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Diocesan Bulletin
Sunday, April 26, 2015 - Fourth Sunday of Easter
World Day of Prayer for Vocations
w w w.s aska t o o nrc di o ce se. c om
In all things we are rooted in Christ,
in His desire to bring God’s love to all peoples.
Upcoming Events
Marian Movement of Priests Cenacle - This Holy Hour
consisting of adoration, the rosary, benediction, hymns and
various prayers, will be held 8 p.m. Thursday, April 30 at St.
Michael's Catholic Church, #18-33rd St. E., Saskatoon. A
Diocesan Cenacle of Prayer will also be held at 7 pm. on
Thursday, May 14 at St. Paul's Co-Cathedral, 720 Spadina
Crescent, Saskatoon, beginning with Mass, followed by the
Cenacle. Celebrants are Fr. Pius Schroh and Fr. Denis Phaneuf.
(Please note that there is no monthly cenacle at St. Paul's on
the afternoon of May 13.) For info call Edna at: (306) 382-1680.
What Can Evangelicals Learn From Catholics? The
Saskatoon Evangelical-Catholic Dialogue presents a free public
event featuring well-known Evangelical theologian and spiritual
director Dr. Gordon T. Smith of Ambrose University, Calgary, at
7 p.m. Thursday, April 30 at the Cathedral of the Holy Family,
123 Nelson Road, Saskatoon. For further information, contact
Nicholas Jesson: jesson@ecumenism.net (306) 659-5814.
Pure Witness Ministries presents a Kid's Purity Rally
from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, May 2 at Our Lady of Lourdes
Parish, 1235-12th St. E. (at Wiggins Ave.) in Saskatoon for
children ages 10 and under and their parents. This is a family
day full of games, skits, music, discussion time for parents and
lots of fun. Lunch is provided, and there will be babysitting
available for those too young to participate. Cost is $20 per
person or $50 per family. No registration is needed. More info
at: www.purewitness.com or call: (306) 934-3511.
Junior YEP - "Why Be Holy?" Pure Witness Ministries
presents a junior Youth Evangelization Program (YEP) day of
fun and faith for youth in Grades 6, 7 or 8, from 10 a.m. to 4
p.m. Saturday, May 2 at Cardinal Leger School, 141 Campion
Cres., Saskatoon. Cost is $20 per person. No registration is
needed. Info: www.purewitness.com or call: (306) 934-3511.
Rory Allen: Tribute to the King on Saturday, May 2 at Fox
Valley Community Hall, hosted by St. Mary’s parish: pub night,
auction, silent auction. Tickets are $35. Please call Candice
(306) 666-4449 or Mary Ellen (306) 666-4610. All money raised
will go to the St. Mary's Parish Sidewalk Fund, Fox Valley, SK.
Touch of Ukraine Supper and Silent Auction to celebrate
and support Station 20 West will be held Saturday, May 2, at
Bethlehem High School, 110 Bowlt Crescent. Tickets: $25 for
adults and $15 for children, available at McNally Robinson
Bookstore or contact Donna at (306) 343-9378 or e-mail
d o n n a @ s t a t i o n 2 0 w e s t . o r g Doors open at 5 p.m.,
supper at 6 p.m., includes entertainment and silent auction. For
more information see: w w w.s ta ti o n 2 0 w e s t.o r g
World Day of Prayer for Vocations April 26
Please continue to pray for all those
discerning God’s call in their lives.
Mark your calendars for priestly ordinations:
Deacon Greg Smith-Windsor - ordination to the
priesthood - 7 p.m. Friday, June 19 at the Cathedral of
the Holy Family, 123 Nelson Road in Saskatoon.
(Please Note: The night before the ordination there
will be a prayer vigil, with prayer for vocations: 7 p.m.
Thursday, June 18; location to be announced.)
Deacon Cosmas Epifano, OSB - ordination to the
priesthood as a member of the Order of St. Benedict 7 p.m. Thursday, July 16 at St. Augustine Parish, 809
10th Street in Humboldt, SK.
Teen Aid Saskatoon Fundraising Supper and Silent
Auction will be held 5 p.m. Sunday, May 3 at Smiley's, 702
Circle Drive, East, Saskatoon. Entertainment will feature 11year-old violinist Ava Leschyshyn. For tickets ($30 each) call
Mary Riendeau (306) 373-3645.
The 9th Annual Bishop’s Dinner will be an evening of fine
dining, dancing and fun Friday, May 8 at TCU Place in
Saskatoon. Proceeds will go to Catholic Hospital Chaplaincy.
Tickets are $150 each (partial tax receipt). Contact: Cathy Gilje
at (306) 659-5851 or e-mail cgilje@dscatholicfoundation.ca
Thank God for Marriage: A romantic evening of entertainment, dessert and wine, is being sponsored by St. Anne’s
parish in Saskatoon. An inspiriting theatrical production about
love, marriage and God’s good grace, will be held Saturday,
May 9 at St. Anne’s Church, 217 Lenore Dr. Saskatoon. Doors
open at 6:45 p.m., with the show at 7:30 p.m. (Wine will be
available for purchase.) Tickets: $40/couple; available from the
parish office (306) 931-4700 or after Mass 5 p.m. Saturday and
9 a.m. or 11 a.m. Sunday.
Tomato Plant Sale for Refugee Support - The St. Philip
Neri Refugee Committee will be selling tomato plants at the
weekend Masses, Saturday May 9 and Sunday May 10 at St.
Philip Neri Parish, 1902 Munroe Avenue (at Taylor Street) in
Saskatoon. Mass times are 5 p.m. Saturday, and 9:30 a.m. or
11:30 a.m. Sunday. Eight varieties of tomato plants will be
available for sale: Vilma, Defiant (a late-blight resistant variety),
Primo Red, Rocky Top, Siderno, Lemon Boy, Supremo and Red
Robin. Price: $6 each or 3 for $15.
Message Board
Cancellation: Please note that the “Trinity of Sound”
program of music and food from three Catholic traditions (which
was scheduled to happen Sunday, May 3 at the Cathedral of
the Holy Family) has regretfully been cancelled.
Volunteers are needed to visit those in hospital. If you
feel a call to serve Jesus in the sick and the suffering, please
consider applying as a volunteer in diocesan hospital
chaplaincy, which is offered at Saskatoon City Hospital and/or
Royal University Hospital in Saskatoon. For more information
please call the coordinator of the diocesan Hospital Chaplaincy
office, Céline Hudon, at: (306) 292-5531.
Saskatchewan March for Life will be held Thursday, May 7
in Regina. Mass will be celebrated at 10 a.m. at Christ the King,
3239 Garnett Street, Regina, followed by 1:30 p.m. greetings
and messages at the Legislature; with a 2:30 p.m. March for
Life walk, followed by silent witness on Albert Street. For more
details see the website: w w w.s a skp r o l i fe .co m The Knights
of Columbus In Support of Life Committee in Saskatoon will
arrange car pools to go to Regina for this event. If you need a
ride or are willing to take passengers, please contact John Cook
at (306) 477-1748 or Louis Roth at (306) 249-2764.
Into the Heart: An Introduction to the Theology of the Body
with Christopher West is a five-day conference May 3-7 at St.
Therese Institute in Bruno, SK. Discover what it means to be
made in the image and likeness of God, how the physical union
of man and woman is innately oriented toward life and love, how
this union is the essential foundation for a life-affirming society,
and how the Theology of the Body can enable us to live wholly
integrated lives. More information and registration for Into the
Heart and a number of other Springtime of Faith conferences
can be found at www.st-t.ca/tob or call (306) 369-2555.
CWL Twilight Retreat will be held 7 p.m. Friday, May 8 at
Queen’s House, 601 Taylor St. W., Saskatoon. Participate in a
thoughtful presentation on Pope Francis’ Joy of the Gospel, in
a very peaceful setting. Call (306) 242-1916. Find more
information about retreat opportunities this spring and summer
online at: www.queenshouse.org
Diocesan Prayer Intention: We pray as a diocesan family
for those who are being called to religious life or priesthood:
may every person find support to discern their call and to
respond to God in generosity and love.
Year of Consecrated Life
“Did you know that the word vocation is related to the term
vocal cords and means ‘a calling’? More precisely it means
spending your life doing what your innermost heart feels
called to do. To follow a vocation means living your own
unique life. That’s of course what all of us would like to
accomplish, but how shall we do it? If we ask people who
are doing what they really love to do, ‘How did you get to
where you are?’ we find that many of them started by asking
themselves some basic questions: 1. What would I really like
to do? 2. What am I good at doing or learning? 3. What
opportunity is life offering me, right now, for doing what
makes me come joyfully alive? Thus they started with
themselves, with their own gifts and preferences.”
- Vision Vocation Guide 2015
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
WCC 2015 - Rites of the RCIA
Presented by TeamRCIA
June 5-6, 2015
The Western Conference of the Catechumenate
presents “Rites of the RCIA,” June 5-6 at Holy Spirit
Parish in Saskatoon. Speakers are Nick Wagner and
Diana Macalintal of TeamRCIA. To mark the 25th
anniversary of the WCC, the 2015 conference is being
offered at a special rate of $99. Join us in celebrating 25
years of forming the RCIA ministry in Western Canada!
Registration: Register online at:
ht t p: //we s t e r n- c a t e c hum e na t e .blogs pot .c a
or contact Michelle at (306) 358-2057 or
ci c.m i ch e l l e @ sa s ka to o n r cd i o ce s e .c o m
"Seeking light: Collaboration and Searching of Three
Artists" is an art exhibit being held at Queen's House May 9-
10 featuring the work of siblings Gisele, Dean and Brian
Bauche. There will be a Coffee House from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Saturday, May 9 (with an artist talk at 8 p.m.) and a Mother's
Day Tea 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, May. 10. No entrance fee.
Pilgrimage to Ireland - The Cathedral of the Holy Family is
offering a pilgrimage to Ireland. This 11-day tour includes stops
in Dublin, Killarney, Galway as well as staying in two medieval
castles: Castlemartyr and Dromoland. The date of departure
is Oct. 1, 2015. There are a limited number of seats remaining,
so act quickly. Tour leader is Fr. David Tumback. For more
information call Fr. David at (306) 659-5800 or DeeDee at D
and D Travel in Saskatoon (306) 955-1414.
Youth Ministry Coordinator: St. Anne’s Parish in Saskatoon
is seeking a faith-filled, energetic, organized candidate, excited
to work with others in helping young people know Christ. The
full-time position of Youth Ministry Coordinator involves 40
hours a week, with salary according to the Diocesan Salary
Grid. Send resume and 3 letters of reference (including one
from your pastor) by May 8 to: ya c@ sa i n ta n n e s .ca
Catholic Stewardship Conference “Stewards Radiating the
Joy of the Gospel” will be held June 12-14 at the Calgary Telus
Convention Centre, with inspiring keynote speakers Cardinal
Thomas Collins and Bishop Robert Morneau. Anyone interested
in deepening their understanding of and response to God’s call
to stewardship is invited to attend. More info: w w w.w c cs c.c a
This “Diocesan Bulletin” is a publication of
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon
Catholic Pastoral Centre, 123 Nelson Road, Saskatoon SK S7S 1H1
Phone: (306) 242-1500 or Toll free: 1-877-661-5005
E-mail: communications @s as kato o nr cdioces e.com
www.s a s k a t oonr c dioc e s e .c om
The communications office is supported by the Bishop’s Annual Appeal.