Anthony Street Ascot QLD 4007 Website: Email: Phone: (07) 3326 9333 Fax: (07) 3326 9300 Subscribe to Online Newsletter! Issue 8 – Wednesday 18 March 2015 ASAA Accreditation FROM GAYLE COLEMAN: PRINCIPAL Elizabeth E, Lucy H, Robert E, Jack M, Moni S and Kioa P who were selected for City District Touch Congratulations to all staff, students and parents for successfully being recognised by the Australian Schools Accreditation Agency. I would personally like to thank Angela Dawson, Melissa Provost-Boyle and Sharyn Hadden for the work over the past eighteen months into the accreditation process. Continuing accreditation status is subject to ASAA’s acceptance of an annual accreditation confirmation report indicating that Ascot State School is implementing the recommendations as set out below. Marcus D and Elizabeth E who were selected for City District Soccer. Ascot State School was highly commended for demonstrating high levels of performance in: Student Successes Congratulations to: Emma S who came equal third in the Aquathon during H.P.E. Week. Celebrations of Learning I invite all parents to our Celebrations of Learning in classrooms commencing next week. This is an opportunity to see what your child has been learning in class throughout Term 1. I hope you can come along and see the wonderful work happening in our classrooms. Times are listed below: • The school has established a strong and respected identity and enjoys wide community support • Student learning outcomes exceed state and national benchmarks • Strong school leadership is focused on improving teaching and learning Prep Monday 23/3/15 2.00-3.00pm • The school has established a quality portal providing ready access to policies, resources and student data Year 1 Friday 27/3/15 2.30-3.00pm • The school has excellent management policies Year 2 Friday 27/3/15 8.30-9.00am • The school offers a wide array of quality curricular and non-curricular opportunities. Year 3 Thursday 26/3/15 8.50-9.20am Year 4 Thursday 26/3/15 8.50-9.20am Year 5 Thursday 26/3/15 2.30-3.00pm Year 6 Tuesday 24/3/15 2.30-3.00pm If you are interested in discussing your child’s progress with the class teacher, you will have the opportunity for parent-teacher interviews at the beginning of Term 2. Alternatively you are always welcome to make an appointment to meet with class teachers before or after school. Recommendations for the future included: • Complete the current review of the school purpose and vision, with input from all stakeholder groups and publish and communicate the revised documents to the wider school community • Refine the current organisational chart and line management processes to reflect recent leadership changes and to align with the revised school purpose and vision. • Implement the school pedagogical framework to ensure high quality teaching and learning is embedded across the school. I look forward to working with the staff, students and parent community to establish the future direction for Ascot State School. As we are in the final year of implementing the actions and strategies from the 2012-2015 Strategic Plan, this year will be an important step in developing/mapping the preferred future for Ascot State School. It will be important to maintain our strong traditions while providing innovative and engaging practices to improve learning outcomes for all Ascot students. Year 6 Student Leaders Day at Convention Centre Sports Development – Years 3 & 6 Regards Saturday 21/3/15 Harmony Day Swim Club Presentation Night Gayle Coleman Principal Monday 23/3/15- BOUQUETS Monday 23/3/15 Celebrations of Learning Friday 27/3/17 Thank you to the parents who joined the Ascot State School Council for welcome drinks last Wednesday. I enjoyed the healthy and robust discussion on our before school reading program. FROM YOUR P&C Thank you to those parents who have expressed an interest in joining the P&C. Our Annual General Meeting will be held tonight, Wednesday 18 March 2015 at 7.30pm in the School Hall. 9.00am: 5C Assembly (Hall) 10.30am: 1D Assembly (Hall) Last day to RSVP for Year 1 Lunch Tuesday 24/3/15 Tuesday 24/3/ 15-Thursday 26/3/15 Honours Choral Program Wednesday 25/3/15 Final day for Spellathon monies Welcome Group 9.00am Student Banking The following executive positions will become vacant: • President • Vice-President (two positions) • Secretary FROM MRS HADDEN: MIDDLE SCHOOL YEARS 3-6 • Treasurer • Chair of all Sub-Committees (Swim Club, Tuckshop, Uniform Shop, FoVAD, Physical Environment, Health & Wellbeing Group, FOM). We already have some parents who have indicated that they will be seeking (re)election, but we ask that parents give serious consideration to becoming part of the Executive P&C team and for those who are new to the school or to Ascot P&C Association, we suggest becoming a P&C member. It is a wonderful way to show your child that you value their education. To ensure the continuity of our services to the school, it is imperative that these roles be filled. And if you would like a say on how money raised is spent, you will need to become a P&C member to ensure your voting rights. So please print out the nomination form, sign it and bring it along to the meeting tonight. If you have any questions, please email me at . Sarah Comiskey, P&C President UPCOMING EVENTS Wednesday 18/3/15 7.30pm: P&C AGM (Hall) Thursday 19/3/15 Friday 20/3/15 Free Dress – Orange Day National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence 2 SCHOOL HOLIDAYS FRIDAY 3/4/15-SUNDAY 19/4/15 INCLUSIVE This Friday, 20 March, is National Day against Bullying and Violence. One of our parents, Kelly Millar, was on the original team who devised and actioned this day which, as we know, is now a national campaign. This included choosing the colour orange as the symbol for this vital initiative. Kelly will join us at the Senior Assembly next Monday to share her experiences. Children are asked to dress in something orange on Friday and to donate a gold coin to support Kid’s Helpline. They will receive a special Bullying No Way wristband for their donation. These wristbands were purchased with some of the proceeds from last year’s “Ascot’s Got Talent”. Children at Ascot will complete an orange activity in their class. The winning entry from each class will receive a certificate at assembly. Here is the website which has some excellent information and resources for both home and school: resources.html I would encourage you to share the information with your child as we can never have too much information around this important topic. Well done to the children of 3C who shared some of their ideas on appropriate behaviour to recognise and prevent bullying. The children cleverly presented, “My Kitchen Rules”, where Manu made a guest appearance, with a fantastic French accent!! Aren’t children the best mimics? It demonstrates how much they observe through interactions and body language. The award for observing our ICE strategy when dealing with bullying behaviour was very timely. When we see the range of learning opportunities children have in such a short time, it’s no wonder they are getting weary as the school holidays approach. Student of the Week: Prep-Year 2 Next week’s student of the week award is for “Using the Hi 5”. Congratulations to: Student of the Week: Years 3-7 Next week’s award is for Co-Operative Behaviour and the children who have been chosen to receive this award should feel very proud. Being a co-operative citizen can make school a happy place for all and is an essential behaviour for lifelong learning. Well done to the following girls and boys: Prep A Diezel J Frankie C Prep B Matisse L Prep C Ava D Madeline B Year 4D Baryal M Georgina D Milana D Year 5A Jacob G Hazel B Year 5B Lachlan M Ethan L Eloise D Johnathon R Year 5C Oliver C Year 6/5 Genevieve C Year 6A Beth S Year 6B Year 2D Grace P Bardia N Sophia A Lara E Year 2E Harrison E Hugo M Eadie M Daniella C Charlie T Finnlay C Jackson H The assembly roster for this term is: Robert E Date Wellbeing Focus Class Assembly Focus 1D Using the Hi 5 2B Following Directions Wesley B Year 6C Alejandro R Year 4C Hunter D Amie R Kate R Year 4B Tiana P Angeline A Tayla N Year 4A Year 2C Lulu H Emerson M Year 4/3 Austyn P Addison G Hunter D Year 1C Charlie H Year 2B Georgia P Olivia G Year 3E Isabella W Hamish R Year 1B Year 3D Oliver P Harry F Year 1A Ellouise O Year 2A Sienna S Sam E Year 3C Priya B Tanveer B Chace B Prep E Year 3B Year 1E Claudia S Jack M Archer B Ruby H Matilda R Prep D Year 3A Year 1D Cyan P Marcus D Lachlan S Ciara P Have an enjoyable week. Sharyn Hadden, Deputy Principal FROM MRS PROVOST-BOYLE: EARLY YEARS PREP-YEAR 2 23 March Be Proactive Everyone is Special Acceptance of others says a lot about you! 30 March Be Proactive Show Respect for yourself and others. “Would it be right?” is a good question to ask yourself. Enjoy the week. Easter Hat Parade Melissa Provost-Boyle, Deputy Principal Our Prep Easter Hat Parade and Grandparents Day will be held on Thursday 2 April from 11.45am-12.15pm, followed by light lunch in the Covered Games Court. Please join us for this wonderful occasion. FROM ANGELA DAWSON Queensland Academies Partnership School Ascot State School was delighted to become an accredited Partnership School with the Queensland Academies in 2014. Ascot State School is committed to working with the Queensland Academies as a partner in order to provide collaborative environments and networks for best practice in teaching and learning for highly capable students. 3 Young Scholars Program The Queensland Academies’ Young Scholars Program provides highly capable school students in Years 5 to 9 with challenging enrichment opportunities. The rationale for this initiative is to develop the Queensland Academies Young Scholars Program as a teaching and learning strategy for gifted/highly capable Years 5-9 students within mainstream schools. In doing so this will create a sustained network to align with collaborative development and delivery of an innovative and unique five year curriculum that responds to the needs of Education Queensland’s provision for gifted students. component). This program is available to Years 5 and 6 students only. Teachers nominate students for the program. If you are interested in finding out more about the Online Modules or the Young Scholars Program, please contact me on . Have a great week. Angela Dawson, DoL/Differentiation Teacher The program is delivered at all three Academies in Brisbane and the Gold Coast and includes participation by our programming partners including the Queensland Writers Centre, the Gold Coast City Gallery, the University of Queensland, the Queensland University of Technology and Griffith University. Students interested in joining the program can be nominated by their teacher after meeting at least one of the following criteria: • A 90th percentile on any individual or group IQ test • A 90th percentile on a subscale (e.g. verbal performance) of an individual IQ Test • A High Distinction or Distinction in the Australian Schools Science, English or Mathematics Competitions • A letter from their teacher confirming that the student’s academic performance or potential in Mathematics, Science or English is within the top 10 per cent of the student population. Students enrolled in the Young Scholars Program have opportunities to participate in the workshop program that offers a range of transdisciplinary and challenging experiences. The Young Scholars Program also affords parents opportunities to attend lectures that will enable them to further support their children’s goals and aspirations. Online Modules The Queensland Academies online program allows students to: • engage in one, two or even a whole series of interrelated courses that build in complexity over time • work with a range of students from other partner schools as well as opportunities to work with Queensland Academies students • prepare confidently for the challenges of senior secondary schooling • support expectations of success, deep enquiry, authentic research and awareness of self as a global citizen. All students entering the program (regardless of year level) undertake units that are influenced by the high expectations and challenges associated with learning in the Queensland Academies and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program. The program is accessed by students from home after school hours. All units are of eight weeks duration (1 hour Web Conference + 1 hour Tutorial and includes an assessed 4 SPEAKING MATHEMATICALLY Dried beans, macaroni, pasta shells and smarties – for mathematics? Yes, these items are very useful to use at home to help the early years child in mathematics. Here are a few ways they can be utilised: • Subitising – to subitise is to ‘know’ how much is in a collection without actually counting it. Usually children can subitise up to about 6 items in a collection. When children are subitising above 2 or 3 ask them how they knew how many. Demonstrate that subitising 5 can be done by “mentally” partitioning (breaking up) the 5 into a group of 3 and a group of 2 • Part-part-whole understanding – depending on the age of your child select an amount for your collection - for example 10. Place 4 on the table and “hide” the rest under an object (cup/bowl). Ask for the child to say how many must be under the object. In other words, “the whole amount is 10, I have 4 in my hand, what must the other part be under the bow?” Whole = 10; part is 4; part is 6. From this number sentences of addition and the inverse subtraction can be generated and tested. • Multiplication understanding - put collections into equal groups. Two equal groups of 3 = 6. From this work number sentences in multiplication can be generated, as can the inverse division. • An interesting way to use smarties is in data analysis and statistics. A group of smarties can be “graphed” by colour. Fractional understanding can be aided with an open-ended question such as, “I grabbed a handful of smarties, if 1/3 of them were red, draw what the smarties could look like”. The key here is the word, ‘could’. This helps children understand that mathematics is also about hypothesising relationships and not always right and wrong answers. Did you know? There is magic in the number nine (9)? Multiply any number with nine (9) and then sum all individual digits of the result (product) to make it single digit, the sum of all these individual digits would always be nine (9). Monique Russell P.E. NEWS School Aquathon Apologies and congratulations to Emma S who came equal third in the Aquathon. Well done Emma and sorry for your omission from the results table last week. City District Trials It was a very successful day last Friday for our students who trialled for Touch and Soccer. Well done to all the students who trialled and congratulations to the following students who have been selected in the City District Touch teams: Elizabeth E, Lucy H, Robert E, Jack M, Moni S and Kioa P. Also congratulations to Marcus D and Elizabeth E who were selected for Soccer (a busy and very successful day for Elizabeth). That makes 22 students in all who have been selected in City District teams this term, with quite a few who have been selected multiple times. Cross Country Training/Distances to come and cheer the children along. We need parent help putting up House tents on the oval from 7.30am if you are available. Senior Cross Country (Years 3-6) – If you would be available on Tuesday 31 March for a job at the Cross Country please email Alayne Graham (address below). We would like some help putting up House tents at Brothers from 7:30am if you are available. If there is a doctor amongst the parent body who would be prepared to act as First Aid Officer at the event, please contact Alayne Graham. It would be very much appreciated and you will get a first class viewing seat under the announcers’ tent near the finishing line! Year 4 Students In field lessons we are working on developing throwing and catching skills with tennis balls. If children can practise this skill outside their 30 minute lesson, the improvement that can be made will be well worth the effort. I look forward to hearing about their efforts and seeing the improvement in their skill level. In swimming lessons (Weeks 8/9) students need to bring clothes (shorts/tee shirt) to wear over their togs and sun-shirt as part of their water survival training. Alayne Graham ( ) Mondays/Tuesdays/Wednesdays/Thursdays Paul Harris ( ) Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays STUDENT COUNCIL NEWS BULLYING NO WAY & RACISM NO WAY DAY Training sessions will continue until the end of Week 9 to help students prepare for the Cross Country. Training sessions are as follows: Mondays/Tuesdays - morning tea (11:00–11:20) with Mr. Harris Wednesday/Thursday mornings (8:10–8:30) with Mrs. Graham. Class teachers will also endeavour to do some training with their classes but it would also be a good idea for students do some of their own training to help them prepare. Maybe it could be an activity that families enjoy together. Distances children will jog/run/walk are: Prep/Year 1 – 500m (2 laps of the oval) Year 2 – 750m (3 laps of the oval) Years 3–6 students Children born 2006/2007 – 1km Children born 2005 – 2km Children born 2003/2004 – 3km for those who want to be selected for the District trial - 2km for those who are not trialling. Junior Cross Country (Prep-Year 2) – Students will move to the oval next Thursday 26 March at 9.00am and assemble in House groups. We will begin with Year 2 students, followed by the Year 1 and last, but not least, our Prep students. Children should wear House colour shirts, hats and sunscreen and bring a named water bottle with them. Parents are most welcome The Student Council is proud to be promoting Friday’s National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence. Friday is an opportunity for the whole Ascot school community to “take a stand together” against bullying. Everyone will have the opportunity to complete activities this week within your classroom to show your support. On Friday, we are encouraging everyone to wear something orange to school to show your support. EarlyAct will be collecting a gold coin donation which will go to Kid’s Helpline, an important organisation for children who are suffering the effects of bullying. On Wednesday and Thursday, the Student Council will be selling orange, “Bullying No Way” wristbands. The money raised from these will also go to Kid’s Helpline. Orange is also is the nationally recognised colour for Harmony Day. Harmony Day is held on 21 March each year, the day after Say No to Bullying Day. It is a day of cultural respect for everyone who calls Australia home – from traditional owners to those who have come from countries around the world. The two days share a very important connection. Our school rules, Be Responsible, Be Respectful and Be Safe, reinforce how we should behave at school and in the community. 5 So Ascot, let’s take a stand together and say ‘Bullying-No Way’ and Racism, No Way! Tuckshop - Group 1 Thursday Ascot Student Leaders 26/3/15 SCHOOL COMMUNITY LIAISON OFFICER’S NEWS Week 8! The term is flying by. It has been a very rewarding, settling and busy Term 1. Friday 27/3/15 Home Bake - Group 1 Leigh C, Natasha J Thursday Kristin H, Cindy J Friday 26/3/15 27/3/15 Kristin H, Louise K, Liz K Rowena G, Louise M, Janiece E UNIFORM SHOP All girls from Years 1 to 7 are required to wear the winter uniform in Terms 2 & 3. If you have a Year 1 girl you will require: • navy winter tunic • white blouse • red belt • navy bike pants (as girls remove their tunic during PE lessons). Boys’ uniform does not alter. Monday’s Senior Assembly - 3C - Message: Bullying No Way!! Tonight is the P&C AGM in our Hall from 7.30 pm. All are welcome. Please note: next Monday 23 March is the RSVP date for the Year 1 Lunch at Ruggers scheduled for Friday 27 March, 11.30am-2.45pm - $40.00 payment via “flexischools” to secure your spot. All items are available in the Uniform Shop Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 8.15- 9.30am or via “flexischools”. Extended Hours: first week of Term 2: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday and Friday 8.15-9.30am Week Two resumes normal trading: Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 8.15-9.30am. Let me know if there are any issues that I can support you with. It is a two way street. We look forward to assisting you. Warm regards, Uniform Shop Leanne Buckle, SCLO, 0403 576 688, UNIFORM SHOP ROSTER Group 4 FROM THE TUCKSHOP Easter meal deal - Wednesday 1 April The Easter Meal Deal is now on “flexischools”. Please place your order prior to 30 March to ensure your child does not miss out. The Easter Meal Deal will be the first Tuckshop experience for the Preps and this is why they have a different Menu from the Years 1-6 children, to ensure the experience is one they will enjoy, with an Easter Surprise for all children. Kathryn, Yolanda and the Tuckshop Committee TUCKSHOP ROSTERS Tuckshop - Group 1 Monday 23/3/15 Tuesday 24/3/15 Julie T, Kath G Monday 23/3/15 Andrea Y, Julianne D Nikki T, Julie R Tuesday Liz W, Leanne N Wednesday Amanda B, Skye McG 25/3/15 6 Home Bake - Group 1 24/3/15 Wednesday Julia R, Alison S 25/3/15 Monday Hannah M 23/3/15 Wednesday Kate R 25/3/15 Thursday Cindy J 26/3/15 YEAR 1 PARENT LUNCH – FRIDAY 27 MARCH 2015 11.30am–2.45pm Ruggers, Crosby Road, Albion $40.00 per head Drink on arrival and lunch RSVP with payment via "flexischools" by 23/3/15 ASCOT BIG DAY OUT At the 2013 ABDO the raffles & auctions raised more than $40,000. This was mainly due to the generous donation of items by members of the greater school community and of course the fantastic class art projects. Raffles We would like to have a similar prize pool to 2013 where we had more than 50 prizes worth more than $10,000. Each person/ organisation is credited (you can be anonymous) with supplying each prize on the website and on the day. The more prizes the better! Auctions Auction items are normally higher value items that are auctioned off on the big day. In the past items have included, memorabilia pieces, dinner with the Treasurer, family holidays, surf boards, boat charters and much more. We would like to have the raffle & auction items solidified by the end of this term so please contact with a short description of your item(s), value, web address (as appropriate) and a contact name & number. Please do not hesitate to contact Brad if you have any questions. ALL FUNDS RAISED GO TO THE P&C TO USE ON SCHOOL PROJECTS Brad L NEWS FROM THE P&C HEALTH AND WELLBEING COMMITTEE Cross Country WELCOME GROUP Have you recently enrolled your child at our school and would like to meet other parents? You may be interested in joining our school's Welcome Group. Our Welcome Group has been set up primarily as an opportunity for new parents to our school to meet other school families, although anyone who is interested in making new friends is welcome to attend! We meet at White Jam Café, Hendra most Wednesday mornings after drop off. Welcome Cuppa for English as an Additional Language Parents of Ascot State School – Thursday 26 March . Please RSVP to Natalie Rose . Please get in touch with Peter if you have any questions. Peter, Welcome Group Co-ordinator, Email: SWIM CLUB Dear Swim Club Family, The end of Swim Club is upon us. We had our Club Championships on Sunday and what a great afternoon we had. All of our swimmers had a great time and we would also like to say a great big thank you to all of our wonderful families for all the help in making the day such a success. We are in the process now of choosing all of our awards that will be given out on Friday night which will be the last Swim Club night for this season. With the upcoming Cross Country we are naturally looking for volunteers to assist with various duties including set up, help with tents and marshalling. Our PE staff, Alayne Graham and Paul Harris, would love to see plenty of helpers for this event and your children would love to see you there as well. For our Presentation Night we will be having a FREE SWIM for our swimmers and also a free BBQ sausage sizzle. All parents will be responsible for your own children whilst they are in the pool. Holidays We will kick off at 5.15pm with the free swim and commence presentations at 6.00pm. One fun outing that was omitted for the upcoming holidays is the Dinosaur Discovery: Lost Creatures of the Cretaceous. This life like exhibit is being held at the Queensland Museum daily from 27 March and is sure to be a holiday must. There are plenty of animated models, including a T-Rex. Committee members It would be great at the P&C AGM to see more parents put their hands up to volunteer support for the various P&C committees. Please make some time free to attend this evening’s AGM. Teaching children money matters For those who missed the article in Monday’s Australian newspaper, it covered some practical aspects about teaching our children about money and finance. A major take home point is the need to focus more on basic mathematics rather than the concepts of finance which is obvious alien to them at a young age. Another great reason why the school has employed a Master Mathematics Teacher. Pat Gerry. Co-Ordinator, We are looking for some volunteers: we need 2 x BBQ and 2 x Canteen. If you can help us out please contact Rose M on or phone 0417 707 995. Cameron and I would like to say to all of our Swim Club members for this season a great big thank you for all the help you have all given us. It has been such a pleasure to work with all of our Committee members. You have all worked so hard and you all need to be congratulated. It is now time for Cameron and I and all of the Committee to step down. There are still a few positions left on the committee for next season: Presidents - Hamish C & Anthony F Vice Presidents - Charles E & POSITION VACANT Treasurer - William A Secretary - Brad J BBQ/Canteen - Veronica S & POSITION VACANT Data - 1 or 2 (shared) POSITIONS VACANT. If you are interested in any of these roles please contact Cameron or myself. 7 We would like to thank our sponsors, Ray White Ascot and Dune Outdoor Luxuries, for their ongoing sponsorship of our Swim Club. Thank you everyone. Tracy Roberts & Cameron McLeod, Ascot Swim Club Presidents , 0403 387 676/0417 628 032 COMMUNITY NOTICES Junior Golf at Nudgee. Join the Nudgee Golf Club Junior Program. Term 2 lessons commence Saturday 18 April 2015. Register at MyGolf. Questions to or call Gary on 0411 184 125. St Rita’s College presents the musical “Annie” Friday 1 and Saturday 2 May 2015. For tickets please contact the school on 3862 1615. Taekwondo - Mondays and Wednesdays, 5.30-6.30pm, in School Hall. Do you want to boost your child's self-confidence and self-esteem and at the same time provide them with a good physical and mental workout? Taekwondo will increase their physical fitness, strength, co-ordination, balance, endurance and flexibility. It also helps improve concentration, memory and discipline. Training involves general strength and fitness, self-defence, working on technique, forms (defined patterns of defence-and-attack motions), sparring and board breaking. Moon Lee Taekwondo run classes twice a week on Mondays and Wednesdays, 5.30-6.30pm, in the school Hall. Contact Daniel on 0433 978 214 or . 8
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