May Messenger - Saron Lutheran Church

The Day of P
Saron Lutheran Church
Sunday May
Father in heaven, for Jesus’ sake, stir up in
Thomas Avila, Harrison Grossi, and Turner
Hewitt the gift of your Holy Spirit.
Day of Ren e wa l
Mark Sunday, May 24, on you
calendar. This will be a special
day at Saron! As three young
men declare their faith and are
confirmed, it seems to be an
appropriate time for all of us to
renew our confirmation vows
and faith. Just as some couples
renew their marriage vows, we
as a congregation will renew our
vows to God.
This time of renewal
is for everyone; it
would be the perfect
day to invite a friend.
May W
Each Sunday at Saron
8:00 am
Give praise and thanks to God in a
relaxed atmosphere. An electronic
keyboard leads our music; personal
concerns are shared for prayer; we
gather for refreshments afterwards.
10:30 am
Now the Feast and Celebration is our
liturgy this month (with the Chicago
Folk Service used on May 17). Our
pipe organ and choir add a special
beauty to our worship.
This Month in Worship
May 3
Sunday, May 31, will be another
Youth Sunday. If you would like
to be a greeter, usher, acolyte, or
lector give Shane Spears a call.
Do any of our youth want to
make cookies or provide other
refreshments this day?
Christ is the vine; we are the
branches sent to bear fruit.
Roger Lee will be preaching and
presiding as Pastor attends
Synod Assembly on May 31.
Please welcome him and enjoy
his gospel message and warm
leadership style.
May 24
May 10
Jesus calls us friends and gives us
the command to love one another.
May 17
Jesus prays we may know joy, unity,
and protection from evil.
You are invited to wear RED as we
celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit.
May 31
We know God in three special ways:
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Come
worship the Holy Trinity.
T his and T h a t
Pray without ceasing
Ministry Teams and the
Church Council Meet
Education and Youth will meet on
Sunday, May 3, after the late service.
Stewardship will meet Wednesday,
May 13, at 6:00 pm (they are having
pizza and root beer floats –– don’t
you want to join this team?).
All other teams will meet Thursday,
May 14, at 6:30 pm followed by the
Council at 7:15 pm.
Ideas, suggestions, and concerns
are welcome; please join us or speak
with Matt Cole, our president.
Prayer Is Good Stewardship
Church Potluck
Come to the church Pot Luck at
6:00 pm on Saturday, May 9, and
bring your favorite mexican dish to
share. Salad, Hot Dish, or Desserts
would be appreciated. This is a
great time for good food and
fellowship and an opportunity to
enjoy a great cuisine.
Bible Study
Offer your prayers ...
... for President Barack Obama,
Governor Jerry Brown, and all our
local, state, and national leaders
... for those serving in the US Armed
Forces and all Emergency Services
... for our schools and churches
Consider making a
commitment to pray for
one of the youth or
chaperones attending the
ELCA Youth Gathering in
Detroit this summer. Sign
up on the bulletin board
and you will receive a
reminder bracelet to wear.
Saturday, May 2, the Men’s Bible
Breakfast meets at 7:30 am. This
month we discuss the raising of
Lazarus. Call the office if you plan
to attend so enough food will be
Thursday, May 7, a morning Bible
study is held at 10:00 am in the
Fireside Room and Priscilla Circle
meets at 7:00 pm. Both complete
their study on Transforming Life
and Faith (copies available in the
church office).
Kelli Armstrong and Tommy Avila will
attend the ELCA Youth Gathering
this July. In the inner city of Detroit,
they will join over 30,000 others in
vibrant worship, exciting learning,
and service to a community hard hit
by economic realities. They will need
our prayers. Our congregation is
partnering with Faith (Meadow Vista)
to provide chaperonage on this trip
and we have an opportunity to pray
for their youth and pastor also.
Samantha Shipley (who attended the
last Gathering) plans to return as a
Servant Companion; helping to lead
and care for a small group. She will
need our prayers, too!
Have you ever thought of your
prayers as a gift of stewardship?
They are! We offer strength and
comfort to others with our prayers.
Your Stewardship Team is seeking
individual prayer partners who will
make a commitment to pray for one
of these eight people as they
prepare, travel, and return from
Detroit. Each partner will receive a
bracelet to wear from June 1 until
they are safely home after July 20.
This bracelet will remind you to ask
God’s blessing and guidance in their
faith-forming servant adventure.
Those attending will also wear a
bracelet reminding them they are
kept in prayer. Since we want to
ensure prayers are offered for all,
those who participate will be given
the name of their partner.
Rejoice always, pray without
ceasing, give thanks in all
circumstances; for this is the will of
God in Christ Jesus for you.
1 Thess 5:16-18
Celebrating and Serving at Saron
Fire Works
We voted at our Annual Meeting
to enter the lottery for one of
the fundraising booths this year.
We were selected in the drawing
on April 2.
Matt Cole
Mary Cataline
George Hanlon
Deborah Grochau
Jean Kershner
Victor Moreno
Carol Shipley
Alice Dobbins
Matthew Strand
Debbie Avila
Kali Cook
Delores Grabow
Now it is time to get organized
for this effort. If you are willing
to help with planning and
scheduling let us know through
the church office.
Many volunteers will be needed
to staff the booth during the
week of sales.
1 Kate and Paul Persson
11 Carol and Dan Shipley
17 Teresa and Mark Olson
June 28 - July 4
Altar Guild
May 3
L Berg-Haglund
May 10
R Cohagan
May 17
F Hanlon
May 24
D Grabow
V Berg-Haglund
May 31
S Grossi
S Harrison
C/N Holck
D Grabow
J Pinol
R Scholz/E Scholz
A/J Johnson
J Matt
D Bookwalter
C/N Holck
B Pearson
B Pearson
B Pearson
B Dahlin
B Dahlin
S/M Cole
S/M Cole
S/M Cole
S/M Cole
S/M Cole
E Scholz
M Cole
S White
M Cole
C Holck
T Avila
Sa White
T Hewitt
H Grossi
J Avila
Assist Min
F Hanlon
K Reenstierna
K Cook
D Grochau
T Hair
M Olson
D Strand
F Hanlon
M Cole
C Holck
L Berg-Haglund
R Cohagan
D Grabow
D Grabow
S Harrison
K Pendleton
T Hair
D Grabow
M Cole
C Holck
C Lawrence
M Cole
B Emery
S Rose
Getting to Know Your Council
Sherrie and I have attended Saron
for three years now. One of the things
I’ve noticed is that there are so many
people to help things get done for the
church. It doesn’t seem to matter if
they attend the first or second service,
they are united; with all our diversities,
we share the same love of God and
love for the church. Many of your gifts
go unrecognized, so let me say “Thank
You” on behalf of the congregation
who may not always take the
opportunity to say thanks. You are
truly some of the unsung heroes of our
Saron has been around for a very long
time. Churches cannot last unless they
adapt over time and learn how to
adjust to change. Change is difficult for
many of us. Tried and true methods
have stood the test of time and
traditions are what draw many people
to church. Sadly, I came here after the
church we loved closed, partly due to a
lack of willingness to accept change.
Change cannot be demanded, we must
work together. As your president, I
seek to be open to and help us discern
and embrace any changes we might
face so Saron will continue to be this
wonderful gathering of people eager to
love God and serve their church and
community. Please share with me any
of your hopes and concerns for Saron’s
Every day, I am amazed at the blessings
that have come into Sherrie’s and my
life over the last few years. Such
incredible people with so much love
it’s almost overwhelming. I asked
Pastor Victor how Sherrie and I
deserve such blessings. He said it is
simply God’s grace. Let God’s grace be
upon all of us and I pray everybody
feels as blessed as Sherrie and I do.
Matt Cole, president
Last month I introduced some of
our new members, one who is serving
on the council. I thought you might
like to know a little more about two
other new council members.
Mary Ann Olson
Terese Hair was born in Richmond,
Indiana. Her family later moved to
Arizona where she attended grade
school. She received an award in the
8th grade for her talents in choir. She
always liked arts and crafts growing up
and enjoyed getting up in the middle
of the night to decorate the house for
the holiday.
She teaches second grade at Martone
Elementary School and loves both
being a teacher and her students. At
present she and her students are
preparing a musical that will be
presented to the parents and other
second grade classes. She has promised
to invite me to come. The musical is
Geology Rocks, Earth/Science. Terese
has two children: son Robbie (24) who
works at the same school and Katie
(19) attending MJC and majoring in
art. She looks forward to retiring in
two years.
Terese serves as Assisting Minister and
helps with special programs for the
Sunday School. She has been a member
of the church for a number of years
and is a friendly caring person who is
an asset to Saron.
Kathy Pendleton was born in
Watsonville California. Kathy retired
last June so I thought I’d ask her about
her teaching career. She taught at Dent
Elementary School for 31 years. She
began as a classroom aid for four years
then went back to Stanislaus State
University to receive her BA in two
years. After a 10 week summer session
at UOP she was able to complete her
credential work. She became a first
grade teacher at Dent and taught for
twenty seven years before her
retirement. Pastor Victor remembers
her serving as a part-time secretary in
his early years at Saron while she was
going back to school.
Knowing her mother (Virginia
Ferreira) and daughter (Jenni Spears)
were both teachers, I asked if she had
other teachers in the family. She has a
sister who was a teacher, a nephew who
began as a teacher and is now a
principal, and a cousin who is a
professor at MJC.
Her interests include reading,
traveling, and spending summers at
family cabins in MiWuk in Pinecrest.
She also enjoys playing games with her
family and friends.
Kathy has two daughters, Jenni Spears
and Juliana Pendleton-Zamora, and
grandchildren Kristopher, Katie, and
Konnor Spears. She enjoys helping
with events at the church, being part
of the Relay for Life team, and
substitute teaching for her first grade
friends at Dent Elementary.
More Activities and Letters
ishing all the dear folks at
Saron a blessed Easter. I
certainly do miss you. I am
active once again at Zion in Stockton.
We are without a pastor. Our former
pastor went to Madagascar to do
mission work. Lots of Love and God
Bless. Dorothy Broin
To the Witness and Service
Ministry Team: Due to circumstances
at home, I regret I will no longer be
able to bring communion to those
unable to come to church. I have
learned a lot from my experience,
made new friends, and learned more
about myself. It was truly a rewarding
experience. I hope others can continue
this ministry as there is a real need.
Sincerely, Harriet Rivers
Ed Note: If you are willing to help with
this ministry, contact Mary Ann Olson.
A Bridal Shower for Katy Strand will
be held Sunday, May 3, in the Fireside
Room after the late service. Come
celebrate with her!
I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me.
They have clung to me all my life. Abraham Lincoln
Applications for this year’s John
Rivers Memorial Scholarship are
due May 3. Applications may be picked
up and returned to the church office.
Scholarships are for graduating seniors
who are active at Saron and may be
used for further education at college or
any trade school.
The Sierra Pacific Synod
Assembly is to be held in Sacramento
this year from Friday - Sunday, May 29
-31. If you wish to attend the assembly,
contact the church office immediately;
registration is now due.
God’s Work. Our Hands.
Relay for Life
Thank you to all who came to Pastor
Victor’s recital. It was a beautiful
event and we enjoyed his music.
Over $700 was received!
C.A.R.E. Donations for May
are Cereals. Monetary donations
are also necessary to purchase
needed food. All donations
assist with helping those in need
within our community.
Our next event is Bunco Night to be
held Saturday, May 16, at 6:30 pm.
Tickets are $20 each. Invite family
and friends to enjoy the evening and
support cancer research. The evening will include refreshments.
Since this is a fundraiser, there will not be any prizes.
F u tu re Ev ent s at Sar o n
June 7
Join in Worship and Fellowship at our Church Picnic
June 28 - July 4
Help staff the Fireworks Booth
July 15 - 20
Pray for those attending the ELCA Youth Gathering in Detroit
August 4
Welcome Neighbors to our BBQ for National Night Out
Saron Lutheran Church
1742 North Street
Escalon, CA 95320-1834
Office Hours
Monday through Friday
9:00 am until 12:00 noon
Victor Berg-Haglund, pastor
Ann Shaddix, secretary
Address Service Requested
October 24
Enjoy Bunko Night, a fundraiser for the EMA Christmas Fund
November 22
Our Thankoffering Sunday with a Thanksgiving Potluck