April 2015 GRANBY 4 STREETS Granby Street Market returns Easter Saturday, 4th April sees the Street Markets begin again for this year. This time on Ducie Street, the only one of the Granby 4 Streets not being worked on at the moment. Community Land Trust Houses on site The first five of our 10 houses are on site and all is going well. They are due to be ready by May and then we’ll start work on the other 5. This year’s markets will be different because we have moved temporarily to Ducie Street -‐ there is so much work happening on Cairns Street that we can’t have the market in our usual place -‐ the price we pay for our progress! We will have all the usual stalls and more, selling arts and craBs, homemade scarves and soap, bric-‐a-‐brac, cakes and hot food. So come down and celebrate the arrival of Spring and the refurbishment of our area. Interested? Interested? Contact us or John McGuigan at NorthWest Housing Services, see next page for details. If you’d like a stall on 4th April, please email us at: granby4streetsmarket@hotmail.co.uk or ring Rosa on: 0151 726 9379. If you can help us deliver leaflets, please email us at the above address, or ring/text Theresa on 07771 740 932. Granby 4 Streets Community Land Trust Newsletter 1 April 2015 In Beaconsfield Street You and the Community Land Trust We are are a not for profit body set up in 2011 by local residents. A community land trust is a new kind of organisa]on, developed to help with the long-‐term regenera]on of our neighbourhood by acquiring community-‐owned assets , basically land and buildings then owned by the community. Its members are made up of local residents in Granby, the wider Liverpool 8 area and local community organisa]ons and businesses. Any profits it makes will always be reinvested into community projects. Plus Dane are con]nuing with their 27 proper]es on Beaconsfield Street. Contractors are now comple]ng the roof ]ling and some rebuilds to the rear of houses that were needed. Founda]ons of 3 new build houses are now complete and faster progress will now be more obvious. As proper]es are becoming water ]ght trades will be on site star]ng the internals of the proper]es. Obviously all proper]es are in different states of disrepair, so 31-‐35 look a lot further behind. These proper]es are being carefully braced and made safe and secure to begin their rebuilding works. Comple]on of the proper]es is an]cipated for mid-‐July but stay tuned for further confirma]on on this and how you can apply. Interested? Contact Anna James on 0151 708 4697 or email anna.james@neighbourhoodinvestor.com Membership of the CLT costs £1 and is available to anyone living or working in Liverpool 8. Interested? Get in touch by emailing granby4streetsclt@gmail.com or ringing John McGuigan on 0151 726 2200. Or come to our next informa]on drop-‐in at 48 Cairns Street 3:00 to 5:30pm on Thursday April 16th. http://www.granby4streetsclt.co.uk On Cairns Street Terrace 21, ‘ The Co-‐op’ are also going to be working on Cairns Street on the eco-‐refurbishment of five houses. Planning permission has been granted and they plan to be on site by the summer. Interested? email terracetwentyone@gmail.com 2 April 2015 Homes completed on Jermyn Street Liverpool Mutual Homes are working on 42 houses altogether on Jermyn Street and Cairns Street and the first houses on Jermyn Street are now being handed over, ready for their new residents to move in. What’s your Granby story? Penny Lane Builders are working with LMH on the evens side of Jermyn Street where these first homes are and Builder Steve Ross says: “We think the houses are coming up really well and it’s great to think that before long so many new people will be moving into the area as we finish our work. We love working here and everybody has been really friendly to us.” Interested? LMH houses in Cairns Street are also well on the way to being ready, so to get in touch email michael.pearmain@liverpoolmh.co.uk We’ve now started our Community Heritage Project to consult with local people on the Four Corners of Cairns Street to see what ideas we all come up with to give them a viable future that also reflects the history and culture of Granby. We’re doing this with ‘Wri]ng on the Wall’ who are running weekly sessions now called: ‘What’s Your Granby Story’ at the Methodist Centre in Beaconsfield Street, every Tuesday evening, 6-‐8pm from now to the end of April. Open conversa]ons where everyone is welcome to come along and tell us your stories of Granby, the whole place, not just the Four Streets. And your hopes and wishes for its future. See you there! http://www.granby4streetsclt.co.uk 3 April 2015 Working for the CLT Project Development worker job opportunity. This is a temporary job for the next few months to help us develop our projects and move things on. Springtime in Granby! Despite all of this change and welcome disrup]on the spring]me has reliably arrived. And when the daffodils bloom again this ]me next year our place will be renewed with new people and all of us will be welcoming in our future. Full details and an application form are on our website, address below. Or you can get a hard copy form from John McGuigan on 0151 726 2200. Closing date for applications is April 6th and interviews are on April 8th. And Green Granby? Residents and visitors may have noticed that the plant beds on the streets have had to be moved. But don’t worry, the plants are all safe and LMH have offered to build us all some new planting boxes for the renewed streets. So Green Granby hasn’t gone away, it’s just being kept safe. And don't forget The next regular informaIon drop-‐in session at 48 Cairns Street from 3:00 to 5:30pm on Thursday 16th April. See you there. http://www.granby4streetsclt.co.uk 4
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