Anthony Street Ascot QLD 4007 Website: Email: Phone: (07) 3326 9333 Fax: (07) 3326 9300 Subscribe to Online Newsletter! Issue 10 – Wednesday 1 April 2015 FROM GAYLE COLEMAN: PRINCIPAL Student Success Congratulations to Sienna T, Teneille A and Manuthi K-H who competed in the Met North Swimming Team at the State Swimming Trials. End of Term Celebrations of Learning Many thanks to the parents who attended the Celebrations of Learning in our classrooms last week. We have lots to celebrate at Ascot State School and as we near the end of the term I would like to encourage all parents to celebrate the successes of your child/children during this term. I’m looking forward to my first Ascot Easter Hat Parade on Thursday. Thursday is also a free dress day and we are encouraging students to Wear Blue for Autism. As a school community we provide young people with autism with the opportunity to realise their unique potential. Autism is a lifelong disability that affects about one in 100 Australians, or 230,000 people. The word 'spectrum' reflects the different challenges that people with autism face and the degree to which they may be affected. Autism is a lifelong developmental condition that affects, among other things, the way an individual relates to his or her environment and their interaction with other people. Show your support by wearing blue on Thursday or by being colourful and representing the spectrum. For more information go to: • how your child may be able to improve. During the parent-teacher interviews, classroom teachers will discuss strengths, weaknesses and areas for improvement. Online Parent Teacher Interview Booking System The interviews times have been scheduled from Monday 27 April to Friday 1 May (with the exception of 1D and 3E). More information about the booking system will be emailed home to parents in Week 1 of Term 2. Cross Country Event Many thanks to parents for supporting our Cross Country events at Ascot State School this year. As we have not held a whole school Cross Country for several years, I would appreciate any feedback from parents, staff or students for future planning. Please email with any positive comments or suggestions for improvement. The benefits of physical activity are well known and all children and young people need to be physically active; and physically active children and young people are more likely to become physically active adults. Regular physical activity enhances students' ability to learn and supports student health and wellbeing. Parent Teacher Interviews • Social benefits include: - creating opportunities for fun with friends - reducing anti-social behaviour - developing skills such as co-operation and team work. We commence term two with parents having the opportunity to discuss your child’s educational performance with your class teacher. All parent teacher interviews will be held in Week two (except for 1D and 3D which will be held in Week 3 due to Mrs Thomas and Mr Bamlett being on leave). • Health benefits include: - promoting healthy growth and development - reduced risk of disease and unhealthy weight gain - continued improvement of co-ordination and movement skills. Reporting is part of communicating with parents and building the school-parent partnership to improve student learning. The parent teacher interview is held twice a year so that parents understand: • Emotional and intellectual benefits include improved: - self-esteem and confidence - ability to manage anxiety and stress - concentration. • the learning expectations for your child Term 2 Calendar of Events • your child’s achievement against expected standards Attached to this Digest is a Term 2 Parent Calendar. The calendar is an opportunity to advise parents and members of the school community in advance so that you can arrange time • how well your child is engaging with the expected learning off work to attend events relevant to your child/children. Please note there may be last minute changes due to circumstances beyond our control. Please also note there is no assembly in Week 1 but there will be the Ascot State School Special ANZAC Assembly on Friday 24 April at 9.30am on the oval. I hope you can join us for this special 100th commemorative service. Class Assemblies will commence in Week 2. Finally, please enjoy a safe and restful Easter vacation. Thank you for your continued support. Term 2 commences on Monday 20 April as there is NO student free day next term. Regards important to individuals or businesses”. Ascot State School is a school steeped in a tradition, with strong values and a rich culture to support these. What do we need to change, what needs to stay the same? We are looking forward to your ideas and what it is you think we can do to improve everything from planning, communication, to learning outcomes of the children. If you have any questions, please email me at . Have a safe & relaxing holiday. Sarah Comiskey, P&C President UPCOMING EVENTS Gayle Coleman Principal Thursday 2/4/15 Free Dress Day BOUQUETS Thank you to Vicki B and Leta D for all their hard work counting the Spellathon money. Thank you to all the parents and community members who supported our Spellathon and to our children for learning your spelling. Well done! FROM YOUR P&C Congratulations to Prep E and 3A on winning the class prizes for the Spellathon. There is a trip to the movies on the cards for both classes, along with popcorn and a bottle of water. What a wonderful way to celebrate! Teamwork really paid off in these winning classes as in both cases, participation was almost 100%. Well done? The P&C raised $19,432.30 and 161 children raised over $50. A special prize was given to Kya T and Alex L for being the highest individual fundraisers. A special thank you to Leta D who co-ordinated this year’s counting, with the help of Vicki B. Thanks to Cath McL also, for helping with the banking of the cash. As we wrap up what has been a very busy Term 1, I would like to thank all the volunteers who contribute to the rich fabric of our school. I know we are all looking forward to a break from the routine. We need to be well rested though, as the P&C has lots of exciting activities planned for Term 2. The Michael Calder Memorial Golf Day on 21 May (please get your husbands involved), Art Week 4-7 May, Years 2, 3 & 4 Lunches at Ruggers, Discos and the Mother’s Day Stall. Finally, please keep Wednesday the 10 June free, as that will be our “brainstorming” night in the school hall. Both the School Council and P&C need to prepare a strategic plan. Purpose, intent, values, mission statements, key performance indicators and goals are now vital aspects of any self-respecting organisation. In fact, ‘they are typically used by organisations to describe why the entity exists, what it is striving to accomplish, what it stands for and how it plans to achieve its objectives. David Fagiano (Former CEO of the American Management Association), states “organisations are living organisms, in many ways very similar to individuals. People have personalities, organisations have cultures. Personalities and cultures are formed by values because, quite simply, values state what is 2 11.45am-12.15pm: Prep Easter Hat Parade and Grandparent’s Day Term 1 ends Friday 3/ 4/15 GOOD FRIDAY SCHOOL HOLIDAYS FRIDAY 3/4/15-SUNDAY 19/4/15 INCLUSIVE TERM 2 PARENT & COMMUNITY CALENDAR PLEASE NOTE: This document is correct as at time of publication but changes can and do occur. NEWSLETTER DEADLINE Just a reminder that the deadline for items for the Ascot Digest is 10.00am Tuesdays (day before publication). FROM MRS HADDEN: MIDDLE SCHOOL YEARS 3-6 A well-deserved holiday awaits the students after a very busy and productive term of work. I have been so pleased to see the enthusiasm and application of the children in the Middle School. The teachers have provided excellent learning experiences and the students have enthusiastically completed some challenging tasks. The children have set learning targets and have worked hard to achieve their goals. The positive nature of goal setting ensures that students are able to gauge their progress in academic and social areas and then establish future goals which meet their needs, with the assistance and expertise of their teachers. Spellathon A huge thank you to our school community for your enthusiastic support of our annual Spellathon. The final total was very close to $20,000.00 – thank you!! The winning classes 3A and Prep E were announced at our assemblies on Monday. Great job, boys and girls! The money raised will be put to good use by our P and C to enhance student learning at Ascot. Thank you to Leta D and Vicki B for counting the pledges and Sarah C for ensuring that children’s efforts have been acknowledged with prizes for the winning classes and individuals. Prep to Year 2 • Top fundraiser is Kya T-M from Prep E raising $230.00 • Top fundraising class is Prep E raising $1,115.00 Year 3 to Year 6 • Top fundraiser is Alex L from 3A raising $245.00. • Top fundraising class is 3A raising $1,051.45 This week’s assembly was conducted by 6/5 and showcased the importance of working well in teams and the roles children can play. Well done 6/5. Thank you to the classes who have presented high-quality assemblies for our entertainment and to share their thoughts and learning. Cross Country Our Cross Country was very successful and produced some excellent results. The children enjoyed the opportunity to test their skills on a long distance run and a great time was had by all. Our thanks to Brothers for the use of their grounds and to the parents who assisted on the day. Thanks to our P.E. Department for organising another great event. outstanding. Congratulations to teachers and students on a great job! Thank you to our teachers for organising the Celebrations of Learning. The children have completed so much fabulous work. Thank you to parents for the great turn out and celebrating the many successes your children have experienced this term. Prep–Year 2 Cross Country Congratulations boys and girls on a terrific effort in hot and humid conditions. You were amazing. Thank you parents for cheering on the children. It was a great morning. These events don’t just happen: thank you to Alayne Graham and Paul Harris for the work that goes into organising these successful events. The Year 1 Lunch was held on Friday. It was a great opportunity for parents to catch up. Thank you to Leanne Buckle for organising the event. I’m looking forward to the Year 2 Lunch next term. iPads are being used in classrooms to enhance student learning. Last week Prep C were exploring taller and smaller using iPads. Bullying No Way The winners of the banner competition were announced at this week’s assembly with a certificate and an early Easter surprise. Congratulations to all of the children who entered the competition and shared their thoughts on ways we can make every day positive for all of our students. On the last day of term students are encouraged to wear something BLUE to raise awareness about Autism. Children are asked to donate a gold coin to participate in the last day’s Free Dress Day with the funds supporting the Red Cross and the children of Vanuatu. Year 2 Technology Unit This term Year 2 students were busy designing a lunch box for me. It had to hold a cheese sandwich and an orange. 2C invited me into their classroom to look at their lunch boxes. The designs were very impressive. Great job, 2C! Enjoy the Easter break with your family. Thank you for the support you give our school and I look forward to seeing everyone refreshed and ready to begin Term 2. Kind regards Sharyn Hadden, Deputy Principal FROM MRS PROVOST-BOYLE: EARLY YEARS PREP-YEAR 2 What a great start to the year we’ve had. Our Prep students have had a flying start to school. They are well and truly settled in their new school. I’m looking forward to the Easter Hat Parade on Thursday. As always I’m impressed with the learning that occurs in the school and this term has been no exception. This week teachers are meeting to moderate the work that has been done during the term. The quality of work and the learning is Date Claimers for Term 2 • Years 3 and 5 NAPLAN Parent Information Session: Wednesday 22 April, 9.30am in the staff room. • Prep Writing Information Session for Parents: Wednesday 29 April, 9.30am in the staff room. A reminder email will be sent out on the first day of Term 2. PowerPoints will be uploaded to the school website after the sessions. 3 Easter Hat Parade Thank you for a wonderful term. Enjoy the holidays! Our Prep Easter Hat Parade and Grandparent’s Day will be held on Thursday 2 April from 11.45am to 12.15pm followed by a light lunch in the Covered Games Court. This is a great way to finish off the term. Thank you to our hard working Prep teachers and teacher aides for the work that has gone into the Easter Hat Parade. Please join us for this wonderful occasion. Melissa Provost-Boyle, Deputy Principal Junior Assembly Schedule for Term 2 Be sure to mark the dates in your calendar. Date Wellbeing Focus Class Assembly Focus 27 April Be Proactive 2C Completing all work I am Responsible I pack my bag for school. I know what books / requirements I need each day. 4 May Be Proactive 11 May Be Proactive WAVELL STATE HIGH SCHOOL Open Day Information Afternoon 2A Using Brave Talk 1E Friendly behaviour 1B Doing your best I take Initiative. I do the right thing without being asked. What could that be this week? I choose my actions. Choose wisely and have an amazing day! 18 May 25 May 1 June I choose my attitudes and mood. Choose wisely and have an amazing day! Begin With the End in Mind Begin With the End in Mind 1C 1D I look for ways to be a good citizen. What can you do this week in the classroom, at P.E., at the tuckshop, in the library? Queen’s Birthday Holiday 15 June Begin With the End in Mind I spend time on things that are important to me. Family and holidays are important, just like school. Parents and Students of any year level are most welcome to attend. Working well in groups Higher Order Thinking Skills at Ascot State School Helpful Behaviour Our students learn to think and think to learn. In this dynamic and ever-changing world, if children can think and reason effectively, then they will be well equipped to achieve success and satisfaction in all facets of their lives and in shaping their own futures. Why We Teach Higher Order Thinking Skills 1C Game skills I set priorities and follow my plans. I follow my teachers’ morning routine and prepare for the day. Begin With the End in Mind Organised Guided Tours of the School An Address by the Principal Opportunities to meet Teachers and Students Afternoon Tea FROM ANGELA DAWSON I am an important part of my class and contribute to my school’s vision – which is… 8 June 22 June 4 Be Proactive Sunday 17 May 2015 2:00pm – 4:30pm Assembly Hall Telopia Avenue, Wavell Heights Recent research has provided us with new knowledge about how the brain works and how people learn and evidence that specific interventions can improve children's thinking and intelligence. The particular ways in which people apply their minds to solving problems are called thinking skills. Prep E Caring for others "If thinking is how children make sense of learning then developing their thinking skills will help them get more out of learning and life." (Robert Fisher) A whole school approach ensures that all students in all classes are taught explicitly a wide range of analytical, critical and creative thinking skills and are encouraged to use them in everyday life and all curriculum areas as tools for lifelong learning. We know that all our students benefit from the in-class explicit teaching of the higher order thinking skills and the opportunities to use them. The Ascot State School Thinking Skills Program is introduced into every classroom from Prep to Year 6. Last week I discussed De Bono’s Thinking Hats. Extended Brainstorming is introduced at Ascot State School in Prep and is continued to Year 6. Pohl, (1997) outlines four components of brainstorming that will evoke different forms of thinking: • FLUENCY - How many ideas can you come up with? • ORIGINALITY - Can you come up with new, different or unusual ideas? • ELABORATION - Can you add on to someone else’s idea? • FLEXIBILITY - Can you change or improve your idea after listening to advice? The extended brainstorming process can also be extended to include an additional four elements with an affective (caring thinking) focus: • CURIOSITY- Suppose that? • COMPLEXITY- What reason could there be for? • RISK TAKING- Justify why/Say why you think. The number created could be 254 or 542 or 452 Then use the number section to “make place value decisions” about the digits e.g. 798 or 987 or 879 etc. If the challenge is to make the largest number possible these 2 newly created numbers could be multiplied together or added together. The “best” combination in this scenario would be 542 x 987 or 542 + 987. If children are much younger split the digits, for e.g. 5 + 4 + 2 + 9 + 8 + 7. If the challenge was to make the smallest number possible the best scenario would be through the use of subtraction or division. Other travel games could also include colours of cars, children could collect tallies of red, blue and compare results as they travel between towns/cities. Travelling by plane? A little bit of pre-preparation is useful here. Maps of the cities of departure and destination, aerial printouts of the landscapes, use of scales on maps, children having input into the scheduling of tourist destinations the family could undertake. Creating a journal with the gluing in of postcards, pamphlets and (because the focus here is mathematics!) children write times, distances, rating scales of enjoyment (1–10), finding averages of populations, timelines of major historical events. Travelling by sea? Timetables of events, dinner times, tours, capacity of the vessel, size of the engines on ships, numbers of staff employed, statistics of the vessel. Happy Easter and enjoy your holidays. Keep asking questions! Using Originality: can you come up with a new way of delivering Easter eggs without a basket? Remaining at home? Create a board game, you only need a large piece of card and the children can make their own counters. The board game could involve mathematical questions or monetary fines or rewards. It could be related to costs of products in a particular shop, or involve distance and travel. It could be around food and quantities, fractions or calculations of items. Home time is also a great time to play those board games you have in the cupboard (chess, snakes and ladders) - all of these aid children in the application of chance, probability and the use of dice or counters. Angela Dawson Other general maths activities can involve the conversions of currency, calculating distance travelled, petrol consumed, estimations of arrival times, calculations of “best buy” comparisons of accommodation, or calculations of cost of the family going to the movies! The mathematics implications of our lives is enormous - create an opportunity these holidays to demonstrate that to your children! • IMAGINATION- Imagine yourself in …/Pretend that … SPEAKING MATHEMATICALLY Holidays – the best time to do MATHS! Students do need down time during the holidays, but it is also a wonderful time to demonstrate the purpose of mathematics and how we use mathematics in our lives – it is not just something we do at school. If your family is travelling in the break, here are some little ideas to keep maths alive. Travelling by road? Licence plate maths – children can record the numbers on 10 number plates. These numbers can be used to addition, multiplication, subtraction or division. For example BED 798 B = 2 (allocate numbers according to the alphabet a = 1, b = 2, c = 3 etc.) E=5 D=4 Whatever you are doing, enjoy the family time. Monique Russell WELLBEING SUCCESS AND STUDENT SUCCESS The Student Success and Wellbeing Program plays a significant role in realising the goals set out in the Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians (MCEETYA) 2008 that all young people in Australia should be supported to become successful learners, confident and creative individuals, and active and informed citizens. This year, we have separated our program into two strands: Wellbeing Success and Student Success. Wellbeing Success is 5 for all students from Prep – Year 6 and provides an essential foundation to the study of Student Success in the upper grades. In Wellbeing Success, all students learn about kindness, thankfulness, mindfulness and social and emotional learning. Senior Cross Country This term, the teachers have been sharing ‘The Bucket Filling Books’ by Carol McCloud , to further their understanding of kindness and thankfulness. There are different books available in the series, depending on the age of the children. These delightful books can be watched online , and free printables are available from the bucketfillers website . Paul Harris ( ) Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays Bucket Filling books encourage positive behaviour as children see how rewarding it is to express daily kindness, appreciation, and love. Bucket filling and bucket dipping are effective metaphors for understanding the effects of our actions and words on the wellbeing of others and ourselves. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance. I hope you and your family have a Bucket Filling Holiday. Warm regards Deanne Clark, Results will be published in the Digest on Wednesday 22 April. Alayne Graham ( ) Mondays/Tuesdays/Wednesdays/Thursdays MUSIC NEWS The Choirs attended and performed at the Sirianni’s 50th birthday party on Saturday and enjoyed the food, entertainment and fireworks afterwards. Thank you parents for supporting this community event and presenting your children so well in their uniforms. Last week Angeline A, Tara F, Emily F, William F and Flynn R attended the Choral Honours Camp which concluded with a wonderful concert on Thursday night. Congratulations boys and girls. About two weeks ago many of the Senior students travelled to the Lyric Theatre to see the musical, “Wicked”. It was a thrilling performance which I’m sure the children will remember for a long time. P.E. NEWS State Swimming Congratulations to Sienna T, Teneille A and Manuthi K-H on their efforts competing in the Met North Swimming Team at the State Swimming Trials last Monday and Tuesday. It is a big deal to make one of these teams and you should be proud of your efforts. Junior Cross Country The Choirs, Bands and Ensembles have all started rehearsals this term and hopefully the routine of attendance has been established. Instrumental lesson timetables have also been organised. If your child needs assistance with following timetables and getting into a practice routine please remind them the weekly lesson timetables are on the notice board outside the Music Room and practice record sheets will be sent home with their instrumental book. The Music Department is now working towards the ANZAC Day Ceremony at school, Choral Fanfare in May and Music on Sunday on 21 June. Wishing you all a Happy Easter Holiday. In very hot conditions our Cross Country was a great success and we were very proud of the children’s efforts. We were also very impressed with the House Captains who did an excellent job leading and assisting the Prep–Year 2 students. Thank you also to Mr Kutzer and our parent helpers who assisted with setting up and pulling down the tents. Margaret Howard & Debbie Daley SCHOOL COMMUNITY LIAISON OFFICER’S NEWS It has been an exciting Term 1. Final scores for the event were Meibusch on 233, Henderson on 252, Ryan on 258 and our winners, Lilley on 273 points. Congratulations Lilley house. Congratulations also to our placegetters as listed below: 6 YEAR LEVEL 1ST 2ND 3RD 2 BOYS Jackson D Tom C Oliver P 2 GIRLS Zara W Emma W Gemma N 1 BOYS Archer Harrison Jonny 1 GIRLS Sofia A Anaka Sinalei PREP BOYS Ned C Gus Diesel PREP GIRLS Bella C Claudia S Adelaide M The P&C AGM was an exciting night with all Executive positions returning and a special P&C funded teacher scholarships awarded. Year 1 and Prep lunches were celebrated at Ruggers with a superb spread of delicious delights in a resort style setting. Escape to Ruggers for a little heaven in the burbs. The Junior Cross Country was a huge success. UNIFORM SHOP All girls from Years 1 to 7 are required to wear the winter uniform in Terms 2 & 3. If you have a Year 1 girl you will require: • navy winter tunic • white blouse • red belt • navy bike pants (as girls remove their tunic during P.E. lessons). Boy’s uniform does not alter. Thank you Mr Harris, Mrs Graham and Pat G from our P&C Health & Wellbeing Committee. The Senior Cross Country was held at the Crosby Park oval. Just brilliant! Thank you for the wonderful support that you offer our students. The Spellathon was a great motivation for spelling across the year levels. The Prep Easter Parade is always a delight. Make sure you bring your cameras to capture the magic. Wishing you all a safe and relaxing holiday. School resumes on Tuesday 21st April. It truly does take a village! All items are available in the Uniform Shop Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, 8.15-9.30am, or via “flexischools”. Extended Hours: first week of Term 2 are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday and Friday 8.15-9.30am. Week Two resumes normal trading: Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 8.15-9.30am. We look forward to assisting you. Uniform Shop UNIFORM SHOP ROSTER EXTENDED HOURS WEEK 1 TERM 2 Leanne Buckle, SCLO, 0403 576 688, Group FROM THE TUCKSHOP Easter Meal Deal Thank you to the following parents who helped out on the Easter Meal Deal today: Nick, Steve, Anna, Bella and Vanessa. Without your help today would not have been possible. Also a big thank you to Julia who purchased the surprise treats for the day and to Jo, who no longer has children at the School but only lives across the road. Happy Easter to all students and parents from Julia, Jenny, Nadia, Yolanda and Kathryn. TUCKSHOP ROSTERS Tuckshop - Group 1 Monday Home Bake - Group 1 Julie T, Kath G Monday 20/4/15 20/4/15 Andrea Y, Julianne D Tuesday Nikki T Tuesday Leanne N 21/4/15 21/4/15 Wednesday Amanda B, Skye McG 22/4/15 Wednesday Julia R, Alison S 22/4/15 Thursday Leigh C, Natasha J Thursday Kristin H, Cindy J Friday 23/4/15 Friday 24/4/15 23/4/15 24/4/15 Kristin H, Louise K, Liz K Louise M, Janiece E Monday 20/4/15 Rachelle L, Kate R Tuesday 21/4/15 Kelly M Wednesday 22/4/15 Karen K Thursday 23/4/15 Paula W, Karen K Friday 24/4/15 TBA FoVAD ART WEEK: 4-7 MAY Our FoVAD 2015 Art Week “Earth, Sea & Sky” is coming up fast after the Easter holidays, very kindly sponsored by Ray White Ascot. The dates for Art Week are Monday to Thursday, 4–7 May. Each of the four days will offer every child a choice of exciting, fun and inspiring art opportunities. More details about Art Week activities will be posted in Digest and Ascot Grapevine, as Art Week approaches. Thanks to Jacqui Conias for our wonderful Art Week poster. ASCOT BIG DAY OUT At the 2013 ABDO the raffles and auctions raised more than $40,000. This was mainly due to the generous donation of items by members of the greater school community and of course the fantastic class art projects. Raffles We would like to have a similar prize pool to 2013 where we had more than 50 prizes worth more than $10,000. Each person/ organisation is credited (you can be anonymous) with supplying 7 each prize on the website and on the day. The more prizes the better! Auctions Auction items are normally higher value items that are auctioned off on the big day. In the past items have included, memorabilia pieces, dinner with the Treasurer, family holidays, surf boards, boat charters and much more. We would like to have the raffle and auction items soon so please contact with a short description of your item(s), value, web address (as appropriate) and a contact name & number. Please do not hesitate to contact Naomi if you have any questions. ALL FUNDS RAISED GO TO THE P&C TO USE ON SCHOOL PROJECTS Naomi NEWS FROM THE P&C HEALTH AND WELLBEING COMMITTEE Cross Country A special thanks to Paul Harris and Alayne Graham for organising the Prep-Year 2 Cross Country last Thursday. Thanks also to Jason H, Glenn K and Michael S for assisting early in the morning set up. Whilst it was a hot morning, all of the children seemed to enjoy themselves and the support of the parents was terrific. By the time this edition of the Digest goes to print, hopefully the upper school will have had an equally enjoyable experience. For those families looking for more Cross Country events, visit the Queensland Running website for a great series of organised runs throughout various parks around Brisbane. The best part is ALL family members can join in! . Before School Activities As the solution to the classroom opening hours continues, parents may wish to consider one of the various before school activities for their children. These activities include: Swimming Lessons with Totally Technique in the School Pool: Ascot Accelerators (Running and fitness program): Fun French Classes: Go Cricket: Ph Greg 0417 614 509 Go Soccer: Ph Greg 0417 614 509 Meditation Course – Mindful Kids Meditation: or phone 0403 222 380. Easter Holidays Not going away this holiday break. Here are two local activities to get the family out and about enjoying Brisbane’s beautiful April weather: Friday April 3 sees the start of the 67th Brisbane to Gladstone yacht race. Spectators can soak up the 8 atmosphere at either the Bluewater Festival at Shorncliffe or The Festival of Sails at Suttons Beach, Redcliffe. The phenomenal Hobart Baroque is heading north to make Brisbane its home from April 10-18. In association with QPAC this early music festival with be staged at various venues. Visit the Brisbane baroque website. Pat Gerry. Co-Ordinator, WELCOME GROUP Have you recently enrolled your child at our school and would like to meet other parents? You may be interested in joining our school's Welcome Group. Our Welcome Group has been set up primarily as an opportunity for new parents to our school to meet other school families, although anyone who is interested in making new friends is welcome to attend! Our Welcome Group catch-ups are on Wednesdays at White Jam Cafe in Hendra. Please get in touch with Peter if you have any questions. Peter, Welcome Group Co-ordinator, CAMP AUSTRALIA HOLIDAY PROGRAM COMMUNITY NOTICES Aussie Hoops at Ascot State School: Introduction to Basketball for Boys and Girls Years 3 and up only held at the Ascot State School undercover court. Starts Thursday 7 May (Week 3 of Term 2) and runs for 6 weeks on Thursdays 3:15–4:15pm. Costs $80.00 per participant. All players receive a basketball, singlet and bag. Must register online at . For more information call Lucian on 0419 724 392. Total Football Academy will be running an after School football (Soccer) program during Term 2 at Ascot State School. A free demonstration is available after School on Thursday 30 April, 3.15-4.15pm. The program is for Prep to Year 4 pupils. Registration forms will be distributed during the free demonstration. During the six week program games will be played inside an inflatable soccer field, which captures the imagination of students, giving them a great soccer experience. Training will take place inside a skills square focusing on different skills each week, such as dribbling, turning and shooting. As part of the program players can also purchase a soccer kit (top and shorts). The program starts on Thursday 7 May, 3.15-4.15pm. To sign up online visit or call Andy Robinson on 0413 888 643. Nundah State Primary Old Kids: Nundah State School is celebrating 150 years on Sunday 18 October 2015, 41 Bage Street, Nundah from 10am-4pm. All past pupils welcome! Like us on Facebook or email Go Sports: Go Sports Netball (commencing 5 May) for 6 weeks - $105.00 – Tuesdays 3.10-3.55pm for Years 2-3 & 4-5 - on School Netball Court. Go Sports Soccer (commencing 5 May) for 6 weeks - $105.00 – Tuesdays 7.50-8.35am for Prep-1 & 2-3 - on School Oval. Go Sports Multi sports (commencing 6 May) for 6 weeks $105.00 – Wednesdays 3.10-3.55pm for Prep-1 & 2-3 - on School Netball Court. All Preps will be escorted to school after morning classes. To register go to Click register online or SMS child’s name, school, sport and mobile number to 0417 614 509. Payment click on register online and select “pay online now” or pay coach at first class by cash or cheque made payable to Go Sports Pty. Ltd. Contact Greg Martin on 0417 614 509. Fancutt Tennis Centre will continue the tennis program at the school courts on Reeve Street on Mondays 3.00-3.30pm (Prep), 3.30-4.15pm (Beginners), 4.15-5.00pm (Players), Tuesday afternoons 3.00-3.30pm (Prep), 3.30-4.15pm (Primary), Wednesday afternoons 3.00-3.30pm (Prep) Wednesday 3.30-4.15pm (Beginners), 4.15-5.00pm (Players). Junior rackets on special $30. Friendly Hot Shots Tournaments for trophies are on Saturdays 10.00am-12.00pm (Serving & Green Ball) during school term at Fancutts Lutwyche for children wishing to have friendly match play without the inconvenience of extra traveling to other centres. Super League fixtures are on Saturday afternoons and Sunday evenings for children and teenagers and Tuesday/Wednesday nights for adults - a few vacancies. Adults social, fitness and music (Ladies) is on Monday evening 6.30-7.30pm and Friday morning 9.00-10.00am. Restrings – a 24 hour service or possible emergency restring while you wait. All enquiries contact Fancutts 38572922 in office hours or email . Learn French with us! Alliance Française French Classes at Ascot State School: $225 (and textbooks when applicable*) Up to 10% discount by 13 April. Classes start from Monday 20 April for 1 hour and 15 minutes over 8 weeks. Monday 7.30-8.45am - 4-6 years - Any level** Tuesday 7.30-8.45am - 7-11 years - Beginners A1.1.5 Thursday 7.30-8.45am - 7-11 years - Beginners 2* Friday 7.30-8.45am - 7-11 years - Advanced Beginners 2* *Textbook for newcomers: Les Loustics 1, $60 for Beginners 2 and Les Loustics 2, $60 for Advanced Beginners 2. **Public holiday on Monday 08/06 –Catch up on Monday 15/06. Contact Alliance Francaise de Brisbane on 3844 4460, . 9
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