Data Timely Graduation Assessment IEP Compliance LRE Discipline Child Find Disproportionality Performance Drop Out Transition Parent Involvement Outcomes 2015 Special Accurate Education Indicators Summit SPECIAL S L EDUCAT TION DA ATA SUM MMIT RE EGISTRA ATION June 15-16, 1 20 015 Holida ay Inn Airp port Confe erence Cennter: Kitty y Hawk Ro oom Little Rock, R Arka ansas Early E registrration must be b postmarkked by May 2 22, 2015 Name: Org ganization/LEA Name: Pho one: ( ) Email: Ma ailing Addresss: City: Sta ate: Zip: Ple ease Specify if you requirre any special accommoda ations such ass an Interpre eter or have special dieta ary needs? Tentattive Sched dule Da ay 1, June 15 5, 2015 Day 2, June 16, 201 15 11:00-11:45 Box B Lunch…Pick up your lunc ch in the Atriu um 7:00-8:115 Breaakfast (Atrium m) 12 2:00-2:00 Privacy P Technical Assistance e Center 8:30-10 0:00 APR: Indicators 1--16 2:00-2:20 Break B 10:00-10 0:15 Breaak 2:20-3:50 Success S Gap Rubric 10:15-12 2:00 APR: Indicators 1--16 4:00-4:30 IDEA I Data & Research R Upda ates 12:00-1::15 Luncch (Atrium) 1:30-3:3 30 Indicator 17: SSI IP 3:45-4:3 30 Speccial Education Updates Da ata Summitt Registra ation Fees Ea arly Registra ation: $150.00 Late/O Onsite Registtration: $17 75.00 M Must be postm marked by May M 22, 201 15 Postma arked after May 22, 20 015 Reg gistration with payment must m be posttmarked by applicable reggistration datte. We canno ot accept cre edit card pay yments. Make e your check k or purchasse order pay yable to UAL LR and mail it to: Special Education Data Summit /Education 2 209 CASE/ 2801 South h University Avenue Little Rock k, Arkansas 72204 Can ncellation an nd Refund Po olicy Wrritten registrration cancelllations receiived by June 1, 2015 are refundable. Send written n cancellations to pam No refu unds will be isssued after June J 1, 2015 5; however, suubstitutions are allowed. Reg gistrations will w not be pro ocessed if pa ayment information or an official purcchase order is not include ed. Ho otel Inform mation n The e Holida ay Inn aiirport Co onference Cente er, Little Rock iis the of fficial hottel of th he 2015 Special Education Dataa Summitt. A bloc ck of roo oms havve been reserve ed for Ju une 14, 2015 2 -J June 15, 2015. T The $89..00 roo om rate will be available a e until Ju une 8th o or until tthe grou up block is sold-outt, whiche ever com mes firstt. Call 50 01-490--1000 to o make y your resservation n. Spo onsorrs
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