!€) & Nofncation No. Rectt/M-12lPM-MG & M"|S/DR/2O13/6 dared at Lucknow the, 14.05-2015 v Applications are invited from the desirous and eligible applicants and residents of India to RMS units and Administrative Units in Uttar Prad€sh Circle as per details given in Schedule 'A'. fill up the posts of Postman, Mail cuard and Multi Tasking Staff [MTS] in the postal units, 2. Appointed candidates on such posts shall be governed under New Pension Scheme which is applicablc al present. 3. Name ofpost, Age Name oiPost limitand PayBand and crade pay ofeach posh- Age Limit and relaxation on date 30-06-2015 fRelaxable for candidates bclonging to SC/ST up to 5 years, for candidates belonging to OBC up to 3 Years and for Government Servants up to 40 years in accordance with the instructions issued by the Government of India from time to timel. Multi Tasking 18-27 years on date 30-06-2015 staff IMTSJ fRelaxable for Government Servants (Administrative upto 35 years, for SC/ST candidates Office) AND upto 5 years and for candidates Multi Taski g belonging to OBC upto 3 years in Staff(MTSI accordance with the instructions (Subordinate issued by the Government of India officel from time to time). Postman and Mail Guard Between 18-27 yea.s PayBand and Grade Pay PB-1, Pay Classification scale: Rs. 5200-20200 GeneralCentral Serwic6 Group 'C' [Non-Gazetted + Grade Pay- Ministerial) Rs.2000/- PB-l Pay seale: Rs. 5200-20200 + Grade Pay General Central Service Group 'C' [Non-Gazetted, Non-MinisterialJ Rs.1800/- 3.1 Upper age'limit for persons with disabilities shall be relaxable by 10 years for ceneral category candidates, 15 years for SC/ST and 13 years for OBC candidate;. 3.2 Upper age limit for Ex-servicemen shallbe relaxable by 3 years ( B yea.s in the case of disabled Defence Services personnel belonging to SC/ST aft;r deducrion of service rendered ) in Military fnot ]ess than 6 months continuous serviceJ f;om *le actual age as on crucial date [or rcckoning oIage limit. 3.3 Cruclal aiate for reckonine of ag, li'nit:- The crucial date for determining the age-limit p.escfibed shall be 30-06-2015. -e 4. Number ofvacarciesr sl. Name ofPosts No Total Vacancy Postman 1 2 3 MTS UR Vertical Reservation SC ST oBc Horizontal Reservaiion PH-I (B 602 20 42 390 12 2B [Administrativ 9T /LV) PH-II PH.III Ex THHI SM 6 0 10 6 0 0 roA /or.r 6 0 0 0 3 7l 2 3 2 26 711 1 o / 3 1 +U 9 60 1 e Office) 4 MTS (Subordinate Office) 269 t48 il;*l{+$"#".!?,"fjil;:,i,Tij,';,'#i,t",1if liih.""?f,,,i*,:fi [ffi:8f,fi"; Note l. 2. ' 4. Unit wisedelailsofvac"lnciesaregiyeninannexealScheduleA. Nunber ofvacancies may change without prioa intimation and without assigni[g any Phvsicalv handicapped wirr be adiusted in the 3:":i',11'ff":l""tilTl:Tli.l-*d. ;T and oBC as the case may be in view ol caregory of serecfed crndidates. Thc randiddtes heloo8ing to OBC caleSory should be in possession ol.caste rertificdle in Ji !"0,,, r * 0,, isiued "o bv the competent e*r,".oyr".i,"pi,^"i,i"ff;J:"fi:il:i"",:chedute-c) ;;Tfl?1T'l'':".',I'I 5 a'" o''^'" i"il"r7i f,;lly! "''* u' Tlle^.aodidaies belonging to SC/STcategory should be in posscssion olcJste ccrtificdtc rn rormai as prescribcd in M.H.A. oM No" 4llu rZ+q rv-c s..--"-i,oi, lrsz ,, ."uir"a ;:r:;;"ii)'i-'"" ('o'*'u' ll,'# li fi1.1,,1"';ffi ;;r 199"1V';i""i' thc Competent Authority for employment under Central 6. Government. r1 rssued b1, ; Thc applicant crn avail reldxation:l.fo: rl" predominanr disabiliry. lhc applicant should be rn posse"sion o[ orioinal lucdical c"runcrte iol- ;;;;;;; ," rhc for.mar prcsc,ibed in Dopr 0r.4 No.3'b03s/r/2004 _Es,( annexed in Annexure schcdute-Er issued by rhe a;;;;;:";il;;,.;;;,L,iho,,tics [rormar pIrposi. of etnptoymeat. ror r.r," *;;; ;;,;j. #i;200s : Categories of apDliratrts eligible to claim pH Relaxations/Concessions:- (A) 1. Blindness {B)rBlindness'refers to a condition where a person su1fe6 from any ofthe foliowing conditions, namelyitotal absence ofsight; or [r) (bl Gl 2, visual acujty not exceeding 6/60 or 20/200 fsnellenJ in the better eye with cot.recting lensest or limitation of the field of vision subtending an angle of 20 degrce or worse; Lovr Vision {LVJ: "person with low vision,, means a person with jmpairmett ofvisual functioning even aftertreatment orstandard refi.active correction but who uscs or is potentially capable ofusing vision for the planning or execlltion ofa taskwith appropriate assistive device. tB) oa Hearing Impairment (HH)r "Hearing Impairment,, means loss of Sixty decibels more in the better ear in the conve$ational range offrequencies . [C) (i) Locomotor Disat ility - " Locomotor disability,, means disability of the bones, joints or muscies leading to substantial restriction of the movement of the limbs or anv form of cerebralpalsy (ii) Cerebral palsy - " Cerebral palsy" meaDs a group of non-progressive conditions ofa person characterized by abnormal motor control posture resulting from brain insult or injuries occuuing in the parental, perinatal or infant period ofdevelopment. (iii) Alt the cases of orthopedically handicapped persons would be covered under the category of "Locornotor disability or Cerebral palsy,,. Only such persons would be eligible for reser.r/ation for these posts who suffer from not less than 409lo oI relevant disability. Categories of Orth;pedically Impaired applicants suitable for the posts are as under: l. One Arm allected (OA) 2. One Leg affected (OL) 6. Disqualifi cation:- i\o person,into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse livillg; or (b) \ryho, having a spouse living, has entered into or contracted a marriage with any person. Shall be eligible for appoirtment to the said posts; provid;d that the Cenh?l Governrnent may, if satisfied that such mariage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and the other party to the malriage and theie are other grounds for so doillg, exempt anypersod from the operation ofthisr:ule. (aJ Who has entered 7. Educationalqualificaho!: t {ii) (iii) (iv) Far Postmon? Matricuiation from a recognized board or University. For Mdl Gyat-d :-Matriculation or equivalent from a recognized Board or University. For MTS in Adfiinistrative Officesj Matr:iculation or equivalent or ITI iiom r.rognrzod FoJrlls. Fot f;ITS i! PO & RMS oliices (subodindte Ofricd:- Matriculation or ITI fiom recognized BoJrds. Hou, t{1 annlu- The dpplicant can apply through Online Mode or Offline Mode. 4.1 Odinc Made,: a] The applicant has to visit the link of "Postman/Mailguard/MTs Recruitment Examination2015, U.P. Circle" availablc on website w&r .indiapost.gov.in through intcrnet enabled workstation or" personal computer or laptop. The Online registration will commence by 16.00 hrs on 01-06-2015 arrd close by 23,59 hrs on 30-06-2015, b) The applicant has to lea.l the Notincation, lnstructions to Candidates, Vacancy Position, FAQ carefully before fillingup the application form. cJ The applicant has to selectany offollowing Options as per requirement' APPLICATION FORM FOR POSTMAN/MAIL GUAR.D OFFICES) dl Thc applicant shall subtnit only one application either for the Post of Postmarl or for the post of lViailguard, as the Aptitude Test for the post of Postman and Mailguard will be held at the same date and time. Hence, a candidate can appeaa in aptitude test either for the post of PostmJn nr ror rhe post r-rl llarlgrrrd. e) The applicant shall sullrnit only one application either for the Post of MTS (Adminlstrativc Office] or For the Post of MTS (Subordinate Officel, as The Aptitude test for the post of MTS [Administrative OfficeJ and ],,1TS [Subordiflate Office] will be held at the same dare and time (which $ill be held on separate date lixed for aptitude test for the post of Posfinan/Mailguard). Hence, a caDdidare can appear in aptitude test either for the post ofMTS [Administrative Office] or for the post ofMTS (Subordinate Offce]. 0 The applicant has to keep reacly followi ng jrem duriIg f]lling ot' the Onlinc Application Form: [iJ The scenned image ofphotograph and signatlre in format in specified file size as rnonlioncd in lhe insh uclions. [ii) Matriculation/EquivaicnL to N,l2tricu]ation/lTI Mark List. should fill details/input in the online application at the appropriate place very carefully and click on "submit button" at the end of registration of online appljcation form. Before pressiDg the "sllDlnit button" applicants are advised to verift correctness ofevery field/ input mentioned in the application. Name ofthe applicant, name ofhis/he. father etc should be spelt correctly in the application as it so appears in the matriculation ceftificate/mark sheet. No changes will be allowed after submission of online application folrn. Any changes/alteradon lound/detected later on maylead to his disqualification ofcandidature. gJ ApplicanLs h) The applicant is fu.ther advised to fill in the online application form in one go and save the data. The applicant can edit the pafticulars needed before final submission of the application form. once the application is filled completely, the applicant should submit the data. The applicaflts may note that pafticulars mentioned in the online appli'etion will be Jonsidered ai-nnal ana nt change/alieration/modification will be allowed/entertained after submission ofthe online application under any circumstances' i) ), After successful registratio[, a provisional Unique Registration Number (URN) wilt ;e generated by the system and dispiayid on the screen, The applicants will be informed the Regis ation nrmbei ttrrough SMi on the given Mobile number in the application and by the seniing e-Mail on his e-MaiIAddress provided by him/her. The applicant has to geneEte Challan in triplicate to enable him to pay the fee. i) kl ApplicaDt has to take printout ofthe system generated fee palaDent Challan' The applicant has to retain a copy ofthis Challan for future reference. (the lJ Mode ofPayment: The Fees are payable in cash in identified Post Offices of U P Circle 'B') having list of identified post offices is available in Schedule e-Payment facility as under_ Name of Posts Postman/Mail Guard Multi Tasking Staff[MTS) [Administrative officel Multi TaskingStaff (MTS] / Registration Category of Fee candidates 100 Candidates belonging to SC/ST/PH/Woman 100 Candidates belonging to OC end OBC Candidates belonging to 100 to 100 Examinadon Total Fee Fee 100 400 500 100 SC/ST/PH/Woman Candidates belonging OC and OBC 400 500 [Subordinate Officel ml Applicants belonging to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Handicapped/Women are exempted from payment ofExamination Fee Tribes/Physically ofRs'400/'' will deposit Rs.500/- and will receive one e-Payment receipt n.,Soti7- tom the post ofhie, In the same way scheduled Castes/scheduled Tribes/Ph;sicalty Handicapped/Woman candidates will deposit Rs 100/- and will nl oi OC/OBC candidates receive one e_Payment receipt of Rs. 1OO/- from the post ofnce The candidate must check that regishation number shovvn in his Chaltan Form is same as mentioned in e_ Payment receipt received bY him. o] The registered applicant should pay the required fee through system,generated Challan of only, on or beiore 3'd ofluty, ZOfS. n applicants have to approach identified Post offices " in schedule U.P. Circle, having e-payme;t facility fthe list of identified post offices is availab]e her & to pay printed him by Challan / 'B') during working Lours and to produce Fee Payment will registered th; FEE in"cAsH [l-NR] only. In caie ofnon-pa]rment of fee, the application not be consider;d for further process. The applicants are advised to keep a copy of fee Challan, receipt issued by the Post Office and applicatioq for future reference' 5 p) Cost/lrelrs ooce pnrd shall not be reiLlnded undcr any circumstances. q) The Appli.ants aie ;rdviled roi to enclose/upload copies of any certificates/documcnts except inrages of his/heI p;totog.aph and signaturc. rl Thc application iegistered onlinc will be treatcd as provisional and the selection/aDpoini:rrleilt is subieci to Verification ofrespective Original Certificates/Documents. The Applicant has to furfiish a detlaration to the elfeci that all statements/inputs furnished by him/her are truc, complete and correct to best of his/her knowledge and they will be slrppor:ted by the original docume[ts/tesiimonials as and when required/dcmarded. In case any false, incorrect inlbrmation found/detected at any sLage, hislher candidature,/appointmeilt t/ill bo slrmmarily rerected/terminated. It is mandatory for the applicant to Tick the Check Box about this DECLAMTION at the time of regisrration of the Application form and befol.e saving and uploading the application, sl will Ctosirqg Date for llegistration ofApplicationi The registration ofOnline application closc h1 2 10 'dblzr, I5. ':5q h.urr .r 4.2 al Ojque l4ade .: Thc apphcant shall 0urchase OMR Application Form Kit from n6arcst identified post officc ir Utta. [tadesh Circle (the list of identified post offices is availabie in Schedule ,8, The OMII Applcadorr lior.m Kit h,ill be sold in identified post Offices of U.p. Circle from 01 06-2015 to 30 06-2015. b) Cost ofOMR I,!'anre Applicatiofl Form l(it and Examinatio[ Fee:- o{ ofcandidates Fosts Cost ofOMR Form PostmauI,Iail Examilatl on ToLll rco Application Kit a,rndid, tes belonging to 100 dares belonging to 100 and LrBC Can.lidates lates belonging tu sa/s],/P S1/PI.1/Woman Lardirlates lates belonging to 0u an(l OEC 100 400 500 OC MultiTrskrngStaff [iv{TS] [Admi isiLrative Otfice) / Mulri Taskirrg Sta$(MTS 100 100 100 400 500 [Snbordirate OfficLl d) 'lhe applicanL has td deposit cost of OMR Application Form I(it i.c Rs.100l (For all candidatesl and exrrnjnatjon fee i.e. Rs,400/-(For OC/OBC candidates orrly) through e-paymeni at identifilld irort olfice in tlttar Praciesh Circle to purchase the OMR ApplicaLion Form KlT. lipplicants belonginB tr, cafegories Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tdbes/physically HandicapPcd/Vyoman 3re...ierr1pted fuonl payment ofExamination Fee ofRs.400/-. e) J OC/Ots{,' caildidates ..,/!li deposit }1s.S00/, al1d wilt receive one e-pai.Inent receipt of Rs.500/- Xioilr rhn posr office. In thc same way Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes/Physirally lXardicapped/Woman candidates wiu deposit Rs. 100/- and will receiye one e-Payment r.eceipt of Rs, 100/- from the post office, The ca[didate must check that OMR Aprpli.ation Fr)ftn Kit number irt'inted on his OMR Form is same as mcntiored iIl e-Pal,nteut aeceipt received by him. : IJ The cost ofthe Kit ard etlarnination tee paid through any othcr mode, except through e payment at jCentifie.i pos!: cllice in Utar pr.adesh Circle, wiil not be acccpte.l and such applicationr! shali be sunlnlarjlli rejecred. 0riginal e paymeni Receipt shall be sent along witl) OMRAppl;(iaLion Fonr. gl h) Cost/Fee oncc paiLi shail ilot ire refunded urder any circumstances. OMR Applic3riicn Form l(i I conrains one OMR Application form, one add.cssed cnvclop., i) Applicatiort For irformation iror)klet. jl Photo.oDy accepted. - i Uf,l fi. infbrmation booklct and should be filled by the candidate as per guidelines given in the l\plriic.ltjon po.m o. photo copy of e-PaFnent receipt will not be kl 'Ihc applicants sltoriid iiote that the particuials mentioncd in the OMR Form will be consider-rd as Filal ar_tLi nn change/altcration/modification wil] be allowed/entertained aftcr submission oithe 0X4R litI.n under aary circunlstances. l) Th.: aplljcants irae a{iyiselj noL co enclose copies OMR Form e)r..rpt l'L.c|ipt lj1'.rFaytnenr original. mJ ; ofany certificates/documents with the Application Forins reccived with blank column No.21 i.e. Receipt No. ofe_pafnent/ Forms received'rirhou.. e-ijirl,ent Receipt / Wrongly Filled Forms Unfiiled or partialiy lilJei / Folms aud Forfts vrithonj- $ignat-trrers ofApplicant sfiall be summarily rejccted. OMR n) _ the applicant sholld klrep phot_ocopy of completely filled OMR Application Form along w-ith OMR Afp{i(atiol Forr Niuraber., photocopy ofc-payment Receipt, ieceivecl fiom rhe posi officc in tolen of Dryuront af i:hc rost of the OMR Al:lplication Form Kit and Examination Fee and Speed Post/Registcred Post booklng rcceipr Ifo send the form) safely with him/her for ary futu!'e rei(rence. o] Applic.rDLs rhoulC clea{ly mention the namc of post for which they are applying o[ the Envelope on lhe toB in bL,ld letters as ,.,APP!,{CATION FOR THE pOS.l OIi MTS IN ADMINIS'Tfr.ATIVE OFFIC[S" .II "APP{,iCATIOI{ POI{ TIIE POST OF MTS IN SUBORDINATE OFFICES" oT -.4PP!,llrt,4,'[10l\t $OR T]IE pCtST OF POSTMAN" or A?PL|CATION FOR THE POST OF MAIii G{,AlSi)" as rh-" case l1lav be. P] B-ij.Ll,!]e.4.iD_plieads[Es{ui:: [il Cum!i,(ely Irled ! 4tr. ,\,],1ricatiot1 fjorm re,eiredrr,,,,,hpp,,- L.,..i.,rbknr,6ipl,*"n a]o[g with e-payment Receipt ir1 original, and Exarnination Fe,r, rs n) ire ienr i{r rhe ",;:;;;;";,;;,r,;n'nlpri.,rio,,ro.,,xir ada..r. "rr," Chief posriiiasrer Gtrueil.at, tltrar pradesn oi..ai""rui#,iftplou, om"u orrrr. CirG--i;;h;;:;;;rr" by Post/Regist{jred post +r!Iy. speed {ii) Al,r,lrc.,,ti,rn [, rr.] .",.1i1^ l i,r, han{l.or by any other mode will not bc entertained & sun,md,,lr r.,..rno.-,,!., o,. n,,.,,n.,4p1.,;,*r:",,r""r,lro"".i""aioli,o.,"g.i.cou".*irr be accclrte.i. lt "arr. r'rle t L,le r.n. appri.ntl.., r,,,.m. *,rt ;;;,;";;,r;l;:,1,J;cunrrins more than one Applicario'n Form, arl qJ Lqr!$iile_qilr*r{ui-uq[p_!4pJtjsatiaur (il. [,r't ciire ,]f !,jlrmi.srDr, ot Ar is 30-06-20t5. Thc applicanrs sh,,urd r..,. ,t,.,,,.,,,,,,," 1''"''"3'Furrn t,'rm" bookcri,br speed Post/Registered ' . l' Post upto ,i.li.'.],".u:d by speed posr/Resistered post ';1 :""'10, l: Jl,,:1 not be'rcceptedand no cor'espondcnr'c "i',',; ';: ; l i:'".1,:lli,-i-,r'i| ri'" "' crearry rrrr,r..,rnd :to.06.r{- ,i,.1" : :'i wrlr bc'"' 9. Exanli aii...,fl C€!.$J.!, {il ]'he ,.t.:t r f,, ,,srrn, r, Mi,ir jirar,J Jnd rllTS yvill be held al Luc(now. Chdzirba.l, Agra. A;i,r;rrt .111, B L,e.l 4cr.-,iLhnrr and Kanpur .iri". ;i U;; ;;r;:;. 1,...t No TAIDA admissii),.,b,uJ,r..rr,,rr..r n,r1,rirr,,r..t^sr Iiil Ap!:. 'r , 'j ri i,., i ,: ....,,,,urp(..,r1.1(ir^n,..1 is rhr E\amlnation centle. [iiij Ap]rl;citL!.j5 arl] (jrerl; ilro:xjccl thar the allohn€nt of Examination centre/City is the prerogaiir!. r:f the deiral.tlte]lt :ad ro. ch€nse in Examination centre/\,::rui: .,tiii nr:i be ,,.1.i11. rrrirr I lLl"i::..ilill*d arrl r'rr'umslances Examination ccntle ',,.,u,i.1,,u will be illutre.i.'i. p, ,.' :,,; , ,'l;:::t,'r, " c,ndio.,r. i.r' 'mryr. a.l. ,, ,,",]j,,::lX;a,r',HoweverdePendineuporrumheror rhe [iv] Th-.1.1 . r.rIcr,. . ...r. ve-; rhc,!prr io ca'lcel an\" centre and ask the candidates of that .nnt.o ,, op,'"rr 1rrrr, *,,".]r-llt the ,,, """r,,i or,ny.. , , ." : .:, r ".'",:,lii':'il:i;,.]:]:#serves rishuo divn,1 candida,es ,, 10. lLnle. .the .rate or .qpiitude Test wi ll**r1,;k;";;*fr**...Il::jrt i b) t .,, r, .rc. . 'r.,., be informed to eligible . i,. . t,,. ro . Aptittlde I'est ofthe level of 10ih class/maLriculation coverjng !h.. iirio\,rin; , ri,1r.lr,,,rul,,, "t' - Duratioil of Aptitirde ,i'*st 120 jUinutes There rvill lr,r one pap.i.adtitp.ilriilB 6f ioliou,ing four parts:- Total Marks- 100 A- Gcneral (l1o$,lcdet lZ5 nr r.ns ,r.ifi 25 questirn of 1 m6rk I B- Matllcm.rtics [r] marks yrilh 25 questior of1rnari<erah) C (i)-EnBlisti (2i,na.l(5 with 25 qucstions of r. mark eiLh fiij iljndi l.angua8e {25 mirrl..5 ,a rih ls C questiots oi lmaik Dur.ati$]l ili Aptitude ?(!si _ i;10luinures Total Marks "100 There -.yiil b(, aI1e i]apax. a(rDrprisjng olfollowing fDrir parts: matks 1r/it1l ,15 questio:ts of I mark each ',1 J.,'s: I!urnh-r .t ..i..'lrr l).cim.,ls perl.enrages, nario paofif rnd I oss, uJr,,.r;, SimpJe lnterest, Averape, Djscount, 'r,. .,,.rsl rp Tr.ne & Wor[,l,ime & Distance. r', :'r &j;A;ns, c) QltdLi-illirg lMartLs .fid:,go_s_tjnan,/Maiiguard & suboMi*4te llttrsesJj!-Apr_!!!=ddfest-i:1p-riiude tesl. ibr Postman/},{ailijuard ard MTS (Administrative Oficc)/MTS lsubordiD.ilE iifficeJ, it is c.rr,F!lsory for all candidaies, to gain qlra]ifj,ing marks in each part sepaEleiy & "{i:;o in aggregrte io qurliS, for selection as mentioned below:- ll1 {il l:srs A & B-Mrn;I,uin'r0 rna is fol OC, I marks for SC/ST and 9 marks for OBC c;rndid:r,-es ;n caclt p,tr';. {iiJ F..i: tbr- 0llfl {iiii C iT11'o SegtitentsJ- [4inimum 10 inarl$ for OC, B marks for SC/ST and 9 marks L-andid;ttei ir: ear:h segment. markj for 0C, ii3 mar.ks lor aigr*8ilte. l. 1. a_l .l.0 SC /ST and 37 marks for OBC candidates in 5-eleqEEuerseEdlur{-:luqtr.llauueEl-slu4itr 'Ihe s?r.ction u/ill ile pliLrel_v oD thc basis olMerit List, which will be prepared on the basis of n,:r-li:i obtniuert iJ] thr Altitude iest sepal.acely tbr each cadre of postman, Mailguard, MTS {A(iirlrni:rrativc otirej rr!.1 M IS [subordinate olfice]. Accordingiy, a common Merir Lisl forwboir ll.ir iilraic,ir e;r.11 ffic!.e rhall be prepared in vielv ofconsolidated vacancies ofsuch cadre, bl It 15; filfiher stite:J thai if ttvo or inore candidaaes secure equal marks in Aptitude test and tiej/ arc iandill ilr tli. last posirion in the rnerit list then it is clearly statcd that the candidare at-.!i-(ir jn .ige r/iill tip rorsidc!.cd fcr seleciion. c) Selediia .iraralid:1i'rs xrill ie allotcd to lhc di\,islons as per their preferences mentioned in OMR Appli:aLio, iro',\, L:areLi .n iheir posiiion ill ihe merit list and availability ofvacancies. Such car:iiiirt,.: M/ho is n ). neJe tn get the 3llctirent in aty ofthe division of his/her pieference because oi iri:,ler roerit, helsh. wlll be allottcd to the division where vacancy exists_ dJ ]f:r .rrn:rida .io,,rs roi ir il his/her prefercnce t'br the Division in Columfl No. 2:t of oMR that he/shc is applyingfor all the divisions/units ofU.p. circie eq.r111 :r.d he ryiri be colslicreii ib, recruitment in any Division/unit at thc discretion of Re.r,:::.r. ., tl,,,i r. Li:, Applicati.nii,inr,irr:ill 12. a] bl rr I(l l'[e 1i{r -r.esLrror:d i,,4rarx."ALL,r.tI.l-L-r-.t:L c.rrri:lidates] sele.terl {ri1i bc appointed and will be on probation for two ycars. l\rr t1-,en on ooirt itri. :J, irli vacani foslr .]rc classitied in two categories. The post of P,r;i11;,.1 .r,,1 l!l:,i! rl,rraros:iri: i:ategorized undel.,Non Gazetted Minisaerial,services and pL\st of l'4ulij'tlsl{r gjr?lf(rl.in1iristrativeUfficeslandMultiTaskingstafffsuborclinate ,Nor'r Liilirr.jl arc ratelor!zj).1 [iJ 'li, llir .Oiirriit..jll.rl un(ler Cazctted Non-Ministerial, Seruices. The Aptitude ili be conci urtecl sepafately on different dates. Li.t si 5 rv fjil lhi apiitulie i!::.. i{rr tirr post of p.stnEn and Mailguard will be held at the same r1:,lr :rj.1 Ii.llc. Iitn.,, a ca didete can appear in aptitude test either for the post of i'r!1itrr Dr ior llia::ost o! I{ailguard. The aanalidates are adviseal to fill thc OMR aipln:ir{ra lDti1 jr,\ lit. o1,e lrosi either ior th,l post of postman or for the post of 10 $Xtgr".d rt i" al.o .eiterared thar one oMR application form can be used for only one {iiiJTheaptitude test for Lhe r -;.i;;,;;,:i-tt::l\4rs,lAdmioistrarive office,and ,vl[s lsubordjnare orlice) wtit b; and time (which will be held n,"a on separare dare Hence. a candidare ca,r rDpear in aprirude re., li.'rilt*Il::n1n/Mailcuard) ui'IrJldurnrnlslrallvc{)lficeJorlorlhep05l i".""ptitri"iiiJ;;.Ifl"-* - ts"" ol MTsfsubordinateotficel.T ",,n* ontv ro. on" po]i .iit ; ;;;i;":" ::'319:'^"s are advised to fill the ol\4R cppric.rrion rurm or lt'r'rs(Adminisrrariveorirce)orro, rhepos, or Mrs ls,;.,;;,ftili;;i';l' ";.":r'fl-o.:' relterated that one oMR application '"' only on" c] post. ' form can be used for Candidates are advised to visit lo rrmc ror further inro.,,r,ion 31.I.'d,iu Posl \4'cbsite www.indiaposlgov.in Irom time rctcrding ddte ofApLitude Tesl, othcr in[ormatjon. Aimit Cdrd, Result and 13. Requirement to serve in the Service:- Any porson dnpointe.l posr( specihecl shall be ro rhc liablc ,o .""o"Tr,,'"tF ve ln thP Army Postal scrvice in lndra or requrred. abroad as 14. Power to relax i- Mere the C€ Government is or the opinion or expn.licnt so ro du, i, ,rv, lhai it is ne.cssar) uv o.a"..'llTi ,re piovis,ons .",u,,"" o, orrril;;;l;;;;$;i,ii fi,:;:::X :: UJffllX""X.,J,:.,,,,r, 15. Saving: Nothing in this notific: affect reserualions and orhcr requrred ro be provided 6o. conressioas r1.," 5.l,"o,lliol-thall other.Backwari ctast;,;;;;;";;::i]:d.cdstes' rhe schedurcd rribes, rhe r^-sewjceman, issucd by rhe ccnrrar a.cordance wirh rhc orde15 c;;;;;;;i',#i'*:[il::f irq:i..ilil: Asstt Director (Recttl. % ChiefpMG, U.p. Circte, Lucknow-2260O1 11 TA-I /C- SCHEDULI.A DETAILS OF VACANCIES AVAILABLE TN VARIOUS OFFICES/DTVISIONS Verti@l Resenation Horizontal Rcsetuation SI.N Omces/Division UR sc ST OBC rBlLv) Agra Region 2 I 45 24 0 0 21 0 t9 9 0 1 0 14 11 9 0 \4 a I 3 14 I 3 t9 13 4 72 7 156 5 I 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 2 0 1g L 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 2 0 3 0 0 0 1 20 1 45 0 , 1 15 AllahabadRegion I 24 19 2 1 0 1 0 2 7 4 I 0 2 0 0 0 1 :l 3 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 4 9 2 1 0 0 0 0 I 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 5 6 Prata!garh Division Var anasi [[ast) Division Va.anasi lwest] Division 14 to 7 4 67 4a 3 't0 0 1 l 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 7 1 7 0 6 Ber€ lly Region Eareilly Division 1? 8 4 0 5 1, 0 1 z ? 8 4 2 1 1 0 0 0 1 3 7 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 l 4 4 I 0 2 0 0 I 5 5 0 0 z 9 0 0 l L 6 31 7 21 Mnza ftarnagr Division Shahjalunpur Division 1 0 6 3 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 6 3 1 0 118 65 9 10 6 4 3 27 1 0 ,l l 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 1Z Corakhpur Region 3 5 2 0 0 0 l0 I 13 3 0 0 1 1 6 3 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 L 0 5 5 6 6 5 43 4 29 o 5 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 thnpur Reqion 2 3 1 7 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 t 0 0 1 c 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 17 74 3 0 0 0 0 ) 0 2 0 0 0 1 1 12 Kanpur[MJDivhion 0 1 aLl 8 1 0 2 0 0 0 s2 40 7 1 4 1 0 0 l 0 0 0 'I 0 l 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 7 0 0 Lucknow ReEion 5 1 1,4 8 3 3 35 26 6 4 tt 5 5 77 61 1 1 t1 4 0 6 0 0 0 0 7 2 1 0 0 4 0 8 11 166 114 22 602 390 9L 10 0 1 0 23 2 2 2 18 111 6 6 6 60 Mailguard Cadre Vertical ReseBation SLNo offfces/Division I 2 4 RMS'BL Drvision, Bar€illy Horizontal Rescftation (HH] Total sc UR (B/Lv) oBc 8 5 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 (P'Division KanFu. 3 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 RMS'O'Division Lucknow 1 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 1 7 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 20 0 1 RMS RMS'SH Division 7 W sahn.anpur 1 MTS IN SUBORDINATE OTFTCES Sl.No Name OFF Horizontal Resenation of Ofiiceq/Divislon uR SI sa oBc A$a Region 4 6 2 3 6 4 1 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 2 1 o 1 I 0 0 t7 1 4 Allahabad Resion 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 2 2 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 3 0 3 1 1 0 0 5 0 0 1 0 2 2 0 0 0 t6 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 0 3 o 6 1 o o 3 varanas j [East] D'vision Varanasi (Westl Division 0 1 Bar€ ily Region Eareilly Divislon 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 ,] 2 2 0 0 0 + 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 6 4 0 0 4 :1 2 0 0 1 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I\.luzaffa.naar Divisio. 2 saharanpurDivision I 1l shabjahanpur Divisio, lAzanrEarh DivGion 1 0 0 1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 GorakhpurRegion 3 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 18 1 1 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 2 3 1 1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 + 5 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 7 1 0 10 0 a7 0 0 0 0 7 26 1 0 8 5 I 0 0 5 7 o 0 0 0 0 z 6 0 o 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 6 I 0 0 0 0 5 4 4 31 0 0 1 0 1 4 s 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Kanpur Region 7 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 7 5 2 3 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 o 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 t(a.pur[M]Division 7 3 20 'I 0 76 I 0 Lucknow Reston I 4 3 0 0 1 2 3 3 0 0 0 \5'y 0 3 ,l s 4 3 0 3 2 2 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 7 2 16 t2 I 129 a9 '13 0 0 0 1 0 0 o 0 o a 24 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 3 7 1Z MTS in Subordinate Offices (RMSI tiorizontal Reservarion Offices/Division RMS BL Division, RMS'kP Division 4 RMs'o'Divisinr RT.TS Bareilly (anpur li,.kh.w SIJ'Division Sa!aranpur UR sc ST 14 7 0 2 76 4 2 10 5 27 18 14 8 31 12 139 rE/L'r) oBc 0 1 0 1 7 0 0 0 Z o 2 0 0 0 0 5 1 7 0 4 o 6 0 l 0 0 2 I 0 11 0 0 7 9 4 1 9 0 27 6 47 I 0 59 0 ,l z Z 14 MTS n Adm inistrative Dffices Horizont l Reservation sl, Offices/Division 0ffr .e of 1 6 2 Rcgionrl 0fnce, Altahabd 5 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 'I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 1 1 4 ,1 0 5 5 7 9 3 0 2 14 9 0 I oBc ST Chi.f PMC, U.P.Ci..le, ') 3 sc uR 1 6 3 3 0 0 5 0 0 42 28 3 1 10 2 0 UR-Unreserved, Sc-Scheduled Caste, ST-Scheduled Tribe, OBC-Other Backward Class, pHPhysi€aUy Handicapped, B-Blind, LV-LowVision, HH-Hearing Handicapped OA-0ne Arm Affected, OL-One Leg Affected, Ex.SM-Ex Servicemanl M-"5\f " ,q Srhedule"B Sl lilct, 1 Agrd 3 Agra HO HO 2a2AO1 Agra Fort HO HO Bah SO 242003 283144 5 Fatehabad Bazar 5c, Kheragarh SO so so so 6 Aligarh HO HO 243111 283721 202001 7 Hathras SO Khair SO Sikandra Rao So SO 204101 SO SO 20213A 204215 Mathura HO chhata so Mant So HO 281001 13 14 15 4 Aligarh 8 I 10 11 12 Mathura SO 281401 SO 241202 Sadabad 5O SO JhansiHO HO 281305 284001 HO 285001 18 OraiHO Lalitpur HO Moth so Mauranipur 19 Jalaun So SO 2A5123 20 Etah HO HO 201001 21 Kasganj SO AliganiSO alesar So so so so )41723 )2 lhanqi 17 23 )4 SO tawah HO Etawah 26 Auraiya HO Jaswant NagarSO HO 284403 SO 284303 2842A4 so 207241 201302 206001 HO HO so | I )06122 2a6245 21 SaifaiSO so 206130 ?a MainpuriHO HO 205001 Firozabad HO Shikohabad SO Tundla SO Eulandshahar Ho HO so 243203 283135 243204 29 Mainpuri 30 31 . 3) 33 35 36 37 38 39 40 41, 203001 HO so 203131 203390 so 203205 Allahabad Ho Allahabad Kty HO Manjhanpur SO Phoolpur 5O HO 211001 Meja SO lasra SO 42 43 44 45 46 HO rja HO Anupshahr SO Sikandrabad SO Khu 34 Pratapgarh so HO 277002 so so so so so 212207 212402 221503 212342 21,2107 Pratapgarh HO Raniganj SO HO 230001. so 230304 LalsanjSO so so 2302A4 Kunda SO 23AI 2 4l VaranasiHO HO 22tOO1 ChandauliSO SO 232104 Sakaldiha Bazarso so VarenasiCantt HO 232109 HO BhadohlSO SO 52 221002 221401 Gyanpur SO so 221,304 53 Gha,ipu. HO HO 233001 Zamania 50 so so 2323)9 Mohammadabad yusufpur5O SaidpurSO SO 233304 launpur HO launpur kty HO 22200'l so so 222002 SO 22310'l 48 49 Varanasi(East) 50 Varanasi(West) 54 55 Ghazipur 56 57 58 59 60 Jaunpur SO Mariyahu Bazar ShahgarjSO SO 233221 2221,61 61 Badlapur SO so 5) 222125 Mirzapur HO HO 231001 RobertsganjSO so so 237216 Muzaffarnagar HO KhatauliSO HO 251001 SO 25\201. Jansath SO so so 241776 HO )45101 no 245161 so so 246125 63 Mirzapur 64 6s 66 67 Muzaffarnagar 68 ShamliSO 6S Bijnore HO 10 Dhampu. 77 Bijnore l2 Ho Najibabad SO Chandpur SO I I 231304 251314 246763 HardoiHO Ho so 15 Bilgram SO Shahabad SO 241301 5() 76 241124 Bareilly HO HO 11 )4300'l Pilibhit Ho BaheriSo HO 262AA1 so so so so 243301 262406 243503 HO 243601 )43633 BisauliSO so so 2$72A Dataganj SO SO 243635 KheriHO HO 262701 Gola Gokaran Natfi SO so so 262aO2 262902 HO 250001 HO 250002 HO 25061',L so 250342 74 18 19 Hardoi Bareilly 80 NawabganjSO 81 FaridpurSO 82 Budaun HO EilsiSO 83 a4 85 86 a7 Budaun Kheri 88 90 g1 9) Pallia SO Meerut Meerut Cantt HO Meerut City HO Baraut HO Sardhana SO I 241001 243201 93 94 Moradabad Ho BilariSO 95 SambhalSO so so 96 97 Rampur HO HO 244001 244471 244302 244901 Amroha Ho HO 244221 98 Saharanpur HO HO 241001 99 Behat 50 so 247121 100 Rampur SO Deoband So SO )414\1 101 HO so 241554 shahjahanpur HO TilharSO HO 242001 SO 242307 104 Jalalabad SO so 242221 105 Gorakhpur HO HO 213401 M.hdrdjGani50 CampeirganiSO so so 273303 213154 Deorla HO HO 214001 Padrauna HO Salempur SO HO 27 so HO HO 275107 113 Aramsarh HO Mau HO Madhu Ban SO 214509 276001 so 221643 1,14 Eallia H-O. HO Rasra HO HO 10? 103 106 Shahajahanpur corakhpur 107 108 109 Deoria 110 11L 112 EA4 116 Bansdih Road so so 217001 ))'1712 2t1203 1,1,7 BistiHo HO 27 118 BansiHO so so 212\49 115 119 Ballia Basti DomariaeaniSO )OO1 272153 120 Khalilabad so SO 272115 121 Gonda HO HO 211001 122 Balrampur HO Mankapur Bazar HO 211201 so 211302 r23 Gonda 124 rL25 726 Bahrai.h 127 124 729 130 131 Kanpur Citv Dn. Banda Dn. Utraula SO Ba hraich HO Nanpara SO so 211644 HO 21laol so 271465 KaiserganiSO so npur Cantt. HO Banda HO HO 211903 208004 HO 210001 Hamirpur HO HO 210301 Karwi SO so so 210205 210421 SO 209625 so so so 209125 GPO 208001 Ka 1,3) Mahoba 133 Farrukhabad SO Kaimganj SO 734 135 FatehBarh Dn. Kanpur HO 138 't:9 140 SO Kdnna'rjso Chhibramau so 136 137 Fatehpur Dn. SO Kanpur HO 209542 209721 l:atehpur HO HO 212641 Khaga SO SO 21,26\5 BindkiSO so 212635 141 :142 143 144 Unnao HO Kanpur (M) 145 146 747 Lucknow Dn 149 Bakshi Ka Talab SO Mallihabad SO 148 Mohanlalaaniso Lucknow GPO 150 151 152 Ghaziabad Noida HO Hapur HO 153 154 Sultanpur HO 15s 156 AmethiHO Sultanpur 151 Mushafi.khana So 158 Lambhua 50 159 160 161 Sitapur Dn. 16? Biswan SO 163 Mishrikh SO BarabankiHO 164 165 166 Barabanki Haiderqarh SO 161 168 169 170 Raebareli Maharaj Ganj SO IalsaoiSO 177 112 Faizabad HO 113 Akbarpur HO RudauliSo 74 175 Faizabad Dn. HO 5(] 209801 209101 50 so 209865 HO 226003 so 50 so GPO 22620L 226102 226301 22600L HO 201001 Alba, pur SO Ghatampur SO BighapurSO tucknow Chowk Ho 209206 HO 201301 HO 245101 so 201204 HO 22AAO1 HO 227405 so so so 22A145 227A13 222302 HO 261001 so so so so 261303 261203 26120L 261401 HO 225007 so so so 225124 225409 HO 225305 229007 SO 22930F, so so 229206 229309 HO 224001 HO 224122 5() 224120 so 224190 * te{,t4',4dlt --- ue- tA-9y At'I'tiNLlrx-3 (t) I IiOIW OF CERI'IFICA|E'[O BE P](OI]UCED BY OTFIEIT BACI(WAIID CLASSI.iS APPLYING FOITAI'POINTNII]Nl' TO POSTS UllDER THI] GOVERN M EN'I' lGl., DcfL i [,er & Trs., O.M. i..to. 160j6/2/2011-Estr. (tres.), daiert:10 5 20t41 certii/ that Shri / Smt. / Kur[ari .. .. .. , son / daughtcr. , ofvillage / town . .. ....... .... ... . . ... . . . in District / Division . .. itr rhr State / Lnion lcfl.itory .. ... . . .... Lrolong" to thc . . ..conur,ll,ityuhicir islcc,,Bniz.rl:r,a B.rukwar,l ales. rrid.r rhu Govc11u eri ollx l;d, Mirislry ul Su(irll Jltsti.e iIr,t l,lnl)owL,n ncl rt ,s R,.lotutro|| 1i0. .. ........... . . ...,.larcd Slrri/ Srrrt 'i(rrrn:u.i rtrrl/olltis,lrellrrrrilyordirallf i.siJclsl in rlre Lri\trict /lrivi\rolr uttlre ; ........... Sl:rle/LJDiu,r terlitur', thi,isal-otoccrtitydlat lre/\lrr d0es rot beldng to the persons / sectioN (Creamy Layer) rueuti0ndd il Coluru0 3 0t1he Schedule ro the Goveimniut oI India,i)epartment of persorurcl and Trrinirg, O M. No. 1601,22lr)l-trs (Sr Il,d rcJ[io.lqqlr*. _ of... : ol OT- INT}.IA This is to .. ............ .. ,. .. Dirlri. t Itfopi: trate, Depuly Cofi nNi,ssionet etc. 1l SLAI- The aulhorities cornpetent to issue caste lr) ti . , ce ific2rtes al.e jndicated belowt-- Di\trict Mcgi\trate , Aildrtro il MrArst|,ate / Collcctor / Dcl,It\ Cullmissioler / A,l(liiiirnxl ucputj Curnrrrissioncr / Dcnur, Collector / First Class Stipendiaiy N{agistrate,/ Sub-Division;l Magistrate/ Taluka Jr4agislrate / Exr;cutive Magistr-ate / Iixti.a Assirlant Cotnmissiorrcr (Dot helow th,.. rrnk "ot Fir.,r CI.r,s St ipen,lial} Magisn,uc.). (il) ( hicf i Presidcnrl, \4itgi(lr!tc ,ALhl,li{rn.ll Chicf prcritlcrr. r MiIi\trule / Presidclcy \408i\tratc (tr) lievelue Offcer l1ol bclow lhe rark oliTehsiklar; arrd (1,) Sub-Divisional Ofllcer ofrhe area wherc the candiilate alld/or his lalrity re:rdcs. .,;i'l^filiillil::ttiJlfi;T11f",.",,,1 ** as nnrenrled fiom tinrc to time :, .r,r.Jrrr:riry., Noru Ilr rL rr r*c,l l"ro , u'" xx rcPc.enr,Iror ol ,hr t,ort,.n.,. loro]ill ff;;*,l,,rl rl*".,^ ltflr' rtrr 'rrrn' rrnlrrrrr! rt 'r sccru,' Jr, ! ' f,| t6- A/- l"LL!,-A li 'li a lt pgrl rlrx-l PRESCRIBED FORM OF CERI-ITIC]ATE t s I ,rare.t ",, i:il Ji,S' 1r,. i t . *r-"1.c.1'li"i:, in uePr :'.':'',",1-..:; u r\rDlisutl r" x" -""schdul I,r"srns 1i",i,"Jrrv I "rnlia'" I i.Y#iff i i4 i rullrr t'i:i': clnllll' rroRM -_*----r ^'fln of cAlirll cEnTlr{cATE l ll ',,i ti ot.. ' "u,.-,"*';;;;;';'"'^lli''iiiilii"tt';;ll' tt,,'i,,n 'l'eirrloryit," "" rhrrglrr, Ulvrsl0n' ,o llrn ... .. .... ... casie/lirbcr rt t wlri|h rs rr:uoSnizcrl (Scle,lulu'1 t 'a:lcrt itulion Silre,lulcJ Ccslt I*o trio", I o'.l tt'rcrlulcd -.nJ-*"''"'' r'Ihe cottstnuttu"'''*'"-'"'-,s'I'he CoDsi ^;'i:''i Srrr, " ""0tli.,," aonr,,*,,.,,, 2B-i 'l9lx, 'l'r it'c"1 " ':]:^ orJr r'' I ':to itorirs) - ur,ler,, lq5l. I .1 (Schedulctl Clartt'r 1Ur:or,.len io" t"t l'; l:'r:iltl f|iLrcs L ,^. ,nd :]:l Sclrurlrlc,l r,: bv. I r A s umc,,,rcJ. .:*::iii:I,$ii[:,",,1'],# ol'i, ipoo, r,"^q +T1 re +'t'trE (cunrti rtiorr orst,rrtlL"'| Lr ( '! SclrcrJr r tn' 1 l i ibcs ) "" '--- I U. r ifiifr $,#$,l'ii*#jiJ#jl,'fli:ifr lfr 1e76 l fil:fi E',,r"t'ffi""ii9^-';'Act' #i:Br["['r:''l,'* IiJ'lJ,;;liI, '"t' "-''#"a"*'uu'o' (Ituruu ai\a Kashmul schcduled catt'is 1956; .r irle 114,q1,"-, 31d. iliiibil-li1*'J consrit'Lion r,n'll:,,1i, I Le Con_t,h,r,on. cr\res a,,d r( nrF *i,..iri.,t OrJcr, l'159, rs itrrrrndcLl.Dv 'tct' tozc; Sqhcduled Sohedulcd T 'tr 6it# [.li"Joa",enr1 iiod Casles Sol odtuio, Solr *Th,i Consri[tlion (Darlra al1tl Nagar ltaveli) I 19ti2; lipThn 1.. cor.,srrturioir (Dadm rd NaBdr; Iraveli) Sohred 1962; *The corstirution (t'9q$dEl.dlcheduled , n"+"u'nu I* *-'l' *lti l' rr''ul rpllli'aLll' '[rihee o ,,luq I** il" Castos;o Ju", ii tin I t964; /.1u1,11*y''* '' (3) AFPENDICES AP!'N,NDIY-I DISABIT,ITY CERTNTICA'I'E (a) ANNI]XLTRE -I ro O.M. dared 29-I2-2005 NAME AND ADDRESS OF 'I]IE INSTITUTE / I.IOSPITAL Cerlificate No. PhoLograPh f the candidaLe showinB tho disability duly rltesled by the hrirperson of the Ii ..,tal e[' .. ::i[i ] ill jl 'j ll' " ' rt; lii ;;ll i' rr ,i :i il'-!:r*: ..!! Jr :rrrij i llris is ucrtiirerl rlral Stui / qnrl. / daughter of Slri identification mark(s) ot' irgc Kum. ................................i........ son sox io suf{ering from permanent lollowing category:- A. I-ocomoiol, oI cerebral pnlsy; (i) BL-Both legs al"fectccl bui not BIms. (ll) BA-Both arn1s aflected (r) Impaired reach (6) Woaknoss of grip (ri, BLA-Botb legs (lr) OL-One leg affcctcd (r'ighr cil and both am'rs aflacted left) (o) Impaired reach (D) Wealcness irf glip (r,) {lA-One aur affected (c) Ataxic (a) Inrpaired reath (D) Weakness oilgr Jp (a) Araxic (r,il Bll.Stitlback andlripl tCa norsit or stoop) (vi) MW-Muscular wealeess atrd lii'lited physical enduiauce. B. lllintiness or Low Vision (i) B-Blnril (rr) PB-Pa ially Blind : / wtle/ ................................. disabilif C- HerrrDg lnlprrrnrent : (i) D-Deal tn) PD P.Lrlrally l)ial' Del(lc lhc cflrcqorJ,, \^ lll.lrpvcr ls rrol rpIli, rhrr: r l.l Thrs cor'rlirroll is progrersivc / rrorr prtgrussire / lrl ely lo irrrprovc ' lrkFly lo inrprovc. Re ilJsersnx'nl of tlris c;r'c is r'of recolrrrrret'de,l r rs i IUr recoruniended after a period of...........................1. ycals ............... . l1lonlhs.'x 3. Percentage ofdisabiliiy in his / her case is ............ ... pe, ce t. 4. Sh. / Smt. / Kuur. ......................................... mects tbe 1'ollowing physical requirements lor discharge ofhis / ircr duties:Yes / No (l) F-caa perlbrm work by nranipulalirg with tu1gcls (ll) PP-car perform work by prrlling ald pusling. tliil L-l]irr perfolnl \'.orL by lrfurrg. (iv) I{C-can perfomr woft by loreeling and crouchilg, (r, B-can pcrform work by be ing. (vi) S-caI perlonn work by sitting. (v;i). ST-crr perfomr work by sta dirg. (vili) W-can porloml wort by walking 1rir.; Sf carr per I'ornt worh by seeirrg (;r) I1-can pelfolm ivork by hea lg / speakiug. ( \'r) RW. anpedbrm worl' l-rv reading arllwtititrg. Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No ,aDh Yes / No abilily Yes / No ry lhc Yes /No llrc srd 'f Yes / No Yes / No wife / I (Dr. I ....1........ .....) Meinbel Board lvlcrlicil iltr' ............... . Menrber Medical Board ) (D. ----- - -- --.) Chairrre*or MedicaiBoald C.ouitenigned by the l,4edical Supetinlentleht / CMO Head of Holpital (\t,ith sedl) { Stflke out which is noL rpplrcrbie (1) B-Bhrd (n) PB Paftially Blind / abili!y \b- 6/ /e-. Schedule-F Code List of Divisions / Units of U. P, Circle Name of Division/unit Code 5. No Name ofDivis,onlUnit No- l 3001 34 2 I 3002 30a3 3004 3005 3005 3007 3008 10 3010 35 35 Konpur Cigt Dn 37 38 39 40 47 42 43 1I i011 72 3012 .il 3013 14 Yorandst [E) Dn 15 3014 3015 3016 3017 3018 3019 3020 1 4 5 Etlwdh Dn 7 16 11 Bijnor Dn 18 t9 20 21 22 27 3021 55 3423 56 51 58 59 60 61 RO, 3029 6Z PSFS, Aligdth i030 63 ll 3031 64 32 3032 65 tsanda Dn '-i, " 46 41 48 RMS A Dn.Allohabad 3022 3025 3026 3027 3028 i0i3 i036 3437 3A39 3412 3443 3444 3A45 49 RMS 'RL' Dn-Borcilly 50 RMS 'G' Dn- Gorakhpur 51 RMS 'KP' Dn. Kanpur 52 53 RMS'SH'Dn Sahonnpur 54 3024 24 25 26 44 45 3035 Agro .?416 3051 3452 3053 3054 3056 3057 305s 3059 306A 3061 3062 3063 PSD Boreilly 3064 3A65
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