INVITATION TO QUOTE Public Works Shop Expansion Construction The City of Armstrong is inviting quotes for the construction of an Office Building addition to the Public Works Shop Building in Armstrong, BC. Sealed quotes clearly marked “Quote – Public Works Shop Expansion Construction” will be accepted until 2:00 PM local time on Thursday May 7, 2015 at the office of the City of Armstrong, P.O. Box 40, 3570 Bridge Street, Armstrong, BC, V0E 1B0. A detailed description of the services required can be found in the Quote documents. Quote documents are available online at the City of Armstrong website at; on the BC Bid website at, on the Civic Info website at and at the office of the City of Armstrong at the above address during regular office hours. The City of Armstrong reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Quotes and to waive any informality in the Quotes received, in each case without giving any notice. The City of Armstrong reserves the right to accept the Quote which it deems most advantageous. The lowest or any Quote will not necessarily be accepted. For more information, please contact: Tim Perepolkin, Public Works Manager 250-546-3023 QUOTE SPECIFICATIONS PUBLIC WORKS SHOP EXPANSION CONSTRUCTION PROJECT The City of Armstrong (City) is inviting Quotations from qualified builders for the supply of all labour including sub-trades, equipment, building materials and the permitting and licensing necessary for the construction of a 720 Square foot office building addition to the existing City of Armstrong Public Works Shop building. 1. The services required are described in detail in the sample Agreement attached as Appendix “A”. The specifications and detailed drawings are attached as Appendix “B” CLOSING TIME 2. Sealed quotes clearly marked "Quote – Public Works Shop Expansion Construction" for the work contained herein and addressed to: City of Armstrong Attention: Tim Perepolkin, Public Works Manager P.O. Box 40, 3570 Bridge Street, Armstrong, BC, V0E 1B0 (herein called the "City") will be received at these offices until 2:00 PM local time on Thursday May 7, 2015 (herein called the "Closing Time") 3. Quotes will not be opened in public. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS 4. Quotes will include a completed Quote Form (provided) and should be enclosed in a sealed envelope. Any Quote received after the Quote Closing Time will not be considered or accepted and will, upon request of the Contractor, be returned to the Contractor. 5. Quotes will be for the Work in its entirety and partial or incomplete submissions will not be considered. Each Quote should be dated, show the full legal name and business address of the Contractor, and be signed with the usual signature of the person or persons authorized to bind the Contractor. The name of each signatory should be typed or clearly imprinted below each signature. AGREEMENT DOCUMENTS 6. Contractors will carefully examine the attached Agreement document and will fully inform themselves as to all existing conditions and limitations that will affect the execution of the Agreement. No consideration will be given, after the submission of the Quote, to any claim that there was any misunderstanding with respect to the conditions imposed by the Agreement. 7. Oral discussions will not become a part of the Agreement document or modify the Agreement unless confirmed by addenda as set out in Section 11. Addenda. 1 QUOTE SPECIFICATIONS PUBLIC WORKS SHOP EXPANSION CONSTRUCTION IRREVOCABILITY OF QUOTES 8. Quotes must be irrevocable and open for acceptance by the City for a period of 60 calendar days after the Quote Closing Time, even if the Quote of another Contractor is accepted by the City. NOTICE OF AWARD 9. The successful Contractor will be notified of acceptance of its Quote by notification in writing delivered to the address on the Quote Form (“Notice of Award”). No other communication will constitute acceptance of any Quote. CONTRACTOR’S QUALIFICATIONS 10. Contractors must have a minimum of five (5) years’ experience as a bona fide contractor in the construction of similar projects. Contractors and their Subcontractors are required to submit complete information or evidence relating to its qualifications on the Quote Form. The City may request additional information relating to any other matter considered relevant by the City in the evaluation of that Contractor’s quote. ADDENDA 11. If the City determines that an amendment is required to this Invitation, the City will provide a written addendum that will form part of this Invitation. Any amendment will be posted on the City’s website. Amendments to the Invitation will not be considered three (3) days prior to the Invitation Closing Time. ACCEPTANCE OR REJECTION OF QUOTES 12. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Quotes, to evaluate Quotes on any basis whatsoever, and to accept any Quote it considers most advantageous to the City. 13. The City may waive any non-compliance with these Quote Specifications. 14. In no event will the City be responsible for the costs of preparation or submission of a Quote. 15. The lowest or any Quote will not necessarily be accepted. The City reserves the right in its absolute discretion to accept the Quote which it deems most advantageous to itself. 16. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the City may evaluate Quotes by reference to any one or more of the following: • incomplete or conditional Quote; • prices omitted or unbalanced; • prices over budgeted amount; • evidence of inadequate experience or capacity to perform the duties outlined in the Agreement; • evidence of previous failure to perform adequately on similar work; • evidence of poor public relations skills or of discourteous or disrespectful dealings with the public, and; • unsigned Quote. 2 QUOTE SPECIFICATIONS PUBLIC WORKS SHOP EXPANSION CONSTRUCTION SUBMISSIONS 17. All submissions become the property of the City and will not be returned to the Contractor. All submissions will be held in confidence by the City unless otherwise required by law. Contractors should be aware the City is a “public body” defined by and subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act of British Columbia. NEGOTIATING 18. The City reserves the right to enter into negotiations with the selected successful Contractor, prior to award of the Agreement, for the purpose of making amendments to the Agreement document as required for the Agreement to be compatible with the project, the schedule and budget, including amendments to the Services included in the Agreement or the manner in which the work will be undertaken. INSURANCE 19. The insurance requirements for the successful Contractor will be as outlined in the attached Agreement document. WORK SCHEDULE 20. The work schedule of the successful Contractor will be as outlined in the attached Agreement document. DUTIES OF THE CONTRACTOR 21. The duties of the successful Contractor will be as outlined in the attached Agreement document. REMUNERATION 22. Remuneration will be as per the successful Contractor’s Quote Form, Schedule of Approximate Quantities and Unit Prices. GUARANTEE 23. The Contractor will, at no additional cost to the City, guarantee the work against poor materials and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the completion of the work. Completion of the work is the date at which all deficiencies have been completed and the project has been accepted by the City as complete. TERM 24. The Term will be as outlined in the attached Agreement document. 3 QUOTE SPECIFICATIONS PUBLIC WORKS SHOP EXPANSION CONSTRUCTION GENERAL 25. The City is not a member of the Public Construction Council of British Columbia, the British Columbia Construction Association or any other construction association. 26. The City does not adopt or agree to be bound by “The Procedures And Guidelines Recommended For Use On Publicly Funded Construction Projects” produced by the Public Construction Council of British Columbia, September 1989 or any other procedure/guidelines recommended, adopted or produced by any construction association in the quoting and award of the Agreement on this project. INQUIRIES 27. All inquiries regarding this Invitation to Quote should be directed by email to Tim Perepolkin, Public Works Manager at 28. Inquiries should be made no later than three (3) days before the Quote Closing Time. 29. Before submitting a Quote, Contractors will examine the site of the work, either personally or through an authorized representative, and satisfy themselves as to the local conditions and nature of the work. The Contractor is fully responsible for obtaining all information required for the preparation of their Quote and the execution of the work. 30. If the Contractor finds discrepancies in or omissions from the Quote Specifications and/or the Agreement document or has any doubt as to the meaning or intent of any part thereof, the Contractor will at once inform the City. 31. Where the Quote Form or Agreement numbers are referenced in both words and figures, in the case of discrepancy between the two, the amount in words shall govern. 4 QUOTE FORM PUBLIC WORKS SHOP EXPANSION CONSTRUCTION QUOTE FORM PUBLIC WORKS SHOP EXPANSION CONSTRUCTION (Please complete and submit the following pages) Quote of: (hereinafter called the "Contractor") To: City of Armstrong P.O. Box 40 3570 Bridge Street Armstrong, BC, V0E 1B0 (hereinafter called the "City") In response to the Public Works Shop Expansion Construction Invitation to Quote and the Quote Specifications, the Contractor has carefully examined the scope of the proposed Service, work specifications and will provide all necessary labour, material, equipment, supervision and all other factors as required to complete the work as called for by these documents and in accordance with the City requirements, for the price quoted. The Contractor further agrees that prices quoted are all-inclusive (excluding applicable Federal and Provincial taxes) and allow for any escalation of the Contractor's costs following the Quote Period. The Successful Contractor will not be entitled to extra payment for any such escalation, with respect to the executed Agreement. If awarded an Agreement for the aforementioned Service, the Contractor agrees to deliver to the City within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of Notice of Award: - Proof of Insurance Proof of registration with WorkSafe BC GST Registration number Duly executed Agreement in duplicate Safety Policy The Contractor acknowledges receipt of the following addendum(s) covering revisions to the Quote Documents. Addendum No. ___________________ Dated ___________________ Addendum No. ___________________ Dated ___________________ This Quote is irrevocable until July 6, 20015 1 QUOTE FORM PUBLIC WORKS SHOP EXPANSION CONSTRUCTION QUOTE FORM PUBLIC WORKS SHOP EXPANSION CONSTRUCTION Please specify experience and relevant training of personnel: Please specify sub trades: References: 1. 2. 3. 2 QUOTE FORM PUBLIC WORKS SHOP EXPANSION CONSTRUCTION QUOTE FORM PUBLIC WORKS SHOP EXPANSION CONSTRUCTION LUMP SUM QUOTATION The Contractor agrees that the lump sum price shown below are inclusive of all works, personnel, costs, charges etc. (excluding applicable taxes). LUMP SUM PRICE SUPPLY AND INSTALL FOUNDATION AND FLOOR SLAB $ SUPPLY AND INSTALL WOOD FRAME CONSTRUCTION $ SUPPLY AND INSTALL DOORS, WINDOWS AND ROOFING $ SUPPLY AND INSTALL ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS $ SUPPLY AND INSTALL PLUMBING COMPONENTS $ SUPPLY AND INSTALL INSULATION AND VAPOUR BARRIER $ SUPPLY AND INSTALL EXTERIOR FINISHES $ SUPPLY AND INSTALL INTERIOR FINISHES $ OPTIONAL WORK – SUPPLY AND INSTALL STRUCTURAL FILL (LUMP SUM PRICE PER EACH 5 m3) $ SUMMARY SUBTOTAL $ GST (5%) $ GRAND TOTAL $ 3 QUOTE FORM PUBLIC WORKS SHOP EXPANSION CONSTRUCTION QUOTE FORM PUBLIC WORKS SHOP EXPANSION CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR INFORMATION GST/HST No. WorkSafe BC No. Tendering Firm: Mailing Address: Phone: Email: Submitted By: Signature of Authorized Person(s) 4 APPENDIX “A” – SAMPLE AGREEMENT CITY OF ARMSTRONG Public Works Shop Expansion Construction THIS AGREEMENT dated for reference this BETWEEN: day of , 2015. CITY OF ARMSTRONG Box 40 Armstrong, BC V0E 1B0 (hereinafter referred to as the "City") AND: CONTRACTOR NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS (hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor") for the construction of a 720 square foot office building addition to the Public Works Shop Building in Armstrong, BC. RESPONSIBILITIES OF CONTRACTOR 1. The Contractor will provide services as described in Schedule “A”, (“the Services”), in accordance with this Agreement. Services must be provided during the term described in Section 31 (the “Term”). 2. The Contractor will deal with the public and the C i t y in a courteous and respectful manner and will ensure that its agents and employees deal with the public and the C i t y in a courteous and respectful manner. 3. The Contractor will be solely responsible for the operation and maintenance of any equipment whatsoever used, rented, leased, or owned by the Contractor in his business and for the effective execution of this Agreement. 4. The Contractor will be solely responsible for all Employment Insurance, Canada Pension, Income Tax and any other applicable assessments or deductions levied by Federal, Provincial or Municipal Governments or any agency thereof. 5. The Contractor will provide proof of registration with WorkSafe BC, proof of Personal Optional Protection or proof of denied WorkSafe BC registration. 6. The Contractor will maintain a health and safety program as required by the Workers’ Compensation Act and report immediately and in writing any workplace injury or occupational illness to the City. 1 APPENDIX “A” – SAMPLE AGREEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES OF CONTRACTOR (cont.) 7. The Contractor will follow safety procedures as laid out in WorkSafe BC regulations. Contractors, their employees or agents not complying with health and safety expectations will be required to stop work and will not be allowed to resume work until the safety requirements are met. 8. The City will perform a hazard assessment of the worksite(s) before Services outlined in this Agreement commence. The City and the Contractor will review the hazard assessment on a regular basis. The Contractor will notify the City immediately of any additional worksite(s) hazards not identified in the hazard assessment. 9. The Contractor will be responsible for any costs, fines or levies resulting from a breach of WorkSafe BC regulations. GENERAL PROVISIONS 10. The Contractor will not assign this Agreement or any part thereof without written authority by the City. 11. The Contractor is and will be an independent Contractor and nothing contained herein will be construed to create a partnership, joint venture or agency, and neither party hereto will be responsible for the debts or obligations of the other party. 12. This Agreement will be represented on behalf of the City by the Public Works Manager or designate. 13. This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties hereto and no representations, warranties, understanding or Agreements, oral or otherwise, exist between the parties hereto except as expressly set out in this Agreement. 14. This Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of British Columbia. 15. Services not included in this Agreement for which compensation is requested must have prior written approval of the City. Notwithstanding this provision, the Contractor is authorized by this Agreement to act in an emergency situation. 16. Notwithstanding the Contractor’s responsibilities, the City maintains the overall authority for management and control of the Service or location of the Service. Nothing in this Agreement grants the Contractor any interest in the Service or location of the Service and the City may, in its discretion, retain others to carry out work on and around the location of the Service. 17. Any provision of this Agreement that is deemed to be held unenforceable or invalid for any reason will be severed from the Agreement and all remaining provisions of the Agreement will remain in full force and effect. 2 APPENDIX “A” – SAMPLE AGREEMENT INSURANCE 18. The Contractor will indemnify and save harmless the City from all fines, suits, proceedings, claims, demands, or actions of any kind or nature or from anyone whomsoever, arising out of or resulting from any negligent acts, errors or omissions of the Contractor, its officers, employees, agents or subcontractors in the performance of their services and duties in regard to this Agreement. 19. The Contractor will, prior to the commencement of operation and thereafter at all times during the Term of this Agreement, at its own expense, keep in force by advance payment of premiums, a general liability insurance policy in an amount not less than THREE MILLION ($3,000,000) DOLLARS. 20. The City of Armstrong will be named as an additional insured on said policy and the said policy will contain a waiver of cross liability clause and will provide that the City of Armstrong will be notified in writing in advance of any cancellation of or material change to said policy. The insurance will be in a form satisfactory to the City and confirmation of insurance coverage will be provided to the City to be retained on file. 21. It is understood and agreed that the City will not be liable for any loss or damage to the Contractor’s Equipment including loss of use. Each and every policy insuring the Contractor’s Equipment to be used to carry out the duties contained herein will contain the following clause: “It is agreed that the right to subrogation against the City of Armstrong is hereby waived.” 22. The insurance policy will contain a clause stating “this policy will not be cancelled or materially changed without the insurer giving at least fifteen (15) days’ notice, by registered mail, to the City of Armstrong.” 23. The Contractor will supply proof of automobile liability insurance on all licensed vehicles owned by or leased to the Contractor, protecting against damages arising from bodily injury (including death) and from claims for property damage arising out of their use in the operations of the Contractor, its subcontractors, or employees under the Agreement. Such insurance shall be for an amount of not less than TWO MILLION ($2,000,000) DOLLARS, inclusive of any one accident. TERMINATION 24. This Agreement may be terminated at any time by either party without cause upon giving ninety (90) days' written notice to the respective party to the address herein contained. 25. If the City determines that the Contractor is non-compliant with respect to the terms of this Agreement, an Official Notice of Non-Compliance may be issued. If the terms of this Agreement have not been satisfied within five (5) working days, a second Official Notice of Non-Compliance may be issued. 3 APPENDIX “A” – SAMPLE AGREEMENT TERMINATION (cont.) 26. If the terms of this Agreement have not been satisfied within five (5) working days of receipt of a second Official Notice of Non-Compliance, the City may issue a Third Official Notice of Non-Compliance. The delivery will contain notification of immediate termination. NonCompliance Notices will be in writing with the City delivering such notices to the Contractor in person or by mailing to the address listed on the first page of this Agreement. 27. The City may immediately terminate this Agreement if the Contractor or its agents or employees does one or more of the following: • • • • • • • • • • is intoxicated; uses foul, profane, vulgar or obscene language; solicits gratuities or tips from the public for services performed hereunder; wilfully or recklessly disregards the safety of persons or operational requirements; acts in a manner which may constitute a public nuisance or disorderly conduct; participates in any unauthorized sales at the site; is dishonest or fails to record incidents and infractions in a proper manner; fails to deal with the public and the City in a courteous and respectful manner as outlined in Section 2; fails to comply with WorkSafe BC requirements as outlined in Sections 5 to 9 inclusive; fails to comply with Insurance requirements as outlined in Sections 18 to 23 inclusive. REMUNERATION 28. The City agrees to pay the Contractor at the rates outlined in Schedule “B” attached hereto and forming part of this Agreement. 29. The City assumes responsibility for the payment of applicable GST to the Contractor provided that the Contractor is a GST registrant. 30. An amount equal to ten percent (10%) from each invoice will be withheld in compliance with the requirements of the Builders Lien Act. The Builder’s Lien Holdback will be clearly identified on all Contractors invoices. This amount will be released upon receipt by the City of a Statutory Declaration advising that all accounts for labour and materials for the Services has been satisfied and a letter of clearance from WorkSafe BC has been received. TERM 31. The Services performed under this Agreement will be completed no later than October 30, 2015. In the event that the Services are not completed before the deadline, the Contractor shall pay the additional engineering expense and other costs as liquidated damages to the City caused by the extra time required for completion. The amount of such expense shall be deducted from any monies due to the Contractor. 32. Prior to the start of the Services, the Contractor will submit a construction work schedule. This construction work schedule will be revised if requested, and resubmitted until such time as it is acceptable by the City Representative. The construction will not proceed until such time as an acceptable work schedule is approved. 4 APPENDIX “A” – SAMPLE AGREEMENT IN WITNESS WHEREOF this Agreement has been executed by the parties hereto: CITY OF ARMSTRONG CONTRACTOR _________________________ Mayor _________________________ Signature _________________________ Administrator _________________________ Printed Name 5 APPENDIX “A” – SAMPLE AGREEMENT SCHEDULE “A” SERVICES The Contractor will perform the Services required to construct a 720 square foot office building addition to the Public Works Shop Building located at 2940 Patterson Avenue, Armstrong, BC. Services will include all labour, equipment, building materials and permitting/licensing required for completion of the project. GENERAL Prior to the start of construction, the Contractor and the City Representative will inspect and photograph the work area. Areas disturbed by construction will be returned to their original condition or better. Works and materials provided by the City are specifically itemized as follows: • • • • • • • • The City will schedule and pay for all asphalt paving restoration works required adjacent the new addition. The City will make application to Fortis and pay for all associated costs for relocation of the existing gas meter and service. Contractor will schedule and coordinate their works accordingly. The City will schedule and pay for supply & install heating and cooling systems (ductless minispilt air conditioners and heat pumps) for this project. Contractor will schedule and coordinate their works accordingly. The City will supply & install water and sewer service connection to 1.0 metres off the new addition wall as illustrated on the site location plan drawing. The City will remove the existing chain link fence to accommodate the construction and reinstall as necessary after construction completion. The City will supply & pay for any required geotechnical work as necessary to satisfy the building permit requirements. The City will schedule and pay direct for installation of building security wiring and sensors. The City will schedule and pay for all flooring finishes. Contractor will schedule and coordinate their work accordingly. CONSTRUCTION The Contractor will construct the building as required and outlined in this Contract Agreement. Contract Drawings are attached as Appendix B and form part of this Agreement. The Contractor will be responsible for the following: • • • • the supply of all materials and labour necessary to construct the building; the supply of all tools and equipment necessary to complete the project; all work associated with the removal and disposal of any surplus building materials after completion of the project; supply & installation of moduloc construction fencing as illustrated on the site plan drawing; and All workmanship will be subject to a one-year warranty period. 6 APPENDIX “A” – SAMPLE AGREEMENT Contract Drawings The Contract Drawings for this project are: Appendix B Front Section Plan Drawing 1 & Floor Plan Drawing 2 – provided by Shepherds Hardware Ltd. Site Location Plan Drawing PW-SHOP ADDITION BC Building Code Requirements The Contractor will construct all components of this project in accordance with current BC Building Code, local bylaws and in accordance with good building and best management practices. A building permit must be obtained from the Regional District of North Okanagan. Supply and Install Foundation and Floor Slab The Contractor will supply & install all asphalt saw-cutting, excavation, disposal, aggregates, backfill, compaction, forming, concrete, rebar, rigid insulation, raydon rock with vent and poly necessary to construct the foundation and floor slab. Backfill for the excavation area outside the new foundation will consist of aggregate backfill materials. A minimum of 100mm of 25mm minus aggregate shall be placed to the top of the existing asphalt adjacent the foundation. Payment for supply & installation of all works and materials will be included in the lump sum price quoted for the Supply and Installation Foundation and Floor Slab. The Contractor must allow for 300mm of clean granular structural fill aggregate for underneath the footings. Any additional aggregates under footings that may be required as a result of geotechnical investigation will be supplied & installed by the cubic metre and will include excavation and disposal of existing native materials that are displaced with the equal amount of aggregates. Payment for supply & installation of additional structural fill will be by the lump sum/unit price quoted per cubic metre for Optional Work- Supply & Install Structural Fill. The lump sum price quoted shall be based on a volume of 5 m3, final payment will be made based on actual volume necessary measured and rounded to 5 m3 increments. Supply and Install Wood Frame Construction The Contractor will supply & install all materials necessary to construct the wood frame construction, including new door opening in the existing building wall. Exterior walls to meet R24 building code requirements. Payment for supply & installation of all works and materials will be included in the lump sum price quoted for Supply & Install Wood Frame Construction Supply and Install Doors, Windows and Roofing The Contractor will supply & install all doors, windows and roofing. Exterior doors will be metal 1.5 hour fire rated complete with automatic door closures, keyed locks and include exist signs with lights. (door between existing building is considered an exterior door) Main door on east wall and the door between existing building and new addition will include a top ½ glass window. 7 APPENDIX “A” – SAMPLE AGREEMENT Supply and Install Doors, Windows and Roofing (cont..) Interior doors will be hollow core standard grade doors complete with keyed locks. All exterior doors will be painted with two coats enamel over primer, color selection by City. Interior doors will be painted with two coats latex over primer, color selection by City. All exterior keyed locks will be to City standard key. Exterior windows will be premium grade vinyl horizontal slider with triple glazed energy saving Low-E glass. Interior window will be contractor grade double glazed glass, color selection by City. Roofing will be asphalt 40 year architectural style complete with roofing felt, color selection by City. Payment for supply & installation of all works and materials will be included in the lump sum price quoted for Supply & Install Doors, Windows, and Roofing Supply and Install Electrical Components The Contractor will supply & install all electrical components and materials including the new 200Amp underground electrical service, meter base, panel wire and underground Telus service, wire and ethernet. Telus and ethernet junction base will be at the 200Amp electrical panel. The locations for the new electrical panel, meter, bathroom baseboard heater, existing electrical panel and proposed wall mount ductless heating/cooling units are illustrated on the contract drawings. The following electrical fixtures will be a minimum except where electrical code requires additional. - 3.0 KW point of use electric hot water heater, 250 Watt electric baseboard heater, ceiling light, fan/vent, switches and GFI receptacle in bathroom (fan to be on a timed switch). 10 interior duplex receptacles, 1 exterior receptacle in soffit in with photo cell and separate switch. 5 surface mount LED ceiling lights (RC Lighting 2x4-44N RCL), on 5 switches (3 regular and 2 two-way) 2 exterior 6‘‘ round LED pot lights (Lotus LED LY61RCD), in soffit above doorways on photo cell and separate switches. telephone and ethernet wires to 5 locations in new addition and 2 location in existing building to service existing phones and computer station. Wiring for wall mount heating/cooling units, exterior condensers requires 15amp 240 volt 14.5 mca and from exterior condenser to interior unit requires 230volt 4 amp control wire. The existing 100Amp electrical panel will become a sub panel fed from the new 200Amp panel. The Contractor will make all the necessary connections to the existing electrical panel and repair any necessary wall damage. Supply and Install Plumbing Components The Contractor will supply & install all plumbing components, piping, valves and materials from 1 metre outside the building wall. Service into building will be ¾’’ complete with main valve, PRV, check valve and water meter. The Contractor will include installation of a separate ¾’’ cold water service pipe and ball valve into the existing building between the two doorways on the north wall. 8 APPENDIX “A” – SAMPLE AGREEMENT Supply and Install Plumbing Components (cont..) The toilet will be low water use, dual flush and the sink/faucet will be single handle and include vanity. Fixture color will be white and all bathroom construction will meet H/C accessibility including necessary grab bars. Payment for supply & installation of all works and materials will be included in the lump sum price quoted for Supply & Install Plumbing Components. Supply and Install Insulation and Vapour Barrier The Contractor will supply & install all insulation and vapour barrier including insulation in the fire wall between the existing building and new addition. Wall will be R24, ceiling R40. Payment for supply & installation of all works and materials will be included in the lump sum price quoted for Supply & Installation of Insulation & Vapour Barrier. Supply and Install Exterior Finishes Existing Building: The Contractor will remove and salvage all existing metal siding from the exterior of the existing building and reinstall to cover existing windows, air conditioner, gas exhaust and hydro meter openings. New Addition: The Contractor will supply & install all steel siding, soffits, gutters, down spouts, flashings and hardware. Steel siding will be 26 gauge wall deck profile, soffits will be vented aluminum, gutters will be continuous 5’’, two tone concept color selection by City. Payment for supply & installation of all works and materials will be included in the lump sum price quoted for Supply & Install Exterior Finishes. Interior Finishes The Contractor will supply & install a 2 hour fire rated wall between the existing building and the new addition. This will consist of two layers of 5/8” drywall on both sides. The Contractor will install drywall on all walls and ceilings in the new addition complete with paint consisting of 2 coats of latex over primer, color selection by City. Baseboards will be 1/2’’ x 4 1/2’’ MDF and casings will be 1/2’’ x 2 1/2’’ MDF with junction blocks approximately 4’’ horizontal x 6’’ vertical complete with 2 coats of latex paint over primer, color selection by City. Layout The layout of the work will be completed by the City Representative with the Contractor present onsite to assist. The Contractor will be responsible to maintain the layout stakes and/or markings provided. 9 APPENDIX “A” – SAMPLE AGREEMENT City Representative The City Representative for the project will be Tim Perepolkin, Public Works Manager. E: T: 250-546-3023 WorkSafe BC Regulations The Contractor will adhere to WorkSafe BC Regulations for all works and all excavations are to be left in a safe manner at the end of the working day/shift. Discrepancies Where there is a discrepancy between contract drawings, contract documents, or field conditions, the Contractor will notify the City Representative immediately. Payment Items All payment items as described in the attached Schedule ‘B’ will include all materials, equipment, manpower, transportation and tools required to complete the work. All items will be paid at the lump sum unit prices quoted. 10 APPENDIX “A” – SAMPLE AGREEMENT SCHEDULE “B” REMUNERATION SCHEDULE The City agrees to pay the Contractor at the remuneration rates (plus applicable taxes) outlined below: LUMP SUM PRICE SUPPLY AND INSTALL FOUNDATION AND FLOOR SLAB $ SUPPLY AND INSTALL WOOD FRAME CONSTRUCTION $ SUPPLY AND INSTALL DOORS, WINDOWS AND ROOFING $ SUPPLY AND INSTALL ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS $ SUPPLY AND INSTALL PLUMBING COMPONENTS $ SUPPLY AND INSTALL INSULATION AND VAPOUR BARRIER $ SUPPLY AND INSTALL EXTERIOR FINISHES $ SUPPLY AND INSTALL INTERIOR FINISHES $ OPTIONAL WORK – SUPPLY AND INSTALL STRUCTURAL FILL (LUMP SUM PRICE PER EACH 5 m3) $ SUMMARY SUBTOTAL $ GST (5%) $ GRAND TOTAL $ An amount equal to ten percent (10%) from each invoice will be withheld in compliance with the requirements of the Builders Lien Act. The Builder’s Lien Holdback will be clearly identified on all Contractors invoices. This amount will be released upon receipt by the City of a Statutory Declaration advising that all accounts for labour and materials for the Services has been satisfied and a letter of clearance from WorkSafe BC has been received. The remuneration rate(s) are all-inclusive and allow for any escalation of the Contractor’s costs. The Contractor will not be entitled to extra payment for escalation during the Term of this Agreement. WORKSAFE BC: INSURANCE: GST NUMBER: PERFORMANCE SECURITY: 11 APPENDIX “B” – DRAWINGS Front Section Plan Drawing 1 – provided by Shepherds Hardware Ltd. Floor Plan Drawing 2 – provided by Shepherds Hardware Ltd. Site Location Plan Drawing PW-SHOP ADDITION DISCLAIMER: ASHPHALT ROOFING ROOFING FELT 1 2" SHEATHING ENG. TRUSSES 4 12 12'-11" 3525 Mill Street P.O. Box 37 Armstrong, B.C. Ph. (250) 546-3002 Fax (250) 546-8350 SALVAGE ALL EXISTING METAL SIDING AND REINSTALL TO COVER EXISTING WINDOWS, A/C, HYDRO METER AND GAS EXHAUST OPENINGS SHEPHERD'S HARDWARE LTD. REMOVE EXISTING GAS EXHAUST CHIMNEY 2' 8' SIDING 1 2" SHEATHING 2x6 STUD WALL 4" SLAB 4" RADON ROCK C/W POLY AND VENT TO EXTERIOR 10M REBAR 2' OC EW 6" CONCRETE WALL 18"x6" FOOTING 7'-9" PROJECT: PUBLIC WORKS TITLE: ADDITION SCALE: DATE: NTS SEPT 14 DWG. BY: RD SHEET NO. 1 DISCLAIMER: HEATING/COOLING EXTERIOR, INTERIOR WALL MOUNT UNITS 250 Watt ELECTRIC BASEBOARD HEATER EXISTING 100Amp ELECTRICAL SERVICE PANEL 11' 8'-9" 3068 7'-6" 8' ENG. TRUSSES 4030 6'-10" NEW 200Amp ELECTRICAL SERVICE PANEL 7'-6" 30' 3068 3068 4030 8'-2" 6'-6" 12'-2" 4030 HEATING/COOLING EXTERIOR, INTERIOR WALL MOUNT UNITS 6'-4" 3525 Mill Street P.O. Box 37 Armstrong, B.C. Ph. (250) 546-3002 Fax (250) 546-8350 3068 6' SHEPHERD'S HARDWARE LTD. 8'-6" PROJECT: PUBLIC WORKS TITLE: ADDITION 24' SCALE: DATE: 1/8"=1'0" SEPT 14 DWG. BY: PROPOSED LOCATION FOR ELECTRICAL METER RD SHEET NO. 2
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