designated area. During the Academy, seniors will not be allowed to operate their vehicles during the Academy without permission from the Commandant. If a senior needs to enter their vehicle for any reason during the Academy, you must have permission of your Course Commander. PERSONAL PROPERTY Make sure you check prior to departure to ensure you have all the required items on the packing list for your course. The packing list for the Academy is located in Attachment D along with additional equipment required for each course in attachment E. If you arrive to SAR Academy without the items listed on the packing list, you will not be allowed to check in until you do. There are several locations to purchase missing items: Base Store at Camp Grayling or Glen’s Market and K-Mart in downtown Grayling. SAR Academy and its staff are not responsible for loss or theft of your personal equipment or property. You need to take care of your property. It is suggested that you leave valuables and jewelry at home. LABEL ALL PROPERTY. Please check your equipment and items carefully before departure. Any lost items that are found and identifiable at the close of the Academy will be shipped to you at your expense if it can be identified. BRING ONLY THE ITEMS LISTED ON THE PACKING LIST. Do not bring any extra equipment/gear. MEDICATIONS All medications, prescription or over-the counter (OTC), will be logged with the health services officer. All STUDENTS are expected to manage their own medications. If you have any specific requirements, please be sure to coordinate with the Commandant prior to arrival, or if it is a last minute change, the health services officer on arrival. HEALTH A safety officer is available along with several EMTs, Paramedics, and other trained first aid personnel. First aid will be provided for routine and minor illness or injury. There is a county hospital in the vicinity for any medical problems. In the event of serious illness or injury, every attempt will be made to notify your parent/guardian/emergency contact as soon as possible. Let the Health Services Officer know of any health issues or problems you are encountering. Students are expected to bring supplies to help themselves (blister kits, small quantities of OTC meds), but if you require assistance please let the Health Services Officer know. CELL PHONES Senior members who are students at the Academy will be allowed to carry their cell phones. If you need to carry it, it must be on vibrate and only be used in emergency situations (family, work, emergency, etc). RELIGIOUS SERVICES For those students who wish to attend a religious service during SAR Academy, a non-denominational service is currently in the planning stages. We do not have a chaplain on staff nor do we have a church in the field, however, we will try our best to accommodate your needs. Page 6 MEALS Students will eat all three meals per day and drink plenty of fluids. Refrigerators and microwaves are NOT available. Students are responsible for ALL of their meals. SLEEPING ARRANGEMENTS Students will be assigned a bunk in the barracks. WATER We guarantee that at all times there will be sufficient water for our students. Safety is our highest priority. The Course Commanders will monitor and ensure that all students are drinking plenty of water each day of the Academy. CONTIGENCY PLANS All SAR Academy Staff members have a contingency book. This book is used as guidance on what to do in the event of an emergency. All staff has been trained in what to do and how to do it. Each day, the Duty Officer will contact Camp Grayling’s Range Control to advise on our status. We are also in contact with the local Fire Department, US Forest Service, and State Police. They have been orientated with our mission base and know how to get in contact with us if the need arises. EMERGENCY CONTACT An EMERGENCY phone number to reach our SAR Academy Emergency Operations Center (EOC) will be provided to students, staff, and parents on arrival and will be posted on our web site after the Academy begins. Page 7 CHECK IN AND GRADUATION SAR ACADEMY LOCATION Camp Grayling Joint Maneuver Training Center Grayling Township, MI 49739 Note: When typing it into google maps, type “Camp Grayling, MI” TRAVEL TIME Depending on your route, plan on 3.5 hours if traveling from Detroit (East); plan on 3 hours if traveling from Muskegon (West); plan on 3.5 hours if traveling from South Michigan (South). CHECK IN Sign-in will take place on Camp Grayling at Bldg 202M. Aircrew Survival students shall arrive by 0900hrs and no later than 1000hrs on Friday, 10 July 2015. You will be required to show your CAPID to the Main Gate at Camp Grayling. DIRECTION TO CHECK IN______________________________________________________________________________ After passing through the main gate, look for 1st Street (First Street) on your right. Turn RIGHT onto 1st Street. Then make a LEFT on KITCHEN Road. Look for building 202M (which will be on your right). Report to bldg. 202M. GRADUATION The ceremony will start at 1800hrs on Sunday, 12 July 2015. Location TBD. DIRECTIONS TO GRADUATION After passing through the main gate, continue on HOWE Road. You will pass 1st Street, 2nd Street, and 3rd Street. The following intersection will be 4th Street. Turn RIGHT onto 4th Street. The parade field will be on your left. Upon arrival to the parade field, you will be directed where to park. Main Gate Lake Margrethe 1st Street Bldg 202M 2nd Street 3rd Street 4th Street Kitchen Road Howe Road Parade Field Page 8 ATTACHMENT A – COST AND FOOD PLAN COST AND FOOD OPTION Course Cost Aircrew Survival $40.00 What is included in the cost: Aircrew Survival task guide, SAR Academy t-shirt, and SAR Academy Bracelet. The student will be responsible for ALL meals and snacks. MEALS NEEDED Listed below are the meals that YOU are responsible to bring to the Academy: Aircrew Survival 2 Breakfast, 3 Lunch, 2 Dinner for a total of 7 meals. ALL Meals and snacks PLANNING YOUR MEALS MOST PEOPLE EAT MORE WHILE IN THE FIELD THAN THEY DO AT HOME, so please plan accordingly. Keep in mind, you will need to be able to cook at least one meal each day DO NOT BRING: Fresh foods, glass containers, JUNK FOOD, diet foods, etc. There is no electricity; therefore there are no refrigerators, stoves, microwaves, etc. The lighter the food package, the lighter your pack will be on the FTX. HOWEVER, you must also make sure you eat enough calories each day. Each meal should be around 1,000 calories, for a total of 3,000 calories daily. SUGGESTIONS FOR YOUR MEALS Listed below are some suggestions for food: Breakfast Instant oatmeal, dry cereal, breakfast bars, powdered milk, fruit juice, dried fruit, canned fruit, single-serving applesauce, and peanut butter Lunches/Dinners MREs, canned food (ravioli, spaghetti, stews, soups, vegetables, fruits), packaged tuna, ramen noodles, wheat thins, summer sausage, etc. Snacks/Others Trail mix, pop tarts (Not for breakfast) applesauce, teddy grahams, beef jerky, raisins, fruit cups, fruit roll ups, peanut butter crackers, gushers, fiber bars, fruit snacks, fruit by the foot, granola bars, protein bars, oat and honey bars, peanuts, nature valley bars, goldfish, nutria-grain bars, fig newtons, dried fruit, cereal, cereal bars, cheese it crackers, sunflower seeds, mini oreos, mini nutter butter bars, chex mix, kudos bars, animal crackers, beef sticks, combos, etc. Page 9 MEAL MATRIX So you’re getting ready to go out and buy all of this food, yet you’re not sure what you need or how much you need. Probably you don’t even know what you are going to eat throughout the weekend! Well the SAR Academy Staff has a helpful device that you can use to prepare and organize your meals for the week; we call it a Meal Matrix. A Meal Matrix is an organized chart that states what you will be having for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. This matrix is very important because it lists what you will be eating so you can make sure that you are eating properly and getting enough food throughout the weekend! Scroll down to see an example of a Meal Matrix! This will give you a better idea of how to create your own meal matrix! SAMPLE MEAL MATRIX____ DAY FRI BREAKFAST SAT 1 Package of cereal (in water) Wheat Thins Nutri-Grain Bar 1 Can of beef stew Peanut butter crackers Teddy grahams SUN LUNCH 1 package of tuna 1 package of dried fruit Granola bars 1 Can of Ravioli 1 package of dried fruit Trail Mix 1 pack of ramen noodles 2 cups of applesauce Granola Bars DINNER 1 pack of ramen noodles 1 can of fruit 1 protein bar 1 package of tuna Veggie Straws Fruit gushers PACKING FOOD We highly recommended that food be packed in the following manner: o Separate food into daily intake (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks) o Use Zip Lock bags to store each meal/snack Label each meal with the following: Day 1-Breakfast, Day 1-Lunch, Day 1-Dinner, Day 1-Snacks o Then take one day’s worth of food (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) and store it in a larger Zip Lock bag. Label the bag DAY 1. (this is NOT required, but HIGHLY suggested as rain, sand, bugs, etc., are factors). DO NOT store food in cardboard boxes, or paper bags as they will not hold up under the rigors of the academy. We highly suggest putting all of your food in a tote. COOKING FOOD/PREPARATION All students must eat three meals a day, one MUST BE a HOT meal, prefer all three to be cooked. Some type of heating device is required (see the packing list). We encourage students to eat as many snacks as they can, especially since they will be doing physical activity each day MREs MUST be cooked in the heat pack and Ramen Noodles MUST be cooked in water! We strive for an average of 3,000 Calories daily Page 10 ATTACHMENT B – TRAINING CHECKLIST / LINK PAGE Meet the course specific requirements o see page 5 Complete the required CAPF 31 with proper signatures-unit cc and parents o see end of packet Complete the required CAPF 160 and CAPF 161 o See end of the packet Must be safety compliant o www.capnhq.gov and sign into e-services o Go to the left hand column and look for “Safety Management System”. Then find “online safety education”. Choose one of the courses and take the quiz. KEEP IN MIND, ALL REGISTERATION PACKETS ARE DUE TO LT COL PAM SAILE, 320 DOVER, WATERFORD, MI 48328 BY 1 JULY 2015. THAT MEANS ALL OF THE ABOVE ITEMS NEED TO BE COMPLETED BEFORE THEN OR EARLIER. Page 11 ATTACHMENT C – STUDENT PACKING LIST All Aircrew Survival Course students will be required to pack the following items. If you plan on ordering items, we suggest using www.bepreparedtosurvive.com and www.bestglide.com. They are an excellent source and have many items to choose from. A gear inspection will be held during check-in. Make sure you have EVERYTHING on the packing list. Students are also advised to leave any valuables at home, as there is no place to secure them for the week. *Be sure to mark all clothing and equipment with your last name and CAP ID number*. Example: JOHNSON 113211. Listed below is what we suggest for storage; however it is up to you on how you store your gear. Note: All of the day gear must be carried in one pack and will be carried with you during the course. What items to put into the storage device Storage Device Uniform items, personal hygiene items, food Plastic Tote (Rubbermaid) Field Gear Hiking Pack, ALICE pack, bag, etc. Day Gear Back pack, Survival/Flight Vest, ALICE gear ON PERSON AT ALL TIMES The following items listed below will be on each student at all times: Qty Item 1 1 1 1 1 Notepad (to take notes)and pencils/pens (placed inside a heavy duty zip lock bag) Watch ANSI Class II Reflective Vest (Orange, Lime Yellow, or Lime Green) (Vanguard $9.95) Whistle (put with compass on the lanyard) Orienteering Compass (plastic clear rectangular base plate, 2-degree markings, rotating dial) Current CAP membership card, 101 card, First Aid/CPR card, etc. Prescription Glasses (if you wear them) - Have a strap for them, too. Don't bring contacts. Spares if possible. Personal Medications- in pharmacy container w/name, dosage and physician (inhalers, bee sting kits) UNIFORMS These items should be stored in a Rubbermaid container or large duffel bag, neatly packed. Most items will stay at mission base and/or supplement the 24 or 72 hour packs. Qty Item 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 1 1 Nomex Flight Suit, insignia per CAPM 39-1 OR BDU Shirt and Pants, insignia per CAPM 39-1 (You may bring both if you so choose too) Combat boots, at least one pair, broken in before the Academy Cover-CAP Baseball Cap (flight suit) or BDU Cover (BDUs) (NO BLACK HATS, Squadron hats, etc) T-shirts (black) Pairs of socks Pairs of underclothing Sweatshirt, Field Jacket, or Flight Jacket Shower shoes or water shoes Bathing suit (tasteful) Page 12 PERSONAL HYGIENE KIT Store bag in tote with uniforms and personal hygiene items. Qty Item 1 1 Bag/pouch, which all of the items listed below should fit into: Bath Towel and Wash Cloth Soap, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, foot powder, deodorant, shaving kit (as necessary) or feminine hygiene items (as necessary) (3 day supply) FOOD (SEPARATE FROM DAY GEAR) All of your meals should be stored/brought in a Rubbermaid container or large duffel bag, neatly packed. A meal plan can be found in Attachment A. Qty Item 8 Meals (2 breakfast, 3 lunch,2 dinners) Eating utensils (highly suggest bringing plastic…enough for each meal-i.e: 8 forks) However, you can bring metal utensils. A wash bin with soap will be provided. DAY GEAR/FLIGHT VEST Note: If you currently have your own survival kit or vest, please bring it. Just make sure that if you don’t have the items listed below, you include them in your kit/vest or bring them with you. You will be expected to carry your day gear with you at all times. Make sure it is comfortable. This equipment does not have to be military style either. Most of the items you already have around your house Qty Item 1 1 1 50’ 2 1 1 2 2 ea 1 2’ 20’ 1 2 1 Signal Mirror, small (Can use mirrored compass lid or CD if available) Pocket or utility-type knife, multipurpose with can opener (Leatherman or Gerber, should be clean and sharp) Flashlight (with red or blue lens), with spare bulb and batteries 12 wooden waterproofed matches with a waterproof match container and striking surface Nylon twine or small rope (Also known as parachute or 550 cord. Any color acceptable) 1 quart water containers (for drinking water) i.e. canteen, Gatorade bottle, hydration system. Each student must have at least 2 quarts of water on them at all times. Poncho or rain jacket/gear Pair Leather Work Gloves Chemical light stick (green) Gallon and quart size Ziploc bag Small First Aid Kit (Plus the following items: Quick Clot, safety pins, and ACE Bandage) Aluminum Foil Brass Snare Wire Space Blanket/Emergency blanket Large Plastic Garbage Bags Duct tape, 5-10 feet (does not need to be a whole role. May be wrapped around a pencil) FIELD GEAR (SEPARATE FROM THE DAY GEAR) These items should be stored in a backpack minus your flight bag and camping chair. Qty Item 1 1 1 1 Tent or shelter Sleeping Bag (appropriate to climate) in a waterproof bag (heavy duty contractor bag works too) Ground Cloth Sierra cup, canteen cup, or mess kit Page 13 1 1 1 Insect repellent with DEET, sunblock, lip balm (3 day supply) Roll of Toilet Paper Camping Chair Please bring your flight bag that you currently use. This includes charts, headset, etc. Sterno Stove (Suggest a portable, folding aluminum stove, and two 7-oz. cans of Sterno Gel fuel) Example: http://www.cabelas.com/product/Camping/Camp-Cooking-Dining/Backpacking-Stoves%7C/pc/104795280/c/581015880/sc/104198580/SternoStove-Kit/1339362.uts?destination=%2Fcatalog%2Fbrowse%2Fbackpacking-stoves%2F_%2FN-1116228%2FNsCATEGORY_SEQ_104198580%3FWTz_l%3DSBC%253BMMcat104795280%253Bcat581015880&WTz_l=SBC%3BMMcat104795280%3Bcat581015880 %3Bcat104198580 Page 14 ATTACHMENT D – REGISTRATION CHECKLIST Make sure you have the following completed: Meet the specific course requirements Pre-register for SAR Academy. Go to https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1wypAevnHltjEOHjl5WLPU5o9lT8pQkqktwpB16C4hT0/viewform?c=0&w=1 SENIORS: Complete Level I and the new Cadet Protection Basic Senior Course CADETS: Must be 18 years old Must have a current aircrew qualification Completed CAPF 31 with proper signatures (unit commander and parents) Include a check or money order for the cost of the course you attend made out to “Michigan Wing CAP” Completed CAPF 160 and CAPF 161 Safety Complaint (at time of application and upon arrival to check-in) Have all items on the packing list Be sure you entered your t-shirt size on the CAPF 31 Print this checklist Take the printed checklist, CAPF 31, CAPF 160, CAPF 161, your payment (check or money order), and put it all in one envelope. Send it to the following address: LT COL PAM SAILE, 320 DOVER, WATERFORD, MI 48328 ALL COMPLETED REGISTRATION PACKETS ARE DUE TO LT COL PAM SAILE, 320 DOVER, WATERFORD, MI 48328 BY 1 JULY 2015. Page 15 APPLICATION FOR CAP ENCAMPMENT OR SPECIAL ACTIVITY Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) Member Type Charter No. (e.g. GLR-MI-059) Address (Include No., Street, City, State and Zip Code) CAPID CAP Grade Grade in School Religious Preference Home Phone Number Gender Cell Phone Number E-Mail Address Date of Birth (mm/dd/yy) Shirt Size Title of Activity Height (Inches) Weight (Lbs) Location of Activity Hair Color Eye Color Activity Dates Staff Position(s) Sought Emergency Contact Information (Primary Contact) Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) Relationship Primary Phone Number (Secondary Contact) Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) Relationship Primary Phone Number RELEASE AGREEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that I am submitting my application for Civil Air Patrol Special Activities or Encampments, and I hereby volunteer entirely upon my own initiative, risk, and responsibility for an assignment to participate in this activity of encampment at the first available opportunity and with full knowledge that such activity may include: 1. Traveling by land, sea, or air in US military, commercial, or privately owned vehicles from regular place or residence to the site of the activity or encampment, travel incident to the activity or encampment, and subsequent return to place of residence. 2. Participation in aeronautical activities as a passenger or student trainee in US military, commercial, or privately owned aircraft. 3. Living for a period of one week or more on diminished rations and minimal shelter simulating actual survival conditions. 4. Being quartered and/or subsisting away from regular or normal place of residence for an extended period of time. 5. Remaining with the cadet group I am assigned to at all times during the activity or encampment. 6. Acting as a spokesman for Civil Air Patrol, rendering reports on the activity or encampment. 7. Refraining from argumentative discussions concerning governmental policies. In consideration of the permission extended to me by the Civil Air Patrol/United States of America through its officers and agents to participate in said activity/encampment or activities/encampments, I do hereby for myself, my heirs, executors, and administrators release and forever discharge the Civil Air Patrol, Inc./United States of America, and all its officers, agents, and employees acting official or otherwise, from any and all claims, demands, actions, or causes of action, on account of my death or on account of any injury to me or my property which may occur as a result of the negligence of the Civil Air Patrol/United States of America, its agents or employees during said activity/encampment or activities/encampments or continuances thereof, as well as all ground and flight operations incident thereto. Date CAP FORM 31, OCT 13 Signature of Applicant PREVIOUS EDITIONS WILL NOT BE USED (Continued on reverse) OPR/ROUTING: CP Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) Title of Activity abc RELEASE BY PARENTS OR GUARDIAN KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: WHEREBY my child has applied for the activity or encampment referred to above, In consideration of the permission extended to my child by the Civil Air Patrol/United States of America through its officers and agents to participate in said activity/encampment or activities/encampments, I do hereby for myself, my heirs, executors, and administrators release and forever discharge the Civil Air Patrol, Inc./United States of America, and all its officers, agents and employees acting official or otherwise, from any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of action, on account of the death or on account of any injury to my child which may occur as a result of the negligence of the Civil Air Patrol/United States of America, its agents or employees during said activity/encampment or activities/encampments or continuances thereof, as well as all ground and flight operations incident thereto. In addition, by my signature below, I certify the applicant: 1. Is my minor child or ward. 2. Has no history or injury or disease which might be affected by this activity except those previously noted in the Medical Information section of this form. 3. Will follow all rules, regulations, and directives as established by the Civil Air Patrol, Inc., activity project officer or encampment commander, or other staff members. If not following the above mentioned rules, regulations, and directives he/she may be sent home at the discretion of the project officer, encampment commander or activity directory at my expense. However, in case of injury, disease or other illness, permission is hereby granted to treat the applicant as required, and if the applicant is released from the activity before recovery from said injury, disease, or illness, further treatment will be provided by myself. Date Witness for Father’s Signature Father or Legal Guardian Witness for Mother’s Signature Mother or Legal Guardian Squadron Certification. (Squadron Commander’s signature is not necessary if the activity is approved in eServices or if it is a squadron activity.) I certify that the above information is correct and that all requirements for attendance, as specified in National Headquarters Directives, will be completed by the required dates. Date Squadron Commander Group Certification. (Group Commander’s signature is not necessary if the activity is approved in eServices or if the activity is held within the group.) Date Group Commander (or designee) Wing Certification. (Wing Commander’s signature is not necessary if the activity is approved in eServices or if the activity is held within the wing.) Date CAP FORM 31 Wing Commander (or designee) REVERSE CAP MEMBER HEALTH HISTORY FORM This information is CONFIDENTIAL and for official use only. It cannot be released to unauthorized persons. Answer all questions as accurately as possible so that the activity or encampment staff can make themselves aware of any pre-existing medical problems or conditions and be alert to help you. This form will also provide medical information in a case when you are unable to do so. Name (Last, First, Middle) Date of Birth Height Weight Grade CAPID Charter Number Hair Color Eye Color Gender Allergies: List Names of Medication or Other Allergies (i.e., bee sting, food, plants) and types of reactions; please note food allergy details with dietary restrictions below on back as well. Do You Now Have Or Have You Ever Had Any Of The Following? Explain any yes’ in the remarks section below or attach additional sheet. Conditions not specifically noted below having the potential to interfere with performance during the special activity or encampment should be documented in the remarks section.) If “Yes” is marked in an item with multiple choices, please circle which problem applies. No Yes No Yes Decreased vision, glaucoma, contacts Ear infections, perforation Difficulty equalizing ears Hearing loss, hearing aid Allergies, nasal stuffiness Anaphylaxis, serious allergic reaction Asthma, emphysema (COPD) Ever use an inhaler Short of Breath with activity Heart Attack, chest pain, angina Heart murmur, heart problems Congestive heart failure Irregular or rapid heartbeat High or low blood pressure Stomach trouble, ulcers Hepatitis or liver problems Diarrhea, constipation Hernia or rupture Kidney disease or stones Prostate problems (men) Frequent urination Menstrual cramps (women) Broken bone, joint problems CAPF 160 JUN 13 Chronic or recurring injuries Activity, mobility restrictions Use of cane, walker, wheelchair Back or neck pain or injury Migraine or severe headaches Dizziness or fainting spells Head injury, unconsciousness Epilepsy or seizure Stroke, paralysis Thyroid problems (low or high) Diabetes, high or low blood sugars Cancer, leukemia Blood disease, hemophilia Motion sickness Special diet, food allergies Current bedwetting problems ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) Mental illness (bipolar, other) Depression, anxiety, suicidal Admission to the hospital Other chronic medical illnesses Sleep disorder, sleep apnea Serious Injury OPR/ROUTING: HS Dietary Restrictions or Limitations (List any dietary restrictions like food allergies, diabetes, gluten-free, vegetarian diets, etc.) Past Surgical History (List all surgeries including tonsils, ear tubes, appendix, gall bladder, hernia, hysterectomy, heart, heart catheterization, bone and joint and all other surgeries.) Date Tetanus Booster No Td or Tdap Date: Hepatitis Vaccine No Date: Pneumonia Vaccine No Date: Varicella Immunization/chickenpox No Date: Influenza Vaccine No Date: Medication Information - Include supplements, over-the-counter medicines, herbals, creams, etc., or write “None”. Name of Medication/Inhaler 1. Tablet Strength Times taken per day Reason for Medication Any Special Dosing or Storage Instructions (i.e., as needed, with meals, must be refrigerated, etc.) 2. 3. 4. Social History Tobacco Use (packs per day, years smoked, smokeless tobacco use) Occupation (student or other) Religious Preference Remarks (Attach additional sheet if needed) CONSENT FOR MINOR CADET PARTICIPATION, MEDICATIONS, TREATMENT I give permission for full participation in CAP programs, subject to any limitations noted herein. My signature below evidences my consent for my child/ward to possess and self-administer the prescription medications listed above I understand that there are legal limitations imposed on CAP senior members with regard to the involuntary administration of medications to my child/ward. (Cross out if permission is denied). In case of emergency, I understand every effort will be made to contact me. In the event I cannot be reached, I hereby give my permission to the licensed health-care practitioner selected by the adult leader in charge to secure proper treatment, including hospitalization, anesthesia, surgery, or injections of medication for my child. Medical providers are authorized to disclose to the adult in charge exam/test results and treatment provided. ___________________________ DATE CAP Form 160 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF PARENT/GUARDIAN Reverse EMERGENCY INFORMATION (Insurance/Physician Information, Emergency Contacts, Minor Consents Name (Last, First, Middle) Grade CAPID Mailing Address (Number and Street) City (Area Code) Home Phone (Area Code) Cell Phone Charter Number State Zip Code Primary Insurance Information (Please attach copy of insurance cards, front and back) Medical Insurance Company Policy Number Group Code/Number Co-Pay Amount $ Prescription Coverage Company Policy Number Group Code/Number Co-Pay Amount $ Family Physician Name (Area Code) Phone Mailing Address (Number and Street) City State Zip Code Emergency Contact (Parent, guardian or closest relative to be notified in case of emergency) Name Relationship to Applicant Mailing Address (Number and Street) City State (Area Code) Pager (Area Code) Day Phone (Area Code) Night Phone (Area Code) Cell/Mobile Phone Zip Code Unit Commander Name and Grade Unit Name (Area Code) Unit Commander Day Phone (Area Code) Unit Commander Night Phone CAPF 161, JUN 13 OPR/ROUTING: HS
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