Anthony Street Ascot QLD 4007 Website: Email: Phone: (07) 3326 9333 Fax: (07) 3326 9300 Subscribe to Online Newsletter! Issue 12 – Wednesday, 29 April 2015 FROM GAYLE COLEMAN: PRINCIPAL Student Success Congratulations to our Year 6 students who presented for our ANZAC Day Service at Ascot State School last Friday. With only a short preparation time, they did a great job. Congratulations to Mia C who recently auditioned for the Ballet Theatre of Queensland (BTQ) and was offered a place in the company for the 2015/16 season. This is in addition to dancing on a Friday at the Brisbane Ballet School of Excellence, dancing after school and Saturdays at the Brisbane Dance Centre and participating in Groups and performing solo at various Eisteddfods during 2015. Parent Teacher Interviews The response from parents/carers for Parent Teacher Interviews is almost 100% in all classes which demonstrates just how dedicated and committed Ascot parents are to the education of each individual child in our school. Please use this time to celebrate with your children the wonderful progress they have made during Term 1. Following your interviews, I suggest you ask your chid what their Learning Targets are for the next five weeks. These should be very clearly aligned to the suggestions for improvement from your Parent Teacher Interview. Assessment for Learning Last week the staff participated in a further two-hour professional learning session to review our Term 2 curriculum overviews, assessment tasks and marking guides. Feedback from staff, students and parents has been that there is an overwhelming amount of assessment occurring across the term with students being continually tested in order to “demonstrate they have learnt what has been taught”. Ongoing feedback and clear expectations enable students to reflect on and monitor their own progress. The primary purpose of assessment is to improve student learning. This is promoted in the classroom by timely feedback that informs future teaching and learning and builds students’ confidence in their ability to learn. At Ascot State School, assessment is the purposeful, systematic and ongoing collection of information that is used as evidence in making reliable and consistent judgments about student learning and in reporting to parents. Teachers are continually monitoring student progress to know where each student is in their learning and what needs to come next. Monitoring also allows teachers to provide appropriate differentiation in teaching and learning, focuses on the quality of the student response and how to improve it, is directly related to the learning intention and is reflective of learning goals. It also encourages self-reflection which is an important part of the learning process. NAPLAN Preparation Thank you to all the parents who attended the NAPLAN preparation session at the school last Wednesday. NAPLAN week is Tuesday 12 May to Thursday 14 May with catch-up tests being conducted on Friday 15 May for any absent students. Please treat these days as any other school day. We have been preparing students for these tests with our excellent classroom teaching practices since they commenced school at Ascot. Regards Gayle Coleman Principal BOUQUETS Special bouquets to Sharyn Hadden, Lisa MacPherson, our School Captains Darcy and Zara, members of the Student Council for the 2015 School ANZAC Day Service. Also for your attendance at the Brisbane Schools Service on Thursday and the morning service at Kalinga Park on Saturday. Lest we forget. FROM YOUR P&C We have a raft of fabulous activities planned for this term: Friday 1 May Year 2 Parent Lunch @ Ruggers 11.30am–2.45pm Monday 4- Art Week: Earth, Sun and Land Thursday 7 May Friday 8 May Mother’s Day Stall (as Sunday 10 May is Mother’s Day) Friday 15 May Year 3 Disco Wednesday 20 May P&C Meeting at 7.30pm in the Staff Room Thursday 21 May Michael Calder Memorial Golf Day & Lunch at Nudgee Golf Course Friday 22 May Year 3 Parent Lunch at Ruggers 11.30am-2.45pm (book on flexischools) Friday 29 May Years 5/6 Disco in the Hall Wednesday 3 June Dad’s Dad Out BBQ (Kathryn will need some dads to help cook) 8.15-9.30am: Uniform Shop open Friday 1/5/15 11.30am-2.45pm: Year 2 Lunch (Ruggers Albion) Monday 4/ 5-Thursday 7/5/ 15 Art Week Monday 4/5/15 9.00am: 4C Assembly (Hall) 10.30am: 2A Assembly (Hall) 8.15-9.30am: Uniform Shop open Tuesday 5/5/15 1.00pm: Year 5 Debating (in 4A) Wednesday 6/5/ 15 Sunday 21 June 7.45am: Year 6 Debating (in 6/5) 8.15-9.30am: Uniform shop open 9.00am: Student Banking Wednesday 10 June Brainstorming/Strategic Planning Session for the P&C/school in the Hall at 7.00pm Friday 19 June Year 4 St. Helena Island Excursion 9.15am: Welcome Group 9.30am: Years 1 & 2 Writing Workshop Year 4 Lunch at Ruggers 11.30am–2.45pm (book on flexischools) 1.45-3.15pm: High Achievers Talent Program Music on Sunday Wednesday 24 June P&C Meeting at 7.30pm in the Staff Room. CHANGES TO PARENT & COMMUNITY TERM 2 OVERVIEW Please note: If you are interested in helping out, whether it is playing golf, wrapping gifts for the Mother’s Day Stall, selling food at the Discos or cooking at the Dad’s Day Out, we would love to hear from you. Please email me at . And finally, please keep Wednesday 10 June free, as that will be a whole school ‘Brainstorming’ night in the school Hall. Both the School Council and P&C need to prepare a Strategic Plan. Purpose, intent, values, mission statements, key performance indicators and goals are now vital aspects of any self-respecting organisation. Why does Ascot State School exist and what it is striving to accomplish? What does it stand for and how do we plan to achieve these objectives? A school/P&C is in many ways very similar to an individual. People have personalities, organisations have cultures. Personalities and cultures are formed by values because, quite simply, values state what is important to individuals or businesses. Ascot State School is a school steeped in a tradition, with strong values and a rich culture to support these. What do we need to change, what needs to stay the same? We are looking forward to your ideas and what it is you think we can do to improve everything from planning, communication to learning outcomes of the children. UPCOMING EVENTS Monday 27/4- Parent Teacher Interviews Friday 1 May Thursday 30/4/15 Performance Tours: “A Swag of Tales Incursion (Prep-Year 6) 1.15am: Thinkers’ Club (Art Room) 2 • Boys Don’t Sing Choir will not be competing in the Choral Fanfare (Kedron SHS) on 20 May • Debating: Weeks 2-10: Year 5 Debating (4A Classroom) at 1.00pm Weeks 2-10: Year 6 Debating (6/5 classroom) at 7.45am • Brainstorming/Strategic Planning Session for the P&C/School in the Hall at 7.00pm FROM MRS HADDEN: MIDDLE SCHOOL YEARS 3-6 The start of Term 2 has been very positive and the children have certainly benefitted from the break and are once again working well in their classrooms. As importantly, students are co-operating and demonstrating friendly behaviour towards their peers, making their school a happy, friendly environment in which to work and play. Parent Teacher Interviews are in progress this week and it is another fine example of our strong home-school partnership. The positive progress made by your child and reported by teachers, will be another motivating discussion to have with your child. ANZAC Mishca B 3C Jessica T Samuel D 5B Elsie J 3D Abby C Jackson L 5C Erem M 3E Anastasia C 6/5 Emma S 6A Megan C 6B Elizabeth E Tahlia Z Mavis M 6C Lily D 4C Joshua H Jorja M Jilly C 4B Molly R Quianna N William P 4A Lucy C Tana J Oliver T 4/3 Maya P Alex E Darcy H Christian P Pollyanna P Congratulations to our students who demonstrated their respectful behaviour during our school ANZAC service. Each class also constructed a wreath for the service which added a lovely personal note to the service. Well done to our student leaders who presented our service with great pride and dignity as well as representing their school at the city ANZAC service and the service at Kalinga Park gates early on Saturday morning. Thanks to our Music Department for their contribution to the school service. Thank you girls and boys. Term 2 Senior Assembly Roster Term 2 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Year 6 children will be expected to wear the school tie, as this is the students’ senior and last year at Ascot. Week 5 The children of 6C presented an entertaining assembly based on the importance of team work. A great job and another example of the creative ideas children produce for our entertainment. Student of the Week: Years 3-7 Next week 4C will be our presenters and they will remind us how important it is to complete tasks efficiently. The following children demonstrate the attributes of an efficient learner. Excellent! 3A Aimee H 4D Alex L 3B Alex C Week 6 Week 7 4C Displaying Completing Thoughtfulness tasks efficiently Be Proactive 4A/B I choose my actions. Finish what you start Be Proactive 6A I choose my attitudes and mood. Choose wisely and have an amazing day! Observing timeframes Begin With the End in Mind 4D Begin With the End in Mind I look for ways to be a good citizen. Mitch M Jeremy C Be Proactive Being a Responsible Student Using my Initiative Persevere Making Positive Choices Choosing the Right Mindset I am an important part of my class and school. Imojen C 5A Team Work Choose wisely and have an amazing day! Students in Years 3–6 are permitted to wear their sports uniform on Fridays. Last Week’s Assembly 6C I am Responsible. I take Initiative. I do the right thing without being asked. School Uniform As Term 2 begins, children are to wear their winter uniform, with the exception of our Prep students. The winter uniform is worn in both Terms 2 and 3. Be Proactive Week 8 3E Working well in teams Helpful Behaviours at all Times Monday – Queen’s Birthday Holiday 3 brochure will be sent home to all parents on Wednesday afternoon. Term 2 Week 9 Begin With the End in Mind I set priorities and follow my plans. Week 10 Begin With the End in Mind I spend time on things that are important to me. 3A Setting Goals Restrain Impulsivity MUSIC Working and Caring for Working with Others Others • Years 1 &2 Writing Information Session for Parents Wednesday 6 May, 9.30am in the staffroom. Growing Up Writing: Inspiring Young Writers brochure will be sent home to all parents after the session. • 2015 Prep Enrolment Session Tuesday 26 May at 9.30am in the Hall. PowerPoints will be uploaded to the school website after the sessions. Have a good week. Student of the Week: Prep-Year 2 Sharyn Hadden, Deputy Principal Next week’s student of the week award is for “Using Brave Talk” FROM MRS PROVOST-BOYLE: EARLY YEARS PREP-YEAR 2 Lest we forget Our student leaders are to be commended on leading the ANZAC ceremony held on Friday. The service was a dignified and respectful tribute to our fallen Diggers. Thank you to Sharyn Hadden and Lisa MacPherson for the organisation that goes into making such a special event memorable. Congratulations to: Prep A Kristi C Year 1D Mana O Prep B Ryan S Amelie U Year 1E Ritika K Prep C Natchanont P Nellie C Year 2A Jack M Year 2B Finn M Year 2C Noah K Year 2D It’s great to see so many parents attending the Parent Teacher Interviews. This is a good opportunity to focus on your child’s strengths and areas for improvement. Students are busy setting new Learning Targets in class. Please take the time to ask your child/ren what their Learning Target is for Reading, Spelling, Writing, Maths and Social Skills. Art Week Year 1C Year 2E Joel D Ethan A Term 2 Junior Assembly Roster Date Wellbeing Focus Class Assembly Focus 4 May Be Proactive 2A Using Brave Talk 1E Friendly Behaviour I take Initiative. I do the right thing without being asked. What could that be this week? 11 May Be Proactive I choose my actions. • Prep Writing Information Session for Parents Wednesday 29 April at 9.30am in the staff room. Growing Up Writing: The Power of Writing in Prep Choose wisely and have an amazing day! 18 May 4 Niah S Sinalei T FoVAD plans for Art Week are well and truly underway. You’ll see posters around the school advertising the event. If you have some spare time and would like to help out with the Art activities please contact Karen at . Date Claimers for Term 2 Mia C Sophie S Annabelle R Parent Teacher Interviews Michael D Harry B Talia B Year 1B Gabriella S Caitlin J Isabella S Year 1A Tom C Jaimee J Franz S Prep E Lila D Emily S Noah S Prep D Freddy H Be Proactive 1B Date Wellbeing Focus Class I choose my attitudes and mood. Choose wisely and have an amazing day! 25 May Begin With the End in Mind Doing Your Best 1C I am an important part of my class and contribute to my school’s vision – which is… 1 June Begin With the End in Mind Assembly Focus 1D Working Well in Groups Helpful Behaviour I look for ways to be a good citizen. What can you do this week in the classroom, at P.E., at the Tuckshop, in the library? 8 June Queen’s Birthday Holiday 15 June Begin With the End in Mind 1C Game Skills I set priorities and follow my plans. I follow my teachers’ morning routine and prepare for the day. 22 June Begin With the End in Mind Prep E Caring for Others I spend time on things that are important to me. Family and holidays are important, just like school. Have a great week. Melissa Provost-Boyle, Deputy Principal CARDS – NOT JUST USEFUL FOR CHANCE! Many households would have a pack of playing cards around the house. These are very useful for Mathematics and you don’t have to feel guilty that you are “teaching” your children to gamble! One great activity to use is called Card Counting. Shuffle some cards depending on age of your child (A, 2, 3, 4, 6 is often a great start). Add up all the cards you have in your hand and write the total amount. Remove one “mystery card” and place upside down. The challenge is to discover through the magic of mathematics the value of the mystery card. It is very interesting to notice how your child is working this out. Some may take-away as they go from the total; others may wait until the end and add up all the removed cards and then do a take away. Discuss the strategy your child uses. Want a variation? Try removing two mystery cards and then your child has to make some more challenging decisions about what possibilities the cards could be. Drag out all of those board games, card games and dice and see what mathematical possibilities there are! Monique Russell FROM ANGELA DAWSON Thinking Skills and Using Open-Ended Questions An important goal for teachers is to teach students the skills they need to be critical thinkers. Instead of simply memorizing facts and ideas, children need to engage in higher levels of thinking to reach their fullest potential. Working on Higher Order Thinking (HOT) skills outside of school will give children the tools that they need to understand, infer, connect, categorise, synthesize, evaluate and apply the information they know to find solutions to new and existing problems. Families can play an important role in encouraging higher order thinking with their children, even when having a casual conversation. Asking open-ended questions that don’t have one “right” answer gives children confidence to respond in creative ways without being afraid of being “wrong”. After reading a book together, ask your child questions such as, “If you were that character, how would you have persuaded John to turn himself in?” rather than something like, “What was the main character’s name in the book?” Below are more examples of questions to ask your child to encourage discussion, make them think critically and encourage higher order thinking. When reading a book: • “What do you think might happen next?” • “Does this remind you of anything from your life?” • “Can you tell me about what you read today?” • “Why did he/she act that way?” • “What does he/she feel? How do you know?” When visiting an unfamiliar place: • “How is __________ similar to/different from __________?” • “Can you explain/show me that in another way?” When making an important decision: • “How would you rank __________?” • “How do you imagine __________ would look?” • “What do you think a solution might be?” • “Why did you decide to choose __________ over __________?” Try asking your child these questions at home and in a variety of settings. Be prepared to respond to your child’s answers with even more thought-provoking questions to continue to encourage higher levels of thinking and also open up the lines of communication between you and your child! Enjoy questioning! Angela Dawson 5 SCHOOL PERFORMANCE TOURS: ‘A SWAG OF TALES’ On Thursday, 30 April, we welcome School Performance Tours to our school. School Performance Tours will perform their highly acclaimed, “A Swag of Tales”, production. This production leads the children through a zany yet informative history lesson that starts in England with a convict court case and covers the voyage to Australia, Early Settlement, the Gold Rush, the Bushrangers, Squatters and the age of the Swagman. We hope that all students from Prep to Year 6 can join us for this performance. A payment of $4.00 is included on the Term 2 Account. The performance will be held in our School Hall. With kind regards Mrs Cassie Mathewson Teacher P.E. NEWS Cross Country Students who have been selected in the school team to compete at the City District Trial next Tuesday, 5 May, should have returned their forms and money to the P.E. office. We wish our students all the best at the trials and will publish results next week. Term 2 City District Trials Sports trials coming up this term are set down for the following dates but please be reminded these dates sometimes change. If you are skilled in these sports please let Mrs Graham/Mr Harris know of your interest to trial: Tennis – 8 Friday May Rugby Union – Thursday 28 May Girl’s Softball – Thursday 18 June MetNorth Golf – Monday 18 May. The perceptual motor program will start in Week 3 and continue until Week 8. For the motor program, students are split into groups to rotate around different activities. To ensure students get the most out of each activity and stay on task it is preferable to have adult supervision. This could include parents, grandparents or another trusted adult. If possible it would be great to have three adults at each lesson. Year 1 PMP will be on Tuesdays and Prep PMP will be on Thursdays. Times for each class are detailed below. If you are able to assist can you please fill in the parent roster at your child’s classroom? 9:00 -9:30 9:30-10 10-10:30 10:30-11 11:30-12 1A 1E 1C 1B 1D Prep B Prep C Prep D Prep E Prep Prep A 6 Students are in the process of selecting their sport for the Gala Days. Gala Days will take place on Friday 22, 29 May and 5 June. Students will be transported by bus to various venues on these Fridays to play fixtures between 9.30am and 2.30pm. Once teams are finalised children will receive further information and permission notes. Alayne Graham ( ) Mondays/Tuesdays/Wednesdays/Thursdays Paul Harris ( ) Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays SCHOOL COMMUNITY LIAISON OFFICER’S NEWS Week 2 and the centennial ANZAC Day was celebrated over the weekend. Ascot State Schools' Seniors and Music Department provided the most moving of services for us to cherish last Friday morning. Thank you Sharyn Hadden, Lisa MacPherson, Margaret Howard, Debbie Daley and Rick Pethick for the leadership and guidance that you extended to our students. This Friday, 1 May is the Year 2 Year Level Lunch at Ruggers, Albion from 11.30am-2.45pm. The cost is $40.00 per head. Good food and great friends in n a stunning local setting. Free parking. Don't miss this chance to socialize with the parents of your child's mates and make new lifelong connections. We had a very productive P&C Meeting last Wednesday night with all the activities of our Sub-Committees highlighted: FoVOD's Week 3 Art Week planning is well under way. Thank you to this sensational group of volunteers led by Katrina M. Perceptual Motor Program (Prep/Year 1) Year 1 Gala Sports Days (Years 4–6) FoM are preparing for the annual Year 3 Disco in Week 4. Please contact them if you are able to help supervise on that Friday night in our school hall. Special thanks to the beautiful Kylie T. for her stewardship over the annual P&C Mother's Day Stall that will be held in the hall on 8 May from 8.30- 11.00am. The shopping is always very cool with kids bringing money to buy their $10.00 gifts and spoil their Mothers, Step Mums, Grandmothers and Carers. Have a great week. Thank you for all of your support. Leanne Buckle, SCLO, 0403 576 688, FoVAD ART WEEK "EARTH, SEA AND SKY" MONDAY 4-THURSDAY 7 MAY During FoVAD Art Week, our school will see amazing life-size trees created and decorated. A gorgeously colourful garden canvas, a soft pastel tree and much more will be created by our talented young artists. We will see an astonishing Giant Aquarium appear for the Preps. We will have a brilliantly beautiful sea life canvas, flying fish mobiles and a gorgeous and delicate jelly fish tissue paper collaborative piece. A striking foil fish collaborative piece will be a wonderful favourite activity with the kids. Our school will be filled with amazing cityscape scenes, and our children will experience the wonderful artistry of clay. Our Year 6 students will work on their once in a lifetime legacy mural. This is just a selection of the many exciting activities and surprises ahead for FoVAD Art Week. Every child has an opportunity to join in with a wonderful art activity every lunch hour over the four days. We need lots more parent helpers please between 12.30-2.00pm on any of the lunch hours, Monday to Thursday next week. So please email Karen today at if you can help on any day - no expertise required and a lot of fun with the kids guaranteed. A very sincere thank you to our kind sponsor of Ascot State School FoVAD Art Week, Ray White Ascot. THE MICHAEL CALDER MEMORIAL GOLD DAY CLASSIC THURSDAY 21 MAY Frequently Asked Questions When Thursday 21 May: 7.00am - 18 holes; 9.00am - 9 holes; 12.30pm - Lunch Where Nudgee Golf Course, 1207 Nudgee Road, Nudgee. Phone 3267 7744 Format 4 player Ambrose event How much? 18 holes & lunch $80.00; 9 holes & lunch $50.00; Lunch only $35.00 (for non-players) How do I enter? Register & pay on flexischools or send your team information & contact details to Toni at . Katrina M, FoVAD i.e. Team name 1. Player name MOTHER’S DAY STALL – FRIDAY 8 MAY 2. Player name 3. Player name 4. Player name This year the Mother’s Day Stall will be held on Friday 8 May in the school Hall from 8.30am–11.00am (Morning Tea). This is a lovely opportunity for the children to purchase a gift for the special people in their lives, for Mother’s Day. It is a great initiative that is proudly supported by the P&C, allowing our children the independence and personal satisfaction of buying a very special gift. The process is always well considered and always made with love. This event has been a favourite event in the school calendar for many years now and a real joy to be part of. There are so many beautiful gifts this year, that the children will have difficulty deciding on one! All gifts are priced at $10.00, which is terrific value for money given the quality and range that we have been able to secure. There will be additional gifts available for children wishing to purchase something special for other extended family members. All classes will be rostered to attend the Mother’s Day Stall throughout the morning session; however teachers, parents and children looking for additional gifts are more than welcome to purchase gifts throughout Morning Tea. It is particularly helpful, especially for younger children, to have the correct money in a clearly named and sealed envelope. If you would like to be part of this special morning and help out on the day, please come along between 8.30am–11.00am. You do not have to commit to the entire time. The more helping hands the better. Morning Tea will be provided for the special helpers. Please email Kylie if you can assist. It will be greatly appreciated and you will love the smiles on the children’s faces = guaranteed! How do I pay? Preferably we would like you to pay via flexischools but a cash only payment can be made on the day as long as you have already registered. Is it OK if I want to play but I don’t have a team? Yes, we can place you with others who also don’t have a full team. Can I hire a golf cart or clubs? Yes, call ahead to book directly from the Club. Numbers are limited so first in first served. Nudgee Golf Club 3267 7744. Do I have to be an Ascot parent to play? No, others may play also. Bring your friends! Do I need to be a great golfer to play? No, just come out and have a great day! This is a social event! A handicap and golf link number are not necessary. FROM THE TUCKSHOP Biggest Morning Tea The Tuckshop will be holding its Biggest Morning Tea in June this year. We are hoping to make the event bigger and better than last year and increase our donation to this worthy cause. With that in mind we are looking for donations for our raffle and volunteers to make something for Morning Tea. If you can help out in any way please contact Kathryn by email or by phoning the Tuckshop on 3326 9326. 7 We are now into our second week of the Term and the Preps have started ordering Tuckshop. Please contact Kathryn if you are having any difficulties registering your child via the flexischools system. Please remember the Tuckshop has two Convenors, Kathryn and Yolanda, and we are ably supported by volunteers from the parent community, so if you have an hour or two to spare or would like more info on Tuckshop please contact us via email or phone 3326 9326. Kathryn, Yolanda and the Tuckshop Committee TUCKSHOP ROSTERS Tuckshop - Group 3 Monday 4/5/15 Tuesday 5/5/15 Home Bake - Group 3 Julia C, Rachelle McL Monday Michiko C, Julie R Tuesday 4/5/15 5/5/15 Deborah P, Michelle F Michelle McL, Karen G-T, Queensland Running is holding its weekly Saturday Cross Country event this weekend at Pine Rivers Park, Strathpine and on Saturday 9 May the Qld. All Schools Championships are being run at St. Pauls School, Bald Hills. For more information and registration go to . Before School Activities Positions remain available for most of the activities listed below. These provide you and your children a great variety to your collective experience at Ascot State School. Apart from expanding your child’s experiences it often allows your children to meet other students from different classes and year groups who are also like-minded in their choice of activities: Swimming Lessons with Totally Technique in the School Pool: . Ascot Accelerators (Running and fitness program): . Wednesday Nadia S, Beng McC 6/5/15 Wednesday Vicki B, Nicole A 6/5/15 Fun French Classes: . Thursday Thursday Meditation Course – Mindful Kids Meditation: or phone 0403 222 380. Brad L, 7/5/15 Friday 8/5/15 7/5/15 Catherine B, Loren B, Katie H Friday 8/5/15 Brigid T, Hilary L, Lorelle C Natalie MacG, Nadia S UNIFORM SHOP ROSTER Group 4 Monday 4/5/15 Hannah M Wednesday 6/5/15 Kate R Thursday 7/5/15 Cindy J NEWS FROM THE P&C HEALTH AND WELLBEING COMMITTEE Gift-giving ideas Do you dread buying for the next birthday or Christmas gift? Not because you’re not thoughtful, generous and loving, but because we all want to buy something different that is also useful, educational and importantly - fun. A decade (or two) ago we could “let our fingers do the walking”; today a little internet time can save you the stress and open your eyes to many different products that you wished you knew about. As these gifts are not for yourself I’ve left off Dan Murphy’s (!) ?. Following is a list of a few websites that we have done the searching for you, which might help to shorten your search time or uncover a little gem of a gift: 8 Go Cricket and Go Soccer: Phone Greg 0417 614 509. Pat Gerry. Co-Ordinator, WELCOME GROUP Have you recently enrolled your child at our school and would like to meet other parents? You may be interested in joining our school's Welcome Group. Our Welcome Group has been set up primarily as an opportunity for new parents to our school to meet other school families, although anyone who is interested in making new friends is welcome to attend! Our Welcome Group catch-ups are on Wednesdays at 9.15am at White Jam Cafe in Hendra. Please get in touch with Peter if you have any questions. Peter, Welcome Group Co-ordinator, COMMUNITY NOTICES Aussie Hoops at Ascot State School: Introduction to Basketball for boys and girls Year 3 and up only held on the Ascot State School undercover court. Starts Thursday 7 May (Week 3 of Term 2) and runs for 6 weeks on Thursdays 3:15pm –4:15pm. Cost $80.00 per participant. All players receive a basketball, singlet and bag. Must register online at mapfinder.cgi?r=13&sr=40&type=3&stt=pc&aID=15578 for more information call Lucian on 0419 724 392. St Agatha’s Parish P26 Children’s Mass - Sunday 10 May at 9.00am: to all the children in our Parish from Prep to Year 6 you are invited to participate in our P26 Mass. At the Mass the young people do the readings, bring the gifts to the altar, take up the collections, serve, and welcome people as they arrive, giving them a copy of the newsletter. If your child would like to participate please phone the Parish office with your preferences on 3262 2859 or email us at no later than Monday 4 May so there is time to organise the Mass. Fancutt Tennis Centre will continue the tennis program at the school courts on Reeve Street on Mondays 3.00-3.30pm (Prep), 3.30-4.15pm (Beginners), 4.15-5.00pm (Players); Tuesdays 3.00-3.30pm (Prep), 3.30-4.15pm (Beginners) and Wednesdays 3.00-3.30pm (Prep), 3.30-4.15pm (Beginners), 4.15-5.00pm (Players). Junior rackets on special $30.00. Friendly Hot Shots Tournaments for trophies are on Saturdays 10.00am-12.00pm (Serving and Green Ball) during the school term at Fancutts, Lutwyche, for children wishing to have friendly match play without the inconvenience of extra traveling to other centres. Super League fixtures are on Saturday afternoons and Sunday evenings for children and teenagers and Tuesday/ Wednesday nights for adults - a few vacancies. Adults social, fitness and music (Ladies) is on Monday evenings 6.30-7.30pm and Friday mornings 9.00-10.00am. Restrings: a 24 hour service or possible emergency restring while you wait. For enquiries, please contact Fancutts 3857 2922 in office hours or email . TFA kits, socks and shin guards can also be purchased with your registration. Wet weather - please follow Total Football Academy on Facebook. To sign up online visit . For further information contact Andy on 0413 888 643/ or Adem on 0439 757 718/ . Chess Program at Ascot State School: Chess lessons will be held at Ascot State School on Mondays from 7.40-8.40am and Thursdays from 3.10-4.10pm. Come and try it out! Email for a trial lesson. These are classes for all abilities from beginners to rated players. This term we hope to send a team to the Brisbane inter-school competition. To register and pay for your child/ren please go to the secure web site and click on the 'Parents' icon. You will need to create an account and follow the instructions. , . Newstead House, Newstead Park - Sunday 3 May 2015 10.00am–4.00pm: feel the excitement and wonder as you enter the enchanted grounds of Newstead House. Imagine women promenading in period costume, music, heritage games on the green, kid’s activities and crafts - all located in the beautiful surrounds of our magnificent home. The Little Historians Festival is the first of our public programming event in recent times. Apart from being scheduled as part of the National Trust Heritage Week, this event will become a signature date in the Newstead House calendar. Calling all little historians, we have a day of fun just for you! Dress up and bring your imagination to Newstead House as you join in the Little Historian activities. Get your fingers dirty as you work in Kate’s garden. Help Mrs Fletcher in the kitchen but be careful not to misbehave; she doesn’t like any shenanigans or give some elbow grease at our wash day wonders as you get a taste of early colonial life at Newstead House. This event is perfect for families with children aged 5–12, though all ages welcome. Together you can discover how we lived in early colonial days (pre-electricity) and enjoy the grace and charm of Brisbane’s oldest surviving residence, Newstead House. Get your kids into the T20 Action Blast at Toombul Indoor Sports Centre: Cost: $99.00 for 8 week program (includes Brisbane Heat bag, T20 Blast shirt, cap plus more!). 137 Bage Street, Nundah QLD 4012. Monday, 4 May, 4.00pm-5.30pm. First week “free come and try”. For boys and girls 7-12 years. Contact Cameron Worley, 0422 133 026, . Register and pay at, select the “T20 Blast” icon and search postcode “4012”. Total Football Academy After School Program at Ascot State School: 3.15-4.15pm on Thursdays 7 May-11 June 2015. The program is for Prep to Year 4 students. During the program games will be played inside an inflatable football field, which captures the imagination of students, giving them a great football experience. Training will take place inside a skills square focusing on different skills each week, such as dribbling, turning and shooting. As part of the program players can also purchase a football kit (top and shorts). Cost is $99.00 per person. 9
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